A SETI LEY oy x 50--Articles For Sale mvs ESKIMO Youngsters Fail To Learn To Play Drums drawer silver chest aé one end. Appl | 285 Gliddon Avenue. 971 | AKLAVIK, N.W.T. (CP)~In this side on a bench and beat their far-north settlement and elsewhere| drums with willow wands. i the western Arctic there is fear| PREPARES WANDS t|that the art of the Eskimo drum-| A fifth old man sits on the floor, .|mer is dying. shaving willow wands with a jack- | The drummers are getting older| knife. As the pile of shavings be- and for one reason or another,|side him grows, one of the drum- settlers here say, the young Es-|mers will reach over, take kimo is not learning the old tech-| wand and test it for flexibility. nique. The Eskimos themselves|it is not satisfactory, the old man are worried, as are the whites who whittles it still thinner. hope to see tribal culture pre-| Finally the musicians are satis- served. fied. Any one of the four may | The young people join in the|siart, the soft tick-tick-tick on the ug isch '| dancing to the beat of the drums, |rim of the drum setting the AND BLUE BABY CAR.|CF ple om May26 | case, Kroehle:, divanciie, four - piece| Put few, if any, are learning how| rhythm for the other three. Some- i s bedroom suite, lady's golf clubs and|l0 handle the ancient instruments. | times they sing, a weird sing-song NEW ADMIRAL 1956 FLOOR MODELS bags; Electrolux vacuum cleaner |HOOP AND SEALSKIN in which the story is told by in- regular $300. Sale $229.95, full warranty. | ireadle Singer sewing machine, office] The Eskimo drum actually is flections of the voice. There are Save $70., sealed cartons. Kelly F240 desk, etc. RA 3-4496 or call personally just a hoop, about 22 feet in di- no words as such. is A le Ame 3 ouebec | ameter, with a handle. Over it is| The musicians have a wide rep- streiched a sealskin, A supple wil-| ortoire. Some pieces last less than low wand is used to beat it and|a minute; the longest are never the drummer strikes both rim and| more than two or three minutes. the flat of the drum as he plays.| Each tune tells a different story, Aklavik is dfiame Sith the gay|in precise detail. ° parkas of Eskimo trappers an y a 97¢ | installed, year warranty, city approved their wives as the congregate mn ome ale humorous Sd the Sud. -- | rust-proof. No roof hooks $09.50. Kelly| the Mackenzie delta community, sad and thy dience signs. TV. 4 "May 27] 75 miles south of the Arctic ocean|27¢ 5@ an e audience 5 y f _| There are love stories, adventure Just before muskrat shooting stories and dramatic stories. - By day, the Eskimos throng the STRANGE DANCING streets. Everyone in the delta] About midnight, the audience knows everyone else, and there is|suddenly comes alive. Perhaps a much to talk about. At night,|single dancer will rise, face around 9 o'clock, they drift to the| drummers and join in the wailing clapboard Aklavik Hotel, where, in| chorus. Women rarely move their a luge room ideal for the purpose, | feet. They gesticulaie with their | drummers and dancers gather, | arms, sway at the knees or hips The evening starts quietly. Most and sometimes half-turn. of the jen Bt 2 benches lining The mew, on ae other had, | apart. couch 'with nv at.