8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, May 12, 1958 CRESTS AND TROPHIES FOR SPORTS PESENTED Scouts Do Well In Paper Drive BOWMANVILLE -- The weather man certainly shows no favors as| far as the local Boy Scouts are concerned. However, despite tor-| rential rains, one of the most suc-| cessful scrap paper drives was | completed last night. The scouts] along with their fathers and several! volunteers were aided by the gen- erosity of local business firms who, had donated trucks and drivers. | By 9.30 p.m. they had covered the entire town, picking up paper that | had been placed on the boulevards by the local citizens. | Ted Clarke, chairman of the paper drive said later that over) sixty tons of paper had been col-| lected. Mr. Clarke had, great| praise for the way everyone co-| operated and had special thanks| for Jack Brough, Sheppard & Gill, | Roy Nicholls, Blaine Elliott, Ab Sturrock, Glen Rae Dairies, and Bert Parker for donating their trucks and drivers, and also. to R.| Brown of edardale Scrap & Metal whose truck took the paper to Osh- awa. Jim Presson, president of the local Scouts Association, was on hand to help out along with Police Chief Sydney Venton. [ Proceeds from these paper col- * [(BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Representative -- Lloyd Quinton, 29 Temperance Street MA 3-3729 Home and School Group Reports Successful Year { BOWMANVILLE -- The Bow-|$17.15; advertising, $2.00; fees to j |manville Home and School Asso- ederation, So pple ates lo ciation have had a very successful ; rf sgh sO 'Ad year both materially and financial-| Jay Js 352 85. Feereation com: y. e following financial state-| Eirini ; ment has been released for 1955- cg Mn 56. to regional convention, $4.70; Past President's Pin, $6.00; Gartons Coach Lines, $85.00; yearly aften- dance prizes, $15.00; school band donation, $50.00; flower shop, $1.25; scrap book: $1.97; coffee pitcher, $2.35; bank charges, 20 cents: so- cial night expenses, $73.p4. Total| $523.96, lunch supplies, Balance $239.20. MAPLE, GROVE Zaplitny Wants | -- To Dedicate Flooded West NORTH OSHAWA | New Bibles Given Rid oa | Receipts: bank balance $359.86; cash on hand, $1.37; collections, $101.96; membership fees, $41.30; social night, $56.00; inter-club din- ner, $108.02; bank interest, $1.55; sale of Christmas Cards, $77.00; Swift Canadian Co., $16.10. Total $763.16. Expenditures: ing B MAPLE GROVE -- A special| S rng bazaar Sage : ) OTTAWA (CP)--A general fed. Eroceds service was held in Maple Grove nei €0" lections will help to pay Si United Church on Sunday, May 6,|eral-provincial agreement to meet! o tc" and minor A ou 1 The church was re-opened after| Manitoba flood conditions, cutting [ ne Lccess being newly decorated and e the municipalities share of costs, | pastor, Rev. > M. Somerville, | V2 urged Friday night by Fred : VIOLET KIRBY Doing BRL WLR, S._ Zaplitny (CCF--Dauphin). nniversary t Correspondent |" Mrs. Ken Caverly, Hampton, He said in the Commons that NORTH OSHAWA -- Rev. M. C.land Mr. Wm. Buckley, Bowman. |the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Fisher of Newcastle conducted the|yijjle sang a duet and Sam Castle, | Act should be broadened to help NEW 1956 CHEVROLETS OLDSMOBILES Immediate Delivery communion service at St. Paul's S.5. -| Peterborough, a former member| overcome serious flood conditions tephen's United Church on Sun-|of the choir, sang a solo. "Jesus|il Some areas of the province in day morning last. S. G. Saywell Lover of My Soul'. Both these the last few years. | | BOWMANVILLE St. Paul's Sunday School will celebrate their] CADILLACS TROPHIES AND CRESTS presented to the teams which played in the Ajax Hock- ey League, and Basketball league last winter, under sponsorship of the Ajax Lions Club and Recreation Committee, at a special evening in Rotary Hall on Thursday, from left Fred Wright, vice-president, the | conducted the service at New-| numbers were greatly appreciated. | castle. _. |TO DEDICATE BIBLES | During the service the choir, di-| There will be one service, May | rected by Mrs. S. C. Rundle, pre- 13, at 2 p.m. when the 'Mother's| sented music appropriate to the Day Program' will be held. At this service. The choir sang the service 50 Bibles, which have been anthem, "Come Ye Disconsolate". given to our church, will be dedi- BAZAAR SUCCESS ... ... ... --|cated. There will also be a