Ea CRED WW Swe |Z oe, wa . PRIVATE SALE 435--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 43--Reaol Estate For Sale 43---Real Estate For Sale 43---Real Estate For Sale 43---Real Estate For Sale THY. DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, October 20, 1958 1Y LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING front room suit: for two men, cen- tral. RA 5-0180. 248{ ACRE FARM FOR RENT 12 MILES Bi Oshawa on good road. Water in house and barn. Phone Brooklin asp. TWO PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS all ars. Central. Dial RA 3-4817 or 343 Ritson Road North. 2481 0 ROOM APARTMENT, FURNISH. Hg two men. Dial RA 58142. 249 FURNISHED BED SITTING ROOM IN comfortable apartment, suitable for business girl, centrally located, kitchen privileges if desired. RA 5-3630. 2491 ONE FURNISHED ROOM, FOR 2 gentlemen or couple. Dial RA 0100. 0 FURNISHED ROOM FOR OFFICE worker, gentleman. Apply 193 King Street East. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS F O R Then call here and let us show you some real bar- - STAN DISNEY REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 969 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-6555 YOU WANT INCOME ? gains. 5 Apartments, 8 single rooms with income over $500 monthly. Brick, Oil Hot Water Heating. 2 STORES -- 9 living rooms and garage. Central. 1 store fully equipped for restaurant and rented but early possession can be obtained if desired. Other store leased. Over $200 monthly, plus é rooms and garage for yourselves. GROCERY -- Meats -- Sundries -- Self Serve. One of Oshawa's finest districts and protected against op- position. 6 room resident -- Hot water with oil heat and garage attached. All three clear of mortgage which tells its own story. All are being sold because owners must retire. Can give easy terms on any one. A home and a profit for free. Just enquire. HOUSES -- We now have several excellent listings to show you. $8500 to $17,500. Excellent locations and quick possession. Enquire. Evenings Call: Mr. Barlow, RA 5-2010 or Mrs. Donnelly RA 5313 couple or two for men centrally located. Apply 204 Bond Street East. 249¢ TWO ROOMS FOR RENT F O R single gentleman, cooking privileges, central. Apply 25 Quebtec, near Simece. FURNISHED ROOMS IN QUIET HOME, parking space available, near new shop- ping centre. Apply 240 Burk Street. RA 3-9661. 2401 LARGE UNFURNISHED FRONT room, ground floor. Apply 212 Athol Street East. 249¢ BRIGHT, LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room, central, twin beds, continuous hot water. Apply 291 Albert Street. 249% BED-SITTING ROOM AND KITCHEN with cupboards and sink, business lady preferred. Apply 617 Masson Street. 249f FOUR ROOM HOUSE, ON BUS LINE. Apply 326 Lakeshore Road after 6.30 p.m. (Vacant Nov, 10). 249¢ TWO ROOMS FOR RENT. APPLY 245 John Street. 2481 45--Real Estate For Sale -- LOVELY SEVEN- room two-storey rug Drick home on beautifully landscaped lot, large modern tile kitchen and bath, ace, ofl heat- ing, divided garage. Apply Street. BUYING OR SELLING, BOUSES, BUS and farms, it pays to see W McAuley, Realtor. Dial RA 3-2512, Osh- awa, or MO 8-3231 Whitby Oct. 28 $4000 WN, BEAUTIFUL FIVE - room Drie bungalow on large lot. In one of the nicest se Oshawa. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS, LTD. Realtors 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto CLOSE-IN RAVINE ACREAGE WITH STREAM Only one mile from North Oshawa limits, this is one of the few beauty spots still available for an exclusive country home. This 6-acre proerty is well treed by evergreens and beeches of huge size, with good sparkling stream winding through the property, sloping treed banks where you can build a modern home and a swimming pool, or trout pond, and still have acres of parkland. Executives -- business-men, phone for appointment to see this before it is picked up, it's a honey. Call... ROY PLATO Brooklin 196W Office -- 3V2 miles North of Whitby on No. 12 Highway. First mortgage at 4% per cent. Full price $13,500. J. A. Vondette, Real & tate. Call Ken Frost, Whitby MO 8- ARM 100 ACRES -- CREEK, SPA- Fan bud , Oshawa 20 paved niles. h. Le rsa Bick ae ny LIES 546355 or RA 3-4921. ; Use of . J. A. Vondetts, . Call