husband, 36 & woman with husband, He says he won't allow The couple were married and CAVE MAN two careers and an engrossinglanyone else to explore his tasth.|iegt G ny in 1933 for England,| The Neanderthal man fs BO realy to her husband Dr. "I've grown up with music," | They came to Toronto in 1948, and|sidered to have been a branch of Heinz Unger, she handles bundlps said Dr. Hella, "I still play thejnow live in Willowdaie,. on the nankind that was not in the di-- of correspondence. As a dental violin for my own 'disuse."' northern outskirts of Toronto. rect line of human descent. surgeon she practices in her Tor THORNTON'S CORNERS Correspondent THORNTON'S CORNERS --l11th {Oshawa Scout news as written by Our regular saivage Srive was mei sera, susan 11.3 were 1 oronto Woman * |is anyon 1 have missed. we will ajrabge "Pl Du 1R 1 pick-up of papers on request. We wish to thank all those, who ays a 0 e espinse was WonGer. onto home, and as a gardener she arive. he. response was wonder. [)ental; Floral a rome, and oss gargener ine know we collected about two tons| VANCOUVER (CP)--Dr. Hella/Y2rd. {| Dittle' John, Chipmunk "PaIrol: "trop 'tha, our only money. Talsing| nick: whe Tecently, visited Van Denar concerts in Van. | "We began our mmeting with a|project, will go foward couver with her orchestra - con-.,,yer's Stanley Park this sum- good - old game of baseball. Nolof our camp. Mr. and Mrs. George Lofthouse mer. He i|final score was reached, just one! The Scout leaders are pleased and family spent a few days holi- Dr. Hella Unger says g ar- injury. Then White Elk called us with the work the Scouts have|days last week in Buffalo, New |dex in Toronto the ane as ito the horseshoe for inspection. done this summer in earning| York. {bad. "I've had window gar i ol j Keego then took us out for aibadges. Since June they have Ted Robinson and Ed White course, but never a rea' OuICOOH {game of "Pullaway." |earned five second class badges, took the Patrol leaders and Sec- plot. This one is near a creek w It was Golden Quil's idea to|eight Bronze Arrowhead awards, onds of the 1ith Oshawa Scout!lots of rockeries. i i jhave a Kimo game, much to our|17 proficiency badges. troop to Crowe Lake on Sunday. Sometimes Dr. Uni ers tiave 8 disgust. The last event of the eve- Walter Buss is in Oshawa Hos- They were deciding on their camp Europe from Toron 0 or 8 . ing va the Jost sainp Rill 1 as|pital and 2 making satisfactop she Jor heir two + week camp! United States and various parts of | nex aturday. progress after his operation last which wi e ere, com- . hose who stayed after wrestled. Lib pe mencing August 18. | 'She is dentist to her conductor- Welcome to the he ) 5% | (Western Jire Store READY TO SERVE YOU WITH QUALITY (eatern. Jine PRODUCTS ® AUTO ACCESSORIES © TIRES ® BATTERIES Ruided mister | © SMALL APPLIANCES © TRICYCLES © BICYCLES AUDLEY h TORONTO riding CTT 4 ® PAINTS ® SPORTS EQUIPMENT : the National Hockey League Jat] VARIOUS OTHER ITEMS Tom iim You poe ~ ~ he FUN FOR COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND Mrs. Wm. Guthrie Sr. visited with former player with Toronto Maple / y J an os. Frank Underwood of sas, Cisse Black" iyi 36 2 ALL THE " elburne on Sunday. ; a d / ey Lg I keri Thien DU Mg Wh I i / ! FAMILY | ' -- FREE DRAW TICKETS --- o Obligation Wa. his first coaching job. weekend with Mr. and Mrs, James junior B loop. 