THEY'RE WITH CROWE VANCOUVER (CP) Tells Of Fashions In Fraud [Report Success At Dundas Home And School stated that it is a non-prifit or-| ganization which lly hand] Clem Crowe of British Columbia Lions was given a vote of confi-f Members of the Whitby Brass | Ba. report that are with favorable response in their | canvass for names for a petition calling tor a vote on a munic band grant. To date, they say, they have not met a dissenter. Before the council can authorize a vote on whether or not a Mrs, Ross Law, president, pre- "i sided over the October meeting "lof the Dundas Street Home and| complaints by citizens and said | School Association, held in the' that the burezu would like more | schol. Mrs, Crawford reported peupie ic make inquiries first, on the rummage sale held on inquiries which would save the Oct. 6 ir the council chambers.| consumer money. Money saved FOR MISSED PAPERS SATURDAY Mrs Low thanked all persons, #%' who had helped. Mrs. W. Smith! | Fave a report on the sale of bas- Mrs. H, Abbott and Mrs. J, | Gale, who attended the regional is| cipal grant should be made tby Brass Band, a petition must be presented to council ing the names of 15 per cent the ratepayers of the town. for thc consumer, he said, what th: bureau likes to call its dividends Mr Haskell pointed out the dif- ferent types of schemes which are | by the unscrupu- | conference at Ajax, gave a very | interesting report of the activities they had attended. The room prize was (3| Miss Heard's class. | Mrs, Law introduced the guest | violinist, George Menzel, and his | sister, Gndrum, who accompanied, | him on the piano. Mr. Menzel is Hl « very talented young violinist {Whe has won prizes in competi- tions in Peterborough, Lindsay and Toronto. Mrs. ¥ VanDeuren introduced the guest speaker, A. R. Haskell, manager of the Toronto Better Business Bureau. He spoke on the ifash.ons in fraud and began by |telling just what the bureau is won by |sary, a large cake was brought "VANG [-DEUXIEME PARADES WHERE A setting rich in Canadian | forming on the Plains of Abra- history is this of the Royal 22nd | ham. French and British sol- Regiment band and guard per- | diers fought there and, in 1914, BRITISH CONQUERED FRENCH | the "Van Doos" a native | In the background are the tur- | and how it helps the public. He spent. lous and explained how they were, started and how the bureau help- ed to intercept them and put these verrons out of business. His address proved to be very inter- esting and beneficial to all who had heard him, Mi Wes Smith thanked Mr. Haskell for his talk and also the Menzels for their beautiful music. signatures. About 300 names have been re- ceived so far. They will over 400 before the petition is complete. In their 300 visits, can- vassers report that they have not Under the direction of IN WHITBY MO. 8-3111 | If you have not received your | Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Coll BELL TAXI AB calls must be placed before [lI 7:30 P.M. f ship Stakes. Canada's Richest Horse Roce. POST TIME:1:00 Spec... Bun Survies teom (Grey Couch Lines' Agency) Returning directly after lost rece. § 40 including admission RAW Including Simieste BUS LEAVES -- 10:40 AM. IL being the Dundas Street| Manager Bill McGuire, the f ing are canvassing for the petition: Bud Corner, Jon Ash- ton, Walter Church, Otten- brite, Rein Verriedt and Curtis Brown. BOWLING NEWS Home and School's ninth anniver- in and Mrs. W. Emmerson, the first president of the iati cut 't. The candles were blown out by Mrs. Law and the secre- tary, Mrs Jones. A lovely lunch was served and a social hour Canadian regiment, took over. | rets of the Chateau Frontenac. PRESIDENT-ELECT SPEAKS LEAGUE High scores. I. Mothersill 701; L. Sabins 687; K. King 687; B. Moorehouse 