Tere wml ' STERIC RL IT E Bal a Sle iE bt RS} CALL THE DIRECT CLASSIFIED NUMBER RA 3-3492 a os a 8 AILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Aa: | 1--Accountants > 8--Building Trade 8--Building Trade ,17--Money to Loan | 36--Female Help Wanted OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY TO FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 37--Male Help W Wanted 44--For Rent 12 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE | Friday, August 31, 1956 _ CLANCY'S ONTARIO ACCOUNT: | EXPERT ROOFING, SHINGLING, SID- ling Service offers | service for small businesses. 47 Prince INDEX | Street, Room 1; office RA 5.0397, resi- 37°05. Sept.25 TO WANT AD faim' se al work guar- Dumas gir ing, anteed. Call "RA 3-3086. Construction, Free ats, 28 | Mitchell Avenue. gd FOUNDATION, perches and guaranteed. Willi FLOORS, 5, etc. am SIDEWALKS, | Workmanship an, 305 a Sept. 19 SEPTIC TANKS INSTALL BD: | FOR IN. formation, phone RA 3- 202 10--Sharpening Service CLASSIFICATION |(s, 7 sors avn company. ce. Street East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 5-3509. Sept. 2 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks -- 9 A.M. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS ALEXANDER -- Mr, and Mrs. Walter Alexander are nappy to announce the arrival of a daughter at the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, August] 29, 1956. A sister for David and Dougie. GEISBERGER -- August and Joanne (nee Richardson) are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, seven pounds, three ounces, on Wednesday, August 29, 1956, at the Oshawa General Hospital. 1--Accountants 2--Barristers 3---Chiropodists 4~--Dentists 5--Nursing Services 6--Optometrists 7--Surveyors 7a--Veterinarians 8--Building Trades 9--Building Material 10--Sharpening Service 11--Business Opportunities | 1a--Business Opportunities Wanted 1 2--Dressmaking 13--Gardening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs 15-- Instruction 1 6--Insurance 17--Money to Loan 18--Loan Wanted 18a --Mortgages 19--~Personal 20--Lartage 21 --Personal Service 22--Radio Repairs 23-~Women's Column 24--Market Basket 25--Pets and Livestock 26--Farmers' Column 27 --Fuel, Wood 28-----Summer Resorts 28a--Hunting 29---Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted 30--Lost and Found 31--Articles For Rent YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER Cu., Accountants and Auditors, 64 a Str. East. B. L. ais, CA, F. Fried: lander, B Comm., CPA: J. Hunter, CPA. Dial RA 5-1621 Sept. 2| MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL & Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Stratford, To- A. B. Mon- partner), G. E. Trethewey, . F. Lightfoot, CA. RA 5-4662, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Sept. 6 2--Barristers CAMERON AND MACDONALD, BAR- risters, solicitors and notaries public. 13%King Street East. RA 3-2269. NHA and private mortgages 3 Sept. 23 CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN AND Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar- ies, Bank of Commerce és, 13 Sncoe Street North, RA 3-3446. K. hton, |1QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; a! K. Drynan, G. Y. Murdoch. NHA Mortgages ar- Sept. 1 ranged. DONALD BLAKE DODDS, BARRISTER and solicitor, 37 King Street East, Alger) building, telephone, business, RA' 5-550 residence, RA 5-5203. HUMPHREYS AND BOYCHY! risters, Solicitors, 6 King West. Phones: office RA 5-1127. Res. RA 5-4604. Whitby MO 8-2761. Money to loan. Sept. 1 |GREER, LEE AND MURP BAR| risters and solicitors, Street | East, Oshawa. Dial RA S471. LOBE -- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lobb (nee Betty Keith) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Derek Keith, seven pounds, five and one half ounces on Tuesday, August 28, 1956 at the Bow: manville Memorial Hospital. Mother and baby both well SAWYER Mr. and Mrs. Donald! Sawyer, nee Phyllis Baxter, announce COOPER BLOCK Station Road, Pickering PHONE PICKERING 126 CONCRETE BLOCKS CINDER BLOCKS SLAG BLOCKS CONCRETE BRICKS CHIMNEY-BLOCK CAP ARTIFICIAL STONE (11 Colors) eo CONCRETE 'SILLS e STEEL FOR LINTELS e BUILDERS' STEEL eo WATER-WASHED BRICK SAND, CONCRETE SAND e 4 SIZES OF STONE 2 Million Blocks In Stock. 