§5---Reol Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sole 45---Real Estate For Sale ~ 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 46--Real Estate Wanted S0---Articles For Sale THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 17, 1086 18 Ristow & Olsen HURRY, ONLY FIVE LEFT Six-room new NHA Brick and Stone bungalows for only $2,300, Down and 5% % interest. Completely finished and ready for occu~ pancy in two or three weeks. Don't miss seeing these before buying. OPEN FOR INSPECTON EVERY EVENING AT CHESTERTON AVE. IN APPLE HILL or call Henry Stinson or Carl Olsen at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412. ; VICINITY CORONATION SCHOOL | Storey and a half brick with four bedrooms, modern kitchen with ample dining area, exceptionally large living room with. ook floors. Early possession. $10,900 with terms. May be seen by calling Hilda Ristow ot RA'5-6165 or RA 5-3412, PRICED TO SELL $1,500 Down ~-- one and a half storey brick, new aluminum storms screens, new furnace, 5 newly painted rooms, low taxes, sewer and water, Call George Wakelin at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412, IDEAL FOR FAMILY Six-room, one and three-quarter home close to school, church and bus, North End,, Lorge rooms, oil heated, aluminum storms and screens, low taxes, For information call Bertha Appleby at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412, WEST END Jio.e00 ~~ Buy of the Week, ao 5-room brick bungalow, beauti- lly di d, and | ped, close to school and shopping. Call George Wakelin at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412, BUY OF THE WEEK Six rooms, two-storey red brick, oil heated, extremely well kept, pre- ferred North End location. All this at only $10,500 with reasonable down poyment. Call Henry Stinson at RA 5-6423 or RA 5-6165. ATHOL ST. EAST Five-room brick bungalow with two extra finished rooms in the basement finished in sylvaply and tiled floor. A well kept home re- ring 0 substantial down payment, To inspect call Hilda Ristow at 5-6165 or RA 5-3412, A MONEY MAKER 10 rooms -- 3 apartment income home, 3 separate kitchens, central- ly located in a commercial area. Good condition, Call Bertha Apple- by at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412, EXCLUSIVE EAST END corner lot, paved road. Phone RA 5 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, 6 MILES east Oshawa, 4 room house, cellar, barn, chicken house, garage, hot and cold water pressure. Price $7,000. Half down or will exchange for a house close Whitby. Apply M. Wojcik, RR No. Bowmanville, 164c BRICK HOUSE, NINE RQOMS, FUR- nished rooming, Sarage, no" agents. Ap ply 291 Albert Street. July PRIVATE SALE, LARGE SIX-ROOM house, with sunroom, centrally located, modern kitchen and bathroom, in good repair, well decorated. Apply 241 Athol Street East. 165¢ MODERN, CLAPBOARD BUNGALOW, two bedroom, living room, kitchen, four- piece bath, oil heating, T.V. aerial, large lot on highway, just north of city limits. Ask- ing price $12,500. $5000 down. No agents. Dial RA 5-4020. 165b EVERY MINUTE COUNTS. THE SOON- er you place a Classified Ad locate JOHN A. J. o AJAX OFFICE: 1002, 206 HARWOOD AVE. S. WANTED -- LISTINGS ON HOUSES, LOTS AND FARMS. WE HAVE CLIENTS WAITING. CONTACT "LLOYD BOLAHOOD AT AJAX 1002 OR OSHAWA RA 5-6544, AJAX! 5-room brick bngalow like new, oil heat, storms and screens land- scoped. For more information call BILL PITT AT AJAX 1002 OR OSHAWA RA 5-6544, WHITBY -- FULL PRICE ONLY $10,900. Modern 6-room brick bngalow, fireplace, oil heat, basement appartment started, large what's lost, the greater your chances of recovery. EAST LIMITS, FIVE ROOM, INSUL- ated, insul brick bungalow. $4,000 full price. $1,500 down. Close to two bus lines, Phone RA 8-8044. 164 LOTS FOR SALE IN NORTH OSH. awa, Call evenings RA 5-0326. 