ave ou'll GIANT i128 Du Bow FOUNDATION LOTION 2.78 VALUS NOW ONLY | Friends and benefactors of Sim- | coe Hall were publicly thanked at | the June meeting of the Women's | Welfare League, and the corres- | ponding secretary was instructed to write letters of thanks to the following: H Mr. A. G. Storie for a donation of $100 toward advancement and| Miss Parker's report and compli- maintenance of boys' Clubs; Mr. mented the executive on the good George Weldon, for his work with) work that was being done at Sim- the Junior Fish and Game Club coe Hall on a shoestring budget. at Simcoe Hall; Mr. W. Miller,, Miss Vera Moyse presented the, for his continuing interest in the report of the welfare committee. | Junior Fish and Game Club and{In April nearly two hundred ar- | providing prizes for the Provincial [ticles of used clothing were dis- Game Law contest. Mr. Miller|tributed; $35.50 was spent for gro- takes the prize winner and friend|ceries and $32.50 for fuel; $33 for to the Sportsman's Show in To-| incidental assistance. In May 349 ronto and personally pays all ex-|articles of clothing were supplied, penses; Constable John Masie-| and further financial help. wich, for conducting Model Aero-| In his report Mr. McNeill stated plane Club; the Earl of Bathurst|that the program had followed re- for donation of his bicycle|gular schedule with floor hockey, (through Mr. N. H. Daniel); Mr./gym games and outdoor activi- N. H. Daniel for donation of $15|ties replacing basketball. for any necessary repairs to the Attendance at nursery school '| bicycle which is to be given to a|was steady with applications com- | Simcoe Hall boy; Mr. JX S. Hughe: (ing in for the fall term. |for donation of sporting equip Members of the Oshawa Fish ment and his interest in the work |ind Game Protective Association af the Women's Welfare League.| ook 44 Simcoe Hall boys, mem A gift of a piano from Pedlar Peo | bers of the junior club, on a perch ple was gratefully acknowledged Mrs. A. S. McLeese preside and Mrs. R. D. Fleck read the minutes in the absence of th president, Mrs. John Harris, anc the secretary, Miss Grace Burn: respectively. In addition to the routine com mittee reports, Miss Sally Parke: described some the lectures sh- had attended at a conference o nursery school teachers, and Mr Townsend, Rosemary Conlin and [Harold McNeill detailed the con Leslie Townsend. ference he had attended in New --Times-Gazette Staff Photo | York for directors in Boys Clubs Skill has been @ tradition | with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS OPTOMETRISTS 3 KING ST. L. RA 5.0444 J | COSMETIC DEP, OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING ye Owens, Tom Ruby Lesley and Christine Tooley; their pupils, Mary ' AMONG THE YOUNG people to | Jane Alker, Intermediate; Bob- | Amelia Lesley, A 'ards jo | bie Boychyn, junior and Donald | Jecelve awards from the Oulasie | Glover, senior. In the lower pic- County Swimming Club were | 4, e the instructors, back row, Donna Chamberlain, award of | are seen with three young swim- merit Joan Weir, Ont. County Swimming Club Presents End-of-Season Awards A 'successful season was con-| The following awards were pre- cluded by the Ontario County sented to the Whitby and Ajax Swimming Club at the Knights of members, by Mr. George Boy- Columbus Hall, with the distribu- chyn: Beginners Amanda tion of Red Cross and Royal Life Meese, Patrick Colgan, Rosemary Saving Society awards to the Linck, Kathryn Elliott. Juniors -- many members who had passed Lesley Brown, Terry Vogt, Robert the various tests throughout the Boychyn, John Andruskiw, James | year Pickering. Intermediate -- Carolyn The gratitude of the club was Dunning | expressed by the president, Mr. T. The Beginner Awards to. Oshawa Lesley to Dr. S. L. Osborne of On- pupils were presented by Mrs. R, tario Ladies College, Whitby, for W. Bassett, to: Beginners -- Gail the use of the swimming pool, to Souch, Carol Twining, Carolyn