Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 6 Jul 1956, p. 14

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37--Male DRIVERS WAN courtoeus and Street Ej GENERA! We requ General a thoroi of vertic experien: Please Note CLASSIFICATION Bele Deadlines now in effect INDEX his col 3 ¥ Cress, P. for this column TO WANT AD benefits | Births, Memoriams, Cards for by tt of Thanks -- Apply, ot 9 A.M. SAME DAY cations, ence, etc DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 BIRTHS HILL Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill (nee Gertrude White, Reg.N.) proudly announce the birth of their son, Doug- las Edward, in Oshawa General Hospi- tal, July 3, 1956. A brother for Marilyn 414 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, July 6, 1958 olidays Ahead? Read The Times-Gazette Resorts Columns 36--Female Help Wanted Homan FOR HOUSEWORK help look after elderly lady, Westmount A GIRL OR WonaN FOR LAUNDRY work. Apply in persom, 13 Celina. TYPIST FOR MAX FULL OR PART. fine time. Phone Ajax 135 days. WANT PRACTICAL NURSE valid, dial RA 5-754 or apply 28--Summer Resorts SUMMER COTTAGES, ELECTRIC lights and refrigerators, good fishing and bathing. Phone RA 5.4328. July 11 MUSKOKA -- LOVELY THREE ROOM cottage, water, electricity, large lot. Near lake, golf etc. Bangor Road, first . | cottage on South side. 156b SUMMER yOTTAGE, Slonls. RE: Lake Biiry boat. Phone 3-9625. slymple, July Ris, yA 25 - Sept. 185¢ 37--Male Help Wanted WANTED EXPERIENCED FU ogi ER Lit ALD reliable, , good references quired. write Box 507 Times Groote: Fhe 19--Personal YCU'LL LAUGH, YOU'LL CRY AT AL Pat's Book, "Rhymes of an Olde War Horse", at Hendersons Book Store. 153f 20--Cartage WE MOVE ANYTHING Dial RA 5-2621. 21--Personal Service CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT, GAR- plowed, lawns Sty effiolent serv- Jom Phone RA 5-787 July 6 22--Radio Repairs GUARANTEED RADIO AND TV SER- vice, all makes and models. ed Thompson, 157 Elliott Avenue. TA 3 | 8--Building Trades BOB CLANCY'S ONTARIO ACCOUNT-| | EXCELLENT a DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, ing Service offers complete Bookkeep ing per ya elivered or § | Ever yard load. Dial RA 55279. Jays | service for small don, rest Street, Room 1; office BA 3 ase, 3% SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED THE SAN. also dence RA 3- ®iitary way. RA 53986. July 16 S. T. HOPKINS AND COMPANY, CER- 1--A tant tified Public Accountants, 172 King Fr pr RL --Ar nf | 2B: i ii Street East, Oshawa, Ont. RA aa, 2 | Wholesale prices. Estimates on installa me 72! tions Chinn's. 37088 corner Hill: J-Chigoedaty MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL | side and Park Road South. July 15 3 Co., Chartered Accountants, Licen: J S--Nursing Services Tomtees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- 0A nh me PER YARD, De. 6--Optomet ists ronto J. W. Monteith, F.C.A B.| 5279. 7--Surveyors Monteith, B. Comm., CA. G, W. "nin CHESTERFELDS REBUILT, RECOV-| 8--Bu'ld Trad C.A. (resident partner), G. E. TretheweY, ered, like new. Why pay more? Our wih Sve Satisfaction guar- Oshawa Up-| C.A., B. Comm. R. F, Lightfoot C.A., RA rates are reasonable. 9--Building Materiol 4662, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. | anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. 10--Sharpening Service July 6/ holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. hill 5-0; Jul; | FALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER AND 11 --Business Opportunities | 11a--Business Opportunities Wanted Ico. Accountants and Auditors, 64 King| BULLDOZING, | Street East, B. L. Yale, C.A., F. Fried-| | grading. Va S Romanuk, 54 12--Dressmaking 13--Gardening & Supplies | larder. B. Comm., Hunter, CPA. nue. RA 5 Dial RA 51621. Julyz 14--Household Repairs | 2--Barristers | 15--Instruction | 6--~Insurance 17=Money to Loan CAMERON AND MACDONALD, 18--Loan Wanted risters, solicitors and notaries public, 13% King Street Fast. RA 32269, NHA and private mortgages arranged July E+] 18a--Mortgages 19--Persona 20--Cartage McGIBRON AND BASTEDO, BARRIS 21 --Personcl Service ters and Solicitors. Clients' Fis avail eee] able for first mortgages. 