'ee HARNESS RACING Valuable Prizes -- Draw To Be Made Aug. 24th ¢ DONKEY BASESALL FREE CUSTOMER PARKING Divkie and Darrel vised Mr. and family, visited her parents ur. eo EXHIBITS e OBEDIENCE DOG ACROSS FROM OUR STORE ! PARTS INSTALLED IF DESIRED, AT Mrs. Everett Quantrill of Whitby cherrywood on Sunday, on the TRIALS KENT'S "FINA" SERVICE on Sunday. occasion of the latter's 48th wed- 'e GIANT MIDWAY TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY LTD. NW EW ROCKET range near Picton, Ont. Projec- tiles of this type are used to line up radar and other tracking in- struments before launching of | JCD Engineers make final adjust. | ments to a 12-foot rocket before firing it into Lake Ontario at the first press inspection of the De- | fence: Research Board missile MILDRED PUCKRIN Correspondent AUDLEY -- Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, Donald and Wilma and family of Corbetton and Mr. -- Clark of Newcastle visited Mr. and| Mrs. Geo, Izatt on Sunday. Eric and Stanley Endersley of Toronto are visiting at George Puckrin's : Mrs, James Mitchell is out of #he hospital feeling much better Marie Smith 'is visiting her Don't Forget To NOTIFY YOUR CARRIER DEALER Before You Leave On Holiday Papers sold te carriers and deal- ers are non-returnable. Help them to aveid heaving your poper § Ad loft over by motifying them well MISS ELAINE BISHENDEN N il ing Sith We cousine. Keith J|ie edvence of your holiday dates. (MISS BY-LINE OF 1956) holida ; and Roy Puc Shr, and Mire: Fred Puckrin and : - grandmother, Mrs. S. Puckrin and aunt, Miss Margaret Puckrin, of Oshawa. Friends of Mrs. §. Puckrin are pleased to hear that she is able to be up again after spending three weeks in bed with a heart condition. Eleanor Thompson week with her aunt, Cox of Toronto. Ruth Thompson and her friend, Carolyn Straughan, were holiday- ing at Bobcaygeon. | Mr. and Mrs, Bob Doanelly of Marriston are visiting with the] - former's brother-in-law and sister, | Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Bryant. i INCLUDING RIDES GAMES AND FUN GALORE! OUTSTANDING GRANDSTAND ATTRACTIONS spent last Mrs. Sidney FEATURING: 74 CELINA STREET RA 5-7261 » 1A [1:8 8; AUGUST BARGAINS KIDDIES' T-SHIRTS Made from striped patterned sanfor~ ized cotton. Sizes 2 to 6. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUN DED GIRLS' -- 1st QUALITY Easy - to - launder Broadcloth Dresses (H in new solid C shades, white pique trim. Sizes 3 to 12. _ 1 BoM ST W Regular 1.98. ' . LADIES' BEAUTIFUL Cotton HALTERS Long waist cut. Sizes S.M.L. Reg. 1.89. 0a, 50 210 $1 Ladies Seersucker PYJAMAS 1 91 LADIES' COTTON SKIRTS Ladies BLOUSES Sleeveless. Eye- let, cottons, ete. Sizes 12 - 20. Reg. 2.98. 