# THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, September 7, 1956 CROWN: ASSETS DISPO! CORPORATION FOR SALE Mary Elizabeth Jermyn Takes Marriage Vows Here Tall standards of pastel shaded her sister-in-law, Mrs. James gladioli formed a lovely setting|Jermyn, who was gowned in blue » ; dl : | \ vr LL er i \ \ I we YY TEMPERATURES TO BE BELOW NORMAL Except for Quebec and the | below - normal temperatures in Atlantic provinces, most of Can- | the next 30 days, according to | ada can expect near - normal or | this map based on the long- | range forecast of the United States weather bureau at Wash- ington, '| Friday, August 31, '| Whitby, and "ler, {| white Chantilly lace and net over| in All Saints' Anglican Church on 'when Mary Elizabeth Jermyn the | Chantilly lace and net over satin with matching hat. She carried a bouquet of yellow and white baby bride of Edward John Fry. The] "| bride is the daughter of Mayor Harry Jermyn and Mrs, Jermyn, the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.| Fry, Bowmanville. | The wedding music was played | "i|by Mrs. F. Marsh, and the soloist '| was Mr. A. McGregor of Bowman- ville who rendered two beautiful solos, "The Lord's Prayer" and ji "0 Perfect Love". | Given in marriage by her fath- the bride wore a gown of| satin topped by a matching bolero with long-pointed sleeves. Her fin \| gertip veil was held in place by a | Juliet cap of lace embroidered] | with tiny pearls. The bride carried {an orchid and stephanotis on a | white prayer book. | The bride's only attendant was chry Ralph Fry acted as best man for his brother and the ushers were James Haul and James Jermyn. The reception was held in All Saints' Parish Hall and to receive the guests, the bride's mother wore a gown of aqua dacron with dusty pink and black accessories and her corsage was of pink and white carnations. The groom's mother chose a shrimp color shantung dress with black accessories and her corsage consisted of pink and white "car-| nations. | For their honeymoon trip to| Niagara Falls the bride donned a two-piece navy cocktail suit with pink accessories and a corsage of pink orchids. On their return Mr. and Mrs. / Fry will reside on Athol street, Whitby. > $639 Curb Stops | 'Track Flooding | | Reporting for the property com- | mittee of Whitby High School] Board this week, Mr. Don. Wilson] said that he thinks the problem of | draining the running track has Means Found To Ease Exit Of Russ Thief LONDON (AP)--Foreign office legal experts are reported to have POST OFFICE BUILDING AND SITE AT BROCK AND DUNDAS STREETS WHITBY, ONTARIO A Closing date for receipt of OFFERS--SEPTEMBER 14TH, 1956 or details including Conditions of Sale, apply to Mr..L. W. Burton, Chief Toronto Office, CROWN ASSETS DISPOSAL CORPORATION, 55 York Street Toronto, Ontario, J 1409 TENDERS FOR COAL Tenders will be received by the undersigned for supplying coal for the heating season 1956-57 by two schools on Highway No. 2 in Pickering Town- ship school area No. 1. Tenders will be received until Tuesday, Sept. 11, MRS. C. F. BRYANT, Secretary-Treasurer. PILOT SOLVES PARKING PROBLEMS | (right) | Pilot C.-R. Robinson of Trans ~ Canada Air Lines sits in the cockpit of the plane ting, he gets to the airfield in five minutes. Robinson moors the plane on the Red River be- | hind his home. With him is his | LOT FOR SALE Beautiful Ravine Lot, 100' x 400', in fine residential area in the town of Whitby. Apply Judge Pritchard MO 8-3033 been solved. which has helped him solve his | %on Larry who is a pilot for | WHITBY and DISTRICT | New floors trom old "Save 2/3ds the cost! 1's enty to give your floor prefenioneh ooking carel Just wee our Clarke Rented Equipment; save fime, money and energy. Bus Rides Too Long. Too Many; | Parents Keep Children At Home HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP)--Pro- and beat his head against a wall. | testing parents kept 16 third-grad-|Then he tried to strangle himself. ers home from the reopening off A day's program was charted] school in a nearby rural district(like this: The pupils to be picked] yesterday, because, in their up by bus near their homes and words, the kids would be too giddy|taken to Paxton; change to an- from bus rides to soak up educa-{other bus at Paxton for Dauphin; tion, at lunch time back by bus to Pax-| "Six separate bus trips in a sin-|{ton, which has a cafeteria, then| gle day!" exclaimed one mother.