Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 25 Aug 1956, p. 14

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44--For Rent 47--Automobiles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale '80 FORD PANEL TRUCK, EQUIPPED with propane. Used as a Coffee Wagon; also Coca-Cola Cooler. Best cash offer. Weekly turnover. Phone 679-M Ajax. 199a CHEERFUL ROOM, GOOD BOARD, home privileges, single or double. Pick- ering 64J. 198f THREE FURNISHED ROOMS AND bath. Phone MO 84215, 197¢ ONE LARGE FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping room, with refrigerator, RA" 3.3807. 197¢ TWO SINGLE FURNISHED BED- rooms for gentlemen in quiet home, Apply 38 Colborne Street West. 197¢ ROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT RA 5-9300. 199¢ '3% BUICK, GOOD BODY, EXCELLENT motor, will sell for $100 or Lest offer. Phone RA 5-0241. 194 ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE-SAVE ua to 20 per cent, months to pay. For persopal service at your home, call | RA §-2802. Se ? '47 PONTIAC, TORPEDO COACH, RE- d ew tires, newly $300. RA 35-8503. 196£ motor, ni TWO LARGE UNFURN painted, A-1 condition, central. Dial RA 5-5365. THREE BEDROOM HOME IN DOWN 1953 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCK, IN down Oshawa, suit adult family, no playigood condition. Will sell or trade for late area for children. References required: model car. Dial RA 5-2156. 198f Write Box 816, Ti G | |1953 BUICK CUSTOM, 5 NEW TIRES FIVE - ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY DECO-|g300 and take over payments. Call RA | 1 ISHED ROOMS, 199 FREE ESTIMATES! ENQUIRE TODAY ! PICKERING BEACH NEWS Canada To Wait Ryling All Nia tas Menenyiedo Haan Faiten fats MRS. MARIE MANNING Correspondent A lovely bridal shower held in honor of Miss Therese Beaucage was held at the summer home of Mrs. J. M. Drummond, on Lake- view boulevard, on Wednesday of last week.. Many of Therese's friends and neighbors had gather- ed to shower her with miscellane- ous household items and to wish her and her husband-to-be many years of health and happiness. Miss Virginia Drummond, daugh- ter of the hostess, will be Ther- NASH ALUMINUM WINDOWS -- DOORS -- JALOUSIES KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY RETAIL SHOWROOM 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA Phone During Day RA 3-2219 Herb. Maynard Mitch. Glecoff RA 5-1646 RA 3-7051 ¥ Aug. 25 |ese's attendant at the wedding on Saturday, September 1, in the rated, all conveniences, hardwood floors, s gogy, in the village of Ashburn, to wn rooklin eins |, 199¢ | People. - $35 monthly. B OLDSMOBILE _ COACH, $ must sell. Dial RA 3-446. 193|gouble door reach-in Gilson refriger, meat display case, GOOD RUNNING 5.1400. ISED TIRES, p.m. 198b U $495 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, ALSO | 2 room furnished suite, suitable for busi- ness couple, two adults, attractively fur- TWO OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, sh ONE FURNISHED ns Ken $10 DOWN apartment suitable for two ladies, side NG ROOM, ALSO Ewe roomed hurmisned: suitabl 1953 CHRYSLER SEDAN, er- 1 dun Road, RA 5-1986. 198¢ PICKUP, heavy duty, continuous hot water, very central. 