TIMES-GAZETTE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All Other Calls....... RA 3-3474 AILY Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle "Weather Forecast Sunny and warm Friday with prob. able evening thunderstorms. TIMES-GAZETTE VOL. 85--NO. 174 OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, JULY 26 1956 Price Not Over $ Cents Per Copy TWENTY-SIX PAGES : | { | ; | | » * JAMES J. IS BATTERED AND BLEEDING James J. Parker displays a | from Archie Moore, the winner | weight title bout. The end came badly damaged left eye as Rel- | in last night's fight at Toronto | on a technical knockout at 2:02 eree Billy Burke holds him apart | which was billed as a world | of the ninth round of their sched- with the | | uled 15-round bout | Canadian' battered and bleeding. (Please turn to page two for other picture and story.) Bomb Blasts Toronto Home; Tenants Absent | TORONTO (CP)--A time-bomb {blasted in the front of a duplex {in the fashionable Forest Hill dis- DISCIPLINE LEARNED BUT SIX DROWN Sergeant Said Drinking efore Death March By BEM PRICE It also heard a statement, dated/the men in the middle of the : PARRIS ISLAND, S.C. (AP)--|April 9, in which McKeon re- stream. I grabbed one man and|iict early today and police said US. government expeets to/counted his disciplinary difficul-/took him to the beach, to a point it may have been a carefully-ex- Somplete its case today against/ties with platoon 71, He wrote: |where he could stand up. I asked ecuted threat against one of the Staff Sgt. Matthew C. Mc-| 'About 1300 (1 p.m.) I got the him if he could touch ground andltenants. Keon for the death march of re-idea to take them out into the!stand up, when he gave me an| The cruit platoon 71. {swamps that night, thinkin, I'affirmative reply I headed back] McKeon is the 81-year-old Wor- could teach them some discipline. into the stream to help the oth- foster, Mass, drill instru si explosion, which jarred : ctor who All during the afternoon I had ers." |ished the front door of the duplex s that {some drinks from a bottle, I think three or four " | ""Three-fourths of the | Squs way but mission to enter the results of a hotel manager. (intooni midnight test for intoxieation into "wp "oi Lil abcent at the Defence lawyer Zola Ber. time rr i hi amin via 8 n that or sev men out there. , . . | wai 5 cent at m . rick O0'8u he led SWAM OUT TO MEN | Platoon 71 entered the water about and Mrs. | "I, at this point, swam out to/8 p.m. Irope. Ask CD Place 2 Counties Under Oshawa Jurisdiction Although an umpires' analysis of Whitby and Pickering have no CD from Greenwich time to Eastern st week's civil defence paper|organization at all Daylight time by provincial head- throughout Ontario, who have erclse termied 1 a * a i! The report containing this andlquarters "could have led to pos- been cracking down on speeding|®Xercise ter a success", It por criticisms of Alert ITI will be|sible confusion'. motorists, may get equally tough also criticized the central CD or-|forwarded to provincial CD head-| Third. umpires said the lack of on drivers who crawl along con- ganization for not placing the | quarters, from where it will go to|information provided the Oshawa trolled-access highways at speeds southern part of Ontario Countyithe Civil Defence College at Arn-|CD organization about the drop- below the limit and Durham County under Oshawa|prior. [ping of a bomb on Owen Sound Highways Minister Allan, ad. control. | At like | 'reduced the efficiency of the «dressing a special safety confer- ence of Ontario publishers, police nica and W. C. officials and safely directors, said/that "evacuees from rural munic- make-up of a comprehensive bul- men was located (in theory) at the use of minimum speed limits ipalities in Ontario and Durham!letin outlining the civil defence Port Perry .at the time. now is being studied counties could have had a serious problems and needs of the whole WRONG INFORMATION He was replying to a suggestion effect on the systematic evacua-|country. Four, umpires said co-ordinator by Oakley Dalgleish, editor-in. tion of the whole area due to in-| Here are some 'of the other re- Hopkins was given information by ie | Sullivan are in Slow Drivers May Next Get Police Attention TORONTO (CP) Police la Arnprior the report, ar- 'homes 500 yards