12 THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Friday, May 4, 1956 WILL FOLLOW ROCKY TRAIL IN QUEST OF HEAVYWEIGHT CROWN a" 11 LOCAL BOWLING LEAGUES To create a challenger for a September title bout with Rocky Marciano, if he can be | enticed to enter the ring again, ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH Congratulation goes to the Hustlers on winning the third section. They real Ivy worked for it too, believe me. The winners of the total pins for the year are the Wilbes, which makes the fourth 200 team for the Championship roll next week Bowling for the Championship Trophy are: Eagles, Go-Getters, Hustlers, Wil-| bes | Bowling for the Norton Trophy are: | 3 Homers, Rockets, Hard-Ups, and Clippers i total pins -- Hustlers 21 (61,200); Hotshots 17 (61,598); Clip- Hard-Ups 16 (60,166); 2 1,535); Go-Getters 12 (61,- Eagles 10 (60,670); Rockets 10 (Without Handicap) , 220, 205 (817); Gordon (818); Al Shortt 254, 224 Pike 252, 21%, 208 (870); ee 23 Manford ®utcheon Bill Westlake 225, Fred Cole- Jim Scott 219, 210; Frank 7, 208, 204. 0 (With Handicap) --Perce (838); Eric Jacklin 279, od Scott 263, 244, 216; Al- 244, 202 (906); Richard oss Clark 251, John Bint ; Harry Norton 239, Doug Mark Hill 231, 218, 216, 208 Bint 225, 210; George Ford Garrow 221, Peter Roden 200; Arnold Taylor 212, Har 211, Bruce Hurst 206, 201, Earle Follest 200, 256, 206, 205; Art Allman (Without Hadicap) over 200 > (844); Mary 228, 202 200 (With hanndicap)-- 0, Blanche Norton 249, 2, 235, 235 (892); Winnie 241, Doreen Lewis 240, 208, 204, 200 (852 Glenys Clark 239, 232, 216 (834); Ruth Watkinson 236, 230, 202 Johns Bint the International Boxing Club | has set up a heavy tourney in- volving these four biffers, along (828); Dorothy Stephenson 235, 228; Eve- lyn Scott 235, 223, 213 (863); Pearl Mar- lowe 234 209 (809); Marj. Taylor 215, Gladys Shemlit 214, Mildred Down 204, | may also be included. John Hol- ICattle From Scotland Thrive In B.C. CHILLIWACK, .BC. (CF) A herd of shaggy Highland cattle is doing well on a 250-acre ranch 16 miles south of here. The 60-head herd belongs to the British Columbia Highland Cattle Association, a group formed 18 months ago by Howard Rogerson of Aldergrove, B.C. Mr. Rogerson was chiefly re- sponsible for the importation of the animals from Scotland. The | breed "is said to have descended | from the old Celtic cattle and have existed in something like their | present form for several centuries. An exceptionally hardy breed. | Highlands need virtually no care and do not require stabling any time during the year. The B.C. animals were fed hay during last winter, but ordinarily could be left to forage for themselves. They yield meat of the highest man meets Bob Baker in Miami Beach, May 9, with the winner expected to go against the win- ner of a planned Floyd Patter- son - Hurricane Jackson match. | The ultimate winner then would quality and some firms pay a pre- meet Rocky in September. |mium for Highland beef. Annie Snudden 200, Dorothy Coleman Remember, next wee and please be on time p.m. sharp, not at 7.45. bowlers, and may the best See you next week. k is play-offs, | this week, 7.30 Good luck, team win MESS Fred Zedic (Congratulations (214, 249, 269) JINN ror ps 29.) WINNIPEG (CP) -- A delayel 78. (273. 247). Jack Bond 707 (282, airplane flight and a chance en 239), Bill Blake 677 (268, 238), Bill counter with a clergyman has re- Borrowdale, 661, (270, 236), Lloyd Cor-gylted in the return to Winnipeg of son 652 (201, 219, 232), Jack Alderton , gllection of documents and 635 (206 222, 207)), Jim Bowman 619 : (289), Doug. Smart 614, (200. 214. 