| the walls and the women sit on pound ou e rhythm v fide! Ean eat weak the floor, chain-smoking cigarets| their feet stamping the floor wm i 97¢| and watching the drummers. the, whole building shakes. op VINRUDE 7% hu. BOARD | There are four drummers, one e men and women dance of one 3 I Ln, OUTEOARDI with a drum slightly smaller than|arately, all facing the drummers. net with scope, quantity of fishing lures| the other three. They sit side by|As the tempo reaches the climax Phone RA 3-2795 ab ee | the drummers will begin striking both the rim and the flat of the drum simultaneously. By 7 or 8 p.m. the dancers are |50-----Articles For Sale SUITE, | PAINT, $2.95 GAL. GUARANTEED IN. | sor1n terior, exterior. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 62 King West, RA 3.7624. BLAZ- Mays! *on- | 30° ALL CHANNEL DOUBLE ANTEN- nae, completely installed with one-year warranty, adaptable to rotator. Over 80 VHF stations and color, sale $49.50 Kelly T.V., City Approved. 20 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, April 27, 1956 , #7 --Automobiles For Sale A7--Automobiles For Sale 50---Articles For Sale CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING = 50 FOUR Walnut I BEDROOM vo wine studio couches, | 9a DODGE SEDAN, good condition, radio, heater .' MERCURY DELUXE SEDAN, Al condition, overdrive, custom radio, heater, refinished = Dial RA COAT, HAT dresses, | yr lot SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER AND| sparg parts for same, Cutting heads, | cords, etc, Meagher's, 5 King Street W. Apr.28 (Continued from Page 19) 99a { Aromaric ROL § lecto - vision, set. Ti and exclusive Kelly Includes slumber speaker, selects nel, fine tuning, contrast, volume, your easy chair. Only $69.95. x 120 SEWER AND WAT ER. May' SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ~ CUT- ting heads, cords and service parts, | complete stock. Mezgher's Electric, 5 King Street West. May1 WE BUY SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture. RA 3-3271. Apply 444 v Simcoe Street South. May 22 BUNK BED ONLY, WAGON, ROLLER 47--Automobiles For Sale | 47--Automobiles For Sale = [ECE DINING ROOM SUIT na. cabinet. Apply 58 50 MERCURY 12-TON PANEL TRUCK 49 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN; custom radio, heater, white walls, refinished paint . 1952 FORD CUSTOMLINE V8, T™WO| 51 METEOR COACH, RADIO, VERY cn tone, low mileage, mew tirés, battery,| clean car, terms arranged. Phone RA | radio, heater. Excellent condition. Pri-| 53-5743 after 6 p.m. 99¢ vate owner. RA 5.7723. 99¢ | T ! a, '56 PONTIAC HARDTOP, NEW CAR. WRECKING 1946 CHEVROLET 3 TON | Must sell. Phone RA 55743 after ¢ truck, 42 GMC 2% ton, 41 Buick car, p.m. 99¢ all parts for sale. Phone RA 58057, 49 FORD COACH, good running condition Jim Sawdon, 2 miles north on town|'S5 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH skates, hockey outfit size 10, scout out 99¢ | two-tone, low mileage, like new. Terms, S, | it, siz 4 = ine. eo one IA oasis ners p.m oe| 48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH 20-inc eL s{80 size 12, pogo stick. Dial BA 34367, 47 CHEV. COACH, clean, good tires ...... 1 Avenue. 99b Will accept trade on these. Will finance without down payment to responsible parties. BUCK'S BODY SHOP 351 Bloor St. E. Dial RA 5-4513 ESS COOE- Admir- a.m May27 BOAT TRAILER, 600 X 16 TIRES. [Dial RA 5-40: 98b THREE PIECE CHESTERFIELD suite and one large crib. Dial RA 5-1617, 98b 1949 PONTIAC, DAMAGED FRONT, 0 corr or Ce TWO. TONE fender and grill. Body man's chance. |, sharp car. Terms arranged. Phone | Good motor and radio $250. Dial| RA 5-5743 after 6 p.m. 9c | RA 5-8352. 99b | - [1951 FORD COACH, HEAT-| 1951 OLDSMOBILE 8 DELUXE er, signal lights, white wall tires and coach. Radio and heater, good condi-| extras, 43,000 miles. Dial RA 3.3588. 