Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Sep 1956, p. 15

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OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M MONDAY TO FRIDA SATURDAY 8 To 12 CALL THE DIRECT CLASSIFIED NUMBER RA 3-3492 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads 33--Legal Notices 13--Gardening & Supplies 100 LOADS OF LOAM Regular $10 per load, NOW ONLY $7.75 | 25--Pets and Livestock | EIGHT WEEKS OLD GERMAN SHEP- [herd pues f=" ena. Plane RA 55808 37--Male Help Wanted NY BOYS, WANTED. APPLY MOTOR 5 Ag Dial RA 33212, < ONE FIDDLER, PIANO PLAYER AND steel of new band. guitarist, IK "phone MA 32578 after 4 208b 37--Male Help Wanted SALESMEN WANTED 1--Accountants BOB CLANCY'S ONTARIO ACCOUNT- ing Service offers complete bookiteping service for small businesses. 47 Pi Street, Roo: m 1; office RA 5-0397, 7°05. Se 8--Building Trades 16 THE DAILY TIYES-GAZETTE | Friday, September 7, 1956 INDEX TEETH TO WANT AD Please Note || CLASSIFICATION i | HURRY while it lasts. | Deadlines now in effect Y-Acsouriorty : for this column: 3 Barve TALE, FRIEDLAND HUNTER CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT. RA Dial RA 5-5279 New . v | 4--Dentists King Str, East. B. L. Yale. CA, F. Fried: | ERS. Births, Memoriams, Cards 5--Nursing Services lander, B Comm., CPA: J. Hunter, CPA. MLM WELL Doo of Py Be | of Thanks -- and dyna. - HILLSIDE Nursery and Landscaping 6--Optometrists Dial RA 51621 Sept. 2| appraisal. Pressure system 9 A.M. SAME DAY 3 . M , FCA; A. B. - 9--Building Material ronto. J. W. Monteith, FCA; A. B. Mon Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Sept. 6 | = 12--Dressmaking 1 6--Insurance birth of a son, Michael Hugh, seven | 7--Surveyors MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL &| "0c Stumps. RA 68995. 208 | 7a--Veterinarians Co., Cha Ry Accountants, Licensed | | DEATHS -- COOPER BLOCK | 11 A M SAME DAY A 3 teith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA, | hdd 10--Sharpening Service (resident partner), G. Trethewey, | 11---Business Opportunities 2--Barristers 13--Gardening & Supplies BIRTHS | 4--Househald Repairs CAMERON AND MACDONALD, Mrs. |7--Money to Loan 18--Loan Wanted pounds, eight ounces, on Sept. 6, 1956, at the Oshawa General Hospital " TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for the construction of the new Oshawa Christion Reformed Church until September 28th, at 4 p.m. Mechanical trades shall be separate contracts. Drawings and specifications may be ob- tained from Herbert G, Cole, architect, 1119 Green Street, Whitby. Lowest or any tender wil not necessarily be accept- ed. CARPENTER, KITCH UNITS, TRIM wall. loos tile, recreation rooms. Budget Plan. RA 5.8213. Sept. GERMAN SHEPHERD fe RE- gistered, inoculated, old. Lovely temperament, Pack * cream, Females $45. Males $50, Plcre:'"3 3264. 208¢ roth dence RA pt. 8. T HOPRINS AND COMPANY, CER- tified Accountants, 172 King Ea Oshawa, Ont. RA 5-3509. Oct. FOUNDATION, FLOORS, porches and Jusranteed, William SIDEWALKS, Workmanship n, Street ° Mechanical Draftsman Our engineering office has dn opportunity for a Junior Drafts- man to increase his knowledge of Die design work, Good ma ical ability is ial this is a salaried position with a five day, 3712 hour week and generous medical-surgical, hos- pital and group insurance benefits, Apply in '¢éonfidence to personnel manager, R. D. WERNER CO. (CANADA) LIMITED. 1155 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. Telephone RA 5-3548. FOR SALE -- THOROUGHBRED LAB. rador Retriever pups, five weeks old. Call RA 3-9949. 207c !10 - MONTHS - OLD PUREBRED, Mexican Chihuahua, male. Apply 61 Muskoka Avenue. 207¢ BEAUTIFUL BABY La EADY for training, talking Pply |Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Ergin al Eas Basic Salary, Top Co missions. Car suppli : with gas allo Medical Health Pla and excellent worki conditions. ; Apply: ; A. SHANWALT, Mgr. BRAMLEY MOTO} 1271 Simcoe N FREE] 258. | Simmel aN Grading - Sodding - Seeding Hedges trimmed order for fall planting of cedar hedges and evergreens. Sept. 7,8,10,11,12 35--Employment Wanted CAPABLE REFINED WOMAN WISHES position as light liousekeeper. Ref- 208c TRIMMING, BATHING RA 5.6321 Sept BOARDING, de-fleaing. + PHONE PICKERING 126 £1 CONCRETE BLOCKS CINDER BLOCKS SLAG BLOCKS CONCRETE BRICKS CHIMNEY-BLOCK CAP ARTIFICIAL STONE (11 Colors) CONCRETE SILLS Sept. 30 STEEL FOR LINTELS HUMPHREYS AND BOYCHYN, BAL. © BUILDERS' STEER Haters, Solicitors, 8 Ring West Taones:|. aWATER-WASHED BRICK SAND, CONCRETE SAND MO 82761. Money to loan. Sept. 1 GREER, LEE AND MURPHY, BAR- o 4 SIZES OF STONE 2 Million Blocks risters and solicitors, 6 King Street East, Oshawa. Dial RA 5-4717. Sept.28 150,000 Tons of Aggregate In Stock JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, BARRIS. OPEN SATURDAY AM. | te:, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, mwf Aug.29 26--Farmers' Column PART JERSEY COW, GOOD MILKER, for sale. Phone RA 5-4925. 