665; V. Norris 663; WHITBY and DISTRICT Begin Action In | AT KIWANIS CLUB Club Celebrates Birthday, Issues 16 One-Year Pins It was an occasion for celebrat- Fred Ing, Keith Lunney, Ed Mulli- jon for the Kiwanis Club of Whit-|gan, Gordon Osborne, Norm Pan- by last night. The club marked|abuker, Godfrey Schilling, Hugh its first birthday; one-year perfect Sims, Harold _ Slichter, Harry atendance pins were handed out;|Simpson, and Willard Dodd. and the club learned of the results| President Willard also reported of its most successful fundraising that one-year pins would be pre- project of the year. sented next month to four other On hand to help the club cele [club members: Stu Beaton, Ron brate its birthday were about 50 Deeth, Scotty Kidd and Sam members of the Kiwanis club ol | Thorndyke. Scotty Kidd, as chair- Oshawa, the club which had spon- man of the committee which or- sored the formation of a Kiwanis ganized the Kiwanis Auction and club in Whitby just one year ago. rutnmage sale here last month, To mark the Whitby club's announced that the club had birthday, Ken Smythe, secretary realized $1661.23 for of the Oshawa club, brought in a welfare fund. He Kiwanians gathered in the Spruce Villa Hotel. ONE-YEAR PINS numbers nearly 50 members, had had one year of perfect at-\lo speal tendance. They had attended 52 sented an meetings. They were called for- ribbon to Vern W. ward and presented with one-yeax; club's activities in he had been club president. were Bob Cawker, Al |ribbon was received by the Osh- Colwill, Don Dulmage, Harold awa club at the regional Kiwanis | Elms, Vic Evans, Earl Huntley, Convention in Ottawa last month. | Sidney Smith Tells Industry It Must Help Universities VANCOUVER (CP)--The pres-|trying to steal our professors, and ident of th eUniversity of Toronto|I hope that we shall have suffi- said Thursday industry must give cient resources to ensure that you financial help to Canadian univer-| don't succeed. sities which, he 20, have Bot = RES Jeeoyered from the depression o Lorraine Crapp OF: Sydney smith, in a speech Sets World Record e council of the Vancouver o Board of Trade also said there MELBOURNE (AP) = Lorraine are too many failures among to-|Crapp swam a sensational wor day's university students, record time of 1 minute, 2.4 sec- Dr. Smith said "When you em- onds in the women's 100 metres ploy a university graduate--arts- free style event today at the Aus- man, scientist or engineer--you tralian Olympic swimming trials. are purchasing the services of a Her swim slashed .8 seconds off the world record time she set in person whose education beycad secondary school has cost any- Sydney last Saturday. thing from $2,000 to $50,000." He said Canadian universities are asking industry to repay some part of that initial cost. gas caused by fermenting silage He also said: can cause death, and is known as | | DANGEROUS GAS Illness caused by breathing a ICar-Truck Crash Proceedings commenced at Su- |preme Court in Whitby, yester-| in an action arising from an| Vimy Ridge LOBA Plan Bazaar Here | The Vimy Lodge No. 639 LOBA 92%, |held their regular meeting recent- automobile accident which occur- [- Chaplain Sister E. Andersonired on September 15h, 1953. opened lodge with the reading of| the scripture and opening prayer. | Plans were made for the annual bazaar, which will be held De- |cember 1st in the Council Cham- bers. Deputy Mistress Madeline Ashmore was reported doing nice-| ly after her recent operation in Oshawa General Hospital. | Lodge closed in the usual man- {ner, refreshments were served p | | a jury of six, heard evidence from two witnesses, called by the plain- tif, Gordon Dodd, who brought| Ithe action against Charlton Trans- port, Ltd., of Oshawa. |Oshawa. was Corporal