\l awa Collegiate the Central OntarimDaily Record says Ted Yilliams| js Five T Will C ten | [Secondary ~Sclafks Association |signed a +E" contract. sat a! ive eams 1 ompe 5) North "Bay Date dn one-year pact, with Bosto Red! Schools Athletic Association, and|Sox last winter and is set to play ) I i stiri 1 B S ket b 11 Le Ottawa. Tech {he Easter Ontario another season, ! a a ( 1 ( 1 1 1 Secondary Schools Association. "The Red Sox did not proclaim [+ kB Fr | n 11 g | Two doubleheaders will be the signing of the Fifi con- | The Oshawa Indusirial Basket-| Tues. Nov. 6--Ernie Cay's vs Erste Cay's (Simcoe Hall). Played. each Bight. | ract possibly becguse they ranted bail League will swing into action Warriors (Simcoe Hall) and Bow-| Tves., Dec. 11--Whitby vs Bow-| SAYS TED TO RETURN wii ayes 5 Mo eadiise hay 3 next week for the earliest start/manville vs Whitby (Whitby). |manville (Simcoe Hall). | BOSTON (AP) -- The Boston glead Rp gan wrote, in its six-year history. Wed., Nov. 7--Prod. Control vs Wi Dec. 18--Ernie Cay's| ! : | Five teams will play at Whitby| Whishy (Whitby). umberkings vs Production Con-| Coliegiate gymnasium and at| Thurs. Nov. 8 -- Warriors vs/trol (Simcoe Hall). or Simcoe Hall in a 20-game per- Prod. Cont. (Simcoe Hall). | NOTE:--Tuesday and Thursday . ' . team schedule. Entries this year] Tues., Nov. 13 -- Bowmanville| games abt Simcoe Hail start at will include last year's champion|vs Prod, Cont. (Simcoe Hall). 9.15 sharp while all Whitby games #4 fd GM Production Control; Ernie] Wed., Nov. 14 -- Warriors vs|start at 7.30 p.m, Ys & \ on Ml | Cay's Lumberkings; Warriors. Whi'by (Whitby). and Whitby as well as a newly-| Thurs., Nov. 15--Bowmanville {formed Bowmanville crew. vs Ernie Cay's Lumberkings| PO FS | fi The 156-57 elected Executive of-| (Simcoe Hall). y we 5 RTS BRIE |ficers | are: president, Fred| Tues., Nov. 20--Whitby vs Er- M | Whalley; secretary, Joh of For , PICK FOOTBALL TEAMS | ry, John Waldin {nie Cay's Lumberkings (Simcoe TORONTO (CP)--Eight teams 3 | Sputaer, and Geasurer, Jopm Hal). {have been chosen for the United Walters. Thurs., Nov. 22--Bowmanville| : | = Funds Football Tournament to be whe H : 4! LEAGUE SCHEDUL vs Warriors (Simcoe Hall). n you want if Y ; Tres, Oct. 23--Ernie E a's Tues. Nov. 27--Bowmanville vs nigh Bete ¥figey #30 Seturgev 3 PA A Vi Si I 1 0 ight, |Lumberkings vs. Production Con.| \2rriors (Simcoe Hall). , | Metropolitan Toronto will be Did you know that you could arrange |trol (Simcoe Hall) and Warriors Nov. 28--Ernie Cay's|represented by three teams. Lon- an OK. loan at Citizens Finance by ed., . 4 vs Whitby (Whitby). _ vs. Whitby (Whitby). Nov. 2. Prod. : Control don Catholic Central was chosen picking up your phone? Call our friendly Tues., Oct. 30--Warri Thi as Western Ontario Seconda § i d Praduction Control hin TY vs Bowmanville (Simcoe Hall). [Schools Association candidate; Ni- Loon Manager, give him all the par- I - ll Thurs. Nov. 1_Ernle Cay's Briad 2 3 ty 3 Be. agsta Ralls. Collegiate fii 5 ficulars. Then drop in later to sign and | vs Rowm . |resent the Southern Ontario Sec- , , anville (Simcoe Hall). "ry rg ~ Dec. 6--Warriors vslondary School Association, Osh- fio ie Sas. Roly jont Hand it's | Pontiacs 3-1. Buicks ti " Pledl o 26/3 Cetire [0 provide a | here: in third place with ON: ang | loan service that's fast, convenient and ; ARE , courteous. When you want money for i y tewashed Chevs 4-0, and al Leafs who beat Delcos 3-1 Fone Sle 3 a 5 5 g py Delcos had two 1100 games. A