|all aboard for Dauphin again; | "How much time will be left for|school over for the day, two more | learning?" bus rides to get home. It started several weeks ,K ago| The parents of the absentees| when officials of the Paxton|said "better conditions" than that school district realized they had|must be provided before they] more pupils than space to put{change their minds. them in. They decided to shift 50 third-graders to Dauphin school, a mile away and in another dis- trict. For the transferred 50 that meant a travel schedule which, though it might not have upset the children, certainly dismayed many of their elders. BROOKLIN SUPPLY & LUMBER CO. LTD. North Side No.7, V4 Mile West of Hwy. No. 12 Store Hours: Open every including Seturday to 5:30 p.m, With the start of the fall term,|modate 35 students, aud 0 .| situation is somewhat 1 i Whitby District High School sd |Mr. Tutt said, by the fact that/son, Miss Marie mitted over 400 students, Tuesday. Volkswagen Owners | claim thet it is the most sensible thing on wheels. Powered by the best designed ond" most relioble engine in W's class. It's economy will put money In your bank. y Announcing THE. APPOINTMENT : |solved the legal dilemma thal Maia the rack Nas ip the | keeps Nina Ponomareva penned commuting problem. Living 13 | Canadian Pacific Airlines. The | ek has had a fendency gt lin ihe Soviet. Embas miles from Winnipeg's Steven- | TCA pilot flies and repairs light during rainy weather, due to its| : assy, son Field, he found it took 25 | planes for a hobby and has been, position at the base of a terrace.| The Russian discus champion.| minutes to drive to work, He resident of the Canadian Afr Mr, Wilson said that during the who jumped bail last week on &| pought a second-hand amphibian ine Pilots Association for three » holidays, a concrete curb, extend-| charge of pilfering five hats from plane and now, weather permit- ' consecutive terms AT KIWANIS CLUB 'Theatre Guild ing 12 inches underground, and a London shop, is liable to arrest : . li standing 12 imches' above thelif she sets foot outside the sanctu- . . ™ ground, has been built round the|ary "of the embassy. But the | - - Plans Variet track. In last week's exceptionally|shop has dropped its shoplifting | a 1 ornian 0 onate at | ma eur uc ioneers | Y heavy rain, he said, the curb re-! charges and everyone now wants | I With preparations under way for ceived a severe fest, but there was onast the Widle thing. | » . » [their third play, Whitby Theatre NO (rage of fooding, the excess he foreign office experts found I] Th R Ww l | ani anni | eing directed by the curb|a diplomatic loophole--the historic | . Prepare For Arena Sale [Show oe Ligh 3 Yael into the original dvaiae jprotooo) that an ambassador's 0 1eving ussian oman The guild will conduct classes! The curb, he told the board, cost coach (or automobile) is immune : If last night's practice auction at apparently got carried away by|in pr technique, during the| $639. Mr. Wilson went on to say from legal action. pi Jose. Cal {AP) Nina Jofage Jn he Russian cans: i is Club of Whitby was|Fred's oratory because a check next few months, with special clas- that the property committee 'willl Their suggestion: an embassy her fellow Russians will let her shoplifting charges. the Kiwanis Club A led he siready owned |be able to obtain all the cinders|car with N ive| : a TH ny criterion of what to expect on later revealed he already owned|ses for makeup, stage management, | °¢ ave D bi ne [sar wi ina aboard can drive keep it. Conn said the new hat, to be any {one piece of pie. | ete. These classes will be free, to required for the track from theito the docks, where it can be| Kenneth Conn, executive editor/made by a New York firm, will " : : . : : ' y , September 22nd at the Arena, it| More serious business will be members of the club Dunlop plant. adding that these