22 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursday, May #1, 1956 Quebec's Voyageurs Civilization's Vanguard {who were the motive power of the canoes he made -- the Montreal fur trade, and whose backs and canoe of 35 to 40 feet, manned by paddles, in the century up to 1840, 14 men, for use on the big rivers opened the territory that is now and Great Lakes; the North canoe, western Canada and the northwest- 25 feet or so, on smaller streams y beyond Grand Portage accompanied by the irrepressible ern states, ; CARRIED OWN SUPPLIES spirit of these small singing men Much has been written of the And the manner of building and who drove the big canoes, these traders and the explorers, the were the rations that opened up a bosses. What this Minnesota his- continent. torian was after was the man with Peas, touched up with a bit of the paddle in his hand, the song fat pork, from, the St. Lawrence'on his lips, the incredible endur- to Mackinac, Corn from Mackinac ance in his body. aver the Grand Portage and on to To get him, she sought out the Lake Winnipeg. North and west detail in diaries and accounts, pub- from there, rubbaboo lished and unpublished, of travel- Rubbaboo? It was simply pem- Jers he carried West. He himself mican soup. Pressed and pounded left no private record. He could buffalo meat boiled in water, with neither read nor write. He could a bit of flour and sugar added only paddle and sing and lug great when such luxuries were on the weights. And, if one of his nas cards. |sengers . chanced to be a lady, LIVELY DESCRIPTION pluck wild roses for her from the The recipe for rubbaboo is one clefts of rock of a thousand small matters de- But, though he left tailed by Grace Lee Nute in her Miss Nute has found him living Miss Nute's voyageur was not book The Voyageur. They add up in the words of others. There are, only a paddle-man. Separate chap to a lively picture of these men for instance, the dimensions of the ters outline his role as settler, sol- THE BOOK CORNER By THE CANADIAN PRESS Peas, corn and rubbaboo Translated into muscle on the backs and arms of voyageurs, and strips of birch rind sewed together with red spruce roots, slipped over a thin white-cedar framework, and caulked with melted pine gum. In these days of service stations it is interesting to think of the voya- geurs carrying their supplies of gum--for the process had to be repeated daily or oftener to keep the craft watertight--and strips of bark for mending the breakage caused by rock or root. To drive these sensitive craft their thousands of miles, up and * down rivers, only small tough men would do no writing, space and leg-room repairing. The craft were built of of Big men took too much ger | dter and explorer. Voyageurs! ) in the Revolu tured and held Michili : for British Canada in the war of 1812 They were effective partisans, though wont to come on parade with pipes in their mouths, rations stuck on their bayonets, and to salute with a sweeping bow and a "bon jour, monsieur le colonel." The book, originally published in 1931, is re-issued by the Minnesota Historical Society of St. Paul, reprint is made possible by a Chie- ago enthusiast, proceeds to go into a revolving fund for assisting pub- lication of books in this field "Arsous-kiisi-rarpi,'"' or the man good heart, was the Indian name for Rev. Albert Lacombe sho went to the wilds as a young Oblate missionary and served the Indians and Metis of the great Northwest for his