Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 5 Jul 1956, p. 18

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48 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 5, 1906 Holidays Ahead? Read The Times- Gazette Resorts Colum 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies |19--Personal | 28--Summer Resorts [32--Anticles Wanted 36--Female Help Wan 1--Accountants CLASSIFICATION |BOB CLANCY'S ONTARIO ACCOUNT-| EXCELLENT DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, Al TOP SOIL, FIVE - YARD LOAD, |CAR LEAVING FOR EAST CO. OAST, FURNISHED APARTMENT, THICK-| TEN UPRIGHT PIANOS WANTED IM. WANT PRACTICAL NURSE son Point, between Whitby and Oshawa, | mediately. State Make and price to Box valid; dial RA 57544 or apply ing Service offers complete bookkeeping $1.50 per yard delivered or Per | deliverd, $9.75. RA 57782. July 29|Friday, July 13, room for three Passel Ig ee 'for small businesses. 47 Prince five-yard load. Dial RA 5-5278. ™ sures | 0 gers. Phone RA 59830. s6c| P | ; suitable for couple With 1 or 2 chil-[126. Times-Gazette July 6 moreland Avenue. Deadlines now in effect INDEX Street, Room. 1; office RA $0097, resi. | corms TANKS CLEANED THE SAN. SOD FOR SALE a DELIVERED a oH o i mon lence { , fie] oar a unbarton 5) " WANTED USED PR MAN ary way. RA" Sams 1 | ion un 0 Cons 34rd, deiveres| WANTED, SOMEONE, IN EAST EXD OF | (5 lef pf ish WANTED USED | PRESSURE Se GIN. OR WOMAN rom | | for this column: | f . HOPKINS AND COMPANY, CER- | 10 WANT AD Sod "Pablic ~ Accountants, 172 King| NEW LAUNDRY TUBS, USED BATH Phone Ajax 419. July 12/45 take small parcel. Phone Toronto | SUMMER COTTAGES, TYPIST FOR AJAX FULL OR I time. Phone Ajax 135 days. Il ! i Births, Memoriams, Cards || |_a.countonts Street East, Oshawa, Ont. RA 5.3500. |tubs $10. complete plumbing supplies at Empire 69536. lighis and refrigerators, good al 3 tel installa. of Thonls -.- i a HARDSAND SAVE, You X DN Faon|biiec P sy 'opodis ITH, RIEHL & side and Parl oa . ly 15 . on ois | MUSKOKA -- ¢ 9 A.M. SAME DAY 4--Dentists ON red Acco Licensed punt =v PER YARD. E SOD SUPPLY Box 101, Oshawa, July 16 MUSEO A re JOVELY SIREE ROOM H A FULLY EXPERIENCED : bo al 2 i DEATHS -- S-Nursing Servic Trustee AX toh FCA A. B.|livered. Phone RA 5.5279. YOULL LAUGH, YOU'LL CRY AT AL Near Jae, doit etc) Bangor Read, first required for coffee shop, 6--Optomet i : Pat's , "Rhymes an le War Monteith, B. Comm., C.A., G. W. Reihl Ee PTT | Prompt delive any- Book, "Rh ofan: Jide War and evening shift, 11 AM. SAME DAY 7--Surveyors CA {resident partner), G, E. Trethewey, CHES like Ca Th zs amcor. P ry y: Horse", at Hendersons re SoTTACES, FURNISHED it i. : RAG AND METAL 8--Building Trades Comm. R. F. Lightfoot CA, RA| cio] ore reasonable, Satisfaction guar- where. Complete land- Please apply bg 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up. . P 48-HOUR TREATMENT Bont included: Tay Dia dori of Joke S will poy you more 156b DIAL RA 3-3492 | Suid Nowe) July 6|} oistering Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial scaping and supplies. FOR POISON Ivy Gunter, Gilmour, Ontario. for your scrap iron, tin, copper, GENOSHA HO' {| 7'--Business Opportunities YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER AND RA 50811. July 22 11a--Business Opportunities Wanted |lCo., A » 64 King| BULIDOZING, EXCAVATING AND Phone anytime Buy FOR A HAPPY VACATION brass, lead, oluminum, rags. HUMPHREY le, C.A., F. Fried- , 54 H - BIRTHS 12-Dresnaking mmm 3 Vue Hunter, CPA. vig 14 bo na a. RA 3-9464 SURE-KIL-IVY Georgian Bay, lakefront; 15 house- 89 BLOOR ST. EAST 10AM. -2P.M. 13--Gardening & Supplies lander, B. Comm., J. " nue. Dial RA 51621. July2 $1.00 ot keeping cottages, conveniences, safe RA 5-2311 No pl alls pl 14--Household Repairs BULL -- Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bullll 15--instruection i JACK C. MacDONALD : July 14 MITCHELL'S -. TAMBLYN [beach, good fishing, riding horses,| (nee Barbara Imrie) are happy to an-(| | 00 2--Barristers ANTE hr ORATOR - -- RITSON, DRUGS boots, large playgrounds, store, PO. Residence RA mn nounce the birth of a daughter, Shelley Ruth, s nds, 15% ounces on Tues-|| 17--Money to Loan CAMERON AND MACDONALD, BAR- " 4 "" no mosquitoes, no black flies or / Ruth suv 5 195%, at the Ohawa Gen-M 18_i oan Wante" , solicitors and notaries publie,] PAPERHANGING & PAINZING BUG KILLERS TTSAug.8 > oo oe XY ch |3 al Notice GRADUATE REGISTE 13% King Street East. RA 3-269. NHA GYPTEX POMOGREEN FOR ROSES 20--Cartage Meaford, Ont, NURSES eral Hospital. 