oe 13 MEAT vooomowe _----- gw ® --------- SCOUTS AND BROWNIES MARCH IN BIG # THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, June 4, 1958 i creation leaders were finalized ing job in recreation. Children who to the camp site for these leaders orn Mr. Rai went over the . po Discussions by. directors who will attend the parks will be well to apply their new training. plans with those present, neni d S 1 t d At Bo will take a part at Camp Quin- looked after and have a whole- PERSONNEL suggestions and enquiries were ana 1an mu a e om m Mo-Lac, the training course site some program of recreation of Advanced personnel will be 2s forthooming. The gSeheral jesting . . near Madoc, took place. which to partake signed to particular instructors was one 0 satisfaction, with a Representing Oshawa at the A series of rules was drawn up and used as student leaders for few minor changes here and al S 0 IO uce ven olise meeting were four directors of for behavior of the trainees while basic trainees, who will earn such there The question of future ex- CRA, Wendell . Brewster, Joan at camp. One of the main as- thing during their stay at camp pansion was also considered,' as' LONDON, Ont. (CP)--The army tremendous bang and a 400-fo¢ Lambert, Wes Ogden and Bob pects of precautions is that of wa as, tips on how fo Produce on the well as ihe act that the plans nday exploded a simulated ushroom, the Fis Sod mill Bateman. For the training course ter safety. At no time will they playground, leadership practices, are subjec ) ang ihn . b id t i the t 5 hed i! wl le = . * at "Quin-Mo-Lac, about 30 summer be allowed to swim at night or child behaviour, playground safe- With the drive for funds start aloe bom , said to have been ! saw a 50-foot mushroom. bl A « i PAN ne ra il | recreation leaders will attend alone, Special times have been set ty and volunteers, arts and crafls, ing fodsy, June a more Teganding irst ised np live training exer- Brig. T. g Gibjon, Sed eon i { ; rior d rg atic story tell- specifications and so-on wi ve cise in Canada. mander, said similar bombs w! ANL M. nd dur- | Den. They are, left to right, from Oshawa. aside prior to lunch and dinner games, dramatics and s t 5 : i . ST. BY A. RICHARDSON, Ihe Jamons oN Pipe 2a 4 de. | Jean Smith, 10, of the 10th Osh- Playground supervisors, swim-!/for swimming periods. Non-swim- ing, special events and others forthcoming later in the cam But the demonstration, under de- be used this summer ak variou executive commissioner of the | ing Yesterday 3. Scou. parade. awa Brownies, Salvation Army ming instructors and central staff mers and learners will be restrict The work of the camp will be paign. Tot velopment 14 months, failed to camps, and their training valug Bov Scouts Association, district | Two Brownies, in right picture, group, and Joyce Rychkoski, 9, members, including those from ed to shallow water completely handled by the train William Broadbent and Whi, meet expectations. Instead of a will be tabulated of Oshawa, in top picture on | chat with Bob Clayton, a rover | of the same group. CRA, will attend the course and The keynote of the advanced ees in the form of duty personnel Wheeler wets Jamal fo he oid | re BE na a . i wa Rover Times-Gazette Photos are expected to number approxi- course is leadership application. and rosters. / g oe, Mr. hats with John Reid of mate of the 8th Oshawa Rover - - - mately 150. The advanced group having com- This training course is by no Sharp, the Wardens, Mr Sparkes : ; SERIES OF RULES pleted at least one playground means a holiday for those partici-|and Mr. purien and the Jestry . Each year extensive planning leadership training course or hav-| pating. During their days at camp, clerk, Arthur Dellingham, 4 n in- Church Nears DE NOT ES takes place for the annual event ing comparable skills or exper- each day will be designed to pro- vitation