bap- The Senior Women's Association |tismal service. had a very successful Spring AUXILIARY MEETS bazar on Wednesday afternoon The May meeting of the | Mrs. Henry Dart, of Zion, opened Women's Missionary Auxiliary the 'bazaar. |was held in the basement of the The tea tables were dainty with| church with the president, Mrs. spring flowers from the garden of| Ross Stevens, in charge of the Mrs. Frank Crawford. | opening. A splendid showing of dainty| The worship service was taken aprons and beautiful fancy work|/by Mrs. Cecil Jeffery and Mrs. C. were on sale as well as a home| Kerr. Mrs.F, H. Kirkland, Osh- cooking booth, candy, a table of awa, was a guest speaker and) miscellaneous African Violets and! spoke on the life and work of Al- bulbs. bert Schweitzer. Tea was served from 2.30 p.m Mrs. Ken Werry, Bowmanville, till 5.30 p.m. Proceeds go to the recited 'The Cattle Thief" by building fund. Pauline Johnson, and two beauti- SENIOR W.A. MEETS {ful solos, "Does Jesus Care" and The Senior Women's Association | 'His Eye Is on the Sparrow' were held its meeting at the home of sung by Mrs. A. Dunn, Bowman- | Mrs. Gordon Lane on Tuesday eve-| ville, accompanied by Miss Louise ning. Mrs. Ray Smith presided. Osborne. Lions Club, Jack McKay coach CONSTABLE HILLIARD of Bantam Hockey team, Vic | PRESENTS "Police News |The worship service was taken by PERSONALS x Ames, treasurer recreation com- | , 1 santai lm Mrs. S. Rundle. Preparations were| Recent visitors with Mrs. A mittee. Mayor Kenneth Smith, | Trophy, to Captain Elmer {made for the A |Beech were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sid Smith, captain of Maple | Tran, Bantam Hockey team. |"'yi. "ao qn Love served a nice Rahm, Burketon: Mr. and Mrs. Leaf. Hockey team NHL. Con- | The team record for the season, |junch assisted by Mrs. Robert|Elmer Herring, Oshawa; and Mrs. stable W. S. Hilliard, Whitby de- | played 41 games, won 26, tied 4, | Brear. Grant Bennett, Base Line. | tachment OPP, and Andy Gold- | 4, lost 11. Their coach Jack Mc- [GROUP MEETING Mr, and Mrs. Wes Cameron, ie, chairman of the recreation | Kay. | The Nellie Dearborne Group | Zion, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Mor- committee. | --Photos by John Mills held its meeting at the home of{ley Flintoff's. {Mrs. Arthur Ferguson, Nonquon| Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castle, sons AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS Road. Mrs. William Platt presided. Roger and Paul, and Alex Mur-| Mrs. Stephen Saywell was in|ray, Peterborough, were Sunday charge of worship service. | guests at Mrs, L. C. Snowden's, | Little Miss Norma Gower played| Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Werry, several sacred selections on her Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd | John Mills, Representative = Phone Ajax 426 violin. A reading was given by Scott, Moorefield, were recent| | Mrs. William Rosnak. |guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, The ladies plan to have an|Snowden. Toronto Leafs Hockey Star Gives Boys Advice (Times-Gazette," Staff( playgrounds. Plans are being laid|outery over the mysterious disap- be in hospital some weeks. African Violet Tea in September.| Mrs. Seward Tyler has returned anniversary on Sunday at 11 a.m.| 1 with a mother and daughter ban-| with Rev. Geo. G. Connolly as the| quet. The tables were decorated guest preacher. Rev. Mr. Connolly with birch bark canoes and menus|is the Field Secretary for Chris- with Indian designs. | tian Education of the Ottawa, Mon-| The girls put on a skit, "The|treal and Bay of Quinte Confer- Torquois Horse', an Indian story ences of the United Church. on their year's work. Superintendent of St. Paul's Sun- Rev. 8. C. H. Atkinson, Oshawa, day School is W. D. Carruthers. spoke briefly bringing a very suc-| The Junior Choir and Primary De- cessful year's work to a close. | partment will provide the music. CHEV TRUCKS Your Present Car In Many (Cases as DOWN PAYMENT Highest Allowance For Trade-Ins ! Times-Gazette Crosswords | $40 CASH PRIZE As there was no winner to last week's puzzle, the prize of $30 will be carried forward and the prize for the correct solution of this puzzle will be $40, WHAT TO DO Solve the clues as you would in any crossword puzzle. Clip out the puzzle after you have filled it in, mail it to "TIMES-GAZETTE CROSSWORDS" The Times-Gazette, Oshawa. All