an exhibition of painting by the GARY ALLAN, AGED TWO Sén of Mr. and Mrs. James | man and Mrs. Arlie Scott of Foreman, Park road south, IS | oopay, and Mr. George Borrow- Toronto Sculptor Shares Thoughts With Lyceum Club Meeting in the auditorium of McLaughlin Public Library where first vice-president, Mrs. S. Barlow, is currently on display, members of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association enjoyed a talk by Elford B. Cox, Toronto sculptor, on Monday afternoon. Mr. Cox who spent his boyhood in Bowmanville, mused about art in- general and sculpture in parti- cular, softening his pointed state- ments by a casual almost whimsi- cal manner. " has nothing to do with real- ity," he said. "Craft differs from art in that /the craftsman tries to excel in skill, while art, like peo- ple, has its shortcomings and is yet admirable. "Sculpture is making some- thing from stone, metal or wood that you like to look at. I made that," and he pointed to a stone torso he had brought with him, "from a discarded window siil. I could use it for a hatstand or a potato masher but it wouldn't be i very successful. It was made just to be looked at. "True art is no soulless copying but the artist's own interpretation. The artist's problem is to assess his own thinking, he then finds that he is trying to make his liv- ing with things that nobody could hope to recognize." Mr. Cox reassured his listeners that a feeling for beauty for its own sake was coming in by leaps and bounds and that '"'when we have bought all the equipment and gadgets we can possibly use we shall probably turn to buying things because they are pleasant ! i | | NOMEN JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL RA. 3-3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, April 12, 1956 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES CHRIST CHURCH W.A, The regular business meeting gave a reading and Miss Nors- worthy and Miss Morrison sang was enjoyed. Mrs. Bernard Lott! given by Mrs. A. L. Guun, Mrs. and Mrs. Oswald Wilson sarved| A, V. Walker, Mrs W. Hart and refreshments and bon voyage was| Mrs. H. J. Hutch ! wished to the president, Miss Mil- orge R kk reported in| licent Luke, who will be spending school activities in the absence of the summer in the British Isles. p, J. C. Fetteriy. TANNERY AUXILIARY The Ladies Auxiliary 101 of Lo-| cal 205 held an enjoyable meeting £ at the home of Sister Florence entitled Citizen Varek was shown Kitchen with the president, Sister, The members were reminded of Myrtle Magee, presiding. The sec-| the Council meeting on April 24. retary called the roll with 17 mem.| Refreshments were served by the | bers present. The minutes of the Mothers of Grade 3 pupils. March meeting were read by the SIMCOE STREET W.A. secretary. (Group 3) ! | cussions were held on the Group 3 of the Woman's Associ- | | bingos and it was decided to start) ation of Simcoe Street United giving five dollars a game at the Church held its April meeting at next bingo. the home of Mrs. M. H. Ellis, "Thank you" letters were read Centre Street, with almost a full Rev. Ciinton . 58, wi spoke in citizenship. Mrs. A. V. Walker thanked Mr. Cross. A film | of the: W.A. of Christ Memorial two selections accomp anied at the from Storie Park and Radio Park| attendance. Mrs. Edgar Bradley, Church was held on Tuesday, April 10, with the president, Mrs. A. S. Evans, presiding. Mrs. H. W. Ward led in prayer and a hymn was sung with Mrs. {J. M. E. Drummond at the piano. Mrs. Harry Woods read the min utes. Mrs. Herbert Coggins pre- sented the treasurer's report. There were 22 members present, Six members attended the W.A, board meeting held recently at St. John's Norway, Toronto. A number of articles were pre- sented in preparation for the rum- mage sale to be held on April 25,| also a shower of miscellaneous| fancy articles in preparation for! the May 9 sale of work. Tea was served by Mrs. Joseph Gilbert, hostess, and her commit- tee. BETA SIGMA PHI ! The regular meeting of the Osh-| awa Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi| was held at the home of Mrs.