162¢ $3800. FULL PRICE, THIRD HOUSE, South Solina Road, a down payment, balance $35. monthly, 5 per cent inter est. 1614 5000 SQUARE FEET, TWO FLOORS, approximately 50 x 50, suitable for fac- iry or warehouse. Apply King Street East. 1631 BY "WHERE'LL I GET THE CASH" selling those things you're not using through Classified Ads, of course! Dial RA 3-3492 for the aid of a Want Ad lot, House to be sacrificed, owner leaving area. For more informa- tion call LLOYD BOLAHOOD AT AJAX 1002 OR OSHAWA RA 5-6544. WHITBY -- INCOME HOME, 9 LARGE ROOMS, only $2,000 down, brick, oil heat, landscaped lot on main street. For more in- formation call LLOYD BOLAHOOD AT AJAX 1002 OR OSHAWA, RA 5-6544, { AJAX SPOTLESS, 4-ROOMS, landscaped lot, full price only $6,- 300. To see this house call BILL: PITT AT AJAX 1002 OR OSHAWA RA 5-6544, =Bolahood: Realtor TOP DISTRICT -- Only $2,500 down -- Must be sold. 1660 writer. BUYING OR SELLING HOUSES, BUSI-| nesses and farms, it pays to see Me-| Auley, Realtor. Dial RA 32512, Oshawa or MO 8-3231, Whitby. July 28 HOW MUCH RENT HAVE YOU PAID? BE WISE--Invest in your own COLONIAL HOME . . . Your dream home. Located on Rogers Road., a quiet east end street just off the King St. Bus Line, six spotless rooms, hot water oil heated, paved drive and garage. For appointment to see this lovely home call Jan Miller ot RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3412, RA 5-6165 OPEN EVENINGS RA 5-3412 | 19 ATHOL ST. W. OSHAWA | Member of Oshawa-Whitby and District Real Estate Board Lylia M. McBrien REAL ESTATE BROOKLIN Tel. 60 BROOKLIN 1%4 Storey Frame, 6 rooms and bath, oil heated. Ex- tras. 2 car garage. Large lot well located on paved yl LOW TAXES. Early possesion. Listed at $9,- J 1660 3and 4 Ddvoom ranch type homes. Brick. Tiled bath- s La lots, immediate pti. $1 '5.85 to $15.250.00, terms, acres land. Semi-bungalow, 5 rooms, bath oil Pay as little as $100 down Low monthly payments--much less than rent! Build better-- Build sooner - Build COLONIAL CALL COLONIAL HOMES 169 Simcoe St..S., Oshawe * RA 8-8571 July 28 (Send 25¢ for complete catalogue) | $12,000--$3,000 8-Room brick home, Simcoe Street North, suitable for two families, hot air heating, 3- piece bathroom, kitchen on each flat, located on large lot, $7,000--$3,500 Five-room 1Va-storey home near new G.M. plant. Hot air heating, four-piece bath, on large lot. Walter R. Smith A: J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING LISTINGS INVITED OPEN EVENINGS Whitby MO 8-3337 Oshawa RA: 5-8461 Ajox 1383 $500 DOWN LOT 65 x 240 $6,800 with with easy terms on lovely and modern 1V2 storey home close to all conviences. Many extras included. For details call early on this one and ask for Bill Sshatzmann. Whitby MO 8-3337 Oshawa RA 5-8461 Ajax 1383 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Get your reservations in now. Have you béen looking for that ideal spot in which to open your very own little business-Gift shop, Spec- ialty shop or restaurant, Perhaps you set your heart on opening a little candy and nut or Home Bakery Shop. Hurry, There are just four openings left in this centrally located business block. Please phone Mrs. Penrose. Whitby MO 8-3337 Ajox 1383 OUTSTANDING VALUE $2,500 Down. One of the largest 2-bedroom' bungalows built in Oshawa. Has lovely large modern kitchen and huge living room with open fireplace, plus a fully divided plastered basement with washroom, ready for subletting. It hos a heated plastered garage at- tached with paved drive. Ideal home for someone wishing practically free living quarters. Call Mrs. Neil *Ajox 1383 Whitby MO 8-3337 Oshawa RA 5-8461 BEAUTIFUL LOT 60 x 160 In the town of Whitby. This is one of the much sought for loca- tions which is conviently located to Schools, Churches and Shopping centre. Yet far enough off the highway to permit your children to play in safety away from busy traffic. Call Mrs. V. Penrose Whitby MO 8-3337 Oshawa RA 5-8461 Ajax 1323 Oshawa RA 5-8461 BROKER 846 Simcoe St. North Dial RA 3-2911 Open Evenings 1660 ated, built 4 years. Fruit trees and garden. Near illage on paved highway. 