Tra Mer | | of pla POOL OSHAWA BOY SCOUT EXECUTIVES GATHER FOR ANNUAL MEETING | head table guests. Left to rizht are: Mrs. W. J. Naylor, His Worship Mayor W. J. Naylor, | Oshawa Bby Scout Associatioa, at Northminster United Church Thursday night, are some of the Caught by the camera during the Leaders' Appreciation Din- ner and annual meeting of the Boy Scout Enrolment MakesMarkedIncrease ratifying increase in the FACES CHALLENGE ; (litt, Ronald Stuart and Cyril LR of boys enrolled in the| "Scouting in our district is Topp, all of the 7th Oshawa Boy Scout Movement in Oshawa faced with a real challenge that, Troop. ; was noted by Dr. W. D. Warren,|/we cannot ignore if we are to TRAINING CLASSES district commissioner, in his re-| keep faith with the ideals of| Considerable interest : port at the annual meeting Thurs-| scouting in our community and|en in the training classes with 82 day night. He said there are now abroad," the district commission-| registered in the preliminary Cub 19 groups in the city with twoler commented. "I do not have|Leaders Course; 21 in the prelim- more underway. The total mem. to convince any of you of thejinary Scout Leaders Course; 103 bership now stands at 1502, a value of scouting, but I do coun-iin the Bronze Arrow Scout Course most encouraging figure. cil you always have wide vision and seven in the correspon- Reports showed this was aso that your accomplishments dence course. marked increase from 1330 in|may be in keeping with your en-| jt was also noted that 18 father 1956. At the present time there|aeavors and that we may all and son banquets were held as are 794 Cubs, 471 Scouts, 76 Rover remember. "The Boy of our busi- well as countless paper drives, Scouts, 161 Scouters, 360 First ness". 5 parents' nights, special pack Star Cubs, 266 Second Star Cubs, I was noted that eight Oshawa nights, etc. 188 First Class Scouts and 167|Queen's Scouts received their| Special mention was made of Second Class Scouts. In addi-|parchments from the lieutenant-|the fact that badge records in- tion there are 25 with Bushman"s governor at Cooksville in April. | dicate a record year. The variety Thong and 97 Queen Scouts. | They" were; Robert Hooisma and of badges chosen speaks well for There are 19 groups, 51 units,| Kenneth G. Cude, 3rd Oshawa|the guidance of the scout lead- 26 packs, 18 troops, six crews, 18 Troop; John Berlett and Douglas ers. A total of 1276 badges were ladies auxiliaries and 19 group Brock, 5th Oshawa Troop; andl earned during the year -- 389 by Sponsors. George Gudgeon, George T. Pol-'Cubs and 887 by Scouts. Camp Activities | gi See Expansion | The camping committee report, first season of pioneering in vir- ¥ presented at the annual meeting! gin farest. It is hoped that in 1957 of the Oshawa Boys Scouts As-|all Oshawa troops will register sociation Thursday night, showed|to camp at the Adventure Base. that the 1955-56 year had seen The camp welcomed many visi- history made in camping activi-|tors and were very happy to wel- ties of Oshawa Scouting. come Mr. Reg. S. J. Terrett, |i: Camping days for Oshawa Ontario Provincial Executive ; Cubs, Scouts and Rovers num- Commissioner. Camp-sites have: bered 7377, or 177,048 camping |been hewn out of the bush, docks hours. One hundred and eleven have been built, flagpoles erect- scout leaders contributed welljed. Full use of the three dories, over 100,000 camping hours to|10 canoes, and power boat were their unit camp program. T he/made by the campers. eamp standards were good and WATER SUPPLY PROBLEM credit for expansion in the eamp-| It was noted that the problem ing program must be given to/of an adequate water supply for the interest and enthusiasm|/Camp Samac is giving the com- the Camp in/miitee some little concern. For two or three years now the wells v WO its issued number 307.