P IN TRIM Use a low chair with long run-, MOSTLY EDUCATIONAL LODGES AND ners to give a full swing. Keep| KITCHENER, Ont. (CP)--More your feet on the floor. Be sure|than half of the 1,411 visits to 407 » 1. sat the |patients, made by .the Victorian SOCIETIES | Advocates Rhythmic Rocking |e over se, o sou back 856 Rises here aun the v - the chair. Pull up continually with | cational purposes. REBEKAH LODGE No. 3 To Banish Ills Len then Life the lower abdominal muscles as|-- Rebekah Lodge No. 3 held its ' g you glide back and forth, and lean| KITCHEN AIDS i i against your backbone, not your! potato - 11 regular meeting in the lodge By IDA JEAN KAIN he noticed that his leg, back and|peitline, 'And last, don't skimp on hen ers" ng Machines and rooms on Wednesday eveniag,| Get out the rocking chair and abdominal muscles were so much| , Oct 10. : rock and roll. The gentle motion stronger, and that his posture had Ch regularly. at lesst 4 hold aids on the market in West THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, October 15, 1956 ®| The Noble Grand Sister Alice of rhythmic rocking works won-|changed. The slightly stooped a Sus : | Germany. Harston presided assisted by the|ders -- tones up circulation, re-|shoulders that I had gloomily|, If you have an old Forking chair L vice grand Sister Viola Keeler. |laxes tense muscles, banishes leg|taken for granted as the badge of|in your allie, get I out Tom Fe MULTIPLE BIRTHS t A " There was a good attendance. |cramps, wards off blood clots anc (the desk worker assumed a new Hemet and learn what it capt do Approximately ane coufisement 4 | Sister Keeler gave the sickicures insomnia. All this and bet-erectness. Also over a period of fof you. Let's Be Ras ing in 8 in Canada results - (list report; cards were sent and|ter posture, too, is claimed for|many months, I was able to take|chair brigade and all reports a birth of more than one child, ALBERT STREET WMS |were appointed for the booths. many telephone calls were made.|daily rocking by Lindley Robbins,|in a beltline a couple of notches," few months hence. usually twins. The Thankoffering meeting of Mrs. Roy Kellington sang a solo/Sister Nelda Thompson PMG re-|who is now 68 years young and for |he reported. | WMS of Albert Street United "I Shall Not Pass agaln This| ported for the CP and T fund. She|the past few years has been rock- At first he couldn't believe rock. Church was held recently. The Way'. asked that as many sisters as can|ing regularly. ing could be responsible for alll | | | | president, Mrs. Samuel Gibbs.| GIRL GUIDE, JIATION [to please attend the bingos. + ! presided 'over 'a short business| (SOUTH DISTRICT) Sister Alice Lanning gave thel on "an 'siiicle in the American rd gg ie gb '0; sessi t which time it was i {annual report. A hearty vote of i i | Sessiop. a The regular, meeting of the| Medical Journal which stated in|tion. But bit by bit the evidence] {announced a bale would be pack- i thanks was extended to Sister| ps on > In| tic ed in November. | Coation "was. held. on Wednesqy Lena Harper for her kindness in (ec) [Chl {he id (ooking Stall 3) pled. up-evidence accumulated My. ior Down Sonducted| fern st Guide Bi ith [opening her home for the audit-|E FG TEC he Tioga Clots by|and that of his wife, but from the| the devotional period, the theme, (0, foi UCT (Gane "ors, Final preparations were com-| {UNINC B ra. THis Br a ar a pone] being "Thanksgiving." Mrs. Mur. | Th Fim PM 8 th pleted for the next night of meet tic Ed that men and ha wi to his friends and ac-| 2 ray Osborne and Mrs, Lloyd a trea dh min t of ing, October 24. This will be in-| ym ht easily and pleas- wor nces who had also started Down accompanied by Mrs. Eric|>argant, rea © minutes Ofistallation of mew officers for the| WOrmen mig hy P quaintances who had also s