faire Is something that the local StekersPlay Ero Site # ! Toronto, and bac! ere on Wed- Hotelmen Twice == aie. ™* * aesday night. By CLIFF GORDON Tonight the Whitby Stokers will journey up to Toronto to meet the i WHITBY and DISTRICT Asks Formation Of ie wi fo, ot Driver Education Course [iis om nh A plea has been made to the|scholastic basis, their expenses nine ye, hav. Copies of The Oshawa-Whitby DAILY |is probable that gasoline for the joimen in a regular league fixture. urivisg sound also Je donated. |7This will be the first meeting of T. Mackay, who has the two clubs and it should be aj continuously for the past ars, admitted that such al Zoa'ipey will be out for a win over Whitby Safety Council to encour- being footed by a large insurance age the adoption of a driver edu- company. course to be a better qualified the' aolorful local entry. The Stok. | TIMES- driver than he is at present. ers at the time of writing have) | | . ST. MICHAEL'S CHOIR PRESENTS RECITAL AT WHITBY from Gregorian Chants, to light opera. Second from the left in the above picture, the monsig- neur is greeted by Father D. V. Bernard's Separate School, yes- terday. The choir boys led by choirmaster Monsigneur J. E Ronan, sang selections ranging by of Si choral recital Michael's presented choir mn part of Si Toronto, was Hickey. Extreme left is Father M. J. Danley, and extreme right is Father F. K. Lee. Robertson, Whitby PERSONALS Among the out-of-town guests who attended the Hilts-Hepburn vedding last Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor, of Owen cation course in the Whitby Dis-| trict High School. The plea was made to a meeting of the council this week-end by Don Mackay, field representative of the Ontario Safety League. Mr. Mackay, who recently or- ganized the town's first school safety patrols in one ward of Whit- by, suggested that the safety council might well take as its next project the formation, in the high school of a driver education course. He noted that a course for ipstructors is opening next month and teachers may attend on a' The course in the high school, Main feature of the course, of he said, is still on an extra-curri- interest to fathers, was the an- sular basis in Shade Srokd, cL Louncement that owners of cars taught after school hours. e which will be WL, | rtudent is required to spend a agers who have completed the | gore 308, then fark they Here minimum of 40 hours to get his/ course, immediately enjoy a 25{ Tipped ARaconet { diploma. per cent cut in car insurance rates| ow oC t th ! Of this total, 32 hours are spent as soon as their son or daugliter ednes a > gh e Jame in class where the student learns has his or her license | two lems wil 00] bo ate what makes a car operate and also| The traffic council here will Coutennial Par 5 a Teg ar learns the proper attitude towards study the proposal but it was ad-| hesday nig dE ed on ould other drivers, policemen and to mitted that immediate steps, would | the Sikers Hi e the Hotelmen driving a motor car. This is fol- have to be taken since the course -2™P toig} yo tan : t Ja rd lowed by eight hours behind the opens for instructors early in July,| Toronto lads i 1 be s edn Ai wheel, actually driving: | "Chairman of the meeting was| the game here on esday Mr. Mackay stated that cars, Chief Constable Charles Fletcher,|Mght. = | Attending were Mrs. David Cuddy,| The Stokers have played one played three games and have a won two, lost one record. They) dropped the Zaduk-Williams entry WHITBY SPORTS {of Whitby; Deputy-reeve William|Bruce Ross did the mound chores | Heron. of Whitby Township; Nor-| for this game and came up with A By WREN A. BLAIR | secretary; Mrs. A. G. Duguid, of| game in the Oshawa and district the King Street Home and School! major league and they came out Association; Reeve Kenneth Lee,/ on top of that one by a 64 score. stellar performance. Jimmy Jor- dan, classy first sacker of the Stokers, was a top man with the | man Thomas, of the Whitby Publie School Board: Donald A. Wilson, of the Whitby District High|S School Board; Carmen Sarles,| bat in this game. f Principal of Colborne Street Pub-| SIGN