48 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, October 26, 1956 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) 45--Real Estate For Sale |46--Real Estate Wanted PRIVATE SALE, LOVELY SIX-ROOM WILL SAY UP TO $11,000 CASH FOR MODERN BUNGALOW, Ansley Heights (good six - room bungalow in city. Dial Priced right. mortgage. RA 5-8387, 50b PHN BA wn USES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL HO! : $825 FULL BRICE. LARGE BUILDING 'cash or your equity. For quick results lots in new subdivision near Whitby . ang satisfactory sale see W. McAuley J. A. Vondette, Real Estate. Call Ken Realtor, 13 Prince Street. RA 32512, Frost, Whitby MO 83322. Nov. 16 BIG REDUCTION FOR QUICK 18.300, fully remodelled, of} Beand four - bedroom home . King Street ap Li Thy duplexing, extra two - piece » tome or auplerny 'sarage. = acre, low 58831 RA 5-8341. Oct. ne, 250a WANTED -- TO RENT OR BUY 100- Claremont, Ontari, 200 acre farm. Write Box 649 Times. $1200 DOWN FIVE ROOM BRICK BUN. Gazette. 2 galow on lot 250° at Ajax. diane, mbedine psi ATTENTION! a Vondette, Real Estate. Call Ken Frost, We hove clients wanting to Whitby MO 8-322. Cl a LOT, 42FOOT FRONTAGE, WILSON R buy properties large or small. If you are interested in selling, and Bl lose to school and bus, sew- ers, Bl $1350, 296 Cadillac out South. just give us a call. A sotisfac- tory sale arranged or no charge. ERNIE HOLMES, Realtor 31 Bond E. Dial RA 5-2363 Don Poole, salesman RA 5-8489 Excellent . Lamson, Broker, of your home call W. T RA 2 NE a See $700 DOWN, FOUR - ROOM HOUSE on paved road, near Hampton, water, heavy duty wiring, % acre of good gar- den land. Immediate possession. Price 5 Clemens. Phone Bowmanville, REE Rat idy WN BUNGALOW IN NORTH g1s00 23 basement, low payments and taxes, Possession arranged. J. A. Von dette, Real Estate. Call Ken Frost,' Whitby MO 83322. 250a NSUL BRICK HOUSE FOUR ROOM INSU] House on large lot in good location, ment, $5,900 full price. $2, dou; 241 Park Road North. § $11.900 "THREE BED : Room, 3 basement, un: s, ofl es ,» ub. finished attic, central. E. L. Whitely, = 2474 Nov. 4 47 --Automobiies For Sale '41 PLYM dition, $75. Apply 533 Howard Street. 248¢ Real Estate Broker, phone RA 5 $1,500 DOWN New Bunalow This excellent 3-bedroom mod- ern bungalow being offered for the first time. Large corner lot located close to the shopping centre. A chance of a lifetime. Full price only $9,800 J. A. Meredith REAL ESTATE 136 Simcoe Street North CHEVRO! LET, RA 5-7433 | 575. Dia RA 37197. Open Till 9 P.M. fo 0ct.26,29 Aveme. £5 PONTIAC "COACH, "SEAFOAM green, good condition, signal walls, chrome rings, dual exh Lid Guelph Street. RA 5-8782. condition, $845 or best offer. Will fi- nance. Dial RA 8-8672. *5 BUICK SPECIAL, FOUR - excellent condition, low mileage. take older car on trade in, Could be financed. Apply 199 King Street West. signals, undercoating, | washers, backup lights, walls, radio, automatic, heater. Phone Ajax 711 after 6. Dial RA 38-8702. Apply Charles Rankine Real Estate Broker 17 acres, 8 acres of apple orchard, just coming into full bearing, small fruits, etc, | acre of parkland with stream, rugg brick home, hardwood and tile, hot water, oil fired heot- ing. Three bedrooms bathroom, living room, dining room, large modern kitchen. No. 2 highway near Bowmanville. For comfor- table living, this place from home to the last raspberry bush is immaculate. Asking price $16,500. Terms. 52 King St. West Bowmanville MArket 3-2453 or 3-2762 Everett Hanno, Salesman RA 3-4235 |tioned. Like new. Fully guaranteed. Ap- ply 25% Prince Street. 