. LJ ! and none gf they Advanta es of a;nadian Pacifie and Dome Mines and Sapphire Petroleums, each up DENTAL LAW : ® ® member, Since 'the northern-tier|each added %. Hudson Bay Min-|%, and Preston East Dom rmany ney on . 3 +i 8, e, ahead] COLOGNE, Ge: (Reuters)-- raq Said Brig test Spot dee a he United Sie buon| ing dropped % and Distillers Sea-|i.16, Eureka, Molybdenite of Can-|The West German Dentists'Agso- : and ped Oe tht aac tey gram remained unchanged. |ada, Fargo Oil, Great Sweet Grass | ciation is demanding a law to com- ® it. The pact now includes Turkey,| , Higher Canadian issues on the O'l, Jupiter Oils, Scurry-Rainbow | pel children between three and 18 1 a ast iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Britain, American exchange included Bra- Oil and Wilrich Petroieums each vears of age to go to the dentist Tou : Repercussions. front the United zilian Traction, (Canadian Marconi| were unchanged. at least twice a year. 2 States' joining the pact would be control in-Syria, it could deal both loud in Cairo. Nasser's anger By WILLIAM L. RYAN country, his rule is forward-look- BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP)--Iraq is IDE. BRITAIN TESTS These photographs relea by the British mi 4 show a test the bright spot in the Middle East Bui against 'the background of Middle Eastern politics the |look is becoming increasingly ! gloomy Left to herself and her forward: looking, hopeful program for the | future of her people, Iraq surely leader of the would become the | Arab world. But there are tremen- dous obstacles--the threat of war, the threat of Soviet power to the & | north, the eternal feuds, intrigues i LE. 3 I.FUEL ROCKET the wav. No. 3, rockets begin to drop, as the missile starts firing ts own power. Nos. 4, 5, 6. the British experimental missile | and jealousies of the Arab world. Saudi Arabian money pours into a campaign to subvert the regime lof a man who has the look of a | statesman in a part of the world sadly lacking in statesmen. The Saudi Arabian feud with the Hash- mite family ruling Jordan and Iraq is deep and centuries old, and the Saudi Arabians fear that {Iraq leadership will lead one day| co." iio in the coffee houses schools, housing, hospitals and the Kastern country and the West is| to a unified fertile crescent, powerful union of Iraq, Jordan and Syria. Egypt's revolutionary regime under its premier, Lt,-Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser,, makes a strange alliance with the feudal Saudi Arabians in the hope of ruining the Baghdad Paet---of which Iraq is a member--or rendering it futile. WORRIED GOVERNMENT Iraq is governed by a stales- manlike premier, Gen. Nuri Said It seems likely Nuri would like nothing better than a reasonable out-| settlement of the Israeli question hold in area, to remove the threat of war. Pub- licly he cannot say he will tolerate the continued existence of Israel. | But in a country 84 per cent illiter- ate, it would be possible to direct | public opinion if there were no interference from other Arab pro- paganda playing constantly on the passions of an emotional and unstable people, | PEASANTS POOR Like the fellah in barefoot Iraqi peasant has been | unchanged over the centuries. He lives in the same mud hut with his cow, chickens or goat. Like Egypt's fellah, the average Iraqi is ridden by a variety of diseases which sap his vitality. Like his Egyptian cousin he knows little of international politics, But he hears Egypt the or friends' huts and hears about Israel and the wounds, real or imagined, of the Arab world by word of mouth, Anyone interested in making trouble for the government can buy a riot easily. He can hire selected rioters for 100 fils (30 cents) each té key a riot and others will join for the fun of it Riot leaders direct riots as sheep- dogs direct flocks. Economic des- titution, frustration of youth, the natural volatility of the people, all Iraq and the West a heavy blow. seems to arise from the fact he And they say in the Middle East regards 68-year-old Nuri and Iraq). communism gains a foot Syria come the first satelli e, Communist influence is strong in the army, particularly army intelligence. COMMUNISTS DWINDLE Iraq's Interior Minister Said Zazaz says Iraq's Communist if ~ver in But Nuri seems to have no such pretensions. Observers here. think he is sincere in wanting an. Arab slates understanding. Even dom- estically Nurl seems to want to shun an appearance of great per- strength is dwindling and the hard| sonal power, wants apparently to core is down to a few hundred|léave behind him a stable struc- {because Iraq's development pro ture like Britain's two-party Sys gram already is being felt in|tem fo ensure Iraq's future. His higher wages and full employment. | great influence and great power He says the Iraqi Copnmunists gel apparently are being used toward their instructions from Bagdash in| laudable alms which like aspects Syria. Zazaz regards Bapdash as of Egypt's revolution are an ex- the Communist leader of the entire pression of rising Argh pride. Middle East But laudable alms are Insuffi- Nuri and those who admire him cient to ensure this country's { future, Unless the Israeli situation somehow Is settled, Iraq is as great danger as any other Middle | | place much hope of the develop ment program to build dams, irrigation projects, industries, like. The first five-year portion of in danger of losing its best friend the program is complete and the in this part of the world where government has earmarked more Western policies have few friénds. Stock Market In New York X > | i EE EEE Wehave your Spring painting neods OJ! | Glidden SPRED SATIN THE LATEX WONDER PAINT Do your Spring decorating early with easy to use Spred Satin that flows from brush or