20 coe | 22-Fadio Repqirs Street North. RA 53565. Charles C. Me | Gibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo. July 23--Women's Column 24--Market Basket 5 |Z. T. SALMERS, _ BA, BARRISTER, | Solicitor, ete. 1314 Sfmcoe Street North 25--Pets and Livestock 26--Farmers' Column Dial Office, RA 5:3741; Reslence RA| | 5-5542. July 24 27 --Fuel, Wood 28 Sumier Resorts | CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN AND 28a-"Hunting | Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar. 29--Summer Properties For Sole ies, Bank of Commerce Bldg. $ Simcoe or Wante [Street North, RA 33446. T. K. Creighton, | 30--Lost and nd Q C. Fraser, QC; G. K ai NHA Rg ar| 31 --Articles For Rent G. ranged Julyl | 32--Articles Wanted 33--Legal Notices HUMPHREYS AND BOYCHYN, BAR. 34--Auction 'Sales | ristors, Solicitors, 6 Rup 4 Plone { folfice RA 5-1127. Res. a 9 v 35--Employment Wanted | 2752. 2. Money to loan. Julyl 36--Female Help Wanted - JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC. BARRIS 37 =Male Help Warned ter, Solicitor, Money to ioan. Office, | 38--Male or Female Help Wanted 14% King Sireet East, Oshawa. RA| 39--Agents Wanted 88232 Residence RA 53405. 1 40--Opportunitios MANNING F. SWARTZ BARRISTER, 41 --Room and Board | Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas.| 42--Room and Board Wanted k, Sulte' No. 4. RA 34697. Resi 43--Wanted To Rent dene RA 3-402. Jul 44--For Rent [JOHN M. GREER, BA. 45--Real Estate For Sole ter and Solicitor, 74 45a0--Real Estate Exchange | South. Dial RA 5-9421. 46---Real Estate Wanted | 5-3368. 47--Automobiles For Sale |13--Gardening & Supplies |A-1 TOP SOIL, FIVE - YARD T.0AD, 2 {eaves $9.75. RA 57782. July 29 FOR SALE AND DELIVERED laid, field loading at Dunbarton Legion gound, 20 cents yard, delivered. | Phone Ajax 419. July 12 COURTICE SOD SUPPLY Lawns levelled, sodded or seeded. Free Estimate. E.R. Knowlton, RA 5-6047 July 19 BUG KILLERS" POMOGREEN FOR ROSES ORNAMENTAL TREE DUST NIAGARA GARDENALL C.LL. FRUIT AND GARDEN SPRAY oo ATOX, Complete selection of King Bug Killers for insects and plant oan Your- Gardening Headquarters for 50 Years. COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. RA 323] 2 a uly HILLSIDE Nursery and Landscaping Service LAWN GRADING AND FERTILIZING SODDING Green Velvet Sods, fertilized for quality; excellent topsoil for flower and shrub beds. FREE ESTIMATES --Accountants Ihe TO "Apply 131 155 =F | rveiey on AJAX FULL OR Phone Ajax 135, days. FOR _ IN. West- City of AIRE Ws should xo THE THURSTONIA PARK womanly por BeBe gad 15 miles north-east of Lindsay on Sturgeon Lake, 2 bedrooms, July 7, Sept. 2, 3, 4 bed- rooms, July 18, Sept. 2. All conveniences. Apply L. P. Skitch, Thurstonia Park. July4,6,10 Box 542, Times-Gazette, HELP CARE FOR PARTIALLY INVA. lady in Oshawa; no Approximi nursing 5 ately 10 to 12 3 to 5. Call Ajax 444. 156d RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER FOR elderly couple. Five days a week. 9 a.m. to 5 pm. 187¢ and over a please Tris siving details yourself ange an i Box 513° ARC-WELDERS 53-hour week, overtime at time and a half after 45 hours. EXCAVATING AND Harris Ave- July 23 23--Women's Column SPECIAL PERMANENTS $4.50 COLD- waves $35.50. Page Hairdressing, Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. July 3 DONALDA BEAUTY SALON, 72 Church Street. Phone RA 3-4521. pay and evening | Donalda McLeod. July w | SPENCER SUPPORTS INDIVIDUALLY designed registered corsetiere. Mrs. Irene Hendershot, 208 Park Road North. July 22 25--Pets and Livestock TRAIN YOUR DOG TO BE A REAL companion, expert training by George T. Gerigs, training master for the Ger- man Shepherd Dog Breeders' Associa tion. For information phone Pickering Julys BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, READY for training, talking strain. Apply to Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. July 19 SPANIELS, BOARDING, bathing, de-fleaing. Dial RA July 26 CHEAP. Dial RA 156¢ PRE-CAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS PORCHES, STEPS AND CURBING 'BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS "hone Brooklin 155 July 26 FOR A HAPPY VACATION Georgian Bay, lakefront; 15 house- ping cottages, conveniences, sofe beach, "good fishing, riding horses, boats, large playgrounds, store. PO, no mosquitoes, no black flies or poison ivy. Write Sunnyside Beach, Meaford, Ont. July8 Members CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL English Ci housework, live in. Dial RA . 