| James Carson, Central Park boule-| vard south, on April 10. Miss Irene Sabyan, president, was in charge| of the meeting. f Plans were formulated for the Mrs. | for the radios that were donated William Medland was in charge|to them. Discussions were held on of the white elephant sale. Mrs,|the banquet and the committee Twiddy thanked all those who took|in charge are Sister Mary Shew- part and refreshments were served ¢huk and Sister Kay Melynchuk. by Mrs. Twiddy and her commit. , A bus trip was planned for some- tee |time in May for the patients of Fairview Lodge. After the meect- SIMCOE STRET WMS ing Brother Kitchen showed the The Easter meeting of the WMS | films of the Christmas party. of Simcoe treet United Church The hostess, Sister Florence wes held recently. The platform! Kitchen, served refreshments. was decorated by Mrs. Glenn| Next meeting will be held in the Henry with Easter lilies and in| Union Hall on Tuesday, May 8 at the centre a lovely, rare plant|8 p.m. called "The Crown of Thorns." It was announced that the fam- TLYARY ans me ily party will take the form of al circle of Calvary Baptist Church supper meeting. It will be held in| met on Tuesday evening at the Se memorial hal oa, Wednesaay, home of Mrs. Victor Henkleman at . | are wel- or (3 ¥ of ol . come om fe baby band to the i. Seine Levine ovened --e senior auxiliary 5 ; 3 A , Smee" ¥ ssid + , |liam Sargeant and Mrs. Viet fo iT Jas Soll Unit. | Henkleman brought the third na ei Church, Toronto wil be. the ei, 6, dsguaions | vane the speaker for the May meeting. in: ed : The garden party at the Victor ane Se rte. mo & Home for Women "will be held on|gent to the mission Paid 0. ne June 12, from 2-5 p.m. It will take place at the Victor Home, Broad- RITSON H AND S ASSN. view Avenue, Toronto. Citiznship was the theme of |the Ritson Home and School As- piano by Mrs. Jabez Wright. Good used clothing will. be re- Gary Allan who was two years old on March 30. Gary is the grandson of Mrs. Frank Fore- | ji look at." Mr. Cox congratulated the Ly- ceum Club on the encouragement it was affording studen's. Children | dale of Toronto. --Photo by Nu-Way studio PERSONAL NOTES | | inherited ability, he said. but also needed encouragement, He attrib- uted his own development to his grandfather. Isaac Tabb, a wood Out-of-town guests at the Ab- thorpe - Houlden wedding were Mr, Everett Houlden and Mr. Gar- net Houlden, Toronto; Mr. and : HY carver in Bowmanville. ersonal and social items are «p ae never without a jack always welcome in this column. If| knife and a piece of cedar kind- you are going away or expecting ling," he quipped. Founders Day banquet being held ceived and packed at the May at the home of Miss Claire God-| meeting. den, "Tall Trees", Whitby, on| Mrs. J. Drygala sang two solos | April 24. Miss Joyce Power and| 'Sheep May Safely Graze" and Miss Claire Godden were appoint-|'"'Alleluia.' She was accompanied ed to present the cheque to the by Mrs. G. L. Booth, Mrs. H. E. Association for Retarded Children Willis led in the worship service at its meeting of April 23. using the pamphlet, "Rejoicing in The cultural program, 'Pleas- Hope." | ures of Possession', was present-| ed by Miss Joyce Power. Lian sociation meeting last Monday evening. Mrs. H. J. Hutchinson presided. Mrs. A. V. Walker reported on the annual bazaar which will be held on April 25 in the school 'au- ditorium. Miss Jean Dieckie's room won the parent attend rize. |d group leader, presided. | Plans were completed for the rummage sale which will be held] on April 2 at 1.30 pm. It was {decided to have 1957 calendars for | |srle, to be ready by September | , At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served by the | committee in charge. | HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB |. The Happy Doubles Club (King Street United Church held its regular meeting in the base- ment auditorium with presidents Me. and Mrs. Howard Cook presid- ng. Plans were announced for 'the! bowling banquet to be held at Thornton's Corners community hall| on April 25, with the bowling com- mittee of Mr. and Mrs. Percy, Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs, George| Tresise in charge of planning. | The annual weekend outing this year is to be at Birchmuir Lodge on Stoney Lake, June 1 to 3 with any interested couple not already (contacted to get in touch with Mr. |and Mrs. Glen Howell or Mr. and | Mrs. Stanley Pilkey. The committee of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gomme and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Robinson led in the de- votional period and took for their theme "The Resurraction". Mrs. Harry Smith guest soloist with her accompanist Miss Hazel Rundle were recalled after the devotional and chose "I know that my Re- Liveth. The