176 MERCURY he 3-3862, shopping centre. Nishio. Ba Beat 195¢ dows, seats, etc., low separate entrance, child welcome. Dial 1949 VAUXHALL, 3-4488. BEDROOM FOR tleman and two room door entrance. Apply to 542 pimeve St To Responsible Parties two rooms furnished, suitable for couple, ¢ ~ fully equipped $1495 FURNISHED LOUSEKEEPING four-speed trans- Simcoe Street South. Apply to Apt. 4. P! CONVERTIBLE, fully mileage. RA 195 condition. Dial RA 5-5196 after nine furnished N. RA 3-4376. of Age : abstainiers, no children. Apply 185 Vi 1950 FORD HALF-TON rooms for rent, suit four gentlemen, mission equipped, electric win- Bramley Motor EIGHTY DOLLARS, THREE ROOMS| and bath apartment, down town loca- tion. Couples only. Apply 31 Athol St. E 9 -'¢'pim. 195¢ OFFICE SPACE | Sales 1271 Simcoe N. RA 3-4675 Ground floor, uptown business location, good window display, storage space in basement, of- fice clerk on duty full time, must share one half of this ex- pense rent $75.00 per month. NEVER SELL WRITE BOX 945 YOUR CAR TIMES - GAZETTE 196e| Until you see Nels Hyland, | Toronto's Leading Car Buyer. 45--Real Estate For Sale Cash and Liens paid off. Part Cash and another car. Another FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW AND extra lot, good basement, coal furnace, car financed. , in W t. Only water and sewer, in ag hd Th HA WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND HAS IT! 1750 Danforth Ave., Toronto fF 1 $6,500 with $1,500 down, Realtor, Dial RA 3-2512. Ic LOT FOR SALE 40 x 106% FT. ON Hortop Street close to Simcoe and Ross- land Road. Apply 693 Hortop. 199 APPROVED BUILDING LoTs, viL-| RI 7547 HA 0060 lage of Hampton, close to scion, Sorel Sept. 1 T.F. church. rge 9 | - 3.2049. Sept. | 48--Automobiles Wanted BUYING OR SELLING, HOUSES, BUS-| NG farms, it pays to see W. Mec. | HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD [DAYTON | FULLY |gcale 24 1b. capacity 1 and 2 cent value,istove, reasonable. RA 3-7113. up. B BATHS, BASINS, sump pumps and hot water tanks. All SPECIAL! |kinds of pipe Most Dial R Ss both i RCA { Marconi. |suNBEAM {spare parts cords, | West. (USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, fup. B. F. fees [SPEC | double, | { pumps, | mates on installation |Chinn's, Park Road South at Hillside: | Dial RA 37265 | ept. |CARGE NORGE STOVE, |years, good as new. Phone RA gi) Simcoe Street South. | | RADIO! for Ford Motors, 25 Grenfell Street or Whitby Dundas West 96f | NEW PHILIP'S PORTABLE TAPE RE: corder, ec | Terms. | SCHICK | ting Complete |King Street West B batteries, vision PAINT, interior, exterior. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, ROTATERS ed, new | warranty Kelly T.V. COMPUTER ELECTRIC|3 SPACE HEATERS, COAL AND WOOD |Community Church. 11 198c| Also held last Wednesday eve- RA|FOR SALE -- GLADIOLI AND OTHER Ding, at the home of Mrs. Pretty 197¢ cur flowers. Phone RA 3.2962 or 119,0n Seabreeze road," was a stork Rosehill Boulevard. Aug.30 shower in honor of Mrs. John MOST ALL SIZES, 1 5 Cl i kevi avenue: Mrs Store, RA 5-453. CHANNEL 17 UHF NOW AVAILABLE Kusiar cf Lakeview . % Sore Sept.24(In Oshawa, get all NBC programs now| Pretty and Mrs. Herbert were co- -- (off No. 2. Complete service at Kelly hostesses and served a delightful 8ept16| junch following the shower. Sc, yy, wD AINT SALE.| Mrs. 4 G. Mans has Yetymed i y tic tanks, $80, Brice $2.95 gallon. Nelson's Paint, 19 home after spending a week vis- id city approved septic tai a Bond West, RA 3.4922, Sept. 13/iting her friends and acquain- reasonable prices, A 54241, J. Foley. Aus AWNINGS MADE - TO . MEASURE,|tances in Port Hope Shere ghe Ty SETS. AERIALS, lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding|resided for a number of years be- -- USED T.V. SETS, AERIALS, | Eres 0 niveau Aira, Motorola, SHI S,_eara and banquet tables forlfore coming to the Beach. } house, | ____._ : : P: 1! 