MEN'S 2 PANT SUITS Double and single breasted broken ranges and sizes. REG. 32.95 Anniversary 24 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 24, 1958 » 1.004 [INN BEYOND ee BELIEF FRIDAY EVENING EVERY MORNING FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 10.30 A.M. STARTING FRIDAY MAY 25 TO SAT. JUNE 2. 1ST QUALITY 21" x 40" CURITY DIAPERS REG. 4.95 PER DOZEN VALUES BEYOND BELIEF FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL ! "50 ONLY--ALUMINUM GARDEN CHAIRS Tubular eluminum frame, rust resist ont! Folds eosily! Seat ond bock of veavy water-repelient cotton duck! Has re- 4 inforced double seat! Comfortable arm rests. Choice of red, J green or blue, Reg. 5.95. SPECIAL 7:00 P.M. SPECIAL! GARDEN HOSE 50 ONLY GUARANTEED 2 YRS. Complete with couplings and washers. Reg. 2.99 LADIES' SUITS About 35 Suits in broken sizes and styles. Mostly sizes 12 *» 14, some women's sizes. Some regular 39.75. YOURS FOR THE PRICE OF A PAIR OF JEANS. So be early and get them at INFANTS' MISCELLANEOUS KIDDIES' 100% NYLON |, ,oric GARDEN HOSE--50 Special BOYS' LADIES' / 94 MEN'S FINE QUALITY DRESS or P AN S sr PANT 99 Firm textured, good weight LJ gabardines with seif-belt and crease 'resistant finish, Sixes 28-44 in blue, navy, grey, tan. Reg. $5. SPECIAL LADIES' ALL-WEATHER COATS 8 f Featuring a smart coat for all-season wear. XL4 pro- cessed to be crease, spot and wet resistant. Reg. 22.95 -- broken sizes, Men's Nylon Gabardine TOPCOATS ; 0 hb Topcoats of a fine strong tex- ture, smoothly tailored, slash pockets, and back vents, rayon satin, broken sizes and colors. Reg. 19.95 SNOW WHITE BED SHEETS Cellophane packed 55 x 90. Reg. 3.99 . «ox PAIR GIRLS' Sanforized Plaid CUFFED JEANS Sizes 8-12, Reg. 1.79 .... BOYS' DAVEY CROCKETT PATTERNED "T" SHIRTS Nylon reinforced neck. for Sizes 12-14. Reg. 79 each MEN'S WHITE "T" SHIRTS Cool, white "T" Shirts with pocket. Sizes S, M, L. Reg. 5% REVERSIBLE BLANKETS 1st quality, strong durable cotton yarns. Solid shades with colorful candy stripe design. Ideal for cor, beach or country, beds, etc. Reg. 1.98 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Good looking, baby chenille tufting with graceful floral de- signs, Double bed size. Reg. 7.95 . BOYS' SANFORIZED DOUBLE- | COTTON DRESSES -- Smart KNEE JEANS -- Zipper, nylon reinforced. Reg. 2.98 .. Ld BOYS' GABARDINE DRESS PANTS--Belted, zipper, pleats. Sizes 8-16. oH Reg. 6:49 ......... 2.99 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS -- Long sleeve, assorted patterns. 99° Sizes 8-14. Reg. 1.98. SIZES U-1V. nF. BOYS' TOPS and SHORTS--Ny- lon reinforced. Sizes 3 1 8-14, Reg. 42c. ; for BOYS' PYJAMAS -- 2-piece Broadcloth (Sanforized). Piped Edges. Sizes 8-14, Reg. 2.49 CORDUROY LEISURE JACKETS -- Self belt (just like Dad's). ET 3% BOYS' OUTDOOR SHORTS -- Sanforized gabardine. Back pocket. Zipper fly. ¢ 4 shades. Reg. 1. 49... 99 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS -- Plisse short sleeve, no ironing neces- sary. Sizes 8-16. Reg. n 98 . seein ou 29 Boys' Playflex RUNNING SHOES -- By Bata. Sizes 1 v0 5 BOYS' DENIM JACKET -- Un- lined. (Sanforized.) Sizes 8-14. Reg. 2.88. 