Denmark Shows Faith In. Women TORONTO (CP) -- Danis women have so established their position in the business and pro- fessional world that there is no| need for feminists there, says Mrs. Clara Hammerich. A translator, author and expert cook, Mrs. Hammerich is making a lecture tour of North America, | sponsored by the Danish govern-| ment. President of the Copen-| hagen Soroptimist club, she de- scribed women's place in Den- {CHILD GUIDANCE made to feel that prompiness at, For specific offenses, : apply Sunday school is something just some penalties. as important. (My bulletins, "The Young Ghild How Parents Can Teach Child pi rhe. ats Smter Scr Vom tli iy Importance Of Sunday School : bss sending a self-addres- {school as important. Practice reg- Sed. stax By G. CLEVELAND MYERS wkd envelope to me in {ular and prompt attendance. care of this newspaper.) In many homes with children under ten or twelve, Sunday | Both parents should go®with the 615 |during the week, and most go to children to Sunday school if there morning is the most hectic in the whole week. Getting the children the same school. some don't go to is a class for adults. or at least ready for Sunday school becomes school: the rest know they must|/eBough on Sunday morning so DRAPES - CURTAINS APPETIZING FOOD Canadian factories shipped 80,- {000,000 pounds of macaroni, Spa- Most children like to go to! rise early|ghetti, noodles and such in 1955, {Sunday school at all. Those who!take them there. do, go to different places. Have the family i for | a major undertaking. {and their parents know this, too. that you will mot be pressed for | | time. Be strict and decisive in re-| One thing that makes it so hard [If a child is absert from school, | i ach child. it he is oli is that Sunday school attendance his parents must write an excuse. |enough, to do ms morning chores mark to members of the Toronto Soroptimist club. "Half the women in Denmark work outside their homes and with maids in short supply, car- ing for a family poses somethin of a problem," said this talented widely-travelled woman. is not usually considered an im-|No such pressures come from portant as day school attendance. Sunday school. promptly 2nd ® pe Srested Sod Every time a Sunday school EXCUSE NECESSARY {ready on ie. ol Jerate 0 class is missed, the child is less School opens at a regular hour ling and viewing TV. eager to go next Sunday. Then, and parents must write an excuse | Don't let yourself drift into ry VENETIAN SHADES eT 12 face ure WARD' Simcor got Athe Dio while all the child go to school' for each tardiness. Yet nobody is habit of nagging the children. see, hear, prove the new 10-in-1 FS 4 4 ier fice for the coming year are Mrs. E. J. Reed, past presi- | Southern, treasurer. (back row) | Mrs. R. J. Bowers, Mrs. G. J. dent; Mrs. R. A. Donald, presi- | Mrs, 'G. G. Garrison, bulletin Mrs, from L to R (front row) Mrs. | gone! Mrs. John MacLean, se- | editor; Mrs. R. I. Wotten, Mrs. Poirier, directors; Doug- Kinettes who have taken of- | HL W. Armitage, secretary; | cond-vice-president; Mrs. Earle | L. E. Ripley, Mrs. A. C. Stone, las Lowe, registrar, #® Wear it as an aid--or any num ways! # At least twice the power of the average eyeglass aid! * 10-Day Money-Back tee, Other Zenith to from $50 to $150! COME IN TODAY! Imperial Optical Kinette Club Instals Officers At Opening Dinner Meeting The Kinette Club of Oshawa Mrs. George Garrison; directors, {held its dinner meeting recently Mrs. Gregory Poirier, Mrs. Lewis in the Piccadilly Room in the Rinley, Mrs. Roy Wotten; Mrs. Genosha Hotel. Arthur Stone, Mrs. R. J. Bowers. Following Grace by Mrs. An- Following the installation Mr. thony Geopfrich the dinner was F. J Reed presented past presi- enjoyed in the surroundings of dent Mrs. E. J. Reed, with a past i gaily decorated tables with the precident's pin. |Greive. A special welcome was theme of Hallow'een. Past presidents, Mrs. Monty extended to Sugsis, ay. Gerald 15 KING ST. W. : Si.'S.' OSHAWA Foilowing the dinner the presi- Cranfield and Mrs. E. J. Reed, Thompson an rs. Howa ce. " 22'2 SIMCOE ST. S., dent of Hin Bl Kinsmen Club, |gave an informative talk about the| The next dinner meeting will be | "WE SEND MEDICINES TO EUROPE -- POSTAGE FREE (Above Home Dairy) Mr E J. Reed, installed the of-|activities at the annual convention held on Tuesday, November 6, a COMPANY ficers for 1956-57 as follows: Past for Kinsmen Clubs across Cana-|the Genosha Hotel. president, Mrs. E. J. Reed; presi- da. held at Jasper National Park. | dent, Mrs. R. A. Donald; Ist vice: Mrs. Reed showed slides of the o a yr fa y - : y 2 Jaken up fF 2 needy amis. Re. president, Mrs. E. H. Webster; beautiful scenery and of the ras : gs Se ! . 2nd vice-president, Mrs. John lodge in Jasper Park. grour rio L MacLean, secretary, Mrs The highlight of the dinner was SIMCOE STREET WA Harvey Armitage; registrar, Mrs. the presentation to the club of the The Women's Association of Douglas Lowe; treasurer, Mrs 'Marg. Reed' Trophy, to be Simcoe Street United Church met| Earl Southern; bulletin editor, awarded annually to the outstand.