was extends 10 | ep | { which will begin on June 24 and ience, will this year have more!vide maximum training. gregation to submit any worth- $60,000 Goal Church services for the Boy|uty Chief D. G. Ferguson directed Scout parade on Sunday were! police operation during the par- The First Baptist Church came pol in Simcoe Street United lade. within $2,000 of their $60,000 build- Church. The church was over! Parents and friends of the boys ing fund objective after a week-| crowded with over 1300 Cubs, and girls in the parade were im- ; Brownies, Scouts, Guides, Rovers pressed with the large number long canvass, May and Sea Rangers. 'You can't move who took part in the parade. The canvass, which started May in there", said one adult standing/S. A. Richardson; executive com- 24 and ended May 31, saw 14; the vestibule. missioner of the Boy Scouts for {shioners pledge or contribute. |Oshawa and district said Sunday, pa drizzling rain that the next big parade will not ' By KEN McQUIGGAN Brush up on your "Well played, Not only did the ey Dn Rev. L. D. Begg said that the ici. be held until the fall old man," and "Oh I say, well . lv built chill the boys and girls partici- be ; ha . : bowled, Chumley," and you can oil SHUSh Jo De Joni Y A pating in the parade, but drum-| Marching ability of the partici- YOW eC, CHURN, Ate YOU, (EF Yeast mers for the various bands, who pants of the RErone varied 3s the match lanning stage. It will be at least 4ij well in spite of it, were res- younger members were highly eri- : : 7 year 8 Ye construction gets un- tricted somewhat as a result of tical and always endeavoring to But, you mus! remember io yap aye wet drumheads keep their ranks steady while the when someone says, "well played, derway, he said | |older group remained steadier and etic. aug not boo when the wick. First Baptist is still negotiating] Oshawa recise. ets go flying. ther than a with the pri for sale of its present pails uticen, i busy More Pp you'll know as much about cricket church property. all during the parade re-routing/ Closing prayer with boys and as the old expert himself § 4 or stopping traffic. Preparations| girls gathered in the court yard, You see, last Saturday's match {for the parade went on about two of the church was said by Rev. between Peterborough and Osh- hours before the event as con-D. F. Summers of Westmount awa was the first game of the stables placed no parking signs United Church, where a church season and the boys weren't sup Chief Con-| parade of scouts was _ held re- posed to be in good form The 5( Cars Hit, on parking meters. 3 stable Herbert Flintoff and Dep-' rently. local team wasn't supposed to be doing very well either, but I an ur wouldn't have known except I overheard one elderly cricket fan, er bug, say to another between pipe puffs, 'Smithers not quite up ~ i. to it today." Fraser (Reta) of Londen, Oujario The other chap said nothing for at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel Scarboro and John Bress of Rich- 2 While ang] was almost Yeady 10 at 2 p.m. today for Henry Rid- mond Hill. Pr rn A : dell, 528 Grierson avenue, who Also surviving are a sister, Mrs a AT Rav cars, was the only one injured. He no coi" away suddenly, following Charlotte Schrouder of Berlin, LONGE fill : " ; stiff neck. turd June Germany; a brother, Fred of Ber: I still didn't suspicion that any has a a heart attack, on Saturday, thing was wrong until the . first It is believed that a west-bound 2 lin, Germany and six grandchil-| i ng i rors car stopped to aid a car - driver, The service was conducted by dren. | PRE pul of Said 23 Ae! Noles. who was changing a tire. A second Rey, Dr. George Telford, minis-| _ NLEY GEORGE PRESTON |at bat~ car is alleged to have banged into ter of St. Andrew's United Church.