representing every nationality rep- to 96) Rumor has it that the cir. fall, the Kin feel that they should THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, ursday, resented in Whitby. cus will feature a memory corre something about it. This hou) 1m » Apr 12, 1958 7 | If the Kinsmen do not go in| test between one of the elephants will bring thousands of people to ' with the band on the big day, it and Kin Gord Hawes. | town, and most of the local organi- the banquet at the expense of the rolled into one, next meet. It will will certainly not be the fault of Another project being lined up| zations will be represented at the {be charter night, Vice-president's Kinsmen Jim Ross and "Uncle" |by the club, is a soap-box derby.| "Tent City" which will be erected The next meeting of Whitby Night and Ladies' Night. The Gord Hawes, who have been im-|Gord Hawes suggested that the at the site of the match. The Kins. Sinsmen should be quote a com- chore of dreaming up, and organ- pressing on the club that if they Kin should make this an annual men passed a motion to apply Plicated affair. Their schedule of iziug a program of events forsthe are to go along with the idea, they event, as was the case some right away for a concession z. the Meetings has tightened up to such evening, falls on the ample shoul- ~ Kin Discuss Centennial Reduces Sentence But - Circus, Soap-Boxes, Here had befter get cracking, as time years ago. He pointed out that|match, What they will do at the an extent that three nights will be!ders of Bob Heron and Jim Ross. Warns of Rowdyism End running out fast, for such a big|this will put no money in the Kins-' match will be decided later. % 2 o i iol i a |S Anybody had a parking ticket and Means Committee. The feeling project. 'The final yes or mo will men's coffers, but that it makes 4 Bi be deine ich ey A warning was yesterday. jssued| JUDGEMENT Th ed lately? If so, try fo contain your of the club, 'though, at this week's| po : \ ) ; € : given by the Kin by the end of| great event for the youngsters. He ) _ {wrath for a couple of somhs, 3d; meeting, Pub that Centennial, this week, following a meeting mentioned the suce Pp of the Should he prog RRR The to youths with hooligan tendencies| His Honor stated that in his opin- limber up your Dit wing-al m. Ps-one ay is a great idea. If phetween Jim Ross and the ways|soap - box derby held during|held in Whith on suri! 17. On a in the Ajax-Pickering area that/ion Linton was aware all the time| Tentative arrange mens Jiave been the plans go through, the Kin and 5nd means committee. Meanwhile, the Centennial, which brought motion by Kin Claire Rich, the| such conduct will be stamped out.|that Smart was a police officer and| cooked up between Whitby Brass the Band will share the work, the the Brass Band are pawing the hundreds of people to watch| club voted that President Bert] IN EVERY 13 QT. BAG AT KINSMEN CLUB WHITBY NEWS | Hew pol he warning came from His Honor had known this when he asked Wat-| Band and Whithy Kinsmen Club, expenses, and the possible profits, und, HY | the mechanized Soh = Ne wa EE bok John E.|son what he had to do with police for the day of celebrations they of the day, on a fifty-fifty basis. | OILL BRING Plus hut up the or e boxes! Foote and Mrs. Foote be sent to Pritchard, as he sentenced an Ajax business. _ are planning for July 1. PLAN PARADE ; i Pending a few details to be club chewed Gord's suggestion| -------- man, Bruce Douglas Linton, 22,| "I have no doubt that Watson in-| One of the features of the day,! 'Kin Jim Ross, acting as liaison| cleared up, the Kinsmen will bring|over, and decided that the derby to two months in jail on a charge tended to answer the officer's plea proposed by Police Chief Charles between the Kinsmen and the a circus to town this June. The|Will go on, and, if July 1 mater- FOR MISSED said His Honor, '"'and|Fletcher, is a novelty booth, in Band, told the club of many other| kin have been in contact with ializes, it will be incorporated in . mn of threatening a service station at-|for help," ; ! 