Under Car THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE, Thursday, Jey 5, 1956 21 For Nine Days, | SH OP Girl Lives SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A| missing California teen-ager was found alive Wednesday night and AND police said she had been pinned be- neath the wreckage of a car for| nine days near the body of her " fiance. \ ym cn Margeils, 8 Sunnyvale, \ ; 2 H alif., was taken a ake \ 7 : County Hospital in critical condi- \ THE WAY tion. Attendants there said she \ EXCESS FAT was suffering from exposure and YOU REMOVED undetermined injuries. ) | LIKE IT!! Highway patrolmen, acting on a tip from a plane-borne spotter, j {found the wreckage in Parley's AT THESE : : Canyon, a few miles east of Salt} : 4 Lake City. The wrecked car be-| longed to her betrothed, Zyear old James Hixon Jr. of Salt Lake 3 City. Hixon's body was found | 1 A : TAIL END REMOVED about 20 feet from the wreckage. | PROTECTED Officers said the car had] plunged over a vertical embank- 7 iment and struck a shelf 50 feet " ay , . below, then bounced another 250 feet to the bottom of the canyon. | Wu I | DUTCH ROYAL FAMILY STILL INTACT Nixon Wants een Juliana of the Nether- | and Irene, as they watched | time that he and Queen Ju- 1 - LT Bd §s is.shown with her hus- | Olympic Day sports at the Am- | liana had appeared together in New Definition y | : inn _ | public since rumors Prince Bernhard, and two | sterdam Stadium. Prince Bern estrangement over the queen's | heir children, Princesses | hard had just returned from | friendship with Greet Hofmans, Of N li griet (second from left) | Stockholm. This was the first | a "faith healer." | eutra 1Sm TR Ke SE ROR MANILA (Reuters) -- Vice- . | 2 Richard Nixon sgld to- day that the United States had no rip Abroad Helpe ior ail rans o new] LANSDOWNE 1GA tralism that makes no Gistinetion t the Communist world an ig A SIMCOE ST. NORTH | the free world." pi . ook iu, 4 | ; - i dmonton Oil E xpert | marng "ue Toh aniversary So OSHAWA AT v Boneless ROUND STEAKS OR MONTON (CP)--Jim Warke, joining Socony-Vacuum, now Mo- Quarter sections of lease land Philippines Republic, at which he Low Prices Every Day J 007 Fict superintendent for an oil/bil Oil of Canada, a few months sold for more than $500,000. One represented President Eisenhower. y/ GUARANTEE, pany here, recalls how a trip later. Part of his job then was to company paid $13,000,000 for near-| He said the United States shared T ade abroad in 1947 helped view the Pembina district, "a inaccessible property near the wholeheartedly in the true aspir- company ation of the people of Asia and wo ™ e Canada's largest oil field, very uncertain area." proven area. Another I Pembina sector southwest of The experience Warke had paid $11,000,000 for a reservation other new developing areas to re- nton gained with Bahrain gave him north of this. alize their dreams of economic 1946 Warke, a veteran of 17/the opinion there was oil in the Since then Pembina has become|Pro¥ress. s in the Turner Valley field Pembina area and he recom: the top producing field in $n Commenting on neutralism, SIRLOIN WIN STEAKS OR Ssouthern Alberta, decided he mended that the cardium sand higgest producer among the prov- Niton 9 A Sountey Yejectine fhe DYL'S IGA I or ROASTS d b 8 t % "OR 3 0 A principles of collectiv i ed more experience because strata be tested inces. Pembina's 800 square miles fear of compromising its indepen- to that time he had not moved HISTORIC WELL of proven area make it the largest " of the province. | The first well was "spudded in" field in North America. M {dence was "not reading rightly | mn Yorke decked on the Middle Feb. 24, 1953. But it was not until He 1,100 Pembina als ore the trends of modern history." | 466 ALICE STREET AWIFV'S PREMIUM SWIFT'S PREMIUM st and signed as production October of that year that the producers and the field's reserves] veTERAN TEACHER i H *aman for Bahrain Petroleums. | well's potential was fully proved. are tremendous FAT RAN, SEACHER viv OSHAWA FRANKFURTERS Braunschweiger, Liver Cheese new job took him to Behrain|A test showed if flowed 200 bar- 7q,4ay Warke finds desk work Yoirs ue + teacher is the record 1-LB nd, a 208- -mile piece of ily. : Warke * vork years a ; . f: square-mile piece of rels daily interfering with his field activities of E. E. Oliver, a member of the| Low Prices Every Day CELLO PKG. 37* or Liver Bacon Chubs EACH "'d in the Pegslan gulf, 15 miles] The well was 11 miles south- , i ho sill s i i ' 4 s spends as much time public school staff in this town the coast of Arabia, | est of Drayton Valley, a town ,q possible in the field. "20 miles northwest of Edmonton. | * JGGED PROJECT 65 miles southwest of Edmonton. When 1 left Alberta," he Ie Suother well was Sried, hs | als, ere was Snow on miles northeast o origina | J sund. When I arrived on 4 success. The well, He Oh dry TE L E V I S I O N L O G Hi . Farm Fresh FROZEN FOOD FEATURES % Fd, thermometers Tegistereq well the toimpany has drilled I WBE BUFFA 4 I 7 degrees. e Pembina field, was abandoned N--. LO--C| 1 4 -- - FRUITS & VEGETABLES oLD -0Z. x fe has in charge o 100 welly, | but it Jad seived its purpose to NOR =BUFFALD Chee) h GLECOFF'S IGA ORANGE JUICE SOUTH oe 35¢ : me producing mor w t 2 f an all of Canada's wells, 4 oo. Since thon Mobil Yas drilled CHCH--HAMILTON--Channel 11 WHAM--ROCHESTER--Channel 3 CUT GREEN BEANS Te 23¢ J Cu here he said a do|350 successful wells in the Pem- " 174 RITSON RD. S. SMOKED FILL -OZ, PKG. a ng yourself, right from bina, field. | URSDAY EVENING | 9-Stories of the 5.30 P.M. OSHAWA CRISP, FIRM, CARDINAL ETS YORK LB. 4l1c "rveying the location until you| After the first success, other Century 11, 9-Roy Rogers | Low Prices Every Day Ib 2 3 Food Values Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. -- July 5, 6,7. . | 5,2, Tonight $--Beulah GRAPES Sip the oil to the refinery. "You|leading oil companies entered the 11.9--Howdy Doody A "» ve to depend on yourself. There field and Pembina's potential was| ;_fomecy, T'™° ed a A no service (well - servicing) shown in the January, 1954, gov-| 3_Mickay Mouse Club FRIDAY . panies, od to. 6 4 ernment sale of crown leases and 5:30 P.M. ee Wig AN. S-my i l@ return I aptain Angaroe nnie oy anada in 1962, reservations. 11,8--Funtime ey ¢--News; Range RI "ue der | Bean ey" 0.00 AM. 2-Wild Bfil Hickoek | 11--The Mask S-My .ittle M ka 9-The Goldberg's 9---Movie Museum 3 A-M- S--Long John Silver Carry Off $40,000 | :5mrcis, | spun tom | Slo RED HAVEN 7.00 P.M. ' MONTREAL (CP) -- Police re. | * 77 078 Comsidy tia A, 1-Western Traiia BILSKY'S PEACHES 5 FOR 35° & 3-Dite Dung, School | & Wondrous IGA MARKET ported today three armed men 11---Sports, Weather # E al's Rosemount district Tues-| 3-News ana Sports [oh Cristo SWEET-EATING -- SANTA ROSA | : adio Moscow Montreal Bandits om yo die Based gprs" othr | held up a jewelry store in Mon-| Two Grand treal' t 5--8u trict Tuesday night and d 7 ] Home with about $80,000 in Fingal BAUS A. of 11.30 AM. Olite » ri 120 WILSON RD, §. | 4--Surike It Rich Bk DOI. 29¢ 3, 3-1t Could be You : OSHAWA 5 9--Tabl £ a special commission to inves | jewelry. Tana World 4--News; Serial Dramas gate Poznan's "bread and free-| police said the i.| 4--Cisco Kid " men 5C00| di- 260 | "dom uprising last week and hand amonds, watches and Poop | a} via, Fran asd. Oflie| 12.30 P.M. ONTARIO GROWN town punishment. | sack after binding and RagRINK 4 coebriiy Plovh | s--My Little Ma 1 50 mY. | The broadcast sald there would | the wher ol She oui Shue S_Dinah Shore | Ek ei uz Show ¢ {Diamond an loria Wate! Om- | 4-Sgt. Preston | ried was 25 >a no appeals from decisions of pany and another jeweler In the Lone Ranger | 8--Teature Movie 3-Combat Sargeant she tribunal. | store at the time. | 8.00 P.M. { 3-Miadey Mite 1. gh \. The broadcast described the 11, 9--Jane Wyman 11--School Telecasts 11--Ritchie Theatre : ' _|using planes and helicopters, as 3 2-Best of Groucho |g Now Let's Watch 3 The Mulionaire rommission's taks as an "ener-| oR, in cands of police 'and| *~P° Sammie ha oa Tors ig Miss Brooks COLLEGE HILL 1GA FIRST GRADE CREAMERY -M. - 5 Sgetle and comprehensive" inquiry tr i oops, in its search. for partici- 11, s--P C 1 A into direct causes of the bloody pants in the Poznan rebellion Draper nes | 3Salen 'Nevills Snow 9% r.M. 534 CUBERT STREET B UT TE R _ three-day Insurrection which is| forces Cuma | 8--Matinee | | sald to have left hundreds of From Paris, a group of Euro- 9.00 P.M. S.-Tennesses Ernie dead. It sald the commission pean writers -- most of them for- 5---People's Choice 33am Ty ie 4--Crisader OSHAWA ROYAL GOLD 1-Lb 60¢ would not have to refer to the mer Communists or party-liners-- 2--Star Tonight 0.00 P.M. | 2 Polar A Second hei regular courts |signed an appeal for aid against , 030 FM | s--Matinee fas a 3.20. u. Low Prices Every Day Sports Teaching West Berlin | the Ld J ession" = work-| 'S-Thursday Teature .«] Po Bis Rayon i Star ase BROOKFARM 1-Lb 61 uesday said "'drumhead court"| ers in Poland, The appeal was ad- 5, 2--Ford Theatre aya 2---The Vise trials of Poznan's rebels already| dressed particularly to labor or-| 4-FourStar Playhouse |, n. "00 BM 10.00 P.M. | had started. Western sources have ganizations and asked an interna- 10.0 P.M. "0 P.M. 1, 9, 3, 2-Sporta Caval- | reported hundreds of Poznan|tional investigation into the needs 55% Thgatre show | 11--The Falcon pile | IGA SWEET MIXED workers arrested for participating of Polish workers. 3 Mayor of the Town | SA4--Serial Dramas F-Dudercutrem ! 16-0Z. in the uprising | It said it was absence of the 10.30 P.M. 4.30 PM. 10.30 P.M. c REPORT EXECUTIONS right to strike 'in the Soviet em-| j1_Alred Hitchcock | U--Cartoon Capers 4--Person to Person 9 JAR s Russ i ipire -- the U.S.S.R. and its satel.| 9--Serenade for strings 4--Edge of Night 11.00 P.M. BECKSTEAD S IGA Summary verdicts and execu- [ita __ which brought the use of A4--Douglas Fairbanks FRIDAY EVENING [IL 9, 8, 4, 2--News, Sports ou NEE tions of ZI. Communist Provac-| tanks and troops against demon. 2--Star And The Story | 5.00 P.M. | 11.30 P.M. | Be sure you pi D TO DO ateurs" by Communist lice in 'ho 7 11.00 P.M. 11, 9--Howdy Doody | 1--Wrestling | -- D) nist pollc strators in Poznan, who Now are|p, ss, 4 2 News, Sports | + comedy "Time oY | 9--Famous Fim { COURTICE pick up an official savi . IGA Poznan were reported in Vienna jy .: : 1 = arket, Th being portrayed as criminals sub- 11.30 P.M. | & Cartoons 5,2-- Tonight E d M lk en ea ngs folde . r a vaporate 1 : t IGA, slip t your IGA Food newspapers. These accounts said ject to the. death sentence." 11-The Late Show | 3-Mickey Mouse Club 4--Theatre Low Prices Every Day the Red Polish government is -- ---- i -------- - . -- TNs 25° r n f ated fo 2 TINS can b ra wr e claimed jp this mq h Ey A nner with : @ DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION NOTHING EXTRA To pay gCIAL = | wees | DOG FOOD | i/o ur... PORT PERRY 2 "Te 21° PRICES Low Prices Every Day MAPLE LEAF LIQUID LA @ Detergent i= 35° THIS 16 oz. JAR OF a. A ; ill. * SOUTH END IGA JAVEX 2 BICK'S PICKLES PACKED WITH = J Form : o, 4 I WHITBY -Ox. Favor erisp freshness | 13 I he 43° AT YOUR FAVOURITE y Fi YORK CHOICE fooo stort AIO / || { | --@® --| ToMATOES M ! 28-07. Sweet Mixed is just one of f oe | GALLOWAY'S IGA 2 TINS 45¢ Bick's 28 flavour fresh pickle z ; | AJAX SWIFT'S pe po oh... y of. 3 . x i 1 : 2-0z. Roun, 8 like'emhot? like 'em spicy? ing | Lov Prices vey oy | PREM "730" 3 reno Rvs. TODAY -- HELLMAN'S Is ro GERMANY'S BEST 2 MAYONNAISE win ee | Thomo 2 BICK'S) pio | micuarosons iga| i 93° Baden Baden as Miss Germany: eres a Vols, or every. a%ed, WESTON'S RAINBOW A ballet student from Berlin, she will compete in the Miss Uni- verse contest at Long Beach, €alifornia, | Baden Baden as Miss Germany. PICKERING WAFERS os. 29+