¥ ~ BRIDES GO HAND IN GLOVE WI TH SPRING Bl i hil | | By OLI DAUM Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONT® (CP)--A New York industrial designer says children [need toys that stimulate their cre- !ativeness rather than those that entertain them. Arnold Arnold, himself a de- signer of 12 educaional-type toys now on the market, said during a visit here that creative toys take Says Children Need Creative Toys To Stimulate Their Curiosity 'tereative toy," Mr. Arnold said. | "The parent must create in the home an atmosphere that is con- ducive to the child's independent | investigation. If a .parent says 'here, go away a play,' he de- entertain the child as much as Siroys the child's enthusiasm to they do the parent," Mr. Arnold| "0%, : x Bg On the other hand Mr. Arnold said. "Children prefer the cre-| autioned parents against intrud- ative--building toys, for instance--|ing on the child's play. which are not an end in them-| "Do not play for the child," he selves but merely a means to an|said. "It's his toy. Let him play end." with it." The adult may mean They allow the child to put to|wel! but if he made an elaborate use his past experience in invent-| building out of toys the youngster ive ways and at the same time|couid become frustrated by trying) the adults creative or educational toys are those that teach the child reading equipped to teach these subjects as effectively as a well-trained ® teacher," he said. "The right toys® fo. a child are those that will op~& copy him for as long a time as his% age, attention span and prior train-% ing will permit and parents should show an interest in the end thes child achieves regardless of whe-' ther it fits into their 'adult con-g& copt of reality." permit him to have new experi-!and failing to copy ences, example. { "It isn't enough, however, just. The amiable designer said it is to give a child the well-conceived,! often mistakenly supposed that CHILD GUIDANCE | How Should Mother Treat Child! Who Is Afraid Of Being Hurt? By G. CLEVELAND MYERS won her confidence and coopera- They are the developing years dur- "What should you do with a child tion. Perhaps her physician also ing which he subconsciously dis-| who is terribly afraid of being | will. covers those things he will either hurt?" many mothers will ask. Mothers of tiny babies should be- reject or pursue through life, | An Indiana mother writes: ""Our| gin now to train their foungsters Therefore parents should pro- daughter, eight years old, won't| to take the little bumps. vide ett children with creative play ball for fear of being hit with] (My bulletins "When the Child toys--those that will awaken the|the ball. In the playground at| Cries" and 'Fears in Children' | child's curiosity and allow him to|school, she won't join in any of the] mav be had by sending a self-| develop the maximum of his po-|games for fear there would be| addressed, stamped envelope to me tential, Mr. Arnold said. danger of getting hurt. When we| in care of this newspaper.) "Non-creative toys--the mechan-|talk of taking her to the doctor| ---- ---- ical tvoes which rform--do not |she worries constantly and cries) SLIM AND SMART! j'tict 27a pie id the place of whimsical, imaginative parents who don't have time to! play with their children. Mr. Arnold, designer of such things as lubricating dispensers and tissue boxes, began designing toys six years ago for his young son. IMPORTANT YEARS Play may be entertainment and relaxation for an adult, he 3 But to a child it is work and a necessary preparation for adult! life. The first five years of al child's life are the most crucial.| * DRAPERY TRACKS RUGS * SPREADS PEER MAR SEIN Esa Re at having merthiolate applied and she cries and screams if we want| | to remove a splinter. | "She cried so hard at the den- tist's he said he couldn't work on her. Finally I said I would spank her when we got home if she didn't let him fix her teeth. That seemed to do the trick. Actually, she likes the dentist. He has always been very patient with her '""We have never told her any-| i thing to scare her, We try to ex- | plain to the best of our knowledge { what to expect." This was my reply. Your problem is not easy. Von should attack it in just a few s'§ »- tions at first until you win sc.ne success. Continue in your patient way, but be sure not to let your- seif grow panicky or your voice | rise