hoisted aboard a Russian ship, |of the San Jose Mercury and News cosi more than $100 "and it will will be an interesting atternoon |taking place among the Kiwanians On Monday, September 10th., at cinders are of such a fine nature {said last night the newspaper be ready Sept. 12." f One of the prospective auctioneers, on Saturday, September 8th, how-g:00 p.m., there will be a general that they will have to be mixed had ordered a special hat made Conn said he was convinced the Fred Ing, managed to raise 40 cents over, for then members will be out meeting of the guild, to discuss the with some binding substance, be- FISH LEARN | for the Russian discus champion, Russian woman wanted "to look for a piece of pie. The highest bid- in force to make a house to house forthcoming variety show. All|fore being laid. | |who jumped bail last week on a pretty raore than she wanted what der was the other propective Ki-| canvass to collect items suitable members of the guild will be pres-|NO BUS | {charge of pilfering five hats, from|the Russians were teaching her--| wanis auctioneer, Godfrey Schilling. |for auction of rummage. lent, and, it is hoped, many new| Under the correspondence, Chair- EVIL OF DRINK la London, Eng., shop. She" took'h: o throw a discus." I ~ Our Floor Rental \. The practice run by Fred was in| Articles which are deemed suit-|members. The guild still requires| man Harold Elms read a letter -- ----------------_-- romp ------ | Plan Means Brilliant preparation for the club's mammoth|able for auction purposes will beinew members, and request anyone requesting a bus service, for high STRADELLA, Italy (AP)-- Fl 1 : auction and rummage sale, sched-|sorted out and the auction sale will who can dance, sing, act, or recite, school students living in the An- The people of this village in oor uled for later this month. The a-|begin in the afternoon, of Septem-|ty attend the general meeting, derson street area, The board) northern Italy cried "miracle" | Phone for Equipment, bove mentioned two have been|ber 22nd. In the morning, the doors turned the request down, noting| 2% they plopped fish out a | Reservation today! sélected as auctioneers for the oc-|of the arena will be thrown open | that it is the board's policy not to nearby river with their hands. | casion and have been taking lib-|for rummage sale. | transport students who live within They picked up hundreds of i « erties at the meetings in order to] The entire proceeds will be used PERSONALS the town limits, pounds of stupefied fish. get in a little practice. Godfreylin Kiwanis welfare work. | | The meeting of the board was Then somebody thought of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutton, concluded in committee of the an explanation: Wastage from " Ottawa, have been visiting Mrs, | Whole. & Winery 5, the Tivers bank t § 400 Sutton's sister, Mrs. E. Peebles, ad intoxicated the fish. 1 nro men 0 I] Charles St., Port Whitby. M H Ww . - Out-of-town guests who attended IS. . atson T t : High School Uses Cafeteria |i: fz: sites : orontonian r. Kenne! ull, Mr. ani Ts. | g | Ken Nichols, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Entertains Club Robbed ver. The| Nichols, Mr, and Mrs. J. Levitt,| AA Mr. James Levitt, Mr. Glen Daw-| The Clover Leaf Club met at the J Taylor, Miss| home of Mss. 3 Watson, 1621 L { there are only 25 students in the Given Dean, Mrs. Barbara Ken-| -rO 4 iy aut , POR Fubys e t u ea With the roll increased by over|ypper school. |nedy and son, Larry, of Bowman- lovely 1 acheon ple h ae - a 100 on last year, teaching space| Plans are at present under way|ville; Miss Carolyn Way, Oshawa; |; hb enjoved hy oh er TORONTO (CP) -- = Attacked, has become a real problem, ac-|to construct a 10-room addition to/Mr. Phil Gilmer, Newtonville;| oo 4 S fbbbed of $61, stripped' of all his ting to Principal Donald Tutt. the school, which, the High School Miss Margaret Moore, Oshawa; PTC Jo oo Lo 1608 es and then driven more than Mr. Tutt said that 140 new stu-| Board estimate, will suffice to|Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meadow, New-| o.." wl gem Tre omm Mill ug east Toronto, dents started