Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Sep 1956, p. 6

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Published by Times-Gazette Publishers Limited, 57 Simcoe 5t. South, Oshawa, Ont. Page 6 Friday, September 7, 1956 British Investors Seeking Opportunities In Canada The trouble in the Middle East has had one effect which was not antieipa- ted, and which is highly beneficial to Canada. According to a stock mark- et which appeared in the Scottish Daily Express, British investors are seeking Canadian outlets for their capital. The article dealing with this.sudden interest in Canadian investments is as follows: "A flood of British money is pouring into Canadian investments. Every day the vol- ume rises. It is the most remarkable stock market movement since the war. Three things make Canada a highly attractive place for British capital at this moment, "The first is the booming Canadian econ- omy. In every direction, this strong young nation is expanding with the utmost vigor. "The second is the undeveloped mineral wealth which lies beneath the ground over vast tracts of Alberta and north towards the Artic circle. "The third and temggerarily more com compelling reason is the desire to place money as far as possible from the seething political cauldron of the Middle East." This movement of British capital into Canadian investments is one which should - be welcomed by Cagajfans While in thé total it may not anfount to as much as the volume of United Sta- tes capital coming into this country, the fact that it exists is in itself a gratify- ing sign that Brjtishers with money to invest are again looking to this country, just as they did in earlier days of Can- ada's develorment. And should the Middle East trouble result in any cur- tailment of the supplies of oil which Britain derives from that area, we may see an even greater flood of British money for development of the great latest resourecs of oil in Western Can- ada. Congratulations To Whitby Band The success of the recently-organ- ized Whitby Brass Band in winning the championship in its class at the Can- .adian National Exhibition must be a great source of pride to the citizens: of that town. Organized only some 18 months ago, this was the band's first The fact that it came out in first place indicates venture in any competition, the interest its members have taken in its development, since it shows that long hours of practice have been devot- ed to reaching the high standard re- quired to compete in such an event. Whitby can take pride in its band because it is a venture which has been made possible by their enthusiastic sup- port. In various ways, the people of the town have contributed to the equip- ment and uniforms of the band. They have acquired a feeling that it is truly Union Members A strange paradox is seen in the ac- tions of certain labor union leaders in the United States in trying to line up their union membership in the presi- dential election campaign. Union leader- ship over there is making a strong ef- fort to ally organized labor with the Democratic party in the present elec- tion battle. 5 Some of the labor leaders, like Wal- ter Reuther and others who favor poli- tical action by the trade union move- ment, have made it clear that they would like to see a return to the "New Deal" liberalism of the Democrats rath- er than a continuance of the Republican administration under President Eisen- hower. It would appear, however, that rank- and-file members of unions in the Uni- ted States hold ideas which are very different from those of their leaders. Editorial Notes Strange how many people there are who almost bought up the site of new shopping centres a few years ago, just for the back taxes. Latest suggestion about a Lake On- tario swim is to stage it with ducks. That would be as sensible as subjecting human beings to an ordeal that has no other purpose than notoriety. Air travel will never seem. truly North American until some way is dis- covered of placing billboards between the passengers and the scenery. Nasser should remember that Brit- ain, The United States and France, be- tween them, pay 54 per cent of all the tolls earned by the Suez Canal. There are times when the customer is really right. The Daily Times-Gazette T. L WILSON, Publisher and Jeneras Manager. M. McINTYRE HOOD, EdVor The Daily Iimes-Gazette (Oshawa, Whitby), com: bining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) and the Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (established 1863), 1s publisheo daily (Sundays and statutory holidays ex- cepted.) Members of Canadian Dally Newspapers Publishers Association, The Canadian Press, Audit Bureau of Cir culation, and the Ontario Provincial Dailies Association. /The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the use for 'epublication of all news despatches in the paper credit the local news published therein. All rights of special despatches are also reserved. 