of the Whitby | followed by a social half hour. lof 'the plaintif, | Norman McCombe, 0 AL | Detachment, OPP. | PERS N S Cpl. McCombe testified that on the early morning of September | Mrs. R. A. Foster, of Peterbor- oth: 1953, he had investigated an| ough, is the guest of her daughter| the club's', Mrs. J. G. Oshawa, Dodd. The truck, he said, had| | apparently struck the rear of the |IN HOSPITAL Many Whitby friends are wish- Mr. and Mrs. John Dalby, of fi For some time after his re-| | {turn home, he said, he was troub- Mrs. M. Ashmore is now backijeq with these pains, coupled with | weakness which forced him to rest since the has been remem- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Town spent Joting of the accident self the week-end in Brockville, wh der Crossexapunation yo: they visited relatives €. WET p. McGarry, QC, appearing for : Charlton Transport, Dodd admit- ted having had two or three beers, N.S. LOOP FOLDS some time before the accident _ HALIFAX (CP) -- The Nova occurred. Questioned about his Scotia Senior A Hockey League recollections up tothe time of the folded Monday before it had a|accident, he stated that he re- chance to get officially unfolded. membered turning onto Highway President John Mullane of Hali- 401 at Highland Creek, and driv- fax announced the folding after |ing home toward Oshawa, but re- Amherst withdrew, leaving only membered nothing of the impact. | Halifax and New Glasgow. | The case continues today. WHITBY CLASSIFIED GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYEES. [FREE PACKAGE POPULAR BRAND Your badge number and agreement is cigarettes with every $3 purchase of honored and accepted at Harry n- (gasoline. Ask for your Appreciation Day ald Lid, Chevrolet-Oldsmobile, Whitby. |Conpon. Harry Donald Uimited, Chev- Nov. 9] rolet-Oldsmobile. Nov. 20 |FRESH CUT SOD FOR SALE, DE- livered anywhere, and complete land. roto-tilling, well rotted MOhawk Oct.29 speedy recovery. poor. ¢' bers WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. SEP- tic tanks installed and cleaned Free estimates. Don Ferris, 639 Brock North. Phone 10 38-2961. Oct. 27 scaping, also manure and black loam, 8-2587. Whitby. FOR SALE-MODERN ANNEX STOVE, new condition, also coal scuttle and ash sifter. Phone Brooklin 161J. 248¢ CONCRETE GRAVEL, $1.50, ROAD gravel, $1.30 per yd, fill supplied. For delivery phone MO 5-2660. Erle Branton, ov. AN 26 MEN FOR ROOM OR ROOM board. Phone MO 8-4110. Oct, INE, $2.89 GAL. WHEN YOUR "I hope that you will keep on "gilo-filler's disease." WHITBY B RO C Phone MO 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 - 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 RNER BROS ESENT C V.WHITNEY PICTURE FEcEs7ds conee JEFFREY HUNTER VERA MILES WARD BOND - NATALIE WOOD woasan par oY cxrcurve mosucen AstoCIATE PROBUCER FRANK §. NUGENT MERIAN C. COOPER PATRICK FORD aexserse sv JOHN FORD 7) INER BROS. WARNER BROS. PRESTO! car is winterized at Harry Donald Ltd. Whitby, Chevrolet Oldsmobile, brig this , ov. HAIRDRESSER WANTED, NO EVEN- ad good for October onl 9 ing work, personal interview only. The Vogue Beauty Salon, Oshawa, 248¢ FOR SALE -- MUSKRAT FUR COAT, size 14; fair condition. Cheap. Phone MO 83538 after 5:30 p.m. 2453¢ CONCRETE WALK WAYS. DONE BE- fore the winter. Reasonable, rapid, re- liable. MO 8-2795. 2448 PANT CUFFING AND ALTERATIONS, ¥OR RENT -- TWO ROOM APART. 1013 Centre Street South. Phone MO | ment, furnished bed sitting room and kit- 8-3360. Nov.2| chen. Private entrance. Apply P! Palace Street. FEMALE HELP WANTED ~~ WAIT. resses wanted, experience not neces- sary. Phone MO 8-4066. 2451 FOR SALE -- No. 1 APPLES BLEN- heim Pippins, Kings, Spys, Phone MO 38-3956. 