Frost. Whitby | iH : Ken ue i | HE Bowmanville &-room brick, 5 years old, NHA 4Y42% mortgage, well built on sewers. Asking $11,500 with $4,000 cash. J. VAN NEST REAL ESTATE 118 King E., Bowmanville MArket 3-3230 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Seven-room house | with good barn and 7 acres of good gor- den s0il, situated in village of Sonya, can be bought under VLA or would exchange for property in Whitby, Brooklin area. Can be seen evenings or weekends, For further particu- lars write to Jack Finley, Black- water, Ont. 249c J. BARNOSKI REAL ESTATE BROKER 18 BOND W., RA 5-7231 URGENT! FOR QUICK RESULTS LIST YOUR HOME WITH THE FASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN OSHAWA, MORTGAGES ARRANGED, FREE VALUATIONS, HOMES, FARMS, LAND, COMMER- CIAL PROPERTIES. OPEN EVERY EVENING 248f CHARLES RANKINE REAL ESTATE BROKER $1,000 cash will make you the owner of this seven-roomed, 2- storey brick home. Oil furnace, bathroom, electric hot water, sunroom, modern kitchen, corn er lot on highway in Newcastle. Full price $10,000. 1%2 storey new brick, upstairs apartment, two bathrooms, ex- tro lorge kitchen. Landscaped. Full price $12,000. Terms arranged. 52 King St. W. Bowmanville MArket 3-2453 or 3.2762 Salesman: Everett Hanna, RA 3-4235 Evenings 2m] 18 Bond St. W. HOUSE SHOPPING THIS WEEK-END ? J. BARNOSKI REAL ESTATE BROKER RA 5-7231 INQUIRE ABOUT ONE OF THESE ! MODEL HOME $3,500 DOWN -- FINUCANE Beautiful S5-room brick bungalow -- this is' a sacrifice sale as the owner has been transferred out of the city. Contact Miss Barnoski,, RA 5-7231; after six RA 3-7086. $4,000 DOWN -- ELMGROVE S-room bungalow -- recreation room -- bar -- aluminum doors and windows -- large lot. Contact B. Fialka, RA 5-7231; after six RA 3-7086. $3,500 DOWN -- MARY ST. 6 rooms, storey-and-a-half -- brick -- oak floors throughout -- spotless. Contact B. Fialka, RA 5-7231; after six RA 3-7086. INCOME HOMES ROWE ST., 8 rooms, brick. Asking price $13,500. ELGIN ST. W., 9 rooms, brick. Requires $6,000 Down. KING ST. E., 8 rooms, duplex. Asking $12,500. McMILLAN DR., 7 rooms, brick. Asking $12,000 OFF SIMCOE S., 6 rooms, brick. $3,500 Down. FRONT ST., 6 rooms, 2 kitchens. $2,000 Down. LOW DOWN PAYMENTS BLOOR E., 4-room bungalow. $800 Down. OSHAWA BLVD. S., 5-room bungalow. $1,000 Down. MONTRAVE AVE., 7 rooms. $11,000 Down. OFF STACEY AVE., 4 rooms. Asking $7,000. OLIVE AVE., 5 rooms, brick. $1,000 Down. DREW ST., 6 rooms, near new. $2,000 Down. LOTS 2 LOTS--on Chadburn St.--47 x 124. $1,250 each. WE HAVE MANY NEW BUNGALOWS, PRIVATE and N.H.A. RESALES. FOR THE BEST IN HOMES SEE J.Barnoski REAL ESTATE BROKER FARM FOR SALE $5,000 Down--Buys this good 147-acre farm with all machinery--good house and buildings--or will trade for house in Oshawa. Asking price $19,000. 16 miles fom Oshawa. J. BARNOSKI® REAL ESTATE BROKER 18 Bond Street West OPEN EVERY EVENING RA 5-7231 REALTOR ATTENTION | | DOCTORS AND LAWYERS Large 8-room home overlooking Memorial Park. Ideal in design and location for office. Can be bought at a reasonable price with terms. NORTH END -- HORTOP -- Neat 5-room brick bungalow with family size kitchen and 3 good size bedrooms, oil heating, laundry tubs, awnings, etc. Early possession can be arranged. Priced at only $12,500 with substantial down payment, BROOKSIDE ACRES -- More house for the money. 7-room split level with double garage, features 4 bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath plus one 2-piece bath and one 3-piece bath, stone fireplace, large ward- robe closets, fully decorated, landscaped, aluminum storms, screens and doors, sewered lot, underground wiring -- Price $26,500. 