| STANLEY G +E ESTON lat bat. : ; f the parked car Interment was in Mount Lawn The death occurred at Bowman-| Cricket is perhaps the only the year © : P d stop-| Cemetery y ville on Saturday, June 2, of Stan- game outside of chess which A third west . boun Dip rs Pr ox Sel the late Mr. and Mrs. ley George Preston, beloved hus- should be played in the atom age ped behind ihe first jo sal A william Riddell, the deceased was band of the former Ethel Gilders, Ereryuiing else Jus increases our 8 : : ry ch TARY Sur ¥ » cricket is he led onto born at Hawick, Scotland, on Au- in his 66th year ood pressure while cricke hg ge of gust 13, 1886 and was married at, Mr. Preston is survived by two! perhaps the most relaxing five or OBITUARIES HENRY RIDDELL The memorial service was held and two sons, A five-car collision on Simcoe street west near Mount Lawn Memorial Park at 1.45 a.m., Sun day, resulted in estimated $625 damage. Lloyd Hardacker, 18 Colborne street west, driver of one of the the road Hamilton, Ont., in 1913. t sons, David and Douglas a by : EES v i r, eastbound, was in A resident of Oshawa for 43 siepdaughter, Mrs. Eric Caldwell her husband, by three daughters, eg with hy third car and Years, Mr. Riddell was employed, (Violet) Mrs. William Foote (Jean) of the fourth car prior to retirement, for 35 years The remains are at the family Baltimore, Blanche of Oshawa yi f cars involved besides by General Motors. He was an .ecidence, 48 Church street, Bow-|and Miss Marie at home and two De I are: Thomas employee of the body shop when ,.anville' for service at the Mor- sons, Budd and Paul at home Loy ag of 25 Division street retired. ' : mth TiS Funeral Chapel at 2.30 p.m The remains are resting at the Teaganis, "Strus, 19, 1274 Simcoe pa dae Snlisted. 5. J on Tuesday, June 5. Interment Bowes Funeral Chapel, Cobourg, pod ip Shahid TARRY ' attalion at Oshaw oi En . 18 servic Set a Soi street: William Howard Watters, I and later transferred to the 19th will be in Bowmanville Cemetery.! for service in Bethesda outh . FY ] € v United Church at 2 p.m. on Tues- 40; of 1103 Centre street, Whitby: p tion with which unit he serv- CHARLES DEWHIRST | Tiey Cur 8 wi 3 5 Harvey George Thompson, 19, of ed for four years in France. Sexton of Christ Memorial An-!f nt 4 RR No. 1, Hampton _ He was a member of St. An- glican Church for a number of he Cobourg Union Cemetery. drew's United Church and of Lo- years, Charles Dewhirst passed A. H. BIGHAM cal 222, UAW-CIO. away suddenly on Saturday, June LINDSAY -- A man who has He leaves to mourn his passing| a 5t his residence, 572 Mary been in business in Lindsay since 1936, and who often expressed his his wife, the former Annie GOI- street He was in his 73rd year. don. : Born at Accrington, Lancashire, pride at being able to work ac Also surviving are three sisteri pnojand, the deceased was a son tively, although on in vears, ler Mrs. Matilda Scott of Marcellus, ,¢ the late Luke and Hannah Dew-| bert Arthur Bigham passed away - Indicts Man N.Y. and Misses 'Annie and Emily hirst. He was married in St. at his late residence on Kent Riddell of Hawick, Scotland: and| johns Anglican Church, Accring-| street east Thursday night. He was Don't throw apples at cars. Why a brother, Thomas Riddell of Wy- ton, in 1903 in his 84th year. not? You may. be indicted for it. oming. ! A resident of Oshawa for 26' The late Mr. Bigham had, for Maurice Gardiner, 33, has been ~ + years, Mr. Dewhirst served as an the past few years, been in the indicted on two charges of com- JOHN FREDERICK BRESS at engineer in England and, after retail piano business, which he mitting a nuisance and endanger- |. Armstrong Funeral Chapel at coming to Oshawa, was an engi- operated after turning over his ing the public by throwing an sa, 0.0, "today for John Frederick neer at Hotel Genosha for some electrical business to his son apple at a passing car last August Bress who died at the Oshawa time. He was a member of Christ Lloyd. He came to