Z | 3 a WHAT WILL HE GROW UP TO BE? street. Mark's grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Holloway of Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McHugh, Ottawa. --Photo by Hornsby Studio This solemn two-year-old with big, enquiring eyes, is Mark Stephen McHugh, son of Mr and Mrs. Roy McHugh, Front MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL After Visiting Nudist Club Can't Share Mates Enthusiasm MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL | Dear C.H.: Ali I know about Dear Mary Haworth: My hus-| nudist clubs is what I've read In hand has been a nudism enthusiast|newspapers from time to time, for a long time; and before our when some incident or dispute has marriage several years ago he made news. However, my objective specifically said he would want me outsider theory is that a mixed as- "THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursday, May 24, 195 9 Conditions In Japan Revealed In Inspiring Talk To WMS An evening meeting of the is be cultivated; in Canada it was i it a 8 ho i. wi the ' Columibs United continued by saying that an urch, recently when the unskilled laborer made only 14 bers were hosts to the Explorer cents an hour. A public school group, CGIT and many adults to teacher réceives $20. a month and hear the guest speaker, Mrs. supports his family at the same James 'thurlow, Toronto, who time. Typical scenes in Japan very spacious. | She with her husband is home on fur- were women working as laborers, | |lough from Japan. Mrs 3 dent of the WMS presided for the what here were considered as ne- meeting. Assisting in the worship cessities e.g, refrigerators, elec- service were Mrs. Ray Scott and tric stoves, television sets were [Mrs Marshall Francis. A trio|luxuries to them. : | comprising Mrs. Maurice Jebson, Shintoism, Buddhism and Chris- oe Jebson and Miss Mar. tianity were the main religions in gare! Ratclifie sang a sacred|Japan. The first two religions number accompanied by Mrs mentioned were the most promin- Wailace Scott at the piano ent. Shintoism Vidi a Sale rel} : oi i t since the war the people A short business period was gion aa ie held. A bale of clothing is to bt were See e Joliete in any rel prepared by the end of May Bion. Te uddhis! young, peop { and 2 quilts are to be quilted. {deb er Bal ing RS Mrs. Roy Rickard introduced the school and Church. Japan would| guest speaker. Mrs. Thurlow is 2 soon be celebrating 100 years of charming Japanese Chrsian wom Ciristaniy. During the war. bow: § Na 8 ever, the missionaries were com-| University of Toronto and has suc- pletely excluded. cessfully attained the Bachelor of" Mrs. Thurlow was converted | annual many times working seven days a Clifford Naylor, vice-presi- week. Mrs. Thurlow remarked that! MRS. EDWARD ROSE 1956-57 Officers Are Installed For Harmony H & S The Harmony Home and School Association heid its annual mee ing this week in the school audi- torium Mrs. Llovd Courtice, ren resenting the Oshawa Home and Schoo! Council. installed the offi- cers for 1956-57. Mrs. Edward Rose, the presi- dent, welcomed all those present, and conducted the business. The reports made draw an social work degree at this univer- from Buddhism to being a Chris- overall picture of the accomplish- sity tian during the war. er parents|ments of the past year During her address, she tried to were prosperous Buddhists and get her audience 'to realize the were opposed to her becoming a conditions in Japan. She compared Christian but later became recon- Japan, her country, with Ontario ciled. Over a period of time she in size and population in that the was called by God to become a whole of Japan was smaller than social worker and intends to re- Ontario. The population in To- turn with her husband in the fu- kyo was e ght million with seven! ture. population in the whole of Canada The meeting closed with the was 15 or 16 million. In Japan Benediction after which tea was only 16 per cent of land could served. | Shoes With a Slight Heel Best For Sky-Scraper Gals | Tall girls who slouch about the heard of--and a few that you may | city streets in flats and an in- not have seen yet, such as printed feriority complex would do well to and embossed leather, punctured study a few basic principles of pigskin, corkette, and reversed design, according to 'a well-known calf. architect. | "But whatever you choose buy He points out that a basic fact|ghoes that fit well. The most