Woven THE DAILY TIMES - GAZETTE, Friday, June 8, 1956 9 Many Hostesses Entertain For Miss Moyra Gilmore Miss Kathryn Moyra Gilmore | tained and presented the future ~~. whose marriage to Mr. Roy Ed-| bride with a steam iron. ward Pett of Toronto will take Miss Marilyn Pett of Toronto place in St. Andrew's United was hostess at a miscellaneous * Church on Saturday afternoon has shower. Mrs. Richard Bell, Mrs. been guest of honor at numerous/ Arthur Ryding, Miss Joan Pett pre-nuptial events. and Mrs. G. Hamilton served. Last Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Mrs. William McNeill, Roxbor- Frederic Gilmore, Glenwood cres- ough avenue, Oshawa, arranged : cent, entertained for her daugh-| an evening party when an electric ter at a trousseau tea. To re-/floor polisher and electric frying ceive Mrs. Gilmore wore an after- pan were presented. noon dress of pink linen. Mrs. Mrs. Reginald Martin, Bessbor- Henry G. Pett of Toronto, mother ough drive, entertained at a neigh- . of the prospective bridegroom, borhood cup and saucer shower. : "who assisted, chose Dior blue nov- Assisting in serving were Mrs. elty weave, and the future bride George Slocombe and Mrs. J. R. : was wearing white panneglaze Wolter, and the mother of the 'with pink accents. All wore cor- bride - elect poured tea. sages of roses. Miss Louise Henry gave a Kkit- Miss Sonia Papazian of Winona chen shower. Mrs. Sydney Nobbin was in charge of the guest book and Mrs. Ross Mackie were co- and little Miss Margo McNab kept hostesses at a dinner and shower h- door. Mrs. Lawrence J. Dun- at the former's home. yar of Sonoma, California, was St. Andrew's choir arranged a living room hostess. pantry shelf shower, a serving Pouring tea were William | oven was also presented. VicNeill and Mrs. Reginald Mar-| Mrs. Ian McNab was hostess at in, Mrs. Robert McNab, and Mrs. a miscellaneous shower. Assisting an McNab. Serving were Miss was Mrs, Kenneth Miller, and 'arol Robinson, Miss Diane Stur- Mrs. Lawrence Dunbar poured fis, Mrs. Grant McIntosh and tea. . Irs. Robert McNab of Port Perry. Miss Joan Jackson, Miller av- In charge of the linens, trous-|/enue, and Miss Beverley Hill were eau, wedding and shower gifts hostesses at a personal shower at vere Miss Joan Pett, Miss Louise the former's home. : fenry, Miss Marilyn Pett, Miss Following the rehearsal on Fri- Joan Jackson, and Miss Joan day evening, the wedding party Cleverdon will be entertained at the home The girls of her year at Mac- of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNab, Donald Institute, Guelph, enter-: Alexandra street. GROUPS, CLUBS, 'AUXILIARIES N ELIZABETH H. AND 8S. means committee reported a suc- meeting of the Queen cessful money raising Mvear thus | Elizabeth Home and School Asso- enabling the club to be of service ciation for the school year was to several children's organizations, held on Tuesday, June 5, with a namely, the Retarded Children and very good attendance. the Indian and Eskimo children of It was announced that field day Muskoka Sanitorium : would be held on June 8 at 2' Further study is to be given to p.m. and all parents were invited the needs of our senior citizens to attend. It was decided to buy with the idea of setting up som material to make shorts for the sort of visiting service annual field day at Alexander It was also decided to continue Park on June 20. Mrs. David end-of-term parties for retarded Hutcheon and Mrs. Ray Smith are children and when they are per- in charge of this project manently located to provide them The "pupils of Grade 5 entertain: with some necessary therapy ed with a set of square dances equipment. also two films were shown en- nse . ; titled 'Selected Negro Spirituals" 16TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. and "Canada's Atom Goes To' The 16th Scout Mothers' Auxil- Work." iary met recently in the lounge of Mrs. Lloyd 'Dalby was present- Knox Presbyterian Church with ed with a rhinestone set by Mrs. A. J. Campbell presiding Hutcheon on behalf of her friends There were eight members: pres- and members of the Home and ent. School. Mrs. Dalby has been resi-| A letter from dent of North Oshawa for I1'was read, thanking years and has taken a very ac- for fruit received while he was | tive part in the Home and School hospitalized, and reports were as well as other community proj- given by the secretary, treasurer, Mrs GIRLS WHO go in for active of glen plaid the trousers are sports will enthuse over these tapered and have frontier pock- . ober vers ATA ard ets and a fly front closing meticulously man-tailored slacks The fabric is worsted flanne! for they are perfect for With them is shown a v ite V- tennis and hiking and are a neck sweater with push up smart and comfortable choice to = sleeves. wear on long motor