Lindsay in 1936 24 General Hospital on Saturday, Memorial Anglican Church from his native Woodstock, and A grand jury, sitting at county june 2 Mr. Bress was suddenly! Predeceased by his wife, the during his lifetime in this town court in Whithy this morning. must stricken at his home, Taunton former Mary Brining, in 1954, he was a member of the United decide whether this Brock Town- road west, and died shortly after leaves to mourn his passing two Church « ship man must stand trial tomor- gqmission to hospital. daughters, Mrs. Lillian Cameron: The late Mr. Bigham was the The service was conducted by of Toronto and Miss Edna Dew- beloved husband of the late Stella row Judge John E. Pritchard, in his Rv. A. F. Cowan, minister of hirst at liome, and one son, Allan Hewer, and father of Mrs. Eva charge to the grand jury this Centre Street United Church. In-/ Dewhirst, at home O'Rourke, London: Mrs Roland morning, said, "In my opinion, we terment was In Mount Lawn Also survi pe two sisters, Lewis, (Nora), Mrs. Blake Foster are going beyond our depth and Cemetery. Miss Edith De it of Accting- (Doris) and Ray of Toronto; Lorne 1 submit that a common assault The son of the late Mr. and ton, England i iss Jane Dew of Ajax, and Lloyd of Lindsay charge would have been sufficient. My John Bress, the deceased hirst of Whithy. a brother, Wil He rested at the McArthur Fu However, vou and you alone must was born In Germany on Febru- liam of Accrington five grand neral Home in Lindsay for service decide what is to be done ary .18, 1895 and was married in children and one great-grandchild. on Saturday, June 2, and interment Berlin, Germany, on February The remains are at the McIntosh in Riverside POOR JAIL 19, 1917. Coming to Canada In' Funeral Chapel for service in Judge Pritchard also had some 192, he had lived in Barrie and|Christ Memorial Anglican Church Cemetery. MRS. CLARENCE WOODLEY words to the grand jury on the Brougham prior to coming to) at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, Rev.. The death occurred at the Bow- state of 'our poor old jail." Oshawa three years ago. H. D. Cleverdon, rector of the manville Memorial Hospital on "We're supposed to be getting a Mr. Bress was a former em- church, will conduct the services. Saturday, June 2, of Gladys E new. one," he said. "But we ployee of Oshawa Dairy Limited Interment will be in the Oshawa Collacutt, beloved wife of Clar haven't even got the foundation and at the time of his 'death was Union Cemetery ence Woodley : vet. Maybe you will feel it needs employed by the Strahl - Burghart a Besides her husband, Mr. Wood stirring up. Maybe it should hit Company. MRS. EDGAR PHILP ley leaves to mourn her passing ihe headline: That is for! ile leaves to mourn his passing, The death occurred suddenly at two daughters, Mrs. Ray, Patter you to de i his wife, the former Mary Nich-'the Cobourg General iiospitai on!son (Edith nd Mrs. Sam Sell The W said to be ol three daughter A Chris- Sunday, June 3, of Cladys Nona'ick Joyce! one Sot 100 vear ocated behind Bress of Toronto Irs, Pr. Budd beloved ife of Edgar I'he tuneral a the. cc ise. It has been er Cummingshy Lou Lon- Philp the Morris Faneral Chap condemned by past grand juries. don, England, and Mrs. Russell Mrs. Philp is survived, besides, maaville, at 2.30 p.m. today. In Te Recreation Directors 8 Make Summer Plans Recreation directors of the East continue for five days Central Ontario Playground Train- details are worked out before the |ing Course met in Port Hope re- course begins, assuring maximum cently as plans for the forthcom- time and opportunity for trainees |ing training camp for summer re- PARADE ¥ All minor opportunity of practicing techniques, To this end, of Public School children to become prepared for their com- Peterborough And Oshawa | Open The Cricket Season six or seven of eight hours you'll ing. Only the bowler