ed the newly elected officers. Oc- LOOKING AHEAD . HANDSOME GIFT FEW SPONSORS CAUTIOUS TYPE -~ tober 26 was announced as the] LONDON (CP) -- An CINDERFORD, England (CP)--| BIDEFORD, England (CP)--A| SALTHILL, Republic of Ireland \ TIES ger wrote to officials at|A stranger called at the manse competition for the most charm- LODGES AND SOCIE date when the books of the chap-| PASE Alrport asking: "I am ex-|in this Gloucestershire community|in De So this gharm- (CP)--A bus conductor found ter would be closed for audit. |pecting a baby when I am due to|handed the vicar's wife a package shire town attracted only two en- handbag containing £1,041 and re- SUNBEAM CHAPTER {Lloyd Wood; secretary, Mrs. Me-| Following the farewell by the|be flying in September. Will it be| "for the church" and hurried|tries. Entries had to be submitted turned it to the woman who lost Miss Evelyn Moore, Worthy|ta Moore; treasurer, Mrs. Agnes worthy matron refreshments|possible to have it in the air- away. The package contained by sons-in-law or daughters-in- it. She gave him a reward of four Matron, presided over the meei-|Kemlo; conductress, Miss Flora were served. plane?" £100. law. shillings. ing of Sunbeam Chapter recently|Purdy; associate = conductress, in the Masonic Temple. . Betty McKinstry; trustee a" " Gotham Mrs. Ethel Martin, Mrs. Thami- A full size ease of fine bleached cotton: . . . : | | LONS Introduced and welcomed were| = "sroqiand Mrs. Mary Pollard. beautifully hand-embroidered in many attrae- First Quality -- Full Mrs. Anne Creighton and Mrs. Auditors, Mrs. May Lang, Mrs. tive designs. Each pair cellophane wrapped end Fashioned. 51 Gauge, 15 Meeta Moore, PDDGM's; presid- ie licens, Ve PICkaArd. o Dar|pauce MeLsese, Mrs. Luella gift boxed. Reg. 2.29. 197 Denier or 45 Gauge, 30 PAIR Denler. 40 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, October 12, 1956 Oshawa Kiwanis Club Opens Fall Season With A Dance Rants ol cLeess, a) yo harin, Last Thursday night at the Ju.|S. A. Willson, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. ry Shelley and Lloyd Wood; visit-| ja Ki-| Walker. be: f Sunbeam ble Pavilion the Oshawa K Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holland, oe Members 0 wanis Club opened its fall season | yr. and Mrs. E, E. Southern, R. | with a highly successful dance| yy Reed, Mr. and Mrs. E. STs, tel Matis Jepuried ou when many couples enjoyed danc-|yf. and Mrs. V. Freeborn, Mri ner which will be held on October | ing to tie music of Jack Denton and Mrs. C.F. Foote, Mr. and\pf Admission $1.25, children 75 and his orchestra. In the spotiyp. "nr 'B Reed, Mr. and Mrs. gents. Miss Flora Purdy, who| dances the following ladies were|p 5 'Reed, Mr. and Mrs. G. Sal-|convened a night of cards on Sep- the winners: Mrs. Roy Sawyer |i . "wg and Mrs. J. Harris, Mr. tember 20, gave a successful re- Mrs. George Mills, Mrs. Clarence| ,/ 4 'Mrs. Fred Kitchen, Mr. and| port, Clarey and Mrs. Ivan Parrott. Ine p. J, Crothers, Mr. and" Ap invitation to Sunland Chap- Among those attending were: Mrs E. L. Disney. |ter of Suriderland on October 19 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henry, Mr.| WM: and Mrs. H. K. Jackson,|was accepted. A donation of and Mrs, C. Hewits, Mr. and Mrs. | Mr, and Mrs. J. Jackson, Dr. and|$25.00 to the Juvenile Hockey As- George Campbell, Mr. and Mrs./pps R. E. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. sociation was approved as was a Walter Libby, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-| Keith Gahan, Mr. and Mrs. Dean donation of $50.00 to the Florence| ert Dewland, Mr. Kenneth Smyth, McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. J. V.