distant, demol-| Sevier sought--and gained--per- occupied by Willlam R., Gold, a ding a reception for In the report, umpires J. War-|thousands of others from across rison force from (radioactive fall- aynter suggested the country will be used in the out." The garrison force of 3,000 | Passengers who lost a month - long battle with lawns graded up to the level off OTTAWA (CP -- The gover-|position members called it a con-|payment towards the 1945-50 up-| liners ca g oS fone as said that crews started the job fence Production Minister Howe tackled a miscellany of members onable contribution towards the 1.134 passengers on one of them asphalted will receive an asphalt/mons over the issue, with Mr. contract. the fact that the plant had been| The stricken vessels were the | . City Grades 'MONTEITH SAYS: "'UNJUSTIFIABLE HANDOUT" | * ; Disputed Tories a ttawa Nearly y R ; the city to have the sidewalk in escue : front of their homes lowered, are| | | hed togethe i i i ment has been charged with giv-|tribution to Sorel profits. {keep of the Sorel plant, which rep- Smasi r 4 the high gidewalk IY the a onli an improper handout in prof-' In the defence production debate resented about half its "'dead loss" |lantic off Nantucket Island Wed ies i J i int d d in one of history's i i denies if. from the Conservative and CCF of pre jon facili-| Were rescue i derman Gifford said that any Opposition members Wednes- parties contending he was too lav- ties essential in war. greatest 'and most dramatic Sea A i d of ks! Howe contending the government| J. Waldo Monteith (PC--Perth) kept intact." 130,000-ton Andrea Doria, pride of Stale By ed Pid ii paid only a oR e"' amount called the government's plant/ PAID MORE THAN U.S. the Italian merchant fleet, and the L Simcoe street south residents, G » J ' ° [J ives Gun Firm Millions | getting their drive-ways and front| NEW YORK (AP) -- Two ocean chairman of the Board of Works, its to a gun-making firm, but De- which continues today, Mr. Howe on this for the period, was a reas. nesday night, Within five hours ail of the drive - ways that have been day raised .a storm in the Com- ish with federal money on the gun] "We found we would profit by operations. NEED APPROVA to Sorel Industries Ltd., for guns maintenance payment--for which| Mr. Monteith also criticized the 11,000-ton Swedish liner Stock- Gi said each for its new destroyer escort ships Mr. Howe said he takes full re: minister for the fact that his de- holm. : osu ges 0 0 R only if at Sorel, Que. y |sponsibility--an "unjustified hand-/partment paid more for the guns The Andrea Doria, sending, out the resident was agreeable to it.| Progressive Conservative and out to the company.' {than did the United States mavy,|frantic messages for help, me Boulevards will be graded in any CCF members variously described! Donald Fleming (PC -- Toronto which took 120 of the weapons. diately began tilting to starboard. case. About 13 residents are af-|the gin deal as '"'an unjustified Eglinton) described it as "highly] The U S. participation had CAN'T USE BOATS fected in the operation. {handout," "highly improper and improper and unjustifiable.' : |greatly lowered the over-all cost| As the ship's list grew worse, The work will not likely be com-|unjustifiable" and *'gravy" for the| "It sounds like gravy," said|of getting Sorel into production,|the Andrea Doria advised it was pleted this week, Alderman Gif-/firm making the armaments dur- John Diefenbaker (PC -- Prince Mr. Howe said, by taking up over- unable to lower its lifeboats, Res- ford said, because most of theling the Korean War. Albert). head expenses. : lcue vessels raced to the scene and Board of Works employees are MAINTENANCE TARGET "CANNON BACKS HOWE | When the debate switched to|sent their lifeboats riding pver |on holidays. They return on Mon-| Most of the sharpshooting cen- Liberal Charles Cannon, chair- other aspects of defence produc-|relatively calm waters to . the (day, he said, and then we Will tred around the fact that the gov-/man of the Commons public ac- tion, Mr. Howe told Mr. Fleming |stricken vessel to take off the put full crews on the job. |ernment, to get the company into|counts committee that recently he would not object to bringing in| passengers. The grading operation is neces gun production after a layoff be-|scrutinized