PERSONALIHSCity Shopping Centre "2 -- One Of America's Bes an srgan]zation ist as they, bg; " id : ai wis. the 1h a long to the fibre of the people." Two Oshawa Shopping Centre awa centre is design or maxi- nadians & When John G. Geikie, president of | representatives o opping return- mum ease in shopping. Stores entrances and exits to the the - Pedlar People Limited, so ed from a several thousand mile are grouped around one wide and from the main pighways. wrote in a foreward in a booklet, 4 itrip to Houston, Texas, where central mall, and hot around sev-| spite of this, on th "A Saga of Achievement" -- ithey saw the opening of theleral streets as in some of the goening day any i a history of the history which has . 1$20.000, Ifgai Shopping |larger U. entre: 8 on contributed so much to the indus- 4 city ing RL most yi a NGRMENT is GOOD Ipetore opening time, trial growth and soclal welfare of rs. : 'ern shopping centre in Southern! Secon the shops are arrang- lots were not but the Oshawa and Canadian eommituicy USA. ki in lation te ibs TulSHangiss | ways leading to the centre i'e -- he reflected the opinion o i [they sell. 3 , many i his fellow citizens in Osh- : ; ; } what ha ving seen it, they Say: woman Shopper pum Y A oi tively associated Ww : over that the Ochawa Centre is as|dress, She a pid al 2 si with the company for many Years ; 4 | go5d if, Bot belle an Me ne oth rin one part of can be justly oroud. of its yo ; : : ; ¥ 2 |ut on the continent, : Fagg It she wants to buy perts discussed tions, and of the part he has play- ; The two representatives were, "ca wil) find the food stores tre with the two Ca ed to uphold them, and of the ? 1 ¢ A. J. Bennett of Principal In-o 0 hag together. (were solid in their aencral growth and expansion: of vestments Ltd., builders of the Il save the housewife more consideration the industry. He can be proud, Oshawa shopping centre. and too, of the contributions he has g ' {Hugh Gorrie, who will manage made fo civic. military, social, 4 (Eaton's store there. church, youth and organizations ! 3 VISIT U.S. CENTRES were which play vital roles in the com- . The Quiige | pine id 8 munity life of the Motor City, and : A eading rom extend beyond iis - confines. FE Mr. Gorrie directions to any shop! MEMBER FAMOUS FAMILY ; U.S This could be one oh Born in Wingham, Mr. Geikie is #8 : : / best | s in Osha hat the son of the late W. R. Geikie "A a " | devel { is on the many N t of and the late Grace B. Pedlar : : lare incorporated in the Oshawa many centres he has seen, heipected oulsiat points next Geikie. and tandson i the late JOIN 6. i /centre, Only recently he By fo songiders Shat bgt A of 4 8 he » ieorge H. ar, early pioneer ain CASE iment see New York's mammoth Roose- ideal in size. | . of the industry that sill bears his| {fou 1995 to bt 1 ent Volt Field -- a vast shopping cen- with space for 3,300 cars, are, Once JJhside She eemire, JM name. He was educated at Upper |). Oshawa Rot 1 1948 - ire which will have 110 different planned so that most thopp Wy Sg pe easily @ pro- Canada College. Toronto. 1949; charter pro@lifof the On- stores when completed. And he can park within 0 feet of heal iice ie ; ~ Dy of br Ooikie ined the sales staf tario Regimen: (iie' Club, in still believes that the Deh ont store, Evel those athe dy ae al Ded Tor opening : od in 2 1 ; s 1046 and 1947 a fggtor of the centre has the edg og hi yards of so to wadk. and other peak shopping ual 1031. His ability and keen interest m col ; ¥ an ; 5! Toronto Better Bureau. all i : be traf a Bos, fompany & irs Vas He is still terested in eral reasons for One thing at Guifgate which there will be traffic recognized when in he be. a5. bs still act There are seve sh: did impress the two visiting Ca-'as well. flud- came a member of the hoard of these organ 10 bi is serving this. First the layout of the Osh: d mio P cm "ENE BE wii J AT PLOWING MATCH eee OSHAWA AND of "it piTRICT | Results of Conservation: organization } es PF leviation of . ithe 1934 husian suftesivs BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Methods Will Be Rppare . x = ' During his association with the A GOOD ordi i , i 3 ; Cordial birthday greetings ko company he has witnessed several As a sporismaf/Oshawa Mr a rt followirg . AE plant extensions, the installation Geikie is past prgmt and pres- Are eaiohged a he Mrs L. Farmers who visit the Inter-lover a five.year period. A of new equipment, and ts ber of (Weshawa Curl! birthdays today: = CArS, oo tional Plowing Match, being Ontario Department of As fa" Rerease In