when she shows signs of fear, Be sure you don't shame this girl and call her fears babyish Instead. protect her from the taunts of paymates and adult friends. FIRST AID | When she must have first aid, | don't argue about the matter, Have |an assistant on hand to hold her | firmly until the antiseptic is put| {on or the splinter removed. Then praise her for her growing courage. | Set the stage so that she will play freely in the rough - and- tumble with other children of her age. This may require a good deal {of your time, thinking and plan. (ning. As she gains in such play| | skills she will see that learning to take bumps without crying is the thing to do. But don't look for quick results, Be thankful for a small show of improvement, I WIN CONFIDENCE her dentist has here it 1s... bY Vd yor June brides busily building trousseaux know the importance | MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Married To Strong, Silent Man Wife Lonely For Companionship Pear Mary Haworth: My hus-about your feelings and impress- 5 A - of pretty gloves. Machine wash- | two - toned with azalea pink | pin or clip is ultra chic if worn | sparkle to these black kid eve- able leather ' shortie here is | thumb, flanges of creamy white | on your glove cuff this spring. | ning shorties which can be toss- kid from New York. Jewelled = Rhinestone flowers add festive | ed into washing-machine. Completely new for 56 is the Hoover CITATION! New forecast colours styled for the young-at-heart . . . new, fade-proof vinyl jacket you can wash . .. new, double- stretch hose for easier cleaning. All combine with Hoover power cleaning to make the new Hoover CITATION the best all-round cleaner on the floor or above. See it soon! | THE STARS SAY | By ESTRELLITA rrr aserent venir FOR TOMORROW This day's aspects are fine in- with these BIG features: NEW NEW double- COLOURS| stretch hose * VINYLBAG | STYLING i j nothi OPEN FRI. NITE 'TILL 9 P.M. Sprung Sale of SUITS... Regularly to: $59.98 4 4 |deed -- especially from a social | standpoint. Also, important de-| | cisions may be made regarding | band is the strong silent type, and sions; a real give-and-take {travel, change of living environ- I do meson He hardly ever] I knew when we married thot --0 - mi -- ent iid Jusiness pLainerships. has much to to me at least. to believe that you shouldn't THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, April 27, 1956 9 Dut only after care ul analysis, of When we are with other people, have been taken into account -------------------- S-------- ry y p 4 AAT i ' » During the P.M. romance and y li p dong . - y 3 i x : we both get Ah ong well Sonyer for 1 am quiet too, And I've come domestic affairs will be high-| sationally. But when we are alone to btlieve that you shouldn't [i } " nan g Phos : : iF tn ighted, and the stars also prom- together--I just can't understand marry the quiet type if you are ise much enjoyment through what's wrong. auiet too. I hardly ever know what . | outdoor vit y gh Our mar e is pretty normal, Jim is thinking about; he is like I t P f 1 F {FOR THE BIRTHDAY but this lack of communication;@ stranger ncen 1ve, ower u oIce | If tomorrow is your birthday worries me. Oh, I don't mean we RACKS HER BRAINS things 2 |your horoscope indicates that it) ver talk: but it is this sort of a my brains for things to | wi ¥ ; five. "Basra or sav. ut im owt esmmeraive 0 111 Effort To Reduce Poundage [ous e, avissve to take oy BH | 'What did you do today?- ng, all! I feel as though I am married, . : : and financial opportunities avail- ? I suppose.' Or "How were the to an old man, although we're " By IDA JEAN RAIN derful to be normal weight and able between now and mid-July, kids today?" Ete. What I miss is both young--28 and 32. Is it alwavs an you picture yourself wearing in shape again." ; : since the aspects during this pe-| . . interesting conversation talk going to bet like this? I think I'd your perfect size dress? Stretch There it is. . .by picturing her-| rjoq will Se A a Min We Sell What We Advertise -- We Service bus -- - --| rather live alone, than be so lonely Your imagination and form a vivid self in that skirt, she happily matters { y It' ronderiud v [for friendly warmth, mental image of yourself slim took steps to enable her to wear! Romance. travel and happy do-| s wonderful, What We Sell JIFFY-APRON | | Is there anything