uses what! termed ever spend in the great outdoors might be vulgarly on a Saturday or Sunday after- 'muscle.' noon I have a suspicion Englishmen tired of wars in did days they used cricket to re- lax their tired bodies and it was one way they could get out into the open air and put in an awful lot of time doing nothing in par- ticular. It is better than solitare or bridge or many games to while away the time The spectator too is lulled into a wonderful feeling of utter relaxa- tion, Even if you know the game nothing happens too suddenly to throw you into a howling maniac or think of ever shouting, "'Trow duh bum aht." CAUSES RIPPLE the @ way rehearsed and beloved tasks with out a thought to the onlookers bu only 'to the reverent task at hand The click and thump of cricket home yun in a ball game. Some that cricket is a game could be very fascinating to devotees. The white - flannelled teams moving over the field don" disturb your reverie. this game right up into their old The one display of temper dur- age, there is no age barrier ing the whole afternoon was 80/30 or so like baseball. Bowling be mild, yet it caused a bit of a ripple on the.calm but was soon forgotten and everyone went back to a semi sleep. Yet the players swear up and down, in a polite way of course, by a practised bowler. The bal will ways before the batter nis wicket to that cricket is a most intricate bouncing ball. and skillful game. That may be! 87TH BIRTHDAY so, but to the onlooker, it isn't so| Alfred John Groves celebrated much that it is dull, it is the amaz- ing attitude of the players. Instead of straining gum chewing athletes who slide recklessly on bases and strain mightily for fence leaping hits, the cricketer almost languidly goes about and attended the cricket match because he hasn't many. For many years a crick- ete Mr. Groves was most en- thusiastic and took great interest his batting and fieid-'in all that went on. Blonde Drowns Baby Daughter At Lover's Urge BLOIS, France (Reuters)--The "demon lovers" of Blois, a blonde secretary and a handsome young army officer, were found guilty of murder Saturday night in the "love sacrifice" death of the woman's two-year-old daughter. Denise Labbe, 30, who admitted she drowned the child, was sen- tenced to life imprisonment, Lieub. Jacques Algarron, who Denise said urged her to kill the child as proof of her love for him, Fas sentenced to 20 years at hard abor. The child, named Catherine, was born to Denise of another man She said Algarron "bewitched her into drowning the bahy terment tery. was in Bethesda Ceme- JOHN MOON OWEN SOUND A resident of Owen Sound and district all his life, John Moon died suddenly on Thursday at his home, R.R. 7 Owen Sound. He was in his 86th year Surviving are three sons, John of Toronto; Thomas of Owen Sound; Ray of Guelph, and one daughter, Margaret, Mrs. C. C Baxter of Oshawa. One brother, Wesley Moon of Durham and two sisters, Mrs. Martha Lougheed of Toronto, and Mrs. Edith Kennedy of Deseronto, also survive. There are seven grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren The late Mr, Moon was pre-de- ceased by three sons, Ivan who drowned off the S.8. Lambton in Lake Superior on December 8, 1927; James, whose ship was tor- pedoed in the Merchant Marine in the Second World War in 1941 and Gordon MRS. ELIZABETH ANN MAJOR Dr. In failing health for the past three years Elizabeth Ann Scott, beloved wife of the fate Horace Herbert Major, passed away at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Satur day, June 2, She was in her 86th K. M. Johnson ! Heads Dentist Group BANFF, Alta. (CP)--Dr. K. M Johnson of Winnipeg Saturday was Slected president of the Canadian Jenta ids Association. He was born 3 at Strathroy, Ont Born at Norwood, England, on . April 7, 1871, the deceased came . r to Canada and Oshawa in 1908 Ww GROUP DISBANDS | She was predeceased by