wma ma City And District Blind Folk| Guests At Board Picnic Here! township, Staff members of the! One of the bright features of the/ ments was quickly transmitted to/tors to its success were blind S orts And (Games Held | Canadian National Institute in at- picnic was the music provided by their appreciative audience. people who were the ane hung tendance were Ed. Brown, field two blind musicians, William Hun.| This was the largest and most honor, and who laid aside, for the isecretary of Toronto, and Walter ka with the violin and Stanley successful picnic for the blind held day, all thought of their handicaps | Simmons and Miss Christine Daw- MacBeth with the accordion. Their|since the inception of this annual|in 'their whole-hearted partieipa- ig | At Colorful Annual Event |son of the Peterborough office. levident enjoyment of their instru-ievent. And the greatest contribu-ition in the event. Sightless citizens from Oshawa, ous chicken dinner, served under Bowmanville, Ontario and Dur-|the grateful shade of the trees. | ham Counties and Scarborough|This was a happy climax to a pic- township gathered at Oshawa's|nic which had been well organ-| y : Lakeview Park 'on Wednesday ized, and the success of which] afternoon to enjoy fun and fellow- could be measured by the care-| ship at their annual picnic. They|free spirit which prevailed as . _-- were guests of the Oshawa Ad-|/young and old sat down together to visory Board of the Canadian Na- enjoy their meal. The day's] tional Institute for the Blind, with|proceedings were brought to a = . \ Mrs. A. J. Parkhill as convener close with the presentation of t for the enjoyable outing. Half of| various awards to the winners the over 100 picnickers present/M. McIntyre Hood, who had act- were blind, with the other halfled as master of ceremonies their escorts and guides. But as|throughout the afternoon's pro- they took part in sports and|gram. games, it was hard to believe that| WINNERS OF AWARDS any of them lacked the full use of| Winners in the individual events their full faculties. The sightless| were: men and women entered with zest| Ball throwing: 1. William Hun- and light - hearted spirit into the|ka: 2. Vera Siblock. program which had been arranged, Watermelon weight - guessing: for their entertainment. That they|ladies', Mrs. Mary Wakely; gen- were happy was seen in the inner|tlemen, Antoine Arnold. light which glowed on their faces Grab-bag contest: 1. William as they joined in interesting and| Roach; 2. Roland Cousins; 3. Wil- amusing contests | liam Hunka. Those in charge of the picnic| Tallest building guessing con- looked on in sympathetic under- test: 1. Mrs. M. Wakely; 2. George x V4 ! D2 /i A Vid standing as people without sight|Rogers; 3. Jack Lemon. nonchalantly tossed balls into] Balloon blowing contest: 1. Mrs. buckets 12 feet away. Their only Gladys Duff; 2. Simon Muise. ® guide to their throwing was the| Library contest: 1. Miss Allie owest rices sound of tapping on the bucket by Bragg; 2. Stanley MacBeth. / 4 is bites A / 7] // ht Vv f hid r c (24 5 those in charge of the game. Yet| Oldest lady present, Mrs, ida pl { i ; it was surprising to find more than| Briggs, 84 years old. @ : 4 . ] one able to throw two of three! Oldest gentleman present: An- | ---- in -- iF balls squarely into the target./toine Arnold, who was celebrating Guessing contests found the blind| his 85th birthday on the day of the folk keenly interested. Te am!picnic, and received a special ; 2 P| games were played just as if birthday gift. |every one of them could see their| Blind guests from farthest dis- Ww oY CONCERT TO AID FIRE VICTIMS (Puriaers on the teams, and showed tance: Mrs. Agnes Oldfield and | HB amazing accuracy in passing ar- Mrs. Brown of Atherley. | Four young performers who ' nis LaRocque and Melody La- | morning of June 24 when fire de- [ticles to one another. A balloon-| Birthday prize winners: George| Il participate tonight in the | Rocque. Proceeds from the con- stroyed their home at Maple [blowing contest sent the sightless|Little, Simon Muise, Howard Sid-| . suWill participate = tonig 9 Grove, near Bowmanville. The as well as the sighted into gales ney, Mrs, M. Merritt and Mrs. M. Boneless, Rolled Lean, Fresh Minced s+ Gallagher benefit concert at the cert will be given to an educa- Gallagher's children, Robert, 8, |of laughter as balloons burst un-| McLaughlin. | @® Maple Grove Church, in Maple | tion fund for the two children of | and Sandra, 9, are now with |expectedly. There was an atmos-| The gratitude of the blind guests) CHUCK er '~Grove, are, left to right, Linda | Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher. relatives in the Maritimes. phere of j and merriment that to those who provided the picnic Scott, Beverley LaRocque, Den- = The couple died early on the --Times-Gazette photo touched the hearts of the picnic was enthusiastically expressed by 4 "i -- -- m-------- me ---- -- -- sponsors, and that revealed .the the applause which greeted a mes- STEAK * ° | glowing 'courage of the blind in|sage of thanks to the committee in POT ROAST ' 0 h M | making light of their handicaps. |charge. | . 1 e onvel 1 101 i S awa an KEENLY ANTICIPATED | THOSE WHO ASSISTED f | | This annual picnic has become] Members of the Oshawa Advl- | an event to which the blind people|{sory Board assisting Mrs. Park- Ye t eet of the district look forward with hill were Mrs. B. C. Colpus, Mrs. : Ws e 0 ege keen anticipation. Much of the en- W. Fisher, Mrs. R. McConnell, J ' " Albert Wedgery, RN, of the Osh-|joyment of it is found in quiet; Mrs. J. P. Mangan, Mrs. Worden y A + "Man's greatest glory lies in the, R. H. Fickling .of Oshawa, Ad- ma ogy gig a oul, /onversation wii fhends who had 3d Mose Clarke, Pickering, w #1 ' » : pnt pf > A od hog he Bi numbered 1, 01a e Cana-|not met since the picnic of a year Mrs. Worden and Mrs. McConne ¥ f \ 3 oneless H sordinary heroism that accom- ventist welfare. director for on dian Nurses Association's Conven-|ago, How often the comment was arranged the games and prizes. 5 ; Shank Portion Ib. 49¢ fou Portion » 79¢ pi a ihe umm, routing taro aud Quebec reported that tue tion, held at the University heard, "Oh, T have not seen youl Assisting M Melntvre Hood in > p " ' ! 13 Sh Vv 4 Serv-\ manitoba, from June 25 to 29. Helsince last year." Coming from the the games of the afternoon were 4 : - 2 Served a jeading Adventist edu, oes Sromsored 0 he, de was the only male delegate. lips of sightless people, this re- Harold Phillips and Dr. Ed. Watt, ||§ 3 ; gt of A ; Buit Portion Ib. 59¢ Slices ®. 89¢ Ear af th denominations aanal omiglon'n, he Lic, PrOGSESE| UL die mt mind» bi sig mark rovened to, wright outosk sessing, he Lins, Cit, 5 3 AREY SEE cami ni Portion ,, 65¢| H Si on the compu of Oehawa Sum, Adventists hemsive coir WADE IL ae he fet, me 5% tment of e+ hte omen. Hopes ana rt ot OY seni Portion, ocks ». 25° Miss) Jollege. y 6 fo elf. : " alo 7! y . men % . i : iver, of Washing. and Tele projets. |venlon; and said hat" he learned), 4% 11 BIOETH kts" An borough: hoard of the CNIB. ac. LY \Y fon, D.C., occupies be chair of ge hutiokiug pointed out that on an inter-provincial level [their escorts sat down to a delici- companied the party from that ere 3 RY VISCERATED CHICKENS Church, histor abe, Seen thday | anada had assisted in 1955, over| Mr. Wedgery, a graduate of the| ' E 4 BUY THE PARTS YOU PREFER and is one of the guest preachers|22,370 needy persons at a total cost Ontario Hospital at Whitby, is a} ~ { : -, % 1 ® LEGS & ¢ | ® BACKS & , hy Pvocation|for the mational effort in welfare science instructor in anatomy zn | > . , g ulet caught'tnat the current Couch Sor of $201,721.00. hysiology sat the oval huspital. ; THIGHS .. Ib. NECKS W Ibs his time a_polica™ SF "waither nok Bose out that] A heavy agenda of seminars and he's af ielect (av of the male | - va WIN gf Bing? re Ped ot mona: workshops in almost every phase nurses ce Many rat' the Register| ALVIN HOWARD VAN DYKE (ducted by the Rev. R. H. Rickard | R : 4 GS .... 