string of - ® al fol 2 I Citi PAR S| i " . five or six strikes In th i t ! t t | ny welyl purpose, just co itizens | spelled Delcos' Gowntall, st two Sams es ua 1 y ove i | Finonce. : WONG PROVES HE BELONGS ON BLUES (ir sien hus tad, iouen'time supe : ail We ik "Your " sprea . . \ | A player once considered too | and caught two of the four 4 at TAh, Joints betwen sine of 'e like fo say, "Your loan Is 0.K.! : ght for the team during ex- | passes his team completed in |seftled yet. om M Vigor's famous H Pod { coach Bob Masterson's regime | their 15-13 win. Wong, in his | We only had one honor tripe as Bi| AE hg final year in engineering, had [Fofts rolled 717 (242, 284), but seve 4 ® Prompt Delivery 3/10 INAN C 5 iE demonstrated that he belongs in th ral Sollege football during Univer | been frying for four years to (700. A larger mamber or seis momo ® Courteous Service sity of Toronto's recent clash | make the Varsity team but al- |over 250 were turned in b . win McGill's University Red- | ways his size -- he only weighs |mow. lops with 207, on Ba dum / per gal. COMP ANY Lt a men in Montreal. In his first | 138 pounds -- or injuries, Kept [si 90 M. "Mickey Mouse" Michalow- Mm 1 TT ED . ! league game halfback Al Wong, | him off it. His one performance pave Mitchell TL Oey 200;, Jagk Conk 8. . of Toronto, rolled up 45 yards | this season may have won him [Harold Clarke 253 and Jack Gulltinan| Dial RA 5.1109 Loan Manager: DON TULINE | rushing in nine carries, helped | a regular spot. on 201. Lan reek we omitted | 104 Brock Street South, Whitby, MO 8.2367 set up one Varsity touchdown --Central Press Canadian (i, goothe him eT eantle of J. 20 : od - Open Friday till 8 p.m., Saturday till 12 noon | | 1G R OIL ny Limited Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering ond all nearby towns | him his dues. : Diesels 4 - 15, Vaux- Cl OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 5% i 78 BOND ST. W. : OSHAWA | Loam orricEs in ALL PRINCIPAL a AND SEE THE 1 - 7, Chevs 0 LEGION LEAGUE |by Reg. Winfield with 430, a very out- Things are getting settled down tanding game. The top man for the to have a wel ht was Red Shobbrook with a dandy 18 Joan. Some of : ht of B06 (245, 261, 300) followed close. | rounded league. Some of the teams have nig started to Ee and are determined tolly by Swindells 796, Topping 790, Win- make things interesting for us. {field 771, Crawford 738, Lloyd 731, A y RUTO The. Slow Starters took four and the Zarowny 725, Black 710, McKinley 707, I -------------- d Toppers each téok Gyurka 690, Bakageorge 677, Bradbury A ------ SUPPLY Pacers, Stinkers Ir three, Jets, rs and Comets one 675, Pearn 675, Makarchuk 674, Ball 673, got blanked. Pearce 672, Lanning 671, Healy 671, Ladies): M. Roznik 725 Laurie 667, Cooke 665, Gordon 665, Keel- «02. 212, 211); E. Smith 704 (251, 243, er 861, Claus 656, Richmond 654, Hubbell 208); A. Grant 615 (246; A. Pope 615 654 and B. Brown 652. | (238, 236) and M. Brockman 608 (208,| High Single Games: Winfield 380, i 208). Gyurka 317, Vandewalker 315, Shob- Men: J. Smith 621 (252); R. Gay. 815 brook 300, Lloyd 287, Crawford 286, Sal- (241); B. Smith 697 (268, 215, 214); H.| mers 285, Topping 285, Hardy 285, Laurie Davies 648 (241, 219); F. Grant 609 (216, 282, Zarowny 282, Swindells 281, Lloyd . 