| Nightingale Home, for the pur-) Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibbie, Mr./saunders, Mr. and Mrs. W. D./chase of bedding. ! and Mrs. William Clary, Mr. and McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. J. El-| Election of officers followed] Mrs 1 W. Parrott, Mr. and Mrs.|jjott, Mr, and Mrs. A. Jubb, Mr. when the following members C. A. Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- and' Mrs. Grant Mcintosh, Mr. were elected: Worthy Matron, ray Powell, and Mrs. A. E. Johnson, Mr. and|Mrs. Alberta Edwards; worthy Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Souch, Mr. Mss. R W. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. | patron, Mr. Frank Train;asso- sad Mrs. R. A, Patte, Mr. and Morley. Finley, Mr. and Mrs. R. ciate matron, Mrs. Dorothy Ha- Mrs. George Mills, Mr. and Mrs. H. Broadbent. ; (ley; associate patron, Mr. M. Swanger, Mr. and. Mrs. Don-| Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Storie, Mr.| -- ald Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. A, Brown, Mr. and Mrs. | HOUSEHOLD HINT Baker, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Lang- R. F. Weeks, Mr. and Mrs. H.| presh perfume stains on wash- maid,$ Mr, and Mrs, P. E. Will- Like, Mr. and Mrs. William Bel-| ape fabrics usually yield to' soap- son, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Staple-|lingham, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. and - water laundering. If the ton, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Murdoch,| Johansen, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. L. tain is on a non-washable fabric, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Moore, Mr./Gay, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gay, Mr. sponge with cold water. and Mrs. W, C. Famme, Mr. aq and Mrs. G. Vineent, Mr. aud a hada Mrs. R G. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. L.| | Mrs. A. R. Garrett, Mr. and Mrs.|R. Sawyer. old a enh! are paid to men of 65 years and to GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES |= === YOU'LL SAVE $ § SHOPPING Ivert and Bam Chapies a FC a ona The worthy matron thanked the a tiscrutineers of the election and t and trons of past 3 aD ary Bie Mrs, Vivian Pickard congratulat. lop, Meta Moore, Thamison Med- | land, Laura Stewart, May Lang, CHINESE HAND EMBROIDERED Botany Wool -- Orlon PULLOVERS and . CARDIGANS Made by ene of Canada's fomous sweater manu- facturers whose name has been withheld by re- quest . . . These sweaot- ers are noted for their softness and shape-re- taining washability . , double looped necks . . . ribbon backed button holes on cardigans. Some may have slight defects that are unlikely to af- fect their wearing quali- ties while most are re- duced because colors or styles have been discon- tinued. When Every Minute Counts OCTOBER BARGAIN This well known branded hosiery ls evaligble In Evéning sheer or Walk- DOUBLE BED ing sheer weights . , . Newest Fell shodes end in the Gotham Gold FLANELETTE BLANKETS 35 Sizes 8% to 11. OCTOBER BARGAIN PAIR 90: 2 pair 1.75 500 YARDS--ALL WOOL SUITINGS COATINGS The most outstanding lot of ALL-WOOL COATINGS end SUITINGS we have ever offered at this price . . . We were at the mill when they decided to clear production odds and we were able to make terrific savings which we have passed along to you , . . . MATERIALS--Tweed -- Poodle -- Flecks -- Wool end Fibrene Novelties. WEIGHTS--Suitable for Dresses, Suits, Coats. COLORS--Blue, turquoise, beige, tan, brown, rust, geld, green, pink