[have been drying up. The coun-| REV. L. D. BEGG Campers registered totalled 11,-|cil hall, up until this past sum-| 348 with 4320 of this number mer, has remained the master campers and 1980 attend-|supply for the camp, but it too events, has now been dry at various per-| Local Pastor roPuLAR da ang To ease. 1 a Tl Fi the fifth year the opera-|t Is Moderator of the swimming pool at, around the camp in the last two Camp Samac enjoyed top prior-|years has caused the natufel eet. | solution] Rev. L. D. Begg, pastor of First ity with a total of 8356 using the water table to Sop many pool regardless of the cool sum-| The most satisfactory pO. Beng: pad yi | the s t of water sup-|Baptis Church, shawa, was f these 4101 were Oshawa|from the standpoint of A bron ava, Wa Cubs % t d Rovers. The|ply seems to be city water, t an . | y 8 8 ' | To bd + So rl Girl Guides, od Lm reported. However, | Valley Association of Baptist campers, lay members and par-| this would be an almost insur- Churches at its annual meeting in ents. mountable undertaking from a|Uxhridge on Wednesday. ; The 1956 camping season, financial point of view. The association consists of though wet and for the most part| The problem of a water supply churches from Whitby to Belle- cold, was notable for the fact that must be faced by the 1957 com- ville anu north to Haliburton and 63 learned to swim and a num-|mittee, the report stated. ber of Royal Life Saving Society CAMP VISITORS {eral with the work in the local awards were won. These included! As in past years Camp Samac| churches, home and foreign mis- five awards of merit, one bronze welcomed many visitors from far ginns the young people's organi- cross; seven bronze medallions and wide. Visitors this year came|,aiions the women's mission cir- and one intermediate certificate. from Australia, the United States, cls, and the men's brotherhoods ADVENTURE BASE | Mexico, Scotland, England, Italy The men of the First Baptist 1056 was the first year for|and Belgium Brotherhood have already assum- Troop camping at the new North-| It was noted that the summer ed responsibility for the annual ern camp-site at Lake of Two Is- staff had done an excellent job Tiavmen's "Retreat lands. The camp opened June 29|It tackled its jobs without thought "Mr Hodge: noderaiomhip bee and closed August 27. Harold Pas- of weather. Its contribution, in r. ee bg ators p coe did an excellent job of direc-|the form of hard labor, included gan Immedia e ¥ and ie, exsey. ting the program and activies of|the construction of the J. Harry uve commitice has ain plan the summer. Almost 200 campers Rigg Memorial Chapel. ned for the first coun, veting enjoyed the wonderful opportuni-| The stockade was finished this ezriy in November ties the Northern camp offered year, providing a place for Scouts and the camping committee con- and Scouters to get together in BIRTH ON POLE gratulate Troops 1st, 4th, 5th, such courses as axemanship, pio-| CARLETON PLACE (CP) 6th, 7th, 11th, 13th, and 15th for neering, etc., to supplement the | cat scaled one of the tallest tele- their splendid camp craft. and swimming and boating during the phone poles in this Ottawa valley scout spirit displayed during the'summer months. town and there gave birth to three --_-- I | kittens Tuesday. Two kittens fell |to their deaths from the 47-foot | pole. The third and its mother were taken down by public utili- ties commission men who went to the scene with an extension New Officers Installed Scout Movement | Has Splendid Year Leadership Is Key To Success Cyril J. Dendy, executive com-|great heights. If a leader can see missioner of Boy Scouts for the|his boys standing high, and tread Province of Quebec, was guest|ing toward a vision which will speaker Thursday night at the an-|{lead him on -- then that is your - Membership Is Increased ~ 400 Over Previous Year | Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, and G. R. MacLaughlin, These |president of the Oshawa and Dis-|bad are pr ted as a {trict Boy Scout Association, told/of expressing gratitude to men {the more than 100 gussts, who/who have shown outstanding ser- {attended the annual meeting of|vice to the scout movement. |the association, last night at the|/A. HARRELL PRESIDENT Northminster United Church au-| Col. R. S. MacLaughlin was was tak-, Missionary Conference nual appreciation dinner of th e|thanks," he concluded. Oshawa and District Boy Scout MAYOR NATLOR SPEARS Association. Over 100 guests at-| Mayor W. J. Naylor in address- : 3 tended the dinner which was held|ing the gathering said that it was Eft in Oshawa. ' previous to the annual meeting of(a great thrill for him to see old 0, ' 2h Nerease of over |the, association in Northminster Scouts, Who De was associated | gring 3 SY aye i i wer- [United Church auditorium. with during his younger days, still|20W 3 Mrs. Cyril Dendy, Cyril Dendy, | and Archdeacor H. D. Clever- | Mr, Dendy. interrupting his talk carrying on the good work. [19 scout groups in Oshawa and on why leaders go into the scout-| "Congenial