99¢ . Dial RA 5-0970. b mre | tion, new tires 3095. Dial RA 30970. %P!iss METEOR SEDAN. ORIGINAL EXCEL- | finish heater, directional signals, good Dial | condition throughout. $475, Phone RA 98c | 5-362. 99f | A FURNISHINGS, | for five-yard load delivered. RA 3-3383| sisting of gs, tables, chairs, RADIO, N SILVER GRAY BABY CAR- condition, $20, Phone RA 98¢ SALE -- 1956 ADMIRAL, MARCON], | Street, Friday, Saturday or Monday, be- Rogers, Philips, Motorola, Hallicrafters, 'Ween 3 and 5 pm. 98c Fleetwood television, $159. up, Full war. =r "rr R on , (NEW PHILIPS PORTABLE RADIOS, ranty. Easy terms. Dean Kelly T.V. low cost batteries, new Ferroseptor an- a -- May27 | tennae, complete wiwth carrying case, LARGE UPRIGHT FREEZER. NEw only $39.95, at Kelly T.V. May27 condition, Sacrifice $425. Dial RA 88260. | Conn E ROTATING AL CHANNEL CHESTERFIELD versible ---- MODERN with foam rubber lent condition. Cost $515. offer 121 Centre MO 8.2771 afte . 98{ 1947 DELUXE CHEVROLET, lent condition, good tires, heater. RA 8-8168. Whitby = Te : | 15s . TWO TONE, HY- Ask for Buck 1941 FORD STARTERS, GENERATORS, |qramatic drive, low mileage, excel and transmition, etc. Best offer. Phone lent condition. Dial RA 5-8188. 99a MO 8-2149, Whitby, mmmmp---- m------ RADIO CONVERTIBLE, 200 | tion « over payments. Dial THE BUYER IS KING hou RCA ' for H. Lockhart, 99 Kelly T.\ ie AT eee 1947 OLDSMOBIL 97¢c RAPH = COMBINA- hlome, Westing. Marconi. | May27 | ~ -- 1851 METEOR SEDAN, down and take | RA 3-4825. Ask icto hilips, 1 King West 1951 CHEVROLET DELUXE radio, one owner, will take trade. ro 6 p.m. RA 55743, | ---- ee Ey wrraiiged. Phone afior:6 p.m. 9c | 1951 MERCURY TRUCK, 3 TON COM.| ee ees} DiRALION. box and holst, In good gon- | 1951 STUDEBAKER, FIVE PASSENGER | dition. Apply 49 East Lawn. RA 3-a300: coupe. Good condition. Phone RA 3-2961, i " between 73 p.m, 9¢| 1952 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, RADIO new tires, $150. and 2 EEE EE Dodd Motor Sales: Special Saving! Roller coater. Reg. value $2.49, now only $1.49, with a purchase of one quart. or more of Pratt & Lam- bert paint. Limited time only, Nelson's Paint and Wallpaper, 19 Bond W. RA 3-4922. May 19 FENCING Approximately 1 mile 8-foot fencing including main posts, T posts, fence wire, barbed originally installed by government in Ajax. Ready for AND pickup, did CALL F. BOOTH Ajax 125 RANGE, GIBSON,! and chair, 97 LARGE ELECTRIC one old. Chesterfield fair condition. Dial RA 8-878] APPROXIMATELY SIX TONS GOOD cow manure, Eureka garden seeder, coal brooder stove (300-chick size), shelter and feed hoppers, range and Gurney coal and wood stove. RA 3-2749. 98c WITH BUFFET walnut, spring machine hall runner! Park South 97¢ ROOM SUITE room suite 1955 BUICK SPECIAL, FOUR - DO hard top, Dynaflow, power steering, the extras. Dial RA 8-8739. take over payments or best offer. Call] after 6. RA 35-8251. 1951 CHEV. BEL-AIR, RADIO, HEATER, | 1935 MONARCH LIKE NEW. 1187 n ndition, Phone RA 8-809 af.|Price $4.260. Nine thousand m ew car condition, 97¢ | Sacrifice for $2,600. and accept trade. 9. ter 6 p.m. __9c| Dial RA 57274. . 1956 MERCURY MONTEREY, 2-tone, automatic transmission. 51 MONARCH SEDAN, CLEAN INTE-| er Ar! fmian Extra equipment, "47 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION, GOOD Phone RA S303. Bh eee heater. Call 'RA. 31210 1956 METEOR NIAGARA SEDAN 1956 METEOR 6-CYLINDER SEDAN 1954 CHEVROLET COACH "i PLYMOUTH COACH, RADIO, after 6.30. 9c heater, very good condition, $195 cash. 99¢ 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN, black, white walls, powerglide. SPRING COAT, F 1 1 4pply 194 Church Street. 