Gl La X; a ad 5 :. > Wie J ' , 1 ¥§ YEE DANY TIMES-SAZETTE, Thursday, July §, 1958 ] | orises fo shake the Moscow. France and other men . Russian B mg h Co bi Ot 7 |up $27,523,200, industrial I regions. Atiantle, Quali Moscow Tries [fe ™comiat Mnoeieh Cemmult ofc reise "sc Britis umbia Meets Ottawa * [is thins Br uote ova ™8d" wesles" si R A D 1 Oo L O G To Gag Critics Wim ie arias aa, oi MR "To Discuss Columbia River Dam i | Stalin campaign Communist party Togliatti's first reaction was to| . {boss Nikita Khrushchev started stick by his contention that the | VICTORTA (CP) -- Federal and|timated $250,000,000; ¢ a p a city: | EVENIN Of St 1 {last February, the party's central present Kremlin leaders were ; iti 11,500.000 horsepower. | TRURSDAY G alin | committee sought to end such ai. partly to blame for creating the British Columbia authorities meet "Of rock and concrete, it would {tacks in a 6,000-word statement is- Stalin myth, and that there should here today in discussions that ; "eM P.M. CEEY-Talk of the Town| 9.15 P.M, ons i WBEN-. HN M. HIGHTOWER § | could start th s ding on|tower 700 feet above the Columbia WBEN-News Sports WGR-Mystery Time Johnny Dollar By JO! {sued Monday. be more independence for non- ou x art Ire ph Engh | River at Mica Creek, 150 miles CBL-News; Sports CKEY-Baseball WASHINGTON (AP) -- Observ- $ iali its ssian Communists, CKLB-News, Opinions, |CIBC-Cote Glee Club 9.30 P.M. ers here say Moscow's top Com- OE a cadlicte hte the Ra iste: that. if men [neering projects. Jorn of Revelstoke: © Ci peak 8to 12 Sow CBi,O8t._Sporivius WBEN Leading Question |r nist bosses apparently are try-|C ist faithful in Russia, in|like Togliatti accept the Kremlin] On one side of the conference|the Alberta-British Columbia 0 CFRB-Perry Come WBEN-Bing Crosby CFRB-Amos n° Andy : : iolont Li us. Ally, 10 ussie, 1B oglattl accept the Kremlin A A | boundary. It would be larger than WGR-News Roundup CBL-Serenade ing to head off any more violent the satellite countries and in non-|explanation and are silenced, they table are Premier Bennett, his Washington State's Grand Coulee, ] 6.15 P.M. 745 P.M. CJBC-Flatter Brains criticism among Red leaders of Communist lands that the time|will face difficulties with their fol-|lands and forests minister, Ray on the world's largest dam. r ; WBEN-Ed. Murrow 10.00 P.M. their. failure to overthrow Joseph has come to stop arguing and get lowers because -the committee | Williston, and provincial Attorney-| Mr. Bennett said the discus-| 0c = - 0 --- vi m nies CBL-National News Stalin or at least curb his ex- on with the job of spreading com- statement does not seem to an-| General Robert Bonner. Facing| one' will be friendly, but at the| wor Heartbeats Sport Hearthea CFRB-Johnny Dollar - | CBL-Livestock: Melodies | = 0 "0 - JEEN Date Line ontovans| C€15€S- | munism. swer adequately the criticisms al- them are Jean Lesage, federal re-| como ti "0 ohiticized the fed- CKLB.Esy Listning |CJBC:Songs We Sang |CKLB.Spollight | How well they succeed may COULD BE TOUGH Teady raised. era ces minister, and hls advis-|eral government for what hel R A TEEN TOWN CBL-Byline; Music 8.00 P.M. CKEY-News, Sports, | well determine the degree of suc-| If such men as Palmiro Togli- = ers. : : | called lack of vision and policy in| ® ® ® CFRB-Newvs; Sports: CKLB-Spotlight cr ball | cess they have in facing the big-'atti in