1.99 BOYS' COMBED COTTON "T" SHIRTS -- Breast pocket. As- sorted colors. Sizes 8-14. o Reg. 1.19 19 MEN'S MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS--Long Sleevés--First quality, beauti- fully patterned. Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 4.95. Each .... 1.99 MEN'S SANFORIZED JEANS-- First quality, rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-44, $ Reg. 3.99 .. es 2 for 5 DRESS SHIRTS -- Cello wrap- ped and boxed. Pink and white. Sizes 1412 to ¢ $ 162. Reg. 3.98. . 2 for 5 MEN'S WORK SOCKS -- All- wool, nylon rein- 3 1 forced. Reg. 49¢ for MEN'S WORK BOOTS. Sizes 7 to 11 3.15 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS -- No- iron, short-sleeve sport shirts. 5 colors. MEN'S HOBBY JEANS -- San- forized holiday denim jeans. Extended waist band. 30 to 42. Reg. 4.75. . 3.69 MEN'S SPORTS JACKETS. Reg. 17.95. 9.95 DRESS SHOES--Better quality Sizes 6-11, SUEDE LEATHER WIND- BREAKERS -- Sizes 36 to 44. Reg. 11.95. 9. 99 fresh-looking cotton dresses. Sizes 12 to 52. Reg. to 5.95. 9 No" "1.99" 3.88 Saver BATHING SUITS -- New styles and fabrics. Sizes 12 to 20, 38 2152.99, 6.49 LADIES' RAYON BRIEFS -- Sizes S-M-L. n $1 Reg. 42¢ RE 9 for i LADIES' "T" SHIRTS -- Inter- lock Cotton ""T** Shirts, 7 6 new shades. Reg. 1.29. 89 ALL - WOOL CARDIGANS -- 2 styles, cable stitch and batwing. 6 colors, Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 3.98 2.49 LATEST IN CAR COATS -- Sizes 10-18, Reg. 12.95 LADIES' 1ST QUALITY COT. TON SLIPS -- 1-year guaran- tee for satisfactory wear. Sizes 32 to 42. Regular 2.95 COTTON BLOUSES -- Flatter ing styles. "Lowenstein" fabrics, a" TP, 2.88 NYLON SLIPS Half slips. Reg. 1.98 Full slips. Reg. 2.98 LADIES' SKIRTS--Made from printed Basket Weave cotton. Large flare. Complete with 121. Res. 595... 1/49 GIRLS' | GIRLS' ALL-WOOL SHORTY COATS -- Sizes 8-14. Reg. 10.95 : 6.99 GIRLS' 2-PIECE SUITS -- Sizes 10-12 only, Reg. 16.95 GIRLS' SPRING COATS -- All wools, rayons, etc. Sizes 8-12. Reg. 14.95 1.49 GIRLS' PYJAMAS--No-iron, 2- picce seersucker pyjamas. Sizes 8 to 14. Reg. 2.49 i 1.49 GIRLS' SUN DRESSES -- Wash- able, fine broadcloth dresses. Sizes 2 to 12 years. I Reg. 1.98 : 99 GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS -- At- tractive holiday denim pedal pushers. Sizes 8 to 12. Reg. 2.98 1 99 GIRLS' SOCKEES -- in quality, pastel colors. Sizes 612 to 812. Reg. 35¢ GIRLS' COTTON BLOUSES--In 3 styles, tailored, embroidered and lace trim, Reg. 1.98. [} Less than half price 88 GIRLS' KHAKI JEANS -- Sizes 8-14, Reg. 3.29 ........ 2.69 SPRING COAT and MATCH- ING BONNETS -- Sizes 1 to 3x. | Reg. 6.95 SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. SHARP ALWAYS WIDEST SELECTION of FIRST QUALTY MERCHANDISE @ YOU ARE INVITED to OPEN A CHARGE or BUDGET ACCOUNT eo LAYAWAY PLAN DENNYWARTS | LINIW i WY Wil DEPT. A ------ SIURL Sizes 2-3-4. colors. S-M-L. Reg. 25¢ pair. . NIGHTIES. reinforced pants, Sizes 18 mos. to 112 years. SHIRTS. Sizes 4-6. Reg. 39¢ eas With shuolders. Reg. 29¢ : Sizes 8-13. Reg. 2.98 3-6x. Reg. 1.19 DRESSES. -- Counter Reg. 29¢ ....... "7 for TRAINING PANTIES--Combed | Reg. 1.09 ......... | cotton, double gusset, assorted | KOTEX--Box of 12. colors. Sizes 2-6. a for INFA N T I'L : FLANNELETTE | etc. KIDDIES' ROMPERS -- Vinylite 1. 