s . Babin, , 8. L. Davis, mow. WORK SAVERS labor of washing t 1 | A SY Mrs. Al iii 21 4 ; When applying a breading PR Lc Bi wax paper for a Wicklund, St. Catherines; Mr. wy : fish fillets you can save on the/low dish. Mrs, Robert Dark, Mis / ATR on y Mr rty, / , and Mrs. Walt Jae A #9 | A BUSINESS Sood Income Bridgenortk Mr. : i ) / OPPORTUNITY individual or field, Illinois; Patricia 7 with business firm : Smith, Gainsville, Florida; Miss : A who can devote i gg | + "4D LVClMary Redshaw, a woe IB bir | Character! full or part time 1 In the presence ol . 4 4 f . Is Popul Warren Smith of the Smith Silo fi ! 15 unt Company, Oxford, Michigan, was 1 ® We are a national distributor of o food beverage Dear Mary Haworthimarried to Franeis Filman of i 3 item with prominent wholesalers end progressive individuals as our recently joined a new Windsor, Ontario, recently. T he / 7 Yi distributors throughout the country. This is a reputable business in |triends, all of wh wedding took place at Mr. Smith's 7 ; / a protected territory with ao fine future. Not a vending machine [pends My EE umm, yesjuguce bie. id 5 iii " 1 business. No equipment to buy. | n e and was a doul A # (like to dance and are The second couple in the wedding / ' thing A We help You ho Ey a sel J3u45 vith cers too. ceremony which was performed . ry pe with, s 0 yi ; Some of the men in BY the Reverend D, D. Brady of . | o. REQUIREMENTS: Good reputation and honesty; Nave ka Roscommon, Michigan, werefp 7 4 "73 1 $1,750 cosh, or more according to area required, to secure mer- e known my husbaEdna Cowle and Mr. Hugh Jones § id 4 chandise; a car, ond @ minimum of 8 hours per week for this long time, and he has jof Sieve. Je Margarel ris i J a / distributorship. eral good dancing partneand Mr. Arthur Dowker of Wind- & / : ® Write giving full particulars, phone number, ed- | their wives. Am I wrong of Wels Winnie Tor, he Smith J y / dress, etc., for interview in your city shortly. Box 550, Times- ioe that when he danyirs, Harold Maphis of Lake Or- 1 Gazette. ft eir wives, they ought Yon, Michigan, were witnesses for or one dance at least? po' jones-Cowle wedding. The two Some of them have neouples spent their honeymoon |danced with me--thoug|travelling through northern Michi- (like very much to "t|gan. % | them. I've mentions |Bana, thinking pe» JUIY Xe di [Piano Pupils | FRANK AND PAT : | | . 44 3 iertained at dinner in the Imperial 1 Miss Gertrude Tucker entertain-| goom est the Royal York Bote], Present Recital A charming pair of playmates | Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Osh. | ed at dinner recently in the Guild|moronto * fop- their daughter, Joan : are Raymond Frank and | awa boulevard north. Ten-month- | f All Arts Library [who is leaving on she St. An: At Simcoe Hall Patricia Ann Lee, children of | old Frank and two-year-old Pat Holiday time is here again wigh{drew's College two-month tour of -- | are the grandchildren of Mr. and | ( 4 The annual June Recital by the : |. J . a omi i igs all over towy.| Europe. pupils of Mrs. Roy Godfrey was Dolina Cairney Mrs. Frank Taylor, Courtice you a trip or expects! PUD tli ditorium. of Simeoe 3nd Mrs. Edward®™ Smith, \ ; & a 8 Or expec! out of town guests at the Varty- held in the auditor : oronto. ar 1 K IN RFOFPNT CFRF 1g: company, the social depart iCowie wedding were Sq-L M. J.