Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 12 Oct 1956, p. 15

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running in the trials. His concern THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, October 12, 1936 'by Gyurha 7, Ethier 98, Brymyan 96 Hopps 201, 341, Harry Keys 239, Mavis rule sumber four. I should 148 DAILY s s A and Starkey 98. Taylor 239, Wilf McLean 239, 201, Geo. |out that the executive ho Rained John Land will . Dixon Coal sure have missed the help | Wright 229, Jack Mcintosh 229, Gel. will not understand that 4his move will Y OSHA WA BO W LING NE W S of Harry Price and Harry Nesbitt, who Northey 227, Bill Schoenau 225, Oscar prevent trouble of the same kind in the SGTS.' MESS LEAGUE |Oshawa Appliances over Shipping. Erm [now is getting into shape to - HOCKEY SCORES ; are both the hospital. Everybody | Morrison 221, Bruce Hudson 220, Lois | future and also that no bowler has to 22-Dec. 8. | | wishes them a speedy recovery. Hurry McLean 218, Edith McKee 216, Bert |put money on the line if he prefers to | High score this week was won by §. Bell, A. Moseanko high men for winne McKinley 713 304, 232). Nice bowling With the Shipping team short-hand | back fellows your team and the league | Wight 210, Phyllis Hudson 209, Geo. Tay- |have it deducted later out of his prize | P Landy has been bothered by AND STANDINGS 1 Stu. The highest triple the could come miss out, Iv Bad . lor 209, Jack Carr 208, Bert Smith 208, money. MELBOURNE AP) -- John Sore tendons for several months Ee OE Bes Ee ey aon. 2: |yuDiesels by downing olds 31 moved Landy, who has run six of theand a few weeks ago he sald he) p, yg CANADIAN PRESS are trying for the top and losing while | Lovelock 205, Henry Bickle 205, Irene |wer | world' regarded the 5. | another team is picking up four points. |Hooey 205, Pete Wight 203, Ron Howell [were Even 3 real ustle ae they split 2-2 | s ten fastest miles, pulled 8 e 5,000 metres trial as| & A h up with was H. Anderson's 686 310, 213). That 310 was the highest single game rolled for the night | Other triples Girls): B. Sackett 660 279, 212) and B. Gazdik 652 272, 208). icks made a come-| out ~f the Men's Triples: J. Gazdik 605 201, 226, 268); A. Borrowdale 690 236, 213, 241);| G. McCormack 667 (261, 222); B. Rovle | 664 289, 235); W. Mosier 652 263, 205);| J. Bowman 634 252): B. Borrowdale 628 287); B. Blake 622 227, 202); D. Smart 614 243, 216); R. Burr 602 (244). : L. Gilbert 255, E. ' P. Wil- son 225, J. Vickers 219, 27, 205, A. Borrowdale 210, D. Chamberlain 205, J. Blake 204 and D. Wright 200 Men's 200 Scores: J. Bond 271, J. Sack- ett 251, J. Anderson 249, A .Vickers 240, 203, P. Wright 237, T. Gilbert 229, Parrish 228, J. Allison 219, F. Roche 209,| M. Morden 208, G. Wilson 204, J. Hele 203 and J. Jonassen 201 Team Points: The Wireless, Armour- ers. Fitters and Operators beat the Loaders, Drivers, Instructors and Mechanics three, points to one, with the Commanders and Gunners splitting Team Standing: Wireless, Armourers and Operators tied with 7 points each: Drivers 5, Fitters 6, Gunners 2, Li with two men absent. High singles for the night: S. Sm 301, D. Hodgson again 301, F. Ding 294, W. Duffield 276. Donald 730, E. Bell 728, E. Jordan 72 NOTICE: It is each bowler's duty inform his team captain if he is una! to bow! and if you are on nights, to b Friday afternoon, leaving your sc with your name and team name Ww the management of the bowling alley. is the team captain's duty to fill out totals and sign his name on the sci sheets every bowling night. High triples: 8. Schwartz 745, E. M 3 4 § ; | MAJOR "B" LEAGUE Attention all Major "B" Bowlers Last Monday was one of our wo nights of bowling. Several bowl didn't find it worth their while to phe B.