18 NYL Kiddies' Short Sleeve TOYS 1 Bat, 1 Ball, 1 Glove. Reg. 1.89 MINIBRIX, Reg. 5.95 FRICTION TRUCKS RINGING TELEPHONES FRICTION MOTORCYCLES COWBOY SET . 10-Piece TRAIN SETS. Reg. 2.49 .. DR. U. B. WELL SET. Reg. 1.49 the Rabbit', Roofus the Rooster". Reg. 2.49. . ALL-RUBBER DOLLS. 3.COLOR FLASHLIGHT VIOLIN HANDY ANDY TOOL SET. Reg. 2.98 .. Reg. 1.49 KIDDIES' BASEBALL OUTFIT-- | FRONTIER ACTION WILD BILL HICOCK GUN 2.99 emeroiverED PILLOW CAS 8-KEY XYLOPHONE, 795 clear, complete with cou- | lings. 10-year guaran- | tee. Reg. 6.95. .. 3.99 KIDDIES' UNDERSHIRTS--But- | 100 RAZOR BLADES Made of toned and Pullover. Sizes 1-2-3. | the highest quality ow or | Reg. 1.79 | woop SALAD BOWLS--Im- PLASTI c PANTS -- First | orted polished wood salad bowls quality. (With new soft Stretch.) | make salad more tempt- 36° ing. Reg. 59¢ * | PLASTIC WASH BASIN. 1.09 84° 1 | Reg. 42% ... | SUN GLASSES HOODED BABY TOWEL SETS. | different types. Res. 5%... O tor 20° | AIR MATTRESSES. Five- tube size, with pillow, reversible, KIDDIES' PLASTIC BIBS -- easy to inflate. Special ¢ Reg. 8.95 . : _ | BADMINTON "SETS complete KIDDIES' ROMEO SLIPPERS -- Iith 4 racquets, 3 birds and net. 1.88 15%s Kiddies' Unlined Sanforized DENIM JEANS -- Sizes arge Size | Small BiLLFoLDS -- Leather, plastic 29 39° | Reg. 79% | GARDEN CHAIRS -- Sturdy | aluminum, rust resist- ant. Reg. 9.95. 6.79 ON BRISTLE 1 TOOTH 4.99 HOUSEHOLD STURDY PILLOW CASES -- | Smow-white cases for long wear. | Sixes 36" to 42", Th 89 Reg. al 00 Pair TEX MADE BED SHEETS 89° | Double bed size 81 x 99. First Res. 6.95 6.49 89° [SCATTER RUGS -- Heavy pile, | Sirestive colors, rubber backed. 99° | = 1 i 1 39 | BATH MAT SETS--Thick, col- 6 | orful chenille bath sets, non- De ID RAYON BEDSPREADS--Wash- | able, 4 shades. 1 99 "8% Reg. 3.69 . | PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS, 39 ALL-RUBBER RUMPEL TOYS. | 54" x 54" ""Nosie the Lamb', "Longhop | PILLOWS, Feather | Reg. 1.49 eo. PILLOWS, Kapok, Reg. 99¢ ea, PILLOWS, Foam Rubber chips. Overy. & 15.00 BATH TOWELS -- Large size, 21 x 41. Reg. 1.69. 50 Pair .. . 4 | BELGIUM TABLE CLOTHS N. 8 | Rich looking, fancy border Table | Cloths, 54 x 54. Reg. 2.75 |P.D.S., 1.58 ES Reg. 1.49 I PAIR 99 IBEX FLANNELETTE BLAN- | KETS Plaid blankets greatly re- ote With latest back effect styling. These coats sell for 16.95. LADIES' ALL-WOOL SHORTY COATS 8:68 Broken sizes. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL MEN'S CORDUROY JACKETS Men's 3,.Length Gobardine Stroller Jackets. Fully-lined Cor- duroy front, detachable belts. Size 36-44. Assorted eolors,, 2 potch pockets . . BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Fancy print, no iron "plisse' shirts. 2, 4, 6 years. Reg. NAVY BLUE BLAZERS 80% wkool, 20% cotton, broid trim. 7 to 14 years. GABARDINE SLACKS Newest American tapered style. 12. to 20. Reg. 4.95. TEEN AGE JEANS Sanforized shrunk. Western nk. 12 to 16 years. Reg. PYJAMAS we 1st quality, Sanforized. Shrink Steadeieth, 36 to 44. OUTING I Reg. 2.95 to 12.95 2 QUARTS CHILL CHESTS 1.79 6.99 SAVE ON CAMPING GOODS a ETS eres, 109 CAMP COTS all metal Reg. 9.95 21 DOND eT BM Ul. SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. SHARP NACUAW vuiinmn