18a--Mortgages d privat rigages arranged. July 23 A arty oy re Bll; 15 ersonn er ~All Work Guaranteed ORNAMENTAL TREE DUST July8 NOTICE py to aimounce the birth of their daugh | 5; "pl NC, oo fers and Solicitors. Clients' funds avail.| -RA 3-7080.. 50 NASSAU ST. NIAGARA GARDENALL Rien, ANYTHING ANYTIME, TO CREDITORS required immediately for ter, Kimberly Grace Euphemia, at the ersond| . mortgages. 20 Simcoe T.T.S. July? C.LL. FRUIT AND shifts, full time emplo Oshawa General Hospital, June 29, 1956. | 22--Radio Repairs . » 35 A i - hg GARDEN SPRAY 21--Personal Sons ARDEN In the Estate of , general duty 5V-day A sister for Gordie || 23--women's Column Gibbon, QC, Edgar F. Bastedo. July 24 He Ton ; Housekeeping cottages on Rehr Welker iin. Greer : Statutory Holidays, three wi f _F, Pas 24--Market Basket - McCARROLL -- Mr. and Mrs. George T. SALMERS, BA, BARRISTER, ul i N CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT, GAR- Kennebec Lake, large screen McCarroll are happy to announce the | 25--Pets and Livestock Solicitor, etc. 13% Simege Street North PRE-CAST CONCRETE Complete selection of King . ug dens plowed, lawns cut, eftioleit serv. Kennepee good OO ond against the Estate of ARTHUR i etn shies i , Robert, Saturday, ' % 3741; A Ki i i , ice. 7870. ) A . fi cu; birth of their son, Robert, on Saturday,|| 26--Farmers' Column Dial Office, RA 53 esidence RA| SEPTIC TANKS illers for insects and plant disease, |ice. Phone 5.7870, a JL BE i TO Sp vg WALTER STUART GREER, late yours SIployment. mced J 30, 1956. A brother for Billie. pi 5:5542. July- - ; : : une || 27--Fuel, Wood SIDEWALK SLABS Your Gardening Headquarters 22--Radio Repairs RA 5-1763. of the City of Oshawa, in the Salary $2540 fo $3000 McPHEE -- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel|l 28--Summer Resorts - || CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN ANI for 50 Years. J i . . yy - uly! County of Ontario, deceased, iving 'ba McPhee (nee Violet Hamilton) are hap- 28a--Hunting . ||Murdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar PORCHES, STEPS GUARANTEED RADIO AND TV SER. who died on: or abodt the 10th year plus cost of living py to announce the birth of r ug! had e 1d 5 Simco Al ] t til v 29--Summer Properties For Sale jes, Bank of Commerce 3ldg., C OPE ITH C vice, all makes .and models. Fred nnual increment until m fer, Dianett Lynn. at the Oshawa Gen- or Wanted "ll Street North, RA 3-344. T. K. Creighton, AND CURBING ; Thompson, 157 Elliott Avenue. RA 3.9792 HOUSEKEEPING day of June, A.D." 1956, are mum is reached. There is eral Hospital, on Saturday, June 30, 1956.1] PURE |Q.C;; N. C. Fraser, Q.C.; G. K. Drynan, | 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 July2s " hereby notified to send in to a. voeahey fof on' ofte 31-~Articies For Rent... IG A Murdoch, NHA Mortgages ar.) BROOKLIN CONCRETE] July8 > COTTAGES the undersigned, Solicitors for prs DE ATHS Bm Artiches Wonton range y PRODUCTS - 23--Women's Column Ar Host 7 R the Executors on or before the . g t Hastings on Trent River, 27th day of July, A.D. 1956 i 33--Legal Notices HUMPHREYS AND BOYCHYN, oar w y y, A.D; i ) 3 168 ristors, Solicitors, 6 King West. Phones: Ph B lin 15 T. EBBERS SPECIAL PERMANENTS $4.50 COLD-| Hydro and boat. By week or Full particulors of their claims. Apply to The Superinte 4--Auction Sales office RA 51127 Res. RA 5-4604, Whitby one Brooklin 155 | paves $530." Page Hairdressing, B. Kkend. R ! ; of Nurses, Ontario Hosp BARRETT -- Entered into rest sud-|l 35 poop 0 fy 4 . July Pine Avenue. RA 5.5363. 3| weekend. easonable rates. Immediately after the said ; denly at Oshawa General Hospital onl \7C Py > ent Wante 275.. Money to loan dun ly 28 HOLLAND LANDSCAPING antn DIAL RA 5-1483 27th day of July, 1956, the Whitby, Ontario, Thursday, July 5 1956. Murwood (Mur. mals Help Wanted JOSEPH P. MANGAN, Q.C., BARRIS- July 2 DONALDA BEAUTY _ SALON, 72 assets of the deceased will bi ray) Rowe Barrett, beloved husband of | 37 Male Help Wanted ter, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, | SERVICE Church Street. Phone RA 3.4521. Day Thurs. Aug. 16. we) ased wi! De the late Mabel Banks. and dear fatheril 35 siole or Female Help Wanted 14% King Street East, Oshawa. RA 10--Sharpening 'Service and evening appointments. Operated by distributed amongst the parties |37__Male Help Wa of Cligtord., Mildred (Mrs. Russell Trous.] 