NEW PLAYERS f lic School; E. A. Fairman, super-. The Stokers have announced the visory principal, and Cpl. George| signing of two new players. They Rankine, who is in charge of the are Ronnie Phillips, a young hurl- Business Manager Bill Hanley, : school safety patrols. |er, who may possibly make his of the OHA, said to us the other S¢ ~------------ |irst start of the season tonight. | GAZETTE Available ot the followi dealers WHITBY. in DOWNTOW ALLIN'S DRUGS Corner Brock and Dundes Streets GOURTICE PHARMACY 117 Brock Street North PALM SPORTING GOODS 130 Dundas Street West RIGLER"S STORE day, 'there are so many things about to happen shortly in hockey that the next three weeks should be most interesting." The. fact that the puck game has so many irons in the fire right now, has caused us to write an extra column this week, in order to have the time and space to adequately cover the changing scene. Among the y NG TUNA | The other fellow will need no in-| roy TF AEING | -- A joint| troduction to the ball fans of this Japanese - United States scientific| district as he played hardball for team left here this month on a sur-| Whitby some years back. He is vey of tuna fishing areas of the Pa-| Tony Romaniski, and Tony plays Corner Brock and Colborne Streets SHORTY'S items, are the Eastern Ont. Senior League's decision to elevate 10 cific ocean. Migratory routes ofthe outfield to a good advantage. Senior "A," and the troubled waters of the present OHA Senior "A" [tuna will be checked. He also swings a powerful bat league in Western Ontario. Beth these factions offer a good deal of -- ------------------ 3 speculation amongst hockey fans, around the province, and actually WITH WHITBY LEGIONAIRES Reports Town Leads In Popy Day Campaign One cannot help but dwell on the thought, that if the exist- ing high cost of Senior "A" hockey has the Western Ontario clubs in so much trouble, why then does the Eastern league want to embark on this perilous trail, Therein lies the theme of this epigram. George Carver of Belleville, in announcing through his column, to the people of that city, that the Eastern legaue had decided to go Senior "A." started his report off, by saying "who | 4 the June meeting of Whitby trict, and the work now being | Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion, | completed will further improve it. | committee reports were presented, { |and adopted, a new member for- The caretaker for some Jiine, {mally welcomed into the fold, and| Alf Reardon, who 1s completing plans completed for summer hie > a Te | hi ' 3 vith a | sports in which the branch will be ie work ie hus dope. for thei knows, but what Belleville might not win an Allan Cup in the dim and distant future," We might at this time say that Mr. Car- | directly i sted. directly interested oran.h gotside of Ms regular dus] ties. Mrs. Reardon was also re- ver's remarks were most progressive considering that his club was opposed to the move, and we doff the derby to the voice of the Bay of Quinte for his excellent sportsmanship in that although his colleagues were outvoted they intend to accept the vote of membered. i The Branch is co-operating with, the Whitby Baseball Association] in the promotion of minor ball the league and alm their sights even as high as the Allan Cup ! That's spirit. - { Whitby, it is our thought, that while it may be some time in the|that when Poppy Campaign re-|this summer and will sponsor a Mrs. Knight, of England, was future, Mr. Carver's remarks may ring as true for Belleville (or any | ports for various places in the dis.| team. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack| other team in the Eastern league) as they ever will for Stratford, trict were presented, Whitby stood | iis Suiday Biter which we say sometime in the future, because before that is likely to hap. "ol out oa front, having regard she wi e leaving for Vancouver i i 9 a ' 0 e own's population an where she will visit her daughter. ! mn, a number of things will have to change. First of all few of us hranch membership, It was in Eastern Ontario, are naive enough to think, (that barring an up- shown that Whitby Poppy Day Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lawler and %¢t) the clubs down this way will defeat the Western Ontario clubs, committee. of which he was chair- Miss Sheri Lawler attended the! under present conditions. Neither will we throw money down the man, had sold 64 wreaths, and Gaine-Zachar wedding in Toronto drain for players who are actually above Senior "A" calibre, as is these, with poppies sold, realized Fairlawn United Church, on Sat-| now being done up that way. $545.75. The Whitby figure was ex- urday, when Miss Lawler was | ceeded only by Oshawa and Peter-| junior bridesmaid. boro, and there are 26 branches Af -- -- in the district. It was reported that Comrades | Joseph Wilson and Andrew Muir] |are ill, and it was the hope of all PAPERS wd pasty rene. "| IN WHITBY | Work will start shortly on the! i | completion of the building exten-| Phone | sion programme which was start- | MO. 8-311 ed last summer. The stage will be If you have not received your moved back 20 feet in the assem- Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Cell bly hall, and this will furnish more BELL TAXI room for Legion activities, as cells must be placed before di 7:30 Ph Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Maluski, Desbora; Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacDonald, 'North Bay; Mrs Alex M. MacDonald and Mr. D. F MacDonald, of Atherley. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Inglis and Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent, of Downsview; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MacDonald and Mrs. D. J. Mac- Donald and Mr. Fraser MacDon- ald of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and son, of Dunbarton; Mr. and Mrs. Lonsdale of Stayner; Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald of Cshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilts, 8r., Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Vincent, nf Detroit, Michigan CIGAR STORE 106 Dundas Street East THE TUCK SHOP 159 Brock Street North Or at any of these dealers in Whitby and area. ALMOND'S GROCERY Almonds BENNETT'S GROCERY 832 Brock Street North CORNER GROCERY Port Whitby DAVIS SUPERTEST No. 2 Highway West of Whitby SILVER GRILL Port Whitby GOLDRING'® GROCERY Port. Whitby For HOME DELIVERY by Carrier Boy PHONE MO 8-3703 Or call ot our office: 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY Mrs. E. A. MacMillan and Mrs. ¢ |A. H. Mitchell spent Wednesday in Peterborough where they attend- ed the Baptist Church Conference Comrade Alf. Reardon presented i 2 a very fine report on the District Mr. and Mis. A. E. Luke visited! . However to return to the item at hand. Immediately upon read-|..p» rally held recently at Fenelon their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. "8 Mr. Carver's remarks, the Stratford sports writer, Chick Ap- | Valls. The next such meeting is to and Mrs. A. Watson, of Pem. Pel, somewhat tongue in cheek style, suggested the following: '"An|be held in Oshawa in 1957. Mr. brook, for the week-end Allan Cup so soon Susan" (meaning Belleville's optimism). Here in | Reardon was pleased to report NEW REVENUE HULL, England (CP)--Since aj |smaii fountain was opened May 1) in a shipping centre here, persons! {regarding it as a wishing well tossed in coins amounting to £30. The money is being used for wel-| |fare work. PRESENT MOST VALUABLE PLAYER AWARD award was made to the goal- ' presents the trophy to Art. The tender on Saturday night by homesters went down to a 11-2 Charles Mesher, Whitby jeweller, defeat at the hands of the Scar- who donated the trophy to the borough Maitlands. club. Above, Mr. Mesher, left, --Robertson, Whitby - EABLY DAYS IN WHITBY Brawl Rips Ump's Pants, As One Cow Per Ratepayer BA's Go Down To Oakville Allowed To Run At Large : By JACK DIXON lville error. The Oaks added an- Larry's BA's lost a hard-played other tally in the second inning game on Saturday evening to the after two batters had been retired JUNE, 79 YEARS AGO ward praying for the restriction of Oakville Oaks by the score of 4-2. Two singles in a row and a Whit- Rev. James