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton have Victor, Coronet,. We i 4 Kelly T.V., 81 King West. 16| ELECTRIC ~~ RANGETTE, VACUUM returned home following their Sept. | cleaner, with floor polisher, other ac-| vacation, cessories, kitchen table, all in good con-| . y RAN D|dition. Apply 3 Beach Street, Ajax. 19gr| Guest of the Horton's Ry for same. Cutting heads, | |past weekend was Mr. Wilfred Meagher's, 5 King Street WARDROBE CHEST, ALSO RE-( Bunty of Markham. Aug. 2(|frigerator 11.5 cu. ft. late model. Will sell| Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spanger wish --_ |reasonable, terms if desired. Apply 221) T. ie d o $3| Arthur Street, 198c(to express their thanks and appre 2 ciation to the Home and School sod | tini|Association for the flowers sent STEEL SINKS. jo, 198p| during their recent bereavement, $1295; lawndy |. ------|and to friends and neighbors for basins, $5.55. Sree Sat) [GENERAL MOTORS CAR RADIO TO {heir many kindnesses and the ia 4 -060. fit °53 or "54 Chevrolet. Good ition. | : 5 ivr it 53 or hevivlel condition. | very tangible gift received from ator brand new unit. F. Goodrich STOOLS, SINKS, and fittings. New and SHAVEMASTER etc RA 5-454 Aug.2| ELECTRIC STOVE, tion, $30. Goodrich Store, PERFECT CON Gerrard Road North, se south of Taunton Road. $32 \ ee ox aI. i i -------- ----|WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Mrs. Stanley Mann is spending USED TWO | i Is. ey used furniture. RA 3-3271. Apply 4 ome time with her parents, Mr. Sept.22 |S mene | |and Mrs. John Bryan of Orange- EE: = MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE, ARIEL, ran has been ill for S, BRAND N ORD RADIOS | square four, 1000 c.c. Phone J. K. Hawk. | Ville. Wee, Byra cars, = $69 installed Seaway | shaw, RA 50103 evenings. RA 3-204 SOme time. 1501 | Working hours. # 19f | CHURCH NEWS |RUGS--SAVE UP To % ON NEW, RE.| The Community Cures 2 24 | versible broadloom rugs. 20 decorator | been enjoying some wonderful si including microphone, leather | shades, Made from your old woollens, | vices during the month of August. ae re reg, $17%| carpet, clothing. Dial 'RA 5.9438. Sept. 1 on the 12th, Rev. Russell Hughes » 2 % ue x - ] Mi ALL NEW THREE PIECE BATH, RE-|of the South Africa General Mis- | cess, $75; stainless steel sinks and laun- [sion preached doth the Horning VU 2d. tubs $13. Pressure systems $85. i vice and address ce Parts. \gump pumps $35. Plastic, steel, copper | 20d evening service I Sunda: Electric, 5/pipe and fitting. Freee stimates on in. an open session in the Sunday Sept. 1 gtallations. Chinn's, "ark Road South at|School. Mr. Hugltes represents the 1 8. Hillside. Dial RA 3 Sept. 9 Mission of which Miss Evelyn PE | in Natal, South HIFI HEADQUARTERS , at present in Na uth ips, Marconi, Sea-Breeze, Admiral, | Africa, is the missionary partially Fleetwood phonographs. Free demon-' supported by the Community TEED stration, $129.95. Terms. Kelly T.V. Church, Sept16| "Rev. Donald Lossing, our own CEDAR POSTS, 3 LENGTHS, #, 16', 20". | pastor, preached last Sunday, and Will deliver. RA 3-3898, or apply 212 Col- (wag ably assisted by Mr. Ralph leas Aveuis. 19% | Horton and Mr. 'Wilfred Bunty who DINETTE SUITE, TWO PAIRS OF sang two vocal numbers in the drapes and other articles. Phone RA evening. At the morning Sunday 37504, 197% | School session, Mr. Bunty taught ase, E heads; stock. rds and ser Meagher's GOODRIC H STORES, TIRES, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- 5-4543, F = es |Tles, at FOR PHIL- , RA a Thrifty budget plan. $2.95 GAL., RA 3-7624 Sept. 13 COMPLETELY INSTALL all-channel aerials, one year all materials. Special $69.95. Sept. 16 62 King West, , Realtor. Dial RA 3-2512, Oshawa, | clean cars. Seaway Motors Ltd, 301 gr MO 38-3231, V/hitby. Aug.28)| Dundas West, Whitby. MO $933 RA - . ept. 10 HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, | all eash or your equity. For quick re- LAKESHORE sults, satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley. y, cars Realtor. 