busines Volume 18 Clog. a. med of the Oh Marin, 0, Hermans hosts RTPA, PIO hom oct. ture ther are benly of me whi lay, is ime awa Golf Cl i i north. Willian > %0 vi ; ious to tell them just how! which, loday, is at a all-time awa Golf Club, Leslie street. And also to b ig will have > Shite 10 Sek is worked, and what img ; ow a ers el ds uture prospects are places, member 19 ie I Matthew Powlenzuk, 100 Mon- : hal can o» onthe Ontario farm, |menis can be made on | branches on Toroite. aentairy Hoyal Goll ana lub, Tor. trave avenue, ard a hh. {1%his Year's 'match will be held other farms. | Most Oshawa citizens will buy Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary and onto. and the ri Austin, 230 GC envOe rating in the area around Heber Down's During the match days log tags but only if pushed, Edmonton, : Club. These mafic considered, ¢ent who are {OMOTTOW. Ontario County farm, where the wagon fours of the Down Only "about one-third , HELD MANY POSTS hobbies when heids time as a their birthdays ficst conservation day in the will be sccommanied rd | ED OE ctr of he BO AT Bt cycraer pine Ih OMIA ul tel SR etlnd col sinting He grid wi Ollege. oF itby. sir: gud Nis They have Harold Burkholder, BY orants av. provineial department in To-iof the Ontario Agricultural remaining two-thirds -- Chamber of Commerce 1951 and one daughter. &t. a bupil of ham Village, a ital early Fri- ronto, gave the Down farm a-lege, at Guelph, expla 1600 people received 1952: chairmen of the Oshawa Havergal Coliegs,Wirs. Geikie is East Genet vies received Wed- face-lifting complete from the was dotie ahd w Yt th ¢ from one to five no. Parks Board Management 1948 to 'men Dreyer, of day of injuries ovele was back-fifty to the family kitchen. will attempt to gel e ¢ 1948 to the former Lole reyer, day when his motorcycle § , h 8 rol to the farmer, t 1952 and served as vice-chairman: Toronto. nesca) llision with a truck, When the plowing match opens, across dh i ier 3 -- in head on 00 Coy of Brook. spectators will be taken on change is necessary in |driven by Lloyd Meo) wagon tours of the farm, to see tivation methods, ; names from the [{in, on Highway 7. what has heen accomplished inl of agriculture in this provi Ld I ne assessment roll. notices were Film ( Oo n 1 SUING TOWNSHIP five years of following acintifie lo De saved for future sent out. The fifth batch of the u ; | June Hull, 17, of Rosebank nd.. HARES CHANGED PLAN WAGON LECTU! year went out jast week ie ' filed a sickering vownship, has ; vas given she Wagon lectures will be Pi g When the farm was g water throughout the four days © REVENUE ABOVE 1955 ] | Piok- Despite reluctz Aver: ® i rit av Osgoode Hall suing Pile anged, turns have Fog surpassed the fo township for damages whea ig By Cha al slopes match, as visiting farmers 1955 total. By Sept. 15, the city! Il she broke her collarbone on & Couey on the 'contour. In addi-|the Down farm, and picture had collected about $7,600 in dog {part of a township road that hag tion, strip cropping was intro: be atatlanle to Show em Jicences This fount is equal Fi ork A Ue Federation of cellent wildlife 'productions and washed hPa Bondo gy Juced, on TO i Bickle i j "of 1 5° fected during the highly es in Salada as hatire stories, bert Holl, i expenses incur- pn Bo Bi were added to! The International, of jump is even higher than night by Miss Cecile Starr, film NATURE ins d by Walt red, The girl was injured 1astifooing fields, to permit runoff will have a contour Match over 1954, By September 15 the Critic of the Saturday Review of Die ims profluce wo, toon fuly on Rosebank Rd., morth of or 'water without loss of the val-|this Teer a pg 2,400 licences * sold was {hree Literature. s ad sponsored a new typ Highway 2 uable topsoil on which crops were farmers at p than up and times as high as the number sold Miss Starr visited Oshawa to at oo Sueational and entertaining Highway 2. boi jidur_ rather an up during 1854 tend the 10th annual meeting Hon : y All | ulation pl The dog control departmen y f ual meeting of Tha colorful film drew high It will have reg Searls Fusing sor Hoc te pederation of Fim Comets of commengiipn. tom "ug. OBITUARIES al international matches there was a $3,670 deficit. the McLaughlin Publi pe Al eration delegates. Particularly x 1 1955 there was a slight sur-jae night ublic Library dramatic was the fight between plus of $152.10. The surplus for| . : bullfrogs and a garter snake. 