1576 As « A salary ag to The On olic Teoche to the teac '¢ R.CSS. Ne ship, Minn reached wit and relati Board and harmonious BAR- | FULLY EXPERIENCED CASHIERS required for coffee shop, day and evening shift, Apply ANDREW ANTENNA CORP. LTD. 606 Beech St. Whitby Sandra and Patty the sate arrival of their baby brother, aly , 1956, at the Oshawa General Hosp The proud parents are Titch and Nell McPherson. PEARSON -- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd) Pearson (nee Josephine Jones) are hap- | ¢ to announce the arrival of a son, John, at the Oshawa General June 27. A brother for Lloyd and Kenneth Please apply GENOSHA HOTEL HUMPHREY I10AM. -2P.M. (No phone calls please) 1570 ARDEN Housekeeping cottages on Kennebec Lake, large screen verandahs, good beach and fishing, boat ond ice. Dial RA 5-1763. TOOL ROOM MILLING MACHINE OPERATOR Immediate vacancy for fully qualified mon. Steady work, modern shop, genérous em- ployee benefits. Apply in confidence to Person- nel Manager, R, D. Werner Co: (Canada) Limited, Oshawa. Dial RA 5-3548 William J. Rae, are proud to their daughter, Oshawa General June 30, 1956 | RAE -- Mr. and Mrs nee Elizabeth Crawford, announce the birth of Cindy Beth, at the Hospital on Saturday, DEATHS BARRETT -- Entered into rest sud- denly at Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, July 5, 1956. Murwood (Mur- ray) Rowe Barrett, beloved husband of the late Mabel Banks, and dear father of Clifford, Mildred (Mrs. Russell Trous- dale), Lenard, Ivan, Carmen, Vernon, and Bernice (Mrs. Blight deceased) Mr. Barrett is resting at McEachnie Funeral Home Pickering, for funeral service in Pickering United church on Saturday July 7, 'at 2.30 p.m. Interment Erskine Cemetery (Casket will be open In church from 1 p.m. until time of ser- vice 156b COOPER BLOCK Station Road, Pickering PHONE PICKERING 126 e CONCRETE BLOCKS CINDER BLOCKS SLAG BLOCKS CONCRETE BRICKS CHIMNEY-BLOCK CAP ARTIFICIAL STONE (11 Colors) CONCRETE SILLS GRADUATE REGISTERED NURSES required immediately for ell shifts, full time employment, general duty, 5V2-doy week, Statutory Holidays, three weeks annual vacation after one year's employment, Accumu- lative sick time allowance. Salary $2540 to $3000 per year plus cost of living bonus. Annual- increment until maxi- mum is reached. There is also a vacancy for on' afternoon supervisor, "Murdoch, July! COCKER trimming, FRIENDLY ACRES : Peninsula Lake, Muskoka. Cottage, Cobin or Lodge ac- commodation. All with private baths, Excellent meals. Sofe, sandy beach. August reserva- tions available. Phone 660) Huntsville or write Hugh T. Hill, Hillside, PUPS FOR SALE, 57550. GERMAN _ SHEPPARD sale. $25. Dial RA 5.7947. GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALE PUP i breeders, opportunity granddaughter Phone: Days .... RA 5-8451 |o international Champion, Jodo Vi Evenings RA 5-8457 { Liepestraun, Phone Pickering 578. July27 | RISH SETTER PUPPIES, REGISTER. | | ed, eight weeks old, responsible pets 1578 | | ehitdren. Dial RA 55041 HALIBURTON YT. EBBERS |FOR SALE -- PUREBRED BEAGLE You'll enjoy Park Cottages on Dark | 5 BE YOUR © clock, independ weekly. If you PUP FOR 156b TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION WRITERS Ability to write clear, concise descriptive material for elec- tronic, electro-mechanical, me- SRE July29| Street RA| Se. Simcoe Residence J Phone RA 48--Automobiles Wanted 49--Automobiie Repairs 50--Articles For, Scie 51--Swap and B CLASSIFIED "AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge 1.88 2.07 INSERTIONS. . 3.00 3.30 If not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. "IN MEMORIAM BRADFORD -- In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Velma Brad- ford, who passed away July 6, 1954 Every day in some small way, Memories of you come out our way, Though absent you are very near, Still missed, still loved, ever dear. ~S8adly missed and ever remembered by mother, Lois, Bill, Albert and Goldie. 3 CONSECUTIVE J | H. Greer RALPH S. JONESL BA AND THOMAS) Associate Barristers and Soli-| citors 65 Simcoe Street South. RA § Mortgage 1 oans Av ailable. 9 TUCK, cializing in esigi | and glasses Clg M Wed., Fri.,| 68. Invalids examined at home. RA | 3-8143. Disney Bldg., 31 King East, a uly STEEL FOR LINTELS BUILDERS' STEEL WATER-WASHED BRICK SAND, CONCRETE SAND ® 4 SIZES OF STONE 2 Million Blocks In Stock. HOLLAND LANDSCAPING [=o SERVICE | 26--Farmer's Eclomn { promptly. Phone STOCK, GARDEN ARCHITECTURE |Prometiy. Pho collect, IN ALL LINES | dace Fur Farm, Tyron | DEAD FARM Bowmanville, We bay live Hotues, OF HAY FOR SALE, ' "TIM 1 15 years experience, OF Ax able rates. CALL RA 5-6906 reason- PICKED UP| 56b 0 ACRES GOOD RICH CATTLE PAS. Phone Loke, Wilberforce. Log style cot-| tages, flush toilets, showers avail-| able. Boats, Fishing. Located 70] miles N.E. of Lindsay, Ont. Write| Geo. A. Constable, 155 Brant Ave.,| chanical and aircraft parts. Opportunity to work with skills associates in congenial sur roundings with established: technical organization offeri Apply to The Superintendent of Nurses, Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario, 156f Brantford, Ont, Julyé | | 29--Summer Properties For Sale FOR SALE -- VALUABLE WOODED good salaries, company-pait benefits. ~ Write full details including' salary requirements to: SALES 4 Above rates apply only to originol ture, abundance running water. orders for consecutive insertions. 