1951 PONTIAC SEDAN, radio and heater, fen oil ize 6. Phone 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN, excellent in every 1950 FORD 2-DOOR 1949 MERCURY COUPE ath, both 812 Grierson Street. RA 8-810 TAILER INO MONEY DOWN, $100. FOR YOUR 17" set. Low as $10. month buys new 21" set. Trade now. Kelly T.V. 81 King West. May27 GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER, FOUR foot steel bed and spring, metal crib, all 97¢c COM Dia 974 HARDWOOD, Reasonable i ROOM SUITE, STL ¢ t nirror 16 with lor ). Dial RA 3-41 9c |1955 CHEV. STATION WAGON WITH | V8 motor, power glide transmission, ra- | 'H, { GOOD dio, power steering and other extras. CoAt He oN 00 be | Low mileage. Phone RA 5-3980. 97¢ 12.5. n FIDELITY PHONO kers, 40 17-thousand three- speed 5. Kelly T.V wire, May27 49 CHEVROLET condition inside and out. seen on Saturday between 5-8503. "52 BUICK SEDAN, in new car condition, ranged. Phone RA 5-574 after 6 ra nee _7° ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE--SAVE up to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA 5-2802 May) 1947 OLDSMOBILE, GOOD CONDITION, hydramatic drive, $400. cash. Can be seen at 37 Base Line, Bowmanville. Ph MA 3.5964. '11 PLYMOUTH DELUXE TWO-T Many cheaper models to choose from i , ; eqn Will sell joaded. Exccllent motor body. 139 C : ats : King Street tral Park North, RA 3-4461 between 5-8 ond a good selection of Used Trucks. brs 98¢ 4 \ or ALT ) FRE 314 Park Road S. RA 3 } iresnon in a week" 3 to | 50--Articles For Sale AWNINGS MADE MEASURE Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Fold| -- -- ooo | ing chairs, card and banquet tables for COMBINATION WOOD AND FOUR | |rent. Clive Fox, Oshawa. May 14| plate electric stove, with oven. In very | exhausted and almost as Bir | %ood condition, Apply 'at 583 Albert| though no signal is givel e {NEW 3 PIECE BATHROOM SET $99.|Street after 6 p.m. 99f dancers and the drummers 15%: Pressure systems $85. Sump pumps $37,| ------ yo rmm---- oski uiet tH] staimions. meee] minke. S15. piastier sieel,| ==FFAT FOUR - BURNER BLECTRIC| Lhe Eskimos leave as quietly a copper pipe and fittings. Instalations. | range, eight years old, 40" wide warm ey came, Chinn's RA 3-7088. May 20|ing oven, storage drawers, good condi. For a few hours, they sleep. Then -- Baie --- --_ _ |tion. Phone RA "3-7941. 9c! the main street of Aklavik SMALL CRIB AND PLASTIC COVER-| rim a------ -- / i i om led mattress; stroller, gray padded lea-|ONE FULL SET OF GOLF Equip. | crowded again. Evening © b es ther. Like new. $10, each. Apply 234|ment. practically new. Reasonable, A | and once more the eerie thro Gibbs Street. 99a Ply 109 Colborne Street East, Oshawa. drums reverberates through the ITE TT CREOLE ROU I| sr reasoner | Wiid-greved structure in which tho i jag SPRL eg N-| BTUE LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE, last of the Eskimo drummers ize noise inverters trap interference, | their tales of long ago. WAl952 CHEVROLET DE LUXE SEDAN a wooo o.oo | in show room condition. ery low mile. cQUIPPED AND age, heater, good tires and recent valve EQUIP terms ar- job. Must be seen to be appreciated. Dial RA 50779 between 5-8 p.m. 94 TTON COAL . 1 RA 961 PIANO, GOOD CON 1 Road 961 BUCK'S BODY SHOP Expert collision work, electric welding, towing. Cars bought ond «old. We specialize in painting. Call for Free Estimotes RA 5-4513 MARLYN, Proprietor May25 5 UPRIGHT 11 Appl 3 Harmony 97c TIME FOR SPRING MOTOR TUNE-UP Carburetor LAWN MOWER er good condition. 