25 Ontario St. Phone RA 5-6871 After Hours Please Call DON HOWE - - =- RA 3.9692 A E MURDOCH 2500 J. J. Van HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 King Street East RA 3-4471 JUST SOME OF OUR LISTINGS: DAIRYFARM: 100 acres clay loom soil, BO acres workable, rest good pasture and bush, creek and wells, L-shape barn 60 x 40 x 36 feet, steel stanchions and waterbowls, steel implement shed 50 x 30 feet, pig pen. 7-room house with hydro and heavy wiring, water-pressure, 4 mile to school. All in A-1 shape. Full price $13,000. Including cattle, crop, milking machine and milk cooler. $17,500. TERMS. DAIRYFARM: 150 acres clay loam soil, 107 acres workable, rest pasture and woods, never failing spring, 3 wells. Barn 94 x 36, hydro and water, strawshed 45 x 26, implement shed, cement pit silo. 10-room brick house, hydro, H. W., bathroom, oil furnace, hot water tank. Close to school. Full price $18,000. TERMS, Good land, good buildings, excellent soil. (Must be sold owing to sickness of owner.) DAIRYFARM: 168 acres, medium clay loam, 145 acres workable, rest pasture and bush, springs. Barn 86 x 60 with hydro, water bowls, implement shed, hen house and pig pen, each 40 x 20 feet, cement silo. 8-room house with bathroom, hot water tank, hydro, heavy wiring. Sale includes cattle ond crop, milk cooler, etc, Asking price $29,000, Reasonable terms. Mixed farm 100 acres, 80 acres workable, land is worked excellent, 2 barns, stone house. Very productive farm. Full price $13,750. Low down payment, 15-Acre farm, 4 miles from city limits, Oshawa, 4-room house with basement, garage, chicken house, brooder house, apple trees ond small fruit, excellent berry land. Subdivision possibilities. Full price $9,500. TERMS. 100 ACRES--TIMBER AND HUNTING, Nestleton. Wood lot with valuable timber. Wildlife, deer fox, partridge ond beaver, fish stream. Ideal place to pay off with money made on timber and to nave ur own hunting grounds. Full price $2,500. Down payment CITY LOT WITH SEWER AND WATER, Just off Stevenson Road North. Asking price $1,300. TERMS. New é-room bungalow on 3 acres of land (5 valuable lots) on Brock Road, Picker oll heating, 4-piece bath, tile floors, laundry tubs, garage, Full price $13,000. TERMS, $6,000 Full price and $2,000 down asked for 4-room house, 4 years old, just outside city limits, Oshawa East. Lot 69 x 356, good garden land. Garage. Co-op 264. We Speak English, German, French and Dutch Member of the Oshawa-Whitby and District Real Estate Board 2500 ROSEHILL BLVD. Compact 4-room home only 8 years old and in very good condition throughout -- large modern kitchen, 2' x 14' living room and 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bath. Listed at $7,700 with $3,000 down. Call Cec. Elliott, RA 5-9442, RITSON RD. N. Two-storey 6-room brick and stone home with at- attached garage on nearly 2 acres of level ground with good subdividing possibilities, modern kitchen with breakfast nook, dining room, large living room, 3 bedrooms, hot water heating with oil -- well land- scaped, plenty of fruit trees, Listed at $16,000 with $6,900 down. CADILLAC AVE. N. 2-storey 6-room solid rick home with extra 2-room apartment with separate bathroom in basement. Hot water heating with oil, good lot and nicely deco- rated. Listed at $12,500 with $3,500 down. BUILDING LOT Kaiser Crescent -- Sewer and Water, $2,500. FOR RENT 6-room 2-storey home on King Street East -- Beautiful home in a choice location. $125 monthly. Call Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983. $1,000 DOWN Stone Street -- 4-room cottage, suitable for winter- izing, with oil heating, garage, on 60' x 300' lot, city water on street, some furniture included, im- mediate possession, monthly payment $50.00. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE OPEN EVERY EVENING ud 34 Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Dial Jos Maga 5-9191 Cec Elliott 5-9442 JAMES NIXON REAL ESTATE BROKER Snack bar, living quarters, hot water heated, 2 complete wash rooms, shower, heavy wiring, coke cooler, new fridge, electric stove, merchandise, oll a going concern, will have to be seen to be appreciated. A business all your own on No. 7 highway. 4-room insul-stone dwelling. Nice lot, landsca , heavy wiring. 4-piece bath, full basement, oil furnace, $8,000. 6-room insul-brick bungalow, 34-acre lot, modern 3-piece bath, cellar, heavy wiring, modern kitchen, aluminum door, storms and screens, in village, close to school, church and stores on paved road. $7,000. Terms, many extras. Lot on paved road approximately 1 acre. $350. Lot on Ontario Street, Priced to sell. New Address: 47 Queen Street, Box 941, Bowmanville, MA 3-5682 250a ALL THE WORK IS DONE 6-Year-old bungalow, combination living room and dining room 15 x 20, nice kitchen, two bed , master bed 14 x 16, hardwood and tile floors, new oil burner, aluminum storms ond screens. 