leaders and scouts|district,"" the president said" in, ing movement, with humorous ex- are the greatest things to develop 8iving his annual report. Cleverdon said that the |periences he has encountered wonderful citizens," he said. | Mr. |Pince becoming a professional] T. K. Creighton, QC, honorary year had been more than grati- |scout, warned the gathering that president of the association, paid| fying to leaders and scouts. "Over lin the past people have made|tribute to the men and women 23,000 trees were planted and con- some fantastic rlaims about scout- Who have acted as leaders in Osh-|siderable renovations were made awa. He said that to see 181 scout|to the Chapel at Camp Samae." "We can do a good piece of leaders, both men and women in| APPRECIATION VOICED {work supplementing the church,|a city of this size, was a reassur-| Appreciation to Col. R. S. Me- {home and school but never get the ing thing to the excellent move- yaughlin was expressed by the {feeling that a scout can do no ment of scouting. . | president, for. the help and guid- The community very deeply ance given to the scout movement |ditorium, that "1956 was the |best year yet for the scout move- | don, retiring president of the Oshawa association. --Times-Gazette Photo. provincial commissioner for Quebec; Dr. W. D. Warren, Oshawa district commussioner | Scout President Reviews Program Archdeacon i Dy Sleverdon, camp, Fortunately insurance oov-| Wrong, This is a base opinion." HP ry Toy president of the Oshawa Boy ered most of the damage and the|he said. i WOrk you leacersiy, Oshawa. y Scouts Association, in presenting cost to the boii was not SOMETHING POSITIVE are doing. Seeing this influence no hava. Jo Specialy Danke his report at the association's an-|more than $350. Mr. Dendy said that the scout extending throughout the com- gift of land in the Haliburton {nual meeting Thursday night| Archdeacon Cleverdon s aid|movement was something positive munity gives thc citizens an ex-/3rea which is being used as an was pleased to note that three|that conservation had been a key|-- fun for the boys and while it cellent indication of the future for|,qyentyre base by the scouts. new groups had been formed dur-|word in the scout movement this|Was fun for the boys it also was children throughout Canada." he "He explained that Apple Day ing the year and there are 400 year and the local scouts had not|fun for the leaders. "Let's keep said. : : had been the most successful he said. In replying to Mr. Creighton, ver held in Osh 0 scout master for ver held in Oshawa. Over $1,600 more boys enjoying the activi-|been far behind in this activity. | it as fun," ties of scouting. | More boys than in other years He stated that a leader must Don Holloway, said that Was raised for the scouts by this B :>|have a great interest in the boys, the 4th Oshawa Troop, Si h he stale) shal We fey vorthery had heen oui sf Camp Samac In| 2nd that his interest must be cre- seeing the boys turn into good citi- metaod. iti th v ' ted its D t summer's op- CHANGE APPLES DAY €€S. lated in the leader by early teach- zens was the leaders main aim. +S ng the increasing en- 3 " iz 5 anks we wish thusiasm among the scouts, Mr. |eration and was a great suc-| More than 100 Scouts and Cubs I arding the headaches and|-- Justis all the thanks Se wish Cleverdon said that over 1200 cess. He expressed appreciation took part in Apple Day with aj. bles and worries that plague| Head table guests introduced by Proficiency badges had been earn- to Col. R. S. McLaughlin who pro-|total of $2529.10 being raised. Inf, jeader Mr. Dendy said that they District Commissioner Dr. W. D.|ed during the year. He stated that vided the camp site and equipped order to save the expense of stor-| were more than compensated by Warren included, Donald Hollo- this was double the number it for the training of the scouts. |age Apple Day will be held 02 the support shown the movement way, Donna Montgomery, Mrs. W. awarded in 1955. Camp Samac had again been Sept. 28 next year. by the public. He also said that a|J. Naylor, Mayor W. J. Naylor, FINANCIAL REPORT actively engaged in a summer| During the year 12 Oshawa Boy leader seeing his lads grow and|Mrs. C.J. Dendy, C. J. Dendy, District treasurer, W. J. Me- program which had added much|Scouts were presented to the gain so much during their scout- Venerable Archdeacon H. D. Clev-|Larty presented the financial re- interest to the whole program. |Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario to|ing years, was the most interest- erdon, Mrs. H. D Cleverdon, T.