150,000 Tons of Aggregate In Stock OPEN SATURDAY A.M. mwf Aug.29 1137, GET YOUR LAWNMOWER PRECI-| sion sharpened. Power mowers our spe. | clalty. Pick up and delivery. Amey's Sunoco Station, 588 King East, RA 5-8161. Sept.30 11--Business Opportunities PROPANE AGENT REQUIRED FOR Oshawa area. For particulars write Box Times-Gazette. NO PARKING WORRIES WHEN YOU shop the Want Ad way. Buy and sell in the comfort of your own home through Classified Ads. FISH AND CHIP SHOP AND GRILL AT Uxbridge, four-pan fryler and all equip- ment. Space for living quarters at rear of store. Rent, lease, Full price $30000. Times-Gazette. BODY MAN Must have complete equip- ment. Established downtown location and terrific oppor- tunity for right man. Will consider partnership or leasing space for body shop. Bestway Garage 60 JARVIS ST., TORONTO EMpire 4-3111 Write Box 441, 204b 202f Sept.28 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, BARRIS Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 114% King Street East, Oshawa. RA |8-8232, Residence RA 5-3405. Sept. 1 McGIBBON AND BASTEDO, BARRIS- ters and Solicitors. Clients' funds avail- able for first mortgages. Street North, RA 5-3566. Cl Gibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo. Sept. 28) z T. L BA, "BARRISTER, | Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. | Dial Office, RA 5-3741; Residence, RA/| 5-5542. Sept.24| the birth of their son, Paul Charles, on August 24, 1956, at Grace Hospital, Wind- sor, Ontario, A brother for Michele and Mark. 3z--Articles Wanted 33--Legal Notices 34--Auction Sales 35--Employment Wanted 36--Female Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted 38--Male or Female Help Wanted 39--Agents Wanted 40--Opportunities 41--Room and Boord 42--Room and Board Wanted 43--Wanted To Rent 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45a--Real Estate Exchange 46--Real Estate Wanted 47---Automobiles For Sale 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automobile Repairs S0--Articles For Sale S51--Swop ond Barter CLASSIFIED AD RATES 23 wards or less STILES -- Vernon and Betty Stiles | with to announce the arrival of a son, on Wednesday, August 29, 1956, at the General Hospital, Portage La Prairie. WILLIAMS -- Orma and Colin wil Hams (nee Mowers) are happy to an- pounce the birth of their son at the Osh- awa General Hospital on August 29, 1956. DEATHS PARKER -- At Burketon, Ontario, on Wednesday, August 29, 1956, James Mel rose Parker, aged 72 years, belaved husband of the late Laura Parker Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Service in the chapel on Saturday at 2 o'clock. Interment at Bond Head Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM BLACKLER -- In loving memory of a MANNING F, SWARTZ, BARRISTER, | Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bassett Biock, Suite No. 4. RA 3-4697. Residence dial RA 3-4029. Sept. 1 GREER AND KELLY, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, etc. 7% Simcoe Street South Dial RA 5-9421, Residence Phones: John M. Greer, BA Sc, RA 5-3368, Terence V Kelly, BA, Sept. 10 RALPH S§. H. Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors. 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5-3525. Mortgage Loans Available. Sept. 7| Charge | 3 COC VE NSERTIONS. . OPPORTUNITY to enter retail fuel oi Company has tankage and facilities avail- able in Oshawa area. For complete particulars write Box 829, Times-Gazette, or phone Port Hope, TUrner 5-5155. ot 21--pPersonal Service $75 monthly, Hve.year |p, |cLIENTS MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. Mortgages | CLERK FOR FOOD MARKET, FIVE. E ced day week. Apply In of aud M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary Public, 9 Simcoe Street South, Qsbawa, RA 3-4697. Sept. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES bought, sold and Stroud's Food Market, 54 Simcoe North. WAITRESS WANTED, unliveins supplied. Apply Kingsway Bar, 25 King Street East. NO SUNDAYS, Milk 204c EXPERIENCED BEVERAGE ROOM {4 ROOMED APARTMENT. PRIVA' employment. A entrance. Phone RA 3.7588. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, ALL OD only. Dial RA 5-2828. positively f sale Duschased. Private funds. Louis |S. Hyman, QC, 37 King St. E. RA 3-003 19--Personal JAVE You A DRINKING FROS TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, SALARY plus commission, fo soliciting leads for natural gas heating. Night work only. Apply Tuesday, 75 Celina Street. 204d 'OUNG LADY FOR GENERAL OF- cash FURNISHED Apply 75 Charles Street. ROOM, bs fice work, typing, Write Jom: 101, He . Sept. 16 book, position, ben- efits. Write Box 939, Times-Gazette. 203c 2 RELIABLE MOTHER WiLL Bog) 1 PART - TIME CLERK - TYPIST FOR well known company. Write to Box 936, Times-Gazette. 202¢ ER FOR FAMILY OF hi rls. ay care or week in her own home. A 5.9903. 199 four, two 22.--Radio Repairs TV SERVICE, ALL MAKES. arranties 90 days. Fred Thompe RA 39792. Sept.35 son, 17 Elliott Avenue. 23--Women"s Column DONALDA BEAUTY SALON, 72 Church Street. Phone RA 3-4521. Day and evening appointments. Operated by Donalda McLeod. Aug.30 SPECIAL REGULAR $10 TO $15 cold waves for $8. Page Hairdressing. 