4 od to it or to The Associated Press or Reuters, and also Offices: 44 King Street West, Torunto, Ontario: University Tower Building, Montreal, P.Q. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Oshawa, Whitby, Brookln Port Perry, Ajax, and Pickering, not over 30c per week. By mail (in province of Ontario), outside carrier de livery areas, $12.00. Elsewhere $15.00 per year. DAILY AVERAGE NET PAID CIRCULATION FOR 'UNE 14,150 their band, and there is every justifi- cation for that feeling. Music has a place in the life of every community. In Oshawa, we have ap- preciated the contribution made to the cultural life of the city by the Oshawa Civic and Regimental Band. The Whit- by Brass Band is now making a similar contribution to the town it represents, and judging from its success at the CONE, it is providing a high calibre of music for the citizens. Oshawa joins with the people of Whitby in congratulating the town's brass band on its great achievement in its first competitive effort. Bandmaster Eric Clark has shown great ability in rounding out a fine musical organiza- tion in a remarkably short space of time. One might well say that this is only the beginning, and that still fur- ther honors will be gained by this band as it grows and develops. And Politics A recent Gallup poll reveals that 56 per cent of the union members in the Uni- ted States favor President Eisenhower and the Republican Party. Only 44 per cent of these members would like to see the Democrats under Adlai Steven- son take over the reins of government. Two things become crystal clear from the result of this Gallup poll of union members. The first is that the millions of trade union members in the United States prefer to do their own political thinking rather than having it done for them by their leaders. The second is that the trend towards conservative thinking, which has been marked for some time in union circles, is steadily rising. These are facts which might 'well be absorbed by those who favor bringing organized labor in Canada under the wing of any one political party. Bits Of Verse PICNICS DIFFERENT BUT STILL POPULAR (Corrwall Standard-Freeholder) Probably the word picnic meant something different a few decades ago. There were picnics which includedd trips on one of the popular river steamers, trips somewhere by special train, or perhaps community affairs at some local park. Anyway, most picnics were more massive than the family parties which are now so popular. Up to the time when it became pos- sible for most families to get into' a car and go off by themselves, arrangements for trans- portation would often be made by some club or organization to keep the cost within reason. That kind of picnic is still with us, and good fun they are, at that, but the family has become a great institution too. Most people seem to"like to return to pioneering conditions in a mild sort of way. So long as the rugs and tablecloth are not left behind, the rugged life is the thing. An extension of the vogue for picnics is the fashion of outdoor living. Many a home has it barbecue fireplace, its picnic table under the trees, perhaps even a swimming pool. Folks seem to like staying outdoors much more than was customary a few years back. The difference may be partly 'accounted for by the fact that more people in proportion work indoors these days. Factories and offices are the field of activity for most of us it is nice to get out in the fresh air. Whatever the reason, catering to folk's taste for outdoor life with the amenities adding is now one of our biggest businesses. Bible Thoughts David spoiled his beloved son, who became a selfish, ambitious, ruthless rebel who would have slain his father, to obtain his crown. Dav- id paid in tears for his favoritism Unto David sons were born in Hebron; the third, Absalom.--11 Sam. 3: 2.3. 2 or OTTAWAREPORT TV Jamming Not Appreciated By PATRICK NICHOLSON Special Correspondent to The Times-Gazette OTTAWA--Many Canadian fans of United States television pro- ams are hopping mad with the By switching its transmitter in "Tronner" to another channel, the C.B.C. now interferes with recep- tion on some sets of the popular Buffalo station, whose programs were preferred to the C.B.C. of- ferings by many residents in rang of both stations. This switch by the C.B.C. affects a huge area of south-western Ontario. A similar move by the C.B.C. in Quebec province has affected two U.S. television stations which used to entertain a large audience in Montreal and the Eastern Townships, Thus in TV ithe C.B.C. is