lifetime--he died in 1916 In The Bold Heart (Macmillan) Josephine Phelan of Toronto has written specially for younger read- ers. but for people of all ages it is an interesting study of the histori- cal events of the Northwest Terri- tories and of the work done by the 'black robes." Miss Phelan wrote two previous books in the same ral field of history, winning a governor-general"s award for her study of D'Arcy McGee in The Ar: dent Exile, and a work for juve- niles, The Boy Who Ran Away. 1 pola side The| SERPENT MISSING PETERBOROUGH (CP)--A 50- pound, four-foot-wide serpent 1s missing. The serpent, carved from | aire laminated plywood, was an orna-| I "It would take four years and a mental feature in the lobby of a | Philadelphia lawyer o find out hotel. Officials are wondering how everything he owns.' the thief managed to walk off with Listing four companies which he the serpent without being seen. said Murchison controls or owns, Mr. Rea sstimated their total as- sets at $2,285,250,000 "Yet oy 'cannot raise $80,000, 000," he said. also will put the Senate in a posi-| tion for fast handling of the pipe-| line bill, by which the government proposes to Jd Trans - Canada 'ipe Lines Lid. up to $80,000,000) ., inlv to build the western leg of the pro-| Certainly, posed 2,200-mile Alberta-to-Mont- Motes, but the spelling -- oh real pipeline this year. | dear!!" Britain's production , of metal { Rorking machine tools rose from £6,000,000 in 1935 to £66,000,000 in LAST (night gave a new name to the com- "Trans- 't raise the mon 4 ANBE RRA (Reuters) Aus. &! yy ay: TORONTO (CP) Wage currently short of dock work hour Has Billions (he said in mock seriousnéss in the introduced in Parliament Wednes- {800 members of the United Steel Then he went on to talk about € onto Spadina, Wednesday T e issi tion immediately called a one-day getting set for fast action--whether a conciliation board under judge ---- per empmm---- i gove of $708 ene -- |versial gas pipeline bill.. Utilities schedule to be established by Janu- is $87,000,000, They are getting to buffalo days when Father La- zte notice WedneSday night he will retroactive to last Feb. 1. o only $8,250,000. He lived through these days into permit the Senate to move any |Murchison, Texas multi - million. Rupert's Land from the Hudson's unanimous consent of the House came other great chapters in the this time each session when the the second Riel outbreak and the funds to carry it through June, or Lacombe's earlier and more pre- This legislation usually gets to The author has captured the color|through so royal assent can be sir, I can read my . . Rustralia Rppoints Senate Stri S 'Steep Rock Mines Rea Says {pany that is to build the Alberta: Waterfront Cont 1 {to-Montreal natural gas pipeline: aleriro ontrolers Giv P H t ves Pay Hois h tralia's turbulent waterfront, n- in- rans- an a {Canada Pipe Lines Lt, rags tu 0 Co! " stantly threatened by strikes ind or ast out creases averaging 22.8 cents an These poor little millionaires," are included in a new con- o will be administered in future oy {tract announced today between Commons. Maybe they are ! y 7 /i ill} | St k Mine a new body provided for in a bill] n 1 £ ine eep Rock Iron Ore Mines and OTTAWA (CP)--Charles E. Rea. ! : i tyke wg AT . ite Ip : the holdings of shareholders in day night. workers Union at Atikokan. rogressive Conservative member qm. Canada. The Waterside Workers' Federa- OTTAWA (CP)--The Senate is The settlement was reached