end scarlet WIDTHS--S54" to 58". Prices formerly 3.98 to 7.95 yerd. OCTOBER BARGAINS 2 98 u YARD Sudden illness? Your || physician's prescription will be promptly and ac- curately filled by our reg- istered pharmacists, and delivered on-the-double. POWELL"S DRUG STORE 35% Simcoe St. N. RA 5-4734 Firmly woven well napped to keep you warm and cosy. These are whipped singly and finish ed with stripe border of pink or blue. Save 1.41 on each pair during 4-57 OCTOBER BARGAIN DA SIZE 70 x 90 PAIR COTTON PRINTS "Wabosso" and "'Texmade" made cotton prints at a worthwhile saving . . . Choose from a very large selection of patterns end colors suitable for your Fall sewing needs for home and bazaar. These are all regu- larly priced prints ot 49¢c to 55¢ a yard. 36" wide. OCTOBER BARGAIN 35¢ vard 6 Yards for 2.00 ® Styles ere Cardigan, V-neck, or Round Neck. P in plain end fancy knits. @ Materials ere Botany Wool er Orion. ® Colors--10 pepuilar shades ® Sizes 34 te 40, (Not all sizes and colors in each range --- please shop early for best selection) Long Sleeve Long Sleeve Cardigans Cardigans Reg. fo 7.98 8.98 Reg. to 6.98 4.99 LADIES' PYJAMAS Many well-known brands are included in this offering, of Cotton Broadcloth and Flannelette pyjamas . . . come in and see the variety of styles, patterns and colors offered at this great saving. Sizes: small, medium and large. Reg. to 2.98. 90 WARD' STORE OPEN TILL 9 TONIGHT Short Sleeve Pullovers - Reg. to 5.95 3.99 CHALLENGER GROUP | hostesses served refreshments. | The regular meeting of the| Sister Courtwright thanked Sis-| Challenger group was held at Al-/ter Spencer for her cordial hos-| bert Street United Church. Mrs. pitality. The next meeting will be Clayton Lee, president, presided. fou November 12. Mrs. Albert Walker was in charge . of the devotional period. A read-| SCOUT MOTHERS' EX. BOARD ing was given by Mrs. Lee, Mrs.| The regular meeting of the 8. C. H. Atkinson led in prayer, Scout Mothers' Executive Board and Mrs. J. W. Wiltshire read the was held recently scripture lesson. The soloist was The angouncements of coming Mrs. C. L. Morgan and Mrs. events of the different groups Walker gave a reading on Thanks- were as follows: Rummage sale iving. A hymn and 'Thoughts at St George's Anglican Church 'or the Day" brought the devo-/parish hall on October 12. Tea tional to a close. {and bazaar at Albert Street Uni- The minutes, roll call, treasurer ted Church on October 15. Tea and sick committee reports were and bazaar at St. Paul's Presby- read. Final plans were made for terian Church on October 31. the bazaar and a shower will ve] The annual meeting will be held held on October 19 at the home of in the form of a dinner on Octo- Mrs. Reginald Pike ber 11, at 6.30 p.m. at Northmin-| f° ter United Church LAUREL GROUP 5 : . The Laurel Group of St. An-| The election of officers will be drews United Church W.A. met in held at the meeting on October the church parlors, with the vice- 25. Mrs. Willlam Corbett, Mrs. J. president, Mrs. S. J. Nobbin pre-|T- Kellington and Mrs. H. L. An. siding. Following a short devo- derscn were appointed as the tional period, the plans for assist- nominating committee. Refresh- ing at a congregational dinner ments will be served at this meet- asd a wedding, and other busi-|ing Fy the present executive. ess matters were discussed. | » | FEWER MARRIAGES Mrs. A. W. Bradford introdue-| 1 ed the speaker, Miss Dorothy| The marriage rate in Australia per 1,000 popula- VanLuven of the OCVI staff, who|dropped to, 7. e J { spoke on "Modern Art" and il tion last year, against 9.18 in 1951. | lustrated her talk with colored THE NEWEST THINS COTY "24" | KEEPS YOUR Ips OCTOBER SALE SIMCOE AT ATHOL SAVINGS Drapery - Curtains V4 TO V2 OFF REGULAR PRICES WHEN YOU TAKE THIS LIPSTICK CT ; OFF AT NIGHT, THE COLOR STAYS ON! LIPSTICK 2° Mrs A. W. Armstrong thanked Miss VanLuven and presented her with flowers. Refreshments were served by Miss May Storie and Mrs. Doug- las Storie, | LEND-A-HAND CLUB The Lend-A-Hand Club met at the home of Sister Idella Spencer.