follow- ing the pattern which it has pre- viously set in yadio. The new fre- quency of C.H.C. stations in the west has 'cut pff many Saskatche- waners and shany British Colum- bians from their preferred listen- ing to U.S. transmitters. When the Kremlin jams Cana- dian and American programs through the Iron Curtain, or when Greece jams British broadcasts to Greece and Cyprus, our govern- ment advocates of 'freedom of the air' raise their eyes in feig- ned horror at such anti-demo- cratic tactics. The Biblical pa- rable about the moat and the beam might now be made re- quired reading for our cabinet. For the C.B.C. has evidently de- cided, with cabinet acquiescence, that Canadians shall have free- dom to enjoy the radio and tele- vision program of their choice so long as it is the C.B.C. pro- gram. COPY FORD In the same vein is a story being told by Jimmy Sinclair, our minister of fisheries. He is acting as peripatetic host to the visiting Soviet minister of fisheries and his party. Mr. Sinclair relates how the anti-capitalist Kremlin is now faithfully copying the capital- ist philosophy of no less a mulii- millionaire than Henry Ford. Visiting Minister A. Ishkov is stunned by the rainbow hues of FOR BETTER HEALTH the automobiles which he sees on our roads, In Russia, he remarked --using the famous words of Mr. Ford, our people can have a car of any colour they like as long as it is black. SUE-SIDE CRISIS The French, rational as ever, are telling this story. about the canal conference. Two French delegates were discussing the im- passe, when the West insisted on international control while Egypts Colonel Nasser insisted on no in- ternational interference. "Eh bien, mon vieux; qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire maintenant? What on earth can we do now?' "C'est simple," replied the other "On peut coloniser le ecanal--ou canaliser le Colonel" Which might be approximately translated as: 'Thats easy. We could colon- ise the canal--or dispose of the Colonel in his canal." THE NEW POOR And since I seem to be in fri- volous mood, let me tell about the latest rash of stories from Britain, where the economic ex- tinction of the wealthy leisured classes is almost a historical fact now. The few remaining anach- ronosms are affectionately re- garded somewhat as curiosities, and these museum pieces are the subject of as many stories as those 'shaggy dogs' used to be. The latest concerns a duke, hungrily awaiting the serving of dinner in his Scottish castle. He looked at his watch to see if din- ner was late, The watch had stop- ped. 4 "That's funny," he complained to one of his guests. "I cannot understand why the dashed thing isn't going. My valet always winds it up before he puts it on me." WHO CAN HELP? Can anyone tell me how to un teach a budgerigar to speak? My children have ar amusing young bird with a hig 1.Q which rapidly learns any phrase repeated to it. Bu' it has a memory like an ele- phant, and I am no longer amused at being greeted every morning with a cheerful 'Merry Christ mas" in an exact mimic of my own voice. Tell Your Doctor All When In Consultation By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD Don't be modest when talking to your physician. You pay him to find out what's wrong with you. The least you can do, for your own sake and his, is to give him every bit of informa- tion about your symptoms to help him diagnose your case. Hematuria, for example, Is a positive symptom that some ab- normality exists in the urinary tract. Hematuria is the discharge o. blood in the urine. FALSE MODESTY Unfortunately, many" persons let false modesty keep them from in- forming their doctor about such a condition. While hematuria may or may not be serious, it never pays to take a chance. As soon as you notice Blood in the urine, consult your doctor. And don't think that because it occurs only once and then stops, that it is nothing to worrry about. Hematuria is not always a per- sistent symptom. It may appear once and never again or it may oceur only two or three times over a period of years. CLOTS FORM Sometimes, the bleeding is so extensive that clots form; some- times the urine will be uniformly red or pinkish. In other cases, the bleeding will appear upon comple- tion of urination. , Pain does not necessarily ac- company hematuria, When it does, stones in the urinary tract might be responsible. This is especially true of small stones which cause varying degrees of pain and bleed ing by irritating the delicate lining as they pass down the ureter. Infections of the urinary tract g also occasionally cause bleeding. MAY MEAN TUMOR When there is bleeding without pain, it might mean some type of tumor in the urinary tract is re- sponsible, Such a tumor might be benign or