I can do? I've| Waisted and lissome. The technique it mestic relationships should en-! ¥ & . . {expressed my feelings to him on is to close your eyes and do this GOOD INCENTIVE liven the months between August| MOUNTAIN LAKE |this; but he laughs and says I With your mind's eye. The incentive for many an over-\anq October, so you have good) Q i o Agnes lake in Alberta, west of am silly. Perhaps I am unreal-| We think in terms of pictures Weight to slim down has been the |i aason for optimism now. Do not| Lake Louise, was named after istic; perhaps this is marriage. Do/ and the mind tends to create] Offer of a white evening gown for jot possible delays or obstacles to| By ANNE ADAMS @ fashion | Baroness Macdonald of Earns- A tell me what you think. Any sugg-| according to the picture photo- installation in the Eastern Star.|us .r plans disturb you in mid-| Here's the pr Le ol com. | Cliffe, who visited there in 1886. | estions from you or your readers| graphed on the igner thought Perhaps you'll recall the story of November, According to the stars,|for summer--combining cool com-| I will be much appreciated. R.W.|track. Mental picturing is largely the Minnesotan who reduced 20|g 1" sothacks will be temporary, fort with the flattery of a sheath, c 4 ONE WOMAN'S SLANT determined by our all-over atti- Pounds in two months and proudly ¢; pide your time and keep plug-|slim line! Simply smart--buttone: OLORFUL STONE 92 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-4711 : Dear RW.: In a book of rem-|tude. When we want something| Wore the borrowed 'white formal|ging"toward all worthwhile goals.| shoulders, Jeti back Sloat sow] Sucre ate six varieties of faruel, ; ini i | 1i al is fo stallation. e best part of ' tening| very easy), . gem stones when o eS niished jo Secades a a - the story is that she continued to You. ie I hear = "%| Ideal style for a crisp linen, cotton! good color and free from flaws. tet rao er en nd panna flows. fan aloiee Of anther, 10 pound "Xl born on this day wil be pigie 'or singhami "(© land in-laws, whose inflexible re-| To stimulate your imagination, yh i :" sympathetic, intelligent and ex- attern © ® A {serve and economy of speech were here are some real life stories pounds. hen she Jost a tremely trustworthy. 14, Js 2. 20, Sue 16 takes 4% 3 Sfucifixion of her naturally soc. Wiete Picturing: played 3 ISIE simming, clab 10 Help Ofer OVE! ~ aris orga. o ¥ This pattern easy to use, simple She says of them that they The first is the case of the size Welahts ooo, e\Zht wrote that. sh VANS RORM HIV an to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- seemed to regard friendly conver- 12 skirt ne overweigh Pay A. jae Ad o : y £ | plete illustrated instructions. Seeme Jeg \ er- ; EE simply couldn't imagine herself a snatch-and-grab thief on a bicycle, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35 sation as "lewd lapses from self-| "I enjoy reading what inspired fat lady, when she had worn size attempting to grab Mrs. B. M. i yi ins (stamps cannot be control." This flash of humor| other women to reduce and would 16 for years. So one day when the Moffatt's purse, got hold of prayer- cents in oo thi Dy al Print came to her, looking at them like to tell you what helped me. clerk suggested size 20. she was| book instead. socepted) Sor Hd DPRESS in Feirospect, bo continent away; (This may sound foolish. but wii jolted i into action. Her MING] wee--ce-------------- pally, BER ' years after she a epar can analyze a woman's mind?) wouldn't allow her to keep the ex- . NU ui. . from the situation. My daughter. pie 20. Who IS Sie | wens wiahts oF 10 keep; Ine ex LIKES CANADA Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Apparently your husband is|12, had a skirt that I particularly If you have a favorite dress , LONDON (CP) Author and|(C.0 Daily Times-Gazette Pattern |somewhat the same breed -- a|liked, so one day I asked her to which you can no longer get into, journalist Rebecca West, replying | pept., Oshawa, Ont. slave to the ingrained notion that|give it to me. She looked at me hang it in plain sight. Then put t0 a newspaper question gl Se "containment" is supefior to com-| but, without a word. hung the the subtle psychological law into Where she would like to live, said munication. But in taking this skirt in. my closet. That was 4 effect by picturing yourself wear- she would