207¢ DEAD FARM STOCK, ey BAR- public. NHA Loam, gravel fill. 13%King Street East. RA 3-2269. and private mortgages arranged. erences. oPhone RA 5-5665, Sept. 23 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN AND Murdoch, Barristers, SBlicitors, Notar- ies, Bank of Commerce Pag. 5° Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3446. Ts x Sue, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; K. Drynan, G. Y. Murdoch. NHA Shortgages ar- ranged. Sept. 1 DONALD BLAKE DODDS, BARRISTER and solicitor, 37 King Street East, Alger building, telephones business, RA 5-5501; ° 5-5203, TEL. RA 5-8457 TEL. RA 5-845] Sept. 16 T. EBBERS HOLLAND LANDSCAPING Dennis PICKED UP the BONHAM -- Mr. and MARRIED MAN, 28, WITH CONSIDER. ble 8--Building Trades Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- E. . . + CA: R. ¥. Lightfoot, CA. RA s.4s62, 135] Station Road, Pickering DIAL RA 3-3492 11a--Business Opportunities Wanted | 5-- Instruction risters, solicitors and notaries Bonham are happy to announce | 8a--Mortgages Farm, 27--Fuel Wood FACTORY HARDWOOD CUTTINGS. $5 per load delivered. Dial RA 5-1526. et 1 28--Summer Resorts HOUSEKEEPING CABIN RESORT Completely equip, accommodate 2 to 5 guests, inside conveniences, private sandy beach. Scenic locations, Croquet, Table Tennis, etc. Rates $32 to $45 weekly. Ideal for young family. Write High Falls Cabins, Bracebridge. Sept.9 19--Personal 20--Lartage 21--Personal Service 22--Radio & TV Repairs 23--Women"s Column $24--Market Basket 25--Pets and Livestock 26--Farmers' Column 27--Fuel, Wood 28--Summer Resorts 28a--Hunting 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost and' Found 31 --Articles For Rent 32--Articles Wanted 33--Legal Notices 34--Auction Sales 35--Employment Wanted 36--Female Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted 38-Male or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted 40--Opportunities 41--Room and Board 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45a--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 47---Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs 50--Articles For Sale 51--Swap ond Barter CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 1.88 2.07 6 CONSECUTIVE § INSERTIONS. . 3.00 3.30 of Russell Davidson, If not paid within 7 days the ment. 172 King Street East. Phone RA Davidson of Zion, Map| Charge rate will apply. 5-9521. Sept. 20 Oshawa, Mrs A Above rates apply only to original ll 2 30. es mE -- Burketon, Funeral| orders for consecutive Tsering. S5--Nursing Services 5th in Los An- | S,bsequent Insertions ordered ot a mer later date constitute a new original | MIDDLE GREEN VILLA "REST HOME z order. |bed patients, chronics and elderly peo- | Professional and Business hstings, |iple. Tray service, television, kind care $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. | Phone RA 5-2330. Sept.29 CARD OF Eoch additional line 75¢c per month, a - - Each initial letter, abbreviation, | CONVALESCE on REST TIN QUIET $ ond ~ sign, figure, count as a | modern home, no stairs, bright comfort word. Box charged 15¢ additional. |lable rooms and good food. Every com- All Classified Advertisements | fort provided. Spacious grounds. Box 19, MUST be in by 9 a.m. the day of | Times-Gazette. Sept. 10 publication. Office huurs: Daily 8 - 5. Saturday 8 - 1 js ia en Sr MUL | 6--Optometrists 12 ~Dressmaking The Daily Times-Gazette shall not " "TRIS IN be responsible fof errors in adver lc m TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, SPE- SEWING DONE, ALTERATIONS AND tisements submitted otherwise than | cializing in muscle anomalies, eyesight, mending, dressmaking. Will pick up and glasses. Evenings, Mon,, Wed. Wi and deliver. Reasonable price. Dial RA A >m In writing, nor for more than one igs. Invalids examined at home ncorrect in: { f - -8. se , 200h : sertion of any advertise: || 6:43 Disney Bldg. 31 King East. ment. nor beyond the price charged R for a single insertion of the ad- Sept.2 vo tisements in which error occurs. Tr Ana also reserves the right to clas- sify advertising according to its own 209 38--Male or Female Help 38--Male or Female Wanted © Wanted TEACHERS WANTED - The Oshawa Separate School Board would appreciate] 36--Female Help Wanted BABY SITTER REQUIRED 8 AM. TO 5 P.M. Monday to Friday inclusive in your home or mine, for four month old baby at 23 Gibb Street. 2092 RELIABLE BABY SITTER WHILE mother works, Monday to Friday. Call at 31 Rowe Street after 5 p.m. WOMAN WANTED FOR HOUSEWO! 