ONF ,000 ding, 1 ding ric mec service CC ¥50 ne lot, two Ty 5, also Ss upst en wit ds. Sor this, hlter B 6 Sim Dial | Ope ADMIRE PAINTINGS OF AJAX ART GROUP A partial view of the many | the Ajax Public Library, the fine paintings on Mrs. Sidney Wells, and Mrs. Ted « [BOWMANVILLE | NEWS Legionaires Hold Hockey Practice BOWMANVILLE (Staff) Several members of the Le- gionaires hockey team, On- tario juvenile champions for 1955- 56, held a practice last night in the Memorial arena, with several promising recruits on hand. Al Clarke, team manager, said he will make an official an- nouncement 'within a few days' regarding the club's decision to join the Junior "C" ranks or re- | main in the juvenile section. | 'Nothing has been deciied on . this matter to date,' he said. BOWMANVILLE PERSONALS 1 Miss Frances Hincks who has been the assistant superintendent at the Memorial Hospital for the last two years, leaves this week to attend Queen's where she will take ate course in Nursing. ~-- ter Mary have returned from vacationing in Pennsylvania where | a particularly fine painting. they visited relatives and friends. --Photo by John Mills exhibition in ! work of the Ajax Art Group. Thorndyke are shown admiring | AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative Phone Ajax 426 parked car on Highway 401 at TWO CAR CRASH ON 401 Elwyn Wright, 23, of Udney, | 3 : Ontario, was taken to the Ajax | ter examination. Garnet Mich : + ell, 22, of 260 Logan avenue, To- and Pickering General Hospital ronto, told police he was parked shortly after midnight last night, on the south shoulder when the after his car crashed into a | Wright car ploughed into the pose BIG TURTLE AT PICKERING This 40-pound snapping turtle was taken into protective cus- tody by Pickering" police on | Thursday morning Kenneth Price of Rosebank found the rep- tile on his way to work and fear- ing that school might | years find it and get n called | reader could police. Ofiipi { th 1 curate estimate ment of Lands and Forests came ~Photo by John Mills and took the turtle away to re lease it at some distant point The shell is 18 inches across, and police estimated its weight at 40 pounds but couldn't estimate its age; which would be many ch en sive a fairly iis Sen Rosebank, He was released af- | | rear end turning Mitchell's car Perhaps a well-informed ac- | ¥ vl A # Officer for the Society for Crippl- Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Grant are| holidaying at their cottage in Min- den. Mr. Dow who has been employed |as the engineer at Memorial Hos- | pital left recently to take up resi-| dence with his daughter in Toronto. | Mr. Douglas Rigg is enjoying a | well deserved vacation with his Lost Control Car Damaged AJAX (Times - Gazette) --Reu-| ben Thawsetter, age 18, of 213 Scarboro Crescent, escaped unin-| t jured from his car when it went Parents at Stratford, Ontario. out of control and rolled over on| Mr. and Mrs. C. Vanstone the Lakeshore road, at the foot of arrived home September 4, from Harwood avenue last evening | their vacation in Newfound- Thawsetter told police he struck |land where Mrs. Vanstone visited loose gravel as he made a right her father and renewed some hand turn on to the Lakeshore childhood acquaintances, road. He was alone in the car| Mr. and Mrs. George Forsey ar- vhich was badly damaged. rived home this week after a two " oe month holiday in Newfoundland, Ruth Newman Speaker Vermont, Maine and York. . "ys Mrs. Arnott has bs detain- At Hospital Auxiliary Won he Tare G. MILLS led out West, she is replaced tem- AX -- The first meeting of Bowles. 3 X |porarily on the BHS staff by Mrs. season of the Women's y to the Ajax and Pick- Only Two Cases Of Disease Are Reported ering General Hospital, will take place on Tuesday, September 10th. at 8 p.m. in the Nurses' residence. The guest speaker will be Miss BOWMANVILLE -- Communic- ed Civilians, Toronto. Miss New-| able diseases reported to the an will tell of the work being|Northumberland - Durham Health done by the Society, and will unit for the week ending Septem- Ruth Newman, Public Relations ~ show a short film entitled "Mir- ber 1st were one case of German i acle of Rehabilitation, All ladies Inedgles at Brighton, and one case 0 completely around facing west, Damage. to both ve- hicles is extensive. The accident created a bad tie up in traffic. Top photo: Wright's car. Bot- tom photo: Mitchell's car. Photos by John Mills Millard Urges Recognition Of Red China TORONTO (CP)--C. H. Millard, Canadian director of the United Steelworkers of America (CLC), Thursday called Canada's recog- nition of the Chinese Nationalist government on Formosa as the {government of China, a "farce." S should recognize Communist China, he said. He told a service club: "Our policy with China is silly. We cannot fight communism with a negative approach" Canada should do business and 'rub shoulders" with Red China. Recently appointed director of organization of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, a world organization, he said Canada's contributions to the Colombo Plan and the United Na- tions technical aid agencies are "not nearly enough." GIRL FOUND KITCHENER (CP)--Beate Koe- nig, 16, missing from her home since Monday, was found safe here Thursday. Police were called in Wednesday. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Phone AJAX 333 i you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call AJAX TAXI All colls must be placed before 7:30 P.M. '| medical practices. He told a pressiwith us." are invited to attend. Red measles at Port Hope. Pickering Village Council To Survey Hydro System PICKERING (Times ~ Gazette said if requested by council, they Staff Reporter) --. Pickering Vil- woud nate 5 Somplets vey lage council will have a complete "Reeve. Cyril Morley said he he- survey made of the Hydro system |jjeved the survey should be made in the village, to establish what it so that the electors would know would cost to purchase. Council|exactly what they were voting on. hopes to present this information|If the survey is ¢ leted 4 | University | ¢ a_ post gradu- Public. Health | Mrs. Nellie Chaplain and nigh] dia Two long time members of the roads and streets department in Bowmanville 'are seen above put- ting stone around culverts on Frederick avenue. On the left is | Jack Shackleton who was with | ment for twenty-five years. LONG TIME TOWN EMPLOYEES [ "dE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, Seplember 7, 1956 § Many Problems Face The BOWMANVILLE (Staff Report- er) -- The condition of the roads and streets in any town dlways seem to come in for criticism, and Bowmanville is no exception. Considerable work is being done on the streets in Bowmanville this year. Jane street located in the Flett sub-division has always been a source of trouble, however, in the last few weeks steps have been taken to correct the fault here, ditching has been done on both sides of the street. The depart- ment has run into a big snag as several culverts are too small and need replacing, the home owner in many cases will not buy a new culvert and the town maintains that the property owner should buy these culverts. Councilor Johnny Brough who is chaitman of the department of roads and streets committee, said on Thursday 'I don't know what we are going to do about this cul- vert business. I told council at the meeting on Tuesday night that the time had come for the town to put in all culverts and to charge them to the general tax, and I still maintain that it will have to come to this.' ON SCHEDULE ; Councillor Brough was then ask- ed, will you be able to com- plete your road program for this year? "Yes, I believe we can. The contractor is coming in next Mon- the department for over eight |day and we intend to start laying years before retiring in 1955. In [the crushed stone on Jane street. | August this year he came out of |We have O'Dell and part of Pros- retirement and back on the job. {pect street excavated and ready On the right is Albert Ruiter |'or stone also; we intend to do Roads And Streets Dep't Nelson street from Li to Hunt street and maybe Park street from Liberty to Duke street." When asked how much of his time he spends trying to keep the public happy, Mr. Brough said "more time than I can spend on my own business. Some people seem to take it personally if you do not do just as they ask. They seem to forget that we are only trying to do our best to satisfy everyone.' WORKERS BUSY . What do workmen of the depart- ment spend their time doing these days? A quick tour of the town on Thursday afternoon found the roads foreman, Coulson Pitt, run- ning the old grader on Jane street. In other parts of the town, men were working on the boulevard on King street east. On Frederick avenue more men were busy lay- ing culverts and ditching. The councilor in charge and members of the roads and streets departments have one thing in common -- they are never out of a job. Joseph P. Donihee (Hurt In Car Crash | MONTREAL (CP) -- JoJseph P. | Donihee, 48, of Cornwall, Ont., was injured Thursday night in a col- lision between a car and a truck in suburban Lachine. Donihee was taken to hospital for treatment of broken ribs and a possible skull fracture. who has been with the depart- | ' Susie Grant 'Twice Victor BLACKPOOL, England (CP) -- Susie Grant, a carrot-haired six- footer from Toronto, today ap- peared headed for a hat trick in 11 DIE IN SLIDE