Rev. R. E, Reports on the Home and School Dargan was the guest speaker and After the meeting a social houriconference held in Toronto were followed up on the theme of the Married recently in Cedar Dale United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Con Litovehik. The bride, the former Miss Shirley Marjorie Henning, is the daugh- ter of Mr.. and Mrs. Henning of Oshawa and groom is the son of Mrs. | raford of Windsor, and Mr. Peter Litovehik: ' Photo by" Ireland v devotional, giving a brief address. A vote of thanks was expressed by Mr. Wallace Holmes to those taking part in the program. A game of "Beat the Clock' was in- troduced. Refreshments were served by the social conveners, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Faint and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Radar. CHALLENGER GROUP The Challenger group of the W.A. of Albert Street United Church met recently in the board room With the president, Mrs. Clayton Lee, presiding. Mrs. Harry Hogarth led in the devotional period. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Harry Longbottom. Mrs. W. . Graham sang a solo entitled "Some Time We'll Understand." "Thoughts. for the Day" were read by the dif- ferent bers, The inutes, treasurer's report and correspon- dence were read. An invitation was accepted from the Pearl group for April .18. Plans were made for catering to a banquet at Club Bayview on April 13. CHILD WORKERS '~ The first labor legislation in ment of children under ni Egypt in 1909 prohibited raised to 12. Members are reminded of the Mrs. John Moffatt and Mrs. Ar- visitors, share the news with your| Eid Allen, Stonoi Me. a Mr friends by calling the Social De-| lamuel McColl, Kingston; Mr, and/| Mrs. william' Black, Cobourg; | Partment, RA 3-3474. Mr. Lloyd Dorland and Mrs. | James Dorland, Hilton, Ontario; | 4 Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brown, Egan-| ville; Mr. Stanley McCormack RCAF, and Mrs. McCormack Camp Borden, Barrie. sw ded the the giiava guests Who Stiended the White who entertained at a fare- manyille were Mr. and Mrs, Jo- well party at their home on Mary | | Among those who have enter-| ined in honor of Mrs. F. H. Wet-| more who leaves Oshawa on Sat-| "urday to live in Agincourt were/ *{ Mr. and Mrs. Morley Canning who were hosts at a dinner party at Mrs. Emerson Chant presided and thanked the speaker who was | introduced by Miss Flossie Coyte. April 13. J SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George V. Law- e Guild Inn: Mr. and Mrs. Roy rence, Oshawa, announce the en- nt of their y t daugh- ter, Evelyn Bernice, to the Rev-|Willlam Mitchell read the minutes) "Oriental Party' at the home of Miss Frances Howard on Friday, FAITHFUL GROUP The monthly meeting of Faithful Group of King Street United Church was held on Tues-| day evening in the church parlor.| The president, Mrs. W. Trainer, opened the meeting with a poem after which Mrs. William Perry {read the scripture lesson. Mrs. | the seph Childerhose, Mr. and Mrs. street and Mrs. 'E. H. Winter and Food Jose and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mrs. Alvin Hiltz who were co- erend Harold John Williamson, |of last meeting and Mrs. Edward | Goodman called the roll and ga .e b _| hostesses at a dinner and bridge |son of Mrs. Alfred Lacey, Pontiac, ald Morrison. Others who attend held at the former's home on Hill-| Michigan. The wedding will take Wetmore | place on Saturday, May 12, 1956, a coffee|st 3 o'clock in the Pentecostal | Church, Simcoe street, ed were Mr, and Mrs. William| Walker, Haliburton; Walker, Mr. and Robertson, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Robertson, all of Monden; Mr, and Mrs. Les-| He Walker, Newmarket; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gostlin, Miss Gwenyth Gostlin, -all of Norland; | Mrs. Gladys Taylor, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Boston and fam- ily, Mrs. Loretta Boston, all of Carleton Place; Mrs. Bert Agnew, Lakeview. Miss Sadye Bruce, representing a cosmetic firm in Toronto, spoke to an appreciative audience on Monday evening, April 9, at North- minster United Church. Mrs. Rob- ert Kelly weicomed ihe guests and introduced Mrs. Bruce, Mrs.