| on Tuesday afternoon in the me- -- morial hall for the quarterly], meeting. Mrs. Rex Harper, presi- dent sided. : ent presided. the OBTAINABLE AT ALL GOOD STORES FROM COAST TO COAST and kindergartens for those be-| Your Physicians eyeglass hearing aid '"We are only just starting and hearing of other she found the slang puzzling when | tween three and seven. The| charge is based on ability to pay. | Mrs. Hammerich said there are | | . . . I think as women progress, they | 4 hs ~~) the amazing new will distinguish themselves more . " a " and more, now only in my coun-| Our Pro n r try but everywhere," she said. =, she came to translate American RY L VELL books into Danish. | The problem has been met by | two Danish women government ministers and Denmark also has] Mrs. Hammerich transla-| tes from six languages and is Vis- | PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS OSHAWA nurseries for children up to three "C . | ompounding . had a woman minister of justice. | iting the United States because BOWMANYVILLE ing Oshawa Kinette for the year. | Following a lengthly business) meeting a social hour was enjoyed | with prizes being won by Mrs.! Douglas Lowe and Mrs. James 530 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-3546 MA 3-5778 8 King St. E. RA 3-2245 "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, October 12, 1956 9 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES in connection with a Christmas party to report back at the No- vember meeting. A collection was F AND L WORKERS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Fur and Leather Workers of Local 205 held its regular meeting at the home of Sister Esther Adair. Sister Kay Melenchuk, the pre- sident, presided. Roll call showed 18 members present Children's Christmas party was planned for Dec. 6. Committee to arrange party are Sister Bess Homes, Sister Grace Gledhill, Sister Esther Adair and Sister Louella Homes. New members welcomed to the auxiliary were Sister Ruth Mac- Carthy, Sister Lillian Shortt, Sis- ter Yvonne Shepperdson and Bister Sybil Burnett A social evening followed with bingo played and refreshments served by Sister Gledhill, Sister Homes and Sister Adair The next meeting to be held at the home of Sister Ruth Mac- Carthy, Kawartha avenue, on Nov. 13 ONLY 7 DAYS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of THIS GREAT OFFER! treasurer's report, Mrs. Cyril Weyrich repd the secretary's re- port in the absence of Mrs. Frank Black. The 10th anniversary of the Preshytery Women's Association will be held in King Street United Church on October 25. | Mrs. E. G. Legge's group will have a bazaar and tea in the church parlors next Tuesday afternoon October 16. Mrs. Carter announced the Cooking School in the memorial hall to be held next Thursday and Friday evenings, October 11 and CWL A regional' meeting of the Ca- tholic Women's League for thé Ontario County south region was held in the parish hall of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Port Perry. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Paul Dwyer, regional director. The new presi- dent, Mrs. Larry Ruest, presided and introduced the guests, Mrs. TAILORED UNDERWEAR > Miss Millicent Luke conducted the devotional period of the meet-| ing. Mrs. Cecil Worden played the| piano for the singing of the hymns. Mrs. Uriah Jones intro- duced Mrs. Donald Stiles, secre- tary of the Consumers Association | ic Who said the CAC was very ana "the Reverend C. Sfulvinil anxious to get new members and od !'to educate the women o Freh-dlocesan director of Toron- ,. .¢ the various items they buy, | 3 Dwyer presen to be sure they get value for the/ y A Teague "pin hein was arranged vy! in appreciation of her untiring|.. e Es 2 es 'work as president of the Region V\™S: air, Mrs. ag for the past two years. Bradley and the Sunshine group.| The guest speaker, Mrs. R. E.|A social hour was spent at the Wilson, commissioner of the north|close of the meeting. district, Oshawa Girl Guide As- sociation, gave an interesting talk on guiding from the '"'tween- eys" to the "sea rangers'. Mrs. David, Mrs. Markle and Father Mulvihill also spoke briefly. Also altending were Father Darby. Ajax; Father Austin, Whitby and Father Wubels, Port Perry Mothers -- for top quality underwear, always look for the WATSON'S label. It symbol- izes the best value obtainable... means longerwearing garments, ..a real saving in money! The complete line offers every i style, for every member of the family for any season. ~ Choose Any of These Popular a2ines HOUSEHOLD HINT Choose fast colors. Non - fast dves require cooler water, mild- er. soap and shorter washing time than is necessary for effec- tive cleaning. | JUST RIGHT FOR SiS WATSON'S pert ponties ond vests. Comfortable and long-wearing. Products of the finest materials and careful cutting. Available in 0 wide choice of cot- fons, viscose and mixtures. LENORE GROUP The highlight of the monthly meeting of the Lenore group held in the parlors of Simcoe Street United Church, on Tuestiay even- 'wg was a travel talk by Mrs Lucas Peacock covering Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal, also a showing of pictures taken by Mr. and Mrs. Peacock while on a trip to Europe recently. The speakér was introduced by Mrs. Robert H. Holden, and the thanks of the group to the speak- er, also to Miss Rita Robinson for her assistance in looking after the projector and slides, were expressed by Mrs. Ira G. Travell. The devotional period was con- ducted by Mrs. Wallace Butler and Mrs. J. G. Carter, the presi dent presided. Plans for the cooking school to be held on Thursday and Friday Memorial Hall were finalized. An- nouncement was made of a rum- mage sale to be held on October] '19. A committee was appointed HERES HOW THE ECONOMY READING PLAN COMES TO YOUR HOME @ Your newspaper will be delivered by your carrier and the maga zines by your mail man. 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