the gun transaction,|a bill next session to reduce by Among the rescue vessels was sary because the sidewalk be-itween the Second World War and backed Mr. Howe by revealing $50,000,000 the $150,000,000 in a re-.. French luxury liner: 77s tween Kawartha and Wellington 1950 assumed $2,880,000 of its cost|that the committee's steerin glvolving fund for the stockpiling of | France. A Coast Guard plas on Simcoe south is anywhere from|of plant maintenance in the five- group nas approved a report | defence materials, The maximum ering over the scene as a foggy {six to 22 inches above the levels|year period. Mr. Howe said this|"which does not criticize the gov-|committed under the fund Was dawn broke radioed: |of the front lawns of the houses. |yag about half the firm's "dead ernment in any way. ,|$111,000,000. By last March 31, only| "Sayen hundred. thirty sruvivers loss" on plant upkeep, though op-! Mr. Howe said the government's $59,000,000 was committed. |aboard Tle de France, aye a ly, took e Andrea Og | f IB | | from New York Wedn | | { ! . {Doria's p s. Other LY ' . li D 11 ' Less Profitable gathered in the remainder: The 1 H "What's A Million Dollars Early morning reports fold ef attributed by /Progressive Conser-|stuffed Mussolini," said it seems General Motors Corporation of % ORDRED OFF Wednesday in the Commons. kicked around for 11 years, Mr. rd ® remark in. this| Som y by Donald ies Insi w General M - | Tories | 1st Ho e Stated; nera otors aboard about 425 of Andrea Doria was inbound from Th L Y Genoa. OTTAWA (CP) The now-| Mr. Fleming, who called Mr. an ast ear | injuries to five persons, one famous remark "what's a million" {Howe a "big over-grown, over-\ NEw YORK (AP)--A report by|of them a child, vatives to Defence Productionia "curious thing" that only now, ,000,000 decli h | Minister Howe popped up again after the alleged remark has ; $044.00 first cline in Bs bisiness Pia Y and Coast ot Guard hel % 4 anied Wednesda: Stockholm and y sr Howe should deny having made it. J : 1 Fleming, The denial "strains credulity, ment by The 'American Institute glinton) getting Mr. Fleming said. TORONTO Steelworkers of | a 4 Fatord says the Omtario Labor Relations) where Board has ruled illegal strikes at .stitwo Canadian subsidiaries of States steel companies. i Employees at Marmoraton Min. | g Company at Marmora, a sub- sidiary of the Bethlehem Steel. | and Union Drawn Steel of Hamil-| ton, a subsidary of the Republic Steel, walked off the job July 3 when the vs steel strike started, | Although the strikes have been : riled illegal, the companies would of one of eight persons aboard two [still have to apply to the OLRB boats which disappeared during a [for permission to prosecute thefierce Georgian Bay storm last | unions, : [Sunday was discovered Wednes- | The Hamilon firm employs 40|/day at the mouth of Pretty River persons and Marmoraton 300. at" Collingwood. | y ond quarter was 78, NEW MINISTER Tran Bait 11 di not appear in Hansard . William A. Goodfellow will be 'aply means that 'somebody has; appointed Ontario Minister of gone back and performed a sur-{. Agriculture next week, The |gical operation on Hansard." Times - Gazette learned today | Fisheries Minister Sinclair then from a reliable source. Mr. 'did a bit of digging in Hansard soodfellow is now icipal af- for 1945 and quoted Mr. Howe as fairs minister. It is expected he having said 'a million dollars will be succeeded by Erskine {rom the war appropriation bill Johnston, elected in Carleton {would not be a very important riding last June. matter." Israeli Say Israeli Plane Shot At By Jordan Guns | JERUSALEM (Reuters) ~~ Is- The flareups have claimed three |rael today confirmed that an Is-/UN observers as victims. They raeli plane was shot at near Jer-\.., gyedish Lt.