3-4345. subsequent insertions ordered ot ¢ ater date constitute a new originc orde~. Professional ond Business listings, $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line 75¢ per month. Each initial letter, abbreviation, $ ana c¢ sign count as a werd. Box charged l All Classified Ad T be in by 9 em publication. Office hours Saturday 8 - 12. REGULATIONS -- The Daily Times-Gazette shall not responsible for errors in odver- 150,000 Tons of Aggregate In Stock. OPEN SATURDAY A.M. MW. F., June29 memory of Chalmers, BOX 448 TIMES-GAZETTE | 7a--Veterinarians 157¢ | building lot, Watawasaga River tront- ain dhe ees een -- ge, approximately 88 by 200 ft. {oc PULLETS, 3% MONTHS _ "OLD lords privacy. Purchase may be ie] Harry, Smith, Stephenson's Road North.!on single or double lot. Write box 405! July28 RA 5507 157b | Times-Gazette for further particulars. id - 1561 SECLUDED COTTAGE IDEAL FOR couple on small lake, near Halibur- ton, large wooded lot Hydro A-1 well and dock, 140 foot safe lake frontage. Apply Don - Mitchell Brooklin, Phone | 18W, 156 . 30--Lost and Found ONE FEMALE SIAMESE CAT, BLUE eyes, lost in vicinity of Clarke Street. Call RA 8.8877. 155¢ T--CIGARETTE LIGHTER RARE EE Park July 3 engraved "H. W. from Naden Band. Best of Luck." can: | tact RA 5-2803. Reward. LOST -- GREEN BUDGIE, BRAND NO. 5354, Lost in south end of city. Reward. Call RA 8-8829, | 31 --Articles for Rent | CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT $3 PER | |day. Apply 194 Church Street. July2s| RENT A TELEVISION FOR AS LOW| as 75c. per day. Baron's Radio and| Electric Ltd., 426 Simcoe Street South. { CHALMERS -- In loving my dear husband, John S who passed away July 6, 1952. in South Gate, California. Also my mother, Jane | McDowell who passed away July 22 1951.Also my father, Nelson McDowell who passed away June 20, 1847 They walk with me down quiet paths, And speak in wind and rain; For God's magic power of Gives them back to me again --Sadly missed and lovingly remember ed by his wife Ida A of a LADIES 25-45, for high class gift and china shop in new plaza. Call Mrs. Roberge at Genosha Hotel, Monday night after 7, for appoint- | ments Tuesday and Wed- nesday. Excellent working conditions, CAVALIER GIFT SHOPPES LIMITED 138 PARK ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA McLaurin Veterinary Hospital DR. D. E. McLAURIN No. 1 Townline Rd. N., King E. RA 5-2631 (Small Animals) 9-12, 2-4, 6-8 si 9-12, 2.4 by Appo 10--Sharpening Service MOWERS AND SHEARS intment | shar pened and repaired Pickup and de . July 11 'very serv.ce. C. Woods, 636 Somerville ROOMS PAPERED, '| Avenue. RA 88 July 12|of town work taken. pen jure 7. 7--Surveyors | saws AND LAWNMOWERS SHARP-| meee | @OA and serviced. Lawnboy, Toro, Max- | HORTON AND "HAYNES, ONTARIO well power mowers, hand mowers a {land surveyors, consulting engineers, kinds. Trade-ins accepted. Terms tisements submitted otherwise than y in_ writing, nor for. more than one [ako Ajax To BON Ay pied. Stans = Suarpening service, incorrect insertion of any advertise : | July 19 corner King and Burk, RA 3.3224. ment, nor beyond the price charged CHA iG ASSOCIATE RICHARDS SURV y for a single mnsertion of the ad- ering. 12 Blo . FING « | rates are reasonable. Satisfaction yuar. vertisements in which error occurs. | iand surveying and engnecring. 17 Tf oF fy SHARPENING) Jar 'D. | anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up-| ; Street East. RA 35-5632. And also reserves the right to clas bolstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. | - ps toothing. Shill and table saws for rent. | { iy Sdvertising according fo its own TROLLOPE, ONTARIO | Lawn mowers: pickup and delivery. 43¢| Dial RA 50311 July 2 ion. , 246 Oshawa Blvd. South, Eulalie, RA 5-0655, Contracts wanted July 12] 14--Household Repe YOUR or hourly. ee HAY BALING CONTRACT | y Fiat with roke supplied [ Apply A. BRANSTON Phone RA 3-9123 CAREER POSITIONS in the sales field for a man be- tween 25 ond 45 of good. habits and character. Applicant will be required t& qualify through our Select Analysis and will hooled and field our expense. ry This is a real opportunity with] the largest and most prog sive company in the business, "Loc AL "PAINTER, Dial RA 5-9851. memory, ertisen . the doy of Daily 8-5 $8. AND UP. OUT Painting also. RA July 24 Sundays & Holi days HAWLEY -- In loving memory dear husband and father, ) ley, who Hy FUKNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP-.