TWO MOTHERS DROWN AS CAR RUNS INTO RIVER |. Coie Fan noun ic Inside this car, being raised | over an embankment. Fathers from the Black river near Oril- lia, Ont., were the bodies of | two women, mothers of 13 chil- | dren, drowned when the car | went off the road and plunged son and Jim Van Duzen, sur vived the accident. The four some had been celebrating Mrs. Henderson's birthday an of the children, Cecil Hender- | turned back and saw Middle: hallway, pointing Police said Middleton, with a .22-calibre rifle, ad entered the house through a side agreement with door and hid in the If room while. the women drank A When the visitors were leaving, he stepped out and after 2 Biot argument, pumped two bu into his wife. Then he turned the gun on him- "I love you, Jim." were the last words uttered by Mrs. Middleton. They were overheard by Mrs. Clarisse Orvis when she reached her basement after leaving Mrs. Mid " ot g i | were driving on a narrow con- cession road when Van Duzen | was blinded by the lights of an | oncoming car and ran off the ' highway. HELP WANTED Men and Boys ment is now outdated, and our) TORONTO (CP) -- A husband, "He said she digas Jove 1 a : A meel:ng of Council was held|in wate: leaving the pumphouse.|of the Town of Ajax if such ar-| 1 Ask Hydro to . Ask Hydro to remove unused A bes York. | Present: William G. Newman, 5. Police Fines, September, | kennel license. As Mr. Thompson costs of extending Concession 4 The couple, separated for seven four children LT Johaston, Clerk. 'tax information, Councillor Mc-| license be not granted to Mr. ments Limited that east ditch of gion in M Pickering Beach advising they! 7. Mrs. I. L. Harrod asked the 1. Mr. Morrison and delegation expense of Chesterhill Develop- |spend on a building. |Greenwond avenue, a private Agreed as many of Council ag; trance to field, time | Greenwood avenue should be at 9:30 am. license renewed. pat of the Township at no cost' ( g WMiyed by Mr. Lawson, sec- PFuper 'ccation. range fee. Elephant Safety Campaign which jroo as set out in previous call! 50n anc Associates, presented work Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded ynieinational KII. Red Interna. @™. to 5 p.m. Monday, Wednes-| meeting adjourned. auditors have so recommended heard his wife say she loved him {on the fifteenth day of October,|(3) An operating log be kept. (4) rangements could be made. By, wire on Concession 2, Lot 20, an a aieton, 28. in she chair; William G. Lawson, | 54. {had three objectors from neigh-to eliminate C.P.R. overhead w The owing correspondence | Pherson for attending their meet-| Kleizjohann. -- Carried East avenue opposite Fitzpatrick | have secured a site for a building Planning Board for two consents of four Plan 440, discussed ments Limited. Agreed Council spend $100.00. rond, the Planning Board asked possible and road foreman and 5. Write Department of Mines | 2. Dr. Dymond, MPP, advising brought to Council standard with| 2. Arthur Carlton asked for| 6. Ask Mr. Ruddy to check sub- {to the residents. londed by Mr. Pugh, that Clerk 3 Fred Hicks, road foreman. 7. File name of George Black- {has operated one year among the| sor tenders, one truck to be equip. Profile of Rouge Highlands Sub-| 8. Check Repair Shop Building |by Mrs McPherson, that Council (iga) 1945, and G.M.C., all sub-(d8y. Thursday, Friday and Sat-|™ yypHOON EXACTS TOLL | COLUMBUS Church Turkey Supper Is Outstanding Success COLUMBUS -- The turkey din- School on Friday evening. The per given by the ladies of the program opened with "God Save United Church was a decided suc- the Queen", followed with three cess. The weather was wonderful songs by the Juniors, "Are You and the visitors from the city Sleeping", 'Golden Days" and thought it was very