1 this year is expected to go he- The noted New York film critic, The. film forcibly . demonstrated | yt Oshawa yond that told federati members that she the delicate balance of nature in died In following a DRIVE ON OWNERS was very infpressed with opera- the marsh and how ms of yesterday The rise in the fortunes of the tions of fig councils in commun. /litqaeroress=of" the" (ness. Oc A800 1 4 dog control department began in ities she anything Tike Stakes s filn eedvieigher 10. Toh, fo Nell "Alex: al match being held on and displays of farm machi, the ing Lf 1955. when \Cityl, 1 Bava b od Lait: a minlon, S Camthell, who predeceas- around the Down farm. visitors where farmers can compare (rx Roy Barrand began a Ve parte Wig will be interested in fae department, : os . (will be able to see how contour'plements and make plans fo paign tg licence .eugse 6f" the this project which combined eru- Mackay - Smith, Mrs, Campbell has been a Tesi- woing of land has proven itself ture purchases. #¥S. and set the department cation with Yommunity work on a film '"Pens to Twelves", § dent of Oshawa for 35 vears. She on a sound financial footing. [voluntary bugis," stiid Miss Starr. ps. Mackay = Smith, wo has was a member of Sane Street s . The campaign is not finished., Oshawa's #7zy6r W. John Nay-/ written the script for a ms in United Church and former vice- Mr. Barrand expects the de- lor officially' opened the meeting the Age; and Stages seris, told i 0 of the Golden Age Club. Catholic Labor Confederation pariment to show the Je fale Jast might and welcomed guests delegates of production problems: The body is Resting a the of improvement In all respects fram cities and towns throughout in films about children. nstrong Funeral Home. Mem- . " ? for at least two vears. eastern Ontario. Also president of the Ottawa a Si Th will be held in the Joins Canadian Labor Congress 5 3 His Seok were endorsed by branch of the Canadian Mental|chapel Monday at 3.30 p.m. and Ry fant Rev. George Telford DD, of the Health and Welfare Association, interment will follow in Hampton. MONTREAL (CP) Canadian with the CLC at a future date. WEATHER Oshawa Li rary Board. Mrs. Mackay - Smith stressed the Cemetery. labor moved toward a new degree porting back to a special conv r. /. Curran. professor of importance of the films for par- o " ol of unity riday as the 96,000- tion next June on progress. f - --- biology at Queen's University, in- ent education. MRS. MARGARET CROUSE |, ober Canadian and Catholic The committee, prope has o % TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- troduced a feature film, "Worid in| She said the films aimed to! Mrs. Margaret Crouse died at Confederation of Labor voted to ready held several meetings yi. casts issued by the Dominion a Marsh", which he described as cause discussion among parents her residence, 190 Celina street, affiliate with the giant Canadian CLC President Claude odoin. | TH i : public weather office at 5:15 one of the finest wildlife pictures about their children, to encourage Oshawa. on September 29th, in papor Congress. 'headed by President Gerard 1 THOUSANDS OF OSHAWA ' books the library staff use pup- | Brownlee (8) puppets which she am aithoih 4 ever made in Canada parents to think more seriously het git, pear. ices will be con- , With a bare handful of the 500 card and Secretary Jean M¢ ai etme. as 3 stories whic is making for a new show. At synopsis: Although the current e stressed the growing impor- abou em and look at their ac- uneral ices "delegates dissenting, CC A children. are registered borrov pels lo acl out. toric y which bottom, the card ir X 8 spell i fine weather will continue tance of films for education in tions more objectively ducted for Mrs. Crouse on Mon: iin dissenting tiation Sham " Ld ers of Books from the McLaugh- | the boys and girls should read. "0 iiined to Barbara Weir for another day over Southern medical. biological and surgical The meeting continued this day. October 1st. at 2 p.m. from talks with the 1030.00 - member | 10, PROP "CATHOLIC? It was understood that the sp lin Public Library. To help at- At wp, Hilda Albrecht shows (9) and Laurie Richards Ontario, it is coming to an abrupt fields. He said that a revolution morning, beginning with the busi- the Armstrong Funeral Chapel. It wi d . tract the children's interest in = Mary Jane O'Neill (9) and Dey Erwina Wislon. end in Northern Ontario. Cold air in film making had resulted in ex-'ness session at 9 a.m nf J . inten cial June convention also mz rac e children tere r rv Jane wina | ) 4 i : . tate ipe---- cn Oshawa Union Cemetery. It was a historic step for the Goal with a question whether th + Interment will