| holstered. See our materials for recov ering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. RA 3.7212. July 3 | CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV- July' 15] ered, lke new. Why pay more? Cur be ATTENTION FARMERS If you are putting Grass Silage in your silos, we recommend that you try Silage Preserva- tives. It aids in the preserva- tions: of good color, high carotone values, improved palatability and cuts down odor, ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODAY MASTER FEEDS od The things you used fo say, I wonder why you had to die, Without a chance to say goodbye, Though out of sight, you're ever Still missed, still loved, still mine, You will live with me in memory, Until the end of time. ~--Always remembered by and daughter Lillian and Joe END and circulars, 157b SECRETARY AGE 18-26 with at least 2 years high school, or be a Business "ollege Graduate. Must be 3 Qualified Typist. Complete Hospitalization and Pension Plan. Excellent Selary with regular increases. DONALD H SPRING CLEAN UP TIME wife Sarah son-in-law group Deefits imiuding pen sion plan available. REPLY TO BOX 517 Times-Gazette SAWS FILED AND SET, "RETOOTH |ing etc. Have your lawn mowers sharp E J, DONEVAN SURVEYOR and ENGINEER |g "0" Fr Neil. 102 He iy" 365 KING ST. EAST PHONE RA 3.7487 Have your furnace and oil A burner cleaned and serviced by experts with years of ex- perience, Also repairs and new installations. Call SUPERIOR HEATING SERVIEE RA 5.5735 or RA 5-6949 24 - Hour Service. All work guaranteed or money refunded. July2 | Industrialism To Be Studied SLOBODIAN. -- In loving memory of Anna, who went to be with Jesus five years ago today Our thoughts wander as daylight {GET YOUR LAWN MOWER PREC | sion sharpened, power mowers our spe- |cialty. - Pick up and delivery Darlington, Clarke Twps Amey's Sunoco Station, 588 King East 5- June20, 4mos. RA 5-8161 July 26 pr -_ | 12--Dressmakin | 8--Building Trades 9 etree ren ee RE MAKING AND ALTERATIO! CARPENTER, KITCHEN UNITS, TRIM DRE slip covers and upholstery. 1. wall, floor tile, recreation rooms. Budget! Prices reasonable. Dial RA 5-964 | Plan. Phone RA 53-8213 July 13 fades To the land of long ago nd memory paints the scenes of old In the gold of the twilight glow 32--Articles Wanted LIVE POULTRY FEATHERS, SCRAP 54 Church St. Oshawa | iron, metal and rags. 1. Turner, North Dial RA 3-2229 | Oshawa, RA 3-2043 (collect) July 1¢ TEN UPRIGHT PIANOS WANTED IM- 4.29,41y3,4,6, . State make and price to Box uly 6 sYS.| 156 We seem to see in the soft dim light, At Oxford A face we loved the best, We think of her when the sun's last By ROBERT RICE ray Canadian Press Staff Writer Goes down in the far-off west --Too dearly loved to ever he forgotten OXFORD, England (CP) -- As Mom, 4 : : . 5 by Mom, Dad and daughters the prime ministers of the Com- | BULLDOZING monwealth conclude their seventh | pial RA 3-3831 post-war - conference, a second Charles Street a team is getting ready to take GENERAL BUILDING AND REPAIRS, | lawns levelled, gardens plowed, disced 1891. Write or phone for free catalogue over. | concrete and blockwork; also new homes and harrowed, experienced operator, | 0: R. Whitmee, epresentative, 563 Ox Starting Monday, delegates | ¢ { complete. Estimates free. RA 5-6937. O. RA 5.9727. July 20|ford Street, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone RA 280 A July 9 5-684. from 29 countries will gather at| B® y July 21 id | WANT SOD, YOU'LL BE MISSING A| Oxford to study the human prob- YOUR LOCAL ROOFER, FLAT ROOF {Sood Det a Goat cal gs "et. Jou lems 0 industrial communities | ing. shingling, siding, louvers installed. | buy. We deliver or se e fie! A within ME a re Thirty Terma, All work guaranteed. RA 5-6161.3-9076 or 5-2493. ki July9 are from Canada. (RX Tucker visi Oxford conference a com- GENERAL R PAIRS, = PLA pletely new initiative will be RA 5-9168. under the patronage of the Duke |'sed: Bob Tavlor RA 3 lof Edinburgh and will bring to-|CARPENTER REMODELING, gether such diverse figures as ajen cupboards, tiling, fee, @ barbers's union official from Can.