beautiful in' "Bunny Cotton Tail Next fou r Columbus and so quiet and peace- boys sang 'Soldiers' Game A ful. The tables were filled with the piano solo was given by Elizabeth finest food. Over 230 were seated Hayes. The Senior School sang at the three tables at a time, and "Evening Hymn" and "Woodland everyone was loud in their praise Lily", followed by a piano solo by for the way the ladies managed Mary Vasko. the affair. Around $860 was taken) The main event of the evening in. was the presentation of pins to the graduating class from the Home and School Association. The recip- A ; i ients were Barbara Grass, Dianne ave a) interestig {alk on the Gimblett, Maria Hacke, Marie La- { uid violette, Alastair Rickard, Mur- Rev. R. Rickard preached the ray Miller, Bruce Gibson, Gary anniversary sermon at Pinedale Hayes and Ted Mountenay. Alas- Church. tair Rickard gave the thank-you Many farmers from here at- speech tended she auction sale of farm- Carolyn Webber gave a piano stock and implements of Mr. solo. A very humorous play call- Lyman Gifford on Saturday. ed "Dyspeptic Ogre' was given Mr. Foster Snowden held the and very well done. The last item lycky ticket on a new Chevrolet Was a song, "Now the Day Is ear drawn at Solina last Saturday Over" by the girls of the Senior room. Mr. Rickard was chairman for ment in Oshawa hospital. the evening. He gave a vote of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eliott, Mrs. thanks to the teachers, Mrs. Patterson, Misses Isobel and Irwin, Mrs. Lewis and Miss Lee, Emma Eliott of Agincourt visited the music teacher. at Oliver McCulloch's. PL aaa el | Se ett sures of Thornton's Corners visited at , PORT HURON, Mich. (AP)-- The Thomas Street branch of Mr. A. McKenzies. ue. Mr. and Mrs. Howesenburgan, Michigan National Bank closed and family have moved to Osh- suddenly Tuesday when 14 cus- tomers rushed into the street with awa and will live in one tears in their eyes. Tear-gas noz- of Mr. Lyman Gifford's houses. zles turned on just before closing Mr. Mat. Lucyk's house is near- time, filling the bank with the ir- i letion. |ritating fog. Bank officials have N'S CONCERT not been able to determine why Rev. Roscoe Chapin preached in the church Sunday morning and t. . Mike Lucyk is taking treat- awa. The Stapley family is moving | SALUTES MODERN WOMAN ® the Township of Pickering wish - » n ioe rm "her sereemens Wie Tells Mate She Loves Him; ) of ive u [sig-ed March 9, 1908, in favor of od ; {a new agr t, as of D by - Ld LP. 2 oO B ° |31, 1956 as the present agree-| FJ@ er, ts uicige A n rougham Counc: |in their 1955 annual report.--Car- and then I heard a ried just before he shot her and then put a Sllet into his own brain in [then |1956, at eight o'clock in the even-!At least one cylinder of chlorine 13, Mr. Anton Kleinjohann, of in front of Journey's End died six |ing. |be kept in reserve at all times. | woodfieic a A oo: hours later in tal, His wife, 00 road, applied for aj 2 Ast Mr Dunkeld to prepare Joan, 25, was kil instantly. 1d J. Sherman Scott, Sidney S. J.| 6. Fairport Beach Ratepayers' bors, it was moved by Mrs. Mc-| bridge -- 2 ways. | Pugh, Mrs. Jean McPherson, Association, shanking Council for; Pherson. seconded, that a kennel| 3. Write Chesterhill Develop- | was read |ing and answering their ques-| The fo.owin hoi i | 4 persons, on mo-| houses must be ditched within 10 1. Ra'epayers' Association of tions tion. we e ohn. : !days or the Township will do it at to house fire equipment and ask for her acreage in Lot 6, Plan drainage and private roads in! Prepare how much Council will agree to 282. As these lots would front Piitz Subdivision. William Middleton re new en- Clerk get names of persons who! Council for an opinion. {Mr. Rouse meet corner Range|and inquire if Highland Creek would be available during day-| Is was agreed by Council that Line and Susan Drive Wednesday Sand and Gravel have had their [that through his efforts the OPP adequats provision for drains be- shelter at dump. Road foreman|mitked contour plan of Rouge {will continue to police the north fore the consents were approved, agreed to move small house to a Highlands Subdivision and ar- 3. Constable Frank Robson ask- ca') for tenders for tw . discussea road problems. opp, 67 Homestead road, West mately five-ton trucks with rat.