the Oshawa Council of the Knights Garrison, Marilyn Major, John of Columbus for the use of their/Plews, Paul Romaniski, Rosemary hall, and to the Oshawa Branch of Conlin, Kinnedy Coles, Joan Weir, the Red Cross for the provision of Richard Bartlett, Paul Stevenson, badges and crests to all members Glen Stevenson, Leslie Townsend, who had passed the different tests Mary Townsend, Barry Leach, specified by the Canadian Red Darryl Leach, Nancy Wilson,! Cross Susan Desrochers, Theresa Cole, A summary of the year's activ- Ruth Yeo, Richard Gay. ities was given by Mr. Lesley; 492, Mr. W. J. Weir presented the members had joined the club, 270 Junior and Intermediate and of whom were children, and 222 Senior awards to: Junior -- Gai adults. Forty-eight youngsters had| Glassford, Peter Baron, Judi passed Red Cross tests, and an un-| Desrochers, Paul Romaniski, John| recorded number had tried Scout! Plews, Carolyn Cooper, Janet Hop-| and Guide tests, Many of the kins, Eleanor Bowman, Bette ladies had learned to swim, and 12| Weir, Robert McRae: Intermediate tests had been passed for Royal -- Jane Alker, Irene Frobel, Beth Life Saving awards. Four instruc- White, Phillip McRae, Gerald Hill, tors were present throughout the Senior -- Robert Glover, Donald year, three of whom were fully Glover. qualified and the remaining one Amelia Owens who coached the successfully passed the Bronze Royal Life Swimmers throughout Medallion test the season, presented their newly The financial arrangements won crests to: Intermediate -- which have been In the care of Michael Bassett. Bronze -- Ruth Ruby Lesley since she first start-|Stovin, Edna McGhee, Tom Lesley. ed her swimming classes again Bronze Bar -- Christine Tooley proved adequate and once again (6th). Award of Merit -- Donna the club ended up in the blue. Chamberlain, Ruth Stovin, Edna Credit for this happy state of McGhee. Award of Merit Bar -- affairs was given to the staff who Mary Moore (2nd), Christine gave so generously of their time Tooley (4th). and knowledge Amelia Owens' own awards of Mr. E. J. Weir, local chairman 7th Bar to Bronze Medallion and of the Red Cross Water Safety De-'3rd Bar to Award of Merit, were partment, thanked the club staff presented by the Chief Instructor, for their efforts in teaching the Ruby Lesley. children and ladies so much of the, Mrs. R. W. Bassett on behalf of arts of swimming, water safety the members, presented gifts to in- and life saving in spite of the giruciors, iristite Tooley: Amelia agre facilities available to the Owens, Ruby Lesley an om Les- ] AN of Ontario County ley, and complimented them on turn for further treatment by Mrs. John Kent READY. pix 8 wre EXTERIOR tan way 10 AK Ns BRIDALES up 89% 'orry?" Mrs. L. DIAL RA. 3.3474 | read by the secretary, Mrs. Har- pital calls and said that contact ; | 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, June 11, 1956 {was played by Mrs. Graham.| Lean. For its close association with SKIN fishing derby to the Trent Canal] Acknowledgement was made | sented with their prizes at the next | miscellaneous articles which a and members of the sewing com-|Cchildren, the summer months they will as- supervise Cowan Park. e, * Needs no stirring - it's JELLED J [J * Resists staining from rust paint you've ever used. You just take off the lid and start painting. No messy, stroke, THIX rurns to a liquid that flows on as smooth as smooth. Ww . D., Lowery GROUPS CLUBS two readings, "The Bridge ' Never, Cross," and "The Making of Friends." Mrs. Wilfred Har. vey Skinner. | had made with a new Cana- The worship service was indian, Mrs. C. E. Young reported | | charge of the Laurel Group, led | three get well and one sympathy | Women's Welfare League Grateful on2 Ly | 5 : ly Douglas Lander, accompan-| The members decided that @v, beauties! For Donations to Simcoe Hall ~~ |i, ue debe Moen sane a es ee nie: Laset | f : ; un eptember, when the Loyal of Canada: sud. Bovs The