Di I THE DAILY TIMES- G AZ ETTE a oahe oseatt Classifi v 7 -3492 All alles Sa siting Ha Ey Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle Friday. A little warmer, o) Sseond Clans dul OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1956 8 ay TWENTY-TWO PAGES ORDER JORDAN TROOPS TO FRONTIER OF ISRAEL Hane Israeli VOL. 85--NO. 156 oii Mg Bevis ge Bin --, rd A «ms Halt Arms Race--Martin Has Na Y P olish Reds {| Early Action Imperative, mY CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Egypt i. | Press Probe i D elay Fraught With P eril | > day dorian troops were & ordered ; |to the frontier separating Jordan ~ NEW YORK (CP)--Health Min-|servation from control posts on : {and Israel. |ister Martin of Canada warned to-| the ground should be an integral : 2 59 A Jordan army representative day that "the world is rapidly ap- part of the early stages of a dis- : > 'charged Wednesday that Israeli n 0 10 S |proaching the 'point of no return' |armament program. Russia has| !l troops were massing near the de- >: I: the time when the effective con- rejected outright this scheme of 7 i ' . 4 marcation line. BERLIN (AP) -- A Communist! frol of disarmament may no President Eisenhower, known as 2 . An Israeli forel ministry Polish commission pressed its in-| longer be feasinle, . the '"'open-sky" policy. { v spokesman in Jerusalem Wednes- quiry today into the Poznan riots! e leader of the Canadian Mr Martin said ; 4 bd {day night denied the Jorden that left ' hundreds dead and delegation in the United Nations We recognize that in the light charge, terming it "pure fabrics- wounded Jjsarmanent sub-committee said of the new positions which have % a tion. pid i e need for early and effective been indicated to the sub-commit-| a : oe SImissioh death granted action 2 nperative and that the tee and which now are before this| / 4 {open he a Yorack > ) ris I s of furtl troop concentrations near she Jer ® mier Josef Csrankiewicz--began| "pe 5. § hearings Wednesday in Poznan, 14} usalem area and Bln the de #%| marcation line. wi - 1 hs gs piling of nuclear weapons) I do concluded at some future date in q NO UN CONFIRMATION " oq The commission heard evidence not think we shall be given an- a happier world should not pre- The agency quoted a Jordan CRIPPLED CHILDREN HOLD OPEN HOUSE AT CAMP @ from workers on what caused the pther period of grace in which to clude urgent efforts to reach early military spokesman in Amman ss 4 'outbreak. Then it brought in Poz- deliberate about this problem." |agreement on the measures which 1 making tHe announcement that CG Counsellors Jim Dunlop and | House held by the Ontario So- | gram during the Open House 1 -- Womwemam nan officifls to answer charges| Mr, Martin said the Canadian can be made effective in th im-| | oops near the new part of Jerus. m. That ares was the scene of y iety 3 4 eremc In all, 1,200 crippled | lot 'cowardice and negligence." Bill Carson, of Oshawa, assist | ciety for Crippled Children Blue ceremonies. : A ; of cow government considers that it mediate circumstances. 8 Anes Henry of Pickering with Mountain Camp is located six children from the province will ATTENDS RIOT The official East German news| ver] be possible now, in both. "In other words, time may not IN TROUBLE [ood fighting in the 1948 Pales- {tine war. P b 7 0 enjoy a three-week holiday this : { the flag lowering ceremony at = miles west of Collingwood on 1101 y "AMIDE OW Joseph Cyrankiewicz, prime |service said Cyrankiewicz told of- the conventional and nuclear arm- be on our side. i Blue Mountain Camp for _ Crip- | Highway No. 26. adjacent fo summer. al he [he cAmDS 0% ned Mon of Poland, is behrved ficials the commission would aments fields, to make an import-| 'Without abandoning our ulti- (AT. Pare. chief of Dolies 3 The Arab Middle East news ff pled Children recently. The occa- | Georgian Bay. The children per- and sperated hy | Re ntat fo have gone immediately fo |make recommendations to the ant béginning on initial steps to- mate objective of comprehensive sgl + lagency said Jordan's King Hus- ill sion was the second annual Open formed an average day's pro- ciety for or re Poznan when rioting broke out |cabinet after it completed its in- ward disarmament without wait- disarmament but without waiting! 