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. Sept.17 24--Market Basket DRIVE TO TAUNTON ROAD EAST off Simcoe Street North. Potatoes, car- rots, beets, beans, cucumbers. BA 34558, pt. 8 RADIO, art 25---Pets and Livestock | business. Major Oil 203f 13--Gardening & Supplies |13--Gardening & Supplies FOR FALL PLANTING, STRONG,| hardy, freshly dug ornamental ever- |greens; also cedars for hedges. Orchard] Nurseries, 2 miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 Highway, south side. Sept. 23 4--Denti | 1.88 2.07 || ontists 6 CONSECUTIVE DR. PETER ZAKAROW, OFFICE] INSERTIONS. . g 3.00 3.30 |'hours 9 to 6, open evenings by appoint- If not paid within 7 days the | ment. 172 King Street East. Phone RA Charge rate will apply. 59521. Sept. 20 Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent Insertions ordered at ao later date constitute a new original order, dear wife and mother, Amy Blackler who passed away August 31, 1955 Love's greatest gift -- remembrance. Ever remembered and sadly missed by husband and family. | 5--Nursing Services | TAMBLYN -- In loving memory of a | dearly beloved son and brother, Tommy, who passed away August 31, 1951, age MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME| bed patients, chronics and elderly peo- | Classified! | ing, buying or renting. FOR HOME RUNS YOU CAN'T BEAT Want Ads have an amazing batting average when it comes to sell- TRIMMED, cleaning by RA 5-7442. Sept. LAWNS CUT, pruning shrubs, experienced gardener. HEDGES general Dial 15 years Professional and Business listings There's never a day that passes by, $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. But my thoughts reach out to you, Each additional line 75¢ per month. Never a joy that comes my way Each initial letter, abbreviation, But 1 wish you could share it too. $ ond c sign, figure, count as a 1 miss your love, your cheery ways, | word. Box charged 15c additional. Please God just let him know All Classified Advertisements That I down here, do not forget, MUST be in by 9 am. the day of 1 love and miss him so. Qublicgtien, Qffice hours: Daily 8-5. --Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten, turday 8 - 12. Mom and sister Carole. REGULATIONS The Daily Times-Gazette shall not TAMBLYN -- In loving memory of be responsible for errors in adver- our dear brother, Tommy. who passed | 'tisements submitted otherwise than away August 31, 1951 in writing, nor for more than one 4 tear incorrect insertion of any advertise- A sient thought, s secret ment, nor beyond the price charged |/5-6143. Disney Bldg., 31 King East, | Time takes away the edge of grief for a single insertion of the ad- Sept.26 | But memory turns back every leaf. vi tisements in which error occurs. Deep In the heart lies a picture Ana also reserves the right to clas- | 7--Surveyors Of a loved one laid to rest, sify advertising according to its own In memory's frame I shall keep it classification, . ¥. J. DONEVAN, SURVEYOR AND EN-| Because he was one of the best. | gineer, 365 King Street East. Phone RA ~--Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten ket Darlington, Clarke Twps. Sept. 20 by sister Mary Joan, brother-in-law and family. HORTON AND HAYNES, ONTARIO |land surveyors, consulting engineers. 70. TAMBLYN -- In loving Ineugy of our Harwood Avenue South, Ajax, Ontario. dear brother, Tommy, who passed aay | Ajax 7 728. Sept. 19 st 31, 1951. Aug {DONALD H. TROLLOPE, ONTARIO He bade no one farewell | Land Surveyor, 246 Oshawa Blvd. South none, He sald goodbye to e |RA 5-6881. Sept. The Heavenly gates were open R RCHARDS SURVEYING ASSOCIATES; ple. Tray service, , kind care. iPhone RA 523%. | modern home, no stairs, bright AE |able rooms and good food. Every com- fort provided. Spacious grounds. Box 19, Times-Gazette. Sept. 10 6--Optometrists C. H. TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, SPE-| | clalizing in muscle anomalies, eyesight, land glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri, 6-8. Invalids examined at home. RA CUSTOM WORK DONE WITH 0- tiller for lawns. Harold McDiarmid, 304 Bloor Street West. Sept.30 SOD, LOAM, GRAVEL, FILL, CRUSH- ed 3%" stone, prompt delivery. Arm. strong Fuel, 59 Church Street RA| 5-5864. Sept.9| HOLLAND NURSERY and LANDSCAPING Garden architecture in all lines. Free Estimates -- Reasonable Rates. BLACKLOAM, $2 PER YARD DELIV- ered, also fill, $4 per load, 6 yards. Dial| RA 5-5279. Sept. 29 T. EBBERS HOLLAND LANDSCAPING SERVICE GARDEN ARCHITECTURE IN ALL LINES 15 Years' Experience Reasonable Rates CALL RA 3-4471 . 741 KING ST.| EAST, OSHAWA (I am not now associated with Holland Nursery and Landscaping) Aug, 31 14--Household Repairs YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY CLEANER. Chimneys built and repaired, furnaces vacuumed, free estimates. RA Yaoi 10 RECOV- more? Our CHESTERFIBLDS, SESUIL ered, like new. Why rates are reasonable. tata ction guar- anteed, Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up- FOR SALE -- TWO SADDLE PONIES, one years , ome sucker. Apply 374 Mitchell Avenue. TOY TERRIER PUPPIES FOR SALE. Apply 156 Alma Street. Dial RA 5-0830 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPS three months old, registered, good hunt- ing dogs. Phone Bowmanville MArket 3-2410. 