20d =P in store, live in. Dial and Mrs, Alexander) Fraser (nee Coppin) are 'happy to an-| nounce the birth of their daughter on| Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1956, A sister for DEATHS JOBB -- At the family residence, 41] Buckingham Avenue, on Friday, Sept. 7, 1956 Violet M. Galbraith, beloved wife | of Lt..Col. Percy H. Jobb and loving mother of Mrs. S. T. Finbow (Jean), Willowdale and R. Arnold Jobb, Agin- court, The late Mrs. Jobb is resting at Mcintosh Funeral Home Service in the chapel on Monday, Sept. 10 at 2 p.m, | Interment, Cadmus Union Cemetery: | (Friends are kindly requested not to call | at the funeral home until Saturday after- | noon.) 209b | FRASER ~~ Mr ERVICE GARDEN ARCHITECTURE IN ALL LINES 15 Years' Experience Reasonable Rates CALL RA 3-4471 | 741 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA | (I am not associated with Holland Nursery and Landscaping) Oct. 1 14--Household Repairs SEAWAY HEATING, SHEET METAL vi] air-conditioning, oil burner serv- | ce, furnace clean-outs and eavestrough- SIX DEER HUNTERS WANTED oo 10--Sharpening Service ing. Call RA 53662. James Lilley. Oct.6| Coe Hill district. Call RA 8.8876. GET YOUR LAWNMOWER PRECI.|PLASTERING REPAIRS, STUCCO. | 30 Lost ¢ and Found sion sharpened. Power mowers our spe- Dial RA 5-9391. clalty. Pick up and delivery. Amey's TTS NY wh a | p YOUK LOCAL CHIMNEY CLEANER. DEPENDABLE! 5! THAT'S THE WORD Suntto. Station, "5 King East; RA to selling, | RELIABLE GIRL DESIRES WORK IN i | any line other than domestic. Gi pt.30 Chimneys built and repaired, furnaces for Want Ads when it comes 5 Write Box 514 Times- Gazette. 208¢ BUSINESS GIRLS, DO YOU WANT AN extra pay cheque? Become an Avon representative for your place of busi- Jess, Highest Sominissions. Write Miss . Towers, Apt. 306, 161 Wilson Ave- ivi i i i i M. Towers, Apt 306. 181 Wisn Ave! living in Oshawa, that would be interested in doing day or evening. No obligation. 208¢ ' EXPERIENCED H A 1 R DREssgm,| SuUPPly teaching. Phone A. C. Love -- RAndolph 8-8204 In Stock. hearing from any former Separate School Teache 14% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 88232, Residence RA 5-3405. Sept. J | McGIBBON AND BASTEDO, BARRIS. | (ters and Solicitors, Clients' funds avail | able for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, RA 5.3566. Charles C. Mc- Gibbon, QC; Edgar | F. Bastedo. Sept.24/ SALME RS, BA, BARRISTER, | 13% Simcoe Street North. RA 5.3741; Residence, RA Sept. 24 MANNING F. SWARTZ, "BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Block, Suite No. 4 RA 3-4697. Residence | dial RA 3-402 Sept, D KELLY, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, etc. 7% Simcoe Street South. | Dial RA 5-9421. Residence Phones: John IM. Greer, BA Sc, RA 5-3368. Terence V. | Kelly, BA, BCL, RA 5-2602. Sept. 10 RALPH E JONES, BA AND THOMAS H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli-| citors. 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-3525 Mortgage Loans Available. Sept. 7 | Dentists Sed IDR. PETER {hours 9 to 6, 28a--Hunting MATTHEWS -- Suddenly in Oshawa | General Hospital on Wednesday, Sep- tember 5, 1956, Walter R.- Matthews, be- | loved husband of Estella Thompson Bickle and dear brother of Mrs. Edwin | Pearson (Ada), Oshawa and Mrs. Kate | Wells, Edmonton, in his 62nd year. Rest. ing at Mcintosh Funeral Home with | service in the chapel on Saturday, Sep- tember 8, 2 p.m. Interment Groveside Cemetery. Odd Fellows service will be held in the funeral home Friday, Sept 7, 7 o'clock RESPONSIBLE PERSON TO LOOK after 2 small children under school age, | light household duties. Dial RA 5-5101 after 5 o'clock. 208¢ z. T. Solicitor, etc., Dial Office, 5-5542. 43--Wanted To Rent WANTED - GARAGE IN THE VI ity of 153 Oshawa Blvd. North. RA 3-7726. vacuumed, free estimates. RA 3.2097, {Tenting, buying or telling. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN to work for large chain store as clerks 'and cashiers. Must be alert and have good op- pearance. We have a 5-day week, pension plan, group in- surance, hospitalization and excellent chonces for advance- ment. Apply Loblaws Store Manager, 22 Athol Street East. LADY'S EGGSHELL RIM | vicinity Lakeview Fa. Bowmanville, MA a3. | ASSISTANT JANITOR FEMALE, 20 209¢ | hours per week required for Woodcrest Se -- -_ _ -- | Public School. Application forms may | holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial | ADIES 'WRISTWATCH -- ORVAL. IN | be obtained at the office of the Board RA 5.0311. Sept.22 | washroom of newly built local garage of Education, 179 Simcoe street south, Saturday, September 1st. Reward. 