|port for the year, which showed Archdeacon Cleverdon voice d|receive their Queen's Scout Cer-|/ing experience encountered. K. Creighton, QC, Mrs. A. Har-!that the association had a loss his thanks to Stanley Richardson, | in a revenue of $7,004. He said that this exceeded the amount earned by the camp during 1955, and probably with better weather would have wiped out" the out standing deficits. Total expenditures were listed at $22,135.33, while revenue amounted. to $21,583.35. AWARDS PRESENTED During the meeting Guilwell Parchment badges were awarded tificates. "Scouting enriches a young rell, A. Harrell and Rev. Father gf $551.98. the executive commissioner and| Mention was also made of the hoy's life and urges him on to Lawlor. _| He explained that this was not George McLaughlin, chairman of g---- - - - --~ 9 gland, nest Sumner lo. sommen | ciation has fixed assets valued great interest in the camp and|orate 50 years of scouting an UU Cl bh of $412,162, and current assets heir contribution to scoutipg in| . se u ouse {Powell It is hoped to send a con- Mr. McLarty paid tribute to the (CABIN REBUILT {tingent from Oshawa to this im- Community Chest which assured Referring to the fire at Cabin Te i b | e speaker declared that the i tinued success, with its grant {dent praised the Oshawa Fire association had been saddened by| Members of the Radio Park last year of $18,500 Li department members for their Neighborhood Association, attend 3 Frank Chappell, a past president|! 4 1gof of the building. The building of the association, who had con-| Pleasantly Swpiised to find, thst has been refinished and is again interior of the clubho i i of scouting in the district. looked smart with its fresh ye! BE - ns Ba NR Rh low and green paint. The club- |garten classes in the Westmount { areas. : hockey, it was decided to enter a team in the CRA Pee Wee| beys in the park area will be ap- proached with a view to coaching jamboree in Sutton Coldfield, En-|-- to indicate a poor year. he Asso- {the camping committee, for their ion honor the founder, Lord Baden- E|listed at $5,262. |Oshawa and district. | For Cl I portant event. For C asses the 'Boy Scout movement of con- No. 1 at Camp Samac, the presi-| the death during the year of Col. | . ] 9 efforts in saving the walls and Chappell. a past. president|ing the meeting recently, were Camp Samac cost $11,719 to op tributed greatly to the progress | the the pride of all interested in the house is being used for Kkinder- After a brief discussion of Hockey League. Some of the older | the team. Opens Here Saturday | The annual missionary confer-|/will be telling of the work among lence of Calvary Baptist Church, |the tribesmen in North Thailand. to Salter will be held in the new church, MISSIONARY TO SPEAK Px bs A. Lennick, chairman of the soli- D. ¢. Warren. |elected Patron of the district as- {sociation, and A, Harrell was el- ected to succeed Archdeacon Cle- verdon as president for the eom- ing year. Mr. Harrell expressed the aj preciation of the scouts to Arch- deacon Cleverdon for the standing work he had done for the association during his two years as president. Ww. Paynter was recom- mended by the nominating com- mittee to the Provincial Com- missioner for the appointment as District Commissi . Assistant district commissioners appointed were, R. Nicholson, N. H. Pas- coe, C. Cooper, J. Elliott and Mrs. R. Stephenson. Other officers elected were as follows: Honorary Presidents -- J. H. Beaton, T. K. Creighton QC, J. J. English, A. G. Storie, W. A. Weck- er, J. G. Geikie; Vice President -- Dr. L. J. Metcalfe; Secretary- Treasurer, W. J. McLarty. Association Members -- 8. R. Alger, Dr. W. K. Blair, Dr. J. F. Brock, F. A. Brooks, N. H. Dan- iel, Rev. Dr. P. Dwyer, H. Flint- off, M. M. Hood, A. C. Hall, M. Johnston, Rev. H. A. Mellow, Rev. J. K. Moffat, W. J. Naylor, {G. R. McLaughlin, L. S. Peacock, {M, Starr, MP, W. L. Pierson, {Judge J. E. Pritchard, T. D. { Thomas, MLA, G. K. Shrieve, Dr. |W. D. Warren and T. Wilson. | Executive Committee, T. Ab- thorpe, E. S. Alker, W. G. Cor- ben, A. S. Clark, A. G. Coppin, (Lt. Col. A. G. Coulter, Venerable |Arechdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, B. |S. Edmondson, P. Francis, T. | Hopkins, S. T. Hopkins, R. Hobbs, A. S. Hill, J. B. Hill, 