212); J. Lovell 626 (265); A. Cocker 619/280, Cl 79, Hubbell 276, Murphy 274, (275) McKinley 273, Richmond 271, Baka- (261, 222) and L. Bowers 662 200 Scores: E. Elliott 261, A. White george 270, Pearn 269, Cooke 269 and | 208, R. Pope 221, D. Price 221, B. Lock Stiles 268. | 233, 203, B. Hood 202, A. Kennerly 220, The following fell - into the Lemon 203, T. Mahaffy 204, G. Haines 217, A. League: M. Karas 81, A. Davey 87, D F Elliott 232 and B. Grant 213. Powers 87. " | Watch the board up in" the alley for MEN'S STORE LEAGUE pin fall because the lst and 2nd teams store league is having quite a with pins are the winners of this section The race with Shepherd's Meat Market tak- along with the top team for points, ing over first place with a total of 17 ) points. They are being followed by PARTS AND SERVICE | Canada Bread, Coulters, Algers, and A MEN'S LEAGUE and P Stores with 16, Nationals have 15,| . With the attendance much improved and Oshawa Box and Lumber have 14, the Parts Men's league this week had This is the way the teams divided the the Motor City Alleys resounding with Dixon Coal 0; Canada Bread 3, A and P loud Stores 1; Collis Dept. Store 3, Hallidays they are even noisier. A few of the teams points for the night: Seven Up 4, Ont. the enthusiastic cheering and jeering 5 Motor Sales 0; Post Office 4, Pedlar The manager of the ' alleys, Matt People 0; Shepherd's Meat Market 4, Kotelko, says they always have been the : lest group he has seen, and this year oh i ' : I 1; Bolahoods 3, Alger Press 1; Coulters edged in front this time but there is still 3, Wards Auto Supply 1; Oshawa Bakery time for some team to challenge them : J 3, Powells Drugs 1: Goch Service Sta- Diesels kept up their furious pace and tion 3, Nationals 1 and Barbers 3, Osh-|by downing Cadillacs 4-0, went into the i awa Box and Lumber 1 section lead, while Vauxhalls stayed on The lucky prize for the night was won! their heels, one in arrears, by trimming OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS . Only "2" days left to get in on the : a -------- Give YOUR Car "GIGANTIC SAVINGS" ... ALL STOCK MUST GO ! ! : ® Highest Trade-In This rr = A HOME Winter SHOP AT WARD'S AUTO SUPPLY AND SAVE [I Allowance on Your | Present Car! TWIN-AUTO ry SSOTIOS CUSTOM-BUILT [of of 2 FLOOR MATS For Your Driving Pleasure CAR RADIOS ® Convenient Only 1:89 pair | |!) Pe = Only 73.50 [|] G.M.A.C. Terms! ETHYLENE GLYCOL PLASTIC Complets 12" x 20° ANTI-FREEZE SEAT COVERS | 0 P E N E V E i Y Garage Material - Reg. 4.95 | ONLY $1 8.00 PER MONTH ly 2.69 Sal FISHING TACKLE a only 3.89 k y E \ n 8, ; ! AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE i TRICYCLES WINCHESTER WINCHESTER | (Except Saturday) Dial OSHAWA, RA 5-4443 |} & BICYCLES PUMP GUN 30-30 RIFLE POLISHERS 'GIGANTIC SAVINGS' | | Res. 11300 Reg.'84.50 | Rh Now is a good time to build that garage you peed Sale sel 35 95 (All sizes in Stock) Sale ave 96:50 Sale aaa 76.50 so badly. It is easy to "do-it-yourself" and you will I enjoy the friendly 'atmosphere at Oshawa Wood § I Products -- Stop in today. MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM SLEEPING NO. 1 POP-UP .E. G REMEMBER -- NO DOWN PAYMENT BAGS CHAMOIS TOASTERS MIXERS . .18.99 Sale... 12.69 | | Sale... 2.69 | | sale... 15.99 | | mons. 1555 | | MILLS Oshawa Wood EA atisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded" rroducts WARD'S Aul UES 173 84 SIMCOE §. COURTICE . RA 5-4443 RA 3-4661 uto Supply | 266 King St. Wesi AJAX -- Zenith 2-9600 BOWMANVILLE -- MA 3.2130 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. "Always look to Oshawa Wood Products for the Best" 79 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 2-8353 3 Phone RA 3-4634