250a custom built back with many features 702 King Wes t. RA 5-1076 ALLSTATE AUTO save up to 20 per cent, to home call RA 5-2802 "48 3 PONTIAC COUPE, GOOD SHA best offer. Apply 313 French Street. 2 nine months and paint, Coleman condition. Preece and Verdun tion, new tires space heater, new Garage, Gliddon Avenue Road qualify. Call "Stew" RA 3-4431 after 4 pm. |excellent condition. Phone RA 3-929 2500 FFE BELVEDERE SE DAN lai te "54, automatic transmission one owner, twenty thousand actual mileage, |e will accept lot or mortgage equity on payment. | Phone RA 3-3383 days, RA 50351 even. ings. 56 56 CHEVROLET TON "PANEL, SIG- nals, undercoat, heater, 1,500 miles, $2200 or best offer. RA 5-9704. 249¢ GIBBON STREET $10,300, half cash, six-room brick home in spotless condi- tion located on large lot, oil heating, three-piece bathroom, natural fireplace, owner leaving city. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS | Any Make or Model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9421 9 ACRES $13,000, eight - room stone house, oil heating, bathroom being installed, new bam, per- fect for berries and chickens, close to Oshawa. Good terms can be arranged. MAPLE GROVE $8,500 full price for this love- ly bungalow on No. 2 highway, oil heating, three-piece bath- room, laundry tubs and natural fireplace. 50 ACRES $4,000 for this standing timber consisting of good oak, maple, beech, birch, pine, close to saw mill, Bargain for someone. WALTER R. SMITH | BROKER 846 Simcoe St. North Dial RA 3-2911 OPEN EVENINGS BEFORE YOU BUY, GIVE "STEW" A TRY! '51 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Powerglide, two - tone, tires, body and motor. standing value. $695 'S7 METROPOLITAN Hardtop, demonstrator, guarantee, radio, signals, light. er, etc. The most popular small car on the market. $1,595 EASY TERMS Many More Bargains At | WELLMAN MOTORS Metropolitan--Rambler "A Safe Place to Deal" RA 3-4431 250a good Out- 250a STORE AND LUNCH COUNTER At busy intersection of main highway Minden, Haliburton County. Frame store, lunch room and lorge storage build- ing. Comfortable apartment, modern conveniences, furnace and fireplace. Store well equip- ped--Ilunch room with wash- room conveniences. Nonquor. Rd, 4 OF THE SHARPEST CARS IN TOWN A very busy store, open seven days a week. Volume of bus- iness makes it ideal for a part- nership. $31,000 -- $15,000 cash, motrgage ot 6% arrang- ed for the balance. A good | . house' as $r0de in pi By 1952 CHEVROLET deluxe 2 door, grey with custom radio. METEOR Rideau Sedan, two-tone white and blue, power steering, automa- tic, custom radio, white wall tires, tinted glass, window washers, wheel discs. CHRYSLER For this and other attractive business opportunities contact BRANDON & MURCHISON CO. LTD. REALTORS FENELON FALLS, PH. 89 2498 | 1954 sedon, tan and maroon, automatic transmission, custom radio, wheel covers. METEOR 2-door, embas- sy brown, immaculate throughout. See this one. For Results CALL RA 3-3492 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES 1271 Simcoe N. RA 3-4675 i | HOMES WANTED FOR A QUICK SALE OUTH SEDAN, GOOD CON-| "52 PONTIAC, LIGHT GREEN, GOOD 248¢ HOSTESS CHAIRS, eo lOVely metallic coverings. DOOR, |only, $9.95. Will | Church Street. 250b [styled platform rockers, free with pur: "52 DODGE CORONET. TUTONE, | chesterfield suites in choice of styles, (dition, size 16 - white- | fabrics and colors. Al mechanically. Must mace {niture, 20 Church Street. 