6 miles to Oshawa. Pos- session arranged. The price is right on this one. 1 acre land, semi- bungalow. 5 rooms, bath, all new- decorated. New aluminum storms and screens, new oil furnace. 11 miles from Oshawa. Possession arrang- d. $12,000.00, terms. OSHAWA ® acres, 10 minutes from donetown Oshawa. Corner ot on two main streets. Lots of trees and a creek, deal for better class homes. House, 6 rooms and bath. Oil heated. In excellent condition. 2 car garage. onderful garden. Many extras. This is listed at a BROOKLIN Brick Bungalows Sodded Four bedrooms, kitchen, living room, fireplace, four - piece bathroom, oil furnace, cellar, carport, $14,650. As above with three bed- rooms, garage, $12,800. As above without garage and fireplace, $11,850. Contact Gladys Newell. Pickering 8. JOHN SQUARE BROKER PICKERING tts, Aug. 16 ers price. Possession arranged. | July 17, 19 | J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker & General Insurance REAL MONEY MAKER. 9 room income home, 6 bedrooms pe kitchen, air conditioned throughout, 66 gallon hot water tank, ances on three sides for convenience, within walking distance owntown, plus many other features to ensure a steady income. landscaped lot (88 feet of frontage) garage and extra parking lities. This home is presently netting $180. month income. Full fe 15,000. with $5,000. Down Payment balance on one Mort- to be held by present owner. EDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, completed and ready for oc- ancy, extra large kitchen, ook ond tile floors, 4-piece bath, oil d air heat, full basement with fruit cellar, hot water heater HANDY MAN'S CHANCE New basement and sub floor for storey and a half house. Enough new lumber to about finish framing. Nice lot near No. 2 highway east. Asking only $2,500. TOWN LINE EAST Near new, four-room, two bed- room bungalow. All conven- iences. Nice lot. Only $6,500. W. McAULEV REALTOR 13 Prince Street Dial RA 3-2512 Tobe t rate), loundry tubs, heayy duty stove cable to kitchen, storm , and many other fine features. Asking Price $1 1,500. BEDFOOM 1142 STORY, suitable for a large family, oak and floors, forced air heat, full high basement, large landscaped ith fence, one block to nearest school, Only $10,500. BUNGALOW ONLY ONE LEFT, FULL PRICE $10,165 with 50. Down. 3 Bedrooms; livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece bath walls fl, oak and tile floors, laundry tubs, hot water heater, oil forced heat, one block from the nearest school. Carries for approx- tely $68.00 monthly Principal Interest and Taxes. 35 Simcoe Street North RA 3-4534 OFFICE HOURS 9 AM. -- 9 P.M., MON TO FRI. 9 AM. -- 6 P.M. SAT 166a | | Salesman, Don Shaw, RA 8-8423 | Excellent 211 acre dairy farm $1350 DOWN --.6 ROOMS This is the special of the week and the first wise buyer gets it. Naturally, this home needs a little painting but beyond that it can be made into a comfortable family home or into a duplex for the investor. Comes complete with oil heating, storms, garage and all the extras. List price $6950.00. FERNHILL -- 3 BEDROOMS This exceptionally fine home in Rosslynn Estates is now being of- fered for sale for approximately the original cost; however all the work of moving into a new home has been done. This house is in tip top shape from its step saving kitchen right through to its large bedrooms, tiled bathroom, aluminum storms, combination doors and gleaming oak floors. List price $13,000 -- $3,700 down. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BASEMENT APARTMENT This is one of those income homes which still affords complete pri- vate living for the owner in 3-bedroom bngalow style which includes ment consists of living room, dining room, kitchen ond 3-piece bath- room. Completely landscaped and decorated, this income package is priced to sell at $11,500 -- terms. OSHAWA BLVD. -- BUILDING LOTS Only 1 good size building lot left with exceptionally fine loca- tion and view. Priced to sell at $1,250. NEW NHA HOMES For the most complete selection of NHA homes be sure to coll our office. Early possession arranged. Down payment from $1,700 and DOUG WILSON, REALTOR 27 Bond Street East Dial RA 5-6588 After hours please call Jay Goyne RA 5-5378 Wilf Brown RAB-804% Frank Sworlk RA 3-2763 Member of the Oshawa-Whitby and District Real Estate Board 1 66a with modern installed barn (waterbowls and steel stan- chions,) L-shaped 90 x 60 x 40 feet and other buildings; 11-room house with hydro, heavy wiring, hot and cold water, furnace. Full price $25- 000 with reasonable down payment. | | J. J. VanHerwerden 741 King St. E, RA 3-4471 166a| J. BARNOS REAL ESTATE BROKER Selling or Buying A Home ? For Quick Results PHONE RA 3-7086 105 RITSON ROAD NORTH WATCH FOR OPENING OF THE STAN DISNEY, REALTOR RA 5-6555 969 Simcoe Street North UNFINISHED -- WOULD DUPLEX Oply $8,500 for this B-room dwelling in Oshawa's fast growing Sun- set School Area. Requires heating unit and bathtub, etc. - but can be a real REVENUE PRODUCER. Insurance - Have you checked up lately? Our assistance is free. After hours call RA 3-4921, «bba| 46--Real Estate Wanted 46--Real Estote Wanted KI NEW OFFICE GOT A HOUSE TO SELL ? Now that you've decided to sell -- you will want the best in service. Our constant contact with to-day's market assures you of prompt, courteous and efficient service. We require that home of yours for sale -- NOW -- to meet our increased sales quota. -- CALL: -- DOUG WILSON, REALTOR 27 Bond Street East Dial RA 5-6588 After hours please call: FRANK SWORIK RA 3-2763 JAY GOYNE RA 5.5378 WILF BROWN RA 8-8049 Aug.16 | truck. Must HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, all cash or your equity. For quick re- sults and satisfactory sale, see W. Me Auley, Realtor, 13 Prince Street, RA 3-2512 aly 16 47 --Automobiles For Sale '53 CHEVROLET DELUXE FOUR door sedan, two tone, reasonhbly Dial RA 3.9859. '|HAMILTON BEACH Priced. | shake m, ine compl LADY'S BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION. Call 344 Buena Vista. 166c 50--Articles For Sale ou 50--Articles For Sale - SEVEN . SKIN MINK STOLE, $100. Scarves; used. Dial RA 85-8337. 166¢ 4 HP JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR. RACER BICYCLE FOR SALE, IN TOP) condition, $30. Apply 463 King East, 6 to § p.m. TWO EVENING GOWNS, N 166b | RA 3-3056. sin : condition. Apply 457 Floyd Avenue off' Gibbon. 166b SINGLE HARLEY DAVIDSON 74, conditi windshield, EXCELLENT 25s. ThA salar. a T.V. FOR SALE, GOOD tion, reasonable, Dial RA 3-3908. TE, LIKE NEW, on, MILK ach plete with five alum- Phone VACANCY PROBLEMS? FORGET) your worries by tenants fast h Classified Ads. Dial RA 3-3492 for a Want Ad writer. *49 PONTIAC, NEW MOTOR, RADIO. Phone RA 34683. Ask for Jim Brough num MO 82814 Whitby. 166¢ GREY ENGLISH BROADLOOM RUG and undermat, 9° by 106". Dial RA 5124s, 166a LLOYD SILVER WHITE CARRIAGE, like new, hardly used. Apply 358 Park Road North, . 166¢c '41 CHEVROLET SEDAN, GOOD RUN- ning order, $55. Dial RA 3-4997. ' 165f 1955 CHEVROLET COACH. APPLY 376 Bruce St. 166b '51 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE. EX- cellent condition. New , 150 King Street East, Bowmanville. Phone MArket 3-5055 after six. 166f 1952 FORD, GOOD RUNNING CONDI- tion. Signal lights. Two tone blue. Apply 9 Nassau Street, front door. 166b 21" CROSLEY TV, GOOD CONDITION, Apply 991 Ci St. 166f EARL HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 Ray St, Oshowa ONE R 'control, ., sell half price; coal and wood stove, very good SAVE $10 ON tion, reasonable. RA 3-465. Lawn Boy Rotary Mowers . ($89.95) On Sale $79.95 One Year Warranty FOR AS LITTLE AS $5.00 A WEEK RA 8-8853 July9 87 CUBIC FOOT AUTOMATIC DE- frost tor; 30" electric range. Evenings 109 