antly lengthen their lives if they|rocking. They laughed when they D. A A. : othe last meeting. Treasurer's re- 156." Courtice of Ebenezer sang two| : +o" [term of '56-'57. Brother Frost re-|?' > ' duets, "Beyond The Sunset" and|ROrt Was given by Mrs. Vielor|o ected that members of the de. Would only make regular use ofifirst sat down to rock, but now "Stars of The Summer Night." Phair. Monthly reports and Te- oree staff wear white for this the once popular rocking chair. [they're rocking regularly. |Miss Margaret Pellow showed os were Jeceived irom arly PEER. | After some weeks of rocking Well, this does make sense. || : | slides of Jamaica. Miss Pellow| The bad compa ies an pac 0. Birthday greetings were extend- regularly, 45 minutes in the even- Many aches and ailments often Ball v T Ch |had spent a year in Jamaica and | & pacee secretary Mis. J. O.leq fo Sister Ada Tonkin, Sister|ing, Mr. Robbins found his leg attributed to age are the result allet, Tap, Toe, Character, related some very interesting |Coldrick gave her report. It Was| Jean Huggins and Sister Flor-|cramps - gradually disappearing, |of poor circulation, which in and amusing incidents which hap- | o5 gratifying to see so "uch ence Williams.. All retired to the and with them his insomnia. Then|turn can be caused by lack of Baton, Pre-School, Acrobatic, pened during her stay there. the ge Work accomplished during| banquet hall where refresaments! Ses -- | exercise. he T |" Miss Cora Harvey thanked Miss Plans for a cadet company are] "°T® served. . |Beatrice Edwards GG. also Sis.| Enthusiastic about rocking, Mr at the asonic Temple, {Pellow for her pictures an il ahi | rd Punk |Robbins Invented the *"Rob- also thanked the guest soloists. | Of Nis Hapel Winters. 'The oxi] The ym iAN SERS | Winnie Michell Suter bins Rocker" now on the marke! Contre Steer, Fridoy ung { oling: will Tor eting too e 2 4 |Here are his suggestions for ef- GOLDEN "LINKS aL Resting will be on November 14|torm of a banquet in honor of the Dennison, all of Toronto. ifective "rocking chair therapy." Saturday. The Golden Links Group of Al- at 2.30 p.m. at Guide House. Grand Chief's visit to Oshawa | The minutes were read, Sister] J bert Street United Church held its CANADIAN LEGION AUX. | The meeting was opened and | Emma Tarke reported Sister | | [regular meeting in the board The regular meeting of the|Grand Temple Officers past and|Alice Short was on the sick list. DRAPES - CURTAINS {room. th . Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian Le- present introduced and grand | It was decided to donate five . S| Mrs. Gerald Darling was 4 |gion, was held on Tuesday even-| honors given to Grand Chief Sis-|dollars for minor hockey league. VENETIAN SH [1] 33 i % charge of the devotional period, ins "with Mrs. R. A. Williams/ter Rose Edward, Ottawa, Sister Many members thanked their = i [the theme being Thanksgiving. presiding. | Bertha Lewis PSR, Sister Iva Cliff| Pythian pals for Thanksgiving re- Made-to-Measure i... |Mrs. Mark Hill read the scripture.|" nrg "Williams welcomed all| PSR, Sister Edith Stein PGC, Sis-| membrances. FREE ESTIMATES INFORMATION: RA 3.7253 Mrs. Harry Ricketts read a story members present, Mrs. Mary|ter Margaret Harding PGC, Sister] The Grand Chief then spoke a IN DES : - "HELLO!" [followed by a poem and prayer. Giles was initiated and welcomed|Jessie Goyne PGC, Sister Kay|few words. Meeting closed in real- . Phi Lawson Parke, She, pest into the auxiliary. Clarke PGC, Mabel Disney PGG, istic form after which refresh-| Ei et Athol Dial 5-1151 " . jaent, took charge. Ihe no Ng Bazaa ds > .