5 minutes walk from new GMC plant. Co-op listing No. 269. Down payment $8,000. Call J. E. Hinkson, RA 8-8228, NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING Central, store 18 x 45, big show window, solid construction, hot water heating with oil, hardwood floors, 4-room apartment, nicely decorated on second floor. Immediate possession. Co-op No. 265. Price $17,900. Balance as rent. BEAUTIFUL HOME Six nice rooms ond double garage. You get paid $130 a month for owning it. Substantial down payment required. Co-op No, 267. Call J. E. Hinkson, RA 8-8228. Member Oshawa-Whitby and District Real Estate Board ROBERT S. McCALLUM General Insurance -- Realtor 240 Drew St., Oshawa Dial RA 5-6402 J. E.. Hinkson, Salesman Dial RA 8-8228 Oct.26,29 45--Reol Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale A.J. SCHATZ REALTOR -- GENERAL INSURANCE Whitby Professional Building MO 8-3337-8 SUBURBAN OSHAWA $2,000 Down payment will give you p ion of this i lately clean five-room home. Large 0 x 330 ft. lot. Chicken house, large enough to d five hundred chick For further infor- matior call RA 5-8461 GORDON COONS MO 8-3337-8 HOME LOOKERS, YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE A real gem of a 3-bedroom home is now available in up-and. ing town of Whitby, Only $8,500 with $2,500. down payment Is all we're asking for this attarctive little house which is located on a nice sized lot 65° x 100' and centrally located to schools, ing ond bus routes. This attractive litt'e 5-room home boasts a 24 x 12 kitchen with Lazy Susan and scads of built-in cupboards--the kind of kitchen Mother needs to prepare those hot summer day meals. Owners moving to the States. Buyers are invited to see this reasonably priced home ot earliest possible convenience. RA 5-8461 VIOLET PENROSE MO 8-3337-8 A BANK ROLL Is not necessary to buy this overglzed six-room ranch style brick and stone bungalow--with cl in breeze and attached RA 5-8461 garage featuring a 21-ft. livin, with natural fireplace and a beautiful }2-acre wooded lotf overlooking @ magnificent woods and stream. Just the home for the new executive. Easy commuti to Whitby or Toronto, Full price $21,000 with only $3,00i down. bolence on one easy mortgage. Hurry for this week-end special. MO 8-3337-8 25 RA 5-8461 MRS. NEIL Oa SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE 6 Simcoe North Dial RA 3-2265 CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN 4-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW: Owner's family has outgrown this centrally located bungalow. They hate to leave this modern, compact home, which features oil heat, paved drive, large kitchen and living room with 2 bedooms. Hardwood floors throughout. Low taxes and right location make this home an excellent buy. For further particulars phone Joe Bosco. RA 3-2265. LOCATED AT COURTICE RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW with ATTACHED GARAGE. This home is only 1 year old. This home has six lovely rooms. Consisting of 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room and living room. Reason for selling owner building another, requires money to build. Reduced to sell quickly. Call Steve Macko, RA 3-2265 and after six RA 5-0771, $3,500 DOWN NHA RESALE, CENTRALLY LOCATED. 5-room bun- galow with 3 bedrooms, large living room and moden kitchen. Tastefully decorated, completely landscaped and with many extras. This is a forced sale. Make an offer before it is too late. Call Bill McFeeters RA 3-2265 after six RA 5-1726. WE HAVE 3 GOOD CITY LOTS. In a residential sec- tion priced at $1,650 each. You will have to move fast if you wish to get one of these lots. Oshawa & District Real Estate Board PRESENTS THIS WEEK'S SELECTION OF CO-OP LISTINGS LOTS OF SUNSHINE In this country home, but within the town limits of Whitby, you'll be amazed at the cheerful living in this two-bedroom brick home. Extra lorge living room featuring a 20-ft. kitchen with dining area, 4-piece bath, plus a full basement" with oil heating. Set on a large lot where the children can keep their pets. Asking $9,800 ith, sul tial down p: it and easy terms on balance. Co-op 0. : $11,000 -- NEAR NEW GM. Four-room frame bungalow near