Craydon Road, A Whitby. We will COMPLETELY furnish your home or apartment with the latest brand names fumi- 'ALUMAROLL AWNINGS Add permanent beauty and BOAT COVERS -- 12.78 ana savings. Life CLEAN 1947 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, . Dial RA inside and out, must be seen. 5-0606 after 5. '49 FORD CUSTOM TWO-DOOR, A-1 condition, two tone paint, new slip cov-| ers, $595. RA 5.4513. No down ryment, '48 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE, RA- dio, heater, refinished paint, $425. RA 5-4513. No down payment, 166b 49 MERCURY SEDAN, RADIO AND heater, $395. RA 5.4513, mo down iN ment, '50 CHEVROLET COACH, 35,000 AC- tual miles, reasonable, $150 down pay- ment. Apply 200 Bond Street East. 166c 166¢ | cellent condition. TAPE RECORDER, BARGAIN! ONE year old, Pentron, three speakers, Ex. Best offer. Phone eve- nings. Ajax 680R. 165¢ ELECTRIC COCA COLA COOLER, CI gareite case, wall type. Twenty-one drawer oak 'vounter. Reasonable. Apply 637 Merritt Street after 6 p.m. 161f. L. FURNITU bought and sold store 15 Prince Street Call -- COLONIAL HOMES SUNBEAM SPA AL AND spare pi r same, t heads, E Lords, ete. Meagher's, 5 King Street est. Pp ion to your home with ALUMAROLL! ' Rolls up for light, Rolls down for shade. 15 decorator colors. Porcenamel finish -- won't crack, blister, peel or fade. Custom built to your specifi- cations. DON'T BY TILL YOU SEE ALUMAROLL ture and appliances! {ERE IS WHAT YOU CAN GET: Chesterfield Television Set Bedroom Suite Refrigerator Dinette or Kitchen Set 4-Burner Ranger | Mattress and Spring Washing Machine Baby Carriage ond Crib High Chair and Play Pen Vacuum Cleaner ; Coffee and Step Tables 169 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa RA 8-8571 AFree estimates) (Easy terms) July 28 King July 28 South end of Woolworth Drive off Bond Street West. July 15 Trilite ond Table Lamps PRIVATE '49 FORD SEDAN, $150. cash down, balance 12 monthly pay- ments of $10. Must have good eredit rating. Apply 194 Church Street. 166¢ '52 MONARCH FOUR - DOOR SEDAN, radio, heater, ' slip covers, THREE - SPEAKMR, FULL FIDEL ity, Marconi radio-phono comb., $300. value. Only $129. Kelly T.V. Julys AWNINGS MADE TU MEASURE. LOVE Free Folding chairs, rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Recliner or Occasional Chair Etc. card and banquet tables for July 14 R THREE SHOW CASES, 4', 6', 10', WITH mirrors, meat slicer, 12 beds, cheap for transmission, two tone paint, tires, $835. RA 3-2619. Apply after o'clock. |! For A Good Deal A NEW CHEV. OR OLDS. See DOUG. AMEY Ontario Motor Sales' Used Car Lot COMPLETE LINE OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS RA 5-4836 Bus: RA 3-2256-9 June2s NEVER SELL YOUR CAR Until you see Nels Hyland, Toronto's Leading Car Buyer. Cash and Liens paid oft. Part Cash and another car, Another car financed WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND HAS IT! 1750 Danforth Ave., Toronto RI" 7547 HA 0060 tt . 1950 MERCURY PANEL, 2 to choose from, each $295 1953 MERCURY HALF - TON PICKUP $895 MERCURY HALF - TON PICKUP, only 75,000 1952 1947 FORD HALF - TON $195 $10 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OF AGE BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES RA 3-4675 1271 Simcoe St. North ' 1948 CHEV. COACH, GOOD CONDITION best offer. Dial RA 8-8712. 163a PAINT, $2.95 GAL. GUARANTEED IN. quick sale cement mixer. Chinns, corner Hillside and Park Road. Aug. 7 reversible broadloom rugs. 20 tor shades. Made from ens, carpet, clothing ete. Diai RA 5-9438 UGS -- SAVE UP TO % ON NEW decora- your old wool BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS July4 SMALL CABIN TRAILER, GOOD CON.|N! 165¢ ditica. Phone RA 5-1079. MUST BE SOLD, NEW BEATTY 24" automatic ive, MecClary refriger- ator, used Beatty washer, new chrome suite, one wine Wilton rug, and pad, six feet 9 inches by 9 feet, one green minster rug and pad, four and a half by seven and a half feet. Phone RA 3.2555. 