247 *50 PONTIAC DE LUXE SED AN, [perfect TV viewing, from any point in | radio, heater, good tires. Nice condition. the room. Spring filled! Covered in dec- 248f orator fabrics. Save $20. Regular $59.50. *4 CHEV. TRUCK GOOD CONDITION, | Church Street. Best offer. Apply 83 Bloor Street East|------------ 247 | THIS WEEK ONLY WROUGHT IRON | GOOD ConDITIey Pr fl py 2 *54 OLDSMOBILE, FULLY EQUIPPED, 'gpaAuUTIFUL 1043 ot end tables. Regular $18.95. Now less than | white FANCY CHESTERFIELD CUSHIONS, | " $575 beautiful colors. Sorry, one to each cus- tomer. Cash and carry, $1.00. This week 13 PONTIAC, MOTOR RECONDI-[%8)- "2 CHEVROLET HALF TON PICK UP new. Reasonable. RA 3-434. May be seen after 1 pan. Saturday at STUDIO COU! 250a [two wooden kitchen sets, INSURANCE Thor washer complete with dish washer, pay. For personal service at your .hesterfield Nov. 1 South before 6 rE, PAINT $2.95 GAL. GUARANTEED IN-| 9 METEOR COACH, GOOD CONDI. and Electric, 62 King West 21% sonable SAVINGS UP TO $300 ON )N REPOSSES- lwo PURPOSE COAT, SAND with | cars, any make or model. Recondi- zipper lining, hy winterized and guaranteed, small! Worn once. Apply 144 Athol Street East | | or now down payment to those who RA 3-3594 246 8 TUBE MARCONI, "PHILIPS MANTEL | mat a--_---- dios 55 CHEVROLET DELUXE E SEDAN, (34, 95. Kelly T.V, 81 King West. 20 | deluxe speed pushbutton, clock and timer, full! fluorescent $249 9%. 249 'SEE tuning T.V. radios, Philishave raors, tape recorders. 47 --Automobiles For Sale [igs For Sale 50---Articles For Sale Winter-Ready sink, 24 x 16, with taps, new. RA 5-3476. ONE SMALL COAL AND WOOD yu range, excellent condition, white "on LAYS AA SHOPPING maxi th. 250¢ | 10 nightly. Low prices every day. Open till Nov.26 Transportation These cars are winterized for GREY COAT, VELVET TRIM, SIZE 10| teen, blue jacket, size 12. Dial RA Spar | MISSES' GREY WOOL COAT, Perdan lamb collar, size 14. Phone RA 2508 cold weather driving. Don't let this warm weather fool you, be ready for the months ahead. cash offer. Dial RA 5-6319. NEW MODEL 50 WINCHESTER AUTO- ove TIRES, MOST matic 12 gauge shot gun and case, Beat ju ALL SIZES, $3 B. F. Goodrich Store, RA 35-4543, Jong u Church of Canada plans an ex- TORONTO (CP) -- The United program to strengthen its 1952 Studebaker Sedan 1952 Meteor Coach tom, Six, 28 x 3, ie 2 x 0, one 3B X . Dial RA 5-5616. STORM WINDOWS IN GOOD CONDI. THREE FRENCH DOORS, ONE SWING x goer iron fireplace, high back sink. RA 1950 Dodge Sedan 1949 Pontiac Coach 2640 WEDDING GOWN SIZE 9, PERFECT condition, white satin and lace. Dial RA . 249¢ T.V. ROTATORS COMPLETE WITH double all channel UHF -- VHF, color aerial. Year guarantee. Only $69.95 at Kelly T.V. RA 55121, Nov. 24 CIDER AND awa Hardware and West RA 3-7624. 1950 Chevrolet Panel Electric. 62 N WINE BARRELS, OSH: King ov. 2 WE DON'T SELL FROM A TAJ Mahal but we give best deals work moving to i mp mendations of the church's gen- eral council at Windsor, Ont., last month of the ome 1 missions board, an- The board of home missions is lement recom- Dr. M. C. Macdonald, secretary! of our low overhead. Kelly T.V. in down- SABYAN heaters, ranges. Best deal in Kelly T.V. 81 King West. Nov. 24 INGLIS WASHERS, DRYERS WATER town at town Oshawa at 81 King West. Nov. 24 and at the same time drew atten- tion to - up program on ions in a Cana- NORGE REFRIGERATOR, 54 MOD- el, like new, 8.2 cubic feet, Apply 141 8 Avenue. » 250¢ MOTOR SALES 334 Ritson S. WAGNER ELECTRIC MOTOR, 110 - condition. $65. RA 3.9998. 