5 charge of extortion. At the |S¢in had received word about the RS | in what apparently was a minor |quiry. |ing for a comprehensive agree- for agreement on the whole of its| preliminary hearing one witness {Mar 6 troop movements J rebellion against Communist | pyRGE PREDICTED ment between the Communists delegation considers that an earn-| said he gave Pare $100 and was . M. oT TIME IN BLICRS LAST NIGH rule. Travellers returning from It appeared that the sweeping and the West. est effort should be made In the| asked for $300 more after oll . ¢ Poznan report 38 dead and |. 00 would extend into she ranks| He told the five-nation sub-com- sub-committee to determine what| witness had been picked up by |P® team. There was no of government and party. mittee that a reciprocal program 'initial steps' can and should be polige with a 15-year-old girl in confirmation of the report from troops clashed. The government | Lech | Of aerial reconnaissance and oh-'taken without delay." is car early in the morning. |BUrns' headquarters. | A i b; telephone, his nn Rebe Is Bus ig oe i inturrection; is | Gre of the Communist | The witness said that Pare | WARN ARAB NATIONS | wider contro se -------- ta Poznanska in Poz | had told him. "I'm going to | Informants sald King {paper Gazeta Poznan w 1 M h tH | gb {nan, denied rumors that some | imon S ays | a ter atc e get you two years for this. |bad Jeiaved the LSharges of larast rebels already had been executed. | . Setting B uildin gs Afir e Union Head meanwhile, that" Poland's Red Defence Plans In Fair Condition = Helicopters, Mountaineer 4, Fine, rE r delay are perilous. commission, the search for a com- the next decade--indeed prehensive program of disarma- | fl in the next five years--we are un- ment which would fit neatly into scene of last week's bloody upris- able to arrest the process (stock- an international convention to be! ing for food and freedom. many wounded as workers and |Cross had turned down a U.S. of- Sidi. ag SRE ald fer 40 send free food to ng, "Ter il le" chet, 25, of Nestleton, injured in/S@ek Wieck Victims , wah Tornel and her By JOSEPH E. DYNAN put on the alert D St t lowers #0 police action. ther Polish areas. BIERS AP. Heavily.armed pss Pap em bib "The pamphlets also sald Com- enies wil and o eo oat qegiated: th il a motoryele St IA) c oN. w i a the unists were g to move in on refused beca reported condi. "and pin.) ood. 0 . . and it 0 % ui c presentative 2 w re "his | Lines VBELS SHOW CAUTION there has heen "te Mas anadian pitatian for the at ihe iinfriel i Yard ing must = aimed at finding a lo {Grand Canyon with another. bi prompt' rk rebels Shemsel bel spo Poland D5 iondive a | motorcycle. owed inc i ha ig| prom have in-/lem opinion against onion rel : . 4 . - pliner five oil | dicated they. are g to ko They think CR a A 4 pigs GP rey ry | . Moslems olleaders "have "found - ; hundred and | ha Premade 100 too. far, Jracts urging oy Aigiers can often result in uy rebel | Times-Gazebte "1 did not say that] : t Seek Fighter pilots and planes wil| A Yellow w on th pa Were killed in rgnty sight told gl Why NET Care signed by deaths and have gone too far for the American steel Driers strike iators always be two or three steps be-| barricade was uminated, Po: ter, the worst in commercial avia. "and with her Arab Yhe nationalists called for a as inn hationalist move: even some ardent nationalists {will spread into Canad E d {hind guided missiles, he said. It lice said. ion history. case Israel attacked. Mgr icin today--126th anmi-| ment. Meanwhile, the checkerboard "The Hamilton Stalen 1 rike vate Steel Strike n {way dangerous, to place the future -- v | a F 1 French and/was in no way related vinty Of e eat of ¥ Cyuaty of the Prench accubaon' The pamphlets clied Sasol a od hd throughont the |U.8, steel strike gi By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS |(hormo . nuclear retaliation at HE SETS THEM RIGHT Three Detroiters s. They threatened 10liscued by another nationalisk rebel Status No negotiations sched: | tacks a 0 | Sy (ati ry. The French reported + ' f National country \ Pp The story 1 gave The Times to fifth Mi H On H jopot anyone seen on the streets. | movement the Front 0 2 i 7 bels Wed uled as strike goes into ! General Simond : i t | S fahe French replied that any Liberation. FLN was quoted as their forces killed reves Graette Wednesday is accurabe. |g qo. mediator meets with lead} the monthly ONCE: oP nk n An 1581ng imcoe , { they nesday in central and Western There is no mere connection be ) work . . slence would. meet with stern saying the jeaders dp Igeria v k 1.8. 'stee) era of United Steelworkers Canadian Military Institute, said t I " PEFFERLAW, Ont. (CP) iene measires Troops were were trying to go too fast and Algeria tween the strike in tie US . basic steel industry to pinpoint is- Canada's defence plans against ie en qa er ays roper 1 e S. Three United States anglers, all " istry sues in effort to revive contract) believed from Detroit, were miss nadian strike than there is be. |atomic air attacks provide for talks {everyone to run to the woods and "Th D Of C da" Ing today on Lake Simooe, #0 bri T Aid C riots Kremlin Boys»: wash jhe US. suike and $he pro Government action Temporary} salvage anything that might be e ominion ana da miles north of Toronto, rt Troops YP od 4 order freezing selected » left afterwards (CP) ~~ John Whether that justified the Daniel Sturdevan, Len Murphy for July 1 ' ready for OTTAWA Diefen use | "Reports indicating any connec for defence producers re y "That is the most frightful form pager (PC--Prince Albert) Wed: of either title "Is a matter to he and a third man, known only as dy A of defeatism "If that is the con-| negday issued a Commons blast|left to the appreciation of anyone, Frank, were sought by police in ! {tion between the 11.S Canadian Repercussions Unemploy | iY J in Fighting Forest Fire oast or British steel strikes are com: ment and business eutbacks ex [Sion alr ence Ale Ne against the dropping o the word secording to what his feeling may power Miginia aL eluates pletely misleading and I hereby pected to mushroom as U.S. econ d . ¢ Yominion from Canada's title hy|be 3 1 LS ty (Reuters) -- Cypriots checked another forest {unequivocally refute them If omy returns to normal following | fe loping. the CE-0 and x ied "these tinkerers who are forever| Mr. Diefenbaker sald the minis.|M/Eht from a day's fishing, JCOSIA, Cyprus . yp & ead 1aat b Rarded| chiselling at Canada's relation-| yar had brushed aside the issue.! Police sald there is a strong " a f on the Island's northern Eisenhower there is a strike in the Canadian Independence Day holiday lull; in|) ab ; thousand British troops are ay range steel industry it will be due to the addition to 650,000 strikers, about a salistactory "o. The answer Is ship within the Commonwealth.' "For over 80 years tradition|possibility that the men are alive, 0 sald the government has sverywhere in the country de. They might have run out of gas ting side by side with 200 while, Judge Bernard fact that the owners of the quite 47,000 workers in allied industries He De LoF, today to stamp oul tne srsanwhlle, bond 2 by Britis MOSCOW (AP)-Kremlin lead independent Canadian skeel indus laid off or notified of impending URGES EARLIER WARNING heen trying in every way possible scribed this country as the Do. oline "and If they did they are ind worst forest fire. The fire oq. 0 police, drove to Cyprus ers howed up at the United. pave failed to reach an agree: furloughs He said North American radar t0 change the country's name to minion of Canada," he said. There likely drifting helplensly some- estroyed $1.400,000, . ay resume the States embassy * Wednesday to p " ) 3 t- Token picketing at : ust plain Canada {had been no question of sub. where out there ady has des special court today to resume th ment with their own employes Strike fron k y K lines can give only 15 