208c [AT PAINTING DONE INSIDE "OR OUT, | Please notify Mrs. George Convery, --- | free estimates. RA 8-8363 Sept. 11/107 Irving avenue, Ottawa. Me | CONGENIAL PERSON FOR 'GENERAL -- k in well equipped one: | FURNITURE "REPAIRED AND ~RUP. | 2. | friendly family, Mrs. arold Gibson, | holstered. See our materials for recover- 3 Articles Wanted | Neweastle, 20et} |ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. |RA 3-7212. Sept. 3 | CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV- med glasses, ered, like new. y pay more? Our |Phone collect, rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guar-|™ anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-| -- EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY | would like to interview a man between the ages of 25 and 45 who wants to consider a busi- ness 'opportunity which is very worthwhile. This man must have an excellent personality and be able to meet executive- type business men. We are pre- pared to invest considerable money in the right man, so if you are interested in earning from $3,600 to $4,800 o year, to start, depending upon your qualifications, write HOUSE OR APARTMENT U ed or rnished, three rooms, iy English Po Bo "Write B Times-Gazette rest suddenly in Oshawa, Thursday, September 6, 1956 Mr. William Scott in his 74th year. Funeral service will be held Sat. urday, September 8, 1956, at 3 Thorpe Brothers Funeral Chapel, ford, Ontario. SCOTT -- Entered into Brant. WANTED TO RENT 5 OR 6 house. Phone R. C. Wilson RA from 10 am. to 5 p.m. i ANO, ANY MAKE OR SIZE. WILL | SALESLADY FOR LADIES' READY-| pay cash. State make and price. BoX to.wear store, experienced preferred, | 630 Tintes-Gazette. Sept. 7| pleasant surroundings. Write stating] age, rience, etc., to Box 102, Times- LIVE POULTRY FEATHERS, SCRAP | cfc (XP€ Lid iron, metal and rugs. I. Turner, North Oshawa, RA 3.2043 (collect). Sept. 11 grENOGRAPHER FOR LAW OFFICE. -------- | Legal experience desired but Dot Recess FOUR STORM SASH 36 X 68 INCHES. | caf% [IR G OCs ok 208¢| Three others 32 x 68 inches. Good con- Apply Louis S. Hyman, QC. Be "ink 39 Agents Wanted |. dition. RA 5-4210. C| Street East. {our UF EXCITING | NEW GIFT LINE OF | SCHOOL AND FUEL EXPENSES! cosmetics and toiletries can give you an| Expenses! Meet this extra cost by sell unusual earning opportunity during the ing famous line of products. Write for |coming Christmas season. Avon Cos-| details and free catalogue. Familes, | metics. Write Box 910, Times- Guzetle, Dept. 1, Station C, Angeles Cali- 1956, In Los September 2, beloved wife of Al- daughter of the William Davidson SHACELADY - fornia on Sunday, Mabel Shacklady, fred Shacklady; Mr. and Mrs. Raglan; sister Raglan, Percy W. Krantz (Ella) Hubbard (Pearl) of services September geles. 3 CONSECUTIVE ERTIONS. . ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME F gentleman, Shower. Will pay $10 \Write Box 218 ZAKAROW; OFFICE open evenings by appoint- | | * | 15--Instruction best room offered. | Gazette, 5 |DRAFTSMEN ARE IN GREAT DE- CLASS {mand. Train at home in your spare time " ) for these well paid secure jobs. Diploma awarded. Send for free folder. Primary School of Drafting. Write Box 917, azette, Sept.16 BUSINESS EXECUTIVE AND FAM] uire three bedroom house, willl pay good rental. Dial RA 5-8532. THREE - ROOM APARTMENT flat, unfurnished, by widow, in Cl home. Write Box 916, Times-Gi SHAW | INTERNATIONAL c ORRESPO N. Canadian Limited. Est " . Write or phone for free catalogue. BOX 11 |0. R. Whitmee, representative, 553 Ox- jo 8 Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone RA Times-Gazette, for an interview. Se. = 207d | LEARNING TO DANCE 1S EASY AND at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, yg Prince RA or RA 51030 Sept. 1 LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DANCE EDU.| cator, Ballet, Tap. Registration Sat.rday| morning. Sepptember 8th, asonic | Temple. RA 3-7253. Sept, 4 HARVEY DANCE TAG ADEMY -- -- TAP, | Baton, Ballroom, RAD Ballet, Register | now. 424 King West. RA 5-6122, 28 | GouPLE WITH ONE CHILD like furnished apartment facies, End or October. on I would like to thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for all the beautiful flowers, cards and gifts sent to me during my stay in the Oshawa General Hospital, I would also like to thank the nurses and the girls on Floor A3 also my room-mates of 122 and a special thanks to Dr. W McKay and Dr. Irwin Agents, Clubs, etc. Sell Can- ada's finest line of Christmas cards, Novelties, etc, Over 100 items including Feature, Religious, Comic; Tall, Every- day and Personal cards. Ac- cessories, Toys, Gold Stamped Gifts, Shakers, Books, etc. Prompt service. Liberal Com- mission. For full colored cata- logue and on write W. V. JEANDRON GREETING CARD CO. 1253 KING ST. EAST, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Sept.7 LADY FOR GENERAL HOUSEORK RAG AND METAL ; d ironing, Tuesday and Wednesday Jake Shaw will pay you mcre afternoons, all day Friday. Dial RA for your scrap iron, tin, copper, 5-2978. : 207¢ brass, lead, aluminum, rags. CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL 89 BLOOR ST. EAST housework, sleep 'out, north end. Write RA 5-2311 Box 810, Times-Gazette. 