|A% abou time payment plan. ada, a rubber worker from Ma- EE Tpr-------- laya, a packing - shed loader|ALL TYPES 'S DWELLING REPAIRS, BLACK LOAM, $2 PER YARD DELIV i ill | chimneys new and repaired Toofing, | end, also fil $4 per loadf, 6 yards. Dial | from Britain and a cotton mill supervisor from India plastering and fireplaces. Dial 5-5279, July 29 ny acts of kindness extended to them p h ti ¢ 3991 May Construction. uty i | ecent heresvement us, rom the meeting of | Y " . t IRE i on. ALL-TIME SPECIAL ABUMINUM APISITORE oo eral Ijnis at the summit in the con-| o iination doors, $49.50 up, Air Shade SOUTH END erence of prime ministers, which |awnings, windows nd canopies. Special SOD SUPPLY ends Friday, the changing Com-| offer. 65 Harris. RA s-4332 July 2 monwealth embarks for the first| Prompt Delivery -- Sod in the time on an effort to plumb the field for truckers problems of ordinary workers in . modern industrial society. Dial RA 5-8552 1, a + " riid 1 7 "COLLECT KINDLING Mo The Duke of Edinburgh says the purpose is 'to collect kindling." Comments John Hal in the Daily Mail: "In the sense that it could help destroy the tawdry things in in- dustrial relations suspicion, in- eptitude, intolerance the duke's| conference could be the] WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 Experienced Auto Mechanics 2 Qualified Auto Body Repairers for GM Dealership A good place to work' with steady employment, high earnings, and the. best working conditions, Group Insurance Schemg) Paid Holidays & Vacations APPLY TO: Service Manager CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W. Oshawa RA 3-4634 July2s 15--Instruction 13--Gardenin & upphi cet Teer ----S Aa Sa---- 3 s ppl es | INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON: Limited. Est. LANDSCAPING, | dence Schools, Canadian 126, Times-Gazette. ED 27 --Fuel Wood r---- WANTED USE FACTORY "HARDWOOD CUTTINGS $5 tem. Dial RA 5-5630. | per load delivered. Dial RA 5-1526. Try iid 2 2 CEDARDALE SCRAP 28--Summer Resorts IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. COTTAGES, FURNISHED, SAFE beach, good fishing, hydro, $25 weekly. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: boat included. Thirty miles north of Madoc. Phone or write Mrs. Albert Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Gunter, Gllmour, Ontario. 156b COTTAGE AT HEAD LAKE, NEAR RA 5-3432 RA 5-4159 Free Pick-Up Open Saturday AVATING, Brothers, July ti ND SLOBODIAN -- Taylor of a dear mother and passed away July 6, hi ble. the years we had with you, leave the rest to God a yn: Carat, ters Nell, Kay and families In treasured memor who PRESSURE SOD FOR SALE, Apply in person and ask for MR. BROWN Personal Finance Co. 11V2 Simcoe St. North 157¢ sis < LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 47 Prince Street. RA 50841 or RA July 1 excellent SLOBODIAN In loving memory of beds. a dear sister, Anna Slobodan, who DIAL passed away July 6, 1951 The memory of her is as dear today As in the hour she passed away Always remembered by brother Peter, Joyce and Denise CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Peter Gow wish to thank their many rel friends and neighbors for the fioral tributes, cards of sympathy the gardener, PLASTERING, | Experienced guaran. 57442. July 8 ro? y | roi YOUR GARDENING INTO FUN | KITCH.- | thig year, with a Waterloo gardner trac- | estimates, tof and roto-tiller, from Ferguson's B.A, | James Station, R.R. 1, Hampton, 3 miles east July 13 134 of Taunton. Phone MArket 3-2975. July 8 DRIVE SAFELY ! Learn to Drive at MERCURY SCHOOL Of Safe Driving 20 Bond St. E, RA 5.4771 tf July 11 16--Insurance IMPERIAL LIFE. ASSURANCE REP- resentative and General Insurance. Me- Murtry Insurance Agency, Street. West, RA 3am. ALLSTATE AUTO I? INSURANCE, SAVE up to 20 per cent. Seven months to pay for personal service at your home. RA 5-7413. July 1 Wante DR 6 ROOM outskirts. St 5-9414. TRAIN TO BE A NURSING ASSISTANT Expert hospital training -- with the same pay and benefits as the men you serve with -- con be yours as a Nursing Assistant in the Canadian Army. You can learn such subfects as: Physiology, Anatomy, Nursing Procedure, Care and Treatment of the Sick, and will werk in @ military hos- pital in Canada or Europe. If you're 19 to 29, single, Canadion citizen, physically fit, with Grade 10 or equivalent, it's your oppor- tunity to learn a vital and re- warding occupation. For complete details, coupon below, write, visit THE ARMOURIES Simcoe Street N., OSHAWA, Ont. Please send me information on how | may become a Nursing Assistant, Name . Address . .. City/Town Minden, for last two weeks in August uly 20 Holidays, electricity, boat. $30. weekly. 