13 Prince St. RA 3-2512. Sept. 16 paid. RA 5- | $777 DOWN, $50 MONTHLY CARRIES A $4,000 five room bungalow, east limi Poon 'A 5.3085. | HIGHEST PRICES PAID ApproximaTELY Five Acres in| FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Port Perry town' water available. $1,000. Phone RA 5-0250. 1 Any Make or Medel ATTRACTIVE RANCH TYPE HOME, DODD MOTOR SALES em rake tot =. 85 #.. m|314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9421 . Terms arranged. Phone Orono | Sept. 2 AUTO . WRECKERS for wrecking, highest prices | Sept. 7| 1181 or 5-1182. 4 | 7c 50--- Articles For Sale JIG SAW EIGHTEEN INCHES AT $30. Wood lathe 36 inches, eleven inch gap $30. Dial RA 57405 after 197¢ $43 BUYS SMALL IDEAL LOCATION Pork. Large 8- room ¢ brick house in Orono. In excellent repair, with bath, new oil furnace, and ore lawns and garden. PHONE ORONO 1737 $ pm. | 4 mt oval mahogany centre 198b | able: : i%e TWO CHESTERFIELDS, ONE GREEN | WINTERSEAL |GURNEY COAL AND WOOD STOVE. the children a mew chorus, and |used two years. Dial RA 5-8396. 199%a gave them a couple oF Sues, one BA 1 PIECE CHESTER. On the Frisco slide whistle, BARGAIN: Pa 3-3329, Bowman- the other on guitar and mouth: ville: 19% (organ combined. | Prayer meeting is held every Thursday night from 8 to 9 in the |church basement. The pastor has [just begun a Bible Study in the {book of Jonah. SCHOOL NEWS School opens on Tuesday, Sep- tember 4. Teachers for the coming school term have been hired and will be there bright and early to Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors. KOOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS und closes from inside the house." Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, All-weather protection, LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632 AFTER HOURS: Les Eveniss RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA 5-0313 Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 | Aug. 18 CLEARANCE SALE of used refrigerators. Priced to clear from $45 up. All in good condition, . HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 SIMCOE ST. S.,, RA 5-5332 198b leatherette and leopard trimming, 840; | one brown with gold metallic stripes $30.) Pickering 91J4. 197¢ AMERICAN SCHULTZ TRAILER, 42%' long, 3%" wide, fully equipped, sleeps {seven people. Forced heat air condition |er. Low down payment. On highway 35, at Fina Gas Station. Phone 34R8, Orono. 196f ONE NEARLY NEW COAL, WOOD : , chrome commode one baby carriage, all in good condition. Dial RA 3-3620. 197¢ TWO CCM BICYCLES, junior, and ome man's, tion. Dial RA 3.3108. County: General Store doing o thriving business, will consider a modern house in Oshawa. We have other businesses, also restaurants, H. C. PEDWELL NEWCASTLE 3856 ONE _ BOY'S excellent condi- 1981 FOR SALE OR RENT LARGE ROOMING HOUSE, FOURTEEN BEDROOMS, RES- TAURANT IN CONNECTION, ALSO APARTMENT AND STORE WITH APARTMENTS, STORE AND APARTMENT CAN BE RENTED SEPARATE- LY IF DESIRED. WRITE BOX 306, TIMES-GAZETTE. FOUR INCH CLAY WEEPING TILE .09 cents each. Phone RA 5-3855. Sept. 20 | ROCKFORD CABINET. GRAND, UP- |right plano and stool, mahogany finish. In tune, excellent for beginners. Terms Apply arranged immediately. {Howard Street. {SMALL APARTMENT HEAVY DUTY electric range, $35; large Presto cooker, | $20. Dial RA 5-9545. 99b |ONE T.V. AERIAL, 3-P terfield suite. Reasonable. 5-5184. |GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE {Dial RA 57165. 