18 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, July 9, 1356 | | 'Nationalized Tin Mines Prove Fiasco To Bolivia LA PAZ Bolivia (Reuters) -- The retiring president of Bolivia, Dr, Victor Paz Estenssoro, has criticized Bolivian tin miners for not producing as much they did when the mines were priv- ately owned. Paz Estenssoro nationalized the mines shortly after he took over the government four years ago, saying he wanted to take the country's chief industrial activity away from its wealthy owners to give it to the Bolivian people, wi the childs, at the most. It was' difficult for him where, The company owned the only railway to the outside world and no miner could travel on it with- out express permission. This us- ually meant that the miner wish- ing to leave the district had to walk with his wife and children unhealthy nature of the work, 2|28,998 employed by the private miner's active life lasted 12 years owners 1952. to seek a livelihood else-lers are broken in alth through 1 Milner To Be Chief 0f Grain Commission of OTTAWA (CP)--A First World|controller post though he will re. War sergeant-major who rose to War Sean ns ® Does main as a member of the board, quit as federal ler next December and step p as the new head of the board of era de Bolivia employs some 34,- Because of the altitude and the|833 miners today compared wit grain commis meeting of the Com-| ture committee Fri- he will resign at the end day 1 the controversial regulates standards on foot ant and storage. | Root and She! transport control Which HEAVY RAIN | ech or money sioners, The annual rainfall in Nigeria St bas B. W. Milner announced dur- ranges from 71 to 48 inches. of these additional min- irit and in he diseases, such as tuberculosis, silicosis and mu- cotisis, The treatment of these diseases is far from easy in a land where milk is scarce and the daily diet barely adequate for a heal person, Removal of these sic! men to lower altitudes is difficult and in many cases would prob- Need i AIR CONDITIO are Tom the poorest in for some 80 miles to the nearest world. to wi. ably mean a quick death. Four years of struggle have WORKERS RELAX : shown that it might take a genera-| In seeking fo offer the miners PRODUCTION COSTS UP tion or two, and a fundamental|a better lot than they enjoyed un-\ The difficulties of the Bolivian change in the country's economic |private ownership, the authorities mines does not stop there. Pro- structure, before this landlocked | removed the driving methods pre-|duction is becoming more costly republic of Indians and llamas at-|viously employed. This brought ala; the mines penetrate deeper in- tains a measure of economic stab-|relaxation of effort on the part of/to the earth. With the passage of flity and social well-being for its mos. of the men, time the metal yield of many 3,500,000 inhabitants. | Furthermore the government mines is also becoming poorer. {FAMILY OWNERSHIP ifelt obliged to offer work to sev- Accompanying this impoverish-| | Prior to nationalization, most eral thousand men who had lost\mant of the mines, there has {of the country's tin mines were|their jobs through "trouble mak-heon a steady decline in the in-| owned by three families, the Pat-|ing"" or ill-health, Thus the goV-\tarnational value of tin. From a| QUEBEC DOE PROVES PROLIFIC |inos, the Aramayos and the Hoch-'ernment-owned Corporacion Min- parity of $1.27 a fine pound in| | -- 1951 it slipped to $1.20 in 1952, 95 2s 7 | tivity in 35 years. They are pic- | soneault 200, Windsor Mills, 7 Cot cents in 105 ang WHO SELLS IT... WHO REPAIRS IV, . : FIND THEM IN THE Y§( tured with their mother at Bois ! Que., 100 miles east of Montreal. | | Stock Market = oe === Lorne Martyn on Sunday ater Falling Bricks Kill | r. an rs. Roy ain an { - Hy, nit, = Tiny Welland Boy ] 0 MS 9 5 0 T0 S 5 000 B® L A " 3 'Advances {Doug, of [ 3) | |Roy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. 