|for floats. Out of four nights of bowling this the third time you are being asked call for floats if you are unable to bo you can't reach Cleta Wellman RA 3.3569, there are more phone nun bers in your rules. Please call them i you must and remember that every int you take is valuable at the end of the season not only to your team but to you also, We have a new rule so please take Bie WHATTA GAME Tournament pro Mike Sou- chak's follow through includes Something will have to be done by the |203, Les Gray 203, Stan Paradise 200, a ol Ho i emt |B Boma ts Force: a" 23 "split whicn 5,000 metres tryout Wednesday his legs for the Games. ! : 088, ve Mcintosh, . | 3 : Gladys Williams, Fran Schoenau, Marg. (Placed Bp wo iner-up position. land indicated he might not run in Adios too a Howell, Joan Gray, Joan McComb, Bea dropped Pontiacs by a 3-1 score. In the | the trials at all. Tr Ri Regge on "Hale | o Standings: Sadymen 13, Pus I ign Biggin nll i Bs tra triple of 813 didn't stand up for long, as|geven Ups 9, Jets 9, Slim Jims 9, Aces | Who Sere Short three men aud 4s they, about making the Australian | raining. / | Olympic. team, however, He has FAMILY DOUBLES Landy now has decided only a | complete rest will get his ailing Bo scored the| Tandy doesn't have to worry ankles into shape for further Australian Olympic 2 sort of test ot the condition of Bert Harding rolled a ni : Gi, 5 55 lowed Jane pee 1 bilo T Marmion, Hepcats 6, Orcas helped hl gai show op next weak, who ha (238, 270, 268), Sadie James =~ i id 3 "jit is unfair to not only the rest of the | been assured by the [team but also gives some teams "thy he could es the sige ie LAST NIGHT'S STARS Chicage 1 Detroit 3 'oday's Game 672 211, 200, 261), Ed Dean 667 (245, 211, 211), Howard Read (655, 240, 260), PARTS AND SERVICE points which moves them ahead in the [ack ames ST 267), Naney Brisebois M EN'S LEAGUE race. It only goes to point out that the | | | 3 , Skip Vaughan 644 200,| This week saw the Parts league hit full teams alwgys land on top and the ming ., Bert Trick 634 (236, 269), Ernie the half-way mark and with a little spurt (teams with absentees invariably Fo rare or jeagve fog Be (izle 928 3% Pa. Ar co sehois £18 any jeans could still cop the section | down. | other entrant i 0 ls T | 213, » Steve veloc! + 200), honors. Our attendance was much im-| This week we did ' Bruce Dalton 616 (207, 259). Harry Fayle proved this session but we were still over 700 although Be ne. Ujiie mons, who we Tisocd Jost Week when | 614 231, 202), Audrey Keys 612 (312), missing a few, due to illness, vacations | we did have some rousing singles as our my arm go now. Marg Jaaghan 605 222, 215), and Mad- and new arrivals in the family, but we rejuvenated president Charlie Mason The Standing: Diesels 3 - 11, Vg eline Morrison 605 215, 200) should be in the clear in the future. | showed the way how for Bill Potts 297, halls 2 - 11 Buicks 2 - 10, Maple is fs| ( High Singles: Jack Brightman 267, At a meeting of the executive and Herble Chapman 285. Jack Cook 266, 2 - 9. Cadill " pane | Pete Borrow 260, Bill Hooev 251, Blanche captains, it was decided, with only one Audrey Hircock 264 and Blake Walls 256. » . 7, aM oy 3 : . Ol Frac: Pelecs | Norton 245, Ruth Hopps 212, 245, Johnny ' dissenting vote out of a dozen, to uphold! We are happy to notice some new Chevs 0 i 4 2 Norm Ullman, By THE CANADIAN PRESS 4 od Sloan, Toronto, who scored Detroit ¥d Sim- a pair of goals as the Maple Boston af Montreal he rolled 312. Alright Ed, you can let| -eafs fought from behind in Bos- : {ton for a 4-4 tie with the Bruins. BIG CLOCK » Detroit, The minute hand on Big Ben, scored one goal and assisted on|famous clock at Westminster tory over Chicago at Detroit. Ti |New York at Chicago { Saturday's Games t Toronto who | 200 pounds. in Pontiacs 1 - 6, @nother in the Red Wings' 3-1 vic-| London, is 14 feet long and weighs * notice. Starting Oct. 