39--Agents Wanted 88232 Residence RA 5.3405. wath nib | GARDEN AR Donalda McLeod. July 30 entitled thereto, having regard Er Bt Me Beek]: cmc greet RR i ERE Jaw J JOWERS AND SHEARS | CHITECTURE ATTY FRIENDLY ACRES only to claims of which the |EXPERIENCED BULLDOZER © Jett ls resting at McEachnie Puneralll 4)..poom and Boord Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Bas. livery service. C. Woods, 636 Somerville IN ALL LINES designed registered @rsetiere. Mrs. Peninsula Lake, Muskoka. undersigned Solicitors for the [tor wanted. Dial RA 5-8066. ome Pickering, for funeral service i vi 697. 0 hot, 208 Park Road North. i w Pickering United church on Saturday|| 42--Room and Board Wanted fence ini Suite | oi RA 3-469 Nest | Avenue. RA 84293. July 12 15. yeais. uxperience, reason Irene Hendershot, 208 Pa oad Nosth, Cottage, Sabin, or Lodge ac- Sxecutors shall then have no. WE REQUIRE A SALESMAN 0 July 7 at 2.30 p.m. Interment Erskine | 43--Wanted To Rent ---- a [SAWS AND LAWNMOWERS SHARP- able rates. - -- commodation, with private . : City y Os! awa, es ould. ave Cemetery. (Casket will be open wy 44--For Rent [JOHN M. GREER, B.A. Sc. BARRIS: | ants and service, Tannhor. Toro Mag. 25--Pets and Livestock baths. Excellent meals. Sofe, Dated at- Oshawa this 27th. | senably good education wih sme Shureh from 1pm wn me Of fsb|] 45--Real Estate For Sale ter and Solicitor, 74 Simcoe Street). o oer mowers, hand mowers ail sandy beach. August reserva- day of June, A.D. 1956, pe te training is p vice South. Dial RA 5.9421. Residence Ral CALL RA 5-6906 y 9 25 to 45. Adequa ing f Zor Reqt Encte punie Fy ii July 7| kinds. Trade-ins accepted. Terms ar- TRAIN YOUR DOG TO BE A REAL| tions available. Phone 660) HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE If you are interested in earning FLINTOFF --Suddenly on Wednes- eal Estate Wante -- amip------ pi tlt ' | rangea Stan's Sharpening Service, 138 PARK R ( companion, expert training by George : oe 112 Simcoe Street North and over a year please write gi day July 4, 1956, Glenn Lonsdale Flint.|| 47--Automobiles For Sale RALPH S. JONES, BA AND THOMAS comer King and Burk, RA 3.324, OAD: SOUTH T. Gerigs, training master for the Ger- Hureville ox write Hugh T. Oshawo, Ontario details about yourself to arr off second beloved infant son of Carl] a omantes Vianie H. Greer Associate Barristers and_Soli- July 15 OSHAWA man Shepherd Dog Breeders' phtsocia. ill, Hillside, Jnie Solicitors for Vero Maude Greer appointment to Box 512 Times-q For information phone ckering uly and Jacqueline Flintoff, dear brother | 49--Automobile Repairs tors 65 Simcoe Street South. RA 5.352 Frey Moved Eragon or. Br and Me. Wo. | 31=swap ond. Barrer Mortgage Loans Available. July 7|EAST END SHARPENING: HAND, iii Julys | and John Edwin Harris, oved grandson of r. and rs i --_ band and circulars, filed and set, re met Executors, liam A. Clarke and Mrs. Oswold Cowan CLASSIFIED AD RATES |toothing. Shill and table saws for rent. | 14--Household Rep airs BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, READY IN Orono. Resting at 60 Alma Street, Osh- 2S Words of fess 6--Optometrists Lawn mowers; pickup and delivery. 434 | ee pe [for training, talking strain. Apply to HALIBURTON June 28, July 5, 12 SALESMEN or. | Eulalie, RA 5.0655. Contracts wanted. YOUR LOCAL PAINTER, CC CONTRACT | Mrs. T. Broad, 114 Elgin Street ¥ You'll enjoy Park Cottages on Dark: ~~ > i ok ationally known rubber cf awa, Private Funeral Friday, July 6 Cash Charge TRIST, TSPE- Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. || 3 CONSECUTIVE C. H. TUCK, OPTOME \ July 12(0r hourly. Dial RA" 59851. July 21 1% Lake, Wilberforce. Log style cot-| NOTICE TO CREDITORS ites' aggressive pany requir r a INSERTIONS 1.88 2.07 | cializing in muscle anomalies, eyesight! ________ mir--t-------------- - errs ------------ VAN DYKE -- Entered into rest in| , . 0ert fue: . ; and glasses. Evenings, Mon., Wed., Fri, SAWS FILED AND SET, RETOOTH. ROOMS PAPERED, $8. AND UP. OUT COCKER SPANIELS, BOARDING, tages, flush toilets, showers avail- the Royal Alexandra Hospital, in Ed. INSERTIONS 300 330 (63, Javalids AES hg "ome. RA ing etc. Have your lawn mowers sharp. |of town work taken. Painting also. RA , bathing, de-fleaing. Dial RA|gble * Boats, Fishing. Located 70 AND OTHERS men to contact dealers, ¢ monton, erta, on Sunday, July 1, : . 4 | 5.6143. Disney I's ing East 1 v. P. Neil, 102 Highland. Jul bod . i 0 1955, Alvin Howard Van Dyke. beloved If not paid within 7 days the | July 26 88363. shana. FA July 24 5.6321. __ duly 28) ites N.E. of Lindsay, Ont. Write mercial and fleet acc son of the late Alfred and Ida Van AboyCTCISe rate will apply. : = & ha Dyke and brother of Hazel of Oshawa Above rates apply only to original || |GET YOUR LAWN MOWER P and Earl of Cambray, Ont, in his 65th orgers for consecutive insertions. 7a Veterina ians sion sharpened, power mowers our ering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles - Julys,11, 18, year. Resting at the Armstrone Funeral ubsequent insertions ordered aot o clalty Pick up and delivery. Street. HA 3.7212. July 3 tis avons : ) Home, Oshawa, commencing Wednesday | later date constitute o new original [McLaurin \ Veterinary 'Hospital Amey's Sunoco Station, 588 King East, Y | pUPS FOR SALE, CHEAP. Dial =| ALL persons having claims insurance, pension plan, noon. Memorial services in the chapel, | ordc" |RA $-8161. July 26 CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOV-|s-7550, PINE RIDGE against th f th i id ti fter 6 mon Thursday, July 5, 2 p.m. Interment Zion Professional and Business listings DR. D. E. McLAURIN oo Y 26) ros, line mow. Win ooy morro an gainst the estate of the said paid vacation after 6 mi Cemetery 155 | $6.00 per month for 3 lines daily. || No. 1 Townline Rd. N., King E. | 72 Dressmakine rates are reasonable. Satisfaction yuar.|GERMAN SHEPPARD PUP For; On Gull Lake, comfortable FRANK CHAPPELL, late of the Write Box 510 Times-Gaze| ZENETHOFER -. Tn Mount Sinal Howell Coch odditional line 75¢ per month. 1 RA 5.2631 (Small Animals) ou 9 Coma anteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up.|sale. $25. Dial RA 5.7947. : accommodation at reasonable City of Oshawa, in the County giving details as to age, ed TE Moat yu 5. Each initial letter, abbreviation, | Hours: 9-12, 2-4, 6-8 | DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIO! holstering Co., 10 Bond Street West. CREAT ,| rates, The resort where good of Ontario, Retired Engineer, tion and experience. All rep $ ond c sign, figure, count as a Dial RA 5.0311 July 23| GERMAN SHEPHERD FEMALE PUF t whi t expel beloved husband of |. word, " Box ry 1c aditeer | Saturdays: 9-12, 2-4 {Seapes "oD Soveis an 20d nly y. breeders, opportunity granddaughter| food, fun and friendliness pre- deceased, who died on or about are confidential and applicd and dear father of | . X Schonw 1g wil Pg RD Ginst) | All Classified Advertisements Sundays & Holidays by Appointment] July2s SPRING. CLEAN UP" TIME gt Jutemmational Champion, Jodo yon) vail, Sondy beach, ol recrea- the oo doy of February, will be interviewed promp in his 55th year ting MUST be in by 9 a.m, the day of 11] e a tional activities. rite R. J. .D. , at the ity © publicati~= ce hours: Dail -5 |i Ahi # P12, u ily Surveyors | 13--Gardening & Supplies Hove, your. tumoee. ahd. oi 26--Farmer's Column Wood, + Miners Bay, Ont. Dehava, in the County oO EG ~~ EI 2 EE -- one . 0, i 3 REGULATIONS --= ---- (SOD FOR SALE, LANDSCAPING,| bumer cleaned and serviced DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP July26 wy of or TequIs L fle GENERAL MACHI 2:-Gazette shall not ND HAYNES, ONTARIO lawns levelled, gardens plowed, disced| by expert . Phone collect. , be rasponsible for errors in adver- |lland surveyors, consulting engineers, and harrowed, experienced operator. y experts with years of ex Dl, pos VP rr Tt undersigned executors of the We require a first clg in i ong " 01 a erience. Also repai MArket : bmitted otherwise than ||70 Harwood Avenue, South Ajax Ont-|RA 5.9727. July 20 p repairs and new Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. July Starlight Gardens -- Wasaga last Will and Testament of the General Machinist wi IN MEMORIAM Tg or of ote thon ene [latie, Ajax 728. July 1 watch This AD FoR FERTiLizE| 'netollations. Call FEN Roar" Or Breet Beach. O h ) said deceased on or before . SP | F! EL each, n ac r ri FIFTEEN ACRES OF 'MIXED HAY. | beach, 3 blocks a thorough knowled incorrect insertion of any advertise- - ment, nor beyond the price charged || RICHARDS SURVEYING ASSOCIATES, |sod. Oshawa Sod Supply. We specialize] SUPERIOR HEATING SERVICE |Dial RA 56488. 155 from 'bus terminal. Motel the 12th day of July, A.D. : i 1956, after which date the of vertical milling f i! t f th d- }lland st g and engineering. 12 Bloor in sod only. Prompt delivery anywh E---- - or a single insertion o e o land surveying and engineerin, oor {in 5 Pp! ywhere RA 5.5735 or RA 5-6949 OF % Cabins, T.V. Lounge, $20 and / I f 0 1 : said executors will proceed to experience in jobbi FINS Roy nggion. who, ot vertisements in which error occurs. |iStrect East. RA 5-5632. July 6|Dial RA 8-8639. Junezs 8. ' # And also reserves the right to clas -- -- pemate EE --_--_ . 1 924.Ho Servi All k v ES RA oy. up. Private conveniences. . fas fy advertising according to its own | DONALD H. TROLLOPE, ONTARIO WANT SOD, YOU'LL BE MISSING A ur Service, wor : , i Ank i i Upris y : iy an hays classification. Land Surveyor, 246 Oshawa Blvd. South, geod bet if you don't call us before you| g@uaranteed or money refunded. Meals extra. Mrs. Alan Davie, Hisiribute he Said eviate, hay shop work. bic gn Bo A pg i fl ly RA 56881 July3 | buy. We deliver or sell in the field, RA July2 41 Hillshore Ave, WAInut ing regard only to the claims Benefits include BI : a. | 39076 or 5-2493. Julyl HAY BALING 2-1662, Toronto, of which they shall then have P.S.1. and lak \ benefits beautiful memory he left 76 ver Te F. J. DONEVAN GRAS3 CUT; HEDGES TRIMMED, July26 n ¥ --Ever remembered by the family and Qu b = FOR THE BEST IN HEATING ili x IN ; y p er ebec Bandits SURVEYOR and ENGINEER [315i FxPeriences ; gardener. ' pigs, 2A Agnes Maud CHAPPELL or hig iH : a = SERVICES Apply A. BRANSTON | HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on The Sterling Trusts pL HUGGINS .- 18 ever loving memoty 365 KING ST. EAST BLACK LOAM, $2 PER YARD DELIV- nother Viola Thom, who . 4 IL RNER & F % Lake Huron. Sle 2-4 $20, rpo of our fr i at, ous. A our Get $20 000 | PHONE RA 3.7487 red, also S1'$4 per leads, 8 yards. Dist OL BURNERS URNACE $2.00 Phone RA 3-9123 couple weekly phon up. iv gegen cations, age, expe dad Rey Dusgine, i | Darlington, Clarke Twps. Furnace Vacuumed 156b| sandy beach. Large grounds. ence, etc., to FUKNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP-|10 TO 15 HOLSTEIN COWS AND | Geo. A. Constable, 155 Bront Ave, | In the Estate of Sond sterting safety wile e commission al holstered. See our materials for recov- heifers. Call MA 3-5092, Bowmanville. 35 | Brantford, Ont. Julyé, Frank Chappell, Deceased future for the right men. G ° passed away May 31, 1945. Also our July'. 5, 1858 : » YAMACHICHE, . {CP)-- 4 TURN : INTO FUN ? . : d Memories aw you come ogg hod | Two 'men held up pg TTR of June20 Fm, Ep RI Bg trac-| © Smoke Pipes Cleaned Idael for children, All acti yg ighton, F Box 504, Times-Gaz absent. you are very mea' [the Provincial Bank of Canada 8--Building Trades 3us ana fulotiller from Persons BA ® Oil Burner Dismantled and [STARTED TURKEY POULTS| close by. G. H. Hazelwood, Eg ~ More ea "ind ever remembered here Wednesday and made off uyding of Taunton. Phone MArket 3-2975. July 8 8 Thoroughly Cleaned Broad Breasted Bronze Non- RR.1, Boyfield, Ont. Tynan urcoch, by son Jack, daughterindaw Jean and With an amount estimated at be-| cinoeNTeR iTCHEN UNITS, TRIM - m------ | ® Controls Checked Sexed. one week old 80c; two 5 Simcoe Street North, grandchildren, Darlene and Judy tween $20,000 and $24,000. | all, floor EN rooms. Budget SOUTH END ® Smoke Test and Burner weeks old 82c; three weeks |29. Summer Properties OSHAWA, Ontario, WANTED an. Phone " ' : ig Tg Rig Bu IC rR Dic A pte PES SOD SUPPLY BURNER SE oe ma For Sale Their yiigitors herein IMMEDIATEL ther, Lucy Wi BULLDOZING A 1 : NG ; : / a miles northeast of Montreal at Dial "RA 3.3831" Taylor Brothers, 22 U l OIL BURNER ONLY Me $4.50 70c; two weeks od 72¢ three - June21,28, July In my heart your memory lingers |closing time and forced teller G.|Charles Street. July 17 Prompt Delivery -- Sod in the COAL FURNACES & SMOKE weeks old 77c. Also day FOR SALE -- VALUABLE WOODED 4 Always tender, fond and tie; |Desaulniers to hand over the ee | field for trutkers PIPES CLEANED ,.. $4.50 turkey poults and doy old (building lot, - 3 Experienced TE cash GENERAL 2ULLDING AND REPAIRS | Dial RA 5.8552 SPACE HEATERS & PIPES chicks. | 'mats, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Auto Mechanics --Lovingly remembered by daughter p. vincial police said they are|complete. Estimates free. RA 5-6937. O a - | CLEANED $4.50 | Tweddle Chick Hatcheries % AND OTHERS Evelyn. {investigating the possibility of a Hess. CT duly Ana FLOOR FURNACES & PIPES td. . 2 Qualified Rl Fr ar OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY CLEA $6.00 | £ERGUS, ONT. PHONE 405 |x In The Estate of Auto Body |viets from the federal penitentiary|Terms. All work guaranteed. RA 5.6161 SE Heaters and Floor Furnace July5,7,9,14 couple Kate Victoria Mills, R : OSHAWA MEMORIAL 3 St. Vincent-de-Paul, near Mont. |H. W. Tucker. Jus We specialize in: sod Cornreton Cleaned & Adjusted r t Deceased p Gh rer hi , PLASTERING, | . ; co. $3. . . SERVICE jrea es said they believed the ES nina STERING.| only: Prompt delivery (Less 50c if Heater also Cleaned) . ATTENTION; Attly Don Mitchel rockin. Fie All persons having claims of ealersh) On No. 2 Highwoy, Eost of [three men--Fernand Dube, 28,|teed. Bob Taylor. RA 59165. Juy 8| anywhere. Chimney Cleaned $3.00 HAY BALERS | . against the estate of the said A good place to wo City Limits. {Gilles Hamel, 22, and Gaston|GARPENTER REMODELING, KITCH DIAL RA 88639 (Less $1 if Other Cleaning done) | 1¢ you want to save money, |30--Lost and Found KATE VICTORIA MILLS, late with steady employme! Manufacturers of Outstanding | Martel, 25 -- had slipped out of tiling, {les estimates sume21| COMBUSTION CONTROL time and labor this season with |oNm FEMALE siAMESE CAT, srur| Of the City of Oshawa, in the high earnings, and t Memorials. Montreal. The trio made a day-| As boul Soe, PAY ig" + i RE your Hay Baler, try Plymouth |eyes, lost in vicinity of Clarke Street.| County of Ontario, Widow, de- y p SHA MONUMENTS OF GRANITE [light break from the prison dur- rhe, : SERVICES Red" Top (new extra length) [Call RA 8.8877. 19% | ceased, who died on or about best working conditio MARKERS OF GRANITE OR [a blood donor cline. caused by ALL TYrEs ne epuired rooting. AJAX SOD SUPPLY 285 WILSON RD. S, OSHAWA | Baler Twine. Order your supply |iost car xEvs, the 26th day of May, AD. Group Insurance Sche BRONZE plastering and fireplaces. Dial RA| Sod delivered and laid, RA 5-7181 today. ¥ Park oud = ra Cromwell ah on" rine: 1956, at the City of Oshawa, Paid Holidays & Deal d Distributors for Eu hy Soumrictn. 2 field loading at Port T.7.8,Sept.31 MASTER FEEDS al in the County of Ontario, are Vacations ealers on or2 k Poles Ww t Canada ALL-TIME SPECIAL ALUMINUM 34048. June 7 required to file proof of the Jradow Lite prone Morkers | an combination doors, $49.5 up, Alr Shade Perry. WC PI OSHAWA Ea TE orared "w. W.G| same with the undersigned APPLY TO: or a rl : a 4 y Every Memorial Guaranteed. |To Plead For Rioters [ofr © Harris. mA sasz July 2 PHONE AJAX 431J 54 CHURCH ST. from Naden Band. Bes = Con:| executor of the last Will and Service Manager i LPORS SIDEWALKS July 12| INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON- Dial RA 3.2229 e pris seid Testament of the said deceased S Dil RA 5.661) or write | TORONTO (CP) -- The Cana- Lg pA etc. 4 dence Schools, Canadian Limited. Est. June 28, 30, July'3, 8, 7| LOST -- GREEN BUDGIE, BRAND No.| on or before the 12th day of CLIFF MILL P.O. Box 213. Open Evenings. _ s/dian Polish Congress, parent on Bey William Sorochan, 303 1891, Write or phone for free ---- I" |5354. Lost In south end of city. Reward. July, A.D. 1956, after which MOTORS LTD *lof 129 Polish organizations, Wed. Mitchel Avenue. July 19] Hedges planted free by expert |0. R te ities ge ig Bd ox | 27--Fuel Wood Call RA 8-8829. date the said executor will pro- . Senin called a Jities of mas BLOCKS LAID, SPECIALIZED pay only for choice Cedar trees. 5.6884. July 2 Cer w|37--Articles for Rent ceed to distribute the said ° 266 King St. W. | meetings across Cana Ly block foundations, ce | 3 ft. $65. 5 ft. $100. 7 ft. | ARRING TO DANCE 18 EASY AND|per load LI oon RA SENG Try estate, having regard only to Oshawa France. Canada ine LR ny fo_Deaq i Sement Plastering. J ; $145. per hundred. fun Pine Soham Studio of Dancing, Deenings. July 29 Francs 'rood 3. #7. "Adz. Phone. Alex the claims of which he shall RA 3.4634 : a : by 5-0841 arket, 3 ® "11 [beim ied 2 Dartioipaiion in| SI UMBING AND HEATING, PIPES, WALTER FRANK 5-1860. July 1|28--S Resorts au, then have notice. nwi ing |last week's Poznan revo fittings, fixtures, new and used, chang- --_-- CEMENT MIXER FOR RENT $3 PER DATED at Oshawa, this 20th J | The congress, ing it fearsiing from septic tank to sewer a spe BOWMANVILLE, MA 3-2403 SUMMER day. Apply 1M Church Street. July®)| qo, of June, A.D. 1956 |severe reprisals EE aA by|gisity, Justalintions_ at 7easausble rates, July 21 1 rater, boat, -9625. On Tepid ' ONE MANAGER To Am Israel the Communist-controlled Polish | {oa 'of plumbing. Dial RA A DRIVE SAFELY ! Lake Dateymple, ust! 32--Articles Wanted Thomas Kelso CREIGHTON 5 SUPERVISORS LONDON (AP) -- France and 2 Yotime Minister Laurent and Plex: TION, FLOORS unl HOLLAND NURSERY Learn to Drive et COTTAGE AT HEAD LAKE, EO ATE ¢ Executor Canada have advised Israel of United Nations Seccetary.General|loilcoind™ vieps ate. workmanahis and LANDSCAPING | $10. weekly. (Oshawa, RA 33083 (collec July 14| § By: Creighton, Fraser, | | Large manufacturer of their unwillingness to deliver D28 Hammarskjold. The tele-| guaranteed, William Sorochan, J or Gorden. architecture iri. all MERCURY Dial RA 5-2063. 155¢ : Drynan & Murdoch pliances offers exceptior| heavy arms supplies unless other BEATS ASed fof Lp gd bod psa " li SCHOOL COTTAGE AVAILABLE JULY 7 to 14 CEDARDALE SCRAP 5 Simcoe Street North opportunities with exe behalf of the strikers an emon- CLASS CARPENTERS, FINISH ines. J . ; ye Allied Powers to £0 00; Israel orators, Lg Ry Sr Tove RA 5.7442 * RA 5-1241. 55b IRON AND METALS OSHAWA, Ontario. lent salary. iplomats sa -- estimates. T. H. Van Schyndel Bros. RA| gp 0 ger ooo pageanatbie Of Sofe Driving 100 Annis St. His solicitors herein, i. Tollowins elton The informants emphasized, 8.8841. July 15 Rates 20 Bond St. E, mA, 5 a7 SUNNYSIDE East of CHA iotion J 3 as 28 lulvS The followin however, the position taken by () Palma eve and FA is by no 0 Dwyer Says De og Bt BLY July 28 M Jay 1 Sandy Beach WE PAY: 35-- Empl t Wanted means final and that the issue is Is His Firm's Client No down payment required. Cook's Elec 16--Insurance | Highest prices for Iron, Metal, mploymen! ante. Ability to operate a sales | still under diplomatic discussion.| wpy100 CITY (AP) -- Former|trie Co. Phuns RA 56105. June 31 COURTICE MEAFORD, ONT. Rags, Paper, etc. YOUNG MAN REQUIRES PARTTIME| office. The French in recent months United States Ambassador Wil-|NEw AND USED PLUMBNG FIX JMPERIAL JHITE_ASSURANCE REP- Phone 953 Ring 2 RA 5.3432 RA 5-4159 eik, evenings and weekends. Farming : have delivered 2 Mysisre al liam O'Dwyer said Wednesday tures, pipes, fittings. Septic to sewer SOD SUPPLY fesentaiive And Rpencs ko Free Pick-Up Open Saturday | gardening. Call anytime. RA 34730, Hire and train men In di ghters to Israe anada has | that bond- jumper Albert Edward connections. New work. Reasonable in- Street. West. RA 3.3722. July July4,5,10 1217.19 July 20 he sales. an application for a number of} Ide Palma of Toronto is a client|stallations. L. B. Goodman. RA 5-1044.| Lawns levelled, sodded or as Ad ba 3d --- GERMAN WOMAN DESIRES DOMES. Sabre jets but has not acted on his 1 ti 2 refused 10 July 2 seeded. Free Estimate. [ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE, SAVE tie work six days weekly. Mornings or of s law firm an er up to 20 per cent. Seven months to PAY plagsant rooms to rent in Port TURN YOUR until 2 p.m. Phone RA 5.9312. 156a | ing experience and be pri it. h i . KINDS OF CARPENTRY, GAR discuss the status of the fugitive. ALL KINDS OF E. R. Knowlton, RA 5-6047 [for personal service at your home. RA meri ------ ¥ " : : | , sunrooms, verandahs or what . ' S . d it, (In Ottawa, Acting Prime Min- 40 palma, a millionaire stockifsve you. Dial RA 58631. July22 July 19] July 1 Joy si Loke Scuges Sood SC R A P YOUNG AUSTRIAN LADY noe pared to prove it . ' RA 5-788. 152¢ Aggressive with lots of in| tiative and not . ofraid «¢ ister Howe told the Commons ve ne aia Tuesday the application is still? broker and mining magnate, it -------------------------------------- 17--Money To Loan optional. Old age pensioners ¥ y a abr : | jumped $40,000 bond in New York A. JAMES ALLEN ) Pipl Ph 506 incer consideration.) {in 1948 'while facing. federal GENERAL CONTRACTORS HILLSIDE CLIENTS MONTES AVAILABLE FOR| Y. ome ie " TM ONEY YOUNG 'TEACHER "RA bau SUM. ork | es o fwindliog $3,000,000 in Coroner work ergtiors N first and second. morigages. Mortgages imes-Gazette, Ja 1a) ner employment. Dial 155¢ . . -. K, ons, agr or sale h ii Led Victor Parade {fake stock transactions. = | ~9% remodelling. Contracts toke ursery and . EE a yale purchas Hs a { M. GREENBERG & SONS [PAINTING AND GARDENING WANT- Excellent salary, overiding an ' . . ed. Call RA 59312 in the afternoons or PB M | en in framing and trimming. Landscaping Service Public 9" Simcoe 'Street South, Oshawa. KAWARTHA LAKES ! Phone RA 3-7333 renings. 1s5¢| bonus put these men in a hig A Rev. R. Pearson Dies Barber Nips Customer 440 Wilson Rd. N., RA 5-6126 LAWN. GRADING. AND July 12 A income group. 3 heanet VANCOUVER (CP) Rev " FREE ESTIMATES | " : " 3 FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES, Less than hour from Oshawa. BEST PRICES PAID o& |36--Female Help Wanted Inquiries invited from Oshawe ' FERTILIZING sale agreements purchased and sold d fishi f immi or omen | sy Robert Pearson, 77. minister, Made Pay Damages saya I nd Mn wil.) Good Fishing, sale swimming, 1. : WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK AND To| ort Hope, Cobourg and Belle So ner Tens Ban, and He DENVER (AP) -- Superior| SODDI NG King Street East, RA fois danc ng "ete thor: Steel. -. Cost ion a. Rags weit Jou Sidesly duty. Avrly Hl. cyve a ) © nadian n ancing, A [oN e] yn estmount Avenue. 155 . the Paris victory parade in 1917, pli Mitchel B. Johns gad WELLS DUG AND TILED Green Velvet Sods fertilized | Fist AND 8 SECOND MORTGAGE cottages, different sizes, loca | Lead Bojeties E , - | Our staff has been advised ¢ died here Tuesday y amages. an or pain Prompt estimates for all your EY, . bought, sold and arranged, agreements 5. Modern! i. R sac +» Lopper x Sic AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY IN| this advertisement. and suffering" to Joseph D. White | re rouD) e Pool for quality; excellent topsoil |for sale pyrchased. Private funds. Louis tions. Modernly equipped. Rea- . advisory capacity for sincere cultured | : He was born in Huron County, from barber Don Gean who! Y¢ TOU es, Shecia.z ng. in for flower* and shrub beds, |S. Hyman, Q. C, 37 King Street East. RA sonable rent, Pre-cut cottages For Prompt Pickup Service woman desiring steady income and flex-| WRITE Ontario, and graduated from the nipped White's nose with scissors.| [YA accounts. Reinforced well ro ih 2 4943, Juys| for sale, beautiful locations. Or | B S ible hours. For personal interview, write University of Toront tile for sale REE ESTIMATES 3 308 Bloor St. E. Box 542, Times-Gazette 155¢ Box 513 y ronto in 1905 Gean testified that White made DF 1 Ph i R 51 | CLIENTS MONEY TO LOAN oN rirst| Will build on your Write for Gust East of Ritson Rd.) m | OX ; where for two years he was aa move as if he were going to GERALD FULTON yone: Day A 5-845 mortgages. Mortgages and agreements| folders. Ideal Vacation Co. | ist kas Riso HELP CARE FOR PARTIALLY INVA G t business member of the intercollegiate sneeze and got snipped on the RA 5-4067 Evenings Fi RA 5.8457 [of sale purchased National Housing Act, Ltd., Lakefield. Ont. Phone 66 OPEN SATURDAYS id elderly lady in Oshawa; no 'nursing imes-Goazette ebild. F \ 9 . mortgages d. Creighton, Frases,! -'d. Laketield, U e > \ degree required. Approximately 10 to '2 ' ng 25) ehampion football team nose, LH July27' Drynan sna' Murdoch, 0" Juty 36 July30 July22'3 te 5. Call Alex $44, 7 sew Must have hod direct sel

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