| 4 Fraik Smith, of R. B. Ander. Hill. At 22006, for contracting {2000 school children in the south, i {division for approval of engineer,| Permit in I. Puckrin Plan. of Pickering without an accident. | bec; i saow Pow 20g tat foi. | Agreed -- prov hours ng! at 8 On motion of Mr. Scott, the jgive a grant of $50.00 towards jar to approval of the De urday. { | p ppart- MANILA (AP)--Typhoon Jean,| the Elmer the Elephant Safety|ine.t of Highways.--Carried. Agreed -- that old motor and which lashed COE Te northern | Full and Part Time BROOKDALE - KINGSWAY NURSERIES Telephone MA 3-3345 Bowmanville | io Campaign sponsored by the South' : ixer ( | Philinng TON (Ratiars) -- A vies Pe oy a 2. Mr. Kirk aceaply Township 10,1" for 1 years) eli ay vgn Rg el 1 off-r to sel im a corner in AY TN : one Sing, e- fended the beauty of the modern | Constan e Robson be personally} rent of his lot for $100.00 and| , Asreed - Nortuviow Construc-| ports from the area said today.| {woman. "In my humble opinion, thd. " cost of a survey. {#gn Company get 10 bags calcium| The casualty list does not include | [the young woman of today is not|_ 4. Dr. Berry of Department of, laid on. Submit bill to Stan Fair-| the missing 26 officers and crew] [only just as good-looking as her | Health sobmitted a report om| 10. Mr. Gallagher, of Harwood bairn, {members from the Philippine] | grandmother but is far more at.|water area No. 1 and recommend. Road, asked if Council would ap-| Moved by Mr. Pugh, seconded freighter Lepvs, which sank Satur. | |tractively turned out," says chiv- ed (1) a Bleeder valve be install proach the Town of Ajax to seelhy Mr, Scott, that notice be given! day about 450 miles northeast of| {alrous Sir Harry Britain, in a ed on the distribution system to if the Fire Department could use the Trustees of the Police Village the Philippines after being buf-| letter to The Times. "My hearing maintain a significant flow. of the north two hydrants as thisiof Claremont that the Council of feted by the typhoon. is not quite so keen as it was 80 water at all times. (2) A chlorine Servic -------- AFTER e would save approximate- - vears ago, but my sight is just residual of 0.2 to 0.3 p.p.m. after :¥ 50% of insurance rates { about 100 per cent." | 15 minutes contact be maintained Council agreed Clerk inquire | GOLDEN 0AYS SPECIAL! NO PARKING METERS NO TRAFFIC PROBLEMS 0% Discount! OSHAWA ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF QUALITY FURNITURE SHOPPING| CENTRE 'elinbhle Furniture Co. "PRICES ARE BORN HERE AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" 96 KING ST. E. All Stores except EATON'S of CANADA open every FRIDAY until 9 pm. .A concert was given by the the anti-robbery system suddenly the Senior started. | school children in MEN'S HYDRO PARKAS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED -- YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT GIRLS' IMPORTED SILK PYJAMAS BOYS' OR GIRLS' Corduroy Overalls SENSATIONAL VALUE MEN'S CAR COATS BOYS' FULLY LINED JEANS (Sanforized) 36 to 46. Reg. 19.9) J osiawa, ONT} S13 Sturdy, water-rep duck All-wool lining. Detachable hood. Sizes 95 4 4 neat fit. Sizes Fine wale. elasticized back for 2-6. Reg. 1.79. S119 Fully thermo quilt lined. Weather- id material. Sizes 34 to 44. Reg. $5.99 Hand 8 ont dasad A 4d ahadk Sizes 8 - 14. Reg. 3.99. $1.89 Elastic woist. Sizes 8-12. Reg. 2.49, $1.79 21 BOND ST. W. MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS Assorted plaids. Sizes S, M, L Reg. 2.88. e 2 for 3.40 LADIES' QUILTED SKIRTS Sizes 12 to 18. Reg. 4.95. 