250a MOTHERLY CARE GIVEN CHIL- dren, by week, in country home. Phone Pickering 114M2. un FOR RENT -- WARM FURNISHED room in new home, Phone MO 8-2332 or apply 542 Mary street east, 249¢ FOR SALE COAL AND WOOD range; two space heaters, one large size, one small size, good condition; also oil drum, with tap. Phone MO 8-4251. 249¢ HOME INSULATION, BLOWING method, Free estimates. Septic tanks cleaned the sanitary way, Walter Ward, Whitby. Phone MO 8-2563. Nov. 16 Business Of Living Is Kiwanis Address Theme bring a little made life a little easier for some-' Grand Union 31, Sabre Jets 29, "Tord let me mirth to all who share my days onc less fortunate?" on eartl." A bit of homely phil-T0 LIVE BY osophy which formed the theme) " |for one of the most entertaining the Kiwanis creed, which has as/Corn Huskers 17, Dominion Sym- Mr. Justice C. D. Stewart, and addresses the members of the|its first object 'to give primacy bois 13, Domino's 9, Red Brands Kiwanis Club of Whitby havelt heard. said was part of a daily prayer,| wus Harold Scotty Kidd, presi-|live for Kiwanis, not to the detri- Mr. Dodd is the proprietor of gent-elec' of the club, speaking ment or {Dodd Motor Sales, on Par Road,|at the Whitby club's first birth-' things we live for. But rather to day last night. Taking part int The first witness to be called by| ine meeting were nearly 50 mem-|jovment of all those things we, in| . Malcolm Robb, QC, on behalf pers of the Kiwanis Club of Osh-|this land of plenty, are privileged awa, the club which founded t Whitby Kiwanis. Mr. siderable talent, said that his alk i ei some § 'rather than the material thing: Repeating this theme, which he of life !" {on for size. just see if we are big| Kidd, a humorist of con- encugh 'n wear it. I mean, let's M. Jordon 651; G. Hawes 650; B. Jordan 649; R. Pascoe 648; C. Rich 640, D. Reed 625; B. Forbes 622; M. Peggs 621; C, Clarke 607; H. Hansen 607; E. Bartell 606; V. Igglesden 606; L. Yates 604; E. Little 603; G. Johansen 601. Team standings: Rockets 36, | Stokers 29. Woodpeckers 25, Cub: 125, Buzzards 22, County Bowl 22, "We as Kiwanians can live by Whippers 21, Misfits 18, CBC's 19, spiritual, |6, Tartans 14. |LADIES CIGARETTE LEAGUE t let us as Kiwanians| High single with handicap: M. O'Dell 320. High single without handicap: M. O'Dell 303. High triple with handicap: R. rark 759. digh single without handicap: R. Frank 657. Game triple over 500: M. O'- {Dell 303 B. Clarke 214, L. Watson| ought|207, 226. D. Borchuk, V. Sandford, tions B. Hudson, L. Peake 231, 205, R. {Frank 2:1 243, E. Fallow 229, 0 the human, and "Why rof neglect of the other) he 'advancement and further en- | o live for. Why not just try it nteriect a little Kiwanis th nte our daily lives apd ac "OM--THE GUY WHO LIVES IN THERE HAS AN OLD CLUNKER OF A FURNACE THAT EATS UP Ol. ABOUT AS FAST AS WE CAN PUT IT IN!" ! Always Call a Reliable Heating Contractor for Expert Workmanship--Quality Material! Try WHITBY AUTOMATIC HEATING LIMITED 149 BROCK NORTH PHONE MO 8-3652 |E. McBride 224, H. Tutt 201, M. five were put aboard the freighter Labrador, bound for Mediterran- ZION MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON Correspondent ZION -- There was a very good attendénce at the Harvest Home service on Sunday. a W Herbert, Bowmanville, was guest spexker and she told of her ex- perience as a missionary to the Eskimo people in the Arctic. The soloist was Mrs. Merkley, Bowmanville. Mrs, Frank Lundy, Kemble; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law, Whitby, {were at Russell Perkin's. | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee, Toron- to, visited at Robert Killen's. Mr, and Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan and Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspell were at George | Hilts'. Oshawa. Mr. and mrs. Don Anderson and David, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peters, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glaspell, Wes- ley and Stuart visited Gerry Glaspell's. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor, Bruce and Jacqueline, Islington, were at Hans Geissberger's. Jim Maybury, Scarboro, and Miss Marie Mustard, Stouffville, were at Henry Darts. Mrs. Clare Allen and Wayne, Hampton, visited Frank Sobil's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howes and Bobbie were at Kingston for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Gerry and Phillip, Toronto, were at Mrs. F. B. Glaspell's. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jones, Gary and Robert, Ennismore, vis- ited at Alex McMaster's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger, Jr. (Mar- garet Wyman) on their marriage on Saturday in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil visited Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Browning Island, Muskoka, on the weekend. Miss Linda Howes spent the weekend in Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil, Lor- na and Diane were at Lake Sim- coe. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor, Stanley and Brian, Columbus, visited at Charles Naylor's, ol rehearsal party for the FOR SALE -- YELLOW FORMAL, $15; lovely bridal gown, $40; yellow check coat, $20; red wool suit, $5; all size 16, also other articles clothing. Phone MO 8-3412 after 6. 250a FOR SALE 17" COMBINATION radio, record player, TV. $195; three | burner Gurney gas range, $45; double oven Gurney. gas range, $75, Phone MO 8-2081. 250b FOR SALE -- TWO PAIRS DRAPES, grey background and wine colored leaves, 7° 3" long 46" wide; Mendel ssohn Upright Plano, MO 8-2534 Whitby after 6 p.m. 250¢ FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms, suitable for gentlemen. Phone MO 8-2594. 631 Beach North, WANTED -- WOMAN FOR COUNTER and grill work. 4-12 p.m. Steady work. No Saturday's. Apply Silver Grill. 2 WA. in good 8-3536. D -- 200 GALLON OIL TANK, condition. Phone Whitby MO 250a N.H.A. HOMES Fully decorated, light fixtures, stove cables, attached garage, hot water heater, winter air conditioning, ceramic tile bathroom, land- scaped. $14,900 with $3,500 down, carries for about $65 a month, Situated in Whitby's most exclusive residential area. WHITBY SPECIAL Cozy two-bedroom bungalow, very central and close to shopping. this older-type home is in lovely condition inside and out, This house has oll modern features such as oil heating, laundry tubs, etc. $10,000 or make offer. GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 417 Brock Street South Phone MO 8-2677 RON AGG SID CORRELL MO 8-2780 1 Knopse! My. and Mrs, Anton Krieg, MO 8-3663 | "20a berger - Wyman wedding party was held at Hans Geiss- berger's, Sr Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schleiss and Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gates, Roberta and Loretta, Mr. Max and Miss Betty Castelberg, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rutishauser, Mr. Joe Lustenberger, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor, Is- lington; Mrs. ], Toronto, Scu- gog Island; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmid and Edith, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Andy Krumeneck- er, Andy and Gideon, Solina; Mr. Jack Arnott, London; Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter, Maxwell's, vis- ited at Hans Gelssberger's. Mr, Wilford Franks, Miss Mar- | ia Killen, Hamilton, weer at Rob-| ert Killen's for the weekend. | Mrs. Russell Stainton, Mrs. Keith Stainton, Mrs. Jim Stain- ton, Mrs, R. C. Stainton attended a shower for Miss Grace Stain- ton at Miss Pat Shaw's home, Oshawa, on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock| and Brian, Oshawa; Mr. and Mes. Fred Cameron visited Santa| Claus Village at Bracebridge. Mrs, Ray Cameron is home from Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, 'where she has been a patient. Mrs. William Preston, Mrs. [Tvan Cochrane, Courtice; Mr «.