207¢ Residence RA 3-9111 | DEPENDABLE WOMAN FOR Mor OPEN SATURDAYS ern home, all electrical appliances, ex- cellent wages, must like children. Dial AUTO WRECKING RA 51873. Steady position. Sept. 12 Street. 5-0841 BUSINESS _ EXECUTIVE' With fomily requires mod six or seven room howsa 4 Oshawa or 0 HIGHEST REFERENCI Write Box 117 5s Times-Gazette 44--For Rent FOUR ROOM APARTMENT ON FT} All conveniences. One child oor. Apply 1 Celina, south side d UNFURNISHED THREE Roomy kitchen. Electric range. Al " Louisa Street. Dusty. --Mrs. Lottie M DRESSM A K 1 N a ALTERATIONS, | | drapes, slip covers, upholstering. Prices reasonable. Phone RA 5-9641 Oct.5 June 1| 13--Gardening & Supplies | CUSTOM WORK DONE WITH ROTO- DRIVE SAFELY! | | tiller for lawns. Harold McDiarmid, 304 i | Bloor Street West. Sept.30 Learn to Drive at AM, $7 peuv.. MERCURY SCHOOL BLACKLOAM, PER YARD DELIV ered, also fill, $4 per load, 6 yards, Dial 29 Of Safe Driving 20 Bond St. E; RA 5 The family of the late George Found wish to extend their heartfeit thanks and appreciation for the acts of Xind- | ness, 'messages of sympathy and beau- tiful floral tributes received from re- lations neighbours and during their recent bereavement of a dear father, Special thanks to Dr. Mills, the Oshawa General Hospital, Nurses an staff of B-2, Rev. L. M. Somerville and Mcintosh Funeral Home 7--Surveyors F. J. DONEVAN, SURVEYOR AND EN- | gineer, 365 King Street East. Phone RA | 3-7487. Darlington, Clarke Twps. Sept. 20| HAYNES, ONTARIO land surveyors, consulting engineers. 70 classification. |Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, Satara, | Ajax 728. Sept. 19 Builders To Talk Terms |g moserr nti fo oon With Workers X RCHARDS SURVEYING ASSOCIATES; | cXPerienced gardener. TORONTO (CP)--One of five land surveying and engineering. 12 Bloor construction firms hit by a strike friends Assistant Janitor FEMALE (3 hours per day 5 days) Required for Coronation Public School. Application forms may be obtained at the office of the Board of Education, 179 Sim- coe St. South, W. GORDON BUNKER Business Administrator HORTON AND TURN YOUR SCRAP INTO MONEY M. GREENBERG & SONS Phone RA 3-7333 BEST PRICES PAID For I wish to thank my many thoughtful friends and relatives for their lovely flowers, gifts and cards during my re cent illness. Especial thank-you to Dr Vipond, Dr. Fulton; nurses and staff of room 25 of Ward B-2. Also the Fathers of the Holy Cross, St. Gregory's, St George's and St Hedwig's * Catholic Churches RA 5-5279. Sept. HEDGES TRIMMED, general cleaning by Dial RA 57442. sept.37| 16--Insurance FALL PLANTING, STRONG, AY f 1} t ng reshly dug ornamental ever up to 20 per cent. Seven months to pay 1so cedars for hedges. Orchard 2's on rid west Oe ookita on | for pe personal service at your "Set 23 Sept epi CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS Make money easily in spare time. No experience necessary. Just show the famous, nation- ally advertised Douglas Line of Personal and Boxed Christ- -4771 | Sept. 11 Street East. RA 5-5632. Sept. 8! FoR ly -- | hardy, 7a--Veterinarians greens; STA AUTO INSURANCE, _ SAVE ~Mrs. Helen Koziniak Nurseries, No. 7 Highway, south side. come. Dial RA 3-2014. OSHAWA MEMORIAL SERVICE |ficials today amid reports that the of key building-trades unions was scheduled to meet with union of- MCLAURIN _ VETERINARY " HOSPIBAL D. E. McLaurin, No. 1. Townline RA. North at King Sf. East. Phone RA 52631. Small animals. Office hours daily. | ®d SOD, LOAM, 3%" stone, prompt delivery. Arm GRAVEL, FILL, ¢ am {IMPERIAL LIFE ASSURANCE REP- Me King resentative and General Insurance A | Murtry Insurance po FENCTs 21 Cast Iron - Rags Batteries Stee] - Etc. mas Cards to your friends. Sixty-six beautiful High Qual- T™e OR THREE-ROOM RNT unfurnished apartment, with boll Apply 76 Jones Avenue. a mm NEED EXTRA MONEY? $25.00 and more can easily be earned by showing our fab- ulous Christmas cards and 'novelty gifts - to friends and neighbors. Our huge, full color Christmas - catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders. Cash in on this wonderful op- portunity. No experience ne- cessary. Send no money. Write today for samples of fast sell- ing items on approval and our free catalogue. Monarch Greeting Cards, Room 26, 47 East Ave., Hamilton, Ont. oot. Lead - Copper = For Prompt Pickup Service 308 Bloor St. E. sold. Donald (Just East of Ritson Rd.) Oal) RA 3 261% OPEN SATURDAYS Sept. 26 | Sept.22 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis Street East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal Rags, Paper, etc. RA 5-3432 RA 5-4159 Free Pick-up Open Saturday Sept. ity items chosen to sell on sight, for big profits. Wonder- ful . variety including great money-saving Feature Boxes, Smart Slims, Spun Gold, Scrip- ture Text, Comics and Chil- dren's Assortments, Also Sta- tionery, Gift and. Novelty items. It's easy! It's fun! It costs nothing to try! Write to- day for samples on approval, Free Personal Semples, and money-making plan. Fast, friendly service. Douglas Greet- ing Card Company, 50-T Bleecker St, Toronto 5, Ont. |ONE ROOM JURNisuED AP, ment, rangette, Vi tral. 