E. Baker, pastor of ratepayers to one cow each run- The game was one of the best by error brought in the Oaks sec- Whitby Baptist Church, led in the ning at large. The request, which nlayed this season at Coronation ond run of the game and gave organization of a church of that was granted, was hotly debated in Park and a fair crowd was on hand them a two-run margin. . denomination in Pickering village. council as it was the practice of to cheer for the locals. Ken Fisher BA's TIE SCORE There is a very natural place for Senior "A rating in hockey farm owners in the vicinity to al- pitched in a losing cause for the After one was away, Jack Litch today, just as there is a place for minor professional and the NHL. MOVED FAIR BUILDINGS low cows in pasture to wander Whitbyites and allowed only six and Len Yuill both hit singles and However, if cities the size of Stratford, Owen Sound, Belleville Corn- The directors « Art Bradley this week-end was awarded the trophy as the most valuable player on the Whithy Merchants lacrosse team. The Just three years ago the present Senior "A" league had eight clubs in the fold. Today they have, at the moment, only three definite entries for the 1956-57 season, During last week's Senior nA il Mr. Bil of Windsor, (in answer to president Frank Buckland's suggestion that the Junior "A" sal- ary limit was working out well) said, "last year I offered two players just out of Junior "A', $135.00 a week and they wouldn't sign." We do not have the Information as to who these two play- ers were, Mr, Butcher, but it would be our guess that they likely were tabbed for delivery to a pro club in either the American, Quebec or Western league, and the reason they wouldn't sign was because they were above senior "A" calibre, and to play amateur they would naturally ask financial reimbursement to the same amount they could get in pro, This is the situation that has forced the Senior "'A" league almost out of existence. FOR MISSED | | | i well as for several local and dis- trict organizations who use the! hall on certain occasions. Other improvements will be made up- stairs while this work is being done. The Legion hall in Whitby | of the South Ontar- from the fold into south ward ter. nits. Ross Paton pitched for the were both pushed around the wall, ete., who are Senior "A" centres, attempt 4 ds jo Agricultural Society decided to ritory bases. to knot the score at 2-2 ' mpt to match ofiers to move their buildings to the proper tv known as the race course, east A COP FOR $25 of the Model Sc hoo! provided the John Hartrick was appointed a town subscribed $2000 to match a constable for the north ward at a similar amount granted by the salary of $25.00 a year, less than county Mayor on mised that even cents a day, and he was to the land would " board himself. He complained of rent for 10 years the: small salary but accepted it FEK WATER SUPPLY vhen the town fathers showed no mE town council was advised by inclination to give him more James Camph engineer, OR DOMINION DAY to seek means aining a water ly rticularly in attracting ris and ai Hose other organizations in the tows already in the town. A committee combined to stage a mami was set up to Inve 1g celebration of © Dominion ay water to the town There was to be a calithumpian th yarade, sports, fireworks and wp pr \ have you ONE COW PER RATEPAYER County Council held a five-day A "petition sented to 'the session in the town Crief debate Town Council by in Watson and centred around road expenditures 20 other ratepayers of the south and the need for new bridges. be The council, school board and WHITBY Phone 8-3618 BROC NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOW 7 P.M. LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 Oaks and allowed the BA's six hits, all scattered. Big gun for the locals at the plate was shortstop, Hilt O'Neil, who had two hits MANAGERS FIGHT The most exciting part of the game had little to do with base- ball but more resembled the Tues- aay night's wrestling show at the arena. It all started in the fifth inning with Whitby at the plate Al MacDonald had a count of 0 and 3 when he