220 volts, 1-3 Jorsepower 3 Jusragteed, #ond dian Press story on a Indian work presented to er; il t on e gen- WASHING MACHINE COFFIELD, radio, gate leg table, dining room suite, has provoked wide po roversy, One paragraph oe. that report RA 5.6233 WESTINGHOUSE Both excellent condition. R. 24% Stbve: 3-2870. REFRIGERATOR automatic defrost. Pyramid four burner 248¢ | reversible chair, all in RA 3-3166. RUGS -- SAVE UP TO HaLe ON NEW, A Made from na old 2480 | TU quotations. Some United Church presbyteries and Indian workers rther y CP's mis- 48--Automobiles Wanted WANTED, BEST USED CAR FOR $500 cash. Write Box 701, Times-Gazette. 249f LAKESHORE AU TO WRECKERS. tario. EXCELLENT HOUSE TRATLE oN truck. sleeps three Fine fo hunting, camp or summer gh Bramley Street South, Port Hope, On® Oct.18,19,20,25,26,27 shades, carpet, clothing. Dial RA 5-9438. Nov. 1 NEW °57 MARCONI T.V. SETS WITH tfop dial tuning. Backed by Canada's largest electronic specialists 60 years experience. $169.95 up. Kelly T.V. Wanted, cars for highest pi id. 1181 3 5. v. rices paid. RA 5- pi r 1182. Nov. 56670 ie Eo0D CONDITION. DIAL 6. 249¢ Nov. 24% ONLY KELLY TV. GIVES YOU 1 YR., ELECTRIC RANGETTE, with heavy duty elements, oven with ful automatic control. Two years old. Co: SEE MACKIE MOTORS Before Selling Your Car "A Fair Deal Always" KING E. RA 5-5743 Nov.15 tenac Avenue, RA 5-9216 AIR-COMPRESSOR, ONE PORTABLI and one garage size, 150 pounds pre 556 3-speed racer bicycle. All articles mu be Avenue. RA 5-9216. MAN'S BICYCLE, HIGH CHAIR, BOY" station wagon coat, suit, size 14, girl 50--Articles For Sale SPRING SEATS, This week | sion Street. SUNSHINE: st $127. Will sell for $55. Apply 286 Fron sure, electric motor, 2 horsepower, in. duction 110-220 volts, tune up machine, sold by weekend. 286 Front ube |three piece winter outfit 3. Apply 59 Divi: on picture tube and Dozens to choose. Terms. ec steel sinks $12.95. Sump § Jumps $35. Pre sure systems $85. Plastic, copper pt steel pipe and fittings. and installation. Chinn's, RA 3-7088. Oct. 26 SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER AND spare parts for same. Cutting heads, cords, etc. Meagher's 5 King Roig West. 3 E . st s 's A-1 TOP SOIL $975 PER LOAD DE | livered. Now is the time to sod or seed | Ed Wilson Furniture, 20' ere WEEK ONLY, BEAUTIFULLY [and cedar chest. Dial RA 5.4119. MUSKRAT COAT, 18. Dial RA 5-8215 Rrastically reduced ' 200 Oshawa Boulevard North. Wilson Fur- 249p chase of your choice of over 60 quality clear. This week only. | tion. Phone RA 3-4246. SWIVELS FOR | FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR ¢ {fur coat, size 16, good condition. Di |RA 5-1273. 20 Two 0 OIL STOVES, 3 DUOTHERM 1 AN] TV SWIVEL. CHAIR, Now $39.50. Ed Wilson Furniture, While they (74 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR, USE! 'and brass magazine racks. Phone Bowmanville M 24 Ed Wilson Furniture, 20 fifteen hours. 2491 Church Street. 33069, WILSON FURNITURE LOOK: A NEW COMPLETE 3-ROOM GROUP Only $369.00 LIVING ROOM GROUP 11 PIECES 2-Piece modern space-saving bed-chesterfield and matching chair; 2 end tables; 2 lamps and 2 shades; 2 wall pictures Value COFFEE TABLES OR | half price, $9. This week only. Ed Wilson | Furniture, 20 Church Street. 2490 Ed Wilson, 20 Church Street. 249b PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, | cash register. Like Nov. 24] Is AF E, adding machine, CH, BED DAVENPORT, | single beds, two and three piece chesterfield suites. | phonozraph. odd etc. 299 Simcoe 248f radio and chairs console Hardware] RA 3-7624.