FAR WEST HAS Construction, of a 154,000,000 | pipeline carrying natural gas | reaches Abbotsford, B.C. The | Westcoast Transmission Comp | JAE DAILY TIMES - GAZETTE, Friday, Jume 5, 1958 S| 2 AJAX ANDDISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 Pickering Township Plans | | | To Speed Up Road Work | After an extended di jon in was backed in his tention by! Pickering Township Council this Councillor Mrs. McPherson. week, it was agreed that a special] "However, there's no use prom- 8 <Grade-all" machine should be en- ising work if we don't intend to one month. any is building the line to deliver natural gas from Al- berta's Peace river district to the B.C. coast and United States points. BOWMANVILLE Representative -- Lloyd Quinton, 29 Temperance Street MA 3-3729 AND DISTRICT gaged in an effort to speed up the carry it out," sald Mrs. McPher-| | work of ditching in the municipal-| son. ity. Cost of renting this machine] Reeve Newman said that a long | pi be $2500 a month. Council range program should be insti- | agreed to bring the machine in for tuted. He believed that arrange-| ments should be left with the road It was stated that road work engineer since councils were con- lin the north part of the township tinually changing ersonnel, while is about three weeks behind that|the engineer usually continued in in the south, due to the fact that office for many years. roads in the northern area were| This program for road work | slower in drying out. Councillors should be compiled in the fall, | acknowledged having received a|the reeve contended, since time number of complaints concerning was too short this year to pre-| grading 'not being done, particu- pare such a schedule. a larly on the townlines between| Road Engineer Ruddy voiced | Markham and Uxbridge. Consid-| the opinion that a double pro- erable ditching was also stated to/gram - would be best, one for be wanted. [through traffic roads and one for Deputy-reeve Bill Lawson said |residential. that it was obvious that a definite] Road accounts passed for the road program was needed and he|month amounted to $16,500. Plan Bicycle Roadeo Subdivision Application For Children Of Town | Turned Down By Council BOWMANVILLE -- The _appllica- tion for the Vandergaast ivi- sion was turned down, Monday night, at the meeting of town coun- cil. The property, located at the north west extremity of town, just south of Gaud's corners, on Scugog street, has been before the plan- ning board for some time, now. Be- cause of the length of time involved in arriving at a decision some moral obligation, according to Deputy Reeve Wilf Carruthers, was felt by the planning board. Reeve Little interjected, "Seems to me the planning board does a lot of jumping around". In the matter of making a mo- tion to decline the application, Deputy Reeve Carruthers said, "I won't make a move to block this application and be accused of doing so on personal reasons'. Scott: "I'll make the motion hen'. | ARGUMENT HEAR | For the next fow minutes some argument between the Mayor and Councillor Scott as to procedure with Councillor Scott coming up with his motion, "one that will cover the whole town". After further discussion on the Agreement By-law, which requires/to the planning board advising of hance of saving the boy's sight|-- a sub-divider to install public serv- cies and works, a motion by €oun- i-|cillor Scott was put before the council. The motion, "Adequate facilities for water, or, presently served by existing facilities, unless the sub-divider is prepared to pay the total cost of bringing in water", It was seconded by Coun- ~illor Dave Higgon and carried. This exchange, although not relevant to the letter from Vander- gaast seeking approval for his sub-division, was an action to pre- vent a contractor from building homes in an area outside the range of existing facilities and services and then, having the homeowners, at a later date, force the town to extend these facilities beyond lots serviced but not used up. The mayor brought council back into focus by reminding them that a motion was still needed on the Vandergaast letter. Councillor Scott then stipulated that all that was needed was a motion referring to the motion just carried, and turning to the town clerk said, "Now read back what I am sup- posed to have said'. After some minor corrections, the mayor again asked for a mo- tion to be put forward. Finally, a motion turning down fhe request was passed and a letter to be sent the decision. Darlington Provincial AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re-/amount of work to be done in | porter) -- The Ajax Safety League promoting safety education. The {will sponsor a Bicycle Roadeo, league will be wise in concentrat- early in July, for the children of|ing on two or three projects at Ajax. The object of the roadeo is|first." primarily educational in safe rid-| Other projects include the safety ing habits, and to determine me- lane, car check