84 9c $259., full carry-crib style. In good condition, $25. May27 | Phone RA 5-2432, 99¢ | ---- ats bash 4 a -- - a. | RASPBERRY PLANTS. CALL AT 1184, COMIC BOOKS, PICKET BOOKS, ugw ar Street. 9c | M 5, sold or h d. Kings -- --. | way Book Exchange, 561 King Street 1 ma Has Material F B ildi i 14, grey carriage, West. Open every - evening. May20 Dial RA 58419. 9¢c| pEpOSSESSED CONSOLE USED T.V. ral Electric, new picture X Westinghouse, RCA Victor, Motorola, Admiral, guaranteed KITIMAT (CP)--In addition fo the aluminum smelter, Kitimat has ih | house lots that sell for 16 cents a CONSOLE TELEVI-| square foot. plans for an airport sion, walnut wood. Limited number at| and golf course, and "the golden 22-tube performance. Only ond Auto Electric | 00 Carranty, Kelly T.V. Service. H. H OR ireshen h, Phone rakes Relined and Serviced. 98 Licenced Mechanic, JOHN BERLETT Texaco Service Station Simcoe St. RA 3-7032 The Six Cylinder Ford won the economy test over all contestants in the United States in '55. They are now available to you at MANCHESTER GARAGE Monarch Dealer Port Perry 512 rey ory For A Good Deal on A NEW CHEV. OR OLDS. See DOUG. AMEY Ontario Motor Sales' Used Car Lot COMPLETE LINE OF USED CARS AND TRUCKS | Bus: RA 3-9539 Res: RA 5-4836 May 24 BOY'S SUIT, ROTATORS NEW commode chair SPRING SHOWER abe" compass moaeia only. $5050 at of « dit Call RA 3-3757 BARGAINS PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE SEDAN, V8 motor, power- flite transmission, 5,000 miles. An executive-driven cor, will provide excellent transportation PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN signals PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE CONVERTIBLE, power steering, automatic transmission, tinted glass, radio, white wall tilres. This, too, is an executive-driven car and ready for the road CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-DOOR HARDTOP, power brakes, radio, white wall tires, tinted glass, luxury aot a price ' CHEVROLET "150" 2-DOOR, guaranteed transportation . | nets, GIRLS BICYCLE AND CHILD'S bovting $6! small tricycle, Very reasonable. Dial Coronet, RA 8-30% . reconditioned, Kelly T.V. May27 SUMP PUMP 20 FEET PIPE, COM: g™ EE TTR EE $199. Lowest price ever. Kelly T.V. 1 hill." A Y : x 1227) ~The hill is in the centre of the L F _ F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, bination door, child's crib. Dial RA|patteries, Kelvinator refrigerator. Tele- 3.7467. 99 $550,000,000 project, 450 miles north west of Vancouver, 9b | vision. Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543, Engineers came across it in the GIRL'S TWO PIECE ORLON GREY| --a LoL Apr suit between ages of 7.8. In good con-|ypouT FISHING WORMS. APPLY 185 early stages of developing the Aluminum Company of Canada's dition $5. RA 5.1077. 99¢| verdun Road. 97c | LADY'S BLUE CCM BICYCLE, LIKE 56 MARCONI 21" vast smelter, The hill has yielded about 3,- new, 50. RA 51940: wie 500,000 yards of sand and gravel and is estimated to hold another | 15,000,000 yards. * | All this is valuable when b |a town from scratch. It | immense amount of cement build a city, make roads and in depressions. "But for that hill," says Frank Matthias, Alcan's construction boss "piles would have had to be | driven for building foundations and we'd have had a lot of dredging to do." | MAXIMUM HEIGHT |" Because of the nature of the soil in the mountain-ringed comm | of 5,000, the maximum height for buildings will be about six- to eight | storeys, says town planner Jim Dudley. Expansion of the