2-Piece No Ironing S.M.L. Reg. 2.95 Sizes 12-20 Reg. 2.98 Reg. 49¢ EACH OSHAWA, ONT. BOYS' KIDDIES' LADIES' INFANTS' GIRLS' HOUSEHOLD Men's Outdoor Shorts, Reg. 2.98. Cotton Gabardine Shorts. 1% Belted. 30 to 40. From Men's UNDERWEAR SHORTS. Stor 1.00 Men's First Quality SANFOR- IZED JEANS -- Rivet reinforced. Sizes 30 - 38, 2 wr 5.00 Reg. 3.99 Broadcloth PYJAMAS. Reg. 2.99. Sanforized, striped, 2-piece Py- james. 36-42, 2.69 From ... DRESS SHIRTS -- Cello wrep- ped. Pink ond white. Sizes 14; to 16%. 2 13 00 for Wn Reg. 3.98 "LENO" WEAVE SHIRTS. Reg. 2.98. A favorite with men. Cool, easy to launder, 1 bs "2 POR 300 dressy Men's Dressy Nylon Gab SLACKS. Belted, xippers, pleats. Sizes 30- 44. Reg. 7.95. Pair . Men's 100% AMN-Nylon STRET- CHEE SOCKS. Men's 2 - PANT MELBOURNE FLANNEL SUITS, single . end double breasted. Assorted shades. Sizes 16-46, Reg. 42.95 MEN'S HOBBY PANTS. Reg. 4.75. Senforised holidey denim Jeune, Extended weistband. 30 Men's Blasticised SUITS. Sizes S$, M, L. BATHING Boys', B | SHORTS. , . Suelny PLAY taped seams. Sto 18 . DOUBLE-SEAT BRIEFS. Reg. 69¢. Combed cotton, nylon-reinforced, Boys' Gabardine STRIDES Belted, zipper plects. Sizes 8-16. Reg. 6.49 8-14, Reg. 98¢ Assorted T-SHIRT. Sizes BOYS' or wear, Sizes 5-8. Reg. 4.98 . STURDY OXFORDS ~-- Neolite or rubber soles for long- BOYS' GABARDINE DRESS PANTS . Sixes 4-6x. Reg. 2.99 Zi front, elastic ot back, 2 pockens Boys' Blesticized SUITS. Sizes 4 to 8. BATHING SHIRTS BOYS' SEERSUCKER, 2, 4, 6. SPORT Boys' Short Sleeve SHIRTS, Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. 1.99 SPORT 99° GIRLS' BATHING SUITS. Fast- drying, snug-fitting, as- 99 sorted colors, Sizes 2-4-6. SMART PLAY SHORTS. Reg. 1.79. "Santorized" cotton drill, pocket, elastic waist. '] Sizes 2 to 6 : 69 2 FOR 1.00 T-SHIRTS. Easy to BEAUTIFUL LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS--Sizes S.M.L. Reg. 1.98. .. .. RAYON 04 GOTHIC BRASSIERES. Reg. 1.75, Clearance of popular white cotton 99° ATTRACTIVE HALTERS. For women. Made by 'Lovable Bras', comfortable fig... Brassieres. Money-Saver goucho coller. Sizes 2-4-6 ... GIRLS' COTTON HALTERS. Reg. 98¢c. "Sanforized"', can be worn off the shoulder, 5 colors. 207 BATHING TRUNKS, Reg. 1.00. Boys' front-lined Swim Trunks. Sizes 3 to 6 .... Kiddies' Short Sleeve "T"' SHIRTS Sizes 2 - 6. Reg. 5%9¢ SUNSUITS, Senforized cloth. 1 te 6 year. Reg. 1.00 COTTON DRESSES -- Reg. to 5.95. Smart, fresh-looking cotton Dresses. 12 to 52. ser... 1.99, 3.88 KIDDIES' 100% NYLON DRESSES -- Counter soiled Sizes 2-3-4, 1 19 Girls' Colorful PLAID COTTON SHORTS -- Sizes 8 to 12. Reg. 1.49 KIDDIES' UNDERSHIRTS--But- toned ond Pullover, Sizes 1-2.3. 3 for 1 PLASTIC PANTS -- First quality. (With new soft Stretch.) colors. S-M-L. TRAINING PANTIES--Combed cotton, double gusset, assorted colors. Sizes 2-6. 1 1 for Sever Women's LINEN SKIRTS. Reg. 4.95. Attractive colors and styles. Sizes 12 KOovEX Reg. 40c Regular size. Package of 12, 35° Money Saver . 1.49 Women's COTTON SLIPS. Reg. 2.98. Sanforized, double shad: panel, lavish Women's, 12 te 20, Seil- cloth PEDAL PUSHERS Ladies' S-M-L. Reg. 42¢ Royon BRIEFS. Sizes 3." Girls' Ruffled Tiered BATHING SUITS. 