8. E, Lov- lell, A. C. Love, L. M. McMurty. Capt. J. Murray, Rev. B. A. Miles, H. S. Palmer, D. K. Stiles, Ju Sparkes, H. V. Trew. | - - erate during the year, but too TIO Slain By Insurgents In Algeria 'ORAN, Algeria (Reuters)--The French mayor of Guiard and two other persons were killed here today when their car was am- bushed by insurgents on a lonely road near the small town on the Mary MacLean and Eleanor District Commissioner, border of Morocco. French au day the rebel band Lakefield, It is concerned in gen-, - Will Assist Hospital Building - Al .. Dr. Warren also presented Pre-|roaq corner of John and Centre streets,| Wednesday evening's sp from to 21. will be Ken Getty, poy AL Osh- These services are pl so awa resid who, with his 'wife, that the people here in Oshawalis home on furlough from India will have an opportunity to hear where they have labored for the and see by way of films and Lord for the past six and a half slides what is being accomplish. | years. ed in various parts of the world] Thursday and Friday evening by those who have heeded the|the speaker will be Rev. Silas commandment of the Lord Jesus Fox who will soon be returning {When He said "Go ye into alli to India where he has spent {the World and preach the Gos- many, many years. pel." | On Saturday and Sunday, Oct. | Not only will we hear and see|20 and 21, Rev. Douglas Percy what has been done but we will| will be speaking on World Mis-| also see how we, who are blessed |sions. | with the Word of God, have a| Mr. Percy spent ten years in great responsibility to those, who West Africa and is now editorial have not had as yet the oppor- secretary of the Sudan Interior tunity of knowing that "God is| Mission, missionary counsellor Love". {at Toronto Bible College. He is PRAYER MEETING also a member of many mission | The opening service will be a boards. Mr. Percy will chair the prayer meeting on Saturday at Billy Graham meeting Dec. 12 in| 8 p.m. On Sunday Rev. Egic Fife | Toronto. | of the North African Mission will, Twelve members of Calvary| be speaking to the Junior Adult|Baptist Church are serving the| Bible Class at 9:45 a.m. He will| Lord in 'various parts of the| be the guest preacher at the 11 world. Each evening one of these a.m. service and also at 7 p.m. workers will speak for a few | On Monday at 7.45 p.m. Mr. minutes by the way of the tape| Fife will again be the speaker. recorder. i On Tuesday evening Rev. John| The public is cordially invited Kuhn of the China Inland Mission'to all these services. a | | i tions to the pa which will bp ke t for future use. The Sopa; tions included "a childs baking sel, a table lighter, a hunting knife and sheath and 100 hats. A donation of weiners was used at the park closing. A banquet will be held in the clubhouse on Friday, Nov. 9, for the members of the teams which represented the park in compe- tition this past summer. 1t is planned to hold the annual meeting and election of officers on Nov. 21. WEST STARTS TO BRAND CARS 10S ANGELES (AP)--Aut» hubcaps, like calves, are gong to be branded in this part of the West, says the Los Angeles police commission. The commission has just approved a plan to stamp hub- caps with tiny licence num- bers. This would ac'p reduce the $1,000-a-day loss to car strippers, the auto theft detail said. insurgents leaped - trench by the roadside and opened The mayor and a boy avelling in the car were killed. One David = Conway, Ada Harman, Margaret Brown, Audrey Goyne, Shirley Elliot, Janet Oke, Donald Ellison, Gerald Hudson, George MacGregor, Jack Barkwell, Ear] Gatchell, William Law and Wal-|their companions, French farmer ter Ellis. Marcel Castejon, tried to run for Thanks Badges were presented'it but he was cut down. One ear to B. S. Edmondson, A. G. Coppin t d to citing reported on do- Pl FRANK DOWNEY Insurance Men Name Officers Officers for the g year were elected at a meeting of the Oshawa and District Fire Insur-| ance Agents Association. The] meeting, held at Adelaide House, | was chaired by A. H. Murdoch. | The officers are: Hayward] Murdoch, - past president; Frank | Downey, president; Frank Tur-| ney, vice president; L. M. Me-| Murtry, secretary-treasurer; Ha-| rold Roughley, Walter Famme, Edward Disney, Neil Porter and William Emmerson, directors. Bruce Bradley was elected chairman of the insurance: com-| mittee; while Edward Disney and| Frank Downey were named dele-| gates to the convention