townsite is going ahead with development of the smelter. Houses for 1,300 fam- ilies were built when the first two potlines were built. Another neigh- borhood of houses now is being OVEN CONTRO! iral colored buffet 117 North May18 \WINITERCEALI VV IN 1 bd a hd Sa Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors, KOOL-LITE KOOL-SIDE "IT OPENS and closes from inside ve house." Ventilated Al minum Awnings and Canopies. All-weather protection, LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632 AFTER HOURS: Les Eveniss .. RA 3.2707 Bill Galbraith ... RA 5-8832 Don Howe RA 5-0313 Jack Sheriff .... RA 3.3775 May 12 '55 PONTIAC 8 Model 20-11, 2.door sedan, maroon, heater, oil filter, direc- tional lights, electric clock, windshield washer, 8,000 miles, one-man driver. Phone RA 3-2456 99b Ford Dhawan yoine GURNEY 4-BURNER HEAVY DUTY electric range, excellent condition, also| walnut dresser, plate glass mirror. Reasonable, Phone RA 3.4276. 99a Largest Trade-in Allowance in Ontario County M.W.F. May 2 ST ALL SIZE oodrich Store, RA 5-4 3, April2q WHITE BATHROOM BASIN COM- BABY BUYS AT E og RR tg WILSON up. B., F. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE DOUBLE continental bed, walnut head board for 39 inch bed. Dial RA 3.7484. 9c radio, wheel covers, turn 1952 MERCURY 3-ton chassis and cab 1947 MERCURY 2-ton Panel $695 $265 BOX 99¢ Looking for a Good Buy "ONE - OWNER" CARS If so, Be Sure and Ask For ROSS SHEYAN new. Dial RA 3.9282. is FURNITURE LADY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE, $15, 99a LOVELY FULL PANEL CRIBS, BT er adjustable side. On casters for on RATARTMENT SIZE.| easy maneuvering, Large size. -- op Special - $32.95 mn. portion, Phone. PLUS A FREE SPRING.FILLED MATTRESS WITH EVERY CRIB FRATOR, Dial © 1949 METEOR Coach green . . . 1948 MERCURY Va-ton Pickup $195 $20 DOWN TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OF AGE BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES RA 3-4675 1271 Simcoe St. North TF 48--Automobiles Wanted PAID FOR LEAN Phone RA 35-5645. 8c RA 99h $495 Dial RA 3.4744, a ONE to Hh ize 14-16 fill SINK, RA 99h TOV] 1955 heater, turn signals, Q ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 Bond Street West RA 3-9345 or RA 3.2259 (New and Used) McGUINNES BOAT TRAILER, 1954 Phone RA 35-8802. 1954 METEOR COACH, radio, signal lights, two-tone paint FORD MAINLINE COACH, low mileage. A very clean car CHEVROLET "150" COACH PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN, equipped with heater, wheel covers, signal lights, 24,000 miles PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, completely reconditioned Apply 124 Wilson Rood S¢ and ready for the road BUICK SPECIAL 2-DOOR signal lights PHILIPS TAPE RECORDERS, ords 1% hours, 21 pounds, portal cluding microphone and carr) | Special sale $179.95. Kelly King West. PIANO, FAIR CONDITION. PHONE RA 3-7858 or 569 M n Street. 96f BABY PRAMS. Grey and blue. Sun visor, and peek-a-boo apron. Chrome mudguards. Don't miss this. Special - $29.50 PLUS A FREE PRAM MAT- TRESS WITH EVERY PRAM. CHROME HIGH CHAIRS. Plas- tic seat and back, Special - $13.95 PLAY PENS May 7 1953 1953 TOPS IN VALUE APPEARANCE THREE - PIECE CHEST! good condition. apply 352 Gliddon Av enue. 98¢ FOR ONLY $100 DOWN We will completely furnish your home or apartment with the new- est 1956 Brand Names Furniture uth 1952 99b PETERBOROUGH . LEAF TABLE, LIVING ROOM newly 'upholstered, three -section Reasonable. Phone RA 3-9612 98¢ DROP chair, screen. TOP PRICES cars, liens paid off 1951 