Italy, Maurice Thorez in At stake in the discussions, ac- developing Canada's resources. | 10.30 - WBEN-Mike Mearian New Brunswick cording to pre-conference indica-| The Social Credit premier said tions, is a mighty hydro-electric| a conference-eve statement | WGR- Frontier Heritage,|WBEN Jack Carson CIBC 109 2s al News CBL-Labor Raview |, Orch. ROOM AND BOARD . dam on the Columbia River at|that Ottawa's over-all program is "5 PM. CJBC-Bob and Ray Chi Eventide 5 Digging Deep Mica Creek, B.C. |the object of his criticism, not any WGR-Bill Stern CKEY-Mickey Lester i Its vital statistics: cost: an es- specific federal power policy. CJBC-Byng's Cholee CFRB-Eddle Cantor : PO: - 7.00 P.M. 00 P.M. JOVE, ; Was a f WGR-Baseball CKLB-Song and Star aseha) ; (CA / : For Minerals are empiuyed by Kenting vo Const ction | SPL Make" Aitken LL Precinct CRN a8 Ly 1 MAN TO MANUFACTURE (CUTTINGS FROM A' 8 FREDERICTON (CP) -- Un. 000-a-year business that expects] WGR-Newsbeat CBL-Prom oar r WGR News, P. ) i BE) | told sums are being spent daily to double its gross withi ' 2 - ! 15 P.M. \ by prospectors in an ever-broad-| gL rot iC LR ais 2 oa At All-time Hig | CHILDREN Crete MeGilie vs 20 PM. up J bs i lin New Brunswick : UNDER 12 te McGillen 7 M. AT ' i 5 "ts Mo WBEN-My Son Jeep 113 P.M. \ ! {GENUI MILK! \ SL Several firms, incorporated J. Dennis Bonham, 26-year-old J 7.30 P.M. | CFRB-Ruby Ramsay |CBL-Prairie Playhouse | |after discovery of base metal|/head of the flying prospectors, is|construction contracts in the first | CKLB-Conversation |WGR-Bob Glaey; News; 'AS y lodes by airborne searchers and certain the search for natural|gix months of this year totalled FRIDAY MORNING : a 1 {mines which are expected soon reports discovery of copper de-|a. ¢575'515400 above the same 7.00 AM. 9.15 AM. | 10.00 AM, ; 5 " i |to_go into production. posits but declines to pinpoint| period last year--says Hugh C. i CKLB:News: Kotfes CKLB-Devotions: CBL-One Man's Family | vy ot \ | Other mining firms are contin-|their location. {MacLean Building Reports. | MICKEY SPILLANE"S Korner 2 ( y | |uing the hunt in hope of finding| 'We are now quite certain New| | a ra oa tnt 9.45 AM. WGR Back to, dhe" Bible | { = ] 8 [me contracts Zisy. set 3 Tecorg ast and Jamboree! . no oo 15 AP. | ) 5 | f= areas. covered mineral deposits in Can.|a8t $992,183,000, up $52,809,000. 2 ter Show ic od 4 i eat fall Seven young airmen are using|ada," he says enthusiastically.| Six-month figures by categories E a OF & '1 eJURY"' $43,316,600; business $366,717,300, 7 ant ' rs. L WBEN-Amos '0' Andy 8.30 ¥.M. 3 THE GRASS J ) tion of Oshawa, Ont, a $6,000, | 7.15 P.M. WBEN-21st Precinct CJEC-Prelude to Mid- ! 3 5 \ ening search for mineral deposits companies. CE) oi] FREE WGR-E. P. Morgan CJBC-Press Conference CFRB-News and Sports TORONTO. {C. i a ouse ei CKLB-Spotlight | Musie ground parties, have opened|ireasure is ready to pay off. He| ¢1 615,529,700~an all-time record ; ADDED CHILL-THRILLS CJBC-Bob and Ray CKLB-Say It With Music 3 | new deposits in still untapped Brunswick has the richest, undis-| CFRB-News; Wally Crou- CBL-Light and Lyrical | [Fredericton as base for aerial Reports of new finds are in al- were: Residential 607,985,600, up | WGR-Mus. Clock; News 10.00 AM CKLB-Courtship and ; 1 A 0 1 WBEN-News; Weather; | CKLB-News; At Home Marriage ~ / pb { | expeditions seeking traces of zinc|most daily