and a survey of chanical fitness of the bicycles. [traffic hazards in Ajax. The roadeo will also be the start| Recommendations to remove ha- of what is planned to be a con- zards or post warning signs will tinuing safety program to develop be made to the town council. observance of traffic rules among| The committee in charge of the the youngsters. bicycle roadeo are: Ed. Smith, David Wordley, newly - elected chairman; Allan Willets, George OPEN EVERY EVENING oy l We've Shattered oy {ALL PRICE BARRIERS! chairman of the Safety League, Dunn, Mrs. L. Dunning, Cecil Win- § said, "There is an enormous ter and Jack Bunting. Hit By Arrow Ajax Hospital Boy Loses Eye Staff Kept Busy | FAIRPORT BEACH (Times-|porter) -- Hospital statistics for Gazette, Staff Reporter) -- Six-| the month of May, from the Ajax year-old Donald McLean of Fair- and Pickering General Hospital |port Beach had his left eye re-|ghoy. moved at the Hospital for Sick| "my in patients 168, out-patients Children, on Tuesday night, after g being struck by a metal tipped|216, discharges 184, new babies arrow. 117, in-patient X-ray 53, out-patient] | Donald was watching a group of | X-ray 261. Blood transfusions 17, older boys at target practise when| laboratory tests, in-patients 189, a wild arrow from the bow of the out-patients 16, minor operations son of close friends of the Mec-|16, major operations 10, ear, eye, Leans struck the lad. |nose and throat, 52. Total meals Doctors said there was no| served, 4505. |and removal was the only possible | thing to do. | An East York boy, George var. OtUAY Health | |coe, age 9, lost an eye only las [week in a similar accident. Unit Scheme | PICKERING -- Pickering Town- Park Is Taking Form To Show Films |. sie os BOWMANVILLE ~-- The most Pine, Red Oak, White Ash, Euro- western in a series of cial jars in the counties of Northum- and abd. Durham, Peter- h and White Spruce. The ardwoods are spaced at six foot| intervals set in rows placed tea: tetoria, is sently| feet apart so as to allow cultiva- under way. Taking in tt over tion between the rows to promote| two hundred acres the park -- et | growth | to be named -- is contained within| Another form of planting called the township of Darlington. Bor-|Clump Planting will provide areas dered on the west by the county| health untt organization within the Ire an local boundaries and a committee | of councillors McPherson and Dep-| AJAX (Times-Gazette, Staff Re- uty-reeve Lawson will meet with) rter) -- The June meeting of the| representatives of Ajax and Pick-| ospital auxiliary will be held on|ering Village to give further study Monday, June 11, at 8 p.m. in the to the plan. nurses' residence. total cost of the scheme is esti-| Program convener is Mrs. J. mated at $32,000 but would pro- of shaded access for family picnic|gope-Brown, and the guest speak-|vide for considerably extended | boundary line of Durham and On-| groups. Here, trees are planted in|ep will be Mrs. Maureen Hutchin-| services. Of timat f tario Counties it will extend east FluniDs having four to six trees in|gop, librarian of the Ajax 'Public | 50 per ent oe a, to the line between Dean Gill's|a clump spaced approximately fif-| 1 ihrary, who will speak and show|in a grant from the provincial gov- farm and Glen Pickell's and will teen feet in diamond fashion with run south to t he lake from the each clump about fifty feet apart. CNR tracks. Diiterent species Such as the Sugar Preliminary operations are, for|) 2P¢, Austrian ine, White Elm the I er to the plant. and the Linden, have been planted ing of multi-variety of trees. Unde in Sis Site, by end, the supervision of the Lindsay| yt he lake shore front: rows of Zone Forestry Officer, Murray, Willows will be planted. Their Dison. mos anv equipment have moisture absorbing ability and followed a steady program of plan- strong,' sinewy root will aid in ar- ned planting. resting the continual soil erosion On the ToD direction is under Bd just Zroynes are built at some fu- '| ture date Youngman, of Durham and Les y Campbell, of Northumberland. A Mg igi hg buss. of bird jife trip, this past week. around the including some thirt phi perimeter of the park area shows with squatters' rights. It is be- @ Steat potential or fhe develop: Jieved that the forestation area will area. Future plans call for a beach dence of ng Wii area and bathing facilities; play- sould he visible from the 401 high. grounds; picnic tables; quiet zones way next year of relaxation with an eastern and This is another step in the pro- wesiem entry Jou which will loop vincial government's long range within the park area. plan to provide parks of natural To date, over 35,000 trees have setting with recreational facilities films on her native Ireland. | Please bring in your bootees to | this meeting as this will be the last meeting until September. During the summer months, {please contact Mrs. W. A. Cain, | Arbor Lodge, Ajax or Mrs. D. Win- | ter in Pickering, who