by for : i d |{Company~"1 fing" that this com: shutdown on the waterfront June it be on emergency supply legisla. Walter Little of Parry Sound. It an hac) a total invested capi 6 to discuss the hill. [tion or the government's contro- provides for a base rate of $155 SALLY'S SALLIES pg a apts: (an hour and a job classification eee ------ 14 3790.000,000, Corpora: The Bold Heart is a heart-warm-' Solicitor - General Macdonald, tion--""Their total invested capital ing account of Indian life in the government leader, gave the Sen- ary, 1957. The wage increases are her be a poor comp "i combe first became a missionary move for a suspension of certain Canadian Delhi il Co.--"'Assets and trusted friend to the Indians. Senate rules. Their suspension will hv Speaking of individual sharehold: the new era in the West started piece of legislation through all its ers, Mr. Rea referred to Clint by the government purchase of stages in a single day without the! Bay Company. Senate rules barring one - day Along with the land transfer passage usually are suspended at story of the West--the Riel upris- government puts through an in- ing, the transcontinental railway, terim supply bill to provide it with rapid growth of white settlement. until all government departmental They signalled an end to Father estimates have been approved. ferred life of working among the the Senate only at the last minute Indians and Metis of the plains. and there is need to push it of the period in her lively account given. of the missionary's eventful life. In this case, the rule suspension 21 BOND W. LAST 2 DAYS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of these SENSATIONAL BARGAINS FRIDAY EVENING 1:00 P.M. SPECIAL ! 50 ONLY--ALUMINUM GARDEN CHAIRS {l Tubulor aluminum frame, rust resist. ant! Folds easily! Seat end back of yeavy water-repellent cotton duck! Has re- inforced double seat! Comfortable arm ™ rests. Choice of red, green or blue, 5.95. SPECIAL 3-99 2 pair 7.00 9-88 3 broken sizes Men's Nylon Gabardine 95 MEN'S FINE QUALITY DRESS or PANTS SPORT Firm textured, good weight be self-beit ond en finish, Sizes 28-44 in blue, navy, grey, ton. eg. $5. SPECIAL LADIES' ALL-WEATHER COATS Featuring o smart coat for all-season wear. XL4 pro- to be crease, spot wet resistant Reg. TOPCOATS Topeoots of a fine strong tex- ture, smoothly tailored, slash pockets, and back vents, rayon satin, broken sizes end colors Reg. 19.95 SNOW WHITE BED SHEETS Cellophane packed 55 x 90. Reg. 3.99 GIRLS' Sanforized Plaid CUFFED JEANS Sizes 8-12. Reg. 1.79 . BOYS' DAVEY CROCKETT PATTERNED "T" SHIRTS sie niet, ss 09) FOF MEN'S WHITE "T" SHIRTS Cool, white "T" Shirts with pocket. Sizes §, M, L. Reg. 5% GIRLS' SUN DRESSES Sanforized broadcloth, Sizes 2.12, Reg. 1.98 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Good looking, baby chenille tufting with graceful floral de- signs. Double bed size. Reg. 7.95 PENNYWORTH'S BEYOND BOYS" | BOYS' SANFORIZED DOUBLE- KNEE JEANS -- Zipper, nylon reinforced. 1 44 . Reg. 2.98 BOYS' GABARDINE DRESS PANTS--Belted, zipper, pleats. Sizes B-16. 2 44 | Reg. 6.49 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS -- Long sleeve, assorted patterns. Sizes 8-16. Reg. 1.98. 99 BOYS' TOPS and SHORTS--Ny- lon reinforced. Sizes 3 1 8-14, Reg. 42c. for BOYS' PYJAMAS -- 2-piece Broadcloth (Sanforized). Piped Edges. Sizes 8-14, 1 24 1) Reg. 2.49 CORDUROY LEISURE JACKETS -- Self belt (just like Dad's). Assorted shades. 