15, every bowler |will have two chances to bowl off or |eall for floats. If you mess these two |chances up you will be notified that this| you are suspended from the Major "B" P| League for good We have lots of float bowlers who t would like to bowl steady. We will glad- WO |1y place them if we have to ers 2, Commanders 2, Instructors Mechanics 1. MAYFAIR INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Genoshas were the big winners week taking three points from Seven Gillards took two points from Queen Hilltop beat Taylors for two while the ever improving Westmount took points from Fittings. The standing tght- "nga of us know that the Major "BY ened up this week as follows: Queen's 6.1y 000 has been and still is a good Westmount 6. Genosha 6, Taylors 5, Hill League and we intend to keep it this top 5, Seven-Up 4, Gillards 3, Fittings 1 way, The Big Fight are as follows: C If anyone has any complaints we Weeks 692 286); R. Clark 682: H. Can-y,ue a suggestion box. All suggestions field 678; W. Smith 665; D. Conper 662: | or complaints must be signed or they H. Ford 660 202); R. Richard 646; J. shajl not be considered. Let's have a Mackness 626 294) |Jittle co-operation so that this may be No one hit the Lemon League this| 5 good season for all of us. week. The high single game of the night| * gi, ns "and Henderson's whitewashed was rolled by Hilltops with a score of Meaghers and Wards Auto Supply, Wes- 1225. tern Tire, Whites Insurance and Mntor There are still some absentees 50 hoW |v took 3 points while Disney's, Mit: about all the team captains making sure| ob no and Nesbits were left with 1 they have a full turnout next week 600 and over -- Bowlers are: Cleta 0 . Wellman 743, Ede Read'ng 710, Blanche LADIES' BUSINESS LEAGUE Kahenko 612, Phoebe Mullen §'2. Marg This week congratulatiins go to V.|aiptn" goo" (Just made it. Marg.) Dewell with high triple 723 and high "ream standing -- Motor City still in single 277 the lead with 13. Burns 11, Nesbits 9, 200 League -- V. Dewell 27., 205. 241i nso, ppors 9, Hendersons 8, Whites In- B. Crawford 275, 210: M. Slute 209, 201.15 nce 8, Western Tire 7, Disnevs 6 255; M. Woodward. 248. A. Allen 241, C.iw, 4c Auto. Supply 5. Mitchells 4 Wallace 225, 220; J. Duncanson 227, J BE on Loagre Bowlers are '~-- Hazel Bell 224, B. Pearce 223, V. Cruwys 207. yeoisp 88, Mary Tremble 65, Louella 21; S. Hanna 218, C. Collins 218. Iz jaac 92, 95: June Pollard 97, Fdna Nugest 314, 204; 1 Miszich 114 B, Sim-|George 83, Glad Blythe 97, Mable mons . . son » y. P. Peacock 203, S. Powers 202, J. Prit- Broadbent 73, 85, Verna Harding 95. hard 201 a : Memon League -- M. Woodward 68, MEN'S STORE LEAGUE R. Knox 97, D. Greason 67, 61; N.| The standing of the store lea has Blasko 55, T. Richardson 98, C. Burns changed a lot as a result of this week's 68, I. Topham 88. bowling. The A and P Stores 'and Alzers Standings -- Alleycate 11, Pin Pick-/are now tied for first place with a total ers 10, Slow Jets 7, Bell Ringers 7. of 15 points, followed clos by Merry Macs 6, Hotshots 4, Blue Jays 2 Nationals with 14 points. Coulter: hep and Go-Getters 1. |herds Meat Market, Oshawa Box and | UAW LEAGUE . 1 | Brennan 253, Fields 250. a shudder as he tosses away his club after missing a 40-foot putt in a tournament at San Diego, Calif. --Central Press Canadian. {Lumber and Canada Bread have 13 points and the following are still in the running -- Halliday's, Ont. Motor Sales, and Oshawa Bakery with 10 points. The result of the night's bowing was as follows: Oshawa Bakery 4, Oshawa Box and Lumber 0; Nationals 3, Dixon 1; A and P Stores 4, Colls O; Seven Up 3, Powells 1; Coulters 4, Bolahoods Sportshaven 0; Hallidays 4, Barbers 0; Shepherds Meat Market 4, Wards Auto Supply 0; Alger Press 4, Post Office 0; Pedlar People 2, Goch Servee Staton 2 and Canada Bread 3, Ont. Motor