it might be malignant. Since hematuria is not always a persistent symptom, a patient might be merely giving a malig- nant growth a chance to spread by ignoring the original warning. So be safe, tell your physician the minute you notice anything ab- normal. Tell him everything. QUESTION AND ANSWER R. V.: Our month-old baby has a constant tearing from the eye. The eye is not inflamed. What causes this? * Answer: It would seem your child has some difficulty with the tear duct. It would be well for you to consult your physician, Editor Beaten; Judge Faces Assault Charge ST. JOSEPH Mo. (AP) -- A county judge (commissioner) was charged with common assault here today after the editor of this city's two daily newspapers com- plained that the judge attacked him on a downtown street. The newspapers have been critical of the operations of the county court, an administraivet body The judge, Walt Smith, was re- MAC'S MUSINGS We have on many occasions Expressed the feeling That one of the means By which we can have a Greater appreciation of Our own city is to go For a holiday and sce Many other communities With which to compare it. We have once again found It to be true that our Own city of Oshawa is Just as fine a community As can be found anywhere, And after visiting many Other places, some of Them about the same Size as Oshawa, we feel That it is good to be Back in our own city. Perhaps that is because Oshawa has become home In a very real sense, And the magic appeal of The city that is home Cannot be found in any Other place no matter How far one may travel. The very word 'home' Carries with it a great Sense of affectiom for The place in which we live, And that affection can Be greatly intensified By seeing other places, And then coming back te The old familiar scenes Which endear the home Community to those who Are residents of it. So we are more convinced Than ever that we are Fortunate to be living In so fine a community As the city of Oshawa Although perhaps that is Because it is the place Where we are blessed With so many friends. BILLY GRAHAM EVOKES LAUGHS LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. (AP)--Evangelist Billy Gra- ham made a surprise appear- ance here during the world Methodist conference. As he entered the auditor- jum an overseas delegate set off a gale of laughter 4 in- quiring, "Are you' Bishop Graham?" - mal MAC'S MEANDERINGS Mountain Trail Provides Thrills motoring trip pv B. motor es, Sie Todt 3] gree) vari- ety of people qi makes ts." There Is a sense of fel- in the touring fraternity, t provides fine opportun- ities for talking with people from other ces, and at the same time, acquiring information which may be of value on the way along the broad highway. We had such a meeting while Home, near Bart- Hampshire, with a from Massachusetts, of Boston, in which direction we were head that it was worth while to make the detour because of the scenic wonders it revealed. Furthermore, it would take us back on to our in route on Highway No. 302, about 18 miles along om our way, and would add only some five or miles to our driving. So naturally, we decided to take this mountain road. GREATEST THRILLS We were glad we did. Tt pro- vided us with perhaps the great- est thrills of our whole trip. We turned off on this road in the town of Bartlett and in a few minutes, on a gradual slope, we were climbing the mountain, driv- ing through the dense forest Our talk with him - which covers its slopes, and which are being used as demon- stration and experimental areas by the United States forestry di- vision of the department of agri- culture. As we neared the top, we came on a cleared lookout point, where we stopped to enjoy a mar- vellous view of the broad swee of the White Mountain range. All along the horizon were the moun- tain, peaks, and in the far back- ground, towering over the others, was the top of Mount Washington. We were fortunate to secure an excellent. picture of this scene. We climbed on to another look- out point, where we saw an en- tirely different vista of the moun- tains, a scene that will remain etched on our mind for a long ROCKY GORGE PARK Then we started down the other side of the slope, and found our- selves travelling alongside a rocky mountain stream of great beauty. As we levelled off on a flat section of the trail, we came to a clearing bearing a sign "Rocky Gorge Park". There we found picnic tables, a bridge over the stream, which tumbled down the gorge in a series of foaming waterfalls. Once again, cameras were called into action, and, as we found later, with excellent re- sults. In this park, mounted on a large stand, was a visitors' book, inside a cabinet. We opened it, and the four of us signed our names, We looked through it, and noted that since