|Hall recently. Spring and summer | Feted Bride-Elect --Photo by Ireland > 4 PRINCIPALS iN R : ' V ment would be glad to hear fromyp oie and Mrs. Cowie, Lynn, Su-|flowers made a pretty setting and|™ 43% 1) ; ( Tele pion 3 un i anYisan and James Cowie, Green-|a large and appreciative audience] Misa Dolisa May Cairney Whose, i Pictured following their mar A telle « Jeffs of [little items of nev nd share your. i scotia; Mrs. T. Hen- greeted the performers. |marriage r. Regi ohn ctu ! i : Es fs '0 iter |wood, Nova Scotia; Mrs Hen- |g; rie ory pha or | ! by RICHARD HUDNU riage recently at Grace n is pleasure with of |stock, Robert and Anne, Whitby; An interlude was played by Car-|BU Church, Napanee, are Mi : and Willis Mre Rov Zimmerman, William Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Day, Allan, o] Audley. Mrs. Godfrey welcom-|minster United Church on Friday Mrs. Samuel Vierrill Bud Ne n a d Irs. Ro) Li mel ary Stew-| LAITY and Carolin, Newmarket; ed the parents and friends and|evening, has been guest of honor Jones. The bride is the fo 0 by ve Phippen |stre ne OY ar |Mr. W. Cowie, Mr. G. Cowie, Mrs. | introduced Mr. Harold McNeill, di-|at several pre nuptial events. after a en our of B. Park, all of Sunderland; MTs. rector of Simcoe Hall, who presid-| Mrs. Roland Hagerman and Mrs. : : 1 P Siri an »ontine . >. Robson, Carberry, Mani-|od. Diane Rogers gave a short ad-|Robert Currie were co-hostesses at Marion Cowie Gord Ol Ci Bgland aud the continent toba; Miss Patricia Ellis, Mr. and| gress on behalf of the pupils and|a miscellaneous shower at the for- . | - dry ci isi ! {Mrs. E. W. K. MacLaren, Mrs. presented Mrs. Godfrey with a/mer's hore, Emerson avenue, | s. Clav . Mrs. E. DuMoulin, Miss| f Oshawa. Servi Mrs. Frank f1 L Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lee spent C, Dark, : ' corsage and a purse of money.|Oshawa. Serving were Mrs. Fran +a ~ { 'aro » weekend in Peterboroug! M. Braden, Miss Joan Nelson, Johns and Mrs. Stanley Johns, In Prett y Af [ernoon # cl emon y he ee init eterborough and Miss Joan France, Mr. George| The program opened with a Mrs. Frederick Dionne, Miss mn visiting and Mrs. a . f piano solo played by Barbara Mo- MSimooe Street United ellow shasta nbers and Mr. and Mrs. Murray, Miss Jorma COmmings, sier and the following pupils took| Veronica Vasko and Miss Nora Oshawa, was the sef mn The jun- | Toronto: Mrs. E. Cronsberry,|part: Helen Speirs, Mary Permak, Pilicingion Were oststsss 5 11 Frere lie: the sasiost way fn ig, TN Satuniay Wariemoon Miss Lyon! gp. pisses Sandra Hardie and|Miss Lorna Cronsberry, Mr. How- i ORs Tu Poudiof Mrs. Dionne, Stevenson's road. the world 10 check perspiration, stop united in' marriage with Gord i Howe e Ileen Corbman are attending the ard Cronsberry, Sutton West, Miss| Darling, Bonnie Wilson, Wayne Mrs James Ross arranged a I odor! New Dry-Stik is different in Wiiliam Varty I aseade EE. - Cook, Marilyn Graham, Lorraine miscellaneous shower at her home \ form: it's a real cream deodorant and The ride os the dat r of Mr i 7 4 A i Rogers, Myrna Jones, Douglas|John Street, Sault Ste, Marie, On- = . ant irant in solid. stick Ideal for spo and Mrs. Irvine A dt vn 3 : Speirs, Pamela Reddick, Irene|vtario. Serving were Mrs. John perspirant 1a solid, iow be bridegr ! n of 1 efi L$ iy To urianawicz, Donna Graham, Keegan, Mrs. Willlam Ross, Mrs. form! And Dry-Stik is different in pullover ean Mrs WV ' hawa. lof - avior e over taffeta, i } 3 4 Sharon Besse, Sandra Branton, Alex. Ross and Mrs. W, J. Ross. : Oo || @ction : its exclusive formula instantly eral styles. Plair The Rever hn K. Mo/fat match s 5 : ? ? [Carol Speirs, Maybeth Hoagland, On Tuesday afternoon, the future Keefe - . y i : a collar, sleevel performed the ceren i } eir ¢ ts and mi ; 2% | Carol Stallibrass, Linda Audley, bride received a step up table in| \ blots P moisture as | deodorizes, John R. Robertson play t their W : : {Fern Eaton, Sharon Darlin {ilsached Dek, and a plack Shins keeping you dry and dainty for hours y wedding music and cor HY w 8 b : » | Gwenda Jones, Diane Ro ger s,|floral centerpiece from her fellow 4 4 longer! And, -Stik is four ways CHILD {i Miss Joan France o ) ; " : srothes she he 7 Wayne Murray, Kay Mastin,|employees of the sewing division/ N g ' NG Dry. fi in. no sang, "0 Perfect Love" and 3 \ : ' Ph i | Gwen Kemp, Dale Colbourne, Car-|of General Motors. | IX . messy fingers, no drip, T " Lord 8 Pras er 5 Vart nstock and 1 ] {ol Audley. ai Dowia Shu senearsal last sve RK 2 Sg Hey. uss ich es Even in Marriage Cronsberry Absent due to {llness were Joy|™ "8. ry was . || you use Dry-Stik, the sli ick way Iain her father, wore a full le : : ! 4 Lucia Semenko, Daphne|tained at the bride's parents' home \ I gown of chalk white nylon t . 8 1 in Sim § ? | Roto Joyee. Mastin, Donald Ld on Fairbanks street. A \ " Ob use and secure shout | P and lace over sali as thm | i 3 |ston, Sharon Dawe, Douglas) | { NS pp : compler it ess 0 1 iB Knocker. lS) In a plastic case with a new, convenient iy I pigs i { 1 ak vith a flower, &§ SH saree GHOUDS from Hin Jiorvel LODGES AND v, = 7 » a ust vith s T tin stra J : ance Academy entertained wi / x = / I iy I in of tu vas off ther 0 isted, | 4 : A |tap, toe and ballet dances accom- SOCIETIES set with insets of 1 y ¢ yy ar 8 panied af the Piz bY Miss Judy | squnis and 12 Seneco. rs. John cLaughlip| i Sequats The gave several readings. One of] COURT CHARLENE | lod which was "The Builder" dedicat-| The regular meeting of the Ca-| nadian Lady Foresters was held] Wood. d chrsyanthemums, op! : ind gol ed to all those present who Were recently with the president, Sister pink pinocchio rose th in anyway connected with chil-iyp, J hein presiding. Th e| Ph s bridesmaid. Both return the couple will live in 4 4 i I Ce BNE |i diam, Brady sans teal Coun" ml sasgar on ie ph t. friends f thei .|wards cerebr: y. Ty an Pts ond felonds Jor Jhett ALY Sister. Moaaing. donated talent ke a trip to 4 : Hp, A gift and Carol Stallibrass played Would be no meeting during July i SILVER GOSS WOMEN iTS July 19 § the National Anthem. and August. 162 KING E. OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING t for a number € ter, "Silver Cre fomen hel | me ! ; p tea As far back as the 12th cen- RA 3-4621 as basic in { 12. The a p 4 ¢ 1 tury women studied nursing and 1955, issue of the N. 3 Smith, Drew Street : There .are 34 air conditioning] tary Principal. i I va en gen units for passenger comfort age of six or sev that Johanne Roesch th \ : will be held! 4 an i , i and Mrs. John Elliott of Kedron * d guidance in critica' Company , "Girl I t s. V. A. Cope, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bryon Bridger and the bridegroom is the son of | Featuring Mrs. Evan Greenley was ma.la white picture hat and a cor- [Hil ; dren, teaching, supervising chaplain,. Sister Winifred Killen TTT A "Count Your Blessings". At the November 7 in the Orange GROUPS, CLUBS + Sly for Ten ea | : EE i 1 bazaar, to be : [time and effort spent to make a to the sum of $31.51 to the (COSMETIC DEPT.) ing experts, has, | r Il be made , g Refreshments were served with| OLD PROFESSION RA 5-5512 | an article to "Read regular evening me {obstetrics at Salerno. | "There is evide: The treasy} I's report § rde aboard. the Canadian Pacific "that some childre: and Mrs. The s Lorer { ing 1 er Empress ol ritain. | ' son by the f that flowers had been ser ments wer an BE Rei imant wer WED IN KEDRON | begin when the chi tagged for the Chapt n Thursday, July 12; Bastin whose marriage was sol- Mr. Thomas Bastin of Plymouth, | tron of honor and Miss Dianne sage of 1k gardenias. On their ¥ 1 4 y otherwise. invoked the divine blessing. The) vener of the Apron booth, and ig close Mrs. Godfrey thanked the|Temple, all looses to go to- . Q EL) ) y AUXILIARIES ! 