her Th OR STER, England (CP) first husband, Richard Smith, je irades cone] here has dis- many years ago and by her sev. han ed its saving group. Members onc husband on November 9, id they have nothing to save. 1952 ou She is survived by two daugh. dren, 49 great - grandchildren and ters, Mrs. George Smith (Annie) 6 great-great-grandson : of Toronto and Mrs. Clarence; The memorial service will be Dye (Maude) of Toledo, Ohio and held at the Armstrong Funeral ms, Ge Smith of St.,!Chapel at 2 pm. on Tuesday, ind William June 5, followed hy interment ir f Osh and Wil-'the Oshawa Union Cemetery. Rev ) f wa and John Clinton Cro rector of St George's Anglican Church, will conduct the services. Also surviving are 36 grandchil these a special busloadito the gathering by the student from nearby Madoc will be transported man for the meeting. With a couple of stops for tea, that when the team moved about the field in that reminded one of the celebration of some high rite in a huge cathedral with the parti- cipants moving about their well- the midnight Tuesday: ball on the bat and the) green turf is not disturbing as alara, Lake Ontario, Georgian Bay, with tear gas. how, this spectator got the idealgor, London, Hamilton, which North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with ater the close of a two-day meet-'and estimates of the dead the its scattered dy v ] bids HE | After Nehru's speech, t tittle warmer Tuesday. Winds [Marathi mobs stormed along Bon Men play light. High today and low tonight |bay's main boulevards attackin at |laloe 65 and 50, London, Wingham, comes an artistic. thing when done | Hamilton and Muskoka 60 and 50, "break" in several different| Earlton 65 and 40. and en- tices him to swing early, leaving the mercy of the his 87th birthday the day before missed very Award Bibles™™ To Pupils QUEENIE FLETCHER Correspondent HARMONY -- The attendance! at St. Matthew's Anglican Church| on Sunday, June 3, was 92, in spite of a heavy rainfall. The service marked two events 7 One was the awarding of Bibles| { and prayer books for attendance| and proficiency to the following pupils: Elizabeth Wheeler, Bill Broadbent, Lee Paradise, David Ad Fiell. Graham Forsythe, Denise (Parkin, Judy Clement, Barbara |Collins, Joe Waite, John Forsythe, |Jane Parkin, Sandra Paradise, Jon. Zavinsky, Frances Sparkes. Jimmy Pickering, Suzanne Park- in, Gordon Oakes. jo Thg service also marked the| 2 closing of Sunday School until September 2. { Announcement was made re- garding the Congregational and PROPOSED NEW CHURCH |Sunday - school picnic to be held} { {this coming Saturday, June 9. } | » . This outing will be held at the { wn seme Anglican Parish | dent, Mr. Bert Budai, who resides north of Maple Grove. Cars are Pl N Cl mac {asked to meet beore 1.15 p.m. at {the church, where they will be | pooled to provide transportation. . QUEENIE FLETCHER a church. A decision was The accompanying picture is an to embark upon a financial can architect's sketch of a proposed paign to secure the necessan A [FIRST CONFIRMATION {The first rite of confirmation {for the parish of St. Matthew's {will be held Tuesday evening.inew Church that will be erected funds. June 12, at 8 o'clock. Seventeen py the Anglican Parish of St. This campaign officially gets ui candidates will receive the laying on of hands by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Right Rever- jend T. H. Wilkinson, Toronto, {who will conduct the service. | The Church Guild will serve re freshments at the close of service, | BUILDING COMMITTEE | At the vestry meeting held at |St. Matthew's Anglican Church {last Friday evening, plans for the | proposed new church were avail- {able for inspection. Mr. Paul Sears, B. Arch, MRAIC, Toronto, was introduced Matthew's. der way today. It will continu Situated at Wilson road south until June 24. | and Hoskin Avenue, the church, The proposed