trips. Made Hostess Says Small Groups Make For Successful Parties By OLI DAUM Canadian Press Staff Writer duces them thus Planning . party; national pres "Mrs Brown you remember ients of women's organizations, Mrs. Doe who won the Kknittir who are some of Canada's leading contest at last year's country fai' hostesses, have divulged the sec- don't you?" It recalls both names rets of their success in entertain- for the guests without making them ing feel they had to have an em- In a Canadian Press survey they barrassing second introduction listed small, informal gatherings Food--or parties .or weekend as the key company--should be prepared in "Large parties only one advance as much as possible purpose," said Mrs. H. E. Vau Avoid lap 'suppers, particularly telet of Montreal They clear up awkward for men. Sitting around the largest possible number of the table stimulates conversation social debts at o throw. They and the hostess aoesn't have to are not hospitable merely so- jump up constantly to pass things cial gestures If weekend guests express a de- The presiaent of the Canadian sire to help with household duties Association of Consumers said put them to work, It makes them parties where jostling and brief feel more a part of the family. greetings to people worthy of con- = Never let guests feel they are versation are the main ingredients an expense. When entertaining out-| ects. and flower convener. are no credit to a hostess. side the home, arrange to pay Refreshments were served by The bandages required for Scout "Eight to 12 guests is my limit," dinner bills elsewhere than at the| the executive. The next meeting training have been made and turn- she said. : table when the meal is completed. will be held on September 11 at od over to the scoutmaster, and Mrs. Myrtle Ward of Edmonton, Buy tickets to concerts, movies 8 p.m. arrangements made to purchase Canadian Daughters League pres- and other events ahead of time. new tartan for Cub scarve ident, said small parties are the| Towels face cloths, an empty RUNDLE PARK AUX. A reminder Wag given regarding most successful because they allow drawer and closet space should be i I was give! the hostess to spend more than a ready before ockoay guests ar- Pr fa esting ot hold the paper drive on. June 16. little time with each guest rive. the clubhouse on Monday, June 4, A new member was welcomed, Written invitations are not popu- Mrs. Adams also provides a good| Mrs. James Hanson president, and Mr. Campbell also expresse light and an interesting| presided i " her pleasure in having talen lar, especially in rural areas reading : needle and thread.| nus pp R. Abbott, secretary, Jnoney. turned in by three mem Mrs. J. W. Adams of Ethelton, hook or two Sask., head of the Federated Wo- safety and bobby pins, matches HH 'piles . babi i iis ° read the minutes of the previous 3 men's Institutes of Canada, said and an ash tray. In additipn: she meeting. Mrs. James devious Since the next meeting will be rural entertaining is so informal always keeps a new tooth brush gave the treasurer's report show- the last for this season, it was de Soren Lnprompilly cis ok tod gd eormb handv for guests who ing a substantial bank balance. cided to hold it at the lake in the ) 3 a forget their own. It was decided to hold a father form of a pot-luck picnic. In the and son banquet for the Pee Wee event of rain, it will be at the are served to uninvited guests who THE STARS SAY hockey players and coaches at the church, and is scheduled for six drop in when the weather permits' clubhouse on Thursday, June 14 at clock, June 18. By ESTRELLITA Pn golf QUE By TRACY ADRIAN i The last may have met before, she intro have LJ one of the boys the auxiliary she said. 'It's part of the spirit of rural neighborliness and except for weddings, written invitations are not kindly received here." Plans for the annual children's Mrs. A. Turner Bone, Montreal's picnic were discussed. The date president of the National Council This day could be favorable to|was set for June 28 at 2 p.m. Age of Women, said a telephone chat Your activities in. many ways if limit 10 years and under. Children serves as a visit which the hostess Your efforts are adequate. Fore- were asked to bring lunch. Drinks often sses at her own party. thought and discretion are and ice cream will be provided by Victoria's Mrs. Ernest. Evans. musts,' however the auxiliary. Tea will be served president of the Canadian Home During the P.M. carelessness in to the mothers and hool and Parent-Teacher Speech could cause needless dom-! The weekly euchres have bee Federation, recommends . written eStic differences. Make a special giscontinued for the st . invitations, however, for children's effort to be tolerant and diploma-' months, but will resum mr partie