'Apply' 300 2% King st. Sept.29 Apt 2 en 40--Opportunities FURNISHED To coral SUITABLE NE ALTORES FOR RENT NEW B 5 Eas 0p] cen at Southmead. Only a |TWO - ROOM APARTM limited number still available. Beauty | contained, near schools. Fh 2 salon, barber, drug sto Apply 379 Avenue. Dial etc. Call A. W. Hardie, 5-1720. RA 5-5161, : SPACE SUITABLE - FOR _ BEAI 41--Room and Boord Ajax shopping centre. or, in Ajax Barber Shop ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN -- share. 20 Bond Street. LIVE RENT FREE, THREE ished rooms, Sxchange Shy care ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO WILL. lina Ra ing to share. Dial RA 57675. two kiddies, ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN OR after 6 p.m. EN AND BEDROOM WITH girls, good meals, central, close to north " GM, also garage to rent. Apply 240 Divs: 1150 beds, for two sion Street. private Bath, Diivate hil Al Division Stree! GOOD HOME FOR oo YOUNG t, private home, gentlemén, new single , private quie:, of downstairs apartment. oral RA ams. Dial RA 5.3879. 208c [ONE SMALL ROOM SUITABLE one for sleeping. Apply 163 Street South. COMFORTABLE, FURNISHED B room, all conveniences, parking Apply 254 Ritson Road South. NEW MODERN STORE| 20 x 51". | Street West. RA 3-3 17--Money = Loan and holidays by appointment Sept. 11 | Sundays strong Fuel, Sept, 1 On No. 2 Highway, East of City Limits, :, Manufacturers of Outstanding Memorials MONUMENTS OF GRANITE MARKERS OF GRANITE OR BRONZE Dealers and Distributors for Sheidow Life Bronze Markers for all Park Plan Cemeteries. Every Memorial Guaranteed. Dial RA 5-6611 or write walkout may end more quickly | than expected. The five unions, representing | |8--Building Trades TWO SELF - CONTAINED Jem - private bath, use of gar: to mind one child, Reasonal je CR E. Nichols, Prince Phone Port Perry 174-13 THREE ROOMS, clean, very central, Dial RA 5-9548. NICELY BEDRO private home, suitable for one or | poly 151 Oshawa Blvd. North, di LEVELLED, LANDSCAPING, garden plowed, disced, harrowed. Ba perienced operator. RA 59727 Oct.4| WE HAVE | MORTGAGE hod 'carriers, operating engineers, | RXPERT ROOFING, SHINGLING, SID. | --mrmmooe aaa boners. ol teamsters, carpenters an iron |ing, chimneys repaired, all work guar- | Scott, 25 Prince Street X P d |anteed. Call RA 3-3086. E. J. Dumas FREE ESTIMATE | Ro workers, struck Thursday to en-|Construction. Froe estimates. Sept. 28 4 Btn mers force demands that the Toronto = mp 5% Discount on all early or- [CLIENTS MONEY TO LOAN ON fi hi I EXCAVATING ders for fall planting of cedar [first mortgages. Mortgages and agree- irms hire only union workers. Brothers, 32 hedges and evergreens. This ment of sale purchased. NHA mort- They said their d d was applies also on spring 1957 |8ages arranged. Sreletton, Fraser, Dry: aimed , specifically against con- 5 | LAWNS "MONEY, ar---- all conv BULLDOZING AN D : Dia: RA 3-3831, Taylor Charles Street. BLOCKS LAID, FURNISHED BEDROOM, | SUTTAR for one gentleman, partial board sired. Dial RA 3-4826. Train To Be A Nursing Assistant Expert hospital training--with the same pay and benefits as the men you serve with -- con be yours as a Nursing Assistant in the Canadian Army. You earn such subjects asi-- Physiology, 'Anatomy, Nursing Procedures, Care and Treat- ment of the Sick, and will work in a military hos- pital in Canada or Europe. If you're 19 to 29, single, Cana- dian citizen, physically fit, with Grade 10 or equivalent, it's your opportunity to learn a vital and rewarding occupation. For complete details, mail the coupon below, write, 'phone or visit 20 EXCELLENT 1.50 per yard delivered or te yard | load. . Dial RA 5-5279. ALL T TYPES DWELLING REPAIRS, new and roofing, plastering and fireplaces. Dial RAS 5 ow, Gordon on May Construction. | ALL - TIME | "DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 33--Legal Notices TENDERS WANTED Separate tenders will be re- ceived for all mechanical trades for the New Oshawa Christian Reformed Church until September 28th, 4 p.m. Drawings and specifications may be obtained from Herbert G. Cole, architect, 1119 Green Street, Whitby. Lowest or any tender will not neces- sarily be accepted. Sept.7,8,10,11,12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS re, Real Estate, 209n SPECIAL doors, $49.50 and FI ing, binging siding, louvers installed. Terms. All work guaranteed. RA HW. Tucker. NICELY FURNISHED BEDRO! 0 A. JAMES ALLEN 28 meals GENERAL CONTRACTORS Carpenter work, dlterations, | and remodelling. Contracts tak- en in framing and trimming. 