1 ¢ tendant who had come to the aid|something caused him to change which eagle-eyed marksmen will suggestions that had been pro- Garden Bros. Circus, with a view|the day's events. | TELEPHONE THIS pacyaz; agg egg IMPORTED FAMOUS WILLOW PATTERN CUP OR $ UCER s Al IN EACH 13 QT. BAG. CRYSTAL CLEAR SAFE.SIP TUMBLER IN EACH 5 AND 8 OT. RAG, ¢ 2 for such treats as television sets, | pianos, and trips outside of the| school has all been earned by the boys themselves, he pointed out, | TEACH SELF CONTROL [ Self control is one of the chief] character builders at the school. It | , was inspiring, Mr. Werry said, to] hear 225 boys sing at the morning! chapel services, and the patriotic | spirit shown in the singing of the | national anthem. They learn, amon national anthem. They learn, | among other things, to control their feet and tongues. "All a boy | needs is help and co-operation," | he said. | Mr. Werry is proud of the rec- ord of many of the boys who have| gone from the school to make their | ways in life. One is an engineer in Oshawa, several work for the] General Motors and three have re- | turned to the Department, one a teacher and another a supervisor. | A BALANCED DIET Like a farmer who gives close attention in stock feeding to a bal- anced diet, the school, in the train-| RCA VICTOR Spring Festiv: SPECIAL 4 i J ing of boys, was trying to give them a balanced diet of education, good food, and, above all, a reli-' gious understanding. Mr. Werry' invited members of the Club to attend the next open house at the school, and said he would notify the president of the | date, The school has visitors from all over the world, Mr. Werry said, | «- MEAGHER'S A TOP VALUE in the world's most dependable television NEWLY ENGINEERED "MAGIC MONITOR" Power Transformer of a constable. Linton had earlier|his mind. I do not believe that| hurl baseballs at a target. A bulls- posed for July 1. An afternoon of ¢, having them come to Whitby| With the International Plowing and His Honor dismissed the appeal | Magistrate's conviction was prop-| will be suspended over a tub of Clarke, bandmaster, came up with Hove 'you fried this amating NEW he had launched. {Hall, QC, suggested that anything A § AX T AX] Matt's Grill and was in the process |said, he 5 313 ALBERT ST. PHONE RA. 3-4663 Al calls: must be placed before proprietor on Harwood Ave. the frequenters of that place to Training School for Boys at Bow-| Ope of the important things at| 7:30 P.M. Saas? when the offence allegedly occur-|tration of the law yourself." for 19 vears ; Py Senior boys are given work to| ance in subduing Kellogg. | quire a constable yourself. You creditable Canadian citizens. 11 the gift of Mr. Jury an- appeared from the crowd gathered the officer but you prevented ano- firth Sel. Mr. Werty spoke Arthuf Powell, an Ajax night] months in jail t there | at the disposal of children in the his car because of the traffic jam|is too much rowdyism in 8 vice clubs like the Lions; Kins- Ea the : 3 + Smart put Kellogg in the cruiser|it out. others, visited the school monthiy ensued, he said, and he saw Watson start © R H S d : Or the aid of the officer. . ™ aun ers | TURNS BOYS' PATHS lice officer. You have no right | {| many of them having rejected the Watson withdraw gin soon on a memorial to the late direction, Mr. Werry said. "When itted that he had advised Watson : . . Tilted that be ha on man of the Ontario Hydro Elec for that lack of faith i 1 claimed that he was unaware that! aircraft crash last year, ; ! | school is one of progressive rehabi- billy, he said, that he realized he|large sections of limestone in a understanding of the boy," he went before, he said. "I thought it was| on University avenue boulevard at| is admitted until a report concern- 2dding that after listening to Amer William Kellogg, The memorial fund committee|in operation in few other places, |feel that we are right up with the stated that he had fight scene about 500 feet south on| Ontario Municipal Electric Asso-| played in the school training plan|tarian A. M. Wooton, who was his a police officer. | cost about $40,000 | these, he said. They develop in him | tended by President Don Tutt. been convicted by Magistrate F. S.