tic, especially in dealing with eld- tamper. Syme 10, Sep- "Parents need to be properly €rs Yofros AN informed and children are not al- FOR THE BIRTHDAY Refreshments were sefved by ho i & : . ' Mrs. Percy Walters. The next wavs reliable in carry mes If tomorrow is your birthday, meeting of th ciliary wi Db sages,' 's! said. But for adult your horoscope indicates that, as held in July e auxiliary. will be s, a hostess could tell friends of next week, you should note an snhone how many will attend upward trend in financial matters SOROPTIMIST CLUB { and occupa- and that the good monetary cycle Th usin ) é y e annual busines i guests : wil last i three months. Cau- {pe Boiss Te ree o any careless, tion is advised, however, lest vou vi tetri . ssing remarks on contro- antagonize others by an over-ag- Deneve and fisasict yas held 3 Mis Grace Winne on Tuesday ? versial topies." she said gressive attitude late this month Other tips for gracious entertain- It could stand in the way of future Sng gain President, Mrs. Olive Petley, Both the host ss should Travel and new friendships are Presided. Reports of the various gree' the auests with pleasant prospects during August, "0mmittees * ere given. The mem- a hondshake and both creative and cultural pur- bership committee reported five "h suit be under good aspect, v members The ways and during September. In October, take ss ditime to make det: nlans be vell."" fore committing yourself to any the particular line of action in a busi 1s ness matter. Be sure, too, that any agreements you make are clearly nderstood by all concerned ard health in late November and look for some good news late guests in December par by and and hoste preferably host and hostess the will ote for the ty." Tf they led EEA AS EE SRR RAR RRL TRIN JPEN EVERY FRI. 'TIL 9 informa! the Intr party ns for convers: net Aueti way pe, tod' t ( = received : If Mrs. Adams thinks her sheath stroke of In the McLaughlin Library genius: Commencing Tuesday, June 12 A Display of Paintings n Oil... Water Color and Tempera also Drawings in Pen . . Ink . . Pencil by HARRY STAFFORD Oshawa Our Junior Ensemble Paired in Stripes Bright, bold stripes splashed with joys ous abandon on a sinuous, bow-topped sheath paired with a solid petal-pan- elled box coat. The tailoring ticulous demonstration of virtuosity in Sizes 10-20. In black and white and navy and white % 0-98 a me- linen {i p N 4-WAYS TO BUY ® Cash ® Layaway COMPLETE OUTFIT ® Charge ONLY EES SANS SNR SSS ® Budget 42 KING ST. Ww. » Bata EE ee v Dorothy Beavis Feted Bride-Elect Several pre-nuptial events have plaster. I |in me." IS HARD United Church. Miss Beavis' immediate workers in the engineering de-'being on partment of General Motors, sur-| prised her at the home of Miss women's Lois Antil, Courtice. Assisting the|the male hostess in serving were Miss Shir-| out men ley Antil, Miss Norma Bowen, and|ghe says, Mrs. Antil. "Madame Greta' pro-| ing tea cups. The girls of the en-| ghe is {gineering department arranged al and breaks it down into what she 'dress plots." Then follows ference with director and "supper-shower," "and presented .ajjg the guest-of-honor with a coffee 5. oon; table, The bride-to-be was showered| with gifts at the home of Mrs. Edward Beavis Jr., Mrs. Andrew|t; he Senko, Mrs. Edward Beavis Jr.,| Mrs. Edward Beavis Sr., and Miss Shirley: Pierson served. The bridal couple was entertain- « ed at the home of Mr. George Martin, The host, representing the| former school chums of ple, presented fhem with an elee-| tric clock and an aluminum ice bucket. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wilson of Hal- ifax, Nova Scotia. The engineering department of General Motors presented the bride-to-be with a woollen blanket. Following the rehearsal on Fri day, the bridal party will be en- tertained at the prospective bride- groom's parents' home. Takes Tea | With Mme Bulganin producer up s| S, sponsible wear the Among Harris h Davis, a | Canadian exotic jungle or the trapplags of an oriental palace, even if it's just At 15 she won a newspaper com: 'der. been arranged in honor of Mis s petition. The prize was a course Dorothy Mae Beavis, whose mar-|at a dress-designing academy Now riage to Mr. John McKay Sander- in her late 20s, she has handled the cock will take place on Saturday fashion details on 36 films and is afternoon, June 9, in Albert Street at the top of her trade. Mis Harris works hard. Her job co- often calls for a 12-hour day and She not only takes care of the i into tl ic- vided the entertainment by read- Bly . a ic eames Ho the pic clothing and problems which mey Sometimes garments have if the script calls for fightinz or other clothes-disarr&nging scenes. She recalls one film seven good shirts were torn to hreds" during retakes. ATISFIES STARS The wardrobe problems are then left to Miss Harris. She fabrics and getting made and fitted. When her sketches are complete she gets them passed by the stars in the film--"since they have to enjoy what they Alan Belinda Lee, Van Heflin ani two -born stars, | Carlo and Michael Craig. Miss Harris visited Toronto and MARRIAGE CLASSES VANCOUVER (CP) An inter- denominational marriage guidance HOUSEHOLD HINT BIG NEWCOMER To remove tomato juice or cat» EDMONTON (CP) Mrs. sup stains, dampen with water, Eleanor Marien looked up in dis- 3 rub with glycerine and then laun- belief when her 11-year-old daugh.