204a A NUMBER OF GOATS, MILKING and young ones. Apply Dieter Kuntz, RR 3, Thornton Road North. 204b AUTOS TO ZEBRA SKINS, SELL ANY. thing through Classified Ads in The Times-Gazette. Phone RA 3-3492. ys free. Call RA © 2c 5-2700. FRED ROOM AND BOARD FOR RE. ble, middle-aged Jomal, in ex- Dial Ajax SI6R. STENOGRAPHER FOR LAW OFFICE. ced desired but not necessary. Five day week, insurance benefits. Apply Sous 8. Hyman, QC, 37 Ring Street E SALESLADIES, enced in ladies wear, full or part Apply Fox's s, 7 Simcoe South. re ---------------------- MATURE WOMAN USED TO time. CHIL- NEEDED 2 YOUNG LADIES TO HELP serve our guests. Uniforms supplied. Apply to Mrs. Elliott, Eiliott's Restau- rant, Lansdowne Shopping Centre, Non Oshawa. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER required as secretary to sales manager by expanding manu- facturing company, If you ore between 18 and 35 please, contact personnel manager, R. D. Werner Co. (Canada) Limited, 1155 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. RA 5-3548. 202¢ NEED EXTRA MONEY ? £25.00 and more can easily e for half day care of boy, five. 202 | *t0¢! ; Hi-Test r St. N., Hamilton, Ontario. DRIVER FOR READY . crete truck. Must be reliable m Curran and Briggs, RA 5.3516. SERVICE STATION quired with MIX CON-|Road South. ATTENDANT RE-| MUST BE EXPERI nm 201¢ Street. dren, light hiusehold duties. Phone RA o.4 driver. Good 5-8792 after 6. 202¢] | ager, be earned by showing our fab- PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, black and silver, $15 each. Apply |339 Malaga Road. 203b | L | BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, READY | for training, talking strain. Apply to | Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. Sept. 19) BOARDING, TRIMMING, BATHING, de-fleaing. Waubena Kennels, RA S5ul . pt. 26--Farmers' Column 22 PULLETS, 14 ONE-YEAR-OLD HENS. Apply Mrs. Albert Parker, R. R. 3, Bowmanville. 203b ulous Christmas cards and novelty gifts to friends ond neighbors, Our huge, full color Christmas catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders, Cash in on this wonderful op- portunity, No experience ne- cessary. Send no money. Write today for samples of fost sell ing items on approval and our free catalogue. Monarch Greeting Cards, Room 26, 47 East Ave., Hamilton, Ont. | 150 WHITE ROCKS, 8 MONTHS OLD, guaranteed laying: also some fancy pigeons. Phone evenings after 6. MO 8-2133, Whitby. Dea FARM STOCK, PICKED Vg mptly. Phone collect, Bowmanvill MArket 3-2679. We buy live Dorses, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Sept. 1 WHAT'S YOUR PLEASURE? WHAT- ever you want, Classified helps you find it. If you've things to sell, rent or buy -- use Wan! 28---Summer Resorts VACATION REMINDER Before you leave on your vaco- tion take a minute to call and bolstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 5-7442 v Sept.28 FREE ESTIMATE | 59% Discount on all early or- ders for fall planting of cedar hedges and evergreens. This applies also of spring 1957 orders. { WALTER! FRANK Bowmanville MA 3-2403 Sept. A loving voice said come. i t P 1 We olten ait sug thigh > Yous do, ecre ar eys land surveying and engineering. i Bloor We wonder why you had to die yr Street East. RA 5-5632. ept. 6 Without a chance to say goodbye. | ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--The wSadly mised and deaily foved by Canadian ambassador to the 7a--Veterinarians | brother Joe an ster-in-law y of of Chited States and the US. am-|yfAURIN VETERINARY HOSPITAL TAMBLYN -- In loving memory O08 hassador to Canada Thursday Dr. D. E. McLaurin No. 1. Town dear brother. Tommy, who passell aw |Rd. North at King St. East, Phone RA August 31, 1951. {night joined In defending a ban 52631. Small animals. Office hours daily. The month of August again is here, lon open press coverage of the | Sundays and holidays by appointment. To us the saddest of the year. |U.8.-Canadian Conference spon- | Sept. 11 The blow was hard, the shock savers, {sored by the University of Roch- 8 14: To part with one we loved so dea png y y Building Trodes | Dearest still as years depart » ol | Your memory lives within our heari,| A p) P, Heeney, the Canadian CARPENTER, KITCHEN UNITS, TRIM With tender love and deep regret We who loved you, will never forget. |ambassador, said the closed-door |wall floor tile, recreation rooms. Budget Lovingly remembered by brother Phil (policy leads to frankness "and (Flan. Phone RA 58213. Sept. 13 and sister-in-law Marion. should contribute to positive re-| |BULLDOZING A N D EXCAVATING. {sults." {Dian RA 3.3831, Taylor Brothers, 32 the | Charles Street, Sept.17 e | CARD OF THANKS Livingston, x. Morn back- | BLOCKS LAID, SPECIALIZE IN| ing the university' tan block foundations, cement work, foot-| ng y's stand: F