to 30 min- J a fh of timber land in the Pa trial of two alleged terrorists, in-toast President Eisenhower's| yw." 200 been trying since Marca mills, no attempt hy management] ioc' wan Fo POY ded missile] State Secretary Pinard sald|servience | The lake wan reported ealm tr area of west Cyprus terrupted when gunmen at. health and join pi of 0, Ames 1st. to avoid this possibility tn operate beamed on to the continent. either Canada or Dominion of Then around 1945 or 1946 the Overnight. Hale me five-day blaze flared up un: tempted to assassinate him 11 can Tw by " R = ~ |Early warning must come from Canada can be used | government started dropping Do- | : arg sudden change of wind Wed: days ago . . Circulating about the garden of ES [European and Southeast Aslal 'The minister, whose depart. minion from official use, In new GAME 18 CANCELLED a1day after it had nearly heen Shaw, who has a slight sc ar o Spasso. House, residence of U.S THOR SMIL bases, General Simonds said | mental spending estimates were legislation and in telephone list Tonight's baseball Joma ached 2iight under control. No casual his left ear where a bullet pas ambassador. Charles F.. Bolan, | He urged the immediate organ-|under debate, said the British|Ings {uled for Kinsmen lum o have been reported as .a Te: through his neck. said Ne WAL were Premier Bulganin, Commu . ization of manpower in Canada so|Nerth America Act states the, "I feel there has been much tween Kitchener - Waterloo - tin Of the fire not a bit" nervous becau i nist party chief Nikita Khrush-| that every person would know original provinces united to form|too much change in this connec-/the Oshawa Generals has besn Bussfinenany. British troops and ihe attack chev and other Soviet deaders 5 rman al lamen what job they would go to In the "one Dominion under the name of [tion without Parliament having | cancelled because of Inclement The Russians had a fine time! vent of an emergency Canada." any right to decide this question.' weather. : a pumping the hands of tourists and Hary Miles Minter Claims "io 5" Approves Conscript Army ment for the American television cameras BONN, Germany (AP) The The crucial vote came on the be 1e Needs Mone Ba On behalf of all of us pres- West German Bundestag in Alfirst paragraph. This states that hot ent hes ald he Soviet Rover stormy session Wedneuday every West German male over the 1 ail DOV ) smashing vote of approv y , m8 ANGELES (AP) Mary Limatés that the trust now amounts yo cand Sreetingy to the Ameri pulsory BT ry service age. 0 18 will Pe sublect io the } ' 7 to A can people and raise our glasses The 202 opposition eputies in oy Minter, a screen greal more Mother and daughter ask thal, in. health of President Eisen wT \ EE PR house, Chancellor Konrad Adenaner's three decades ago, has come 0 vo ot he dissolved, the dangh- power walked out angrily near the close supporters snowed under the op left seclusion in quest of funds tor getting forth that when it was of the all-day debate position on this vote. Then they | athe necessities of life." esablished she was "not depend In one of the most hitter fights beat back every attempt to "laks Minter, now 54, and her ent upon the income from it" but Donald McKinnon's Body in the six-year history of the change the measure, The voting hi "nariott Shelby, that now she is, "for the neces Bundestag, tempers flared and Was by show of hands toe": Mrs. Charlotte Shelby. "of jie © Recovered From River deputies shouted as the gover Wednesday's vote came on the a filed suit against the Title: sigs Minter, at the peak of a NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) ment and opposition parties bal: second, or semi-final reading of i; ance and Trust Co. seeking umultous career 35 years ag iremen Wednesday recovered|tled over the bill the bill. The House is expected to " rminate a trust established went on the stage when she wa hody of Donald McKinnon, 10, The three opposition parties pass the bill Friday on the third (J ¥rs. Shelby in 1924 wit" some four. For the next 10 years r he Welland River. He fell