| After roll call the minutes of last regular meeting were read. Sister Helen Kinsman, sick convener, gave a very lengthy sick report After other committee reports Sis- ter Helen Courtwright presented) Sister Annie Thrasher with af birthday gift. She was 86 on] Thanksgiving. All sang birthday) greetings to her Mrs. George Thrasher of Bow- manville delighted the members with the showing of moving pic- tures of interest after which the LIMITED TIME ONLY!| IN CANADA It's just arrived from Britain!--the overnight success of N. America--the amazing KnitKing! Mail the coupon right now-- you will soon be another happy Speed -knitter . . . Knit garments in 35 minutes: A sweater in 45 mins. A dress in 85 mins.-- that's speed -knitting on your precision engineered KnitKing. The only Home Knitting Machine on which it is easy to knit a garment for a Family of Five in under 3 HOURS--average time 35 MINUTES each! A pair of Man's Socks in 35 MINUTES, and a pretty Scarf in a mere 15 MINUTES, a glamorous Evening Dress can now be AUTOMATIC HOME um KNITTING MACHINE knitted in 314 hours and an elegant Fall Coat in under 5 hours. Only KnitKing has all these special features. Over 30 rows and 5,000 stitches per minute. Knits 1 oz. of wool in 2-3 minutes! Any wool frong finest 1 ply to Double Knitting. One movement--one row--completely automatic Speed Knitting -- The Modam Wow / Improved! Wind & Weather Lotion, Now contains "Sil. cones" for protec tion of sensitive Has the widest tension range--equivalent to hand needles 6 to 14! The number of stitches per inch can 'be regulated exactly as in hand knitting. The only Home Knitting Machine with the exclusive Stitch Sinker Mechanism which automatically feeds out the full width finished knitting! The only Home Knitting Machine on which you can mm in the middle of a row for quick heel shaping, arts, etc. Only the KnitKing has the amazing new Tele-Tension Dial which sets any tension at a flick of the fingers! skin; "Allantoin for healing; "Hexa- chlorophene" for defense against in- fection. It softens and smooths. Use it as a make-up base | too! | 6 OZ. SIZE, REG. $1.23 only 75¢ | 12 oz. size Reg. $2.50 Only $1.50 WI Rich Cream | Especially formu. | lated for "under 30" skin: Aids in counteracting flakiness . . ; | softens fatigue lines and refresh. es tired dry skin; 4 OZ. SIZE, REG. $2.78 TWO KNITTING LEAFLETS WORTH 30 Cents Containing patterns for 5 Family gar- ments knitted in under 3 hours (average time 35 mins.) and Two 45-Minute Sweaters-- written for hand or machine knitting--7 USEFUL GARMENTS IN ALL! Also fascinating 36-page Colour Brochure with fullest details of the won- derful new Automatic KnitKing. CANADIAN KNITKING PORT HOPE eo ONTA The KnitKing is 3 MACHINES IN ONE! 1. A high speed Home Machine for rapid production on a@ commercial basis! 2. A Jacquard and Intricate Pattern Machine! 3. Sock Machine and 3-D Knitter! CANADIAN KNITKING LIMITED PORT HOPE * ONTARIO . TELEPHONE: TURNER 5-2453 LIMITED RIO NAME on ADDRESS cece i f i : : ; ! ! I ! ! I | i Photographic" Everything yg OSHAWA 230 Jue st. 0 MA 35778