164c INE PIECE. WALNUT DINING-ROOM "The Finest in Furniture end Appliances' 424-426 Simcoe St. S. Ax- kitchen suite, Mr. G. Scott, Whitby, MO 8-3555. 165b GOOD SET OF WOOD FORMS FOR | FOUR INCH CLAY WEEPING TILE, 9 cents each. Phone RA 5-3855. July 19 concrete, front steps off set 45 degrees. | Apply 634 Drew Street. 166¢ | IN GCOD CONDITION, THREE 5.20 X ALL CHANNEL roof aerials installed. City app. guar. Only $39.95. Kelly TV, RA 5-5121. Aug. 13 DOUBLE STACKED 1 yr. Augd LOWEST 15-inch tires and tubes, one 75-pound Frost King ice box, lawn mower, rub- ber tires, motor bike. RA 5.9908. 166b M good condition $35. Call RA 5.1735, 161f ANS RACER ONE YEAR OLD PRICES IN KELLY TV AIR CONDITION HEAD- quarters. Admiral, Marconi, Amana, Phil- lips Mitchel, Porta-Temp, $69.95 up Terms. July 20 AERIALS REMOVED, ERECTED, RE- paired. Towers a specialty. All work guar, City license, Kelly TV. RA 5.5121 TOWN Aug. 13 NEW 1956 REFRIGERATOR, 4 COLORS, | U 45 pound zer, door shelves, butter keeper, 5-year warranty. Sale $199. Kelly Tv. July tioned Frigidaire big 8% cubic foot mo- del $99.50 Kelly TV. RECONDI- BEAUTIFUL CHESTERFIELD SED REFRIGERATORS, July 20 A1 TOP SOIL, WELL ROTTED, $0.75|%, for five-yard load delivered. RA 3-3383 or RA 5.7782. Julyl WE BUY SELL AND EXCHANGE TUBS $45, $32. pipings and fittings, complete Hillside and Park. RA 3.7088. BASINS $5, TOILETS $30 coloured set $110, pressure sys- pumps $33. septic tanks plastic, copper, steel free estimates on Chinn's Corner July 25 SUITES Your Choice of Fabrics AUTHORIZED KROEHLER DEALER pe. m $85. sump (all new) installation, used furniture. RA 3-327. Apply 444 Simcoe Street South, June 72 CHESTERFIELD, TWIN CONTINEN- tal beds, di ete. Call RA 5-8312. 163 USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES $3 up. B. F. Goodricn Store, RA 5-4543, July 24 SPECIAL Famous Kroehler Construétion, 2 lovely Half Sofa Chesterield Suites, smart upholstering, modern styling. : : Ed. Wiles Low Sale Price' NELSON'S SPECIAL On exterior 1st grade gloss white and primer paint. Regular $7.25 a gallon, now $5.25 a gallon. Limited time. NELSON'S PAINT 19 Bond St. W. RA 3.4922 July8 SPECIAL UTRATY PAINT SALE July 13 SPECIAL! Nelson's 3-4992. Bond west, RA 34 TD9 INTERNATIONAL DOZER, GM hi dozer. h 3-ton truck for rman: ECIAL ONE - PLY CRAFT BOAT, 14 HP. Evinrude motor, and one Otaco trailer, complete, $450. 173 Pon. tiac, RA 8-8742. 1614 PORTABLE TELEVISION FOR COT- tage complete with Peterborough anten. nae, $8 per week, Oshawa TV, RA 8-8180. Aug. 7. DOUBLE WIDTH DRAPES, VALANCE, three pairs small drapes, lawn mower, 100-pound ice-box, water cooler, port. Brie 2-piece chesterfield in ottrac- tive and durable fabrics, nice colors, real sleep comfort, also coffee table, end table, 2 fovely pictures, 2 fancy pillows, table lamp and shade. . Ed. Wis x Price Sale KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDS AND BEDROOM SUITES As Low As $2.50 A Week BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS 424 Simcoe St. S. SPECIAL 2 - Pc. Kroehler Chesterfield Suite, famous cushionized, lux- uriant comfort, new metallic Aug.4 upholstering. » able ice-box. RA 8-8767. 166c MAN'S CCM BICYCLE, GOOD CONDI- tion. Dial RA 05-1606. 166a FOR SALE CHEAP--McCLARY ELEC- tric stove, three-burner apartment size, suitable for a cottage. Telephone Brook- lin 69. 166¢c 5 HP OUTBOARD MOTOR, GOOD 1953 MERCURY HALF TON PICKUP be sold . $700 $50. Dial RA 8-8613. 166¢ MAN'S CCM BICYCLE, ALMOST NEW. Dial RA 2089. 166a cash. Dial RA 5-4022 after 5. ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE--SAVE up to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA 35-2802. July 1 48---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE A U T 0 WRECKERS want cars for wre » est prices paid. RA 35-1181 or 5-1182. July 7 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD clean cars. Seaway Motors Lid, 301 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8-3331. RA 37746. July 10 164c HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any Make or Model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-942] © July 2 bile Repairs A ry 49. AJAX BODY SHOP Heron Drive, Ajax (Oshawa: Dial RA 3-2268) COMPLETE PAINT JOB $39.95 Pick Up and Delivery All Work Guaranteed July19 50--Articles For Sale WASHING MACHINE SALE. 9% LB. porcelain top. 5 yr. guar. General Motors Delco Motor. Sale $99.50. Kelly TV. Aug, 13 B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. vision. Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543, July 29 NEW '56 REFRIGERATORS, CHOICE 4 colors, 45 Ib. freezer, door shelves, but- ter keeper. 5 yr. guar. Sale $199. Kelly Aug. 13 14-FOOT CEDAR STRIP BOAT, IN good condition, Apply 191 Park Road South, 165¢ PETERBOROUGH BOATS Lakefield Boats, Chris Craft kits Canoes, Trailcar Trailers, Evin- rude Motors. Used motors and boats, life preservers, marine accessories, Factory = approved service on motors, OPEN WEEKENDS and EVENINGS Marine Storage & Supply Ltd. Special Sale RECLINING CHAIRS Kroehler - Sklar - Etc. ONLY $69.75 UP LIMITED SUPPLY ! BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS 424 Simcoe St. S. Aug.4 Ed. Wilson Low Sale Price 44 LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN WILSON FURNITURE CO. 20 Church RA 3-3211 T.T.S., July 31 Steelworkers In Canada Seek New Contracts TORONTO (CP) -- The influence of the United States steel strike will be the theme of labor hear- ings among three companies and their unions this week, Conciliation board he: scheduled to begin Wedn in Hamilton between the United WINTERSEAL Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors. KOOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from inside the house." Ventilated. Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. All-weather protection, LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632 AFTER HOURS: Les Eveniss RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA 5-0313 Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 July18 FREE ESTIMATES! NASH "ALUMINUM WINDOWS' -- KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY RETAIL SHOWROOM 3 94 BRUCE ST. Phone During Day RA 3-2219 Herb. Maynard RA 5.1646 Steelworkers of America (CLC) and the Steel Company of Can- ada. Union officials regard the outcome of these talks as the key contract in Canadian steel, The Steelworkers Union has charged that the company is stal- ling for the outcome of the U.S. steel strike before reaching agree- ment. Union officials say will press for an agreement, Rank- and-file members have authorized strike action. Marmoratan Mining Co. of Mar- mora and Union Drawn Steel Corp. of Hamilton are scheduled b io lo the Ontario Labor rela- ons board im Toronto Wednesday and Thursday with applications to have their employees' strike de- ENQUIRE TODAY ! DOORS -- JALOUSIES , OSHAWA Mitch. Glecoff RA 3-7051 JULY2S 40 Chesterfield Suites ALWAYS ON DISPLAY AT BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 SIMCOE SOUTH - Brooklin « Phone 87 Jf clared illegal. Both firms are sub- sidiary companies of U.S. firms and their Canadian employees have struck in conjunction 'with the U.S. steel strike, Canadian Press Admits Error VILLE MARIE, Que. (CP)---C. E. Dorion, counsel for Paul Berg- eron whose three young children were drowned July 9 in lake Ti miskaming, denies reports that the man is suffering from tubere- ulosis. In reports on the drownings The Canadian Press erroneously said both Mr. and Mrs. Bergeron had been ill, for some time and that the father was suffering from tu- berculosis. Mr. Dorion: said Monday Mr. Bergeron is not suffering from tu- berculosis. BLISSFUL IGNORANCE SOUTHEND, England (CP) =~ Police in this Essex town found a live shell being used as adoor stop in a private house. July21.} b