1 197c|45--Real Estate For Sale H. C. PEDWELL REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 ACRES with all farm machinery and crop, large clapboard house, good bankbarn 40 x 65, on paved road, $10,000 with your own down payment and terms. 563 199¢ JE CHES Dial RA 199a $10. 197¢ | | | | | 147 ACRES with all new machinery, good buildings, good creek, | 1 mile off No. 2 highway, $18,000, low down payment, 10 years | on balance. | | 75 ACRES, lorge house with new bath, accommodation for 1,000 hens, $12,000, open for best offer. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Bowmanville, buff brick, hot water heating with oil, full-sized basement, aluminum doors and windows, $12,000, satisfactory terms, V4-ACRE LOT, basement with 3 rooms ond bath, hot and cold water, heavy wiring, 2 greenhouses, sacrificing for $4,000. 15, 10 ond 2-ACRE LOTS close to Bowmanville, | MONEY TO LOAN H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER NEWCASTLE -- 3856 | 47--Automobiles For Sale 45a Real Est. Exchange '52 CHEVROLET, GOOD CONDITION, full price $775. Apply apartment Jl, Kingscourt Apartments, Ajax, after 5/ p.m 197% | | 52 PONTIAC SEDAN DELUXE WITH radio, perfect condition, will exchange for good building lot or as part pay- ment on small acreage near Oshawa. Write Box 414, Times-Gazette 1981 | 46--Real Estate Wanted CHRISTIAN FOR SALE 1955 FOUR-DOOR CHEV. | rolet with only 9000 mileage, used fre-| quently. With signals, windshield wiper, | hot-cool air vent, clock: Dial RA 5-7709 COUPLE WILLIN 9 house with small acreage. No down pay- ment. Write Box 546, Times-Gazette. 195 $495 IS THE FULL PRICE of these cars, financing can be ar- ranged: '51 Meteor custom two-door, Banff blue, custom radio, air condition. | ing, spotless upholstery or '50 Pontiac sedan, Silver Streak, Kingston grey, ex- cellent rubber, upholstery like new, good motor; or 'S50 Chev coach, two-tone green and white wine washers, slip covers, good motor Pontia¢ coach. bustle back, solutely immaculate, inside and out, be Sond Shticiem mechanically air con tioning. Seaway Motors Ltd, Dundas 1960 West, Whitby. ad] OF | 47--Automobiles For Sale 84 CADILLAC, COUPE DE VILLE power Steering, brakes, windows, LE § ele. Under 15000 actual miles. RA 28180 Sept. 15 radio, ield or "49 black, ab ' CHEVROLET SEDAN, RADIO, » Mew tires, good clean oar. Only RA 38226, heater, M15 cash. Phone MANY ITEMS LESS THAN 20 Church St. LOWEST PRICES |i IN TOWN ED. WILSON'S BIGGEST AUGUST FURNITURE SALE EVER BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD SUITES Your Choice of Fabrics AUTHORIZED KROEHLER DEALER HALF PRICE TERRIFIC VALUES HALF PRICE! ! 2-PIECE MODERN CHESTERFIELD SUITE Choice of Colors . . . while they last!! Hurry!! . , . These' handsome suites will sell fast at this ridiculously low price. There con be no repeats at this special give-away discount, Reg. $199.95. HURRY ! .. «+. $99.95 FANTASTIC BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPT.! HALF PRICE! 3-PCE. DE LUXE BEDROOM SUITES Double Dresser, Chest, Book- case Bed. There are only 12 of these sets, so hurry, this is value that may never be re- peated . remember, they will sell fast at this low price. Don't miss out, order yours. to- doy. Reg. $199.95. HURRY ! LESS THAN V2 PRICE TERRIFIC BARGAINS HOSTESS CHAIRS Smartly styled and neatly up- holstered in assorted colorful coverings. Spring filled. Reg. $19.95 OUT THEY GO $8.00 BETTER QUALITY CHROME SUITES suite in our store dras- juced. Fabulous say I Prices Styles and taste. one exaomlpe: Arborite table and 4 plastic-covered chairs. Reg. $69.95 AUGUST CLEAR OUT, $39.95 LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN ED. WILSON CORNSTALK PIERCES GRAVEL ROAD Northwood, Ont., near