occurrence. Musical Clock YGR-True Story | CBL-Music fn <4 copper, lead and uranium. § ese es ------ - RN SR -- 3.00 AM. | a: Ballroom | CFRB-Orchestra } Their equipment, including a WBEN-Arthur Godfrey | Ck : . : , . CKEY-Blg Three \ twin-engined Canso amphibian, is CIC awa: Sport DFRB NWS: So Am 1 WHEN Kathy Godirey & valued at more than $1,000,000 8.30 AM. CBLTwo for a Quarter | Marries 3 \ J Scanners trailing from their low- PICKERING RED CROSS OBL-March Past CFRBNovelty Mme tmp Sh ? NY i Bae ying slreratt instantly record| 9.00 AM. 7 i "ee EY.-Blos 3 gmt 3 i (sulphide deposits | CEL Bdua May CKEY Diag Sings ) ) TB | The ground they cover in half| FREE SUMMER SWIMMING I (30123) KIDDIES pio an a Iwona ig | CRHB Strike up tne Band hs. \ fe yd a day would keep an oldti | | 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY RAIN or CLEAR CFRB-Neighborhoor 'or- 3R-John Lascelles up 3 n y 1d me| AMD WATER SAFETY PROGRAM FREE PLAYGROUND 2 SHOWS RIGHTL or EA ner 10.45 AM. WBEN-Howard Miller 3 pd 5 hg 1-5 prospector busy for a year. WGR-News; Breakfast CFRB-Date in Holly- WGR-Whispering The pilots and ground crew Li Ther AFTERNOON i ' GREENWOOD POOL (No. 7 Highway) July 10 - Aug. 10 1.00 NOON |CFRB-Song Time | 2.00 PM. nw ; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday to Friday inclusive CKLB-Black and White 1.00 P.M. CFRBaMusical Magazine 4 . . . a CBLBBC News CBL News; TBA Poca Hor ( | Instruction by Jack Bunting, Ajax : icon; wood Glover CKEY-News: Tops in Pops WEEN-Hou in CJBC-Del Mott S| 3Y, News; Say 1 3 Lh n | CJBC-Del Mo! how ' For b juniors, intermediate, seniors and C ick the Hits : y | : CFRB-Ranch Party | CKLB-Call For Help | With Music 4 ; 1 4 ' " at . WBEN-News; Weather | WBEN-Serial Stories H 4.00 P.M. , i Royal Life Saving Certificates 5 3 WGR-News Roundup | WGR-Helen Neville; CELE Melodies hs : " | 12.15 P.M. | Paul Harvey -H- * : : * Haolf-hour courses for each. Registration at pool, | . " 1.30 P.M. CKEY-Studio Party > : a GREY Star Sine CFRB Melody Parade WBEN-Serial Stories , ; 3 For B-year-olds and up. Course restricted to 120. "RB-Farm and WGR-Constance Ben- 4.30 P.M. i os CPRE parm 2a dome nett; Sir Cedric Hard- CFRB-Music on Wheels wg A 3 d Pool Ad Fee: $2-- full course of 20 Yinmy' wick CJBC-Of All Things | 1 4 lessons payable on registration day, July 10 12.30 P.M. | CKLB-Wome: ve P.M. 2 CKLB-News: Sports Showcase | JRLB-News; Su Club \ ool and bring your own and neighbor's children. | i ; CBL-Farm Broadcast CBL-Canada Matinee | CKEY-Ballroom PPaz 2 \ 3 Pp . ¥ the last brave WOR Junmy By 2.00 ".N | CBL-¥ Safe FF ib ! d PARENTS: All children must have your consent in writing. Moke up @ eer New wm CKEY-News For Women; |CBL-Your Program id 1 R-Musie for Day | CFRB-Serial Stories CFRB-Musie J " & " 4 | 12.45 P.M. WGR-Sound On | WBEN-Car and Kitchen gh ; ! \ to hurl the battle-cry H | 5.30 GREY Rousd Up CFRB-Top Tunes lcBLF: "Song ' , 3 i lc -Top Tunes ! -Famous Songs ; » gt 2 : 4 Sg of te Apache ron om . i OSHAWA'S FIRST BLACK & TAN 0 PM WGR-Mysterytime CBL-Winnipeg Pop Com- OK13 News Optaton;s CELB-Passport to Day- | WBEN Johnny Dollar * of ; sol) A | y : Bl If TT ports | N- 4 : x dreams ; 5 2 2 OD 5 1 3 nd 9.15 Lod a Shi News: Sparta |oxev Buses 1 , 4 4 ROCK 9.30 P.M. oo CFRB-Gordon MacRae CBL-John Fisher WGR-News, Sports CKEY-Talk of the Town _ - ¢ i Co ha 4 WBEN-News; Weather { CBL-Music From 4 g ' § : 7.45 P.M. Montreal 1d Fv 3 4 i # CFRB-Amos 'n' Andy ; 4 OR i Za ' 6.15 P.M. | CFRB WBEN-Ed. Murrow - A pL boisind CBL-Nations Business WEENS They Say lt CBL Mayfair Melodies CIBC Muse Pa hatte 00s Palas vf WBEN Sports P.M, | CFRB-Weekend i WGR-Heartbeats | CKLB-Music Makers | SIBC-Sports Cavalcade ; a | ; | Featuring In Person 630 P.M. | WBEN-Eddie Amold WBEN-Date Line A Thousend.: Miles The Entire Musical Cast from CELB-Easy Listening |CBL-Songs of My People 10.30 P.M. l : of Adventure! I ' | -Ni i M. cester "BLT-C ¢ " ¢ ven ure: -- | CREY News: M. vemter | CBLT.Cobversation : , i | | Club Moonglo In Buffalo's Harlem CJBC-News: Sports CBL-Byline; Musjc WGR-Baseball | CKEY-News; Sports { rmsia-- WBEN--Mike Mearian |CJBC-Police Blotter |CFRB-Sports, Music a ; ROD CAMERON | ep Show CFRBWeekend | WGR-News; Roundup " hit Stora 30 P.M. .00 4 ER a --_-- WGR--Musie: Ball 5.30 P.M - ca Souvenirs | JOANNE DRU PL oy ; I U P E 1.00 P.M. CBL-Winnipeg Pop KLB- CKLB-Bowling Round cert CKEY-Les Lye | CKEY-Mickey Lester RFRE News: - . 37 B tiful Sepia CJBC-Memory Turnabout WGR-News; A x coutiful |{CFRB--CBS Radio Work- | _ 11.15 P.M. AT OUR MATINEES ONLY i S " P WGR. Newsbeat Lge om CJBC-Midnight Prelude | ; ongstress WBEN-Amos w Andy | WBEN2ist Precinet LL aig { Excitement and Adventure! % 7.35 PM. 9.00 P.M | SP pu | : - Be 4 = M. 30 P.M. " i i» OKLB-Song and Star CIBC Mister Bralts CKEY-Sports Finals AUDIE MURPHY in "COLUMN SOUTH . is £4 vharlie Eckstine News; Technicolor : pt" ~~: Rock 'n' Roll Dynamite -B. P. Morgan vane 30 Fs |wBEN News: My Son Jeep | WGR-Bob Glacy; WBEN-Bing Crosby CKLB-World's Great Music " : a i" 5 Al "Shep" ~ Lebanese Hear Jews TUES. JULY 10 : Tonight at 9:30 P.M. : ] ing Troop y y 7 Shepherd Concentrating Tr J SHOW 7:00 PM HOLLYWOOD" : 750 AND op BAND 4 BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -- The oda: 4 t Fevers dan fe oy td Win Cash -- Have Fun eon moe 3 wrermeiguy B jouer 5139.0 ALL NEGRO ALL-STAR ARTISTS ; T oT, te Jepurt reached Beirut, THRU 7 Aw i vou vo- Yeu win JACKPO L] | ar ULY 6 A | | : Sse F or Admission 1.00 I bi STARTS was abruptly suspended and offi- TOMORROW cials gathered at the residence of PASSES : President Camille Chamoun, Lebanon Radio th deast Je GOOD FOR A FUTURE MOVIR! PLUS OUR OWN RED BARN | i report and said, "it is feare at i | -- ---- on tote of Toon. or Nig == / JAMBOREE BOYS | Zuo Dros 'BIG JIM MCLEAN' ».0s'ROOM FOR ONE MORE pecially in the distriet of Jerus | At rove, Tune through | unnel to be driven throug! the Hex River mountains in South Feature Today VT hres rrt ice, will be the world's fourth | REG. TO 59.50 1:50 - 3:40 - 5:35 and - /, o ---- . ob 2 -- : 7:30 and 9:25 7) Se. | SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED ul, | BREEN ALL SIZES THE MOST COLOSSAL Sy | : : ... Right in the middle of MOTION PICTURE 5 : i a lush and lavish movie pg | Including TALLS and SHORTS BE | Ee grappling Mitzi Gaynos up to size 46. ; 3 in the great outdoors... SPECIAL 3 a thr sien and CLEARING PRICE . .. ! ROBERT ROSSEN race 4 ROAD BURTON + a Abx 1 BSR YEU: WAY TLL RIT SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 7 wires pl suis "THE BIRDS 1 SRE 4 : AND THE - Color by ore Away BUY TICKETS WOW! : ee ToRneD aw BEES" : EGINALD GARDINER - FRED CLARK ~~ TECHNICOLOR Secu SIBERRY'S MEN'S WEAR | -:--- "<Q" stants 27 KING EAST RA 5-1232 1 NEW COLOR CARTOON i * LATEST WORLD NEWS TODAY