| Stanley Coverly and Karen, Eben-| ezer: Mra. Delbert Flintoff and Carol Harvey, Kedron, Mrs. Jim had dinner together at Mrs. Wes. Cameron's on Friday, October 19 to celebrate her bir C.|at Russell Davidson's, Raglan, Ss and Mrs. Jim Stainton, Mr. and| ean ports, They had been de- tained here since being found aboard the French freighter Jol- Killen and Janice, Mrs. Robert)? iette. Killen, Mrs. Russell Stainton, all Mrs. Douglas Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson, which are all within a few days. Saturday was also Jim Stainton's birthday. day. 'Mr. and Mr. Chugk Térry, Mr. and Mrs. Rercy idson visited Mr. and Mr Toronto, visite: eron's, Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott, Douglas and Lynda, Kedron, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell, Grant and Gwendolyn, Tyrone, visited at Alex McMaster's. | Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice, Bradley's, were at Gary Glas- pell's. Mr. Gil Thorburn, Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, visited at Keith Stainton's. ! Roy Thomas, Scarboro, Miss] Grace Stainton, Oshawa, visited at Russell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Stainton entertained their friends at a] party on Saturday night to cele- brate their fifth wedding anniver- ary also the anniversary of Mr. s, George Sonley, d at Fréd Cam- DAIRY FARM 106 acres, with 100 acres workable. Some of the best producing land on the shore of Lake Ontario. Completely modernized 14- room brick residence with oil furnace. Barn 40' x 100°, with steel stanchions and water bowls, hog pen, drive shed, and double garage. 18-20 miles east of Whitby. $26,000 with terms. Can also be purchased with the purebred stock and implements, DAIRY FARM : Only 5 miles north-east of Oshawa. 150 acres with 100 acres workable and 50 acres pasture and bush. Spring creek on prop- erty. L-shaped barn 70° x 30' and 50° x 30° with steel stan. chions, water bowls and air conditioning. 2 hen , driving shed 18' x 40/, silo. 9 brick with all convenlences. The farm can be purchased alone or os a going concern taking over the purebred Holstein cattle, 600 ibs. per day milk and the and farm machinery, all of which is new Pw) SMALL ACREAGES 55 acres with 1,320 frontage on 401. Comer location. $500 per acre. - 1 acre with spring. This could be a most beautiful home site. 10-acre lots, $5,000. D. W. McQUAY Real Estate Broker Office -- 1 mile west of Whitby on No. 2 highway Open 9:00 - 9:00 daily, Mon. - Sat. MO 8-3414 . Best Quality Stove Oil 20 3/10 per gal. Dial RA 5-1109 VIGOR OIL CO., Limited 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA 0.H.A. Senior "A" Hockey Saturday Oct. 27th PEMBROKE "Lumber Kings" Yigor's famous ® Prompt Delivery ® Courteous Service Vs. WHITBY DUNLOPS Bobby Attersley In Action Saturday Night Game Time, 8:30 p.m, WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA After hours: Don Kidd, MO 8-3370 E. R. Allin, RA 3-3053 WARMEK THAN CORK... FEATHER LIGHT... ENJOY GREATER COMFORT WITH PAL-0-PAK ULATION MN Save on fuel bills, protect your fomily against colds, coused by drafts end chilly corners in your home. Insulate today with feather light Pal-O-Pak. It costs only $47.50 to cover an eres 28 ft. x 36 ft, 3" deep. Special 1.25 per bag We deliver, free of charge to your home or § farm. Phone us collect, Brooklin 209. ) Ask about our Home Fixit Budget Plan. Low monthly poyments. As low as $8.00 per month, BROOKLIN SUPPLY and LUMBER a a GEE