rodio, two-tone, heater, AND PERFORMANCE 1955S PLYMOUTH HARTOP. A very popul model selling ot an exce tionally reduced price LINE SEDAN. Showroo SAVOY $1895 FORD 4-DOOR CUSTOM- HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD clean cars. Seaway Motors Ltd. 301 Dun das West, Whitby. MO 8-3331. RA 3.7746 Mayl10 LAKESHORE A U T 0 WRECKERS want cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. RA 5-1182 Mayi ar | ree lee p- FOR NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS Phone Frank Wonnacott CLIFF MILLS MOTORS m 1951 HENRY J, heater, overdrive, a very economical cor WE HAVE A GOOD SELECTION OF 1948 FORDS, CHEVROLETS OLDSMOBILES AND CHRYSLER CARS 1947 CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN, fluid drive, custom radio 1947 1947 MERCURY COACH, heater, economical transportation CHRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN, fluid drive, radio DODGE DELUXE SEDAN, heoter, 1947 dark blue finish and Appliances, HERE IS WHAT YOU GET: 2-Pc, Chesterfield Suite Television Set Refrigerator Bedroom Suite 4-Burner Range Washing Machine 5-Pc. Kitchen Chrome Suite Spring and Mattress Coffee Table BOATS rs, ne Factory - approved EKENDS arti EVENINGS Marine Storage & Supply Ltd. MAN'S BICYCLE FOR SALE, GOOD condition. Phone RA 5-4337. 9c 12 FOOT TRUCK PLATFORM, IN PER fect condition. Dial RA 8-8639. 944 MANURE FOR SALE, DELIVERED. | Dial RA 5-6028 May 13 SAVE $10.00 ON LAWN BOY ROTARY MOWERS Reg, $89.95 -- Sale $79.95 6' x 6' Nets and Benders, $5.95 | Smelt and Groundhog Licences. built. Some were ready when the STROLLERS | third potline came into operation WILSON FURNITURE of three buildings where molten | aluminum is poured from crucibles into ingots--will be completed by the end of this year. F,M,W,TF| And that isn't the end of the | process. The three potlines now | give the Kitimat smelter an an- | nual capacity of 120,000 tons of | aluminum a year. It will be 300,000 {tons by the end of 1959 and the final target is 550,000 tons. HOME AID To moisten glue thickened in April 16. Two more lines--a group | 2 Step or End Tables Trilite Lomp 2 Table Lamps Rocker or Occasional Chair Etc. PAYMENTS ONLY $9.95 WEEKLY 1946 1946 1946 1945 1942 PLYMOUTH SEDAN DODGE COACH HUDSON COACH DODGE COACH PONTIAC COACH radio, Pacechip and Canadian Boats EARL HANNAN MARINE SALES | 20 Ray St., Oshawa, RA 8-8853 condition, custom B sklin drookli - 17,000 miles $1595 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN. An exceptionally clean, one-owner cor $1195 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR Beautiful finish, radio, ex- cellent motor $1195 DODGE REGENT 4-DOOR A clean car, areatly reduced $1095 CHEVROLET 2-TONE DE- LUXE SEDAN. Custom radio, outstanding in every $1045 CHEVROLET COACH, motor completely over houled $295 TRUCKS DODGE 3-TON FARGO HALF-TON PANEL the bottle, try using vinegar instead of water. Glue spots are also dissolved more easily M,W,F,Apr.28 with vinegar. RR But if you're glued to the house " 0" waiting for someone to rent EE "BILL DYMOND your vacancy through the sign f | in the window, place a For Rent For a better deal on Refriger- od ih The Times-Cozelte ond ators, Ranges, Washers and dissolve your problem fast. Dryers at Butt Radio & Appliances, 118 Brock St, S. Col SA 3-3492 for an ad- Whitby, RA 3-4634 or Pickering 372J12 Phone 87 May! 1 A Sgt.