fire and gave a talk om fire pre- Allison, Mrs. David Owen, Mrs. hall on Wednesday, October 3. [made table covers during the, work to be made up by the mem- vention in the home. Edward Kitchen, Jr, and Mrs.| After the meeting was opened meeting. bers for the November bazaar. | Mr. G. A. Korry, principal of|Alfred Barrison. with prayer a new member, Mrs.| The sewing convenor, Mrs. Tea was served by Mrs. Frank Albert Street school, introduced| pyring the gratitude period, A. E. Harbooth was welcomed by|Charles McGibbon brought felt!Brown and Mrs. A, R. Garrett. - {his staff after which the parents|nirs William Saunders presented|the presid | were given the opportunity to ty the Jadies who each week make! The secretary read the minutes {visit the teachers in their own'the tea, a basket of fruit. and correspondence and the fi- |Tooms. | : {nancial report was given by the The tea committee consists of Mrs, Ja Elliott, y We = 3RD OSHAWA MOTHERS' AUX. Mrs. Thomas Coull, Mrs. Thomas| Sasurer, Mrs. James Eliott. / a C OTY i 9 | [1] The regular meeting of the 3rd|Salisbury, Mrs. E, Butler andy. lied the alter flowers for ' {Oshawa Monsers Ausiliary was| Mrs. Frank Smith, ag Aapp er lon Md service . . 5 i 2 held on Wednesday, October 3, Those who assisted during the|on September 30 and it was un- i KEEPS YOUR Jo Aldwinckle Women's Editor Dial RA. 3-3474|in the parlor at Simcoe Street|gervice were, Mrs. Victor Phair, hom agreed that the Guild United Church. Mrs. Major Earle, Mrs. A. W.|put flowers on the altar on one 1 LIPS ESL ESS | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, October 9, 1956 9 phe president, Mrs, George|Hayes, Mrs. William Reid, Mrs. Sunday during each year. Bell, presided. The secretary and|D, "A. Holmes, and Mrs. Charles! It was decided to hold the GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES iis id fe C2 pel Ln | er a short business discus- ; Wednesday of each month in the i and Mrs. | We y ; (] ! |sion it was announced that a Dah. mR Was Sue Pacer. Parish Hall, owing to the Parish Li Sole would be held on No Council meeting being held the QUEEN ELIZABETH H. AND S.|nurse, spoke briefly on the/vember 1 and a rummage sale, CHRIST CHURCH GUILD first Thursday of the month. Guest speaker at Queen Eliza. | 'School Health Program'. on October 26. Refreshments rhe president Mrs. Fred Lloyd] Mrs. Steadman reported on beth Home and School Associa- Highlight of the evening was an Were served by Mrs. Douglas presided 'at the regular meeting plans for the bridge to be held tion meeting was Captain Wil- extremely interesting speech giv- Jackson and Mrs. Walter Tip- of the Afternoon Guild of Christ) mn the evening of November 7 in liam Murray who spoke on fire en by Captain William Murray Pett. {Memorial Church at the parishithe parish hall and the members prevention. : |of the Oshawa Fire Departmen! | 11TH GROUP COMMITTEE | Mrs. Aylmer Ward, president, Who advised parents of the great myo og jar meeting of the 11th] opened the meeting. |danger of overlooking such taings |, orp Committee of the Girl | | | | . I 3 lean chim- py The Jazssr will. be held onjit the home. ss unc |Guide Association was held at neys and furnaces, faulty elec-| / oo . " Neng 5. yl Sirs Gor. trical wiring, prints and oliy rags, i i The Scr. ol an Mae Marsh don Tomlinson; aprons, Mrs. Ray 9ld Inagasines 20g Bewshapers. tary's es was read by Mrs, Smith; snack bar, Mrs. Berwin... important subject was chown, | Henry Etmanski and Mrs. Oscar ; Adams apd Mis Douglas hind Preceding the close RK the pore" gave .the treasurer's re- 2 Gch mand Mei: 3 rood: | Meeting, roll call was taken and | . ; : SCHOOL OF B cons fish pond, Mr, Ray Woot, [LC E, vue "awarded. to. Mrs, Plan, were made fo the gh WHEN YOU TAKE THIS UBSTICK «| | PST | CK White; home baking, Mrs. Car. Audrey Keyes, kindergarten poco on October 26 at 8 p.m. D.E A OFF AT NIGHT, THE COLOR STAYS ON' son Heard j1epeher Refresuments Were SerV*l A nominating committee was y, Tau Ay : 50 y ., led by Grade 7 mothers. Vn s The members have been invit-| | appointed to select the new ex- | ed to attend Mary Street Home| NAVAL VETERANS' AUX. OE I Ll wore. served by and School on Monday, November The first meeting of the season 5 ¥ i y [5 at 8.00 p.m. was held recently at Eastview MTS. Oscar Parker. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, | The rext meeting of Queen Park Clubhouse with Mrs. Percy S.A. HOME LEAGUE : Elizabeth Home and School wili, Tullock presiding. Mrs. William James, led in the Baton, Pre-School, Acrobatic, . be held at McLaughlin Public/ The minutes of the last meet- opening of the regular meeting, 4 ' Available At: {Library with a tour of the library ing were read by Mrs. Henry and was assisted by Mrs. Er- at the Mdsonic Temple, ; |as part of the program. Miss Monaghan and a treasurer's re- pest Sargeant, Jr. Mrs. James . New Location Aoril Corter danced tap (port given by Mrs. Ted McLaugh- announced the visit of the Air Centre Street, Friday and Old Post Office dances. A film entitled "These lin. 5 |Force Band, to Oshawa, on Oc- i A 3. re The Facts' was shown. Various items of business were tober 12, and the chartering of Saturday. Dial RA" 3-4621 DRUGS Room prize was a tie between discussed and tentaiive plans|a hus to take any who wish to go the rooms of