beau- of architecture is that appear- tifully designed shoes in the world ances are usually deceiving. Take|won't improve your appearance if a look at any public building that|they make your feet ache. And has Greek columns and imagine if you want the good fit to last, {those columns without a base, he he "sure that soles as well as up- suggests, They would look much|pers are of leather. Leather soles The slate of officers for the en- suing year was presented by Mrs C. E. Twining, chairman of the nominating committee as follows: | President Mrs. Edward Rose; | vice-presidents Mrs. C. E. Twin- ling, Mrs. Albert Rundle; record- ling secretary, Mrs. Ronald Og- den; corresponding secretary, Mrs. James Hare; treasurer, Mrs. John Wheeler: executive mem- |bers, Mrs. Gordon Garrison, Mrs. {Wilson McKay, Mrs. Ronald Wil- |son, Mrs. Michael Kashul, Mrs {enry Reed. I! Miss Judy Krantz played sever- al solos. An announcement was made regarding the school banner being made by some of] the members. It will be ready in| time for the Field-day early in| | June. The safety flag had not had| to lowered once during the year,| an indication of good ssafety practices. The room attendance prize was won by Miss Jacklyn Doake. f Refreshments were served by the mothers of grade 1 pupils un- der the convenership of Mrs. John Neill, and Mrs. Kenneth Whiley OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL P.M. SPECIALS! THURSDAY @ FRIDAY @ SATURDAY 36" WASHABLE COTTON SPECIAL 39: YARD RINTS 36" PLAIN & PRINTED GLAZED COTTONS In assorted colors and de- signs. SPECIAL YARD FROM OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT 5,000 YARDS VAT DYED 48" DRAPERY FABRICS Reg. Values Up Te 3.98 Yord CLEARING! 1.98 YARD to accompany him when he went sembly of unclad individuals, of!taller and certainly less pleasing. don't spread, thus prevent distor- | to their meetings. Rather unthink- adult age, would be a rather sorry| That's what happens when a tall|tion of the shape of the entire ingly, 1 agreed. spectacie rot the aegthetic view- girl t to = down her height|ghoe As we weren't living near a point--assuming one had the hardi-/ by wearing flat-heeled shoes alll The girl who wants to cut her : i Unit- nudist club, the subject wasn't a hood to take a look. the time. She would do well, in- height Kut still look trim should pg ri Reg ri problem until recently although, Also, it is my belief that human stead, to wear heels that are two|also carry a fairly large, flat, rec-| of the Sons of Jacob synagogue for my husband occasionally ment- beings are going against their in- and one-half inches high. These tangular - shaped leather bag. If church services. Construction of joned his intention of visiting such born pattern, actually defying their make her taller certainly, but, she isn't too thin, a contour belt the United Church congregation's a club when possible. higher human instinct, in trying to paradoxically, they make her ap-/of bright - colored leather would new edifice is to start in June While on vacation Josently, belhehave as i bare skin were Sul. | pear less tall r bevayse She looks | also help. - . contact a nudist club and we| ficient social dress, in public gath-/more graceful and properly pro- were invited as guests. It was nec-|erings of men and women. portioned. aT hliscture lt has leasons. 10F vont. And the leather pumps with essary for me to go with George,| Beginning at puberty, if not earl- So, if you are 5-foot-8 or taller,(tociors arou oY hE hh Is oi 0 an exaggerated "'V' line at the so that he could be admitted, and|ier, the wholesome human mani-|keep this in mind when buying|; ers 2 ne . £3 hoes nk-| throat are wonderfully thinning to recalling my promise, I recluct- fests a powerful prediction for|a new pair of leather pumps or or Wg Male Jor alle WHeH the ankles. J antly consented. {emotional shyness and physical sandals for spring. The new mid-| v y only & alienation - 1 have read "modesty" ' ¢ iv "| heel -- which is 2 to 2% in o her lack of stature. The effect ba opie ig gt gee of or protective cover: pee y i is % inches oon ething like putting a chry- y these people, ing)--as the scholar Floyd Dell| g s perfect for the tall girl.