-Maj. Almey, 77, Dies At Trenton TRENTON, Ont. (CP) -- Ernest | Almey, 77, former regimental ser- | geant major of the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, died Thursday. During his military career he fought in four wars and received 18 decorations, He was the only THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, SUN- Canadian 2% ig? both Be ras : : | Medal an ar during the Lady- MO 8-3707 Whitby room, $45 monthly, hot water, 4-| ith siege in the South African Res.: RA 5-1691 Oshawa bath, private entrance. War. Mon., Wed. Fri.,May25 | Apply ---- after 6. LI ES Paul's Sporting Goods 589 Albert St, NEVER SELL YOUR CAR Until you see Nels Hyland, Toronto's Leading Car Buyer. Cash and Liens paid off. Part #Cash and another car: Another car financed ls BARONS' | 424-426 SIMCOE ST. S. "The Finest in Furniture and Appliances' , benders, TRUCKS 1-TON STAKE lanterns, ' CHEVROLET FORD HALF-TON EXPRESS CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY CHEVROLET 1-TON PANEL CHEVROLET HALF-TON PANEL very WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND HAS IT! 1750 Dantorth Ave,, Toronto RI 7547 HA 0060 tf, May 1st PHONES WHAT'S MY LINE ? CHESTERFIELD SUITES 40 ALWAYS ON DISPLAY At BRADLEY'S FURNITURE DRIVE-IN 299 SIMCOE SOUTH |piece Survivors include his widow and a son. RUTHERFORD'S ROOM AND A ROOM AND BOARD Large size. FULL PANEL CRIB, complete with spring-filled mattress $32.95 CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGES, blue or gray. Fully lined with 4 chrome guards, peek-a-boo hood. Sun visor, etc., $29.50 FREE MATTRESS with every baby pram, STROLLERS -- Folds for carrying . y PLAY PENS -- Natural finish hardwood $6.88 CHROME HIGH CHAIRS with arborite tray. Nicely finished in new 1956 plastic design . CAR SEATS. Plaid plastic CAR way 50--Articles For Sale WALNUT DINETTE two end tables, six drawer 50 pound ice box. Apply 9 Street. 9c Come and test drive the 1956 CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH Immediate Delivery of All Models We Are Open Every Night Until Nine Van Heusen Motors na AS LIMITED KOOLVENT (Formerly Hackney Motor Sales) RD OLVENT RECT USED CAR LOT Sanawn 149 King West SIX PIECE suite, chest, Agnes IF YOU STILL WANT TO EXPERIMENT WITH ANOTHER CLUB, SEND IT TO THE ABERDEEN PROVING GROUNDS ' FOR THE TEST SHOT! HERE'S WHATS LEFT OF THE PUFFLE BOOSTER GOLF CLUE AFTER THE FIRST TRIAL DRIVE!.. AY EARS ARE STILL HUMMING FROM THE BLAST! CCM CLUB RACER, RADIO AND REC- ord 'combination. Both in good condi: tion. 'Dial RA 35-4303. 9b SPACE STUDIO COUCH, IN GOOD condition. Telephone desk with chair at tal ply 203 Mary Street, 9b » 21 FEET Li just like new, suitabl Nine count. 95h $245 $145 FARGO HALF-TON PANEL $95 lite top, ON DISPLAY reation room or restaurant. Moy 13 the er stools. RA 5.9111. 1956 DODGE AWNINGS STALITE -- Canada's only panel- Crusader Regent led fiberglass awning. Shade and Mayfair soft filtered light in one opera- tien. No controls. 50% cooler than regular awnings. Beautiful oppea-ance. No fade, -- color through and through. You poy less than regular awnings. Aluminum doors afd windows -- TISCO, Canada's finest. Enquire about our sale. All products fully guaranteed. - Models on display. COLONIAL HOMES LTD. RA 8-8571 169 Simcoe South 99a, May! 4 ENQUIRE TODAY! NASH easy $4.88 | FREE ESTIMATES! NDO \A/Q A Yo $12.95 d selection in stock ready for immediate delivery $1.99 CRIBS. Beautifully up- \ ered in the new waterprocf plastics. Felds flat for easy storage $11.50 RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe South MW, FE, TF . pen Evenin gs # Floodlights McMahon & Elms Motors 401 -Dundas East, Whitby MO 8-2993 AL ARI Ar A 74 DRULE JI, PHONE RA 5-1646 Evening: May 24 RA 5-3557 - 8