3 95 [] Reg. 11.95 BOYS' QUTDOOR SHORTS -- Sanforized gaebardine, Back pocket. Zipper fly. o 4 shades. Reg. 1.49 99 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS -- Plisse short sleeve, no ironing neces- . SF 8-16. EL Boys Playflex RUNNING SHOES -- by Bata. 3 36 [] Sizes 1 to 5 BOYS' COMBED COTTON "TT SHIRTS -- Breast pocket. As- sorted colors, Sizes 8-14. ¢ Reg. 1.19 19 MISCELLANEOUS PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE--50 ft., clear, complete with cou- lings, 10-year guaran- 3 1s] Ll] tee. Reg. 6.95. 100 RAZOR BLADES--Made of the highest quality steel. Reg. 1.79 00 | WOOD SALAD BOWLS--Im- ported polished wood salad bowls, make saled more o tempting. Reg. 5%c. 36 PLASTIC WASH BASIN. 84° Reg. 1.09 KOTEX--Box of 12. MR Reg. 42¢ 35 SUN GLASSES -- i of 8 different types. ¢ Reg. 200 .......... 19 BILLFOLDS -- Leather, plastic [i GARDEN CHAIRS -- Sturdy | aluminum, rust resist- ant. Reg. 9.95. 6.79 NYLON BRISTLE TOOTH BRUSHES ¢ Reg. 59c. 3 for 25 AIR MATTRESSES. size, with pillow, easy to inflate. Special Reg. 8.95 4.99 BADMINTON SETS complete with 4 racquets, 3 birds and net. Bo 4.99 10.95 WATER GOGGLES Large 1a Sive Small Size Five-tube reversible, SANS ss VALUES EVERY MORNING FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 10.30 A.M. ENDING SAT. JUNE 2. 1ST QUALITY 21" x 40" CURITY. DIAPERS REG. 4.95 PER DOZEN BELIEF MEN'S MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS--Long Sleeves--First quality, beguti- fully patterned. 1.99 jizes 5-M-L. Reg. 4.95. Each . MEN'S SANFORIZED JEANS-- First quality, rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-44, $ 2 for 5 Reg. 3.99 DRESS SHIRTS -- Cello wrop- ped and boxed, Pink and white. i 1 16v3. Rog. 3.98. & tor O MEN'S WORK SOCKS -- Ali dng IN EY MEN'S HOBBY JEANS -- San. forized holiday denim jeans. 301042 hog, 475. 3:69 9.95 MEN'S SPORTS JACKETS, Reg, 17.95. DRESS SHOES--Better quality SE WIND. SUEDE LEATHER BREAKERS -- Si 36 to 44. Reg. 109s. 9.99 HOUSEHOLD STURDY PILLOW CASES -- Snow-white cases for long wear. Sizes 36" to 42", 0 Reg. 1.00 Pair 59 SHEETS TEX MADE BED Double bed size 81 x 99. First quality. 4 49 . Reg. 6.95 SCATTER RUGS -- Heavy pile, attractive colors, rubber backed, 18" x 30". 1.39 Reg. 1.98 BATR MAT SETS--Thick, col- orful chenille bath sets, non- skid, rubberized. Reg. 2.50 RAYON BEDSPREADS--Wash- are 199 3 PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS. PILLOWS, Feather Reg. 1.49 oa. 54" x 54" PILLOWS, Kapok, Reg. 99¢ eo, | PILLOWS, Foam Rubber chips. First Quality 2 for 5.00 BATH TOWELS -- Large size, 21 x 41. Reg. 1.69. 99° Pair BELGIUM TABLE CLOTHS -- Rich looking, fancy border Table Cloths, 54 x 54. Reg. 2.75 P.D.S., 1.58 EMBROIDERED PILLOW CAS. ES Reg. 1.49 a4 PAIR IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANe KETS Plaid hlankets greatly re- duced. 70" x 84". Reg. 4 29 1 6.95 PAIR 1.79 4-PiEcg CooKing sey pooches® ched ch 0g. 3.49"%9 SHachmeny OSHAWA gL BEYOND BELIEF LADIES' COTTON DRESSES -- Smart fresh-looking cotton dresses. Sizes 12 to 52. Reg. to 5.95. Money Saver .. BATHING SUITS -- New styles and fabrics. Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44. Reg. - 2.99 6.49 to 9.95. LADIES' RAYON BRIEFS -- Sizes S-M-L, 3 $ Reg. 42¢ for LADIES' ""T" SHIRTS -- Inter- lock Cotton 'T* Shirts, 7 89° new shades. Reg. 1.29, ALL - WOOL CARDIGANS -- 2 styles, cable stitch and batwing. 6 colors. Sizes 12 to 2. 49 20. Reg. 3.98 LATEST IN CAR COATS '-- Sizes 10-18. 10. 