THE RACQUET SPORTS, P Ideal for sporis this classic | or short sleeves. Instructions are pullover can be knitted in sev- | in sizes 32, 34 and 36. Why not eral styles. Plain or striped, with | knit both styles plain and a collar, sleeveless, or with long | striped as shown. Also ideal to THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 5, 1968 18 wv -- - ode ann a 8 MARY HAWORTH MAL Feels Neglected When Mate Is Popular In Dancing Group [ Dear Mary Haworth: We have his wife and his hostess; and if | recently joined a new group of he happens to enjoy this man- |friends, all of whom are good nerly chore, he congratulates him- {dancers. My husband and I both self on being a very lucky fellow. like to dance and are good dan Dancing with other ladies present |cers too. | comes Soe the heading of "per sonal privilege" from his view; he Some of the men in this group ge ic entitled to pick and choose-- have known my husband for a and to steer clear of the frumps {long time, and he has found sev- and bores. |eral good dancing partners among DEPRIVES SELF | | their wives. Am I wrong in assum- [Avpazently You've earned 3 rep: i % .+ | utation of being no fun at parties; {ther wiv when he dances with ang'1 gather also that the wives je k wives, they ought_to ask me o¢ vour husband's friends don't st? |like you--maybe because of your Some of them have never once stiffly disapproving air towards {danced with me--though I would sociability that you aren't "in" on. like very much to dance with And, though you deny the charge, them. I've mentioned it to my hus-| jt seems indisputably evident that band, thinking perhaps he should|yoy are a jealously watchful wife, stop dancing with their wives, but|jn the meanly possessive and in- he goes right on enjoying himself. | gistently snoopy one of the term |He thinks I am jealous, and per-| _which would give .you an un- {haps I am, a little, as nobody en- pleasant aura socially joys a good time more than I. | r RF We have cut ourselves almost | completely out of the group be- |cause of this. I feel inferior. Should a woman ever ask a man | 2 ID ane ENDLY truction in private. In my opinion | 4 you need the confidential help of | My husband has accused me of zn eypert psychologist to get a not liking anyone, which I know traight look at yourself and to {isn't true. 3 certainly do want to recognize (and correct) vour |mix, but I've never been in a sit' greary demanding non-contribut- uation like this. 1 am treated as iva approach to human relation-- an outsider and feel unwanted. which deprive vou of "joy of liv- Also my husband brings up my ing." M.H ii 4 {bad points in public; he tells peo- ple rea suspicious, always iad Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or per- ing on him. 1 tervi "Write to her in | I do sit up for him, on his nights sonal. interview. Rha {out, because I miss him, and Teel care of this hewspaper unable to sleep; I dongt suspect him of being untrue. I have been angry if it seems extra-later; but I am tired when this happens George is a good husband and father and does his work well. Do you think I have been done an in- Justice? iE 9 J LAIN OR STRIPED Sometimes I get to en |friends, but I know they have self-addressed envelope plus 10c [Problems too. As for checking on for 'handling, to the Needlecraft [mY husband, I've heard so much | Department of this paper, re- talk about wives who do that I'd | ting, . |be afraid to even try--so how can | questing: ne, Bacauet Sports, {he accuse me of doing so? AR. It is wrong of your husband to mention your bad point in public, but possibly you drive him to it, by being overwhelmingly self-just- ifying if he ventures word of in- vying my wear with favorite skirts and slacks, If you would like to have | the instructions for making the pullover, simply send a stamped, CHILD GUIDANCE Train The Preschooler To Think For Himself 'ou more Also, Club. Try him om such questions as|¢pa¢ can achieve from a university ed- OF YOUr| cation is fo free herself from she hn illusion i some- 35 | pretty not Soing---and it's a A Ronee argued that a university education women in better stead. A equips a woman to do various jobs better, 78 per cent of marriages among | cation was no guarantee that th- s 4 Syled by Inter - National - Artcrafts o Acknowledgments $ a Bluebird Diamond. | symbol of your love . your dreams to token of all your | happiness tI ] come. oh the years 10 [love yout + ss Bluebird Diamond aranteed perfect, tered and insured! inst loss. ADD TO YOUR ACCOUNT NO EXTRA CHARGE "Something New for Summer" ff DISHES Service for 8 -- 66-Piece Set includes: 1 Covered Vegetable Bowl 1 Lid Gravy Boat Stond Dinner