answers must be received by mail or delivered not later than 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 17. if more than one contestant succeeds In answering The puzzle correctly the prize will be divided among those having correct solutions. no one succeeds in answering the puzzle correctly the prize will be added to next week's puzzle money. No employee of the Times-Gazette or member of such employee's family is eligible to participate, Contestants may send in as many solutions os they please, but only entries on the official coupons will Je accepted. Any number of entries may be sent in one envelope. Study the clues carefully before you write down your answers. There Is olways one answer that Is the best. The decision of the judges in the contest will be final, and all contestants taking part agree to abide by the decision. The correct solution and names eof winners wit be published in The Times-Gazette on May 18. IMPORTANT -- All entries to be accepted must be | clipped along the dotted lines. This is im- || portant. 'Moscow Worrying Lunch was served by Mrs. Arthur home after a very pleasant visit Fon 4 | with her niece, Mr. and Mrs. Jack About Frogman PERSONALS |Hopps, and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. | We are glad to report Mrs. | DeGraff, in California. LONDON (AP) -- The Moscow Edgar Button, Orchardview Boule. The CGIT ended its year on May press added its voice today to the|yarq js much improved but willl | supper guests at the home of Mr. Wa Th Sid Smith, captain{to set up a Pee Wee Baseball pearance of a British "frog man™"| Mrs. Benny Angi, who under- and Mrs. William Garrets on Sun-| Maple Leaf Hockey team|League and a girls Softball near a Soviet cruiser in Ports- went an operation over a weekday at Stouffville. ed star of NHL hockey was guest|league. He appealed for more mouth harbor. |ago, is resting at home and is| Don't forget firecracker night at/ and st ] speaker at a special meeting of help with the boys and girls, 7 and basketball players of appreciated the help from coaches jor variety in Rotary Hall who had helped, but or rsday evening. The meeting was arranged by the d purpose. and crests n s and individ and play organized hockey. It had been produced in Germany in 1457. ' Frank Kirby of Orchardview, were secutive year, ae A al sters a season i ¢ aequaiiit vhe g ba » Wee trophy, a gift a from Pat Sheehan for (20s, . i ous- competition was won by the Red | r D oo Jeceived Ar ri Wing hockey team Mayor ge 1 { skate and pl hard, Kenneth Smith presented the team because talent scou rere with their crests } "- 3 lise Brus ng id wel co Sid Smith presented crests to rs. He sald scouts look the Bantam team. They won the "first the fellow who Police News Trophy presented by s trying to help his Constable W. 8. Hilliard OPP. | te nly to score, but to Fred Wright, vice-president of k e puck out of his own net the Lions Club, pre crests | i skating came next said the ww the St. Louis basketball team 87 he urged the boys to hich finished in first place on jce and skate all the r in the American League cou it will develop their Fort Wayne, Gary Desroches Ir A boy with good skat awarded a trophy tor being ability. and lots of heart can be best junior individual basketball wed into being a good hockey player Carl Glovonella was r awarded the Brock Trophy for| NKS FOR HELP best individual senior basketball Andy Goldie, chairman of the player Recreation Committee thanked the To wind up a pleasant evening, | service clubs for their help in the fhe youngsttrs saw films on sports| past season. He sald this sum- after, being served hot dogs and | | mer, there will be two supervised soft drinks | ------ -- - ---- re | Ulcers, heart disease, skin disease, | What To Do With Worry A few years ago we were con stantly being told that to have ejavery of sin. That person is the health there were certain fobds wey ord Jesus Christ. We need to sur-| § we n't. Now the emphasis with will pe change : - anged. to health is not, "What are| , eat and other foods ating?"' you?" A little time illnesses emotions by are caused they were Now : ro lte are s said Jast creation committee to serve ter of ceremonies saic Vi First to pre-/ter was the first time the boys of win- Ajax had had an opportunity to but, "What's eating| powered by the Holy Spirit we willl ago doctors foroet ourselves in our service to were saying