5 ni 4 | : WELLAND (cP) -- Dene Mar Moderately If you require a loan for any purpose visit our new branch offices today. You can bor- row up to $5,000 to repay all your debts, remodel or purchase a home and buy the Blain, on Monday afternoon. Mr. | By RON ANDREWS | things you or your family need and want NOW without waiting. Blain is home and is progressiag|eau, Canadian Press Staff Writer YOUR LOAN IS REPAYABLE IN EASY MONTHLY INSTALMENTS 545 LOOK IN THE Znologists helieve these triplet #wns are the first born in cap- CEDAR CREEK Honor Memory Mrs. Cochrane G. KILPATRICK Correspondent CEDAR CREEK -- The Prospect WA was held recently at the home of Mrs. Jack Holtby. The devotion- al period was conducted by Mrs Burnsell Webster, Two minutes' silence was ob- favorably after his operation. {three tons of bricks cascaded on : rd 4 Mrs. Kilpatrick visited Mrs.|him as he played with four chums / i 1 Steele in Port Perry Hospital on|in a brickyard. on / ss | Tuesday afternoon, Eight pallets of bricks landed 5 . ! | i a i I Miss Flossie Spencer and Mr.(on him. It was not known what Bi. y loRespite two holidays and a; and Mrs. Lloyd Collins visited | caused the accident. A \ 7 i / |dian stock markets this week | |Mrs. Henry Collins and Mrs. Stecle| --- - - , {made a moderate but determined| .|in Port Perry Hospital on Tuesday | {advance. For the second straight! jevening. week industrials gained more than! seven points on the Toronto index {as dealers confidently went on a |buying spree. The Canadian markets were] {closed Monday for the Dominion |Day holiday, Wednesday the New, York exchange was closed for In-| dependence Day but the Canadian] JEWISH MAYOR |exchanges ghdvanced despite the {lack of U.S. leadership, Alderman Robert Briscoe 4 | (above) became the Hirst Jewish The steel strike which began in| i the U.S. last Saturday midnight] Lord Mayor of Dublin when his [so far has had no impact on Cana-| name was drawn out of a hat, 4 bullish mark oo ted| A i . sh undertone was noted) Briscoe, Dublia - born business at Toronto where a total of 77 is-| man and a member of the Fi- anna Fail party, opposed incum- sues touched 1956 highs, best] bent Laborite Denis Larkin. showing in any sessions, Eighty-| five stocks reached the year's low Each received 19 votes from his Foes TRADING SLOW { fellow aldermen. They then | Trading crawled along at one of] agreed to a drawing to 'decide the slowest paces of the year as! the issue. only 14,335,000 shares were ex:| changed. | Biggest gain of the week in in-| Life, up 14 'points, ro. MANY OTHER PLANS AND AMOUNTS TO SUIT EVERY BUDGET gh only | 137 shares were traded. Eddy Pa-| conference held at Guelph, also _|of the York County Rally held at Dalziel Park, concession 5, Vaug- ham township, at which Mrs. A. M. Berry, OBE-JP, president of the Associated Country Women of |the World, was guest speaker. YOU RECEIVE $ 100 $ 300 $ 510.68 $1000 $1500 $2000 MONTHLY PAYMENTS $ 7.78 $23.35 $27.00 $44.70 $67.05 $89.40 Mn served in memory of the lats Mrs. | Cochrane. Mrs. Les Smith gave a KINSALE fine tribute to the deparied an SS : ber and offered a prayer of grati- P t tude to a faithful friend. romotions Mrs. Wm. A, Brown attended this Miss Flossie Spenter read jhe . | meeting. : scripture lesson, rs, Com e U Sch 1 | The Kinsale Branch of the Wom- Webster gave fhe lesson thoughts nion 00 en's ntiute ras organized h oi eo Pel, 9 Re Re ray an The president conducted the| KINSALE -- Following is the| oy Eater ay, ae business session, A donation of $10 promotion report for Union School annual meetings and picnics, held was voted to the bursary fund of Section