|Eaell has bee 9 propose oy he ter April came home from school| Rev. Keith Woolard said "we feel leading a horse. The gir! said shelit would be a good thing if people Montreal in 1948, and once worked found the horse in a lane, Police knew there was an alternative to as a receptionist at a Canadian discovered the horse had strayed the divorce courts to which they officers' club in "London. from nearby stables. [could take their marital troubles." All | guess it's the escapist WORKER call at week-ends. clothes, she supervises wardrobes, too. 'Rigging is quite a simple task." Calling All Cottagers! given a script to read to decide changes of licated or even triplicated in which RT is re- purchasing the clothes for design, NOW IS THE TIME To Enhance Your Summer Living Quarters ! WE HAVE A WIDE SELECTION OF PATTERNS IN GOLD SEAL OR QUAKER CONGOLEUM 9° AND 12' WIDTHS. MULTI- COLOR COCOA-MATTING--36" WIDTH. ALL TYPES 9" x 9" FLOOR TILES. QUAKER AND SANDRAN WALL COVER- 1 like them to wear." famous personalities Mis; as "dressed"' are Bette Ladd, Diana Dors, clothes, Yvonne de MOSCOW (AP)--Mme. Nikolai Bulganin, wife of the Soviet pre-| mier, served some of her home- made strawberry and currant jam Tuesday to her first American luncheon guest, a honsewi'~-career woman from Bronxville, N.Y. Mrs. Betty Mase said she was impressed by Mrs, Bulganin's '"'easy graciousness." The premier"s wife entertained Mrs. Mase as a representative of the cultural side of American life An English teacher, she. talked without an interpreter Mrs. Mae described the Bul- ganin apar'ment as 'very pleas- ant, home-like and comfortable." It is located in a concrete-faced five-storey building near the Kremlin, Dress Designer On Movie Set Has Exciting Job By SYLVIA HACK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) Millions of British moviegoers know Julie Har ric by name, but none has ever seen her on the screen. She is chief dress designer for the J. Ar- thur Rank organization, aud her fame comes through film credit lines. Miss Harris, not to be confused with the American actress of the | same name, is blonde, blue-eyed and attractive. In her teens she wanted to go on the stage but Her family wouldn't hear of it, so she settled for the next best thing--| | fashion designing. | "I'm not too disappointed." she| sald. "I'm in my element on an aistor with range Imperial Optical offers finest Hearing Aid Quality e Five all-new, 4 and 5-tran- e 10- Guarantee! o From $50to $150, complete One-Year Warranty, 5-Year Service Plan! e Easy time payments are Come in for 3-Minute Zenith Quality Test! Find out why Zenith is the world's largest-selling hearing aid! Imgerial Optical (Above Home Dairy) 22% SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA INGS 54" HIGH. SPECIAL! RUBBER MATTING FOR COVERING BOAT FLOORBOARDS! 9 x 9 LINO TILE 9° EACH A NOTE TO THE LADIES! OUR FLOOR SPECIALISTS RECOMMEND "KLEENSEAL"" & "DUROGLOSS" For maintaining the finish on your new floors and re-claiming a like new finish on your old floors. Come in and let us tell you more about them ! ROSS E. MILLS CO. LTD. 81 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Company ENITH * models to choose from! Day Money-Back standard accessories, d' FREE! PHONE RA 3-7641 TERMS ARRANGED i | Company elaborate film set. I love a wil Featuring METROCF OLITAN STORES Summer Values... MEN'S In fancy novel weave S-M-L. 3.95 | SPORT SHIRTS "LAWN ACCESSORIES" PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE 50 Ft. 2.69 PLASTIC /20-FOOT 1.39 SPRINKLER-SOAKER ® Sprinklers 49c ® Nozzles 69c LADIES' EYE-LET BLOUSES White, Pink and 95 s. Sizes Yellow. Sizes 12 to 20. LADIES' SIZES 812 TO 11 ASSORTED COLORS BOBBY SOX 39- LADIES' TOYO CAPS 59 JOCKEY CAPS 79¢ SIZES S-M-L. CANDY SPECIALS TOASTED MARSHMALLOWS Ib. 39¢ half Ib. 20° MEN'S FOR SUMMER, SIZES 612 TO 7Va. "COOL" GABARDINE HATS 1.89 LADIES' WHITE SUMMER MEN'S PURSES IRTS (7) Complete assort- 1.59 49 | "REMEMBER OPEN Every Friday Evening Till 9 P.M. ment of popular de- TOPS FATHER ON FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY JUNE 17" METROPOLITAN 60 KING ST. E. STORE OSHAWA Visit Our Lunch Counter for Refreshing Drinks or Snacks