|Si Mari 5 t nt sejved. Enjoying a little chat over on September 14, 2 fe grand cominittee for 1957 were Mrs. Cecil Namen fo Fo yore. Shown. | Sister arie Lavender GS, Sister ments were 7] the telephone is Teryle Anne, daug iter of Mr. 2p ] 3 Nor Flett, Mrs. Gordon Shemilt, Miss|taken. Bus fo leave from bus ere! 3 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg- man Lyon and Mr. an haces' |Cora Harvey, Mrs. Lawson Parks minal on Thursday, Oct. 25 7.30 Fully Sel ir aii t dl al A 2 . s, shawa. . ¥, . 25, 7.30} iT y fad a ll Sesh, Keith Craggs, all od Oshawa |The ballots to be returned not p.m. sharp eo | Fi 4 yO Ne TO yeas nt -- later than November 5. | Correspondence of letters and| ¥ ; / i : % : Final plans were made for the cards of thanks were then read.| : ; F MORE WASHING fall bazaar to be held on Novem. Sick members and sick veter.| OTTAWA (CP--Canadian ship- ber 8 at the church. Mrs. Ross ans reports were given, Sick ments of domestic washing ma- Clarke will be in charge of home members in hospital are Mrs. | . i baking. The social convener from'y, a chines increased 15 per cent in the Sach ES will be in charge of Vera Jeffries and Mrs. J. Spen : . feu | | cer. Birthday greetings were sung na 4 . 1 : a 4 y first seven months of this year tol(pa tea room. cer ] S ; i i / / # 166,488 units from 145,068 in the] The November meeting will be or embers celebrating birth ; = k b HY ¥ ? ar cto er 20th " + " L corresponding period of 1955 in 'charge of Group 2, Refresp. ST. GEORGE'S GUILD - ------ ments were served by Group 1 On Tuesday inembers of St: : 2 y 4 , EARLY IMMUNIZATION ors WCTU : George's Guild met for their regu- 1 [1 |} The regular meeting of the jar meeting in the parish hall. : § Stressing the importance of wony Was held in Simcoe Street Mrs. W. P. Whittington presided. early immunization, experts say pnited Church Sunday School Many WA members were pres. 77 per cent of deaths from whoop- room on Tuesday afternoon With ant to hear a report given by vif g 7 3 5 FRE i ee Cal . ing cough occur in children under a good attendance. . Eric Green, who attended the i hi old. Mrs. Fred Williams presided gyn0q4 meeting earlier this year. for only So ------------------ 20 MITS, Charles McLennan led This interesting report told of the a few cents ; in the worship service work women are doing through- a week! real of the fall collection of the Mrs. Clayton Lee took charge out the diocese. Association of Canadian Cou- of yp heels 1, Jaepates, Miss Betty Gulliver, parish 5 ; . Mrs. Williams, Mrs. MIS. worker and director of Christian turiers. Separate lengths of ny- |p" Hartman, gave several Education at. St George's. gave lon chiffon - are interlaced for {highlights of the Provincial con-'an interesting but brief outline of the basket-weave effect. De- vention held at St. Catharines in|the many duties a social or] signed with a neckline plunging |September. The 1957 convention is called upon to perform in al into a deep V in front, the white will be held in June in Simcoe community. i acetate and nylon lace coat has [Street Church. Following adjournment the cocktail-length sleeves and full- The annual bazaar will be held Boulevard group under the lead- ness released below shoulder in Simcoe Street Church on No-|ership of Mrs. P. Walters served | yoke. --(CP Photo) [vember 16. Several conveners'tea. M3 y MAKERS OF QUALITY FURS SINCE 1908 nigrepeg FINEST QUALITY ot ad S-- 2 | Oshawa Times-Gazette PERSIAN SY | Lame CY/4+ if he save himself a modest dry eee |W. ©. "Ma Fur to Depend On on fire in the process . 7 Okay, so that's a pretty lame { 4 o ; : ' y attempt at paraphrasing a fam- /} 3 == fy () a ous quotation, but there's a lot of truth In it, anyway, if not ; y : poetry. . 