|Watson would have discontinued if| eye will set some highly compli- sports events has been planned, ts entertain the kiddies, (aged six! Match coming to the district next! and sentenced to six months in|cused said to him." {end product of which will be a of course, be a parade, which! | but reduced the sentence to twolerly registered and dismissed the x, 1 grade A ice-cold water. an interesting suggestion for the » t f The ®Chemi-Coated™ coal 2, Phone us had already served six weeks| Speaking to the matter of sen-|gnaiiy agreed to by the Kinsmen, the first is Dominion Day, that . ye During the trial in the Ontario|less than the maximum penalty, of | HUDSON Harry Smart, of the Pickering| 333 that your Times-Gazette' by 7 of arresting Laverne Kellogg when in 500 yards of where this incident Gordon Watson, a service station|rowdyism because of the failure of| of the rehabilitation of boys at the] self-confidence. | HAD NO UNIFIRM |pay due regard to the law. What | manville was brought to Whithy| the school is that a boy learns to| : ian Kenneth Werry, of Bowman-| problems comes from boys who | red, October 8th, of last year. He| "To enforce the law," His Honor Je lstiution hundreds of boys 4 do on the grounds, and the money | Kellogg he noted a crowd around kind regard officers as your ene- many of them going out and that of the school. The money | Gordon Watson, operator of a|said that you wanted to get a fair Mr. Werry said that the school to the vacant lot on which the he would get a better deal in that ust and on a beautiful site, once place, said that he heard the offi-| court? Would you like to have al vile Five years previous, iy ig ; : 91 that he started to assist the officer back roads {een sown at the Toronto Rot to watch, znd told him to leave "or | ther from doing so," said His Hon- of the support given to the school returned then to his service sta-| weeks accused had spent in jail, sponsible for the gymnasium and watchman on his way to work, sta-| "When you get out, go oul there | ummer to learn swimming, ad by ot | i igh y at the scene of the struggle. He|and you and your friends might as men, Oshawa Fish. and Game As- and then watched Kellogg climb and made, through their visits and Then, said the witness, "I heard | p M . 1 | The school takes in boys travei- there. I'll see that the soldier gets| {advice and influence of those who Linton, in his own defence, ad- Robert H. Saunders, former chair-| our homes lose faith the boys, it E 1 y + tect 3 a also re Io keep out of the struggle between tric Power commission killed in an {ted in the community," Mr. Wer- Smart was a police officer, It was| announced Wednesday night. was a police officer. He had never | setting of shrubs, flowers, water-| on. He noted that all that is writ- just an ordinary street fight," said College street, facing Queen's/ing him is submitted. Nothing is ican problems at a recent confer-| accompanied | said nearly $60,000 in contributions| INCREASING PRIVILEGES leaders." | Harwood ave. He too claimed that| ciation and commission employees. of increasing the privileges of the pastor for several years in the "DEEP IMAGE" PICTURE TUBE NEW CASCODE TUNER RCA VICTOR 91-Inch Console 219.95 in walnut finish Ebbs -in the Whitby Police Court|it had not been for something ac- cated machinery in motion, the including ball games. There will,| jail, The accused appealed the case| His Honor then ruled that the| dunking for the police chief, who will be sponsored by the Kin. Eric : months in jail, noting that Linton appeal. big day has not yet been parade. He said that, since July vy " while arranging bail for the appeal tence, Crown Attorney Alex. C.| pending the decision of the Ways the parade might feature a float order NOW 4 County Court at Whitby yesterday, | six months, would be considered als . 