follow in the | from the Prairies already has pen- -- " eo enti -------- CCCL, born a half century ago " 0 etrated the northwestern section! and by tradition sharply conscious wore q Cah ae pi ALR ® y¥ * . : of the province, and Graham, S L C A BLAST RIPS STATION | of b h ter, o rortieest of onkerens, cones Ot. Laurent Lounters Accusation | nua mies stamon of its Quebec character, ESS light snow early this morning. . | plosion Thyrsda y Hlled one negotiating committee to pursue , Iiday's decision was in pat a : | plosion ini i ers ati changing times. Mem That U.S. Basses Radar Line worker and injured six others in the actual terms of affiliation, g | The cold air will advance i a bunker of an East German hut the approved resolution made Pership, down some 4,000 since | dl ss Lake Superior but | 5 Ta pers Lake Buperior power siation at Harbke in Sax-/it plain that the CCCL seeks no|193, has been dwindling. More * \ @ gradually slow down as it ap- 1 g. (CP)--Prim Minis- bv Canadians to sites on th EW Aad : pi . proaches Lake Huron and Geor- IW 11aVa Sp po i EE Canadia built in the He DEV ony-Anhalt, the official ADN news privileges other than those ac. {French-speaking Quebee Sorkeny gian Bay tonight. On Sunday it| United States cannot legally pre- Arctic by the U.S. + agency reported. =~ [corded other member unions, |Be ger 0 Oo Coo nal onal will be decidedly cooler in the vent a visit to the DEW (Distant Regulations governing such vis. ~ | The CCCL, comprising national Unions than to the L. . 3 : Timmins-Kapuskasing region but Farly Warning) radar line by anyits recognized Canadian sover- a Canadian authorized to make a Catholic labor syndicates would The decision was also rooted in By JIM REVITT fluence of comic books, films and Librarian Hilda Albrecht is pre- will remain warm in Southern Canadian authorized by the Cana-eignty and the realities of the sit- visit might be embarrassed when affiliate as one union, | the executive's desire to encour- One day recently a 10-year-old poor TV. It is also their contribu- paring puppets for a new series Ontario dian government : uation. Anyone authorized by the he arrived at a dte and found There was applause lasting five age labor unity. boy shyly entered the McLaughlin tion to the development of intelli- of performances. The plays will Regional forecasts valid untill The defence department hereCanadian government was en- that the Americansdid not know Minutes after the resolution was The convention, which concludes | Public Library and reported rath- gent and understanding adults be based on books and stories midnight Sunday: said Wednesday that if the U.S. titled to visit the line. he was coming. | approved. By its terms, the Spe today with a brief meeting sched- er sheepishly that he had lost a' "These children are tomorrow's available from the library Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake defence department objects toWOULD NOT KNOW | The procedure wi being fol- cial committee will resume talks uled, was a busy one. library book at summer camp adults and our best defence| It's a variation of an old theme. Ontario, Niagara, Georgian Bay, Canadian security clearance of a He said U.S. authorities werel/lowed to "let the sergeants "A bear ate it," he explained against inferior literature is of- You've seen' the show, now read Haliburton, Windsor, London, Tor- Canadian, Canada will review itsadvised of visits by Canadians know.' It merely wa a method . The librarian was not surprised fence," said Miss Wallace the book onto, Hamilton: Sunny today. In- original position. because any other procedure of conveying informatip to some- Osh and merely asked the book title. SCHOOL LIBRARY PERIODS There is also the Saturday creasing cloudiness Sunday fol- Mr. St. Laurent told a. press would mean American authorities one else. Canada infomed U.S. awa 1 Iary by showers or 'thunder- conference there are no proced-might not know of a visit bv a authorities when it t action pri 4 > 1i - ". : 30 : lowed Way of the Wilderness," the: With this aim in mind the li- morning story-hour at 10.30 a.m., ene h 0 ced-m : 3 it en ; t boy raplied i id brary was successful last year in which usually attracts about 30) Showers ural difficulties preventing visitsCanadian. Unless this were done' authorizing a visit by alanadian > -- - CW 7, I Ira g for children in grades youngsters. Again they hear the ~ = =n A------ Fortunately, bears do not eat 3TFANEINE id : : : 8 br 4, 5, 6. of public schools to have right type of stories and are Vv A 00 » 'Oshawa Public g 3 \ kB on on 19 800 chil. a 40-minute period at the library recommended to borrow books CCF ADMITS DEFEAT IN AD ANCE \ ' v hn each month containing similar stories dren's books but humorous i ) stories like this are what bras. To accommodate ail these stu- Librarian Erwina Wilson oper- |tember meeting of the Oshawa With the greatest increase in his- dents, six classes attend the li- ated a branch of the library at Public Library Board indicated fory and travel. i 't hear almost daily. I 3 La trp qaLy brary with their teachers each Simcoe Hall each Monday be- ~~ that the library had been busier; The boys' and girls' department APRY ATMOSPHERE the Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. tween 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Last year ew ou | l a i H or be this year than in previous years. circulated almost 5000 more books Ue oar than 3600 This has been particularly so at than last year during the summer nha tne Ihey travel in chartered buses. more books were bor happy atmosphere that dominate {night. Many newcomers to the months. They had nine Saturday ew }ich basement library for boys apd At the library they are advised rowed from this branch y\ | sit a It is a far cry from the dull, on how to do reference work, use The children's library also sup-| , LL #9 \ district have become members. ¥ oi Ys 2 al pin ve iary atmosphere of heavenly the index system and make best plies books to summer camps at Many Oshawa people, the board y pe : telefy Pp : ¢ | was held and eight si hour ¥ use of dictionaries and encyclo-the YWCA and Kiwanis. Boy was told, have brought out-of Core held for the YWCA yi i Reports presented at the Sep-|during the same period last year, 1 systeom that surrounds old-fash- : syste pedias S.outs, Girl Guides, CRA plz town and overseas visitors to see amp hox, libraries | € J ea ee : ; : 3 > i : 4 t le ¥ anadOs 3 C p The librarians also 'review' for grounds, Sunday Schools, nursery ST. JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP) -- The/lo form the government but has of Newfoundland promised in the/would not leave for greater oppofXhrough the beautiful building and canaddshawa childrel brary the class hooks of a hf Ai schools and other organized record of Premier Smallwood's an eye on the balance of power if terms of union, repeal the three tunity on the mainland. He ad the guest book during the H Muss Paid Wallace, the assis- | d that er, ] rig ly gal Ton which they feel the student groups use the library's lending Liberal government is the battle- neither major party gets a clear per cent provincial sales tax on mitted misiudging men and im Smmer. jan & det rarvian, is also acting. he greely color-schemed p read. The students are facilities ground on which the campaign for majority. Liberals are contesting food and repeal a 1954 act en- patience that allowed some wastel Nongratulations 'were extended(® ead of the boys and girls des' the Oct. 2 Newfoundland election 35 seats, Progressive Conserva- abling the government to 'recruit and extravagance to creep in. The e chairman, Rev. Dr. George|[3runent. Mrs. a 0 s¥m is thasant, helpful librarians should borne 11 bocke| "Of t | or wo: ; ; ve ir Inember ro ) 2 : 1 | Srus. ; ent a ntanding invitation for 0". hore iree boo her members of the children's being waged tives 29, CCF 10. Independents 3, candidates from the civil service." need for impatience had passed ge} ." upon his recent mar-|yversity of Bristol in England On behalf of the hoard T. well as secretarial training : 'y ' % : . during the period and keep them library staff are Miss Irene A i 3 i fires, ung fry to reg Hs till pi Bh next visit 'the library eg ol ary hse one Boes; Liberals and Progressive Con- and there is one Independent Lib- The CCF says its purpose is to and he would be more careful in wa has ¢ : ro SPECIAL ATTENTION know how to interpret requests SErvatives have platforms similar eral implement a 12-plank platform his judgment of men, said. L. Vicon presented him with aay erience. has bee int q phone Jon has been accept- "The librarians give special at- for books called "Uncle Very on many points--both stress the The Liberal booklet gives the hammered out in convention in asked forgiveness. bookbn painting in the fifteenth! Detience, s n appointed § h . : need for developing the province. party's position in the foreword: 1954 which includes benefits for ~-- - centth ja the boys 2% girls de id nd last year they om Librarians define a good chil-|( Bicol ly i orenive Having a Wo a -- pig th | Thdcirculaton report