speaker was Major Victor,| Workers would be in charge. Mrs. SIANL i128 He Putice Devarument and the F ally wud iyehile Counts Fuus at Lake Simcoe. A trophy for the| with thanks for the following dona. | FRESHENER magazines, furniture, toys, 2.50 V, with Billy Rise- gramophone records, playing . AWE meeting of the senior association. help with the work. Members of the quilting com-|, Statistics for May: attendance, mittee of the Golden Age Club|4492 (a record for May): visits mittee are making baby clothes| The next meeting of the execu- for the Children's Ald Society, =~ |Uve of the Womens Welisrs The St. John Ambulance Girls'| League will be held September 10 sit the senior divisions at First] Aid posts at various community events. A new group made up of new Canadian boys of Chinese origin s using the gymnasium two morn. | «" S » * Contains "ultra-violet block" to " resist "fad, J * Needs no priming coat * Will not drip or run * No other house paint offers you time-wasting stirring or thinning. THIX is always ready to use. How is this possible ? Well, THIX has a jelly-like cc y+ which sealing. All the colour stays evenly distributed throughout the body of the paint, You'll save yourself time and money with these other unique THIX . It's self-primi you can apply THIX directly to bare wood without giziag it a priming coat first. ARUXILIARIES ris expressed thanks to all who ; had helped with the Pogram, me | As a climax to the Study | KING STREET WMS Book, Mrs. Muldrew gave a pa- | The president Mrs. J. L. Brooks, | per "Do you know?" {opened the June meeting with a | "Tne correspondence was read by | reading and offeres prayer. The | Mrs, Skinner. Mrs. Muldrew re- | minutes of the May meeting were | ported 246 ho all d - JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR pit a 5 es by Mrs. Leonard Muldrew. Alcard sent out, and the book re- {plano solo "Monastery Garden | port was given by Mrs. T. F. Clubs of McLean of the Salvation Army Howard Brown cl h 1D America, . {who chose as his subject, "Why'ing with a .E Syed 10s Mite} : LJ] settlement houses. } Hong ost hin caught was won by tions: Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin spoke toly 0," cecond and Robbie Rob-| cards, sports equipment, clothing, wow omy 1,75 bins, third. The boys will be pre-| jig-saw puzzles, bedding and many | : 1 are working on a panelled quilt to homes, 60; office inteviews with showing flowers of the provinces, |2dults, 40; office interviews with 3 d the date of the Thanksgiving Nursing Cadets are at present tak- an id ing a First Aid course. During Bridge Is set for October 16. During the summer Simcoe Hall will operate a play school and will! ings a week. » ing" caused by sunshine = Will not blister © AMAZING--but it's true! THIX Exterior House Paint is different from any ether And the jelly-like nature of THIX has another big advantage. It won't drip or rua from the brush--won't splash or spatter. Yet as soon as you make the first brush Then THIX contains an "ultra-violet block" which resists the fading caused by sunshine. FOLLOWING A wedding of interest to Osh- | merly Miss Joy Marilynn Rowe, awa was solemnized recently at ihe Drive is fhe dauginer of Mrs. the Chure of 8 i obert Rowe of North Bay, and tne 8 i | John Se the late Mr. Rowe and the bride- v. NOF| ay, when Mr. | groom is the son -of Mr. and and Mrs. Erie Charles Magill | Mrs. Earl Magill of North Bay, exchanged nuptial vows. For- | formerly of Oshawa £ THIX will not blister when properly applied... resists staining rom rusting screens, nails, and screws . . . stays fresher, cleaner, longer. And THIX is so clean and easy to use. Because it won't drip or run, it's simple to keep it off window panes, to make a clean jobof painting awkward corners. . 