8 successful evening. She present. Forester building fund. VIE : ; o hi, ed the guest artists with a small] It was announced that there! CLIFF BARAGAR | New LOCATION: prolific writings, b The Oshawa, an trict ay ji hig y Mrs, Leonard Goldsmith pouring] y h, | ing Process," in" clal recen Tie home of M : Res . | PASSENGER COMFORT | development of this Edward Holland. Tt I x Cobourg will be the home of | Elliott, is the daughter of Mr to school." cidently left off ti to emnized recently in Kedron, England, and Mrs. Joan Bastin YOUNG CHILDREN in the last report ere asked to at- United Church. The bride, the | of London, England. f ] He was writing to Mrs. David Rae was appointed t ! former Mis§ Emma Muriel Illa --Photo by Hornsby Studio rincipals, of cours - 4 do is --------p ign sre - | en writing to par AAA AA CAAA ARAVA NA AAAAS/ | shildren, he might y yh dub e ] HM "You can stimulate y ! . : ay San simullle . OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. HN | | for years before he e pn a youngste : Sa "Completely Air Conditioned For Your Shopping Comfor Three Bears, "Some y I i sitting' in my chair 3 Lm, sik 4 C 8 A | . the bottom out," he 7 ZR bale 4 + ' 3 I bear and reasons eac my Bat ; { 4 ra ho { pons scene. So does the k i ral" » . ; ¢ FELT ing to stand on a is J y y 4&5 p 4 45 | window, goes and ge 2% 8 ¥; 8 4 § ¢ puts it by the ches _ i y CH oF ts. 4 ! " 4 climb up on it . ay 1 4 It can be great fu the many instances w child has heen reas % : ; y I stions he asks ar ¥ i . ja N J ers he asks an : ® 5 PAIR Wide Choice of As you answer his ¢ . oy " 0 Sizes 27" x 84" (H hs ou answer bis Colors and Patterns ing, you stimulate h pe I -- ia i 5-6531 MILK WHIT Women of India wl lighter skin, use mill Ee | 25s skin whitener, _----. f | DO YOU hE VACUUM BOTTLES SUMMER TOYS A say oa? | 890. Rubber Sond Pals 3 Amount'. Rego Refills . Metal Sand Pails, Shovel Sets 1! Ot WewEy po Snaptite Stoppers . . . 35¢ Metal Shovels $ 50.00 § 50.47 $ 51.00 Reg. to 19.98 Reg. to 29.98 Reg. to 35.00 Choose NOW and Lay-Away Your Beautifu! NEW SUMMER DRESSES | = = 7 || G30, New All-Occasion Collection of Better Dresses 3 11388 400 to LAE CHRISTMAS DOLLS 98: T0 1 1 jor Si 3 i i . f Sizes 1014 - 244 590.16 30.00 | p : Junior Sizes 9-17 Misses Sizes 10-20 Half Sizes 1012 - 24', Ja03¢ 30.08 Wonderful Selections $martly styled "BETTER SUMMER DRESSES" in infinite variety. 1,081.96 $5.00 Roary A : nh SUN DRESSES, some } day time and glamorous date-time styles, 1,500.00 76.25 oN ALL DOLL CLOTHES ASSORTED PRICES COLORFUL COTTONS e: polished, pique, dimity and sheers t ¢ For special occas or « n blends, sheers or imported cotton i | z A vast array of col n Ika dots and solid shade ETR LIT N Visit TRULY WONDERFUL VALUES! SHOP EARLY FOR BEST. SELECTION . Frid Lunch 4 rE f i very :riaday 4 WAYS TO BUY as Spay i i fe ; 2 KING ST. W. ITED Evening Till STORES Refreshi ® Cosh ® Charge 4 es, 9PM $ ® Budget ® Lay Above Canadian Tire Corp. -- 60 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA | wile, x RAndoloh 5-6531 NNN AINSI NN INNIS