| Nov 13 terior and exterior Oshaws SET OF ORCHESTRA 1A DRUMS, tl Phone RA 54971. un size 36. Sweater-cpat 38. | and colorful hassock. $179. BEDROOM GROUP 13 PIECES 3-Piece lovely bedroom suite; innerspring mottress, 1 steel spring; 2 boudoir lamps; 2 lamp shades; 2 pillows and 2 wall pictures. Value $239. in 10 colors. Reg. $32.95 now Nov. 24 '57 AWARD WINNING CHEFMASTER | 30 inch automatic range. 24 $329.95 Nov. light. now | T.V Reg. Kelly PHILIPS FOCALITE AUTOMATIC | at Kelly T.V. Hifi phono, 10 per 'cent down $2.50 weekly. Nov. bie ---- No sONEY DOWN UP TO $200 FOR and Rogers etc. $2.50 weekly. Kelly 1 oY |ovER "10,000 CUSTOMERS CAN't BE 24 hour service. Kelly T.V. RA 5-512L Nov.2 USED 30 FT. TRADE-IN AERIALS, | /FOR | SALE -- BOY'S BICYCLE, SCP. | Phone Pickering 480W. | Bradley's Furniture | 299 Simcoe South KITCHEN GROUP 5 PIECES 5-Piece chrome suite. Arborite table top is heat and stain resistant; 4 matching chairs. Your choice of colors. Value $79.50. ALL OF SUPERIOR QUALITY AND GUARANTEED SAVINGS Regular Value $497.50 All 3 Rooms for $369.00 HOSTESS CHAIRS Spring-filled seats. Assorted metallic coverings. Reg. $19.95. ONLY $10.95 CONTINENTAL BEDS Spring-filled mattress and mat- ching box spring. 6 legs. This unit offers the utmost in com- fort. Single size. Reg. $49.95. .ONLY $28.50 old T.V. set at Kelly T.V. on new a " odels. Admiral, Marconi, Philips wrong. Best deal in town. Others may come and go but Kelly is here to stay. Nov. 2% sale only $29.50 while they! all types, 1 24 Kelly T.V. 81 King West. Nov. 00T "DOUBLE ALL "CHANNEL rust-proof aerials, completely installed. UHF -- VHF an . Best deal in town. Only $49.50 at Kelly T.V. Nov.24 NEW TORONTO CHANNEL 6 ADDED to your aerial only $12.95. Aerials moved and repaired. Kelly Television, i Good tires and tubes. Reasonable. 248¢ | ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASH- es Measurements and estimates free. Dial RA 3-4989. Oct 28 40 CHESTERFIELD | 249b DOUBLE CONTINENTAL ' BED (AL- | most new), walnut bureau, dressing table 249b | IN GOOD CON- or 249b CHILD'S TRICYCLE, GOOD oR 249 id Quaker. Used one year. Call RA 3- pall. Mon. Wed.Fri.Oct.29' a 'awn and rhake vour wife Bappy. | RA 5-7782. Nov. | SKATES, NEW AND USED, sizes. Ladies', gent's and children's Trade-ins accepted Drayton Cycle 204 Bond Stieet East corner Kenneth Av- enue. Phone RA 35-6344. Nov. ny NEW DOUBLE STAINLESS STEEL' sinks, $29.95: swing taps $8.95; copper % inch pipe. 30c foot elbows 19¢ Free jleatimate on installation. Chinn's, RA c | 3-7088 p | BATHS, 7. | BASINS, STOOL, SINKS, "ttings. New and used | kinds of pipe and * $80 Most | city ve See t nks, D RA 5-4241, J > 3 Foley Oct. 2¢ AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. OR- der now for spring delivery. Have. re- pass done mow Chair and table ren | tals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, | Oshawa. Nov. 14] PIANO AND BENCH IN GOOD CON. | dition, reasonable. Also deluxe Norge | dryer, used ne season. RA 3-3606. |RANGETTE, ALL WHITE PORCE- |lain, good condition $25. Apply 887 | Robson | Street or RA 5-9339. B . GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, % batteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele vision. Thrifty budget plan. RA 0 Oct. | ion ig SINGER * AUTOMATIC ! chine, desk model, Phone Bowmanville. MArket 3-5072 after | | six. 2451 | lwe BUY, SELL AND |used furniture. RA 3-327). {Simcoe Street South EXCHANGE | Apply 4 Nov. GREENBERG & SONS NEW AND USED LUMBER 16 ft. Cedar Poles 8 ft. Cedar Posts Culverts, Pipe 45 Gollon Drums | | NEW & USED -- ANGLE Iron, Channel, Flats, Rods, etc. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY FREE DELIVERY -- RA 3-7333 308 BLOOR ST. EAST OSHAWA | Nov 5 | | | | | | HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER SPECIAL Model 619. Save up to $30. Model 118. Save up to $20.25 Constellation 824, Save up to $27.00 FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION All other models in stock at SHANKS APPLIANCES have expressed belief that church work Hoag retarded by BROAD PROGRAM Church has pastoral oversight of; about 21,000 of the 154,000 Indians money and its proper use, po in Canada and carries out Indianidrunkenness, a high percentage of odist NEW 3 PIECE BATH, $80 STAINLESS f 248e ong era will be Dr. Macdonald said the United missionary work 65 The program he mine came as [ghlldre homes, lack of perso a result of a two-year study by a; Heantive and community en- our commission and includes More ordained ministers in Ind- WRONG INTERPRETATION ian service; more well - trained school teachers to work ameng fortunate that some of the com- the I 's report . . . had been in- si RN hatha a 1 United Church of Canada Plans To Extend Work For Indians centres. children born out of wedlock, work am paong th nal Our church "holds in igh re | nadians and has s mala a he in trying to lift the life of our I said it was "'un- ian people." A Dr. Macdonald 3 He commented that the e ter Christian education in Indian = idential schools; providing Indians with the benefits of organizations to al! Indians in Canada." that improve living standards and social conditions; more vocational; 19 suoting the guidance for Indian outs, au used he s ess," instead of "excessiv meet the needs of the Indian peo-| ness" and * easive ie. ple. tiative" instea sonal incentive and community endeavor." port erroneously said the United "While conditions vary greatly Church report described most Ca- on reserves across Canada some nadian reserve Indians as "lazy, 'of the following characteristics of immoral, non-social and unambi- Indian people are to be found on|tious.") new programs and The controversial paragraph in the Teport to the general council sa | i most of the reserves: lerpreted by some of the press on's rt "said vi cl that: "conditions v ye! across Cana that it it: "listed 'some of 3 acteristics to, be found on most the reserves. The words "idleness" and * ziness" had *'altogether diffe: mea tive" initiati were words with "alte ont con- notations. : Dr. Macdonald said the com- mission tried to be realistic In dealing with certain conditions in some of the reserves, the United Church did not and never on the radio as unfavorable reserv (A Canadian Press story Sept. report erroneously the words "excessive lazin- nal "lack of per- ik § of Further, the CP re- Dr. Macdonald said the United te living verty 1 Ch hurch "has a modation, lack of understanding religious and 2 dee ionay service and appreciation of the value of|among our first Canadians." has cast any reflection on the Ind- ian people as a whole, because the church has the highest re- 2 spect and esteem for the iB dian Indian and is eager to ney prove his lot. long tradition of 'Over 100 years ago the Meth- Church began educational! Free estimates | © ct. 29 || re Oct. 28 § |sump pumps and out water tanks. All Dial } us. PARKTROOPERS | HAVE PORTABLE FLAME THROWE A soldier is shown demon- strating a new light flame thrower developed by the U.S. Army. 