always prefer England attitude, he prevents himself from months ago. Now, does ing this smaller size dress beauti-| "but I imagine I would settle down becoming a full-fledged person that skirt fit, but many fully. It's surprising how this prac-| very happily in Canada." and, in a sense, strangles the other attractive clothes. It's won- tise can take the resistance out , . ar of calorie curbing Soripanionship potentials of mar romorrow we'll carry this pic- TALK STIMULATES turing over into slimnastic exer- In their stimulating book "The|!most influential in shaping his ©1S€S Mind Alive (Norton), Dr. and emotional reflexes in tarly life Mrs. H. A. Overstreet explore the And unless and until he sincerely FEWER DIVORCES vital relationship of language and longs to become more humanly Preliminary . figures show 5,796 articulation of thought, to the pecponsive and outgoing, al to divorces in Canada in 1955, against health and maturation of human ghare in meaningful conversation, 5,922 in 1954. The record was 8,199 intelligence and human under- there's nothing you can do to help in 1947 standing. Whether in families, or phim meet you half-way 3 on a larger social scale, there In self-defense. youll have to 'E BROOKS needs to be a svmpathetic shar-ig 4 other persons with whom to just one pat- ing and examination of freely ex- ut vour thoughts into words. Chil ts! » this pressed idea, if there is to be ren. co-workers in healthy growth--and not deterior- shurch or civic affairs--try them injation of mind. In other words, as partners in good talk. M H trim! words, suppression of speech, and Mary Haworth counsels through Sizes stagnaticn o thought are death her column, not by mail or per- to the creative spirit in human- sonal interview. Write to her in kind. : : care of this newspaper. As for Jim's laconic perform- -- ance at home, it amounts to hold- ing out on you psychologically. In effect he says "Don't come too close." Back of it all is an un- DRAPES - CURTAINS VENETIAN SHADES FASHION VILLAGE eo Safe © Modern ® Scientific FUR STORAGE IN OUR REFRIGERATED VAULTS CALL RA 5-2722 FOR FREE PICKUP BY OUR BONDED MESSENGER! not only so do Skill has been a tradition with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS OPTOMETRISTS 3 KING ST. E RA 5-0444 attitude of distrust and vho were conscious ill-will towards persons | | | 1273 pl friends, handy cobblgr Have it in gay checks solid color wi h embroidery Pattern 7275: Misses "2-14; 16-18 incl Pattern, smbroidery transfe lir : Send TWE -FIVE C 'S in coins for t rn (stamps can- not be ac to Daily Times- Gazette, old Arts Dept., Oshawa, Print plainly NAME, PATTER NUMBER Two FREE patterns --printed { the new Alice Brooks Needlecra book for 1956! St in desig for yourself, for your home--jus for you, our readers! Dozens ¢ other designs to « r--all easy fasc nating hand-work! Send 2 cents for your copy of this won derful book right away! again ® Over 20 top fashion styles. ® Richest, most expensive suitings. ® Sizes 9 to 17, 10 to 20, 1214 to 24. [STR Highly Styled Ladies Wear at Moderate Prices House! Ontar ADDRESS, These are the suits you have looked at, and admired all season. You know these suits, how wonderful, how smartly tailored and detailed they are! Come in early tomorrow and get the suit meant for you at these fabulous savings. 9 KING ST. E. OSHAWA n on Invite you to a showing of ""Moderncraft" dinnerware. CEO TESEGES06655664< SO LSS 005555005050 00555565555555666555 in three attractive patterns "BITTERSWEET" "CLOVERDALE" "SWEETGRASS" These patterns are designed to complement the modern home. VOILA POITITY MA Dressmaker suits Softened classic suits Box jacket suits Jewel-trimmed suits 3-piece costume suits Sleek worsted gabardines © Grey melange worsteds ® Italian silk and worsteds Save from: $30 to $40 on each Suit aaa SAS at SS SS SSS 4 WAYS TO BUY ®Cash ®Charge ®Layaway @Budget ALL PATTERNS ARE "OPEN STOCK' JURY & LOVELL PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS Special Offer 16-Piece Starter Set {4 Each. Dinner, Bread and Butter Plates, Tea Cups and Saucers). Reg. $16.40. Special 8 King 5t. E. 530 Simcoe St. S; RA 3-2245 OSHAWA RA 5-3546 MA 3.5778 Introductory offer $12.95. 15 KING CT. W. BOWMANYVILLE "WE SEND MEDICINES TO EUROPE -- POSTAGE FREE" S53-Piece Set. Reg. $58.80. Special Introductory Offer $49.95. ; i \ EN ST SE A I ER INE SENT vee :