of the Ontario association to be held at| the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Oct. 18 and 19. | The retiring president thanked the members of the association] FUEL AND HEATING IS OUR BUSINESS E. W. "Elmer" DIXON During the past few weeks you have seen twice weekly in The Daily Times-Gazette, pictures of the office staff who serve you. We will now show you in the following weeks the peoplé@ who service your premises with oil, coal, heating equipment and air conditioning, too! FOR THE BEST HEATING EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Missionary College Concert | The Oshawa Missionary College; Organist Geoghegan was one of | will hold a concert Saturday at three organists chosen to play| 8 pm. in the college auditorium at the Festival of Britain in 1951. F to raise funds for a new $1,400,- He will play the new Missionary 000 hospital, now half-completed.| College Hammond Organ. The concert will feature the all-| Miss Allison, still a teen-ager, girl Leslie Bell singers from To-| has given . several recitals. She tonto, Toronto organist Freder-|is a classical pianist. ick Geoghegan and Oshawa pian-| All concert proceeds will go to ist Violet Allison. Other artists wards paying for the North York] will also appear. | Branson Hospital, | By Corinthian Lodge The officers of Corinthian proposed by Bro. Gordon Brough Lodge, No. 61, Independent Order with the DDGM responding. The ladder. {the Seventh-day Adventist {Church. The hospital will serve! Oshawa as well as Toronto citi- being built by| ; for their co-operation during the year and bespoke the same co-op-| eration for his successor. he association went on record! as commending the Oshawa Fire Department for the excellent | work it is doing during Fire Pre- vention Week. § DELCO HEAT BY GENERAL MOTORS FOR OIL OR GAS TRY POLICEMEN TORONTO (CP) -- Police con- stable William Wilson, 23, denied in court Wednesday that he and another constable, Luke Scott, 25, beat double amputee Bruce Hen- derson with their night sticks while arresting him July 19. The two| officers are being tried on a charge of assault occasioning bod- ily harm laid by Henderson, 31 FUEL OIL COAL TINSMITHING AIR CONDITIONIN" PHONE RA 3-4663 4 are: * Gordon Barton; ! grand, William Calder; RSS, Wil- + Bro of Odd Fellows, were installed|vice grand, Bro. William Lymer, by Bro. Harold Wickett, district extended thanks to the ladies for deputy" grand master of District|the excellent banquet. 41, and members of his staff at| gjster Elsie Greentree, mother an impressive ceremony recent- of the noble grand, not only ac- Iy. 2 {cepted the vote of thanks but took The DDGM employed a unique advantage of the occasion to in- method in selecting the members| troduce Mrs. Christine Greentree, of his staff as he drew two mem-|yife of the noble grand and Mrs. bers from each lodge in the dis-|A Lymer, mother of the vice trict to make up his team. This grand, who served the head table. not only allowed "him to choose Sister Greentree also presented from a wider selection of mem- her gon with an IOOF ring on bers, but also assured each lodge phehalf of her husband, Bro. Ray of representation. Greentree and herself. The good The newly installed wishes of all the lodges in the district were extended. With the calibre of the officers installed the members of Corin- ithian Lodge are looking forward Jack Taylor; financial secretary, | 10, Bother year crowned with fe treasurer, Wil-| any vears chaplain, '. 40 i far, Norn Lint ENT RDS MBKE LIFE EASIER Salt; outer guard, Mervin Linton; A KITCHEN MECHANIC is the warden, Claude Roberts; conduc- tor, Ted Gordon; right supporter name sometimes given to house- wives! of the noble grand, Gordon Brough; left supporter of the no- ble grand, Fred Henderson; right supporter of the vice grand, Cyril French; left supporter of the vice liam Maeson: LSS, Don Gangemi,| Want Ads make a X Following the meeting attended mechanic's" life easier. The dis- a bang convened hy Mrs. Elsie|pose of out-moded and unused Gresfitree, who was assised by| kitchen equipment and permit the members of Sunshine Lodge. her to buy modern items. Ken Greentree acted as! pial RA 3-3492 for the aid of a toastmaster and proposed the want Ad writer who'll construct toast to the Queen an action-impelling ad for you The toast to Grand Lodge was officers "Immediate past grand, Arthur Holdsworth; noble. grand, Ken-| neth Greentree; vice