3 Ibs. 79¢ | @ Whole ¢ Larson 'xize the all Aplin on of church activity as well as de- ed Nurse the|Bron of Ontario,/] KEDRON 7 A second member from the Armstrong'; Funeral | CHICKENS Ib. 39 h his oWD We rather than the qualitative 'or votional and worship services as-'a body 100 members. |of Kedron United Church passed Home, Oshawa, on guuriday. July 4 65° ue lg ral sure delegates of little let-up or| Miss nursing|away within the past week, in the|5, at 2 p.m, with interment in Zion ©® BREASTS .. ib. Dressed and Oven Ready ot nothing spiritual." He went on to say, |... ite before the scheduled ad- arts instruct the' Oshawa|person of Alvin Howard Van Dyke cemetery, | aa Bos Dairad Years Io e (G : rod vil 2a-10f Edmonton, in his 65th year. | journment this Sunday. |General, and Wedgery were fea 9 S | EDWARD (TED) SILVER PORK CHOPS frawn. make an oak, but only two months CLOSING SERVIC | 2 oo i LOS SE ES tured in a take off on the $64,000f The lat Mr. Van Dyke was| | ® r el MEAFORD ~ Funeral service | Robert Vv to make a squash." The closing services will be high-| Question. This program was de- born on February 4, 1892, at Grand| Fo. 1, Fru CASH VALUE lighted by : return of a a signed to inform the delegates, in|Island, Nebraska, son of the was held at the Ferguson Funeral | MILK FED (E on Crow, He listed three enemies that pastor of Adventist churches ina humorous atmosphere, about the late Alfred and Ida Van Dyke, but Chapel here this afternoon for Ed- - conomy Package) amilton, threaten the development of Chris- Oshawa and eastern Ontario, H. history, activities, organization, returned with his parents to this ward (Ted) Silver whd died at Fate's. ( tian character intellectual lazi- M. S. Richards, of Los Angeles, and publications of their associa-|community at the age of six the Owen Sound General and| asty PORK CUTLETS » 'tempted mess; routine, mass J y v 7 " 3 hs. Wi is brother Earl Marine Hospital on Monday last. ) : TO ; s-production liv- now director of the church spon-|tion.- Wedgery was master of months. With his brother Earl and : " . 18. ing: and a lack of earnestness in sored international religious week- ceremonies while Miss Howard sister Hazel, he joined Kedron Interment was in Lakeview Ceme-| Both Fe doing daily tasks best described by ly radio broadcast, the Voice of|annonnced the 'commercials' |Church which his parents attend-|tery. : | ed and whole - heartedly support-| Mr. Silver is survived by his 1ilty to th the attitude of doing as little as|Prophecy. Pastor Richards will be betwen the appearances of "con- 5 : 3 5 and co possible for the greatest monetary accompanied by his radio male testants,'"" The latter had to ans- ed, until their passing a few years| wife, the former Rena Fleming, return quartet the "King's Heralds" > questions about the dif- ago |and one child, Delyia. res - - ~ - - . nt aspects of the Associa- . Descendant of a pioneer family,| Also surviving are his mother, / 1h. [J the original Van Dyke homestead Mrs. T. A. Silver of Meaford and Dressed and Oven Ready "to win the $64,000." Com- 2 about was a log house on the farm now | two sisters, Mrs. George Har-| In - 3 inte 1 Wi A A d ials luded aise: 2 . inners Are Announced Grin Tiedt ned 5, J eh fe Beslfgae (0 050%) © LEGS o BUMPS || FRESH PO | S h F: hym to co 0 Dy lb gd iy oe an yas 0 {many years of the family of the Oshawa. Dressed and ; stpsses = Of "vention | deceased was that now owned by ' | es IN Scrapbook Contest her Nocona Mr and MF. Jom Suen wes, 2. 5. seve of ® SIBLOINS SHOULD oven' Reedy ID. iristine T) ciations of Manitoba and Saskat-| The late Mr. Van Dyke joined GORRIE -- Services for Mrs. R. SHOULDE Socials. |the. 138th Battalion in the ~First H. Stephens, 79, who died suddenly ® R CHOPS iving the v . . - rti Sew They an} William Dorko, 14-year-old pu- tain the articles up to date, and chewan ey organized World War, and was severely|in Wingham Hospital were con- ® BONELESS STEW this we i u , arrivd il of Simcoe Street South School, had also illustrated the articles concerts ox MOriEng ey winner of the first prize in Vii His own freehand drawings wounded at the" battie,_af Vimy ore oy the Rov. W. J. Buchanan FRESH GROUND Duplate the History of Oshawa Scrapbook Sali Prize was won bY Digan OSHAWA AND the hospital, over two years later, Interment as made in Se ® VEAL PATTIES arge. recently announced by The Times- St. Gertrude's school, with a very Mr. Van Dyke took a Position Vers tos Ibs. Cc Alderman Gazette. His entry was a beautiful- neatly arranged scrapbook. with the Canadian Nationa is te : ® MINCED VEAL i airman of ly illustrated scrapbook, in which' All of the scrapbooks submitted way, with headquarters a E - She was the former Selena R 0 was he had pasted the History of Osh- showed conscientious effort on the monton, in which company he was Woodley, of Bowmanville, and ting the awa articles published each week part of the school pupils to pre- relief agent, at the time of his came here in 1907. FRESH MADE S yund bust in this newspaper, on the right serve a rmanent record of Osh- demise | Surviving are two sons, Arthur, | COUNTRY STYLE AUSAGE ' et . 2 Ibs 29¢ {Duplate, Band pages, and then made his/, 4 th by a the ar- 18 FARE 1 He liked his work, and was very Gorrie; Mervyn, Goderich: one C : i y by g BUS FARE REDUCED |, He Lind ls or ed: as. he|sister, Mrs. D. W. Hicks, Harris. 1b. : POLISH SAUSAGE Ib. 59¢c | HEADCHEESE 3-Ib. Tin 95¢ & Skinless WIENERS 2 Ibs. 65¢ | SANDWICH SPREAD Ib. 59¢ ¥ f f i i no use to own original drawings to jllustrate ticles in scrapbook form. Several re gd ("chased a these articles on the left hand of them were illustrated with the Thy Quction Sf hve cant o8 the could, while his parents lived, 10/ton; and two brothers. Norman, deeded ¢ Pages. The drawings revealed drawings of the pupils, and indi-|Lines between Toronto and Dun-| Kedron He " i ises away #magination and originality, as cated a very good standard of parton is announced. The one- member of the Masonic Order, chewan. | {lderman well as excellent artistic ability. |understanding of the material con-| way ticket between these toy pl FISR he enjoyed as he travelled FUNERAL. OF Tender ¥ abou , s of deec Second prize was awarded to tained in the articles. oint All v t 70 cents in- NER bhout adi Allan Collerain, 469 Montrave av- Cheques for the prizes of $5.00, points pi Fy gi od Taken suddenly ill at work, on ANDREW E MURDOCH Cubed Veal 2 LBS $1 - rge. enue, also a pupil of Simcoe $3.00, and $2.00 respectively are other reduction for points be- Friday evening, June 29, Mr. Van| A large number of friends, ' nditions Street South School, aged 13. He being sent to the winning con- {ween Toronto and Oshaw |Dyke was admitted to the Gen- neighbors and business associates po blate wil Had used two scrap - books to con- testants. © and: Oshawa |eral Hospital, Edmonton, where attended the funeral service for Rib mm sewer p-- ------ - hms PLAN OAKVILLE PLANT he passed away early Sunday Andrew E. Murdoch, 22 Warren ¢ pay thi Duplate Canada, Ltd., which morning, July 1 avenue, at the McIntosh Funeral Vv ] Ch 2 0a x The ARTISTS AT BAND CONCERT TONIGHT manufactures laminated and heat-| To cherish the memory of a be-/Chapel at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, ea 0 Ss LBS. "a 25-fo treated safety glass for automo-|loved brother, there remain his July 4 "| area. If ¥7 4h » {biles and for other purposes, said|sister, Miss Hazel Van Dyke, Mr. Murdoch passed away sud- I jtional se . yr it plans to build a new $400,000' Reg.N., of Oshawa, and one broth- denly at the Oshawa General Hos- . . . i Tt0 city 1 ; factory at Oakville, The new plant er, Mr. Earl Van Dyke of Cam- pial, ou Sunday last, following a Friday Nite S ecial! } 4 would provide an additional 80,- bray week s illness P P 4 bray Many floral tributes indicated " 000 square feet of factory space 2 y ith i 4 . p Folk who grew to adulthood with, J high esteem in which the de- (6-9 P.M.) Sr ---- . 2 and would create 100 jobs when | ine late Howard Van Dyke in Ked- "OMI : {it goes into production next year. Fi pdt mourn the loss of ceased was held not only among ---- 4 his friends but also in the busin-| SHANKLESS, SMOKED ' The company already has plants i y { d a friend, highly respected i] ess world in which he was active. ; was an enthused Bowmanville, and Walter, Saskat- | in Oshawa and Windsor. warmly remembered, and extend d : FIRM INCORPORATED deepest sympathy to his family et PICNIC STYLE CH S v Notice is published in the cur _ Memorial service wi eg ton ducted - the services. Interment 00 E FROM THESE SUGGESTIONS ! Pent issue of The Ontario Ga- |was in the Oshawa Union Ceme- R d S \ 2 zette of the granting of + letters : |tery. i LJ e i : Y 2 i patent of incorporation to Alnor Chipman Surrenders Honorary pallbearers were ay 1s Serve Hams Salami Chubs i parmival oa Construction Limited with head of- Coveted George Medal |L. F. Mclaughlin E. O. Philips, ® Boneless Ready To Serve Bologna Chubs fice in Oshawa, Two of the pro- , , |J. E. McLeod, Morley Canning, to 3 {5 . visional directors are Frederick OTTAWA (CP) Edward C.'N § McFadyen, J. F. C. Dan- SHOULDERS Hams Mi H / SA milk- je} Murdoch and Grover ° inced Ham Chubs at their | Wilton and Adoph Edward Mick- Chipman, the Verdun, Que. , Paul Ready to Serve Picnic lash, Oshawa contractors man who won the coveted George Murdoch. | IW. SOR e Medal for saving three children The active pallbearers were Shoulders Canned Hams NEW STOCK OFFER from a burping home, has given james Hare, Donald Howe, Mur- Pi 1b. c ickles A $1,500,000 issue of 5% per yp the award because of the ray Swartz, Pat Tresise, Dennis Ready to Serve Butts cent sinking fund debentures, Ser- heartache it caused him Jefferson and Bernard Crozier . y ies A of Fittings Ltd, is being| He asked last May 18 that the Midget Rolls Relish 4 3 offered publicly by Bankers Bond|qQueen cancel the award because WBERRY { £2 od . Corp Ring Se debentures ma of the 'considerable controversy ron . A 7 ure Aug. 4, 1976. Proceeds willl gyer whether my deed warranted thom 3 lr Wh Lf be used to acquire assets of Cana- the award." : HARE OPTICAL ec; adulf : / y ; 10 ac e a g dian Brass Co. Ltd., Galt, and for ne EE ..leb 6. 7. BAKER 7 general corporate purposes Oshawa won out, in a close game, BIRTHDAY TODAY over Fred Cole and Clarence Oke OPTOMETRIST Congratulations are extended to of Bowmanville by a score of 22 Mrs. William Tonkin, 203 Huron! to 17. Both phirs bowled extremely 8 Bond Street East streets, who is celebrating her well birthday today HOURS: SCORE EASY WIN OSHAWA PLAYERS WIN Bowmanville Roses went on an 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m, well - known | John Maffy brilliant Players from the Bowmanville 11-hit spree at Lindsay on Do J é V ' 1 8 " SE Lan a musician, will play har saxaphonist just returned from and Oshawa Lawn Bowlit Clubs ion Day to defeat the local clul; by Closed Wednesdays solos and solos on an 1 tour of South America, will taged 'a Provincial Lawn Bowling|a score of 12 to 9. Six runs in the j $ ; gla sco of 12 3 s Vv vy. handsaw at the baud be one of the guest artists at Association doubles play-off on the seventh inning and another fodk in EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 12 KING ST EAST : in Memorial Park this tonight's band concert in Mem- local greens Wedne y night. W. the top of the 10th settled the i8kue PHONE RA 3-481) . PHONE RA 3-363. p | orial Park, MacDonald and E, Carswell of Lindsay had 16 hits, " ¢