Plates Tea Plates Bread & Butter Plotes Fruits © Announcements © Reception Cards Wo festure . Thermo-Gravure Printing = Complete Selection © Popular Prices + Prompt Deliveries WALMSLEY Mrs that |neck, it seems--and determinedly blind to this unfortunate fact. sity education of any value to a cation in spinsterhond, she seid, are taking the infantile attitude of woman? | Thirty-one per cent of woman holding George wholly responsible t |educate women meant to educate failure is yours, not theirs. Ideally J. Lorne Baxter argued|families, for it was the wife who|°f course, a good man guest would | she t grad t, real a creasing their earning male isn't that WIFE IS BLIND Decide A University Educati (Maybe he isn't much help to you| at a dancing party; but after all,| A group of university women| graduates failed %o marry, whiie|for whether you are popular, here voted that it is not, after only 13 per cent of their less-edu- | happy, etc., or not "the only val " | exert himself to be gallantly civil| 4 A ar yan jo 25, Sutura) level in the home. to all women present: and would Kind thetic. and. uns : : so kind, sympathetic and unspar- Mrs. O. Gietz said intelligence, ins or himself. His idea of "duty" | Dear A. R.: Socially you are a {millstone around your husband's Of Minor Value To A Woman or a ue 0 0 "the Lord helps those who help| CALGARY (CP)--Is a univer- mate, but actually it was an edu-|themselves," you know. And you hearing a debate by four mem-|cated sisters ined 'singl men don't ask vou to dance bers of the University Women's| Mrs. Koop, Tena sug 8. o/at a dancing party, the burden of specially considerate of the 5% Adusies ceased to still at wallflower element (if any). power at . Koop disagreed. She rather than education, s es, usually, is to dance with Mrs. raduate did not always have the she contended that while highest intelligence and an edu- DRAPES - CURTAINS well for domestic, social and ro- mantic affairs and this situation, coupled with the business and monetary progress indicated in your chart, should give you plenty of reason for optimism. MILK WHITENS A child born on this day will Women of India who desire a be, despite a quiet and reserved | lighter skin, use milk extensively demeanor, extremely persistent in as a skin whitener. the pursuit of goals. By G. CLEVELAND MYERS | more. You can often set the stage With so much being said on the/for him to do something uiring | air and in the press about read-| him to think. You can him ing, more parent are growing in-|some questions com mon-{ trested in the matter and wor-|ably which he will like to answer. | ried, therefore, if their child in SOME QUESTIONS the elementary grades does not hs i se: hake good progress at learning Who a rR : to ow your and youth as he continues in' : to get| school; that he must zoad more pum Feady tn reed. by nd} by. stud from, bullef "Home n Pooks. that when he falls in his- pai DRIED, Thay be had by| or science, literature he really gonding a self-addressed. stamped fails in reading. {envelope to me in care of this READING EXPERT newspaper.) Dr. Emmett A. pti of Haver. { ford, Pa., one of the nation's rea ing experts, has, in many of his oo writings, been hammering THE STARS SAY for a number of years on thinking By ESTRELLITA as basic in reading. He devoted -------------------- an article to "Reading as a Think: FOR TOMORROW ing Process," in the September, This day's aspects are excellent 1955, issue of the National Elemen; all around. Business and financ- tary Principal ' jal matters should prosper, and "There is evidence," he said, there is also an accent on per. "that some children begin to rea- sonal relationships which should son by the age of two and that go far to make social activities they are well under way in the Bghy enjoyable. ; development of this ability by the] If you feel you would like to age of six or seveu. Therefore, try something a little out of the guidance in critica' thinking may ordinary, and are up to handling begin when the child is admitted new, perhaps unique, activities, to school." go ahead and try -- but with YOUNG CHILDREN . BL He was writing to teachers an 3 rincipals, of course. If he had FOR THE BIRTHDAY en writing to parents of young| If tomorrow is your birthday, children, he might have said,| your horoscope indicates that the "You can stimulate the child to current month could well be a| think and guide him in thinking pivoted one in your life. The as- | for years before he enters school." | pects are stimulating where both] When a youngster at business and personal matters | three listens to you read from The|are concerned, and a litle extia Three Bears, "Somebody