cement plastering. James Lilley: " gs, I agree on the values obtained | RA 5.3662 after 6 p.m. Sept. 29| through these private meetings, | {the press, local, national od [SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Tent 6) otherwise nptwithstanding." ed Cornelis de Kiewiet, university | PLUMBING AND HEATING J 1RES ident, told th: athering "We tings, fixtures, new and wu , chang- presiden e gathering ling from septic tank to sewer a spe- are very unrepentant (about press eciaity. Installations at reasonable rates. objections to the ban). We hope | Information and estimate free on any, to continue this frank, cordial, off- (tye of Plumbing. Dist RA 5434 5 Foley. ep 2 | the-record relationship." Lumbermen Say Li ay oD ad 3 RA 55279. Sept. 3| Overseas Sales on ne 2 gm or «| Declining ALL TYPES DWELLING REPAIRS, | ired Li City Limits | VANCOUVER (CP)--Officials of mneys, new and repal roofing, | en and fireplaces. Dial RA 57247, Manufacturers of Outstanding | LX my 'Memoriols. {British Columbia's three major Gordon May Construction. SPECIAL ALUMINUM | {lumber firms say overseas sa MONUMENTS OF GRANITE : MARKERS OF GRANITE OR i timber have declined this year. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the nurses and staff of Wards Bl and D10, also Dr. Maroosis, Rev Mellow, to friends and neighbors for their kind- ness shown me during my illness in the Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks again to all --Mrs. Vera Masters The family of the late William Pearn would like to sincerely thank all those who were so kind during our recent be- reavement. All those who sent flowers and cards and GMC for the cars Our special thanks to the nurses and in- ternes, the nurses aides and floor maids on D10, to Dr. R. Guselle and to Rev A. E. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Reg Pearn, Doreen and Nancy. "OSHAWA MEMORIAL ALL . TIME combination doors, $49.50 up. Afr Shade and BRONZE The drop in export sales is only pesial offer. 65 Harris, RA 54332. Soa YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, FLAT ROOF- ing, shingling, siding, louvers installed. | |Terms. All work guaranteed. RA 5/6161. H cker. pt. 9 lone of the problems bothering the Dealers snd Distribetors for |industry. There also is a shortage el Ro dre Pr Me g jof skilled workers and a shortage for a jot ! on Sinise of logs at the mills, they say. iis 8 RA 5.6611 te . But the Jack of export sales is R 4 most keenly fe P.O. Box 213. Open Seon 10 The United Kingdom bought 43, 1263000 board feet of lumber from| A. JAMES ALLEN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Corpenter work, alterations, dnd remodelling. Contracts tak- en in framing ond trimming. - 440 Wilson Rd. N.,-RA 5-6126 FREE ESTIMATES Sept. 11] AJAX SOD SUPPLY Top soil, sod delivered and loid, field loading at Ajax. PHONE AJAX 431-) Sept. 12 SOUTH END SOD SUPPLY Prompt Delivery -- Sod in the field for truckers. Dial RA 5-8552 Sept. 12 HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Order now for fall planting of shrubbery, bulbs, ond new lawns, flagstone walks and patios. Rototilling. | RA 5-172] | Sept. 9 A LAWN To Be Proud Of! No. 1 Fine Grass Mixture, 90c pound. No. 1 Parklawn Mixture 70c pound. Shady Nook $1 pound. Timothy -- Alsike 35¢ pound. - White Dutch Clover, Kentucky Bluegrass, Bent Grass, etc. for stronger germin- ation fertilize. Cooper Smith Co. RA 5-0311. Sept. 22 {A-1 PAINTING DONE INSIDE OR out.| If Sept. 11] ree estimates. RA 8-8363. | | FURNITURE REPAIRED AND PEUP- | our for ing. Bruce 5 Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 3.7212. Sept. 3! | NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT! TO SELL | something fast, order a fast-action Want | Ad. RA 3-3492. | | 15--Instruction INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON. dence Schools, Canadian Limited. E: igs Write or phone for free catalog R. Whitmee, representative, 553 fora Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone RA 5-6884. Sept. EARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fu. at the Oshawa Studio of Danoing, Prince Street. RA 5-0841 oh 1 5-1860. LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DANCE EDU- cator, Ballet, Tap. Registration Saturday | sandy beach. Scenic locations. arrange to have The Times- Gazette sent to your vocation address. That way you can keep up with the local news, world news and all favorite regular features. HOUSEKEEPING CABIN RESORT Completely equipped cabins, accommodate 2 to 5 guests, inside conveniences, private Croquet, Table Tennis, etc. Rates $32 to $45 weekly. Ideal for young family. Write High Falls Cabins, Bracebridge. Sept.9 =| 32--Atticles Wanted Train To Be A Nursing Assistant Expert hospital training--with | the same pay and benefits as the men you serve with -- can be yours as a Nursing Assistant in the Conadion Army. You learn such