| Walter Kocoj received a gift do-| pated by an Oshawa drug com-| pany and Mrs. Anne Cardiff from | Renfrew received a bouquet of flowers. The evening was spon- gored by the Happy Helpers group of the W.A, with Mrs. J. B Hill as convener. The committee consisted of Mrs. John Jeffrey, Mrs James Benneit and Mrs. Ralph immerly. Miss Patricla| Taylor played a few selections on} the accordion and refreshments were served. Prior to her wedding Miss Mar- flv Houlden was given a shower at the home of Mrs. James, Aberdeen street. Mrs. James was assisted by Mrs. Har-| rv Howe. An ivory metal card table, matching chairs and cover| were presented along with many| gadgets for the kitchen. ! Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe and Mrs Gordon Houlden poured tea and coffee and those serving were Mrs. Donald Howe and Mrs. Don- ald Houlden. A miscellaneous Mrs. Mrs. Rebecca croft street when Mrs. Erastus | Was Melvin Walker, | carafe. shower was held at the home of] Jack Gallagher, assisted by Mrs. Robert Corneal, Mrs. Laurel Gates and Miss Wilma Human assisted the hostess, Presentations of electri cal appliances were made by the group committee, mothers' aux- iliary and the Rovers of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scouts. The Cubs of the 8th "B" cub pack presented to their beautiful cornflower relish dish. Flett, Colborne street east, and Miss Mabel Searle, Columbus, have returned from an Easter vacation spent in Bermuda. Mrs. street, Miss Joyce STANDARIDZED SIZES Did vou know that the Canadian Association of Consumers working on behalf of all consum- Akela, the bride-to-be, al Robert | | | ers toward the standardization of | sizes for children's clothes? Any mother knows about the confu- | sion that exists in this fleld now, | how each manufacturer makes, a different size six, for example, according to his own ideas. Through the cooperation of many groups, children's sizes should soon be as standardized as weights and measures. So that she will know what size will al- ways fit her child, the Canadian mother can help forward the work of the Canadian Associa- | tion of Consumers by joining its ranks. SCOTTISH DISH Cockie-leeky soup is an old Scot- tish recipe, made by boiling FY) fowl with leeks. DRAPES - CURTAINS VENETIAN SHADES [1 AR FREE WARD'S 5:1151 | presented with the treasurer's report. Mrs. Train- ler reported on the sick members. | Mrs. George Twiddy was in | charge of the program. Mrs. Frost ho a Bluebird diamond set in precious PALLADIUM Combination Wedding Palladium and 14K. Gold tngagement . $150 | Wedding ring Jy $51.50 Combinatio | Palladium | The solemn hush . . . the surge | of happiness that beats in your heart . . . and on your finger, a shimmering star, as enduring as the love you share. There is no more perfect | diamond than a Bluebird, set in | precious Palladium. The pure | white brilliance of a Palladium setfing reflects all the beauty of your diamond. Every Bluebird engagement and wedding ring is registered, guaranteed for colour, cut and quality. Engogement $100 $22.50 perfect diamonds, in Pay as little as 10% Down -- 1.00 Weekly ond 14K. Gold Wedding ring Ring + A [ad Ry aN Engagement ring $125 2 4 ing 16 pc. ® Dutch Oven ® Chicken Fryer ® Saucepang etc. settings of precious PALLADIUM LIMITED 11 32 KING ST. W. Telephone RA 3-7022 | ; BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 5 PIECE SERVING Cold Meat Fork, Berry, Pierced $ Tablespoon, Jelly Spoon ..... 1847 ROGERS BROS. ® Double Boiler \! Teapot doubles as Cof- fee or Hot Chocolate. Covered Sugo r, Cream and matching 18" Serve ing Tray, 4 pieces. SET Pastry, 95 1 51 PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 8 Hollow Handle Knives, Dessert Spoons, Forks, Forks, Teaspoons, 1 Butter Knife; 1 Sugar Spoon; 1 Table spoon. . 60s sap 1.00 Down Complete starting set for 4 people. Fillsin items: can be added -any- time. . 3 PIECE SALAD SET Ebony styrene Fork and Spoon with silverplated les. Matching ebony styrene salad bowl. Available in all patterns, THIS COUPON IS WORTH $6.50 WITH PURCHASE OF DELUXE COOKWARE SET Bring or mail this coupon. t's worth $8.50 with the purchase of the DELUXE WATERLESS COOKWARE SET. This offer good only while quant'ty lasts Telephone RA 3-7022 - pattern hand- *1 y CHARGE IT! $1 DOWN $1 A WEEK $ a week until full purchase price is Name Address Employed by Employers address ( y ) Add to my account ( Please send me the COOKWARE os advertised at $29.88. and cgree to poy balance ot § ) Open new account in my name Coffee Spoons, Salad 80-5 1.00 Week HOME SEY | 399% CHARGE IT 20 PC. 'DOWN . A WEEK Now 29.88 with coupon paid. Phone. . , tesseaane Friars Xede PT ) Re-cpen my eccount I I [