church will se: property is iw the very heart of a'over 400. It 'will have a basemel closely built-up area. One year capable of handling the man ago, church services commenced Sunday-school classes, combinin the in' the frame portable building a large auditorium; stage, kitche: placed there in 1954 by the De- wash-rooms, offices, and so-on. O partment of church extension in the ground floor, the church pr¢ Canada of the Anglican church. per with ample seating roon Since that time one year ago, choir and organ area, navd | continual growth and interest in altar and so-on. The plans als | every phase of church activity, call for rooms for taking care has necessitated the need for babies and very small childre more commodious quarters. At a/whose parents otherwise wo special Vestry meeting held a few have to forego church attendanc weeks ago, an almost unanimous and many other comparative! vote was cast for the building of new, modern features. minister, Mr. R.- A. Sharp, chair- | while suggestion on paper to the A Evokes Riots WEATHER By HAROLD K. MILKS ing of his Congress party, Th BOMBAY (AP)--Faced by Nols mobs set up Street Jarficades an " . ide ous outbreaks which left one dead, stoned cars an uses cal n cas ORONTO EF he Doiiclal lore. three wounded and scores injured, Nehru supporters from the beac |lic. weather office at 5:15 a.m. |; rime Minister Nehru held firm police reported 119 persons a Synopsis: The low pressure area today in his decision to exclude rested and 100 or more injured. which brought cloudy, showery Bombay City from a new Marathi- TO BE FEDERAL AREA h southern Ontario Sun. SPeaking state for India. L ] Noathes Be almost stationary The issue ignited two days of| Nee Sal Bomhays vislene over the Great Lake. As a resuit Violent demonstrations during a|had orfeite e c ye mmedia! little change in weather is expected Weekend visit by Nehru. Marathi-| right to determine its future, an today acress the province. Sunny speaking Indians in the city want repeated that the metropolis weather will continue over the Bombay included in the proposed 3,000,000 population will become § north country with cool howery|adjacent stage being carved out federal area administered by th weather persisting over the re- along language lines. : |New Delhi government. He pro! ¢' mainder of the province. At one point a mob shouting ised to reconsider Bombay's stat t + f ot alid til "Bombay is ours' surged within|in five years. | Regional forecasts va until oon yards of a platform where the| Two rival language groups, . |prime minister was speaking. Po- Marathi and the Gujerati, cove Lake Huron, Niag-(ljce drove back the demonstratorsithe rich prize, a modern a | beautiful port city with a sol Chowpally base of industry. Savage riotin} beach area,|flared last winter over the issue Lake Erie, -| Haliburton, Kirkland Lake, Wind-| Nehru spoke at Toronto, Sands, a Bombay showers today, cloudy 400. 1|with sunny intervals Tuesday. A ranged up to 1 at Windsor, St. Thomas, and Kil - Toronto, Trenton, St. Catharines, DISTRICT suppotters of the prime minister WRONG ADDRESS == Motor Crash | Summary for Monday--Cool 'and] A news story in The Times-Ga- showery. zette last week erroneously stat- LJ - Adit tein: py at Mrs. Gertri Maclnally, | 3 Timmins - Kapuskasing: Cloudy| ed that Mrs. Gertrude MacIna 0 P a I es ; with showers ending about noon|2 Witness in a police court case, Nn I 1 1 and clearing by this evening. |lived at 205 Nassau street. This Sunny with a few cloudy intervals should have ready 203 Nassau Kills Nine Tuesday. A little colder Tuesday. street. Winds light. High today and low y | toni t skasing 60 IN MONTREAL 1 OE RONTG Cp re 0 and | ed Baker, who represents the WEYBURN, Sask. (CP) -- Th bulletin issued by the Toronto pub. Sun Life of Canada in Oshawa worst highway crash in Saskatchdll : and district, has just returned wan history claimed nine live lic weather office at 10 a. m. tos : : is day: home from a business trip to his Saturday night when two cars col 1 North Bay and Sudbury 60 and 45 {company's Home .Office in Mon-|}; h . h Min. Max, treal. He took part in a special lideq Beaton FoF ats ety 2 ! (Night) (Day) | four-day Educational Conference void : . | | Dawson 40 61 held at Ste. Marguerite in Que-| Five oil workers were killed 1§ | Victoria ............ 