No, 2, Pickering and Whit-|a¢ the Kinsale school house. the United Church Training School. by townships. The names are in Forty-five ladies attended this There will be no more meetings alphabetical order: | mei: ag Tons Oshawa until September. t soetal the | Grade 7 to Grade 8 -- Lee, Gor- Brooklin, = Ashburn, Claremont, During a Pleasant Oa Sour ne|don; Wagg, Ethel, |Greenwood, Seagrave and Kin- hostess was assisted the and, Grade 6 to Grade 7 -- Empring- sale. Many of these ladies were Webster, Mrs. Byron Holtby aud pam Barbara (Honors); Holliday, pupils of the school 50 years ago Mrs: wart Diamond | Jack ~ (Honors); Scholten, Theo-|and had contributed to the pro- a A in. |dore, gram at that time, a yy Sew hog ka Grade 5 to Grade 6 Lang- | Mrs, Jake Wagg, president of en 4 with his son, Dr. Ellwood field. Albert; Nielsen, Marion|the branch, presided at the meet-| ng and family. {(Honors); Smith, Shannon (Hon-|ing. Mrs. R. Birrell, a member of | v | : the provincial board, was present|" ir Mrs. George Spencer of Colum- ors) . | 5 ? ry i hus visited Miss Flossie Spencer| Grade 4 to Grade 5 -- Appleton, |and brought greetings . from the North Michigan Chosen and brothers last Sunday. Freddie; Henderson, Kenneth; . The Cedar Creek School pupils|Konyk, Ludmilla; Langfield, Bar.| Mrs. Lawson Honey of Sea | For Jet Fighter Base brought WASHINGTON (AP per added six points while Ford! iTON (AP) -- House- B and International Utilities and teacher held their picnic at bara (Honors); Scholten, Robby; grave, district president, . . stri P) You are assured personal, courteous service and a friendly welcome when you drop music instructor|Senate conference Friday agreed | pained five points. Bank of Nova in to discuss your financial problems at any of our branch offices. BELLVUE FINANCE CORP. 2912 Simcoe St. 5., Oshawa -- RAndolph 5-1121° Whitby Users -- MO 8-4291 G. H. WILSON, Manager the Port Perry Park last Wednes-| Wagg, Douglas. greetings from the district. | day. s | Grade 3 to Grade 4 Gilbert,| Mrs. Williams, : a onerence | Bassy Benchope and Leonard Sharon; Gray, Brenda; Holliday, for the school, put on a delightful Mi hi anisice County in northern Scotia moved ahead 4% points and Greenwood were patients in Port|Heather; Lee, Gloria (Honors); Program of Songs and a play, Michigan fia) the site for a pro- international Paper four. Perry Community Hospital last|Legg, Teddy; Parkin, Milton Goldilocks. These numbers posed Jet-fig ter base. The United | Howard Smith was the big loser, week. Bassy had a finger nearly| Grade 2 to Grade 3 Appleton, | Were introduced by Shannon States Al Sorce has said the gropping 5% points. ent off by a plow and Leonard re-{Beverley (Honors); Langfield, Smith {multi - million - dollar base is| ~Gaspe Copper lost 1% points on| ceived treatment for blood poison. Gordon (Honors); Legg, Kathryn The recorded minutes of the needed particularly for 'defence a jight turnover in a higher base Wm. Blain underwent an opera-|(Honors); Spencer, Robert 1906 meeting, held at the school,|in depth™ of the Chicago and metal section. Belcher, with the tion at Langstaff on Friday (recommended). were read, and the ladies' pres-| Detroit areas, | announcement that Little Long Frank Harris returned home Fri.