the book was started this season, we were the first Cana. dian visitors to si the book. Possibly that was ause this mountain road is so little known and is off the beaten track. We went on down the trail, and came to another park called the "Lower Falls Park' with scenery gaint the background of a moun- which showed over the tops. It was worth while the mountain detour just to see this spot alone. : The trail led us into the to Conway, and from there we back to Highway No. 302 at . arded LUNCH IN PLAYGROUND At Naples, with its lovely blue lake nestling amid the mountains, we stopped for a roadside lunch, making f hool play- ground which had generously pro- vided tables. Thirty miles later, we arrived in Portland, Maine, our first point of contact with the Atlantic seaboard. Portland, a city of some 80,000 , proved to be a busy place on this Monday afternoon, and we lingered in it awhile, waking some necessary purchases of fi Supplies before going on down No. 1 Highway, a broad six-lane road, and on to No. 9 Highway, which led us to the beach at Pine Point, Beach, Maine. B, had started to fall, and as it was nearing five o'clock, we decided . to seek a resting place for the night. That was not a difficult task. All along that three miles of road there were tourist cottag- es galore, and we struck on one large motor court, with an ideal cottage situated sight on the sands of the beach, and far away from Old Orchard Beach to be quiet. And there we rested for the whole day of Tuesday and for two nights. : BYGONE DAYS 35 YEARS AGO The Whitby Town Council having completed the project of paving the Kingston road through the town set about to have * Brock street two blocks north and south of the main intersection paved and the contract was let to the War- ren Paving Company at the cost of $20,000 C. B. Palmer, L. Marshall, F. A. , G. Shreve, P. McKinnon, D. B. Carlyle, T. Fishleigh, C. Pea- cock, R. Dillon, P. Canning and G. Conant were set to compete against J. B. McClellan, B. 'A. King, A. S. Whattam, G. Chisholm, P. McKay, J. E. Carruthers, A. Ratz, W. E. Clarke, J. A. Allen, D. Allen, Dr. Phillips and W. H. Shep- pard in the men's singles of the Oshawa Tennis Club for the Conant Trophy. Bill Cole's squad in the Oshawa Lacrosse team journeyed to Camp- bellford to compete in the semi- final intermediate OALA test Through contributions of school chi' teachers, MV W. Cowan, Charles Robinson, .. U. Storie, John Stacey, C. F. Sturgess, F. J. Bailes, W. P. t, A. G. Storie, George Burage, Stanley Young, C. Bailes, Roy Beaton, J. C. Ward, Mrs. Dis- senstra, Mrs. H. Brown, Mrs. Pat- ton, R. J. Andisen, H. E. Felt, Mrs. Stephenson and benefits from the QUEEN'S PARK Plan To Provide Milk In Schools By DON O'HEARN Special Correspondent te The Times-Gazette TORONTO -- Milk for school- children? . There's a campaign underway to get milk in the schools. "An idea no one will disagree with. But there has. been some mis- understanding. A wide impression is that the government is considering free milk for school - children. But this isn't so. It is giving some thought to assistance, pos- sibly in the form of subsidy, which would make it possible for schools to have milk available. But to date it hasn't considered, at least not seriously, paying the whole bill. ONLY MACHINES Part of the mix-up comes from a statement by federal Agricul- ture Minister Gardiner in the house at Ottawa. He said something which left the impression that the federal government might be willing to contribute towards free milk. But not so, he later explained. What he had really meant was that Ottawa might be willing to pay towards vending machines or other apparatus which would help in vailable. The government here in its thivking leans towards the pro- gram being followed in Windsor, aE: service clubs have pit- c n and put over 8 milk DE pi a school: ey have seen that the milk is distributed in the schools. In needy cases tickets are supplies, but with the majority -of children the parents buy the milk. It might be noted that the child is given a ticket at home to buy the daily milk. Cash doesn't enter into it. Pop might be too much of a counter- attraction. At present, of course, the prov- ince does make a contribution to- wards free milk for school chil- en. Through the department of ed- ucation it will pay fifty per cent or the cost "of any free milk pro- grams undertaken by boards of educatidn. But there are two catches to this. One is that very few boards to- day, with the critical rise in ed- ucation costs, are going out om a limb and take on the additional cost of milk. . The second is that the subsidy a music concert, the south Osh . school were the proud owners of a fine new piano. After three years of operations in Oshawa the Canada Flax and Seed Company which ranked as one of the town's enterprising industries, announced its intention to cease operations following the season's crop disposal. W. Harmer, a pupil of Prof. M. M. Stephenson, took part in the singing competition held at the Canadian National Exhibition. He was accompanied by Miss Doris Maybee. Cost $1,260; Painting Worth $66,000 EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands (Reuters)--A- 17th-century paint- ing bought at an auction near Maastricht in April, 1954, for about $1,260 has been identified as Burns Arrives At Damascus For Talks DAMASCUS (AP) -- Maj.