47 52 'bec's Laurentian Mountains, and one car which burst into flame | Edmonton 6 78 |attended by Sun Life men who after the impact. From the othe | Regina 56 79 = have recently qualified for mem- car police took four bodies, a Winnipeg . 61 81 bership in the Company's Lead- members of one family from Bien | Port Arthur 41 69 ing Producers' Club. fait, Sask. | White River 43 75 Only survivors were three younj | { Kapuskasing . 38 74 BEST IN CLASS boys, one of them snatched fron | S. S. Marie . 48 65 Dirk Van Dokkum, Keeshond the burning car by passers-by wh North Bay ....... 49 62 |show-dog owned by Mr. and Mrs. couldn't reach the adults. Sudbury ............ 47 58 Ww. Cc. Stovin, 101 Gibbon Street, DAYLIGHT CRASH | Muskoka airport ... 47 62 was "best in his class" at the : RZ setTed: 4 u b BR i hora The crash occurred in late-after Windsor... 0... 50 53 Barrie Dog Show held recently. noon daylight on a wide gravel London 54 Dirk was also cited as "best re- a wd A ' ad i (led highway nine miles southeas Toronto . - serve" in the open competition re ors' 30 . a : of Weyburn. There were no wi Ottawa .. 74 (and came second to his half-broth- nesses, RCMP said the accident'd] Montreal 78 ler in the 'best Canadian-bred'| >>> "4 o cause may never be known. Halifax .. 61 |competition, | Next Saturday, Dirk will go to, The dead: ! [the Kingston Dog Show. | George Pickard, 39, his fathe | Leonard, 66, his wife Peggy Joan WELL KNOWN HERE 133, and his son Lloyd, 8, all fron Rev. W. C. Smith, a former pas- Bienfait. {tor of Port Perry United Church.! Killed in the other car were Rob Due Today has accepted a call to the United on Prive, 22, Stoughton, 'Sask. Churches at Port Stanley and Dex-| peter Haverchuk, 27, Walter Thor, | The second city tax Instalment ter. He moves from Grand Bend lakson, 23, James Thorlakson anc is due today. at the end of June. Joseph Popadynec, all of Wyn! | City Tax collector C. L. Cox said BIRTHDAYS TODAY yard, Sask | that city hall will re-open from Congratulations and best wishes' Pulled from the flaming car was 7 to 9 tonight for late-payers are extended to Mrs. Earl Cook, two-year-old Randy Haverchuk. H _ The city will give tax- 270 Division street and David was taken to hospital along witl per cent discount if : Por 1k, 109 Montrave avenue, two Pickard children--Gerald, 6 their third, fourth and final in- who are celebrating their birth: and David, 2. All were 'suffering stallments today, along with their jays today. multiple fractures. second and first instalments. : - arteries Collector Cox said he hoped citi zens would con 1¢ heir 00d re the ord, which saw 71 per cent of I Fieri josie on May het date! TEN DERS the first instalment was due. Sr = ; For Coal and Fuel Oil {Brantford Burglars Oshawa Schools Steel $1,000 Plus Safe Sealed tenders marked (Tenders for Fuel) will be received by the |' | BRANTFORD (CP). Safecrack.] Beerd of Education on their requiremnts for ful for the next lers broke into the Mauttart Build- 22G30R. . fers' Supplies i ffice in nouthy Tenders will close Saturday, June 16, 1956. Quantities and spec- : 1 pay cer | Paris Saturday and made off with ifications may be obtained ot the office of the Board of Educotion 1 safe containing almbst $1,000 in 179 Simcoe St. S. ash, and office records About. $800 of the stolen represented donations Iswimming pool fund. W. GORDON BUNKER, / Business Administrator, Board of Education, Oshawe. money to a Paris