200) | relics shipped to England 123 year: gO Art Borrowdale 607 (201, 246). . Ladies' high triples--Betty Sackett Rev 4 " - A ev. L. P. Field, 83-year-old rec 689 (222, 242, 225). Congratula- T 8 tions Betty), Belle Fox 637 (209), Pat tor of North Luffenham church, Wilson 636 (218, 218, 200), Dorothy Zedic Rutland, England, and a grandson 617 (210, 227). of Rev. John West, first Protestant Singles io Fra Roche 242 3 Bor: missionary in western Canada, has rowdale ly Lileen orson AYN A 4 " i Clough 231, Ede Burr 229, Milf Reid preseliad The collection to wo (225, 217, George Wilson 224, Perc. John's Anglican cathedral in Win- Wright 223 Mel Whyte 219, Mable Me. Nipeg. Neill 219, George Robbins 213, Dave The . collection came to the Matthews 210, Dolly Smart 210, Lois cathedral 'by the merest coinci- Gilbert 206, John Gazdik 205, win ante | Se Tutemn 202, Helen Anderson 200. dence." says Harry Shave, cathed- This was our play-ofis and our sin. Ial archivis cere congratulations go to the Mechan- CHANCE VISIT jes. Total pins 3,192. Captain John Gaz- John Taylor of Toronto, now a dik. Team Fred Zedic, Jack Alderton, £ 'g. ' . Ee Treen Bat Marat le poe Taster di "St, Jolw's-Ravenscourt Our congratulations also to the con. SChool for boys, was in KEnglanc solation winners wireless. Total pins With the RCAF in the summer of 3,077. Captain Dave matthews. Team 1954, He was due to leave for Can- Ede Burr, Jack Sackett, Vern Hele, Anna ada but his plane was late so he dale, vd Ci } Bortowdile, Liotd Corson, for the con.|Strolled into the church at North solation but needed three pins more to Luffenham. do it. (Will see you at the banquet) Ceznon Field struck up a con- (Our thanks to the Times-Gazette versation with Mr, Taylor and SERGEANTS' Men's high triples, (2986, 252, 27), Fred). Jack Sackett 732 Reg. Burr 728, (225, 305), r a Coincidence Brings Trio Together | | S ai learned the airman was going to called Buctouche in New Bruns-| Winnipeg. wick: Canada." As Mr. Taylor was leaving, "Buctouche-" said the other, Canon Field gave him a manu- "Strange that we should meet in script and asked him to present it this crowd of strangers. I've been to St. John's cathedral, here two years. My home is Point! Mr. Shave was delighted to re- apin." ceive the manuscript which turned "Point Sapin!" echoed Franklin, out to be the original of John eniering ine conversaiion West's diary--The British North "Do you know a man down there American Indians With Free named Moise Dugas?' Thoughts on the Red River Settle- "Sure do, I'm Oliver Dugas, meni innipeg Receives Back . Documents Gone 123 Years | Mr. West's last will and testament. {and are uniquely lowset, deep-bod- ied and molerately thick. The head is short afd broad at both muzzle and forehead. Horns are excep- tionally long. Breeders cannot supply demand {and so are not interested in show- ing the breed at fairs : A | There is a large herd of the he Collec 52 Winnivez. Highlands in Saskatchewan and A doa , there are also some in Ontario, The collection includes scenes of but B.C. is th 1 p with Indian life done in watercolors by Du' = isthe only province wl > an organized provincial group. George, a ship that slipped its Choice Bits To Be Found In Hansard moorings at Portsmouth, Aug. 28, 1792, and sank with 1,100 persons OTTAWA (CP)--The small type of Hansard, official report of par- aboard. There are authentic Indian relics liamentary debate. looks dull but a searcher who gets through the including a stone-bowled peace pipe, polished buffalo horns, beaded collars, grass belts and a sort of two-headed whisk described as an 'arrow cleaner." overburden can find entertaining titbits, Here are some