-Col. Frik Helge usalem by Jordanian anti-aircratipy,jin and Maj. J. L. Flint, 44, of Find Woman's Body i "scene: Off Owen Sound Tintusket: Felapd. near which DNorvia's radio no longer is operat- OWEN SOUND (CP)--The body the ships collided, is 32 miles soulncday On Massa uses |coastiine and about 200 miles northeast of New York City. |DETAILS SCARCE 8 O S messages filled the air- waves after the first alarm by Andrea Doria at 11:23 p.m. i chief of the Toronto Globe and|Sufficient overall local control." marks and criticisms of the civil mistake by . provincial headquar- Mail, who said the slow driver is IP explaining this criticism, co-/defence umpires in the six-page re-|ters that "could have reduced the a bigger menace than the fast ordinator Hop ns said that Osh- port. : effectiveness of this exercise had driver. awa had some difficulty evacuat-| First, umpires praised the local the local co-ordinator disclosed the Tie. conference by ing its population in theory during|CD organization. It was '"extreme- information" to other CD workers AlOiey ener dis the three - day exercise because!ly efficient with positive action! participating. pi Tne a Mock they did not know what the sur- taken on all problems," the report] Five, umpires said they never dent 3 ac rounding areas were doing. For said. heard of one code signal sent by lents. an tos example, Mr. Hopkins said, Ajax| Second, umpires said the chang- provincial HQ to Oshawa. The code UNIFORM TICKET SYSTEM was not named in the exercise and'ing of the timing of the exercise name was 'snowball', Mr Roberts told the conference - - " I - Tr _ - form, trite sucker seem wer Crneified Mexican To Donate Ten Per Cent Of Take To Church which a motorist is stopped at the {ime he commits an offence and is given a ticket. The ticket will cover the violakions of the rules REYNOSA, Mexico (AP)--Ta-j2% blocks gare, 25-year-old ventriloquist who!Square. was voluntarily nailed to a cross e cross has never been up- in the bullring here four days ago,! right. was called Roberts to reducing Canadians from the Reynosa Hollinrake of the as Technician Lack Hits British Plane Industry TORONTO (CP) red tape and a of technic British ¢ aircraft de said Wedne Mr. Payne first ram-je copter wit} fitted to blades. He | le | of the road which are responsible assengers Newmarket, said drivers have seig, Wednesday he hopes to stay People from Mexico and the was indicated by the fact that Catholic Church. factor Yo 0: Stockholm when she collided Wed- actor on the cross. On Tuesday tario now has a strength of 1,542 it the room. All passengers aboard annually, preter today. The cross was sup-'Indians. He said he began by the Swedish American Line, own- fratfic problems on busy weekends Tagare said the wounds in his tis, all of Kirkland Lake; Paul y civil defence workers, W. H.|teet and hands hurt, but he gave {Schou, Mrs. Schou, Miss Anna $96,000 At Reno fess, Frits ii His hands were still nailed to EN i ( i iach. WIS lilly Jorgensen an the Pree in oot pa, nalied. lo RENO, Nev. (AP)--A Harold's Miss Judith Jorgensen, all of ig tem' for playing roulette Sulamith' Lindhol Mis Lili industry, English long and slightly larger than a Mana Guy a Ling ry Li " \ ; y ghtls ger Guy Lent said he be- [, S y Lis 1 Peter Payne, 28, wooden match in diameter. indholm and Stanley Lis, all of a in the club does," he added. " G Ols vi the tips of its rotor p.m Sunday. About an hour later Vagueness and anonymity al. bad and ys Jerdn Qlsom, Qo mmigrated. with his four men lifted the cross from : 1 for 80 per cent of accidents, he lost confidence in magistrates| Wc "orn Mor 15 days, He's United States visited - the rdom motorists prefer to pay their tick-" Church officials said they had|the mayor of Reynosa, Dr. Jesus Nesday night with the liner An. provincial police and about 600 Tagare, dressed in a white silk, Tagare said he learned to en. Stockholm remained aboard Provincial potice in the Hamil ported by two carpenter's saw. pushing cactus spurs into his feet ers of the Stockholm, included: Clark, assistant provincial police no indication of suffering great Schou and Miss Dorothe Schou, commissioner, said. pain. He did not appear to be in all of St. Catharines; Mrs, Alma Club official says the"club has lost Hamilton: M I i. A moved, but the nails were still in i amilion: Mrs. yi Meri & An. Government them and they were bandaged on an estimated $96,000 over a period thony Rembacz, Mrs. Ruth Carls. lieves seven University of Nevada Toronto; Huge Whitelock, Sud- J Tagare, whose real name {is youths were involved, but doesn't bury. designed Britain's [jenio Garcia Carmon a, was ¢ ways surround reports of big gam- Inge Ruus, Miss Laine Ruus, Han. Wile 2d fou children to start a where it lay in the bull ring and bling winnings here because of nes Ruus. and Miss Anneli Ruus, hush-hus} career with