Sales 1 The lucky bowler for this week's spe- cial prize was Bruce Semple of Goch's Servce Staton, who had the high single of 316. Other good games were rolled by: Salmers 301, 208, 272, Williams 297, 267, Bradford 294, Sargeant 293, Powell 291, Wage 289, Zarowny Bryans 276, Temple 276, R. Powell 269, Topping 265, Makarchuk 265, Hubbell 262, Carswell 261, Healy 261, Cox 260, Bradford 259, Procher 257, Ristrich 254, The following had 700 for the night: willlams 797, Sargeant 769, Strank 753, Salmers 735, Shirrow 732, Healy 715, Al lison 700 Those with 650 or better: Allin 693, y 682. Fields 676, Bradford 668, huk 657, Shrobbrook | 653 and Zarowny 652 | The Lemon Leaguers were increased Not many changes from last week, a few improvements but three teams in section 1 were short-handed leaving the rest of the boys to carry the load. Let's turn out in full force next week Team Standings Section 1: Black's 10, Berg's 9, Bond's 8, Harrison and Kins- man 6, Flyn's Sport Shop 5, Canning's 4, Werner's 4 and Drivers 2. Team Standings Section 2: Pleasure valley 11, Oshawa Appliances 8, Local 2784 6, CKD 6, Cutters 5, Machine Shop 5, Houdaille Hershey 4 and Shioping 3 Section 1: Black's Men's Wear cap- tured 3 points from Joe Flyn's Sports Shop. High man for winners 8. Smith H. Godfrey and K. Whiley for losers Berg's Men's Wear won 3 points from the Bonds Clothing boys with 8. Schwartz and K. Cameron leading their team to victory. J. Wison high for losers. Werner's took 3 points from Can ning's with C. MacDonald, Fisher, F. Dingley bowling good for victors The Houdaille Hershey No. 1 team have changed their name to the Har. Aso .u ready for the Travel Season? If not don't worry, fet us . . . | | we'l rison and Kinsmen Hdwr. It must have been a lucky change because they over- whelmed the Drivers 4 to 0. A, Eyeman high man for winners with 692 with B. Powell also giving a helping hand. Section 2: The fast rolling Pleasure make your reservations, arrange transportation, keep you posted on co ot no extra cost. DIAL RA 3-9441 'c have @ direct Toronto Telephone Line for prompt Airline Reservation ditions ond rates . . again took 4 points from th¥ CKD team. E. Jordan high man with 726 for winners. Houdaille Hershey No. from the short. d and Co., Canada Ltd. Dial RA 3.9441 Buick Special 6-Passenger 4-Door Riviere bu get 2 ple in scores. J. Sa Owned and Op by Thomas his team the Local 2784 took wight rman] 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA with 863 for losers. Also winning 4 points this week was [ The message below tells you what a difference ENERJETS can make in your health--your happiness--your life. Please read every word of it. BUT TEST THEM FIRST by sending for a 10-day supply at our expense. Just forward | your name and address .(plus .25¢ to cover packaging, handling and postage) to The Dr. | A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Ltd.,, Oakville, Ontario. Then you'll KNOW how much better ENERJETS can make you feel! fs AT OUR EXPENSE ENERJETS won't help you "IF" you don't need them. "IF" you do-- THEY MOST CERTAINLY WILL! OW'S THE TIME to take your pick of the brand-new 1956 Buicks-- and know the fun and satisfaction of bossing the Best Buick Yet. Why now? Because right now your present car is at its peak worth. .: And because right now Buick prices are mighty easy to take. (Who knows what next year's prices may be?) And because right now our volume sales of this fast-selling BIG car permit us to make you an eye-opening trade-in allowance. But you'll pick far more than just a money-bargain when you pick a *56 Buick. You'll pick the only car with advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow® --world's most modern transmission. Bonanza Trade-in Allowance your pi t car is at its peak valve right now. And because-- with Buick so popular