that one-third of all God for others WIONR | that his survey shows that the hap- saving one-half and even three-quarters some better. The neighbors wish a|the North Oshawa Neighborhood recovery to these ladies. [Park on May 21. The fireworks organ Izvestia say the diver was Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin| wil] be in charge of Gordon Lane| was needed engaged in "shameful"' spying |were Sunday supper guests withjand his committee. Vie. Ames, who acted as mas- ------ eo -me | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin of Tor-| (Congratulations to Mrs. Aylmer | win- onto. |Ward who has been elected presi- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shemilt|dent of Home and School at Queen daughter, Cathy, with he! The Communist newspaper Pravda and the Soviet g yvernment | SPECAY more help EARLY PRINTERS First book printed in colors was|and | insanity and alcoholism are but a {few that are sometintes attributed to worry. What can be done about tn Sin is the cause of many worries Only one person can give us relief| from the guilt of sin. Only one per- son can deliver us from the render our lives to Him. Our lives| We need to go tof life of full consecration. Em-| Mr. Gallup says! piest people are the people with! religion. But even some religious people FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX Phone AJAX 333 a ' RETR IT you Wave wei FecEived youd Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call AJAX TAXI All calls must be ploced before 7:30 PM. fret in spite of the Psalm- ist's words, "Fret not thyself be- cause of evil doers." 37:1. When| Sennacherib was besieging Jerusa lem King Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord and spread the enemy's blasphemous letter before | the" Lord and prayed. 2 Kings 19:14-19. Let us remember the) words of Psalm 55:22. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee." In 1 Peter 5:7| we have a similar thought, "Cast ing all your care upon Him; for He careth for you." HANDSOME GIFT | HAVERHILL, England (CP)--| Aonymous donors have sent Rev [ ONE POLITICIAN AGAINST HIGH TAXES | Eric' Graves, vicar of this Suffolk Pierre Poujade, whose main | defiant mood after a party meetl- | year after the French people had community, £200 to renovate his| platform is directed against the | ing in Saini Cer Poujade | seen a succession of Premiers 13th-century church, | high taxes in France, is seen in | caught the voters' fancy last | come and go. | J tn EN Mrs. | Elizabeth School for the third 2 No. 122 -- PUZZLE -- No. 122 CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS ON BALANCE Our Showrooms Are Open Daily 'Til 9 p.m. except Saturday * ONTARIO MOTOR This Times-Gazette was bought at ........ | | | | | ) Name ....... 3 Address ...... . | pers) 122 | No. 122 -- PUZZLE -- No. CLUES ACROSS: . trees erste as ensenns 2. It's no great problem removing it from the water 6. A film star who's on the downward path may tend to talk a lot about her ---- success 7. One in Paris can prove quite amusing 8. Should not be necessary, in the view of many an idealist 10 1 Quite @ number of people cant wool next to their skin A famous biblical character 14. Complete collection or group 16. Consumed 17. A man who is this can usually hold his own 18. It's sometimes difficult to get just the you want 19. A small bed 20. One of your limbs 22. Member of one of the colored races 23. It lies flat on the floor CLUES DOWN: CLUES DOWN: A heavy one can cause trouble when a ship Is being loaded 1 2. A sight that you come upon unexpectedly can certainly make | you - - | 3. This may help the police to find the man they are looking for | 4. From the locality 5. Having the moisture removed | 9. Baby's fond parents may decide to have @ baby ------ for compan { : 12. One who dances y pay | 13. Little child in hospital may wonder why he doesn't get «---- when | the others all do 14, Putting in the seed [ 15. Having daughters ao woman will probably have many a || y young man caling at the house | 20 In tennis, this ball often beats a man who is out of position 21. When buying it, @ man may well ask for a special Kind L ny Send your answer to arrive in The Times-Gozotte office not later than 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 17, addressed to TIMES-GAZETTE CROSSWORDS 57 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- OSHAWA RA 3-2256