95 Reg. 12.95 LADIES' 1ST QUALITY COT- TON SLIPS -- 1-year guaran- tee for satisfactory wear. Sizes 32 vo 42. 1 59 Regular 2.95 LADIES' BLUE FADED DENIM JEANS -- Sizes 10-16. Reg. 3.98 2.99 NYLON SLIPS Half slips. ¢ Reg. 1.98 99 Full slips. 1 44 [] LADIES' SKIRTS--Made from printed Basket Weave cotton. Large flare. Complete with black belt, Sizes 1 43 ' 12-18. Reg. 5.95 INFANTS' KIDDIES' 100% NYLON DRESSES -- Counter soiled. Sizes 2-3-4. Reg. 5.98 . . .. os . KIDDIES' UNDERSHIRTS--But- toned and Pullover. Sizes 1-2-3. Reg. $ 59c¢ 3 for 1 PLASTIC PANTS -- First quality. (With new soft Stretch.) colors. S-M-L. S Reg. 29¢ 4 for 1 TRAINING PANTIES--Combed cotton, double gusset, assorted colors. Sizes 2-6. 11 $ Reg. 25¢ pair for HOODED BABY TOWEL SETS. Reg. 1.98 1 4 INFANTS' FLANNELETTE NIGHTIES. ¢ Reg. 5% : 39 KIDDIES' ROMPERS -- Vinylite reinforced pants, Sizes 18 mos. to 12 years. 1 18 pre Kiddies' Short Sleeve SHIRTS. Sizes 4.6. 51 Reg. 39¢ for KIDDIES' PLASTIC BIBS With shuolders. 9 Reg. 29¢ each KIDDIES' ROMEO SLIPPERS -- Sizes 8-13. - o-, Reg. 2.98 1:20 Kiddies' Unlined Senferized DENIM JEANS -- Sizes Ns 3-6x. Roa. 1.29 big 1.99, 3.88 | GIRLS' GIRLS' ALL-WOOL SHORTY COATS -- Sizes 8-14. | Reg. 10.95 ........ 6.99 GIRLS' 2-PIECE SUITS -- Sizes 10-12 only. 4.49 Reg. 16.95 | ee GIRLS' SPRING COATS -- All wools, rayons, etc. Sizes 8-12. Reg. 14.95 . = 49 | GIRLS' PYJAMAS--No. iron, 2- piece seersucker pyjamas. Sizes 8 . to Reg. 249 ....... 49 GIRLS' SUN DRESSES -- Wash- able," fine broadcloth dresses. Sizes 2 to 12 years. ¢ Reg. 1.98 . 99 GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS -- At- tractive holidey denim pedal pushers. Sire 8to 12 1 99 GIRLS' SOCKEES -- 1st quality, postel colors. Sixes 612 to 814, Reg. 4 99° 35¢ . GIRLS' NYLON "BLOUSES -- 3 styles. Sizes 8-12, Reg. 1.98, Less than 99 half price GIRLS' KHAKI JEANS - -- Sizes 8-14. 2.60 Reg. 3.29 SPRING COAT and MATCH- ING BONNETS -- Sizes 1 to 4.95 x. Reg. 6.95 2 DAYS TO TAKE ADVANTAGE of these SENSATIONAL BARGAINS FRIDAY EVENING 1:00 P.M. SPECIAL pen 4] EEET Bl A ACTIiS EE 1 -r 50 ONLY GUARANTEED 2 YRS. Complete with couplings and washers. Reg. 2.99 LADIES' ALL-WOOL SHORTY COATS With latest back Hest hi / 4 These coats sell Broken sizes. "ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL . .. MEN'S CORDUROY JACKETS Men's 3¥;-Length Gabardine Sttoller Jackets. Fully-lined Cor. duroy front, detachable belts. Size 36-44. Assorted colors. 2 potch pockets BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Fancy print, no iron "plisse" shirts. 2, 4, & vears. Reg. NAVY BLUE BLAZERS 809% wkoal, 20% cotton, braid trim. 7 to 14 years. TOYS KIDDIES' BASEBALL OUTFIT-- | 1 Bat, 1 Ball, 1 Glove. ' Reg. 1.89 . ERR 99 MINIBRIX. Reg. 5.95 FRICTION TRUCKS... RINGING TELEPHONES FRICTION MOTORCYCLES FRONTIER ACTION COWBOY SET 10-Piece TRAIN SETS. Reg. 2.49 1.98 DR, U. B. WELL SET. Reg. 1.49 89 ALL- RUBBER RUMPEL TOYS. "Nosie the Lamb', "I h 99% Newest style. 12 to 20. Reg. 4.95. LADIES' GABARDINE SLACKS American tapered TEEN AGE JEANS Sanforized shrunk. Western Sigle. 12 to 16 years. Reg. PYJAMAS Ist quality, Sanforized Jrank broadcloth, 36 to 44. the Rabbit", Roofus the 1 19 . Rooster'. Reg. 2.49 3.99 ALL-RUBBER DOLLS. Reg. 5.95 69° 3-COLOR FLASHLIGHT VIOLIN Reg. 59¢ WILD BILL HICOCK GUN Reg. 5.98 2.99 1.99 HANDY ANDY TooL SET. Reg. 2.98 89° 8-KEY XYLOPHONE. Reg. 1.49 OUTING JUGS Reg. 2.95 to 12.95 2 QUARTS 1.79 GROUND SHEETS Reg. 2.49 . CAMP COTS all metal Reg. 9.95 CHILL CHESTS 6.99 SAVE ON CAMPING GOODS