fought hard to delay consideration|and final reading. The Bundesrat ==r daughter's film earnings, appeared in hit plays with such go 5 20.000t railway bridge of the measure and then fo change (upper house) them must vote on )i° ; action was brought under stars as Nat Goodwin, John Drew. imp,,cq, imany of its 45 articles it 'ty Minter's legal name Juliet Mande Adams and the Barry FR i] v, earlier in the week. It es- mores Bish Refuse South Africa United States Steel Strike Hits {vereignty Over Protectorates Many Businesses Adversely ne DON (CP) Bribain Wed. "United Kingdom minister "By WILLIAM A. SWARTWORTH the freeze, possibly within two The company increased the Row night delivered a refusal stated the position of the UK PITTSBURGH (AP) The coun- weeks price of its major mill products F iamyth Africa's demands for government and agreement was wide steel "strike, now in i's TO MEET OFFICIALS $7 to $16 a ton Wednesday. Base } ignty over three British not reached." Bribain has long in fifi day cut more sharply nto Joseph F. Finnegan, chief of prices were not available | 5, torates sisted she will not gis up the tnited States business today af- the fefleral mediation service, is McDonald and management ne arsonth African British state. teritories before econsultin the , an Independence Day holiday to meet late this morning 'with gotiators have not mel since talks § wa! Scjosed that South Africa nhabitants and hefore consulting 1,1 David J. McDonald, president of broke off in New York last Satu G. Strijdom--here for Parliament. Both would be sur nwhil federal mediators the striking Steelworkers Union, day and 650,000 USW members 3. Bh of nine Common- to resist she transfer under 1 lay 1 take to pinpoint dis and this afternoon with basic went on strike against 90 per cent premiers--demanded that sent conditions n an effort to revive steel industry representatives of the hagic steel producers in the And. Basutoland and Bech South Africa quarrel ' cont t gotiations Finnegan termed the meetings U8 nd be quickly incorporated Britain over the protectorate Ir nother move the govern exploratory' and for the 'pur Still, close tn 47,000 workers in countr goes back a long time. When the m nt 5 Friday to clamp a pose of discussing the real differ- allied industries principally rail 18 . a » t 1000000 Negroes live in union was formed in 1910 Brita mpora reeze on selected steel ences between the union and the roads and trucking-have been Bree. proteciorates. South promised evenkually to. transfer ilemn mow Wockplled m ware. imustry. represemiatives." ol on. fesough oF aoiied of im SPRIGHTLY MUSIC CHEERS HEARTS OF THE BLIND a government Swaz 6.704 squs i n te ¢ that defence pro Meanwhile, Detroit Steel Cor. pending layoffs. And the number tories for Basutc d (11,716 are le fu A 2 enough supplies poration became the third non- is expected to climb considerably Sprightly musle lifts up the | Park of OAR held last night musicians are blind. On left, for resei- and Bechuanaland nk I. to continue their work struck firm in two days to boost before the week is out barts of blind citizens of Osh. | Board of The Canadian National = William Hunka, with his violin, | Stanley. Harwood, and on ex d by mile to Si Al A d ple for as long as pos- prices in anticipation of added la Many Great Lakes ore ship p, Bow aanville Searbor Institute For The Rlind. The and Stanley Macheth, with the treme right, Miss Irene Ham- sheid tions to th nd were ' bor costs to result from the tinal with no place to take their cur ' : ep y tarvonl . weordian: entertained with: old mond, blind girl from Scarbor separation pleted in 1930 when ok t nee fence needs are sal settlement between the union aid goes, are tied up at Cleveland, %ugh. and the adjacent distrie pienie, one of the large and aceordio ain ough, are shown Joint statement added. and the issue was | fied, the government plans to lft Ys Ohio, and other points. | at the annual picnic in Lakeview | most successful ever held by the | time and modern music Both | =~ Times-Gazette Pholo the. Oshawa Advisor) was