for the been welcomed fret ay Hobhs said ) 'They try to establish an [Suseryvalive leader, Sa) an] = on aD : ig arm OIK@IS adul\departmenc 'showed that time staff member in the ady 2di®ities would than 82,000 books. jo ils a1 rel: cor dren's book as one an intelligent! didates want a change to "clean and the Liberal government are companies and restoration 'of 5 arti relationship wit} arhifll: fra rive : more fiction 'w, plathgolete fire olds have accept- child. find his intereots and adult can enjoy up the rotten mess of our in- now making the province one of mines and forests to the people You as read than department. vit with. system. These pint-sized 1 to the rig ks Eh So sat down and read the efficient government." the best and greatest of Canada's through public development and L H b Chliobbs said ooeen 4 ed up by od 0 Hight , duo! current 'best seller" at the chil-/ LIBERAL BOOKLET 10 Jrovinces y conservation programs and eaving 0 8 Sd dt deddokdonk ok dot, mpiee ceremonhio call in regular Our task is to get as many dren's library, "McElligot'si Mr. Smallwood has' admitted, Except for the pledge to push greatly increased royalties on pri- nvention wa" books to read pooks of the right type to as many P00! mistakes, some caused by the development of electrical power, vate companie Ae, nine Cime children as possibile." X It was gratifying to find that we need for drastic action The the points of the manifesto are Premier Smallwood has {dustry has aggravated the farm ¥ two wives The board of education supports enjoyed the hook Liberals have prepared 100,000) similar to planks of the Progres- there are "no issues" in this elec. dustry 1 in the Oshawa dis- | ¥ HINESE BLM wer Wo wives ' : Ippon copies of a 32-page booklet illus-|sive Conservative platform tion. Mr. Hollett says the higgest!labor situation in the Oshawa dis x Am RED BARBERR me be ---------- 5 y T hé&:efront, nds of eager young- ¥ p 0 e t = GRUAL REPL:n 5000 are register- gieionities said Miss Wallace tention to students with reading Thin' and "Three Musky Ear idk dodo dd RR AR A ARR " i i NE The drift of skilled 'farm work-/¥ ANT A HEDwg" -- "ORDER NOW!" said ers to more lucrative jobs in in- past year. ge s not too this new library class idea trating their version of improve-| + Both promise efforts at upward problem facing candidates is get trict i ducted by 'ecting a child's cause it cuts costs involvd in ' 1 " : . . g . , } This is noted in the monthlf re. * 1 Ith) --12-ineh sive L4 far . : . A . ; nents in Newfoundland since 1949, 'revision of the financial terms of ting voters to the polls. 15 1 ba J ! x te, 3 of claimed acting small individual school libraries Bull s Attack Fatal and containing the party's mani. union with Canada, development! In his keynote speech Mr. Hol-|port of National Employment ¥ 50 1 of neh pon $5.28 or $22, 8 1 4 3 i J 5 It. i; god also. Fovides Hundreds of W To St. Thomas Farmer fe slo signed b the premier of forest Industries Toads, mining. leit said the Literals had been Service Manager. Norman fodg- X for 8 | 100. $1950 . LEONY start a pre- knowledge and enjoyment to be! ST. THOMAS. (GP Willis Ir ma'lwood says. his party the 1s ery, and agriculture and inefficient and ha i h | Bod, 1 « no leds ad j i i Villiam will be returned with more than welfare measures including health negiected" the x ONE mpp r 8. Se ur this year gained from books. fais George Coleman, 83, died, Friday 30 of the 36 seats at stake. Mr./care for children. government. His | ROOK Eso CANADY AREA UBF ' : will know about the 1¢ board is contributin O- Light' of injuries suffered an. hou lett, already elected by accla- WOULD COMPLETE HIGHWAY ' 2a ar B by Tae FINEST even before they go to wards the cost of 3 Le Cen SR TOE imation in St. John's West, says The Progressive Conservatives Mr ; BOWMANVILL she added children's ler when he w gored "4lthe Progressive Conservatives are sav that, if elected. thev would Newfoundland became a province The situation isq vating good reading habits PLAN PUPPET ! bull, He was driving cattle up alcounting on w inning more than complete the Trans-Canada High- he was faced with need for "dras- said, but wows 45) early age is the librariar Anothel pr AW arth the lane when the bull attacked him 20 seats. Samue: Drover leader of way across Newfoundland in two! tic action" te build up the country noticeable A HORT. r to the modern adverse in- 'library's aims is the puppet si from behind. the CCF, savs his party can't hope years set up an economic survey to the point where ite population moved inte A