stepped out of the batter's box. Paton, the pitcher halfway through his pitch stopped and Al claimed a balk. Oakville manager Bud Corbett came running from the dugout and began to argue with Al Mac- Donald. Ken MacDonald, the BA's nanager took objection to a few remarks made by Corbett and be- fore the crowd knew what was taking place both managers were volling around in the dirt back of home plate. Control was finally restored with Doby, the umpire, sending both' managers to the showers along with Ken Pollack another Oakville player who had irritated the umpire with his ver hal attack. Perhaps the most unfortunate person on the field was plate um pire Doby who came out of the fracas with a large rip in the knee of his pants. It seems that during the scuffle Doby had the misfor- pro, then its merely a matter of time lay As Innings three, four and five were players, equal to those made in . A" hockey. It can't be done, save by a few 3 : til there is no Senior played in fast time as both pitch- us . ers were throwing fine ball, The Centres like Kitchener, Windsor, Sudbury, and Sault Ste. Marie, and | rhubarb in the fifth inning seemed they can't do it because they need the other smaller arenas to form | to spark the Oakville team as they! 2 league. It is probably safe to say at this point that we are in part came back in their half of the suggesting that the Western Senior "A" league, and also the South- cixth and scored two runs, the ern division of the NOHA, are actually (at costs above their budgets) runs Which proved to be the win- forming teams of greater strength than was actually ever intended sers for the visitors. under Senior "A" as it was originally known. Another factor prob- ret, BA fried Heit best in te ably is that because of this they relegate leagues like the Honig not manage to come Up With = Datarle group Sitter a Senior "B" rating, or what they term "al rally. They did, however, managéd enor eague. one hit in each of the last four innings. The Oakville team did little - after their two-run splurge! i the sixth as Ken Fisher didn't allow them a hit in the remainder of the game The BA's next home game will be at Coronation next Saturday at six o'clock. The visitors will be Dependable Caterers who have 'aken over the place of the Indus- trials in the West Toronto Base- ball League. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY Accounts of social events and news items of local interest and names of visitors are ap- preciated. Therefore, we come to the moral of today's column, Mr. Car- | ver's remark that somewhere in the future, there may be an Allan Cup for Belleville is most true, Eventually those Senior "A" leagues who are dolling out the bucks right and left, will go un- der. Out of it, they will return with clubs that they can afford, equal only to those clubs which Belleville, Kingston, Cornwall, etc., can afford, because North Bay, Stratford, Owen Sound, etc, are no larger nor no different than the former. Hockey in the Eastern Senior league is a good brand. With one or two improve- ments it will be the best that money (common sense money) can buy. Delegates at the Eastern league meeting, strongly suggest ed that hecause the league had decided to go Senior An they should have learned a lesson from their cousins in the West, and keep some kind of guiding hand on operating costs. We think the club operators will do this, and some day when common sense prevails everywhere, the league will win their share of Allan Cups. Meanwhile, we would like to quote the words of Art Bo- gart of Pembroke, when ne said at the Eastern league meeting: "Winning the Allan Cup should be an accident." "You should never try to buy it." And belleve us, when you look at the red ink that has been used in Pembroke the past few years, they should know what they are talking about. . ie regarded by those who know it to be one of the finest In the dis-' REFRIGERATORS IN EVERY SIZE AT EVERY PRICE PHILCO 1162 -- Big food storage capacity at low cost. Philco Refrigerator Freezer, Exclusive Air Con- ditioned refrigerator keeps foods 'fresher at ideal 38° to 42° temperatures . , . . never