examples culled this session by Richard Jackson of the Ottawa Journal: A document, dated 1837, measur- ing more than two feet square, is Progressive Conservative Leader Drew: If the minister of national defence will listen with both his rector decided to send the rest of Affixed to it is a codicil of similar proportions. Mr. West served at the Red River settlement from 1820 to 1823. Mr. Shave says one of the most interesting items in the collection is a sketch of the church mission house at Red River. Copies of the sketch have appeared in books and articles. "Now we have the priceless or- iginal, and know it was done by Mr. West himself." {to hear more clearly. (Hon. Ralph Mr. Shave said the collection Campney's department recently in- will likely go to the provincial structed defence units that pictures archives and the Manitoba mu-|of him must show him with only seum. {one ear visible.) | Justice Minister Garson: Most lawyers, 1 think, do have some - | brains. TEST TOBACCO NGTCN, Xy. (AP) Sev eral new burley tobacco strains Eg are being tested this year after at his best showing resistance .in LEXI ng (PC n von Munchausen could not have done Toronto | They have strong bone, muscular | bodies and a covering of long hair ¥ ears then perhans he would be abie the green- better than the minister of trade the world's heavyweight wrest- ling champion, "Whipper" Billy Watson, last night at Maple Leaf Gardens, "Hard-Boiled" Hag- gerty will head-line the main bout of the wrestling show at the Bowmanville Arena this Saturday night, when he takes on the British Empire cham- | parents moved into one as soon as they could afford it John Diefenbaker (PC -- Prince |Albert): Never have so many of |the cabinet been lost so long in so thick a fog Trede Minister Howe: As my crystal ball is out on loan, T can't personally say J. C. Van Horne (PC -- Resti- gouche-Madawaska Tn the time of the late Mackenzie King, it was government bv stance through pro- fessional mediums. But of course these were the days before high fidelity, so the voices heard were often scratchv. Douglas Harxness rPC--Calgary North): There is simply wilder than a motorcycle. Mr. Drew: There is nothing, just ; nothing, wilder than the minister of trade and commerce in many of his statements, Stanley Knowles (CF -- Winni- peg North Centre): There is no-| hody wilder in shooting off the mark than the minister of agricul- ture. Davie Fulton (PC--Kamloops) 'THEY CALL HIM HARD-BOILED' Fresh (?) from his bout with | Noise Redu nothing Armstrong Fuel SOD -- LOAM -- GRAVEL / FILL -- CRUSHED -- 34" STO Prompt Delivery 59 CHURCH ST. RA 5-5864 pion, "Pat" O'Connor, out-of-3 fall affair, Haggerty bragged what he would do to Billy Watson--and almost did too--but now he's determined to beat the British Empire champion and the mat fans will get a good chance to see '"Hard- Boiled" in action this Saturday night, in Bowmanville. in a 2 ced y Gadget OTTAWA (CP)--A gadget has been developed hy the National Re- search Council which substantially reduces the intense noise created by paper-making machines. _ Dr. E. W. R. Steacie, NRC pres- ident, told the Commons Rin committee Wednesday that the noise reducer is 'a spectacular thing." He said he expects it will be put to general use by Canada's big paper industry. Most noise from paper-making machines is caused by streams of pressurized air directed against rollers to dry the paper. The NRC $1.00 A WEEK A AND YOUR RECAPPABLE TIRE CLIFF BARAGAR 162 KING ST. E. RA 5-5512 "Expert Tire Service" dize 6.00 x 16 gadget is attached to the roll er. and absorbs most of this kei house and field to four diseases./and commerce (Mr. Howe). We can dispense with ® the usual The diseases include fusarium wilt,! Irvin Studer (L--Swift Current- baby talk from the minister of citi- wildfire, mosaic and black root Maple Creek): I wasn't born in a zenship and immigration. (Mr rot. log cabin or a sod hut, but my Pickersgill). (CP)--A re- Moise's son,' the other replied Mr. Shave wrote a series of "I," replied Franklin, "am the letters to Canon Field, inquiring if pted before he had anything else. As a result of 'the correspondence, the English RICHIBUCTO, N.B quest for a pipeful of tobacco and ng arm of coincidence boy your mother ado three New Brunswickers you were born.' in a crowded United" -- military camp during the nd World War The unusual story of the chance meeting was told recently in this little town on Northumberland strait by James A. Franklin who was visiting his home-town after an absence of almost 50 years Franklin said he was leaving Camp Devon where he was em- ployed when he heard a man ask for a pipeful of tobacco A second man offered his tobacco and asked the first how long he had been working on the job. More than a year. My name is Gaudet and I came from a place "FROM: Provincial Tire 5.75 You canowna... 13' CEDAR STRIP NIPISSING BOAT PLUS 3 H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR REG. COST: $360 ONLY PER WEEK IDEAL FOR OLDER CARS! Brond New -- Fully Guaranteed BEGoodrich TIRES 13% 6.00:16 7 And your recappable fire BEGoodrich ALL-METAL PORTABLE BAR-B-Q GRIL * Roomy gril area--162 square inches * Holds 2-dozen wieners * Stands 15 inches high * Legs become corrying hondles COMPACT FOR TRAVEL EASY TO USE EASY TO CARRY FLEXIBLE 11 QV. PLASTIC PAIL Red, YeNow, White $4.69 REGULAR $3.25 18" Harwell "MOWELL" OR 18" Smarfs ~ "roTO-CHIEF" ROTARY TYPE POWER MOWERS 67% Regular $79.50 As Low As $5 Down -- $1.50 Weekly SEE PAUL IRWIN Better Used Cars '55 OLDSMOBILE 4-Door Hardtop Jol for BOAT FISHING Your Fishing Headquarters: PROVINCIAL "7 TIRE C0. [O00 fiom] Regular Valve $6.95 E THEY LAST is fully transmis- turn signals, nt and whitewall il condition and low 5 opportunity $2995. '54 VOLKSWAGON Deluxe .. little car has o i is most economical transportat it really shines. Th matic As Low as $1.00 Down Weekly BFGoodrich FULL SIZE BIKES WASHERS "109% WITH TRADE-IN REGULAR AS LOW AS VALUE $149.50 $10.95 DOWN MIRRORS 1.29. AUTO CUSHIONS 1.29. as $49.95. 95 $399 $1.75 az 24 'S As Low As Down Weekly 95. '51 PONTIAC Coach choie n excellent econdi- $795. '53 CHEVROLET Coach tion car. 1145. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Contour and FORM FIT FLOOR 49 ¢) ROYALINE 18" Rotary POWER MOWER NEW '56 Features ® Automatic rewind starter on every model. ® Low-tone muffler reduces noise up to 60%. ® Off-set plastic wheels glide over roughest ground and terraces. ® Reversible handle allows cutting backwards and forwards. ® New protective clutch, e Simple adjustment permits cutting heights from 34" to 2 . A MATS Powerful 1.75 h.p. 4-cycle Clinton motor eliminates messy mixing of gos and oil separate oil crankcase. Reg. 1.65 1.29 WINDSHIELD WASHER KITS 6.49 JOHNSON'S DEEP GLOSS CARNU WASH BRUSHES Heavy gauge steel housing. Reversible and replaceable butting blade tips. A '53 METEOR TUDOR tip top 1195. Fits All Cars Trims within 12" of walls, trees or other obstructions. Two piece snop out handle for easy storing. n heater, Flashy new coloramic paint styling. 4 WAYS TO BUY DOMINION | ROYAL TIRES _ 48 Bond St. W. &LIXIs RA 5-6511 ONTARIO'S LARGEST TIRE SALES and SERVICE ORGANIZATION ® Cash ® Lay-Away @ 20-Dav Ch rw y OPEN EVERY EVENING PAUL IRWIN MOTORS LIMITED AJAX PHONE 373 South of Highway 401 ® Budget RA 5-4553