subjects as:-- Physiology, Anatomy, Nursing, Procedures, Care and Treat- ment of the Sick, and will work in @ military hos- pital in Canada or Europe. If you're 19 to 29, single, Cana- dian citizen, physically fit, with Grade 10 or equivalent, it's your opportunity to learn a vital and rewarding occupation. For complete details, mail the coupon below, write, 'phone or visit Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario Telephone EMpire 64-8341 Local 276 Please send me information on how | may become a Nursing Assistant, Nome ......eonvnenincsss Address ... City/Town LIVE POULTRY FEATHERS, SCRAP A liron, metal and rugs. I. Turner, North Oshawa, RA 3-2043 (collect). Sept. 11 PIANO, ANY MARE OR SIZE. WILL pay cash. State make and price. Box 630 TV Gazett: Sept. 7 Temple. RA 3.7253. sept. 4 DRIVE SAFELY! Learn to Drive at MERCURY SCHOOL Of Safe Driving 20 Bond St. E; RA 5-4771 Sept. 11 ACADEMY OF CLASSICAL BALLET, AJAX DIRECTOR, ELL! ALLEN Ballet, toe and character dance Classes commence Sept. 10, 1956 at Union Hall, Ajax Shopping Centre Registration Wed. Sept. 5 from 6 - 8 p.m. at Union Hall, Ajox or PHONE AJAX 441 204b 16--Insurance ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE, SAVE up to 20 per cent. Seven months to pay for erional service at your home. RA Sept. IMPERIAL SFE ASSURANCE REP. 16 Celina St. RA 3-2312 Daily Delivery Sept. 9! Murtry BoB Agency, 121 Xing Street West. RA 3.3722. >, M Colonel Cantlie Dies In Montreal MONTREAL (CP)--Col. George Stephen Cantlie, 89, known as "the Grand Old Man of the Black Watch," died Thursday. Col. Cantlie had been connected with the Royal Highland Regi- ment of the Black Watch for more than 70 years. A native of Montreal, Col. Cant- lie joined the Highland Regiment reserve in 1885 and became the| unit's 10th commanding officer in! 1909. Col. Cantlie rasied and com- manded the regiment's second ser- vice unit, the 42nd Battalion, in the First World War. He led the] battalion to France serving with! it until 1917 . igi on fed the D donald of Cobourg, Kathy and « vas awarded the isting- Joan Macdonald, aged 14 and 13 wished Service Order and was also and Norman Sulliv R or mentioned in dispatches, - \jured, ullivan were in | CHIMNEY and FIREPLACE SPECIALISTS Old and new. All major repairs done. With the hurricane sea- son approaching old chimneys often destroy the roof. So phone now for free estimates. All work guaranteed. Oshawa & Whitby Chimney Service RA 5-0842 {B.C. in July 1955. This year the| {total for the same month was 25, 1734,000. Also in July, sales to Aus- tralia dipped from last year's 13 816,000 to 8,888,000 this year. Af- rica and Continental markets have shown similar drops. The B.C. sales campaign has shifted to South America, South- east Asia, and particularly to Eastern Canada and the U.S. "Fortunately, there's a steady] demand on this continent," says one executive. | Sept. | PRE-CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS PORCHES, STEPS AND CURBING BROOKLIN "CONCRETE! PRODUCTS Phone Brooklin 155 Sept, 26) | Mrs. Jane Crowe Dies | In Three-Car Crash GANANOQUE, Ont (CP)--Mrs. | Jane Crowe of Toronto was killed Thursday night in a three-car | collision at nearby Landon's Bay Her husband, Gordon, Mrs. Mac 00 LOADS OF LOAM Regular $10 per load, NOW ONLY $7.75 HURRY while it lasts. | Dial RA 5-5279 Now | Sept. 10 HILLSIDE Nursery and Landscaping | | Grading - Sodding - Seeding Hedges trimmed order for fall planting of cedar hedges and evergreens. Loam, gravel fill TEL. RA 5-845) TEL. RA 5-845] sept, 16}, 117 y To Loan WE HAVE MORTGAGE MONEY, mortgages bought and sold. Donald] Scott, 25 Prince Street cal RA 3.2612. Sept.26 FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, sale Afresments purchased and King Street. East. RA 37232. A LONG LOOK AT THE SHORT WORK Classified Ads makes of selling problems will convince you of their power. CLIENTS' MONEY TO LOAN ON first mortgages. Mortgages and agree. {ment of sale purchased. NHA miort- |gages arranged. Creighton, Fraser, BH nan and Murdoch, t.28| WE WON'T BUY YOUR MORTGAGE But we will lend you money on it, Aug. Hi Pho: Aug. 3, "10, 17,2, 31 37 --iale Help Wanted BOY, 18-20, MUST BE HONEST, REF- erences preferred, full time employment CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis Street East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal Rags, Paper, etc. RA 5-3432 RA 5-4159 Free Pick-up Open Saturday SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass, lead, aluminum, rags. 89 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 5-2311 ' Residence RA 3-9111 OPEN SATURDAYS Also AUTO WRECKING Sept. 12 Sept. 20 F g store. Apply Dunn's Tailors, 16% Simcoe South. 2014 TINSMITH, EXPERIENCED, HIGH- est wages, good working conditions, Stead; work. Apply Alf Harrell and Son, 1072 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. 