grand, Wil- liam Lymer; recording secretary, | MicNe | Osha day 'kitchen 1 ChestExecutive Is Optimistic awa. He indicated that his com- mittee would have a meeting on Monday of next week and pro- gress announcements would be forthcoming from that date fob- waid, Byron Edmondson and Robert Reddock of General Motors repor- ted that the payroll deduction pan was proceeding satisfactorily in General Motors. L. ganizer., gave a report campeign in general, which show- ed that office planning with re- gard to lists, advertising mater- ils, display materials, etc, was well in hand, PLAN JOINT MEETING It was announced that the Ro- tary and Kiwanis Clubs would hid a joint meeting on Monday, Och. 22 at which Ken McTaggart, prominent newspaper writer, will be the guest speaker on behalf of the Community Chest. The annual canvasser"s winner of which W. A. Wecker, presi- dent and general manager of Gen- eral Motors, is host will be held oa Oct. 23. Rabbi Reuben Slonim of Toronto, will be the guest speaker on behalf of the Com- munity Chesk drive. A meeting of the various chair- men in charge of the functions of the Greater Oshawa Community Chess eampaign of 1956-1957, was held, Thursday noon, at Adelaide House. At this time many of the plans 'were given final approval and a feeling of optimism was sensed in every report The meeting was chaired by | William Paynter, campaign man- |ager, who indicated that the plans for the campaign were in excel- lert shape and that he held high hopes for the success of the citi. zens efforts this year. It was announced by Harold ill that the public speaking finals among the youth of awa, would take place on Fri- Oct. 17, at 7 p.m., at which time a senior and a junior will be chosen Miss Red Feather will be chos- en at the OCVI on Saturday, Oct. Ef OPTIMISM riley Richardson, chairman of promotion committee for pavroll deductions, particu- larly optimistic in the plans that are going forward in the adapta- tion of payroll deduction schemes in the various industries in Osh- | VOI St was extremely V.. McConkey, secretary-or- on the zens. 100-BED HOSPITAL | | The hospital will have 100 beds.| | Provision has been made to ex-| of nearby Richmond Hill. The trial TUNE IN' THE DIXON NEWS -- CKLB -- 12 NOON DAILY was adjourned to Friday. tend it to 153 beds in the near | future. | The hospital will include a training centre for nurses. The (centre will be located on the| southern side of the hospital, overlooking the Don river. | The steel and brick hospital will be three stories high set on 28| acres of land at the corner of Bathhurst and Finch streets in North York A new type of nurse-patient communication system will be introduced in the hospital to cut down unnecessary trips between nurse and patient. | The system calls for eazh bed to be outfitted with a microphone to allow the patient to talk to the SCOUT PRESIDENT Alfred Harrell, who was elect- ed president of the Oshawa Boy Scouts Association. The associa- tion held its annual meeting and Leaders' Appreciation dinner at Northminster United Church. COMING EVENTS MEMBERSHIP MEETING BATHE ry i Q nn. | Park Neighborhood Association in club nursing office on his floor. The house Sunday at 2 o'clock to discuss patient can make his ne ed 3 winter activities 237¢ kr.own, and the nurse makes one OLY trip instead of two to fulfill gaturday, October 20, 4 - them, $1.50, children 75 cents. The hospital is scheduled for and tarry opening on May 12, 1957. This is oct. '1X 16, bs National Hospital Day. BINGO, CORONATION ORANGE -- re Temple Saturday, October 13 at 8 pa. TRINITY TURKEY DINNER 7 p.m. Adults Corner Court 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, WILL HEAD GROUP | OTTAWA (CP)--Health Minister Martin will head the Canadian| delegation to the 1956 Colombo | plan meeting in New Zealand,| Dec. 4-7, it was learned Wednes-| day. During his trip Mr. Martin| also is expected to visit Australia, Indochina, India, Ceylon and Pak listan, CANADA PACKERS' COOKING SCHOOL in Harmony United Church Hall, Oct. 18-19, 8 p.m. Tickets 50c available Meagher's, Simcoe North; Millinery World, Henderson's Book Store. Prizes 2380 12 King St. E. uehler's! Meat Specials! Saturday Only! Phone A 3-3633 Boneless RUMP ROAST LB. 59+ Boneless SIRLOIN TIP we. 69* Tender WING STEAKS ww. 59¢ Boneless Rolled Just come in and deposit your name in box -- No purchase necessary! Shoulder POT ROAST REGULAR SMOKED HAMS ! w 42 FREE!