| ,nthemum in full bloom in a bud | ALL DEVOTED pn SHOP AND SAVE -- LOWEST PRICES IN OSHAWA AND DISTRICT 75 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA RA 5-1611 i blished understand that the cult might ap-|pointed out long ago, in his plo- It's high enough, without being too peal to some, I know in my heart neering psychological study Aid high, gives the {llusion of ap Yase. oki Svoid Wiis, the short that 1 am not one of them. in the Machine Age." high' heels through skillful design-| feel. but In a color. th the mid- CAUSES MARITAL RIFT MODESTY IS NORMAL ing, and Is as comfortable as a guntie than dramatic that's more On this visit, we were received Something valuably human has flat walking shoe BU than ramatic. gy A in a very wholesome manner, and been lost to the individual of ma- You can have this mid-heel in| pai FL THiS 33000 31. t ote Jn the 1 don't mean to speak against turing years who hasn't this in-| every type of leather you've ever nh bread ad, offe vy them; but, at 35 years of age, I|voluntary sense of dignity and re- = A ah ee re 32h, aes 'ee-and- have my own ideas and can't|serve with regard to his personal-|stand that. And you ought to be Other features in the new shoe change very much And I know Iity and body. According to the frank and firm with George about Styles will prove a boon, too, par-| can never endorse nudism as my story of religion, mankind has the|it since at least you know your ticularly the elongated toe, for the husband thinks I should. I know awesome vocation of being co-cre- own mind-on the subject, M.H. [short girl with a short 4 stubby | he is interested solely from alators with God, in begetting life| Mary Haworth counsels through y 8 Y | health standpoint, as his work that is sparked with immortal soul. her coulmn, not by mail or a | keeps him indoors; but my feeling| And perhaps it is inherent cognit-|sonal interview. Write to her in is that I can get plenty of sun-|ion of this awesome potential which |care of this newspaper. FASHION VILLAGE DRAPES - CURTAINS Sate shine on a beach in my bathing| causes wholesome humans to be-|-- © Modern . VENETIAN SHADES ni suit. come spontaneously "modest'" as George is making a big issue of procpeative powers develop this, and says a wife's place is i for the difference of opinion with her husband, etc. He is alin you household, it must be said very good man and has few inter- on your husband's behalf that he ® Scientific ests that take him away from me; | warned you in advance. You were IN OUR REFRIGERATED VAULTS and it is unfortunate for both of less fair with him--in agreeing to CALL RA 5.2722 FOR us that this dispute is becoming anything fo win him, it seems. Now FREE PICKUP BY OUR such a barrier to our happiness. face to face with nudism en masse BONDED MESSENGER! I will appreciate your comments. you find you simply can't becom: CH a joiner-wife. Well, I can under "Now I believe 1#-cooking 2s fan! --1t was Jewel that convinced me!" WANT TO CAUSE A SENSATION? SERVE THIS SENSATIONAL PIE--~TONIGHT | See Crean He. Jewel pastry that melts on the tongue. .. the cool smoothness of ice cream . . . the delicious surprise of hot meringue . . . here is the pie of a lifetime! And like all Jewel recipes, it's quick, easy -- and fun -- to make. PASTRY: Va cup Jewel a teaspoon salt shortening 1 to 3 tablespoons 1 cup sifted all- water purpose flour Cut Jewel into sifted flour and salt until the mixture looks like coarse cornmeal. And if you want your pastry to be truly flaky and tender, make sure you use homogenized Jewel. Now sprinkle water gradually over mixture, lending with a fork or spatula until dry spots disappear. Shape dough into a ball on waxed paper, and knead three » eh i 1 times. Let stand at room temperature Lote ation 15 to 20 minutes. Roll out into a circle 4" thick and gently fit into pie pan. Flute edge, prick the crust thoroughly. and bake at 450°F for 10 to 15 minutes. Cool before filling. FILLING: One quart of very firm ice cream MERINGUE: 3 egg whites Y4 teaspoon Va Yeaspoon salt eroam 6 tablespoons of tartar suger 1 teaspoon venille Make meringue by beating egg whites with salt until stiff but not dry. Gradually beat in cream of tartar and sugar, until very stiff. Add vanilla. Pack ice cream firmly into cold, baked pieshell. Spread lightly with meringue, making sure it touches rim of pastry. Bake in a very hot oven (450°F) three 0 minutes, or until 7 ng Ph g wires a delicate brown. ty ; 3 Linn. eR WHITE SWAN REGULAR ONE-PLY Canada's favourite tissue.» AND NEW DELUXE TWO-PLY baby soft, for you who prefer extra luxury. lit oducts of - putt AT CTS ---- 2 y-- hel. B. Eddy Company ALSO--=TOWELS AND Many cost more-hohe are better)