everywhere across the country--our bigger sales volume permits us to make you an even better trade-in allowance. S IF YOU FEEL WORN OUT... Youll wish it were | ; SIRITAVRRLTI after you read this message about your health You'll pick the car with a power-packin®' new V8 engine. And a new sweet-riding buoyancy. And a new "sense of direction' handling-ease and road-steadiness--the car whose extra roominess and extra luxury say "BUICK", and nothing else but. : So drop around the first chance you get, like foday for instance, and pick yourself the best buy you ever made --in the most automobile Buick prices start right next to nose of the smaller cars. But those Buick dollars buy you a whale of a lot more automobile--more room, more power thrill, more styling freshness, more ride stability, more solidity of structure--the Best Buick Yet. The Enerjets box is like a calendar. It contains 30 squares --each THIS BOX Pauare contains REMEMBERS your daily dose, FOR YOU! It automatically your money ever bought. * New Advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow is the only Dynaflow Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadmaster, Super and Century-- optional at modest extra cost on the Special. reports your 30- * dayprogres gives Enerjets a chance to help you every day. 2 great time Yo buy @ @ spacious SUPER. Better see ° real ! ter see 'em Get 4-season Comfort in your 1 new Buick with genuine FRIGIDAIRE CONDITIONING A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Bonanza Resale A Buick always resells high. But the "56 Buick will bring you even more money when you trade it because it carries today's new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*. It's the most advanced trans- mission yet developed--and the only one that' breaks with the past to bring you the switch- pitch performance and gas savings of the modern plane's variable pitch propellers. If you drag through the day feeling worn out and tired, mad at youfself, cross at others . . . YOU MUST FACE THIS FACT! Whether you Work in the home, on farm, factory or office, you may eat plenty, but still have a diet very low if VITAMINS AND MINERALS. Es- ecially if you're a fussy eater, or 'eat what you like instead of what's good for you. If you suspect your diet is cheating on Vitamins ¢ and Minerals, get started today on the Enerjets . . . you should experience new vigour, a buoyant 30-day plan. This scientific formula has proven feeling of well-being, the happy companionship of effective because it combines 7 Vitamins, 3 your family life. : Minerals, plus Liver and Iron . . . and all in one Like so many others--you'll find the Enerjets £asy-to-swallow capsule. Adult dose two capsules a formula helps supply the Vitamins, Minerals, Liver = day. Children under 12, one capsule. and Iron needed to keep you and your family ih top . rom P condition; to build up resistance to colds and other Get Enrjots 7, Your Druggist Today! $9.95 for e 1] less money. You must be greatly pleased or we'll refiind every pe ou paid. 4 winter ailments, 60 Capsules A DR. A. W. CHASE PRODUCT WITH VITAMIN B.: ADDED | . | { HAS LACK OF PEP GOT YOU WORRIED? 10 DAYS FROM NOW, when you reach square 10 in the Enerjets box you won't have to be told how much better you look and feel. You'll notice your appetite improve your body feels rested, alert, ready for action. Enerjets are building you up, helping you feel better than you have in years! When You Reach Square 30 Ks mee WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM EN-63 ENERJETS cost $5.95. The potency and high standard of excellence could not be duplicated for CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED | 266 KING STREET WEST. OSHAWA WHITBY, ONTARIO You Are Fully Protected {30 Doy Supply) . . WINERAT

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