2 vo 6. Reg. 1.98 DENIM Kiddies' Sonforized JEANS. Sizes 3-6x. Reg. 1.49 va BATHING SUITS. Reg. to 9.95. New styles and febrics. Sizes 12 wae 1.48, 649 to 44 Women's PLAY SHORTS. Reg. 2.95. Beautifully styled, zipper. Washable. ¢ 12 10 18 99 Reg. 25¢ pair HOODED BABY TOWEL SETS. INFANTS' FLANNELETTE NIGHTIES. Reg. 59¢ KIDDIES' ROMPERS -- Vinylite reinforced pants. Sizes 1.18 18 mons. to 12 years. Short Sleeve "T" SHIRTS. Sizes 4-6. 4 1 Reg. 3%¢ p for KIDDIES' PLASTIC BIBS With shoulders. Reg. 29%c¢ Kiddies" each KIDDIES' ROMEO SLIPPERS -- Sizes 8-13. Reg. 2.98 1.88 Kiddies' Pole PYJAMAS, 94° Sizes 2-6 Reg. 1.69 Large size CRIB BLANKETS. 3" satin trim 36" x 50" in pink, yellaw and blue. : 2 88 ] Reg. 3.95 Girls', 3, 4, 5, 6, yn. BLOUSES. Reg. 1.29 69 BATHING SUITS 3.98. Attrec- tive style swim suits, elasticized. Sizes 8 to GIRLS' PYJAMAS -- Reg. 2.49. No-iron, 2-piece ker Py- jamas. Sizes 1 ; 49 8 te 14, Girls' Sanforized PLAID SHIRTS. = 3 8-12 .... Beautiful Belgium Demask TABLE CLOTHS 1 4 52 x 65, reg. 2.98 [) PILLOWS-- Kapok. PILLOWS--Foam Rubber Chips, Fm 2 for 5.00 Quality LARGE SIZE CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Assorted colors. 3.99 Reg. 8.95 IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS fluid ig og Jueatly reduced nr Gui 4.92 EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES Reg. 1.49 Pair JACKET, PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE -- 50 ft., clear complete with cou. lings. 10-year guaran- 3 49 L} tee. Reg. 6.95 100 RAZOR BLADES--Made of the highest quality steel. Gi 1.49 Wormers Sevanible. SPORT JACKETS. Reg. A Sizes 12.18 : .~ 4.95 PLASTIC WASH BASIN. 9 Reg. 1.09 84 SUN GLASSES. o Reg. 3%¢ 16 BILLFOLDS -- Leather, plastic etc. Reg. 79¢ Adult size LIFE. "Government Ap- proved!" Reg. 5.95 Heavy Gauge GROUND SHEETS GIRLS' KHAKI JEANS -- Sizes 8-14, Reg. 3.29 Girls' Plisse SHORTS & HALTER ob a Jewelled "T" 2... 1.30 Girls' SHIRTS. 8 to 14 Interlock, GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS, Reg. 2.98 Attractive holiday denim 80 12 Pedal Pushers 1 a9 89 FIRST QUALITY BED SHEETS 2 SHEETS 2.99 : LARGE WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS Reg. 2.00 12 " 97° value COLORFUL PLASTIC SALAD BOWLS Large size. 33 LARGE 5. E Reg. 5%9¢ BATH TOWELS iy 41. Reg. 2.98. i 49 GARDEN CHAIRS «-- Sturdy aluminum, rust resist. ant. Reg. 8.95. .. . 6.76 NYLON BRISTLE TOOTH BRUSHES Reg. 59%¢ AIR MATTRESSES. Five-tube size, with pillow, ibl COMIC BOOKS Lotest out. Reg. 10¢ each LU] for 25 LARGE SIZE KITCHEN SPONGES 61° DISH DRAINER Rubber covered, 1st quality. Large size. 3 colors. Reg. 1.49 99 CAR MATS All Rubber, Catch Dirt. Clean Each a LARGE SCISSORS CHROME PLATED LARGE BREAD KNIVES hy J 29 LADIES' AUTOMATIC CIGARETTE LIGHTERS 1.49 49 ROLLER SKATES 1.91 From easy to inflate. Special Reg. 10.99 BADMINTON SETS complete with 4 racquets, birds and net. 4.99 WATER GOGGLES Reg. 10.95 Small Size 16" ALL-RUBBER DOLLS 2.49 ALL-RUBBER RUMPEL TOYS "Noise the Lamb" * Longhop the Rabbitt," "Roofus the 1 19 Rooster". Reg. 2.49 . Reg. 5.95