Mrs. Mary Lynch mage for a children's Christmas {5 the Women's meeting, to be and Mr. Lloyd Weiderick. iy. {held in Toronto on Monday, Oc- + Retisthmsats were served by A social evening for members tober 22, in connection with the i COTY Products Availahle At: Mrs. Alex Yonson and Mrs. John and friends is to be held Wed-|National Congress. ¥ Evans assisted by social chair. Desday evening, October 10 at After the refreshments were ROSES FOR THE LADY man, Mrs. Clifford Leddy and Eesiview Clubhouse, iv served, Mrs. Sr. Major MacLean he thors sin efreshments were serve y took charge of the Thanksgiving . = ie hrs of punils In Mr. fhe executive and the draw won Service, entitled, 'Count Your INFORMATION: RA 3-7253 In fact, "My Fair Lady" of | them on her preitiest cocktail "°° bi ; by Mrs. Donald Clement. The Ble:sings". fall f hion fam will even have dress if designer Eleanora Gar- WESTMOUNT H AND § next meeting will be held Octo- During the fellowship period, al e 3 nett has her way. ___| Westmount Home and School "¢F prizes were won by Mrs. John | 5b ? nV figsociation held its regular meet-| ALBERT STREET H AND § was 15 became a rigger in Van- ing on Monday evening. Mrs Q n | {couver's shipyards. After an'Samuel McKeelis, president, pre- A me, Tha School) sortment of jobs following the Se ided and thanked mothers who of {he Season. on Monday October A Rugged Carcer ond World War Dimitri picked up assisted in the Grade I mothers' 1. The president, Mrs. W. A the pick and shovel. lea and in catering at the Ava- Dixon welcomed 'the arents and VANCOUVER (CP)--A lot of Muzic became one of his inter- lon : the members of the pare execu- women who make regular appoint- ests too as he left the tunnels to The members decided to post- tive were introduced ments with Dimitri, the hair styl- become a teacher of the piano pone the Christmas Fair, which Inspector Robert Sledziewski of ist, probably don't know he once accordion. was being planned, until a later the local Fire Department show- was a hardrock miner who for| «But 1 didn't have the confi-'date. This project will be sub-led a film depicting the hazards of most of his life held a pick instead gence," he said, "and I was run- stituted by catering to the plough- ik Plu euer w o£: bo mag out of Honey. 2 his hai men at the shopping centre. Mem- | imitrl is Harry Chernoff, born en Dimitri starte $s hair- bers were also in fav 1d- | on a small farm at Appledale in dressing course at the Vancouver ing the November Koi Alyn DRAPES - CURTAINS the west Kootenays. He speaks Vocational Institute and now has form of a Halloween Party. It with a legitimate Russian accent made a name for himself in one was decided that 2 delegates | VENETIAN SHADES because he was brought up by his of the city's top beauty parlors. from the association would attend | Made-to-Measure Russian grandparents. His Bother And now for exercise the hard-/the Consumers' meetings this| FREE ESTIMATES ed when he was 12, and his roc hairdres-er, weighing 175 year, and the presi i 1 father was working most of the pounds, plays tennis, goes fishing Mr:. Donald e Ai sidunt yLaised, : WARD S time away from home. |and skiing and probably thinks ular attendance during the past] IGE ERCIEFNIT] Dial 5-1151 He left school at 13 and when he! very little about hardrock mining. year. Miss Ivy Michael, school ] TERY TEDR COTY Products VISIT YOUR DRUGGIST DURING PHARMACY WEEK OCTOBER 7 10 13% Flogotue ewer weqeriuicd iit ol "Dad! What's the easiest way to make $477" his services and goods Your family pharmacist is a man of many skills. available from your independent druggist, plus his What would you say . . . as financial wizard to ~ Canada Savings Bonds are good for full face value The prescriptions he dispenses, the drugs and medi- technical knowledge, that have helped make him the family? plus earned interest at any bank in Canada at any cations he compounds, are all part of an exacting so indispensable to you and your neighbours. You know that making money is not the easiest time. You can buy Canada Savings Bonds in science which must be perfectly understood. Make it a point to visit your druggist during : = Continuous study is another necessary part of Pharmacy Week and get to know him just a little thing in the world, no matter what the amount. handy sizes of $50, $100, $500, $1000 and $5000. And your money is safe while it earns, because his busy life--keeping abreast with to-day's medical better. Remember, you can depend on your family Yet there is one simple way to make $47 without pharmaceutical research and discovery, druggist, fuss or risk. Just buy one of the new $100 Canada Canada Savings Bonds are backed by all the It is the great, variety of goods and services Savings Bonds. If you hold it to maturity you get resources of Canada. every dollar back plus $47.38 in interest. Your reputation as a financial expert won't suffer THE MERCHANT WITH THE And that's not all, a bit if you buy UNIVERSITY DEGREE Your druggist has a University degree and he is the only merchant in vour : community who must have one. Your | druggist shares with your doctor a per- sonal and professional interest in your life. for cash or by instalments through your bank, investment dealer, trust, or loan company or on the Payroll Savings Plan where you work.