GMC south plant, new oil burner, two bedrooms, large living room, aluminum screens, hardwood and tile floors and 3-piece bath. $8,000. Down payment required. Co-op No. 269. RANCH BUNGALOW ATTACHED GARAGE--RECREATION ROOM AND BAR Located in choice north end district, this executive-type home feo- tures every convenience for modem living, Fully landscaped front and rear, with patio, and closed-in breezeway to attached garage. Tastefully decorated, large size living room, dining room, modern kitchen, three large-size bed , and kling 4-plece colored bath. Owner transferred, i diat ion. No ble offer refused. For appointment and more details, ask for Co-op No, 268. SUNSET HEIGHTS 250a See These Today GOOD VALUE A clean and comfortable bungalow with 2 good sized bedrooms. Large kitchen and living room, 3-piece bath, Full basement with hot air furnace fired with oil. Lot 40 feet by 150 feet. Full price $8,000 with $2,000 down. BUILT LIKE THEY USED TO BUILD 'EM Reasonably priced and only a stones throw from the four corners. It's a 2-storey home with 6 large rooms, full basement, with a hot ai furnace and an extra stool. $3,000 down. NORTH-EAST DISTRICT 5-Room 3-bedroom brick bungalow, on a nice street in very good residential area. Many extras included. Listed at $12,000. PARK ROAD SOUTH New brick bungalow on a choice corner lot. 5 rooms with 3 bedrooms, home is completely decoated.and lot landscaped. Storms and screens and priced to sell quickly. $11,700. N.H.A. RESALE -- STEVENSON ROAD Brick bungalow with carport, close to separate and Protestant schools. 3 bedrooms, large step-saving kitchen, 4-piece ceramic tile bath, forced air heat with oil, aluminum storm door. Asking price of $12,500. IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE, LIST IT WITH US. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF CLIENTS WAITNG-- SOME WITH ALL CASH. H. Coldstein REAL ESTATE BROKER 13 Bond Street Edst 446 Simcoe Street South RA 3-3822 RA 5-8131 HOWARD OKE JOHN PENICKA Sverett Elliott 3-9290 50a I BILL NORRIS GEORGE ABRAMOFF SAM GOLDSTEIN HY GOLDSTEIN "Rag For the small fomily or older couple, we recommend bedroom bungalow on the comer of Sommerville and Beatrice. Built by o discerning owner three years ago for his own use but now requires more room. Lovely location--tile bath--oil heating, We challenge you to duplicate this at $10,200. List but sorry you must do your own financing. Co-op No. 271 CALL YOUR FAVORITE REALTOR BELOW AND QUOTE THE CO-OP NUMBER WHICH INTERESTS YOU, HE HAS THE WIDEST SELECTION OF LISTINGS AVAILABLE : AT MARKET TESTED TERMS AND PRICES. A. J. Schatz, Realtor, Whitby, MO 8-3337 or Oshawa, RA 5-8461 Robert McCallum, 240 Drew Street, Oshawa, RA 5-6402 Stan Disney, Realtor, 69 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, RA 5-6555 John Bolahood, Realtor, 169 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, RA 5-6544 Lloyd Ayers, Realtor, 88 Wood Street, Oshawa, RA 3-2254 John DeWith, Realtor, 82 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, RA 3-2333 W. E. Holmes, Realtor, 31 Bond Street East, Oshawa, RA 5-2363 Mrs. Olive Howe, Whitby, MO 8-2527 Howard Langille, Raaltor, R.R. 4, Uxbridge, Claremont 3-1108 Stan Mann, Pickering Beach, Ajax 500 Wilfred McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince Street, Oshawa, RA 3-2512 Cyril Morley, Realtor, Pickering--Pickering 67 A. H. Murdoch, Realtor, 25 Ontario Street, Oshawa, RA 3-3843 Ristow and Olsen, Realtors, 19 Athol Street West, Oshawa, RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412 Shofeild Insurance Associates, 6 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, RA 3-2265. L. 8. Snelgrove Ltd., 43 Park Road South, Oshawa, RA 3-9810 M. O. Tindall, Realtor, 43 Bond Street West, Oshawa, RA 35-0429 Jack VanHerwerden, Realtor, 741 King St. E., Oshawa, RA 3-4471 Doug Wilson, Realtor, 27 Bond Street East, Oshawa, RA 5-6588 this two- _ 250a 46--Real Estate Wanted 46--Real Estate Wanted Urgent! Urgent! HOMES ARE IN GREAT DEMAND, IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING AND WANT FAST ACTION, DON'T DELAY, CALL MR. ADDISON, RA 3-2254 ANYTIME. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN. LLOYD AYERS REALTOR OCT. 22,24,98 © (Continued on Page 18)