-Gen. 5. L. M. Burns, United Nations Palestine truce chief, arrived by plane from Jerusalem today. He is to have talks with Syria's new defence minister, Abdul ~ Hassib Raslan and the new ary chief of staff, Gen. Tawfik Nizamed- dine, it was officially announced. A government spokesman said the Canadian Feneral wants to get acquainted with both the minister and the chief of staff and confer with them over Syro-Israeli bor- der peace arrangements under Dag Hammarskjold's UN agree- ment, " Wednesday, Raslan said the Arab states bordering Israel have instructed their UN delegates to file unilateral protests directed at Burns. CHARGE PRO-ISRAEL He said the instructions had gone to delegates of Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. The protests will express '"'Arab uneasiness over Burns' pro-Israel attitude" during recent months, he said. Asked whether the. Arab coun- tries would demand removal of Gen, Burns as truce supervisor, Raslan said 'If he changes his presgat attitude we will be satis- ied." leased under $500 hond after he was arraigned and Jpleaded not guilty before a magistrate. His case was set for hearing Sept. 19. Arthur V, Bufrowes, 62, editor of The Morning Gazette and The Evening News Press, said Smith hit him twice. Burrowes was cut on the nose and one ear and his eve glasses were broken. a valuable Rembrandt which dis- appeared during the war, it was learned here today. The painting, about three feet by four, represents King Assuerus of the Biblical book of Esther. The present owners, P. J. van der Velden 'and B. J. Lamers, have insured the painting for about $56,000 Prof. Simone Bergm Ghent University in Belgium, who was called in by the present own- ers to examine the painting, de- clared it a genuine Rembrandt, probably painted about 1635. Bergmans said he is certain the painting was originally bought in Britain by an Amsterdam dealer whose collection was seized by the Germans during the occupation. The Allies returned it to The Netherlands after the war, but without a certificate declaring it a genuine Rembrandt. In 1949 Arnhem art dealers bought it for a few hundred guild- ers and later sold it to the present owners. EASE WATER SHORTAGE VALLETTA, Malta (Reuters-- The 13,146-ton British naval tanker Ticerace arrived from Sicily Wed- nesday with 1,200 tons of water for troops to help ease the islands water shortage. AE RR. ELP SEE WHITBY PAGE FOR IMPORTANT NOTICE Re tl ns of Goodfellow Says Farming Canada's Basic Industry TORONTO (CP) -- Agriculture Minister Goodfellow of Ontario declared before a Canadian Na- tional Exhibition luncheon that farming still is "the basic industry of Canada." Guest-speaker at the Farmers' and Livestock Parade Day lunch- eon, he promised his audience of agriculturists legislation enabling the farmer "to work out his own destiny." Commenting on a Supreme Court of Canada action testing the legality of Ontario's hop-marketing legislation, Mr. Good! ellow said that whatever happens he 'will pot allow the farmer to suffer." . "We will request that the fed- teral government pass legislation DO YOU NEED A LOA UNTIL PAYDAY? $50 for 2 weeks LUE LUE YE Examples Cost for 1 Month .$1.00 $2.00 You Cost for Receive | 2 Weeks $50 47 $100 94 Other Examples You Receive $100 $300 $510.68 $1000 $1500 $2000 Monthly Payments $ 7.78 $23.35 $27.00 $44.70 $67.05 $89.40 Larger amounts and many other plans to suit your budget. $50 to $5,000 without endorsers or "ankahle security. SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-6541 Open Friday till 9 p.m. Open Saturdays till 1 p.m. * that will net the farmer a fair return if the court dictates that | the scheme is invalid." But he warned against allowing too much government interference in farming affairs. ACTRESS DIES SYDNEY, Australia (Reuters)-- Carrie Mogre, one of Edwardian England's best - loved actresses, died here Wednesday at 71. SO . cd ECONOMY! CONVENIENCE! for example: ' OSHAWA to MONTREAL ony $9.10 one war $16.40 revurn $14.60 5-DAY EXCURSION TRIP 3 trips daily COLONIAL COACH. LINES Gray Coach Lines Terminal Tel. RA 3-224]

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