440 Wilson Rd. N., RA 5-6126 FREE ESTIMATES | [ 19--Personal |HAVE YOU A DRINKING PROB-| THE MIGHTY POWER OF A WANT Ad is appreciated by more and more users every day. use Classified's power to fill your ls, dial RA 3-3492. ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- men, single beds, running water in each room, good meals. RA 5-1168. 536 Lor- raine Street. 204 {ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE men, 5 minutes from Four Ren Sooking- Apply 15 Maple Street |lem? | Box 101, TRAVELING TO TOR ON: for passengers. Dial RA 3.727 Write Alcoholics Anonymous, PO| Oshaw Sept. 16] ROOM 209b | Army Recruiting Station, IN THE ESTATE OF PETER 90 Richmond Street West, McINTRYE GOW, DECEASED, Toronto, Ontario All persons having claims Telephone EMpire 6-834 1 against the Estate of Peter cal 276 Mcintyre Gow, late of the City of Oshawa, in 'the County of' Ontario, Assembler, who died on or about the 19th day of With 4-room apa ment above. Ideal location fo drug store. Apply 227 Ki Street West, Oshawa. FURNITURE MOVING AND CARTAGE Call Bud Gal Soot pt.17 order nan and Murdoch ept.28 tractors enga P.O. Box 213, Open Evenings gaged in building water sem. % SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SAN Rubi, 3° Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, . . Polish Rioters ro meer unions ing cialty. Installations at reasonable rates.| JOP 80il, sod delivered and Quaniek ans Heahick, Ba a 1 Company, will meet ~ with the Sept. 12 Sept. 9 speech reported here Thursday, halts outside work. up. Air g habe ?rompt Delivery -- Sod in the Open Friday Until 9 the Poznan riots of June-28. Thursday the union rejected a tention of converting it into "an (CLC) struck against Swansea, | LANDSCAPING MWF Sept The premier was addressing the [ALSO WALKED OUT RA 5-1721 forced Poland to scale down itSithe hod carriers. The three were SPECIALISTS To Be Proud Of ! anywhere. SPECIALIZE IN block foundations, FC SR WALTER FRANK |GLENTS wows AVALARLE ron ept.10 mains, roadways and sewers, but Bowmanville nd Rages ee aranes ---- might be extended to other build- tary way. RA 5-3986. Sept. 16| em Sept. 11 PLUMBING AND HE'TING PIPES, FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Richardson Pile-Driving Co. was . to meet with the unions today to Information and estimage free on any| laid, field loading at Ajax. Promised Jue of plumbing. Dial RA sell 5 PHONE FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES bought, sold and arranged, agr | " - AJAX 431-) Louis Fair Trial unions Monday. A speedy settlement would be 7 SOUTH END WE WON'T BUY YOUR MORTGAGE spoke of food shortages in Poland There was, however, no sign of SOD SUPPLY and promised a fair and open settlement in the t s' strike field for truckers. Re rey . turday Until 1 Dial - He indicated that representa- compromise offer by the compan- RA 5-2552 SUPERIOR FINANCE tives of the Polish and foreign ies | international spectacle, disparag- charging it had fired eight men ing the dignity of our courts and |for engaging in union activities. Order now for fall planting of shrubbery, bulbs, ond new Seym (Polish parliament) Wed-| mw. 'Teamsters' and Operating nesday night. Reviewing domestic gpgineers' Unions then walked off| Sept. plan ae export of coal by |1ater joined by carpenters and! Old gnd new. All major repairs , iron workers and picket lines! gon." With the hurri . cane sea- No. 1 Fine Grass Mixture, 90c pound. No. 1 Parklawn Mixture cement work, foot- RA 52062 after § pm. MA 3-2403 |ane agreements of sale purchased. Ap- |ers, already affected by a strike fittings, fixtures, new and used, chang-| AJAX SOD SUPPLY purchased nd aod | discuss a settlement. A second gZhC. of sale purchased. Private funds. WARSAW (Reuters) Pre- necessary to enable contractors But we will lend you money trial for the 323 workers held in against the four ready-mix con- Sept. 12 | press would be able to attend the The strike began when the In-| 17 Simcoe Street North casting doubt on their imparti- The company said it had laid off lawns, flagstone walks and affairs, he said the difficult situa: |4pe" 1 akeshore expressway project! Tey 24 -- | He said this had resulted in } spread from Swansea to the Mc son' approaching old chimneys 70c pound. Shady Nook $1 anytime, RA. 5-44 - Please send me information on how | may become @ Nursing FT --Fornsl Service WHITBY COF SOFTBALL DRAW WON James Lilley, | SEPTIC TAN Sept. M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary {against ready-mix concrete firms. from septic tank to sewer a spe-| sale Agreements a, firm, the Swansea Construction $. Hyman, QC, 37 King St. E. RA 3-4943. mier Joszef Cyrankiewicz, in ato complete projects before winter , ALUMINUM on it { custody on charges arising out of 'crete firms, now in its 10th day. trial, but said Poland had no .in- ternational Hod Carriers Union HARDSAND RA 5-6541 ality and competence the men, subject to recall. patios. Rototilling. tion in the mining industrSy had | arid formed a united front with CHIMNEY and FIREPLACE A LA "considerable difficulties" for Po- Namara Construction Company, land's foreign trade, which is|also working on the. expressway. often destroy the BON Ea s20ARD _-- an at 24 RA 5-968. 