| Grade 1 to Grade 2 Buldyke, ent whose names appeared in| A pending bill provides the air Lac had = underwritten 1,000,000 day after being a patient in Osh- Marie; Gilbert, Marlene (Hon-|/those minutes, were called on toi/force to start work. Construc-(shares, jumped 70 cents in jun-| awa General Hospital for five ors); Henry, Judy; Keogh, Peter;|speak also former members and| tion is expected to get under way iors. Temagami lost 60 cents and weeks. O'Leary, John. ex-teachers. |1ate next year. Lake Shore was off 55 cents, A large crowd attended the auc. INSTITUTE MEETING A very enjoyable time was spent ELISE en tion sale at the Roberts' farm on| The June meeting of the Kin- in reminiscence after. which re} Saturday. The weather was ideal |sale Branch of the Women's Insti- freshments were served to all, in the afternoon. The Roberts fam-|tute was held at the home of Mrs.! The July meeting will be held at ily will be missed in the commun-| Wm. A. Brown. the home of Mrs. Fred. Titterton ity. Mrs. Fred led in a with Mrs. R. Mitchell, convener 'Russell Steele of Purple Hill and discussion on Citizenship. Reports of agriculture and Canadian indus- Wm. Steele of Raglan called on|Were given of the secretaries' tries, in charge of the program. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harris on Sat-| i EPR urday afternoon. Victor Larocque had a birthday on June 30 Larry and Wayne Willerfon ac- enmpanied their unele and aunt,| Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bazowski and] family of Oshawa to Lake Scugog Sunday. Miss Flossie Spencer and her brothers, John, Richard and Stan- ley, attended the decoration serv- ices at the Cadmus Union Ceme- tery on Sunday afternoon, The Misses Allie and Nina Abra- ham, Mrs. Frank Gardiner and Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Milburn and Gail, Gordon and Cathie, all of Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs shore Phare of Ty- rone were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Kilpatrick and George. Miss Allie Abraham also visited Mrs. Wm Steele in Port Perry Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs Bonnie of Titterton a= vert ra] "USE CASH-NOW _PAY-LATER PLAN. Get LOAN you need in JUST 1-TRIP, » Get the cash you want your way and fast . . . { and fake time fo pay in convenient monthly amounts. | Plus Bill Consolidation Service, Nationyide Credit at over 1,000 affiliated offices at no extra cost fo you! For 1-trip loan, phone Personal first, Write or come in today! esonal FINANCE CO. 2nd Fl, 11'/, SIMCOE ST., N. (Over Bank of Nova Scotia), OSHAWA Phone: RA 3-4687 « Ask for the YES MANager OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE FOR EVENING HOURS { Lomss made to residents of ofl surrounding towns = Personal Finance Company of Conode FATREAVAS Sones "Strat-A-Master" REFRIGERATOR v5 0 og Ppeg Pyug (SE RPE TREEE CORES EER SYSTEM Wm Prince Bonnell and Albert vitiled The Daily Times-Gazette | Sa SAN ECONOMY READING PLAN ATTENTION: Magazine Subscribers Because the freezer's at the back, all often used foods are "up front' --at eye level--at your finger tips! No front space at all is taken up by the freezer in this revolutionary ° Fairbanks-Morse Gibson refrigerator! The freezer is handy too! Just a touch of the finger swings the top shelves to one side--and there's a big freezer compartment which holds 40 Ibs. of frozen foods! It's always at your finger tips when you need frozen foods or ice cubes. See this surprising refrigerator with all its luxury features at your Fairbanks-Morse dealer. Many other models, too. ALSO SEE THE FAIRBANKS-MORSE GIBSON ELECTRIC RANGES -- TOPS FOR VALUE, CONVENIENCE, BEAUTY! ® IF YOU MOVE, notify your carrier of your new address. Do not notify the magazine company. The Times-Gazette will have your address on the magazines changed. This is important. Always allow six to eight weeks for your new address to . appear on magazines. THE CANADIAN . FAIRBANKS-MORS COMPANY LIMITE Sixteen Branches Across Canada IF YOU GO ON VACATION, be sure to pay your carrier in ad- vance 15c for each week that you will be away -- otherwise a SRR ERE cancellation order may be put through and some difficulty may be entailed getting the magazines re-started. . _ In Toronto: 137-167 Harbour St. -- Tel: EM 8-8321 FE_BSEES