'Chemical Corps. The one- 9 shot unit weighs 261% pounds | when loaded for combat as | compared with the 72-pound ! | weight of the older model. It; gg (Reuters) -- Army units in Poland "have e'ther . already withdrawn to their bas or are in the course of doing so, 'he Polish news agency Pap re sorted in a special announcement today. "Life throughout the eountry now is back to normal," the agency said. following a game at Forest, which Forest won 16-5. Pending x-rays, his condition was reported satis- factory. The youth collapsed on the return bus to Glencoe, 35 miles west of here, and after a medical examination in Glencoe it was de-' cided to move him to Victoria | Hospital for observation. NINA STARTS TOSSING LONDON (AP) -- Nina Pono+* mareva, the Soviet discus thrower.' who was convicted by a British - % court of shoplifting, fell a of her own record in her first heave since her tussle with British Jus | tice. Moscow radio said the hefty Olympic discus champion threw the iscus 174 feet, 11% inches" Iduring an athletic meet at Dy--; mamo Stadium Wednesday. o will be used for close-range operations and due to its light weight can be "jumped" with a paratrooper. | 50--Articles For Sale 22 HP, ELTO OUTBOARD MOTOR, used one season, in perfect condition. Phone RA 5-5894. 250i 3 PIECE STUDIO SUITE, BEATTY | washer, ice box, preserving jars, % bed, SEWING MA. | spring and mattress, end tables, ares - eqcellent condition, Suitable for cottage. 20 Maple Street Excellent condition. | 2502 Jackets, size 14. Phone RA 5-6615. WORLD NEWS BRIEFS "Nina won the discus contest," said the broadcast which was in English and directed at the United Risgqom Earlier this year, how: ver, Nina pitched the discus 178. BROWNS SIGN: QUARTER CLEVELAND (AP) Cleve- -|land Browns of the National Foot- .| ball League Monday signed quar-| "|terback Tom O'Connell, former {MATERNITY SUITS, DRESSES AND Big Ten passing star 'with the i University of Illinois, as a numer- al ironer, brand new, bookcase, Chester-| field suite, rubberized, dirt and fire re- sistant. Reason for selling, buying | {smaller home. Dial RA 5-9781. | ings after 5. pump, oil burner and controls, pipi Call after 4.30. Pone RA 35-6337. GARAGE EQUIPMENT, hydraulic jack, electri hot patch ma- chine, bead breaker. Also set of drafting \nstruments, Starrett micrometer. Cheap. RA 3-2490. 248¢ PI 1 A NO -- UPRIGHT, WORMWETH cabinet grand, excellent condition $100. {Phone MOhawk '8-4213. Whitby. Owner {leaving cc country, 248t CUT-| parts, 5 Nov. SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ting heads, y conds and service, King Street Went. WINTERSEAL Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors. KOOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from inside the house." Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. All-weather protection, LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 After Hours: Less Eveniss RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA 5-0313 Jack Sheriff RA 3.3775 Nov.18 152 King Street West DIAL RA 5-845] wa's Only Hoover Factory- Trained Service Personnel Nov. Osha SUITES Always on Display at FREE ESTIMATES! DIRECT FACTORY Phone During Herb. Maynard RA 5-1646 Lower Prices S The Only Window HOT 14 BEAUTIFUL Guaranteed Not IN You're Always Drive-In "RU DIAL R (JUST SOUTH OF GIBB STREET) : Nov.6' Larry Emmons RA 3-9705 NASH ALUMINUM WINDOWS -- KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA BEFORE YOU BUY COMBINATION "RUSCO" DIPPED GALVANIZED REMEMBER of the Weather' with ENQUIRE TODAY! DOORS -- JALOUSIES RETAIL SHOWROOM Day RA 3-2219 Mitch, Gleacoff RA 3.7051 Oct.25 fo AND DOORS EE And Door Made Of STEEL DECORATOR COLORS To Rust Or Corrode "One Step Ahead SCO" A 5-8521 Jim Elliott RA 3-2866 249¢c antiques have an about them which cannot be faked. NOSE FO RAGE Antique experts claim genuine odor of age | BRADBURY cartilage in his right knee in He! out for 10 rounds arid the other for of 12. |W list. i O'Connell, 26, who was signed | 11- even-.as a free agent, was with Chicago'round decision over former titlist| | ri Oct. 26, 29./Bears in 1953 and for the first Sammy Walker. Allison weighed | HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM FoR {WO games of this season. He was 150%, while Walk 5 room house. Boiler, rads, eirculating in the U.S. Air Force during the!Springfield, weighed 156%. ng. |1954 and 1955 seasons. Ratterman suffered a wrenched| me against the Redskins | Washington Sunday and will be, out of action indefinitely. That left| |Vito (Babe) Parilli as the only| 'healthy quarterback on the Browns' roster. ; DETROIT CP)--Rookie referee t for George Rat- 4a 2 twin "BEDS AND DRESSER, BEATTY | terman, now on the injury reserve qe | Tueséay night with head injuries be 7% inches. " CHALLENGES PRESS HAVANA, Cuba (AP)--Ramon Marrero Aris, Dominican Re- pubis delegate to the Inter-Amer- can Press Association meeting, Thursday challenged Jules Du- bois, Chicago Tribune correspond ent, to a duel. The challeng came during a heated discussion by the freedom of the press com mittee, of which Dubois is chair- man..Dueling is illegal in Cuba. TRUCKERS WANT MORE _ | TORONTO (CP)--A boost in s trucking rates was Nednesday by Jam Toronto Aociaton, a cat in tran an- . POS! a n INJURED IN FOOTBALL lIprices. Last week milk gist iby LONDON, Ont. CP) -- Robert tor« suggested milk price: | Christiansen, 16-year-old quarter- be boosted from 22 to 23 ents back of Glencoe High School foot-|ousrt because they are req ball team. was brought to hospital to ay mote money to farmers g Nov. Originally, the Russians had in| - tended to fly their athletes all the way in their own jet transports. WINS 11.ROUND FIGHT HCLYOKE, Mass. (AP)--Barry Allison of Springfield, Mass., Mon- ay night staged the third suc- ssful defence of his New Eng-' land middleweight boxing cham- jonship with a i er, also 4 The rare 1l-round distance a compromise, one fighter holding 1 |Ed Powers turned up for his first | National Hockey League game at! ! Olympia Stadium Sunday ett but his skates didn't. Powers, who borrowed a pair of skates from the Red Wings, flew | LOST TOOLS OF TRADE 3 noon. His luggage wasn't on the plane and airline officials are hunting for it in Pittsburgh. LONDON (Reuters) -- Micail Krivonosov regained the world' hammer-throw record for Russia Monday with a toss of 67.32 metres (224 feet, 13% inches), | | Moscow radio reported. | ! Competing at a meeting | Tashkent, southern Russia, Kriv- onosov bettered -the 66.75 metres | (218 feet, 10% inches) record set| by ' Hal 'Connolly of the United | States in Boston earlier this month. ! WILL USE U.S. PLANES NEW YORK (AP)--Pan Amer ican World. Airways announced Monday night it will fly 418 Rus- sian athletes to Australia for the Olympic Games. Representatives of Pan Ameri- | can and Aeroflot, the Russian airline, signed a contract in Hel- sinki calling for a series of char- ter flights from Rangoon, Burma, to Melbourne, site of the Games. here from refereeing an Ameri-| can League game Sunday after-| REGAINS MARK FOR US.S.R. | ROOM AND BOARD YOUR ELF MASCOT MAY BRING YOU LUCK WITH YOUR WRESTLING MATCHES, BUT HE DIDN'T PASS ANY ON TO ME LAST NIGHT AT MY CARD CLUBL...BUT WHEN HE SAT IN THE GAME, HE GOT BIGGER HANDS THAN THE STATUE OF LIBERTY AND WON $74! OSHAWA SHOPPING | C ENTRE STORE TO ALONG COVERED SHOP FROM STORE | WALKS All Stores except EATON'S or CANADA open every FRIDAY until 9 pm. oN