206f Assistant, based on coal exports Cyrankiewicz referred frankly to grievances aired by Polish workers, . including insufficient | The five unions drew up plans to force all Torohto construction firms to use only union help. The strikers said their efforts were roof <0 phone now for free estimate®, All work guaranteed. Oshawa & Whitby Chimney Service pound. Timothy -- Alsike 35c pound. White Dutch Clover, Kentucky Bluegrass, Bent Grass, etc. for stronger. germin- by Ken Clement, 504 Eulalie Avenue, Oshawa, mantel radio. 22--Ra o & TV Repairs. s June, A.D. 1956, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 10th Name City/Town RooM AND BOARD. ghioaLs 5 OR days, space. Off Ritson Road a RA 5-1346. 209b and laundry. beds. Car FIVE - ROOM SELF - CONTAIN apartment, immediate possession. RA 3-4431 between 4 and 5 p.m. 0 "Phone... .. Sept. 7,14,21,24 37--Male Help Wanted PLEASE SUBMIT COPIES OF REFER- ences only with applications. Do not send 1 originals. day of October, 1956, full par- ticulars of their cloims. Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 5th day of September, A.D. 1956. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, etc. 7 Va Simcoe Street South, shoo] and Saturdays, Oshawa, Ontario. have chauffeur's licence. Ross E. Sept. 7,14,21 Co. Ltd. 81 Simcoe Street North. r Prov. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED vate basement apartment, steel and cupboards, suitable for Jne or adults, Call Saturday, RA 3-955 NEW 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 M c [north of Mannesters $60 monthly. Ap y to Peter Osaduk, 2 mi north of Mi hedter on No. 7 High ation fertilize. COOPER SMITH CO, "RA 39792 16 Celina St. RA 3.2312 Sept.25 ily Deli | ---- -1 Wy Velvery Sept. 9|23--Women' s Column [SPENCER SUPPORTS | designed. Registered HOLLAND NURSERY |{esisncd. Resist and LANDSCAPING | |SPECIAL REGULAR $10 TO $15 housing shortages of food and in- dustrial goods He said meat tinued to be felt of meat stores particularly directed against firms| ' holding contracts from Metropoli-| shortages con-itan Toronto 'council, which pro- and lines in|vides some essential services to) made bad Toronto and 12 'adjacent munici-| among the people palities. added that many industrial 4 I projects had mot| Business Manager H. W. Ingram B.4 time and the of the Operating Engineers Union, | y » : i said: "We intend to clean up this| ibreatencd wits situation. once 'and for all, par- PORCHES, STEPS men 0 e 56 ticularly on Metro contracts.' AN gram. -. __| Steve Jenson, business manager D CURBING Garden architecture in all |cold 'waves for $8. Page Hairdressing. 39 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. Sept.17 lof the Hod Carriers' Union, i IBROOKLIN CONCRETE] lines, the five would approach the M | Free Estimates -- Reasonabl 2 M -- ad asin PRODUCTS e |24--Market Basket as ropolitan council in aa Sitort, Rates. 4 blue hercn, obtain fair wage legislation sim- - % DRIVE TO "TAUNTON | "ROAD is identified by its nbarly-naked ilar to. that in existence in Tor-| Phone Brooklin 155 | RA 5-7442 off Simcoe Sfreet North. Potatoes, head, lonto. - Sept. 26 RA 5-0842 ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, central, Phone RA 5-3806. 200b ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen in private home close to north GM plant. Dial RA 5-7033. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO BUSI- ness girls. Central. Private home. Dial | son, 157 "Elliott lh PRE-CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS INDIVIDUALLY | corsetiere. Mrs. | 208 Park road north. | Oct. 6 DRIVERS "WANTED. MUST BE NEAT, courteous and good drivers, 25 years or|RA 5-6382. 208¢ | -- over. Apply in person, 143 King Street ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, -- i e A --__ |single beds, in private home. Cail 'RA STEADY EMPLOYMENT FOR DRIV- |5-8434 or apply 200 Division Street. 207f er, 3 pm.-6 p.m. daily, = No others need school, bus and shopping. $100 4 tre heft WANTED. A YOUNG MAN TO BOARD ' apply. Lewington's, 24 King street cast. | TV Oo in Christian home, Abstatner.| © Monthly on year lease. Dial BA 515. 27 SCHOFIELD REAL ESTA or full time. Must ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO PHONE RA 3-2265 Mills | gentlemen, twin beds, 5 day week. Phone 208c RA 5-2031. 2078 MODERN 1%2-STOREY BRICK} 6 spacious rooms, oil heating storms and screens. Close td overnmen the non housing pre SPARSE THATCH true Canadi crane - OR DELIVERIES AFTER YOUTH ¥ |rots, beets, beans, cucumbers, RA Sept. 281

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