203c SERVICE STATION A pase with some mechanical experience ply 588 King East. Dial RA 5.8161. 2% WANTED FULL TIME MESSENGERS. | | | REAL ESTATE SALESMAN FOR ES. t:Llished office. Must have car. Com- mission. Apply 13 Prince Street. 199f 200f CANVASSERS FOR NATURAL GAS | po ork, salary plus mission. Apply Tuesday, heating, day or night 75 Celina 204b South, YOUNG MAN FOR PARTS DELIVERY work and assist stock zoom, Must be are ROOM APARTMENT nt, electric range, very ment. suitable for bu ness couple. Dial RA 5-4277. Apply Bruce Bairds, Fars Man- Seaway Motors, Whitb; 204a ONE ROOM, Dial RA 5-533 ABSTAINERS ONL TRAINEE Ontario s Street, NE +L URNISHED HOUSEKEEPI at ground floor. A RA 5-5600, py WANTED FOR TWO ground floor next to 'bathroom, conti: BED SITTING 0) ous hot water, park ib hol yaar, parking space available) PACIFIC FINANCE |= THREE ROOM APARTMENT bath, near new GM. Adults only, Road. A 58439. 273 Cordova rH SI MCOE - BUCKINGHAM, TWO for CREDIT LTD. good home. 3-2906, Abstainers, Phone . Opportunity for sharp, intelli- gent, aggressive, young men, with or without finance exper- TWO ROOM BASEMENT Dial RA 5-9330. AP, ience, to join one of Canada's most progressive and rapidly expanding consumer credit companies. ! POSITIONS OFFER TWO FRONT ROOMS housekeeping. Phone RA 33108. SINGLE all conveniences, near bus stop, gent man preferred. Apply 184 Sirscoe 'Sou FOR FURN! ISHED " BEDROO LIGH 1--Exceflent salary with merit increase. TWO ROOMS FOR COUPLE, MUST clean and quiet. Apply after 6 p.m. br Rit on Road South. 2--Group Life Disability and Medical Insurance. 3--Accumulative Sick Leave Bice home, suitable also parking LARGE HOUSEKEEPING A frigerator, 4 BOOM. © gue se two, space. Dial 4--Profit Sharing. 5--Pension Plan. 6--Paid Vacation, TWO UNFURNISH! floor, kitchen and sink. Ni ply 156 Ritson Road South. ED ROOMS, THI 0 children. y Excellent opportunity for ad- vancement to executive posi- tions. Car necessary - mileage TWO FURNISHED HOUSEK] rooms, continuous hot water, near Ci legiate and St. Gregory's, two teachers. suitable . Dial RA 3-3190 after 6. PING reimbursement, 5 Phone or reply in person to e UNFURNISHED welcome. Apply 495 13 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (2nd floor) RA 5-6571 FURNISHED BEDSITTING ROOM } two girls. Electrically equipped kif provided if house . Phone, $75 each gins. Avply 87 John 8 0 Between 9 AM. and 5 P.M. Monday through Friday 9 AM. to 12 A.M. Saturday EXCLUSIVE able ay Septem) after 6 ARTMENT AV Phone RA Aug. 31, Sept. 4, 5|D 'YNAMIC SALESMEN - CLASSIFI . When you have Shings to Want Ad do it for you. 38---Male or Female Help |* Wan! . PROOF READER. EXPERIENCED. Apply Su t, General Printers pply ) Limited. 57 Stmcoe Street South. Phone | m RA 3.2233. 203c ATTRACTIVELY ti 0 available in Jrivate home. 82 Park R North, 5 to 7 Sept. p.m. RA 88671, ~ | 39--Agents Wanted | siaxE EXTRA DOLLARS AND BE own boss. Sell our 250 Justanteed GI'NERAL MOTORS EDITORI:L ployee requires furnished apartment. or four room Two adults, n, by Sept. 15th, Write Box childre: Times-Gazette. products full or part time. Openings in your surroundings. Familex, Station oo Montreal. Agents, Clubs, etc, Sell Can- FOUR ROOM 2008 | ment, new stove and ref 496 Simcoe Street North, FURNISHED AP. rigerator. , Apartment 1 ada's finest line of Christmas cards, Novelties, etc. Over 100 items including Feature, space. Dial R. Pp vate home, cent 3-7837. LARGE, WELL FURNISHED FR aN bedroom, tral, Religious, Comic, Tall, Every- day and Personal cards. Ac- cessories, Toys, Gold Stamped Gifts, Shakers, Books, etc. TWO SELF - semi - private bath, use Willing to mind child CONTAINED of Prompt service. Liberal Com- mission, For full colored cata- logue and samples on approval, TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, SU gentlemen, all young conveniences, ¢ tral Apply 204 Bond East. Dial RA 5-6 write W. V. JEANDRON GREETING CARD" CO. 1253 KING ST. THREE - ROOM BASEMENT AP ment, new, refrigerator, partly or all furnished. ply 107 Highland Avenue. 0 all conveniences, stove EAST, HAMILTON, ONTARIO. Sept.7 ROOMS, trail located, suit couple with one Apply 118 Church St. 41--Room ond Board CLASS FORTY O! FOR MEN, SEPARATE BEDS, ATS CEN: RA T RACTIVE, LARGE ate separa pi By Jarvis Street, y Pris to Fittings, meal good meals. ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN, TO share room. Dial RA 3.2097. 204e 204c| NEw SPACIOUS THREE ROOM ment ap vate - stainers. Dial RA 3-223 between six eight p.m. Apply C 202¢ BOY OR SINGLE YOUNG MANS BOR food market, either FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR ONE OR IN BOWMANVILLE, OCTOBER ¥ i two. Call RA 5-8434 or apply 200 Street. 204c modern tral. Phone RA 3-3972. 'experienced. Apply In person to Strouds 'ood Market, c SALES EXECUTIVE WANTED. WELL 54 Simcoe Street North. | men, single beds, ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE. | ng water in each room, good meals. "RA "51168. 