on Tuesday, and it accommodate Whitby high school|castle; Mr. and Mrs. James Mar-| oy. con" a LY a. de ean om in Sa paper som has been found necessary to use| students for several years to/tin, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ted| "io" 0 Wednesday, September|the Oy aly A » y the school cafeteria for some come, at the present rate of the Hackenbrook apd Iwo sons, Sap. 12. at the home of 3 0 mem:| Police are looking Sa Cate. wen classes. Other classrooms ac town's ex [Mr Mies gi 2h ph cove ber of Port Whitby, Mrs. George wanted for the assaulf. Bay; Mr. and Mrs, Edward Hall Reid, now residing in Guelph.| Milligan was found by police - I'l . and two daughters, Windsor: and| he juewhers will enjoy a friendly after two women motorists re- Highest In Town 2 1story |Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Hackett and "n¢"€Om ported they had seen a naked man i 1 1172 Pupils Attend Schools | With a count of nosés completed rides to King Street School, will in Whitby's five public schools, this year stay at their own school. Largest class of the system this it has been found that there zpe summer has 40 pupils and King 172 children attending this year. Street School is the most crowded This is an increase of 113 over last { "5 system, says Supervisory year's figure. Principal Earl Fairman. Two The approximate number of new hasement rooms in that school are oo" nro" w Oliver of Medicine! pupils auiending this jerm is again in use this year. ; rather difficult to get, at the pres-| 1, ne Street School, which ent time. It is known that 125 Kid-,, 4 voar "filled seven rooms, this dies turned out this week for kin- year is using nine. Grades VI, dergarten lasses ang chat "9 VII and VIII attend this school. | 3 . There were 69 who left the public| Brock Street School, the small- i i 4 est in Whitby, with two class- schools this year for high school Pr istrati f 58 and it is left to the reader to cal- Oar as a registration of < culate how many new pupils have 8. : transferred either into or out of| Colborne Street School has 273 the public school system here. pupils. | There is a considerable increase, Dundas Street School has 135 in the number of children attend- pupils. | ing kindergarten, Last year, only Hillcrest School has 409 pupils 81 turned out. This year, 160 tots in its 12 rooms, the largest school appeared. As in the last term,|in Whitby. i kindergarten classes will be held] King Street School has a regis- only at King Street and Hillcrest tration of 297 pupils. Public Schools. In addition to this, | a class of five is held at the Brock. Street Sehool. | BAGUIO, P.I. (Reuters)--South-| Also, as in former years, the east Asia Treaty Organization kiddies from the Dundas Street military advisers Thursday se- School area will be taken by taxi|lected Bangkok, the capital of to either Hillcrest or King Street.| Thailand, as the site for the head- CHOSE BANGKOK f | daughter, Susan, of Detroit. son, visiting relatives and friends for a few days. David Bush and are Mr. and Mrs. Garth, of Kapuskasing, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Igel spent a few days at North Bay during their vacation, the guests of Mr and Mrs. Donald Brazeau. Recent callers 'at the home of Mrs. Frank Threadgold were Mr. uncle of Hat, Alberta, "aunt and VON Miss Marg Standerwick, nurse of the Whitby Branch. Miss Florence Hislop of Toronto | spent last week-end at the home of Mrs. Frank Threadgold, the guest of Miss Marg. Standerwick, also Misses Helen Bazourou, Aspa Pittas, . Harris Pittas and Mr. Panos Pittas. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Elms and family have returned home after spending a week at their cottage at Rock Lake. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visitors are ap- preciated. The kiddies at Brock Street, who quarters of the per t mili- last year enjoyed afternoon taxi tary planning group. WHITBY | Phone MO 8-3618 | AUXILIARY MEETING The September meeting of the Fireside Evening Auxiliary of the WMS of the Whitby United Church will be held in the Church Hall, Monday, September 10 at 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to STAGE FRIGHT | COSTSHIMJOB | VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (AP)-- Stage fright of a sort cost five- year-old Dean Koga his part | as one of the children in the | current summer theatre pro- duction of The King and I. During rehearsals every | time "the king" staged one of | his stormy entrances, Dean | | was so terrified that he burst | into tears. | Money Eater Again Eats Normally OWEN SOUND (CP) John Bumstead, 12, of Meaford, back on a normal diet, returned to school today after a 50-cent piece he swallowed was ejected without need of an operation. John was released Wednesday from Meaford General Hospital. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bumstead, plan to have a hole drilled in the coin so that John can keep it as a souvenir. trying to stop cars. | Milligan told police two men of-| fered him a lift but instead headed for Cherry Beach, slugged him| with a flashlight and beat him about the head. Five Bodies Recovered In North Drownigs KENORA (CP) -- Ontario Pro- vincial Police reported today the bodies of all five victims of Mon- day's multiple drowning have been recovered from Lake of the Woods. The bodies of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Price of Warren, Man., and Gordon Wieser of Kenora were re- covered Wednesday, Earlier, the bodies of Mrs. Wieser and Mrs. Robert Baker of Kenora were taken from the waters. Negroes Enter School, Angry Mob Demonstrates STURGIS, Ky. (AP)--An angry, yelling mob of 400 to 500 persons staged a near riot here today as armed national guard troops es- corted nine Negro youths into the previously all-white Sturgis High School. Motorist Kills -KILLEN'S SALES Phone MO 8-2222 for Demonstration Two Tiny Girls In Chicago CHICAG (AP) Proud and perky in their light blue socks and| matching ballerina slippers, two little girls skipped off Thursday for the first day of school. By noon police were using the shoes with a white daisy on each toe to identify the crushed bodies of two girls--pinned against the school fence by a wild-running car. A grandmother looked at the footgear and said it belonged to Janet Griffiths, 7, and her sister, Sandra, 5. Police sald the children had been walking along the fence sur- rounding the play yard of their north side elementary school at the end of the morning classes. A car driven by 16-year-old Richard Dombeck made a sharp, fast turn and hit a lamp post. Bouncing off the post, it swerved across the sidewalk and plunged into the children. The tragedy drove the Dombeck boy into hysteria, At a police sta- tion he dashed into a washroom | Australia Suffers From Trade Deficit CANBERRA (Reuters) -- Aus- tralia's overseas trade balance {last month had a deficit of £17, 200,000 (Australian) following four favorable trading months, it was announced here today. This made a net deficit of £10,-| 000,000 for the first two months on| WHITBY CLASSIFIED BLOWING Septic tanks Walter Ward. Oct. 13 HOME INSULATION, method. Free estimates. cleaned the sanitary way. Whitby. Phone MO 18-2563 LOST -- BLACK AND WHITE COCKER spaniel, missing since Tuesday noon. Answers to "Lady." Reward, Phone MO 4147. 208¢c FOR SALE - SOD, FRESH CUT, 20c| sq. yd. delivered. W, ward, MO 8.2563, Whitby. Oct.3 | TRUCK LOAD FRESH PEACHES FOR sale -- Freestone peaches for canning or eating. Wholesale price. J. Kapus-| cincki. Open Fruit Market, on Highway No. 12, Whitby. 208b | FOR MISSED PAPERS IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-311 If you have not received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call BELL TAXI AR colis must be placed before 7:30 3 OF Kidd Don AS SALES MANAGER FOR D. W. McQuay REAL ESTATE BROKER Office 1 mile west of Whitby on Highway No. 2 TELEPHONE MO 8-3414 Residential - Industrial - Commercial Farms - Acreages BROC Co maam BSATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 P.M. v MAYS, EVENING SHOWS 7-9 P.M. Jnem-- | When the new, members and friends. BUSINESS AND FOR ALSCO ALUMINUM COMBINA. | tion windows and doors, phone "Doc" | Dafoe, MO 8-2350 after 6. Free estimates Sept. 23 FRESH CUT FERTILIZED SOD, 'DE. livered anywhere, complete