155¢ Dial RA 52963. RAG AND METAL | HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, HALL Jake Shaw will pay you more | burton district. Beautiful locations, | sandy beach, boats, bass, trout fishing, for your scrap iron, tin, copper, brass, lead, aluminum, rags. hydro. C. Lynn, Haliburton. June 29, July 6, 20, 37, Aug. 3 89 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 5-2311 Residence RA 3-9111 July 12 IDDLE AGE s, wants , reasonable h General es- "Gazette R OR FIV ted by Auge le tenants, r ance, refere es-Gazette Pleasant ruoms to rent in Port Perry on Lake Scugog. Good fishing ond swimming. Board optional. Old age pensioners welcomed. Write Box 506, Times-Gazette. July 16 sad ke to thank my relat zhbers for How rs A special thank 7 D-. Maroos's; Mrs. | Ww. lean hospital staff ives fruit vou to SIDEWALKS, Jorkmanship Sorochan, FOUNDATION, porches and steps, etc. guaranteed. William Mitchel Avenue IBLOCKS LAID, block foundations, ings, cement plastering RA 5-3662. PLUMBING _ AND HEATI! fittings, fixtures, new and used, chang. | ing from septic tank to sewer a spe: {clally. Installations at reasonable rates.| | Informati and estimate free on any! |type of plumbing. Dial 54241, J | Foley July od ; | Ic g " FOUNDATION, SIDEWALKS, duke's bonfire porches and steps, etc. Workmanship | A keynote address Monday by |quaranteed, William Sorochan, 305 Mit-| the duke, one of six he is to make chel Ave July »- Todd in doing ail they during the three-week gathering, | inci (1Ass CARPENTERS, FINISH Inte husband and father. launches the delegates on their! ine framing. cupboards, and repair, free Ma vin a fy's Ars fact finding mission. For the estimates. T. H. Van Schyndel. Bros. RA ire Joseph Zenethofer first week, they talk about the 88841 daly 15 73 Ritson Road South problem and hear speakers .on re ATER HEATERS, STOVE "CABLES, ____ (lated topics, such as Lord Citrine, Hin duty services. Rewire on time. - chairman of Britain's central elec- | No down payment required. Cook's Elec Co. e 31 tricity authority, who will explain tr Phone RA 5-6109. Jun MONEY DOESN'T his views on fhe varying pattern! ---- GROW ON TREES! 'R OR SIX RB FLOORS, in ten miles nt, Possessic 7. 305 July 19 IN oy SPECIALIZED cement work, James HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on Loke Huron. Sleep 2-4 $20. couple weekly and up. Safe, sandy * beach. Large grounds. Ideal for children. All activities close by. G. H. Hazelwood, R.R.1, Boyfield, Ont. AJAX SOD SUPPLY Sod delivered and laid, field loading at Port Perry. fen | mort TURN YOUR e PHONE AJAX 431) »| Pie ; wars Barriaier and Notal wuyis) SCRAP 3-4697 July 12 INTO Starlight Gardens -- Wasaga M 0 N EY Beach, On beach, 3 blocks M. GREENBERG & SONS from bus terminal. Motel, | Cabins, T.V. Li , $20 and | ye A] un0e, 320 ond | Phone RA 37313 . BEST PRICES PAID up. Private conveniences, For LL FAMILY -- home. Write Ha m8 the late Joseph Zehethofer, South, will always re- member. with appreciation many kindnesses of the rends, Aeirhhors and his fellow emploves of GMC Tool and Die. during the illness and passin? of ME. Zehethole The heautifol flora' tr bu Iran of cars the funeral are oy Ivy appreciated mail the 'phone or R 5 ROOM A k. Whitby o Family of ar anily. of he 17--Money To Loan CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR first and second mortgages. anges ateful ONE MANAGER 2 SUPERVISORS Large manufacturer of ap pliances offers exceptiong opportunities with exce lent salary. The following qualification are essential: RA year well - FLOORS, tleman, abst | FIRST AND SECOND Hedges planted free by expert sale agreements purchased and sold. | Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 ay only for choice Cedar trees. poy ony King Street East, RA 3.7232 July$ | 3 hh. $65.5 ft. $100. 7 1, : | $145. per hundred | FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, bought sold and arranged, agreements or sale purchased. Private fun Louis WALTER FRANK §. Hyman, Q. C. 37 King Street East. RA BOWMANVILLE, MA 3.2403 Juyy July 21 CLIENT: "TO LOAN ON FIRST mortgages. Mortgages and agreements) of sale purchased National Housing Act.