1.99 BEAUTIFUL PLASTIC TABLE CLOTHS Sizes 50 x 50. Reg. WHITE SHIRTS Bow tie, cuff links. Boxed. Sizes 3-6x ' BOYS' AND GIRLS' NYLON GABARDINE STATION COATS Molf fur collar. Sizes 8 to 16. Something New In Men's SUEDE JACKETS Now You Con Wash Suede. Washable ond dry cleanoble Suede Jackets. Sizes 19.956 36-44, Reg. 26.95 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Cello wrapped. Blue, white. Sizes 14%2 to 16%a. Reg. 2988 for 5.00 MEN'S Broadcloth Pyjamas Reg. 2.99. Sanforized, striped, 2-piece Pyjamas, 36-42. From MEN'S FIRST QUALITY Sanforized JEANS Rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-38. Reg. MEN'S 2.PANT MELBOURNE FLANNEL SUITS Single ond double breasted. As- sorted shades. Sizes 29 95 [ 36-46, Reg. 42.95 MAKER'S CLEARANCE OF LADIES' woOL Winter Coats Soh fleecy imported wool maet- erial in the latest shades. §i 12:20, Reg. 32.95. " 17.95 Latest in Women's All-Wool CoATs. Reg, 29.95 18,80 LADIES HEAVY 100% WOOL SKIRTS ron 5.90 LADIES' RAYON BRIEFS Sizes 5-M:L, 29° Reg. 42¢ Ladies' First Quality, 54 Gauge, 15 Denier NYLONS 69° LADIES' NYLO-GAB Slacks and Strides Self belt, 6 shades. Sizes 12 Reg. 1.19 to 20. 3 99 > Ld Reg. 6.95 BOYS' OR GIRLS' 3-PIECE SNOW SUITS Sizes 26x, Reg. 11.95 6.99 CRIB BLANKETS 99° Pink end blue. Size 30 x 40. Reg. 1.29 ... SAVE DOLLARS ON ALL FIRST QUALITY DIAPERS CURITY DIAPERS Reg. 4.79 ; 3.99 HOSPITAL DIAPERS -- 18 x 36. Reg. 359 . KINGSCOTT DIAPERS Reg. 3.99 2.89 MEN'S HORSEHIDE Leather JACKETS Sizes 38.44, 1 1 88 Reg. 19.95 CLEARANCE LADIES' 100% PURE WOOL SUITS Sizes 10-20 Reg. 32.95 0.95 RUBBER BOOTS Knee length, sturdy, sure grip, red sole boots, cosy flannel lined. Sizes 1,2, 3, 2 490 . Ld 4,5. Reg. 3.75 .. GIRLS' Nylon Cardigans A, Solon Sizes 8-14 2.99 GIRLS' ALL WOOL WINTER COATS Sizes 7-12. Reg. 17.95 MEN'S STROLLER COATS Men's % length nylon gabar- dine coats, Rayon quilted wool lined with zipper and belt. Sizes 36 to 44. Reg. 15.95 9.99 TEX-MADE SHEETS First quality name brand bed sheets. Size 81" x 99". Reg. 7.95 pair. PAIR LARGE SIZE CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Assorted colors. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Plaid blankets greatly reduced. 70 x 80. Reg. 5.95 3.89 { GIRLS' IMPORTED SILK PYJAMAS Hand embroidered, Assorted shades. Sizes 8-14. 1 49 , Ba Reg. 3.99 FIRST QUALITY BED SHEETS 55 x 90. Reg. = 2.99 3.98 pair. PAIR Jf - BOYS' THERMO PACK QUILTED LINED JACKETS Sizes 8-16. Reg. 6.95. 3.99 WOMEN'S REVERSIBLE SPORT JACKETS Reg. 12.95. 4.95 Sizes 12-18. ....... LADIES NYLONS 30-Day Guarantee LADIES' LOVABLE BRA won 99°, 2.69 LADIES' V-NECK LONG SLEEVE Orion PULLOVERS Sizes 12-20. LADIES' JERSEY Wool BLOUSES Sizes 12-18. Reg. 6.98. 3.99 PILLOWS Kapok. PILLOWS Foam rubber chips, first quality. 2. 5.00 BEAUTIFUL BELGIUM DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 52 x 65. LARGE SIZE BATH TOWELS 21 x 41. Reg. 1.98. 14° DRESS SHOES 4.9% Black and brown. Reg. 7.95 BOY'S PLAID FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS Sizes 8-12. Reg. 1.69 Le a a NE) BABY RUBBER PANTS Sizes S$, M, L. Reg. 25c. wes TO LADIES PLASTIC HANDBAGS 2% oo. 1BT 249 BOYS' GABARDINE DRESS PANTS Zipper front, elastic back, belt ed front, 2 pockets. Sizes 4 to Es ... 119 Reg. 2.99 .... HUNTING PARKAS Sturdy parkas, red ell - wool lining, detachable hoods, 36 to 46. Reg. 24.95. MEN'S GABARDINE ZIP-IN LINED TOPGOATS Sizes 36-44.