needs defrosting. Sep- arate 1.8 cu. ft. zero degree freezer. Double Depth Stor. age Door holds the new half-gallon milk bottles. But- ter Keeper. New Shelltone interior color styling. Avail able with Wheel-A-Way Twin | tune of getting his pants too close to the managetrs with the result | 'hat a cleat ripped his aforemen- | tioned trousers. OAKVILLE TAKE LEAD The Oaks started the game with 'a bang as the first batter to face Ken Fisher hit a single and event- ually scored the first run of the game. The BA's did little in their half of the first as the only runner | to reach first did so on an Oak- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL For OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Legal, Chiropractic, Real Estate, Beauty Clinic ond soon a Dental Clinic. BRIGADOON fhe KELLY with ELAINE * STEWART CALL Now MO 8-3731 WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING FAITH BAPTIST WMS MEET | The regular monthly meeting of Faith Baptist Woman's Missionary Society will be held on Tuesday, June 12, instead of the regular time. Miss Marie Armstrong of | WHITBY CLASSIFIED Africa will be the special speaker. Plan to attend this meeting and | the guest soloist will be \ Elizabeth Deeming ALL KINDS SAWS FILED AND § paired. Andy Anderson, 20,000 Dutch {mer, 210 Brock Street South HELP WANTED -- CAPABLE Housk. CARDENS AND LAWNS RO Canada-bound keeper; five day « J. Vink, leader of a group of| Dutch farm and immigration ex-{HOME Aided . 9 .| Method. Free Estimates. -- perts visiting Canada, said Satur-|,\Nxg' CLEANED © THE WA |grants are expected to come .tos. day an estimated 20,000 immi-| Netherlands FOR SALE -- SOD, FRESH CUT, 20¢ Miss wn; q. vd. delivered. W. Ward, MO v2s6s | | thy. July 3 ET;| awn mowers ground a rear Geo July 5 weekly, 9 to 6. Fam Iv of one child. Live out. Reply Post Mice Box 1053, Whithy INSULATIUN, BLO SEPTIC HAVE YOUR GARDEN ROTO-TILLED, No sod please. Phone MO 8-2896. June3l ALL KINDS SAWS FILED AND SET lawn mowers ground and set and re. nd set and re.|paired. Andy Anderson, . Ha. mer, 210 manure for Whithy WiNG(* Fil. For delivery phone MO 8-2660. Rollers. 269.35 rear Geo Brock Street South Bh TO-TILLED MO 82587 sale. Phone CONVENIENT UDGET TERMS June 16 June 9 CONCRETE AND ROAD GRAVEL AL June 23 Y. Walter Ward, Whitby. Phone MO 2563. July 13 | Canada from The during 1957. t | Last year 7,000 10,000 are scheduled to arrive this| Purpose of the group's visit to Canada is to study methods of|V farming here, and how recent ¥ Dutch immgirants have fitted into}, their new communities. About 125,-'r 000 Dutchmen 'have immigrated to mates. (Canada since the end of, the Second World War. The vigitors found ! "Dutchmen in Canada are in gen eral doing very well" Persons Came mowed. Coll from The Netherlands and about Whitby, collect. p a ga} |FOR RENT - «COMFORTABLE FU year, he said {nished rooms, hot water, good parking Gentlemen preferred. 821° Dundas Street W 134f one work IMO 83174, rimmed, complete landscaping, lawns July 16 Vest. MO 8-4123 OR ALSCO ALUMINUM COMBINA. | fon windows and doors, phone 'Doc!' Dafoe, MO 382350 6. Free June 12 after tL rac res ELL WILDE, ELECTRICAL CON | ng. new homes, water heaters, { ranges cables a specialty |gasoline. Ask for your Apprecation Day |SOD FOR SALE -- a Coupon. Harry Donald Limited, Chev. | SALE co FEDGES PLANTED, | oie Giasmobile, Whitby. Gord. Grant, MO 8.2587 = ---- - --. |with Elmar 3,5 R-|or Speed Graphic 4x5. Phone MO 8-3819. esti goME INSULATION, BL 0 wI N 1ethod leaned the sanitary way Whith FOR RENT June 23 one or two. Phone MO 83218. SANITARY [FREE PACKAGE POPULAR BRAND| cigarettes with every $3 purchase of | 132¢ | » Li 3¥ ade for Linhof RA OR § NEW il tr ED -- WOMAN TO LOOK AFTER child, part time, while parents | Apply at Whitby Trailer Camp, . 18, Dundas Street East. 134c | UT We deliver to Pickering, Ajax, Whitby Free estimates--septic tanks Walter Ward, July 13 . Brooklin, Pert Perry, Oshawa, B Phone MO 8-2563 ROOM, CENTRAL, FOR 136¢ OPEN FRIDAY NiTE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE DI0 & APPLIANCES 118 Brock St. S. -- MO 8-3707 owmanville, Newcastle