represent the -- committee for the bootees. { Rescue Lad From Manhole AJAX (Times-Gazette Staff Re- | porter) -- Two-year-old Stuart Hoosen, of Kingscourt Apartments, was rescued from a sewer man- hole on Tuesday by Maurice Bois, a student of St. Bernadette's School. Bois said he saw a group of chil- dren playing, at the rear of the been machine planted following within the reach of the city and| t t th i the natural contours of the land. urban dweller but without the stig: of ahouting. oe, going a lof These trees are made up of White!ma of commercialism. |they were doing, he found the wee {ernment. Both Ajax and Picker- ing Village were said to be inter-| ested in the plan. | The system would include a full- time medical health officer, a san- itary inspector and five nurses. Improve Road | At Claremont PICKERING -- Construction |work on Brock road atfthe 7th | concession, between aremont {and Brocgham, will be gompleted | this week, according to the Ontar- io county road foreman, Brece Taylor of Uxbridge. | The rather dangerous curve at the bottom of the hill has been tapered off and the crown of, the hill has been cut down consider- ably. The cost of the work will be anproximately $4000. a er -- |boy head first in the sewer, He Two miles of paving vil ve road, nor 0 reply has been received. Reeve James Brown stated that Inspect BTS soon be drawn up. but as yet no Cadets Today BOWMANVILLE -- At 7 p.m.| today the Ontario Boys' Training School Cadet Corps of Bowman-| ville will hold its annual inspec-| tion at the training school] grounds. | the road is not in very good shape and it was used as a detour over the weekend which didn't help matters. Residents on the third concession he said are complaining about the dust. Deputy Reeve Earl Walkey com- menting on the dust said, "On the night of the holiday the dust off the road was so bad that it was being carried right into the north Under the leadership of Captain|sf Bowmanville by the cars which F. Evans, Area Cadet Officer| Eastern Ontario Area, two troops| of the corps, along with the band, | will open the inspection with a march past. There will be a display of gym- nastics, swimming and training exercises as well as a display by| the band. Last year this corps won the Strathcona Trust Trophy | for the best gymnastics display of all the corps in the area. The cadets will leave shortly for two weeks summer camp at = Point Petrie, Prince Edward County. Corps Officers attending are] Lieut. W. Bagnell, J. Graham, J. C. Thompson, Al Cuthbertson, A. West and W. Rabb. Action Asked On Boundary BOWMANVILLE -- The boun- dary road between Clarke and Darlington townships received con- siderable attention at the Clarke township meeting this week. Town- ship clerk Ed Milison has sent a letter to the Darlington council asking that a written agreement, which was earlier discussed at a joint meeting of the twe councils, were travelling bumper to bumper." Coun. Ernest Dent injected, "Until the overhead bridge is fin- ished the road will stay in poor condition." If Darlington does not offer as- sistance on the boundary road the Clarke council felt that it may be necessary to disregard the road until it becomes a serious issue which would force both councils to act. FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Phone AJAX 333 If you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 P.M., Call AJAX TAXI All calls must be placed before 7:30 P.M. promptly pulled him out and turn- done on the Broc ed him over to his mother. Claremont. This work will be Older children had pried up the| started very soon. The remainder heavy manhole cover and had been of the 5th concession will be re- throwing stones in the opening. built north to No. 47 Highway. JUNE SALE Outside Whife Paint Now is the time for you to get outdoors and paint your home, garage or Summer cottage. Cut your painting costs with this special offer of Top Quality WHITE PAINT, 200 GALLONS ONLY SPECIAL PER GAL. ° Picnic tables . . . Enjoy outdoor living at home or the cottage, build your own picnic table. We will supply all the materials required: LUMBER, HARDWARE AND FREE PLAN. Special 10.95 Brooklin Supply and Lumber Company, Limited Phone 209 Brooklin -- No. 7 Highway WI BL od + omplete with 202 H.P. Y-8 ENGINE DUAL EXHAUSTS FOUR-BARREL CARBUERATOR HEATER LICENSE OIL FILTER eo UNDERCOAT , TURN SIGNALS Reg. $2940 / 4 For a Top Deal and Top Service Nobody Can Beat MANCHESTER GAR- AGE. Visit Our Showroom and Let Us Show You How We Can Save You At Least 200.00 on a New Car. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF REG. CUSTOM FORD PRICES! FORD Customline Tudor COMPLETE WITH ® Heater ® Undercoat ® License : Oi Fill $ ® Turn Signals Engine FORD Customline Fordor ACCESSORIES AS ABOVE! MANCHEST | Manchester, Junctions 7, 7A & 12 1956 FORD *2-ton Pick-up COMPLETE WITH ® TURN SIGNALS ® LICENSE ® OIL FILTER V8 ENGINE HEATER DEFROSTER REGULAR PRICE $2130, R GARAGE | Phone Port Perry 512 ki So