roller in hundreds of exciting new colors that give lasting beauty. SEE YOUR Glidden dealer pecial offer) FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS " t v ke 1 neo ne nti ps - 3 PP gz -- i experimental rocke vicks up speed and continues un- | His government seems worried. make them hunger for a binge of nings of which already are evi in 1952. No the launcher, No. 2 Farmer Needs More Capita OTTAWA 1 a young with a neds a tractor : a farm ecor Dr. E. ( H the Canad culture, s. it is wel In d for a for the der its own fue! supply 5 Boy king Faisal II's Hashmite Central Press Canadian cousin Hussein holds the shaky voung farmer at reasonable inter- est rates Dr. Hope appeared before the Commons banking and commerce committee. The committee 1s studying government legi-lation to »ase farm loans by the farm yard to 65 from 60 per cent appraised value of the land yut not to exced 15,000. Th pres ent maximum is $10,000 Dr. Hope i voung farmer these days needed $6,000-$7,000 to : ed the loan period were extended vears from the present 25 the interest Jute lowered, Dr said a ope said, the farmer starting out probably could get by with $4,000 nitial capital | throne of Jordan, to the southwest If a Saudi Arabian, Egyptian and Palestinian-Arab intrigue should overthrow young Faisal, Iraq would lose her steadying influence in Jordan and probably in Syria too and might be forced into a compromise with the Egyptian- Saudi-Syrian bloc which is hellbent for subverting the Baghdad Pact. The pull of Arabism is strong. Propaganda and passion against the pact are enormous in Arab countries whose people regard it as insurance for the continued exist- ence of Israel Nuri--everyone calls him the Pasha--is "held in awe in Iraq and is regarded with violent jealousy by some leaders in other Arab areas. Though in effect he is a violence. There is danger--great danger to the West. A charming man with a disarming manner is one of the most dangerous foes in the Middle East of Iraq and the West. Tall, affable Khaled Bagdash, orator, writer and leader of dis- ciplined Syrian and Lebanese Com- munists, attended Mos 's 20th party congress in Februa Long after the noisier and more prom- inent Red (leaders left, Bagdash still was hes He had much to talk over Ww tr the bosses and it concerned Middle East oil Across the territory of Syria run pipelines which carry at least 30 and Iraq have placed in this pro- after directors declared a higher | per cent of the Middle East oil from Iraq and the Persian gulf, pipelines of the Iraq Petroleum Co. and American tapline. If the Communist party could make an dent. Nuri is being advised by Wester Recovering law of 1950 70 per cenit of oil NEW YORK (AP) Business royalties, now more than $250,000 000 annually, goes to public works and 30 per cent to the govern ment's operating budget, But even this program has dangers. The program may be going ahead too fast, bringing inflation, the begin ners to complete the groundwork slacke: av as the a first. This includes first ending the Slack q toda} a8 Ie stock market threlt of disastrous. floods. This i The : Jd being done. But Western advisers ga; : a feel Iraq should take advantage of the present favorable revenue situation by building dams, irrigat ing; building industry the foundations for an agricultural economy of the future, if ever the revenues prove exhaustible in a crisis Farm implement issues were SERIOUS THREAT down slightly on news of produc- A Middle East war would he a tion cutbacks serious blow to the hopes of Nuri] Lukens Steels, rally from Tuesday's sharp was not extensive, but was well distributed Higher divisions included afts, steels and laying § 4% . i ferrous metals, chemicals, rail- roads, oils, airlines and building materials air- down = Tuesday gram, possibly even ending it extra dividend, today gained al- Westerners say Nuri might be most three points strengthened if 'the United States! Canadia K i § § s : n stocks were higher. joined the Baghdad' Pact. Outside Aluminium Ltd. gained '2 paar. the pact as an qbserver, the United | national Nickel and Walker Good- k | motors, utilities, non 12 Richmond -St. E. J. H. ALBERNATHY 88 King St. W. H. A. BARRON |Hamptom =>, Qt. Spread Satin APRRPL PA 7 V4" Nylon Brush 13\Pe. Ripolin Ultra White Enamel .70c Total ....vvvnvnnvensrs 6.35 speciAL price onLY 4 5 © KENNIS PAINT & WALLPAPER 1279 Simcoe St. N. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. For: Farry HUXTER'S HARDWARE howe Bowmanville, Ont. Ontario MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Oshawa benevolent dictator of this oil-rich Alliance giying it a measure of States has all) the disadvantages erham both advanced Y. and Ca- "FAIRBANKS MORS TO SELL-OUT THIS GIBSON CHOSEN "WAREHOUSE STOCK" Fairbanks Morse Yibson REFRIGERATOR pd Forboanks WM : J featuring: / * 10 Cubic Ft. * Push Button Defrost "k_ Full Width Freezer Locker * Pull-out Crisper * Egg Racks * Door Shelves and Butt'ry * Fully Automatic Operation * Freezer Locker -- 60 Ib. Capacity * 5-Year Guarantee * Door Shelves and Butt'ry Suggested List on These Refrigerators 489% Fairbanks Morse = £ J Polisher and Scrubber Polisher 64.95 Floor Washing Kit 19.95 Floor Sander & Refinishing Kit 19.95 TOTAL 3 04-85 VALUE Free You Get the Complete Fairbanks-Morse Polisher and Scrubber, Value 104.85, " With the Purchase of the Above Refrigerator. ONLY BOTH BARONS' offer this Fairbanks-Morse You Get the Polisher-Scrubber FREE FOR With Any Purchase of a 1956 Gibson "A9 E|ni=mmm "339: Price FOR QUALITY AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED -- YOU HAD BETTER SEE: OPEN oa A RONS' Radio & Electric : Limited FRIDAY. EVENING 426 Simcoe St. S. Telephone RA 3-2263 -- RA-3-2264 - At Only FIRST IN OSHAWA WITH TELEVISION-- Sales & Service