1 i y . : "'Featherlite" Processed and Dyed by Hollander I've often werned #5 GER MARTEN FURS the simple , ) reason that 2 Ee) : "Cl DIRECT FACTORY BRANCH it seldom gets the de- | 3 IPE = OF ONE OF CANADA'S OLDEST sired results. The Hid ol he Al AND MOST RELIABLE thot does a good job on ome type of stain , 1 ; ] , WHOLESALE FURRIERS may do a poor job on another, \ . or -- worse still -- make the fan men, || S20 vost | quality coats | | EEE 2X Bor te otis id BEER Some et evs EE ve OR MAIL TODAY reason why you shouldn't try to do your own dry cleaning. latest 1957 styles. Most good cleaning fluids are highly dangerous in the honds : % sored vo ing thers. Gosling : PLEASE ALLOW 6 TO 8 WEEKS FOR FIRST MAGAZINES TO ARRIVE fomed 19 unin ther. Gesell MARK AN "X* BEFORE ANY FOUR PROM THIS GREAT LIST ae A ye a poor substitute in the first SIZES 9 TO 42 place, is copable of starting a \ MASAZINGS ie ta aa fire just from the friction you oF Noval nl would use in rubbing it into - the cloth, Other fluids are also " highly inflammable, or are ua | ac " S dangerously poisonous -- which ou're asking for trouble if you ise' them Lor even Prime. quality pelts fashioned in the store them--where they might latest 1957 styles. fall into the hands of children : Much below usual price. So why not evoid ell these risks -- and the fuss and bother % that go with them -- and turn your dry cleaning problems over ag OPEN SIZES 9 TO 20 P.S.: You are cllowed one free guess as to which expert UNTIL dry cleaning firm we recom- mend. The prize -- if you 9 Pp M i guess right --. is one pleosing- od . » » ly perfect dry cleaning job, done FRIDAY for you at our regular rates! 38 Of SB 70 KING STREET EAST at Hotel Genosha ) Dm oo ERE -- mc a 208.8% Much below usual price. - GE GENE SEY GENES WE GE GENS GENES GEN GHEE SE SES GEN GH SESS GH GENS CHS GSS SS GSS GS GS S-- -- -- | [J Redbesk Megenive ........ 2 Yn. [J MeCalt's vee. Yo =] Good Howsehooping .... (m] Toronte Seturday Night [] Cenedian Home Joummel .... [] True Stery Magazine Oo Children's Digest (Ages 5-12) 20 loswes Yrs. Yn. [] Perents' Megexine ..........2 Ym. [] Liberty Megazine Yrs. ] Look (Every other week) .... Yrs. [] Catholic Digest sae: Ym | [[] Modern Screen .. 'ee Yr [] Screen Stories . Yr. 0 Populer Science Monthly ... Yrs. 0 Collier's (Every other week) . Yrs. [1 The Montresior Yrs. [JUS Comers ......000nnune Yr. [] Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer . Yrs. n FamRy Merald end Weekly Star § Yrs. [J Modern Romances .. LA Carrier's Route serena nee [] American Girl ... a 5 - [3 feo (Mentuly) ch i | hereby agree to subscribe for or extend my present subscription to THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Oshawa, Ont., for 104 weeks and the four magazines checked for the time specified, for which | agree to pay 45c per week for a period of 104 weeks. This , 45 cents Pp s full pay t for not only the magazines but also for the Fle row "Times-Gazette, Should unforseen circumstances recult in an increase in the rote of the DO " -- . A" Corada o Times-Gazette or the magazines the 45 cents weekly charge would be increased accord- 0 Lo na . .. ; ingly. [7] Christien Herald Yrs. C} Mudcuirets rR VR NANE ovens AP. NO, uesrnsvains Oo Phetepley 2 Yn (me) Humpty-Dumpty (Ages 3-7) 20 Issues [] The Lamp (Catholic) , ADDRESS Phone No. +.v.e.s [[] Front Page Detective Yrs. [] Sorts Afield ...... ye. PROVINCE ......04s trsesecensannns 0 Compact (the Teen Digest) .. Yr. [] Red And Gun in Canede .... Yr. BUDGET TERMS EASILY ARRANGED [] True Romance ..............2 Ym [7] Le Semedi (Weekly) .........2 Ym. 0 DS oolales veers 20x ALL MAGAZINES MUST BE DELIVERED TO THE SAME ADDRESS [7] Pepuler Gardening Yn. [1 NEW NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBER [J.0LR NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIBFR 3 "PHONE 5-3555§ >) 24 | MAKERS OF QUALITY FURS SINCE 1908 CLEANIT SERVICE ' " Town . S_-- SE SEE SE SID EE SIS GE GE GES SE SEED GN SEN SE GEE SRE ET SE SE GE Ga SE NE SE Rees Seen beeen 0 ooooooooooOoocooooooo § o0oogoooooooaopogoaoagooa