| mortgages arranged. Creighton, Fraser,| Drynan and Murdoch. July 2% SOrrow we cannot we have received. from MORTGAGES. | ill of Doctor Louis Itane In the midst of our forget the help the eare ane and Dolor could. f The Reverend fort th - ROOM, it, suit busis le Street, afte NGE, UNFUI ment, suitab Fone child we iAvenue or R of co Meals extra. Mrs. Alan Davie, 41 Hillshore Ave., WAInut 2-1662, Toronto, July26 appreciated and family, July6,13,20,27,31 37--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED BULLDOZER OPERA. tor wanted. ial RA 5-8066. Ability to operate a sales office. Cast Iron = Batteries Copper = Steel « Rags E. SIX - ROC or sell. Resi possession, 39101 HOLLAND NURSERY and LANDSCAPING Garden all Lead ~ Etc. For Prompt Pickup Service 308 Bloor St. E. (Just East of Ritson Rd.) OPEN SATURDAYS Hire and train men in direc sales. Must have had direct sell ing experience and be pré| pared to prove it. ! "PLUMBNG FIX Septic to sewer Reasonable in RA 5-104 July 2 of industry :W AND USED tures, pipes, fittings Among the Canadian delegates connections. New work vill be Nelson Cox. Brantford, Stallations. I. B. Goodman. Ont, Barbers' International r Union ALL home ry yea L K - -- ~~ | Ages, around for tho have you thot OSHAWA MEMORIAL 7 Anyt SERVICE | © GENERAL CONTRACTORS lassi \de ER Carpenter work, alterations, On No 2 Highway, Eost of and remodelling. Contracts tak- City Limits en in framing and trimming. Manufacturers "ot Outstanding 440 Wilson Rd. N., RA 5-6126 Memorials FREE ESTIMATES MONUMENTS OF GRANITE MARKERS OF GRANITE OR BRONZE is how customer Di did it Sheidow. Lite Erenze On Gull Lake, comfortable accommodation at reasonable rates. The resort where good food, fun and friendliness pre- vail. Sandy beach, all recreo- tional activities, Write R. J, Wood, Miner's Bay, Ont, Phone 148R4, NISHED in, central REE UNFU y decorated e. Apply 47 HEE UnFum : , one small / , one ct the lamp Li Di MALE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY --- clerk to handle averages, shortages and damages for local transport com- pany. Experienced preferred. Reply giv- {ing full particulars. Box 515 Times-Ga- zette. 156¢c | PINE RIDGE ¥ | | WE WON'T BUY YOUR MORTGAGE! But we will lend it Open Friday Until Saturdoy Until 1 SUPERIOR FINANCE 17 Simcoe Street North RA 5-6541 mw. f Jun28| architecture lines, RA 5-7442 Reason GAR in what July22 KINDS OF CARPENTRY, sunrooms, verandahs or Dial RA 5-8631 own Aggressive with lots of inl tiative and not' afraid Q work. you mone Estimate obls y y July22 Rates Free onger eo on SALESMEN Nationally known rubber come pany requires aggressive sales- men to contact dealers, com- mercial and fleet accounts, Good starting salary with earn- ed commission and excellent future for the right men. Group insurance, pension plan, and paid vacation after 6 months, Write Box 510 Times-Gazette, giving details as to age, educa- ticn and experience. All replies are confidential and applicants will be . interviewed promptly | hs AMES 2 |35--Employment Wanted 3 | a bookcase 9? 20 YOUNG AUSTRIAN LADY WILL DO |any part-time jobs, after 4 p.m. Phone! RA 5.77 1521 | KAWARTHA LAKES rn a | Ve ] PAINTING AND GARDENING "WANT. | Less than hour from Oshawo. leq. call RA 59312 in the afternoon® or Good fishing, safe swimming, nings. 155¢ | r lea ters. 0 - p wom, Tor waters Golfing, * | EXPERIENCED GERMAN WOMAN dancing, etc. Housekeeping |desires office cleaning or kitchen help | cottages, different sizes, | after 4 p.m. Dial RA 8.8097 157a | M quipped. Rea- 0 Excellent salary, overiding and bonus put these men in 'a higl income group. Inquiries invited from Oshowa Port Hope, Cobourg and Belle] ville MER Com ishawa-on the. Wp responsible [$Sept, Phone Hn after 6.00 8 FURNISHE Want Dr two gentle pargse gt results old through C HARDSAND SOD SUPPLY Place -cne today! Dial. RA 3-3492 where on experienced Ad writer will help you od for best your July 1] : ---- WELLS DUG AND TILED Pre for all ye Markers well troub | ; emeteries DVA | tile for sale GERALD FULTON RA 5-4067 Prompt delivery any- 19-- Personal Our staff has been advised © this advertisement, WRITE Box 513 Times-Gazette ETT , water, tele i Dial 3-4740 f - ROOM ator, mink, i sre. Would Every Memoria RA 5728. Diol RA 5.6611 £ : K v as + | P.O. Box 213. Open Evenings J where. Complete land- goin to. Please LIK} ro RIDE TO TORON. phone 1 after 6. RA 3.2364 WILL Phone his t , ) tributors for mpt estimate tion DO RA 157as lernly. ¢ |PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER | secre t home scaping and P supplies CAR LEAVING FOR EAST COAST Frida 1 yn fo of A ne anytime Phone RA 398 : 4 c v RA 3-9464 e for cation Co. Phone 66 July30; |SOLID GERMAN WOMAN, {age, desires position as housekeeper lelderly gentleman, in good financial | position. Write Box 601, Timesgaziie:) iia MIDDLE for | Guoronteed Mi folders. Ideal Ltd., Lakefield, Ont, or write | PROB. | P.O. | is HAVE YOU A DRINKING lem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous July 14 Box 101, Oshawa, July bc July ul

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