A. carried it on their shoulders to said. Magistrate 0. S. Sourls because of indiscriminate doing it for money, he said, andiUnited States visited the room NEW YORK (AP)~A number of anding out of traffic tickets. This win give 10 per cent to the Roman and paid about 25 cents to see the Canadians were aboard the liner ets out of court : nothing to do with the exhibition Ramos Castinera. ordered that no drea Doria off the New England Mr. Roberts reported that On- and had mot given permission for more people be permitted to enter COAst. cars. Eventually this force would _ : a f the ship headed h an , suit, lay on the cross as he talked dure pain from his father, who ship headed here, reach 2.000 and cost $10,000,000' wii "reporters through an inter-/learned the art from a tribe of The passenger list released by ton, St. Catharines and Niagara horses. Small electric fans stirred when he was 9 years old. From Ontario: Mrs. Irma Rai Falls areas are being assisted in the hot air in the room. . ~ |tis, Marie Raitis and Jorma Rai- Students Win a' trance. Seppanen, Todmorden: Otto SIX-INCH NAILS Rathsman, Ottawa; Mrs. G. Han- serious shortage the bottom. 3 weeks to tu of lege son, Miss Lea Agren, Mrs. Len- are crippling the The nails were about six inches i ( know their names. Miss Ka liels Bd ton: helicopter heli- nailed to the cross before a capa-' "And 1 doubt that anyone else i pp Big "Peter or. miniature jet engines city crowd of about 5,000 about 7 { i A h- : the internal revenue service's in- North Vancouver; Miss Joan Vell V. Roe (Canada) Ltd. at Malton. a room Tagare bad rented about terest. ner, Edmonton. ih ER A -------- a aa a TO TS. i A rR ------ LL ---- I : "sys. ene Hansen, Alpo Lindholm, Mrs. | ire y during a series of|( 4 opment Que., and Maj. Mar- Slashes along the Israel-Jordan Brault, 37, of St. Hyacinthe, An Israeli military spokesman Je: hey a ed ed Nospitals said the plane was slightly dam. (2 EF © {aged by Jordanian fire and force- . | said there were no/ The two Can=diang were landed. He (wounded by a mine while investi- ties. i i CAsuallies. aid Wednesday that the gating an incident in the Mount Jane had violated Jordanian air Scopus area of Jerusalem Tues- [Dane and had been shot down, day. According to a UN spokes- , crashing in the Israeli sector of Man there was 'some improve- Jerusalem. ment" in their condition today | At the same time, Maj.-Gen. but they were still on the danger |E. L. M. Burns, United Nations ist. |chief truce supervisor in Pales-| Thalin was wounded by fire tine, announced through a spokes- from a band of Jordan villagers | man he would confer today with as he was on his way to investi. | Jordanian Chief of Staff Maj.-Gen. gate a border incident north of Ali Abu Nawar and Israeli For- Jerusalem, according to a UN eign Minister Mrs. Golda Mayer communique. A UN spokesman about the renewed flareups along said his condition today was their border. "grave." LATE NEWS FLASHES Andrea Doria Sinks NANTUCKET, Mass. The Italian liner Andrea Doria, fatally damaged in a collision with the Swedish liner Stockholm, sank this morning. Swedish Seaman Killed NEW YORK -- One of those who lost his life when the liners Andrea Doria and Stockholm collided off Nantucket Island last night was Alf Johansson, 80, a member of the Stockholm's crew. | | | Four Lives Lost NEW YORK -- There were indications that at least four persons drowned or were fatally injured in the ship collision off Nantucket Island last night. Lost Money On Fight | TORONTO (CP) -- Dave Rush. young Toronto mining promoter, today said he lost $13,000 sponsor- | ing a 15-round heavyweight boxing hout Wednesday Right between Archie Moore and James J. Parker. ao = a ----- KISSING BOOTH WINS FAVOR oe Diane Crowder, da: §ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cgrowder; and Jean Crowder, sist§r of Diane. More than 3000 yofungsters at- tended the annual Ffenny Fair at the CRA building, {. | One of the most popular at- | tested the candy kisses and she tractions last night at she Pen | red lipstick mark which is a fea. ny Fair conducted by The Com- | ture of the booth. They are, left | munity Recreation Association | to right, Connie Crossman, | was the kissing The trio | daughter of and Mrs. Rae "of youngsters shown has just | Crossman, of 440 Gibbon street; booth i