has been | effort on your part, Soup ¥ sitting in my chair and has worn Your lnpate iminagina 308, cou the bottom out," he becomes that lead to great ac ievement n bear and reasons each step of the] You may be faced wit Some scene. So does the tot who, wish. minor financial problem early in ing to stand on a chest by the August but, with resourcefulness, window, goes and gets a box and|You should be able to handle it| puts it by the chest so he can efficiently. From Mid - August) climb up on it through December the aspects It can be great fun to look for | Will be fine for job and financial the many instances when the little matters Personal relations} ips child has been reasoning--in the will also be better than they have questions he asks and the things he does. As you answer his questions and enjoy his acts involving reason- ing, you stimulate him to think Here's a toothpaste for people who can't brush after every meal! per cent successful. cation a woman obtains thoughtful study and pre-planning, i been for some time. This augurs | 91| graduate was less are|snobbish or bigote {higher education might Mrs. Baxter said that the edu- emphasize these traits. is not| Mrs, D. W. Johnston said that worth the price in time, money | intelligence was a prime requisite and effort. Her life expectancy to any success, but combined with was 70 and she eould expect to|a university education was an un- spend 5.7 per cent of this time | beatable combination. acquiring one degree. "If a university education does Some parents considered a uni- no more than give a woman an versity "a happy hunting ground" |enquiring mind, it is of value," for a woman in a search of ashe contended. & MAGILL 9 King St. E. Tel. RA 5.3506 Oshawa Ontario dies, In fact, tend VENETIAN SHADES among graduates Mcosure t id ATES Diel 5-1151 SUMMER FRAGRANCES | ET BY | HOUSEHOLD HINT | POACHED IN TOMATO For the bride's h } ing| It's practice to poach| book: Every day your work sched-| smoked fillets in milk . . . but did| ule in the bedroom should include | yoy ever try poaching them in! placing laundry in hamper, air-|canned tomatoes? The flavor | ng room, making the bed, Wiping | combination of the smoked fish off polished surfaces, vacuuming |and tart tomatoes is superb. | rugs lightly, returning room tofpat. order. = Once a week, in addition to the} in- daily routine, you should change} Pe bed clothes, clean closets, shelves and floor, replace bureau scarves, vacuum rug thoroughly. polntment is necessary. = the examination the pensa told the required lengtl treatment and how much it cost. After starting treatment, person makes regular report the Keele firm in Londo} check the progress of the } treatment. To spread the opportuni normal, healthy hair to thousands who are Sespe} looking for help, indepel| Trichologists are visiting ous cities throughout Cana¢ conduct examinations and | home treatment. em mre aww © OVATION-- New, exciting fragrance created to complement the fragile summer fashions. © GARDEN PARTY A delightful, light, airy fragrance with @ cool Lilac overtone. ® FLOWER MART-- A perfect pot-pourrl of floral fragronces, cool, refreshing. ® LLAC-- This sweet floral blend brings you the true essence of dew-drenched acs. in- GRAPEFRUIT GARNISH |ous Juicy, sliced grapefruit sections the make a delicious garnish for broil- {ere ed fish steaks. Prepare the steaks yon this way. Three minutes before yon | the allotted broiling time is up, no cover them with the grapefruit, aj | sections and continue broiling un- pg» til the fish is cooked. Wonderful- ly simple and simply wonderful! IN THIS packs REG. VALUE $2.50 EACH Soup Bowls Cups Saucers Large Platter Small Platter, Cream ----mORa®e® 1 1 1 1 1 3 NO EXTRA CHARGE SPECIAL FOR CREDIT ¥| » THE FINEST SILVERPLATE presents an entirely new idea in silverware ima IT Z = ss Regulor open stock price would be $95.0 Citation BEVERLY $7 500 Dainty 10K yeliow gold-filled case. 14K |. gold applielt dial 17 jewels. Tray fits ony Buffet Drawer CONTENTS 8 Teaspoons 8 Salad Forks 8 Dessert Spoons 2 Tablespoon 8 Knives 1 Cold Moot Fork 8 Forks 1 Butter Knife 1 Seger Spoon Citation JAY $9250 New 3.facet- crystal, 10K yello fi cose. 14K gold ap: plied diol. 17 jewels Expansion bracelet. da Ld. '1 *Trade Mark of One '1 .00 DOWN .00 NOW 1.25 EACH SERVINGS IN EVERY 13 QT. BAG SERVE You WELL 8 KING ST. E. PHONE RA 3-2245 BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3-5778 COSMETIC ELIZ 7a 7 {34 DEPT. 530 SIMCOE ST. S.| LA IMPORTED FAMOUS WILLOW PATTERN CUP OR SAUCER IN EACH 13 QT. BAG, CRYSTAL CLEAR SAFE-SIP TUMBLER IN EACH 5 AND 8 QT. BAG. 15 KING W. wesw WEEK 5 CREDIT JEWELLERS LM ~ oT Ga 51 32 KIN WW,