1100 patients discharged from) panist Mr. Ross Metcalfe. An| Whitby and none have had to re- amusing bit of prose was read| THIX won't drip on you . . . on the ladter... or on brickwork. i Your Scarfe Dealer stocks THIX Exterior House Paint in 16 wanted a i] shades, plus white. You can try it right in his store. And THIX costs no Whea you'r painting doors or windows, THIX more than ordinary paints. Ask your Scarfe Dealer, too, about THIX for s0't spatter, or "puddle" on window sills. interior painting--available in more colours than ever this year. For professional help, see your local painting and decorating contractor. THIX Exterior House Paint doesn't blister or discolour. Goes on smoothly and easily. Dh i A 4 ha : Other distinguished guests were i Films on canoeing, swimming the fine work they were doing for|,. - JAY Jos! Problems confronting the var: and life saving, provided by the the citizens of the community and| Mrs. Bruce Malcalm, wife of re-\jous clubs were discussed under R -- fata n -- Lion's News Magazine liday, Whitby and Mrs. Kay] Address On Mental Health Ded Cae 'ony 512000 Gib of Ancor . Features Lionette Ra Y tions of violin music played by Washago and Barrie clubs sent Xlemi Hambourg and his accom- their regrets. Phra + ------ i ette Rally held on June 6 at the highest, for patients had lost self- Jubilee Pavilion. the rehabilitation of patients there. Patients received there were those mors and the like Since good mental health is the to the individual and to the so- ciety in which he lives, it is the o & in y ill tiring secretary of Lewis Club in i i rs 7 Red Cross, were shown by Mr hoped they would carry on until} oll is | L i ; the * direction of Mrs: Belyea Mike McAllister, and were much such time as better facilities were Canada and Mrs. Gordon Belyea, prizes were won by Mrs. Ann| Mrs. Fred Cate and a singsong 2 " Delegations from Agincourt, was led by Miss Hazel Rundle. Bowmanville, Cobourg, Orillia, Pe- Members of the Oshawa and|way used in Whitby to teach pa- - Newcastle Zionettes were co-host- tients how to. meet the demands Mrs. Doris Halliday of the staff of the Ontario Hospital at Whitby | mentally disturbed by breakdown of nerves not thas wii ineutal ability to adjust ones self to meet inner and outer demands in a inability to adjust that brings on mental breakdown confidence and must have faith in something outside themselves. Patients must feel they belong, |so very often they were placed in {homes where they were assigned a job to do as part of the family. There were 188 patients out in this area and 80 per cent of these were supporting themselves, she said. Recreation was encouraged but the patient was timid and ap- prehensive about going out among people and the reception they would receive. These three fac-| tors, Mrs. Halliday stated were sound cornerstones a parent could use to start his child off in life. Richard egg creme +» shampoo Hduit Tree THIX saves Jou Sime and money bectuse it's 13 8 P Even if you upset a can of THIX, you've | time to right it. Jelled Thix dona ik ii GUARANTEE Double your money back if Scarfe's THIX blisters when applied as directed. JELLED ALKYD PAINT SCARFE & CO. LIMITED, BRANTFORD, ONTARIO 2 In the 15 years there had been appreciated available. editor of Ladies Auxiliaries of the| Gibson of Scarborough, Mrs. Hal-| | Guests listened to several selec-|terboro, Port Perry attended esses to 100 delegates at the Lion- made upon them. Religion rated was guest speaker and spoke on disorders due to deficiences, tu way that's reasonably satisfactory Mrs. Halliday enlarged upon the WD 00S CAI RI ORD ORI CRI CAI ORI CI 4D ORD ORI CRI CII CRI CRI CI 0 THE LILLIAN MAE MARSH School of Dancing PRESENTS ITS 5TH ANNUAL DANCE RECITAL 0.C.V.l. FRIDAY, JUNE 15TH, 1956 AT 7:30 P.M. OSHAWA HARDWARE & ELECTRIC 8 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA i i ------------------ -- GORDON'S PAINT STORE 25 BOND STREET EAST OSHAWA COSMETIC DEPT. ADULTS 50c CHILDREN 25¢ OLD POST OFFICE BUILDING DRAPAK HARDWARE 124 WILSON ROAD SOUTH CHI CHI CHI CRIN TRI CHI CRI CRI CRI CHI CHI Ted CRICRITII CRI FRICRICRICRICRITRIGRI RIG OSHAWA