BELGRADE (AP)--A landslide in the southern Yugoslav republic of Macedonia has brought death to 11 persons, the newspaper Politika reports. The slide hit a road connecting the hamlets of Kavadar and Stragove as peasants and livestock were on the road to a market. the English national swimming championships, Wednesday she won the girls' | 110-yards free style, her second title in less than 24 hours. Tues-| day she streaked home ahead of] her field in the 110-yards butter-| fly event. In the free style, her time of 69.4 seconds was the fast-| est ever recorded in the event, but} 16-year-old Susie can't claim the {English record because she is aj | Canadian. f 1 Chisholm Wants Canada To Give Away More | | VICTORIA (CP)--Canada is not| |taking her proper place in help-| FOR MISSED PAPERS IN BOWMANVILLE Phone FRIDAY -- 8 P.M SATURDAY -- 8 MA 3-5561 | | Adulis -- 40¢ If you have not received i your Times - Gazette by || 7 p.m,, call KING TAXI All calls must be placed before 7:30 p.m. ing the two-thirds of the world suffering from hunger and ills, Dr. | Brock Chisholm, former director | of the World Health Organization, | PUBLIC SKATING 'BOWMANVILLE ARENA Ice Time is now available for rentals. Call Bowmanville MA 3-5728 . fo 10 P.M. P.M. to 10 P.M. Children -- 25¢ said Thursday. "We don't take the responsibil- ities we should take," he told the Institute of Public Administration | of Canada conference, to reduce the budget Health Organization, spite the fact this co of the world's wealthi the World ' said, ry is one | Canada's influence fon Interna- | tional health obligatiohs has been | de- o the people at election time in|time the question will be on the December. . | ballots at election time, A letter to council from Hydro | In this matter Pickering is fol- set a tentative figure of $31,000, (lowing the example of Ajax, who wut this is only an amount provid- purchased the Hydro system there »d for discussion purposes. Hydro this year. Eisenhower's Physician Seeks Russ Aid Against Heart Disease MOSCOW AP)(--Dr. Paul Dud- conference at the Soviet health ley White, Boston heart specialist ministry the two countries face] who treats President Eisenhower, [common problems in combating invited the Soviet Union Thursday| Russia's health minister, Dr. Ma- Ito join the United States in 'war | ria Kovriginia, accepted with lon our common enemy--the heart|great gratitude White's formal disease. ' | invitation to four leading Russian | White is visiting the Soviet Un-|doctors to visit the United States ion with five other U.S. doctors|"as our guests for a period of six| for a nine-day study of Russian to eight weeks to study and work SURVIVE "SUICIDE" TRIP x MOTOMURA, Japan (AP)--An Bursting Bt Seams elderly couple Wednesday fell into --An' over- i . flow in registeation at Port Arthur | "® smoking Sater ot Mount mM schools has sent officials scurry-|nara while sig tseeing at Japan's ing to find accommodation. Total famous suicide volcano. Both sur- enrolment is just under 9,000. |vived. Mrs. Kiyoko Kato, 54, cu- Enrolment at the collegiate rious to see what a "suicide vol- rose to more than 1,000 from | " looks lik t t 1 1955's total of 850. The school was | °2n0 ooks like, stepped too close built to hold 650 students. and fell in. Her husband, Ichiro, Siasses are being held at sthe 58, tried to rescue her but he was A sich basements retin Soon Overcome by fumes and top- |arrangements have been made to|Pled into the crater. Both landed | hold physical education classes in|on a ledge, and were rescued by the Port Arthur Armory. I police. Port Arthur Schools LESLE NATURAL GAS AUTOMATIC HOT WATER HEATERS roll your own cigarettes DGOEN'S QUALITY FINE CUT FINE EE a fine &it with a DISTINCTIVE flavour As Low As .75 Month on Your Gas Bill Only 129.00 Installed OSHAWA BRANCH 171 Bond St. East RA 5-9611 Phone or Write For Natural Gas Application. FREE Information | TIME TO GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE ADS THAT FILL ALL NEEDS ! Yes, right NOW--when you've so mapy press- ing problems on your mind--is the best time of all to b better acquainted with the helpful, versatile Classified ads in the Times- Gazette. Nothing equals Classified Ads for renting, selling, hiring, finding, giving notice, Nothing equals the Classified section as a market place for filling your wants. Chances are Classified Ads, either by consulting them or using them, So turn to the Classified columns now, end see what an there. And when you have some need that Classified Ad for a friendly ad-writer's assistance. J Times i 9 5 woros CASH RA 3-349 AT COUNTER you've already profited from If not, you're bound to soon. amazing number of offers are can fill, just Dial RA 3-3492 2