landscap- ing: also well rotted manure and black | loam. Phone Sept, 23 the trading Jear- The Australian] pound is valued a $2.23. t CONCRETE GRAVEL, $150, ROAD gravel, $1.30 per yd.; fill supplied. For delivery phone MO 8-2660, Eric Branton. Sept. 23 THE BIGGEST auction and rummage sale you've ever seen will be held September 22, in the Whitby Arena. PROFESSIONAL _|TrPhocr time. Moves wide-open West was HAIRDRESSING | TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters) -- rea Typhoon Emma, one of the most b.4 lly wi op pen/ MO 8-3061 | violent this Jour, advanced on the Inorthern Philippines today from a |point in the Pacific 650 miles | away. : With centre winds of 115 miles . em mmitniteren lan hour, Emma was moving due wHLLS pug, AND DEEPENED, SEP. west at eight knots. ic tanks installed and cleaned. Free The Chinese Nationalist weather | phoma Mio o200r 853 Brogk Nor, bureau here warned shipping! praia - rm southeast of Formosa to take pre- GIRLS' GYM ROMPERS, ONE-PIECE, - -- - cautions blue sanforized cotton. Sizes 10 to 20,| WANTED -- TWO ROOMERS, GENTLE- a ee rice $2.05. Mercantile Dept. Store, Whit- /men preferred. Central. Write Box 206 y. 204f | Times-Gazette, Whitby. 207¢ TY COUNSELORS OF CANADA WOULB LIKE TO GET IN TOUCH Free skin analysis and presenta. with sgmeone going from Ajax te Whit trained counselor. Phone for by. C Whitby, MO 8-4055, 9 Over U.S. Race Problem MO 8.2736 ir ee WANTED TO BUY -- BUILDING OR Moscow Jap Soviet newspa-|y Nrrn To RENT -- YOUNG BUSI [henhouse, Will take down.and move it, pers are playing up reports of ness couple. no children, wants three. Phone MO 8-3964. . 209b race riots in Clinton, Tenn., under room unfurnished apartment. Phone MO | -------- vv headlines such as "olitrages of 82040. 209a [WANTED TO RENT Americyn racists." | " « [ily with three small children requires nl > as 4 ANE ., [FOR RENT - THREE UNFURNISH- three or four room house in Whit; They quote liberally from edi-|ed housekeeping rooms. Apply 410 Dun- [or Oshawa. Phone MO 8.3135. 209¢ torials in New York newspapers das West A gi ot and express full support for one FOR SALE -- comparing the case to street dis-\yior™ olcotent orders of Nazi youths In the early front and back seats. Best offer. 1107 [heavy cleaning 1930s. {Henry Street, basement apartment. 209¢ Gazette, Whitby, FREE PACKAGE POPULAR BRAND cigarettes with every $3 purchase of gasoline, Ask for your Appreclaton Day Coupon, Harry Donald mited, Chev: | meee d---- rolet-Oldsmobile. 205f WANTED TO RENT A BARN IN Whitby district, suitable for young cat- fle 'Write Box 207 Times-Gazette, Whit- by. . 207¢ WANTED TO BUY --- A SMALL BARN or henhouse suitable for moving. Write Box 208 Times-Gazette, Whitby. 207¢ {FOR SALE --. CHESTERFIELD WITH slip cover; dresser, drapes, rugs, floor lamp, table lamp. All in good condition, Phone MO 8-3516. 207¢ BUT TO GET IT ROLLING your Kiwanis Club needs donations of Furniture, Clothin, Bric-A-Brac, Appliances, Ponies, Dog Food or ANYTHING that can be SOLD. , Beauty Clinic DENTIST John B. Davies LEGAL Greer & Kelly CHIROPRACTIC Roy M. Howe, D.C. MO 8.2888 MUSIC STUDIO Jo-Anne Strowger, MO 8-4101 REAL ESTATE, GENERAL INSURANCE A. J. Schatz MO 8.3337 RA 5-8461 Ajax 1383 CALL NOW WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING MO 8-3731 RA 5-5321 STUDENTS' BACK-TO-SCHOOL BLUE gym shorts, .$1.50; White T-shirts 7c and $1.00. White woot sport sox, 7c, an: athletic supports, $1.00. Mercantile Dept, Store, Whitby. 204¢ MO 38-4001 MO 8-3051 WE NEED YOUR HELP--GIVE US A HAND IN THE SERVICE WORK OF YOUR COMMUNITY BENEDICT BOGEAUS presents JOHN PAYNE - RONALD REAGAN RHONDA FLEMING - COLEEN GRAY in Brel Harte's Tennessees MEMBERS OF THE KIWANIS CLUB will canvas all of Whitby, Saturday, September 8. Have your contribution ready at the door, PROCEEDS IN AID OF KIWANS WELFARE WORK, WHITBY 1) |b; Russ Newspapers Gloat nav appointment "-- IDUTCH FAM ors TECHNICOLOR 3 STOOGES -- ANIMAL CAPERS SPEEDY GONZALES -- NOVELTY - WANTED -- MIDDLE - 1953 CHEV. SEDAN DE- [to take care of three condition Full width while mother works AGED WOMAN small children No washing or Write Box 21%, Times | 209A | ALSO: