50--Articles For Sale PAINT, $285 GAL. GUARANTEED IN. terior, exterior. Oshawa Hardware and player, table Electric, 62 King West, RA 3.7624. | RA 5.8228. July 13 Y Bl. BENDIX AUTOMATIC , CLOTHES RUGS -- SAVE UP TO % ON NEW, | dryer, brand never reversible broadloom rugs. 20 decora-| automatic timer, Ne best, tor shades, Made ,from your old wool. | suitable for MF fabrics. List price ens, carpet, clothing ete. Diai RA 5-9438. | leading stores $200. Selling for ane fryer. Apply 65 Wilkinson Avenue. July4 | cash. Dial RA 3.7679. Phone RA 5.9745. ge "| USED REFRIGERATORS, RECONDI. ONE LARGE TRICYCLE AND CHEST #0 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July §, 1958 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) rr | we HAVE CLIENTS DESIROUS OF | '5l SUBURBAN. CAN BE SEEN AT la rear of 617 Byron South, Whitby, 156¢ OBTAINING 2. 3 ond 4 EL0 45---Reu) Estute For Sole : SRlom [56 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, FULLY ET YT RT SOME WITH ALL CASH. | equipped, like new. Private. Phone Pick- possession August 15. Apply 463 Louisa ering 25W14 156b | MERCURY, EXCELLENT CONDI. tioned Frigidaire big 8% cublc foot mo.|of drawers. Call RA Steet. 15 tion throughout, $225 or best cash offer.|del $99.50 Kelly TV. July 2 | |'50 CHEVROLET, FOUR DOOR STAND- us rg ara sedan, heater, new paint, trade ac- ust > solg this Week. 'Call BA #433 W E STINGHOUSE cepted or will finance. priced, washing {further information, RA 3.7502. 155f "48 CHEVROLET COACH, $225. DIAL table, cabinet, single bed, foot stool, | RA 5-2002. 155c | three bikes, tricycle and trailer, wa. '56 PONTIAC, TWO - TONE gon, three pairs skiis, two pairs skates, | radio, parking lights, 700 miles. Apply 48 PONTIAC BUSINESS COUPE, |size 7 and 3, tobaggan, sled and many | 160 Olive Avenue after 4 p.m. 155¢ (good running condition. Must be sold vy rons og Fi other things, including all kinds of 5 ench Street. 5 i 49 PONTIAC, GOOD CONDITION, PPly ote toys for children. Apply mornings until $475. cash, private. Apply 299 Eulalie one, to Mrs. Winter, co Mrs. Annie | Avenue. 156¢ | 51 RR No. 4, Oshawa. 156b Apply NTT USED LUMBER, BEST 51 NORTEN DOMINATOR TWIN, 500 South after six p.m. QUANTITY OF USE| ER, BES' , complete with all extras. Apply -9414, offer take all. RA 35-6013 or apply 248 [78 Verdun RA 3 35¢ "40 CHEVROLET COACH, GOOD RUN.|Coroova Road. ning condition. Dial RA 3.3675. 135¢ 47 PONTIAC, BEAUTIFUL CONDI. or cofdition. Dia ONE REFRIGERATOR FOR oor . Phone RA 5-0665. tion, $75 down, take over payments, |'49 FORD, $275. CASH. 194 cauncy ampss-- hd monthly. Call RA 5-8025 after 6. + 155¢ Street. LIKE NEW. 1950 MERCURY PANEL, 2 to 156c CAMPING EQUIPMENT, For A Good Deal . choose from, each $295 one 9x9 tent, sewn-in floor, four| on A NEW CHEV. OR OLDS. | 953 MERCURY HALF - TON SAVE $10 ON sl bags, four air mattresses, one | 10x12 heavy tarpaulin, one car top car.| rier. RA 3.2630. 156¢ | PICKUI Mowers lington | ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE--SAVE | See DOUG. AMEY , Lawn Ay Dwar Boe Semtotar serve sour aes, | Ontario Motor Soles" Used Car Lot | 1952 MERCURY. FALL. TON On Sale $79.95 COMPLETE LINE OF ' y , * i $698 | | RA 5-2802. Jul; | "1 USED CARS. AND TRUCKS One Yaor Warrenty 47 --Automobiles For Sale MUST BE SOLD. '38 PLYMOUTH AS IT is. Best offer takes it away. 15 Sandra Street. RA 83-8187. 152¢ '51 MERCURY, A-1 CONDITION WITH all accessories. Call RA 35-6680 after 5 p.m. 1514 CHIP TRUCK, '51 CHEVROLET, PROP. 53--Articles For Sale PLANET RACER MADE BY complete with three- |46--Real Estate Wanted 47---Automeobiles For Sale HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, (FOR SALE, 1950 STUDEBAKER, HALF all cash or your equity. For quick re- | ton pickup truck in good running or. sults and satisfactory sale, see W, Me Sci der, Dial RA 5-4088. 156¢ 13 Prince 50--Articles For Sele RADIO AND PHONOGRAPH RECORD model. Reasonable. Dist Street, July 3H 2 MORRIS CONVERTIBLE, ---- | Call RA 5-9549 between 12 and 5. Realtor, Auley, 3-2512 $550. 156¢ Nt , ONE DINING fixture, ome hall fixture, two "| French doors, one swing door, RA 32317. Pa BEACH STEEL COAL JURNA » condi Sulton Rig h Fadio. rg au mo- | MO TWO CAMP COTS, t| room 45--Real Estate For Sale SEWER AND WATER, $1250. phone RA 156a HOMES. LOT 45X132 South East district, 3-2017 nights. A GOOD FRAME BUILDING, CITY conveniences, 16 rooms, damned creek for swimming large lot, selling Soetries and confectionary, price reduced $9500 to $6500 $2500 down, North Whig Dial RA 5-0982. 156a DUPLEX 5 ROOMS, DOWNSTAIRS, recreation room and Dagement, | 35 rooms upstairs, separate entrance, in. come, five years old. Apply sy Eulalie Avenue, corner Hyland. Owner leav- ng. Call Bowmanville Market 3-3756, re- verse charges. 155¢ | MODERN BUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS, large lot, Taunton and Ritson Road. | $5,500 full price. Jones Broker. RA It you are thinking of selling REFRIG ERATOR, radio and NELSON'S SPECIAL On exterior Ist grade gloss white and primer paint. Regular $7.25 a gallon, now $5,25 a gallon, Limited time. NELSON'S PAINT 19 Bond St. W. RA id WA DUNCAN x rp two end-tables, round coffes table, a finish. Apply 110 Frederick Street. 135¢ USED JUNO FLOOR CONDITIONER, condition, with fous year ha Sondition Dial RA 5.8678. rd THREE - PIECE BED your home, Call RA 3-4534 or call at our office 135 SIMCOE NORTH | BRICK HOUSE, NINE ROOMS, FUR. nished rooming, garage, no agents. Ap ply 291 Albert Street. July 21 $495 FULL PRICE, HUGE BARN, fiat stone wall foundation. Enough for or 5 houses. Purchaser must tear Sov and remove. Located one mile west of Oshawa, $1200 down, balance on one mortgage, new 3 bedroom brick i i bungalow on about one third acre lot, Appraisals Free -- No Obligation near highway between Whitby and Osh-| Special Attention Given Farms 3 HORSE POWER R. 1, 1725 RPM. Dial RA S48 MOTORCYCLE --BSA 630 OC Golden Flash, class $495. Cash price, Call RA 566: BURNER WESTIN SUITE, piece sectional suite (neply 2 new), four dining chairs. Phone RA four - buffet, 5-8515. GOOD CONDITION. 57 Wilson Road 156a PONTIAC, PETERBOROUGH BOATS Lakefield Boats, Chris Craft kits Canoes, Trailcar Trailers, Evin- rude Motors, Used motors and boats, life preservers, marine accessories, Factory - approved service on motors. OPEN WEEKENDS and EVENINGS Marine Storage 2 CREAM MAKING MACHINE, and 30 gallon cold cabinet, new of dition. Reasonable, also walk-in Horage room. RA 59730. $100. FOR YOUR OLD T.V. NO MON. ey weekly buys an" er 2" T.V. Kelly '.V. RA 5.5121. Julys ALL CHANNEL DOUBLE STACKED roof aerials installed. Only $39.95. Kelly T.V. RA 55121 July: TUBS $45, BASINS $5, TOILETS $30 pe. coloured set $110, pressure sys $33. septic 1850 | cents each. Phone RA 5-3855. KROEHLER | CHESTERFIELDS A BEDROOM SUITE! | As Low As ! BROOKLIN Brick Bungalows Sodded kitchen, living four - piece cellar Four bedrooms, room, fireplace, bathroom, oil furnace, carport, $14,650 As above with three rooms, garage, $12,800, As above without garage ond fireplace, $11,850. Contact Gladys Newell. Pickering 8. awa. Requires some inside finishing. H 'a nesses and farms, it pays to see W. Mec-| downstairs, sunporch. Dial RA 3-3278. gr Wellingion on Highway 3 Lun TTSJuly3 bus stop. Carries $53 per month. Phone -- ---- COLONIAL HOME . . . Your bed- Build sooner - Build COLONIAL | McLachlan, Real Estate, No. 2 highway, Mortgages Arranged To Meet Dunbarton, phone Pickering 303 any- % | time. . ~June 30, July 3.5 Your Requirements BUYING OR SELLING HOUSES, BUSI- SOM Open evenings. 1530) Auley, Realtor. Dial RA 32512, Oshawa J. P. ALLAN CENTRALLY LOCATED ATTRACTIVE or MO 83231, Whitby. July 28 six room brick home, three bedrooms, 213 ACRES SITUATED IN VILLAGE Real Estate Brokers | three piece bathroom upstairs, 2 pee.|[213 ACRES SITUATED T GE "lof Wellington on Highway 33, Lake a ---------- 151 | frontas Excellent property for tourist 47-- Automobiles "For ¢ Sale FOR SALE DUNBARTON Wo BED- | accommodation. Further information, room frame bungalow. Copper plumb-/write I. A. Ward, Box 181, Wellington ing oil furnace, large lot, garage near Street. June 29, | Pickering 296J2. sit HOW MUCH RENT HAVE YOU PAID? BE WISE--Invest in your own dream home. Pay as little as $100 down Low monthly payments--much lass than rent! Build better-- CALL COLONIAL HOMES 169 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa RA 8-8571 JOHN SQUARE BROKER | PICKERING (Send 28¢ for complete catalogue) | July 28 151f Ss $5300 FULL PRICE, four-room bungalow, three-piece bath, hard wood and linoleum-covered floors, spotless condition, central loco tion, easy terms, will sell on sight. Call Mr. Addison, RA 5-3889 or RA 5-5579 anytime $IX-ROOM INSUL STONE HOME, Neweestle, price $3800. Low down payment, Call Mr. Addison, RA §5-5579 anytime. ATTRACTIVE FIVE ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW with stone front en Windsor Avenue, heating is forced air with oil, four-piece both, hard- wood and tile floors. Asking $10,800 full price. Call Mr. Addison RA 5.3389 or RA 5.5579. LLOYD J. AYERS, REALTOR 88 WOOD STREET MBMBER OF OSHAWA DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD full basement, full RA 5.3889 or 1560 L. S$. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 Park Read Seuth THREE PLEX Ton lunge reams, separated inte three excellent apartments, sach with private beth, modern kitchens, steady tenants centrally located on Arthur Street. Asking price $15,900 with terms. Call RA 5.8741 RA 3.9810 10 ACRES Lesated just eest of aity limite and close te number slese t scheel and church. Asking $5500 with $3000 down RA 5-876) or RA 3.9810. WINDSOR AVE. Pive-reem brick bungalow nearly new, completely decorated; place bath recreation room. Asking only $10,500 with terms RA 5-876) or RA 3.9810. " MONEY MAKER Reduced to sell, 14-room boarding end rooming house, furnished os a going concern, located beside. G.M. north plant further particulars. Call RA 5-8761 er RA 3-9810 2 highway Cell four- Call completely For 1560 COTTAGE AT RICE LAKE Situated on Sandy Beach with plenty of large shade trees living room --- 3 bedrooms -- kitchen -- washroom and screened «arendoh with windows. Garage -- boat -- all furniture oil heater -- priced to sell this week at only $4,500. Terms: oll cash FAIRBANKS STREET -- NEAR CENTRE Lat us make arrangements for you to have' @ new home built under NHA in this central location. Reasonably low down payment choice locotion -- select the plan of your choice woter, large and sewer RICE LAKE BUILDING LOTS We have a few lake front lots left in the new subdivision this year -- 75' x 200' lots -- wooded ~-- shady shore hydro -- $1,000 per lot, either cash or terms BUILDING LOTS CRERAR AVF Sewer and water, 40' x 17% payment arranged ORCHARD VIEW BLVD 7-room income home presently divided for 3 familie double garage. $8,500 with $2,000 down $1498 DOWN 1 only 5-rom brick semi-ranch style bungalow with oil -- aluminum storm windows -- aluminum electric hot water heater electric light nly $10,300 LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE Dial RA 3-9329 or RA 5.6551 After 5:30 Diol RA 3.9290 pened up new road ot rear, left forced oir storm doors Total pr fixture ce 145 Simcoe Street South Everett Elliott, Joe Mago, RA 5-919] 46--Real Estate Wanted _ 46--Real Estate Wanted WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? For prompt, efficient action and satisfactry service, contact our office immediately. Due to sales, we urgently require, selling volume medium priced homes EXPERIENCE COUNTS--WHY CALL SETTLE FOR LESS Schofield Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE Simcoe Strect North | tween 5 | "54 | Dial RA 5-0649. oe CHEVROLET wr FORD _ CONVER TIBLE, _ RA 5-4836 price $225. Dial RA and 7. Bus: RA 3-2256-.9% ee - 7 Jumesd HILLMAN C. IFORNIAN HARD | a - top, excellent eof tion, private sale, can arrange finance. RA 52302. 136 3.9941 1 NEVER SELL YOUR CAR Until you see Nels Hyland, Toronto's Leading Car Buyer. Cash and Liens paid off. Port Cash and another cag, Another car financed WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND HAS IT! 1750 Danforth Ave., Toronto RI 7547 HA 0000 's6 LAND ROVER JEEP, with snow | plough and cab. eight shifts in four wheel drive. Milage 2208. Price 1950. Apply 120 Central Park Boulevard, | South, between seven and eight. 156. SE! DAN, RADIO, | nearly mew tires. | 136c | av heater, PLYMOUTH directionals, SEDAN, GOOD ME Reasonable. ME 200 Burke Street 155¢ | nical condition py 3-2460 or apply '52 BUICK DELUXE SEDAN RADIO, heater, dynaflo, white wall tires, good | condition. Apply 409 Athol Street East. | RA 3.9777 156¢ SEDAN. GOOD CONDI radio, tinted glass, two- Kents Garage, 156b 54 BUICK tion Dynaflow, tone ete $1995. Apply Athol and Albert Streets. HIGHEST PRICES FOR GOOD CLEAN CARS Any Make er Model DODD MOTOR SALES 314 Park Rd. S., RA 3-9421 July 2 1951 CONSUL sedon, green . DODGE sedan, grey .. MERCURY panel, $350 OLDSMOBILE Torpedo sedan, maroon .. $293 $10 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OF AGE BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES RA 3-4675 Simcoe St. 2-tone $595 1951 1950 1947 Any New or Used Car Wholesele es low es $2199 $2193 $2099 $2795 MA 1914 Toronto T,7,5J.10 '56 Chev. er Pontiac '56 Dodge or Plymouth, '56 Ford or Meteor '56 Olds. or Buick Rely on RAY REILLY 128 Sheldrake Blvd. North tf | 1271 FOR THE FINEST Ey Used Car orTiuck Come On Down To See These SAFE BUY GUARANTEED SPECIALS FORD CUSTOMLINE SEDAN, radio, white walls, one owner FORD. MAINLINE TUDOR, dark green MONARCH SEDAN, black, white wall tires beauty . MONARCH SEDAN, light blue metallic 1 owner } FORD 2-DOOR GREY, with new factory gueranteed rebuilt engine, Carrying a 90 day or 4,000 mile war- ranty from the doy sold. Hurry on this one, it won't last! $1395 53 MONARCH SEDAN, black, Low mileage $1595 53 METEOR MAINLINE SEDAN, maroon with tinted glass $1395 3} METEOR MAINLINE SEDAN, ond white with custom radio 53 PONTIAC SEDAN, dark blue, Clean as a pin PONTIAC 2-DOOR, grey, Excellent condition through out light green, customs : . $1895 $1795 A real $1750 $1695 two-tone green $1395 $1395 $1385 $975 $895 PONTIAC two-tone, grey and maroon, radio DODGE SEDAN, grey, clean car, only CHEVROLET SEDAN, grey body, maroon roof, ariginal 28,000 miles OLDSMOBILE TORPEDO COACH, one at this low price METEOR SEDAN, grey STUDEBAKER 'CHAMPION SEDAN, overdrive, radio, gleaming new maroon paint job FORD COACH, black METEOR COACH, two-tone white PONTIAC SEDAN, green FORD SEDAN, black CHEVROLET COACH, PLYMOUTH COUPE TRUCK SPECIALS »3 MERCURY HALF TON PICKUP, dark blue 1952 MERCURY HALF TON PICKUP, green original 27,000 miles 1950 MERCURY HALF TON PANEL Twe to choose 1947 FORD HALF TON PANEL ridin AND MANY MORE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM AT THESE TWO LOCATIONS. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LIMITED $1050 c Maroon, See this $595 $675 custom $750 $695 $495 $425 $250 $295 green 1271 209 C " on Simcoe St RA 3-4675 MO 8-3757 METEOR DEALER 1560 | , Oshawa W., Whitby LINCOLN Dundas St ur MERCLIRY |3 King Street West. | ALLIANCE | rent. 1947 FORD HALE - TON $ 195 July9 | $10 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE | PARTIES OF AGE | | FREE ESTIMATES! BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES RA 3:4675 1271 Simcoe St. North TF 48--Automobiles Wanted | PRIVATE PARTY WILL PAY UP TO ig Sash for best car offered. Call 185¢ Herb. Maynard [LAKESHORE A U T O WRECKERS RA 35-1646 [ want cars for wrecking, highest uieeni | paid. RA 35-1181 or 5-1182. July HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GooD clean cars. Seaway Motors Ltd, 301 West, Whitby. MO 83331, RA July 10 | Dundas | 3-7746. | 49--_Automobile Repairs AJAX BODY SHOP Heron Drive, Ajax (Oshawa: Dial RA 3-2268) COMPLETE PAINT JOB $39.95 Pick Up end Delivery All' Work: Guaranteed | July19 | |50--Artic'es For Sale | THREE SPEAK®R, FULL |ity, Marcon! radio-phono comb., $300. | value. Only $129. Kelly T.V. Julys |A1 TOP SOIL, WELL ROTTED, $9.75 | for five-yard load delivered, RA 3-3383 lor RA 5.7782. July FT. ALL-CHANNEL ALLIANCE RO. tator "aerials. Completely installed. One year guarantee, $89.95. Kelly T.V. _Julys ACCORDIONS, COMPLETE WI I T H {case and straps. Imported models. Only $49.50 up. Kelly T.V., 81 King West. July 5 SPECIAL! 1 4 UTIATY ¥ PAINT 1 SA A L F Price $2.95 gallon. Nelson's Paint, 19/ | Bond West, RA 3-4902, duly 13] [KELLY 1 TV AIF AIR CC CONDITION ¥ HEAD. quately, Admiral, Marconi, Amana, Phil. lips Mitchel, Porta-Temp, $69.95 up | Terms. July 20 New 1956 REFRIGERATO] COLORS, pound freezer, doo butter [Kaaber. S-year Wairanty, 8 $100, ay ALWAYS ON FIDEL 299 SCHICK BLECTRIC RAZORS, CUT ting heads, cords and service parts, complete stock. Meagher's Electric, Julyl ROTATORS COMPLETE with motor and control units. Only 39.95. Kelly T.V., 81 King West. July BIC 21" MARCONI T.V. WOOD CAB.| inets, '56 models, sealed cartons. Only | $189. 95. Kelly T.V., 81 King West. Julys | AWNINGS MADX TO MEASURE. LOVE- ly patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for Cleve Fox, Oshawa. July 14] Savings-- Latest styling and coverings. The utmost in comfort. Reg $2 Inlaid Jinoleum with canvas back, Reg. 2.25 yard LAWN CRUISER POWER MOWERS, | $69.95. Big 2 H.P. motor, 18" cut. One year guarantee. Terms. Kelly T:V. Julys L. BROWNS' USED FURNITURE, bought and sold store 13 Prince Street [South end of Woolworth Drive oft Bond Street West July 15 if grater Congowall---Sandron patterns. CLEAROUT Special Sale RECLINING CHAIRS Kroehler - Sklar - Etc. ONLY $69.75 UP LARGE COGSWELL sprin Reg. 69.95. Save on THI EARL HANNAN MARINE SALES | | 20 Ray St, Oshowe RA 8-8853 and Armstrong. & Supply Ltd. Brooklin - Phone LAN July Siwe BUY SELL ENQUIRE TODAY ! NASH ALUMINUM WINDOWS -- DOORS -- JALOUSIES KOOLVENT VENTILATED ALUMINUM! AWNINGS DIRECT FACTORY RETAIL SHOWROOM 94 BRUCE ST., OSHAWA Phone During Day RA 3-2219 Mitch. Glecoff RA 3-7051 JULY25 DISPLAY AT BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN SIMCOE SOUTH earout Sa This week only--some items one of a kind only--Every item a Standout for Value-for beautiful colors to choose YARD COTTON BROADLOOM RUGS A Festival of colors 6 x 9 while they last, five only . . LIMITED SUPPLY ! BARONS' HOME FURNISHINGS 424 Simeoe St. S 40 Chestertield Suites LOVELY MODERN METALLIC KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD SUITE Sdaranived spring-filled construction. 1 44.00 TERRIFIC VALUES IN FLOOR COVERINGS from. 99 DELUXE REXOLEUM AND BAROLEUM Bordered rugs. 9 x 13)2 and 9 x 12, OUT THEY GO .... WALL COVERINGS Many assorted colors 10.00 and .59 HERE'S A WONDERFUL CHAIR FOR "POPS" -filled and upholstered in lovely fabrics. HALF PRICE REDUCTION ... 39.50 19.95 9 x 12 RUGS -- SCOTCH BRUSSELS TWIST 7 only Wine, green and grey CLOSE OUT PRICE 5-PIECE. CHROME SUITE | A remarkably low price for this stylish new chrome suite in the SR i i smartest new patterns with 4 matching chairs. Table has stain and ALUMAROLL AWNINGS Add permanent beauty and protection to your home with ALUMAROLL! Rolls up for light Rolls down for shade. 15 decorator colors Porcenomel finish -- won't crack, blister, peel or fade. Custom built te your specifi- cations DON'T BY TILL YOU SEE ALUMAROLL Call -- COLONIAL HOMES 169 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa | RA 8-8571 (Free estimates) (Easy terms) July 28 Reg. $239 WINTERSEAL Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors, <OOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from inside the house." Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, All-weather protection. LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE § RA 5-4632 AFTER HOURS RA in blond natural tones Req. $219. GIVE AWAY PRICE . 1? only. Locking Legs Complete with shades--22 only 5 only Modern styling Reg. 16.95 Le Bill Galbraith 3.2707 RA. 5-8832 RA 5-0313 RA 3.3775 July18 Eveniss Don Howe lack Sheriff burn resistant Arborite top. Reg. 79.95. Includes a strong steel bed, spring and mattress. Reg. 39.95. LOVELY 3-PIECE "NATURAL" BEDROOM SUITE Large 6-drawer Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, roomy chest of drawers, book- case bed with sliding door panels. Here's a suite modern and lovely A dream of o suite and look at the price. 128.00 HURCH OSHAWA CARD TABLES and Braced Tops. OUT THEY GO.. CLEAROUT OF TABLE LAMPS MUST BE CLEARED .... COFFEE TABLES OUT THEY GO Ed Wilson Furniture STREET, HALF PRICE ,.., 39.95 3-PIECE BOOKCASE BED SUITE In becutiful new silver mist brand new plank top styling distinctive panelling solid gables, beautiful hardware. These are just a few of the fectures in this outstanding value presentation at Wilson's High lighted finish in the new "SILVER MIST"' a bookcase bed, large chest of drawers and Mr. and Mrs. Dresser with sparkling bevelled mirror, COMPLETE SINGLE SIZE BED OUTFIT 26.50 1560| $2.50 A Week | BARONS' HOME FURNISHIN 424 Simcoe St. S. July » EXCHANGE | Apply June "2 install Hillside snd Park, fA 8 AND used furniture. RA 33271 AERIALS MOVED, ERECTED, RE- paired. Towers a specialty. All work guaranteed. City app: No. 4419. Kelly T.V. RA 85-5121 Jul B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, Vision. urifty budget pian. Ra s-i565. HOW TO FIND MOI| IN YOUR NEWSPA | July 29 SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER AND spare parts for same. Cutting heads, cords, ete. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. July 28 HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, IN. cluding television, books of knowledge etc. Dial RA 5-8982. 135¢ ONE DOUBLE BED, SPRING A ND mattress, in good' condition. Dial RA 37534. 154¢ PRACTICALLY NEW, WAKEFIELD baby carriage and serviceable playpen. Dial RA 50310 after 6. 154¢ Lots of people do! Every ¢ two out of five people turn the Classified Ads for thi they're interested in, When selling, buying, rent or offering all kinds of seryi use Want Ads. Dial RA 3-3492 and you'll f how easy it is to place an for best results. This is {| way customer does it. DINETTE SUITE CONSISTING OF SIX chairs, table and china cabinet. Rea- sonable. MO 8-3233, Whitby. 156¢c DRESSES, SHIRTS, BLOUSES, SHOES, coats. Reasonable, Phone RA 5.9356 | after 6 p.m Jota | for gentleman. All conveni TEN HORSEPOWER MERCURY su.) Septirate entrance. Central. Hurricane ard. Racing RA =e, el, ing] ci, unit. Racing . .-v $249. Dean Kelly) a King "Street West. pozeNs USED T.V. SETS AND ials, recond. with new picture tu guar. $69.95 up. Kelly T.V. COVERS -- 11.75 ana up Big Life preservers air mattress = Rir Force To hy ied, Yes 2 Pondering Automation July 6 USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES $3 By DAVE McINTOSH Canadian Press Staff up. B. F. Goodrich Store, RA 54543 OTTAWA (CP)--The RC July un HYDROPLANE CHAMPION SPEED- Speedometer, studying closely the need for tomation in the air defence Exhibition winner. tem, Dean Kelly, Automation could mean the of automatic computing ment to replace, for instance, man at the radar scope watch for the tell-tale 'blips' deno the presence of aircraft wil SINGLE FURNISHED BEDRC 81 155 WALL TENT 7x7, HINGED POLES, pegs easily erected and tacked, also |cotiavaible camp cot requires new cover. 3-3537. 156a NEW TENT FOR SALE 9x12 WITH three foot walls. Forty dollars or best offer. Call RA 3-383 156a fo MERCURY SRUISER 10 LP. am) Elgin, 2 pa the radar's range. "oop con.| NOT DECIDED YET ig has hot been. ded re | whether the American electrg 1560 | control system known as | (Semi - Ground MODERN, NINE PRICE SoLID , QAX | ronment) or some similar t3 room suite, ecredinza equipment vi De introduced fet, the price for quick sale. Apply 22 Oshawa Blvd. South. 156¢| But vel gd |ister Howe indicated last week SERVICE, | C that a d m vous after ho TWIN BABY be dition, white. Dial OUTBOA EVINRUD! 4 quick pri Dial RA 51088 mo 5-3601. TEMPORARY ELECTRIC. R Vi e (box, equipment and pole) for bul g | purposes. Dial RA 35-4524. s6c not be far off. + - 'Large new projects are p1] {LLOYD STROLLER WITH |also Commode chair, in good condi- spect in the area of alr del tion. Reasonable. Phone RA 5.5937. 136c communications," he said. ESTED IN WART! ES, SOAR ya oh | Canadian defence. depart 'officials have indicated that HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74, EXCELLENT t n about the SA [eondition." RA 3.0187, Windshield, 250. [mre Bot kee te vanes | * lity of the United States air NORGE REFRIGERATOR, piaVEN/ | fence system five to 10 times. Subse feet. four years old. Dial BR It will reduce to automatig | practically every essential step STUDIO COUCH AND SLIP COVERS, |the air defence process. For fi Yeasomable, Dial RA SM. 156b ctance, an electronic tube, if HOT WATER RADIATOR, CHEST OF stead of a man, will watch th drawers, hot water tank, expansion | radar scope, extract the ni tank, 'Call' RA 34331 b sary data and send it automa CANOPY, th Dial RA 5-5208. mi Provinces Approve . . Soil, Water Conservation WINNIPEG (CP) -- A national program of soil and water con- servation has been approved by government agricultural repre. . sentatives from nine Canadian provinces at a two-day confer- | ence here. The program will em- © % 5 0080 00000000 ELECTRIC COCA COLA COOLER, cI-|ally to a control centre. Sarette Jase, HL Reasonable. Apply | Officials Jere have said |SAGE system has never b pod a ry | fested. under war Sonditions a ARGE at they plan to rely more on th complete with spring, mattrces 04 human factor. However, they ad 156f | that some operations in the Cana mr Jian ii gstence Sem iho d made automatic, main f | McGINNIS BOAT TRAILER Bh information 0 int to another, One year old, suitable for box. |one po! Priced to sell. \ M ny (General Motors 828 Hortop Street Th B S d 1560) 10 DE HUE! | - FOR AS LITTLE AS By Washington $5 00 A WEEK | WASHINGTON (AP)--Attorney- : | General Herbert Brownell an- | nounced Wednesday night that the We will COMPLETELY furnish | department of justice B starting i |a civil anti-trust suit against Gen- you r home To Sporiment with | eral Motors, accusing it of monop- the latest brand names furni- | gjizing the manufacture of buses. ture and appliances! "We have jaformed attorneys for General Motors that a com- HERE IS WHAT YOU plaint in a civil action under the CAN GET: | anti-trust laws. will be served in | the eastern district of Michigan," Chesterfield he said. Television Set The action 2ronced interes os i pecially in view of the fact Segroom Suite another of President Eisenhower's efrigerator cabinet members formerly headed Dinette or Kitchen Set General Motors. 4-Burner Ranger | Defence. Secrersry Chatles Wil- : son had to sel s multi-m - Mattress. and . Spring |dollar holdings in General Motors Washing Machine before the Senate would confirm Baby Carriage and Crib his cabinet post. High Chair and Play Pen ye Detroft; yiticials of Senetal otors sai we Ww ave no Vacuum Cleaner comment at this time" regarding Coffee and Step Tables the suit. Trilite and Table Lamps Recliner or Occasional Chair Etc. BARONS HOME FURNISHINGS "The Finest in Furniture and Appliances" |brace such regional plans as 424-426 Simcoe St. S. Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Ad- Aug 4 | ministration.