536 Lor- 2045 | raine Street. {ONE FURNISHED ROOM ACRO | from North Plant. Please call RA 5-928 ng | ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GIRLS willing to share home privileges. pa man in this territory. ly conversant with Selling to industry and This is a 20 per ont an posi- |tion. Give full details of experience. All| first instance to: D. Clarke, Sales Manager, Hi-Test Corsa 80 Park St. N., Hamilton, Ontario. 200f EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for young man, experienced in public accounting, who is in- TURN YOUR SCRAP INTO MONEY M. GREENBERG & SONS Phone RA 3-7333 BEST PRICES PAID Gastron - Batteries Lead - Copper - Ete. For Prompt Pickup Service 308 Bloor St. E. (ust East of Ritson Rd.) OPEN SATURDAYS Sept.22 35--Employment Wanted STUDENT NURSE WOULD LIKE TO baby sit from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Phone Stee] - Rags Open Friday Until 9 Saturday Until 1 SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 Simcoe Street North RA 5-6541 ~ MW.F.Aug.28 work. Please phone RA 5-3277, RA 5.1073, 202¢ SCHOOL TEACHER, DESIRES part-time employment evenings and.or | Saturdays. Write Box 33, Times-Gazette. 202¢ | |CAPABLE ~ WOMAN _ DESIRES DAY | MALE. d in a future, must have supervisory and administrative potential. Starting salary $3,000 to $4,000 per annum depending on qualification, Regular increases. Outline full qualification in first reply in strictest confidense to Box 830, Times-Gazette. Our em- pioyees have knowledge of this ad. N NATURAL GAS HEATING SALESMEN TO START IMMEDIATELY IN OSH- AWA AREA, SELLING NATURAL GAS HEATING EQUIPMENT. EXPERI- ENCE PREFERRED, BUT NOT ESSENTIAL, AS WE ARE WILLING TO TR SUITABLE - APPLICANTS. GHEST COMMISSIONS. APPLY 82 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, 8:30 TILL 4:30. hi rd Lannea for a ua energetic sales- | RA 3.3305. Must be correspondence will be treated in strict ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- confidence. Reply by letter only in the men willing to share, single beds, close '| suit two NEW THREE - ROOM AND BA' apartment, downtown location. Apply 2% Youue Jacqueline Shop, 9 a. Room AND BOARD FOR ONE OR wo gh school girls. New home, TV. Ey 3-7102 203f ROOMS FURNISHED OR UI UNI ed, no small children. Dial RA 3-9093. to Pedlars and GM plant. Dial 33 NEW built-in kitchen, Beatrice. Dial RA 53 TWO ROOM APARTMEI yo ers, Apply 5-9746. ROOM AND BOARD, GOOD HOME cooking private entrance, central, 10 minutes from four corners. Also garage for rent. Apply 240 Division Street. 199f FURNISHED ROOM AND KITCHI ette with rangette, hot water, inachine, privileges Apply 303 Leslie Sf "3 Aug. 30, 31, Sept. ROOM AND BOARD IN QUIET HOME, refined men, twin beds, good meals, central. 309 Centre Street. 202f ROOM AND BOARD, SEVEN DAYS A eels. gentlemen preferred. Phone RA -8217. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO MEN | 2011 require three bedro: {COUPLE WITH TWO PUBLIC SCHOOL 201d Bruce Street, [ROOM OR ROOM | single oeds. or girls, single beds, private home, good FURNISHED keeping if desired, central, Dial RA 5-3751. 119 Agnes Sti TWO 203¢ | Suit woman. Reasonable rent, Dial 'RA BEDROOM, HO , continuous hot wat PARTLY FURNSHED elderly couple meals. 111 Windsor Avenue. RA 3-9379. |, : 203¢ EWLY FURNISHED, WARM ment apartment, suitable for one or rls or AND BOARD, | ; 16- Ritson Road North. 23e/ | 43--Wanted To Rent -1562. |45--Real Estate For Sale } \ ove OR SELLING, HOUSES, BU BUSINESS EXECUTIVE AND FAMILY | nesses and farms, it pays to om house, Prac 8 pay good rental. Dial RA 58 5-85. to Auley, Realtor. Dial RA 3.2512, Osha or MO 8-3231, Whitby. hye WANTED BY SMALL _F FAMILY, ¢ 4 room apartment or small house on or before October 12. Dial RA 5-9798. 203b A FURNISHED, TWO - EDROOM |apartment, in fo of + RL as son as possible Please phone RA 5-4132 202¢ | ° children need apartment in Whitby. Ab- stainers. Write Box 34, Times-Gazette. 202¢ TWO BEDROOM MODERN UNFUR- |nished hcuse, preferably in North Osh- awa, by September 1st. Abstainers. Dial | RA 5-4292, 34 Royal Street, Oshawa. 202d |44--For Rent LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, GENTLE. man or two girls. central, $5 weekly. | Also two room unfurnished apartment] available September 10th. Apply "A 203¢ Owner's very attractive fives room home, $15,000, well lo- cated, close to transportation, stores and schools on Oshawa Blvd. Large modern kitchen, living room with broadloom, outstanding recreation room with washroom and bar in basement. This home has been professionally decorated and is in beautiful condition throughs out and includes electric stove, refrigerator, . venetian blinds, drapes, aluminum storms and screens, awnings. TV aerial with rotor ond many more ex- tras. Maybe seen by oppoint- ment, Dial RA 5-1348.