3 evidence was given by Constable inadequate. | e t t 0 % S g "All it is is a lot of cheap un-| a 1 1 a 0n Township Police Department, who intelligent talk, hut 4088 i: merit .. » ' stated that he had investigated an|six months in jail?" said His Hon-| . - ] PA If/vou:h ; 2 igat 5 | u have not received alleged assault in the vicinity of or. Speaking to the accused, he e t = ; y ig "I happen to know that with-| rainin Cc 00 C ive the alleged threst was made toltook place, there is too much An interesting and inspiring story, faith, hope and trust and inspire p.m. . Constable Smart stated that he|you did on this session was ta in- Rotary Club yesterday by Rotar-| work Mr. Werry said. "One of our | y y { £58 the adminis-| '< " had been only 18 days on the force | terfere and sume Is Te ag cot Superintendent propos eames fro had not vet been issued a uniform. | continued, "we engage a police| During this hig through his He said that as he struggled with| constable. You and some of your Dos, é passe aroug 18 1hev 'earn Is for their own benefit | the area and called out for assist-! mies -- until such time as you re- with lives rebuilt and becoming service station, situated next door|dezl for your friend. Do you think | Was opened 30 years ago last Aug- struggle with Kellogg was taking|ditch than he would get in this one of the finest farms in the area, cer call for assistance. He said| trials in Pickering settled on the DE ot ED en ed to make the arrest when Linton| "Not only did you fail to assist DL our. 'when the Hee was he would get me." He said that he|or. Taking into account the six To libel. rote Tor tion he said, he sentenced him to two the swimming pool. The latter was ted that he had been forced to stop| and be a disciple. you know area | adults in the winter, Rotary and : : i t tam art said that he watched Constable well know we are going to § Dion Or Ce out again. A scuffle gifts, rich contributions. Linton tell Watson 'you are no po- |ling on the wrong road of life, a fair deal." Then, he said, he saw TORONTO (CP)--Work will be- seek to guide them in the right |is high time something was done, Constable Smart and Kellogg, but | gE it was/ry declared. The work of the only after he saw Smart draw his| The memorial, comprising three | litation. "We try to have a better seen Constable Smart in his life| fall and pool, will be constructed ten about a boy is from the day he accused. Park. | said of the past, a policy which is ence he attended in New York, "we also of Ajax, Linton from Highway 2 to the has been received, much from the, Mr. Werry spoke of the part, Mr. Werry was thanked by Ro-| he was unaware that Smart was| The memorial is expected to|boys. No boy ever wants to lose | Bowmanville district. It was ex- 54 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA High Quality Meats and Fruit MEAT FEATURE! C | Ib. Buys Any of Items Below eo PRIME RIB BEEF -- Short Cui © BLADE ROAST -- Blade Removed eo SHORT RIB ROAST o BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST ¢ LEAN SHANK STEWING BEEF eo FRESH PORK BUTT eo FRESH PORK LOIN ENDS eo PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS eo FRESH CHICKEN WINGS ® FOWL -- Roasting and Boiling eo BABY BEEF LIVER POTATOES FIRST GRADE BUTTER POPULAR BRANDS Cigarettes GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE LOOSE OR IN EGGS YOUR CONTAINER STEAKS 10-LB. BAG 45 + Bl 2.99 RCA VICTOR "NIPPER V" Boe 59: 5 A set with a Big Voice that'll be just perfect for dependable listening. 4-9 Other colors slightly higher ner in mahogany of ightly hig Slig J ook finishes. lime FAMOUS "GOLDEN THROAT" BY THE CARTON small Delivery You may have your order delivered any- where in Oshawa. Orders: $20 & over $15 to $20. . COME IN TODAY! For OUTSTANDING VALUES ROASTS in RCA Victor television! $10 to $15. . 25¢ ib. 50: 104915, 5c We Sell What We Advertise . . . We Service What We Sell GOLDEN = - = | 4 sins | MEAGHER Extra 2 2 | Ibs. € || 5 KING ST. wesT OSHAWA RA 3-3425 Feature 15¢ 20c¢