Chatham, He planted 25 acres of corn i is puzzled by a stalk of corn his field nearby. Sor sen ings on suites that will arr colors to Here's ur 1Z¢ u suit everyone's RAFT BEARS TRIO ACROSS ATLANTIC | Flags on this raft were tat- ; at sea for 89 days and had sur FURNITURE tered but still flying as it ended | Vived storms and calms. It had | RA 3-3211 | a 3000 mile voyage from Nova | Deen sighted several times by ) ° Atlantic | f i 4 1,1,5, Sept. 141 Sgtia to England. It had been | seogers waved Fl og take the little children in hand. ; Mr. Kenneth MacLeod, of Col umbus, is the new principal and he will be ably assisted" by Mrs Glenna Bruce of Dunbarton and Mrs. Queda Rummerfield of Pick. ering. All are experienced teach- ers having been in the profession for a number of years. There | will be no kindergarten this year, but grade one will in- clude all those who were in kin- dergarten last year, and any new children who have reached the age of five years as of September 1. Mr. and Mrs. Gould who kept the school so shining clean last sea- son find that they are unable te {carry on their duties thi§ year. {In their place will be Mrs, Fran- |cis Browell, assisted by her hus- band, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Han. cock, who should fill the position very acceptably. In the past few months, much {work has been done on the grounds and the building. Drain- age to the westerly boundary of the property has been consider- aly improved and a large area of lawn has been seeded at the front of the school. | Since the paint has been re- newed on the outer brick work, and the grass and weeds cut, the| {school looks very nearly like Para-| |dise, for which it was so aptly named. WASHINGTON (Reuters)--The Washington Posi said Friday that Canada should wait until interna- tional law on the subject had been threshed out before extending its territorial waters from three to 12 miles. "Any such revision could ham- per American shipping and fish- ing off both the Atlantic and Pa- cific shores of Canada," The Post said in an editorial. "A draft charter dealing with maritime law has already been leted by a ittee of jur- ists for submission to the next UN General Assembly." Prime Minister St. Laurent told the Commons three weeks ago that Canada will seek to obtain international recognition of the boundary waters 'extensi He said unanimous consent of {all countries would not be neces- sary but there would have to be recognition of the new limits by| the United States, France and] countries whi¢h had historic fish-| ing rights on the Grand Banks off the east coast. Historic fishing rights within the 12 miles would have to be respected. A blanket should be at least 12 in. longer, and 20 in.. wider than the mattress. how to get that, so I flash that om Oh, that?, I'm tired of people them! asking me how to do this and Families are always OUTGRO { . . . here's the quickest, surest way to sell them what they need! Growing families will OUTGROW 'most anything you can think of . . . from houses to clothes . . . from furniture to shoes. Add them all together and you have just. about the biggest, most responsive market in town. Give a thought to. their buying habits, and you can start a wave of new business coming your way. Here's the way it is. Because they need so MUCH, they must buy WISELY. To make every budgetary dollar do full duty, they study the ads in this news- paper carefully before they buy. To make your advertising dollars do full duty, put them to work where growing families start shopping: HERE! -- Shopping THE DAILY IN THE P TIMES-GAZETTE ris AGES OF

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