LS1 3 3 SENIOR CITIZENS ENJOY THEMSELVES AT ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION | Women | JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL RA. 3-3474 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 10, 1956 9 "GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES ST. STEPHEN'S W.A. , ternoon branch of the WA of St.| | The April meeting of the W.A.| George's Anglican Church was, lof St. Stephen's United Church was|held in the parish hall with the (held at the home of Mrs. Frank|president, Mrs. Thomas April Meeting The members of the Afternoon Guild of Christ Memorial Church met on Friday afternoon at the home, of Mrs. G. A. with 19 members present. Christ Church Guild "Participation" Theme Of King St. WMS Thankoffering | Steadman/ing of the WMS of King Street | United Church took the form of a | speaker and chose as her subject "Participation". She stressed |the fact that the participation of | each member, according to her ability was very important to each society and she also pointed out the #Feat need o Surges and teach. t./ers in the missionary fields. The Easter Thankoffering mee The offering' was receive by the treasurers of each group and The president, Mrs. Fred Lloyd, supper meeting with the Alice | dedicated by the WMS treasurer, presided and ovened the meeting| Jackson evenin; with prayer after which a new |pating. The tables were decorated auxiliary partici-| Miss Effa Wright. A short business session follow- member, Mrs. H.' A. Ward-Whate, | with daffodils and pussy willows,|ed with minutes of the March was welcomed. The minutes were read by the secretary and the financial report and recent rummage sale pro- ceeds were given by Mrs. Avern Taylor in the absence of the treas- urer, Mrs. Norman Daniel, illness. The sewing convener, Mrs. C. C. over to the first Keast, McGibbon, gave out sewing for the Mrs. Harold Tiers. Mrs. Howard theme. | while pictures of bunnies and baby meeting read by Mrs. Harvey chickens added to the Easter| Skinner, Mrs. C. E. Young gave | the Sard feport and Mis 3 we Grace was sung with Mrs. Jobez rence Muldrew reported 205 home Wright at the BE The president. | calls and 103 hospital calls. She Mrs. J. L. Brooks read a poem announced the WCTU, All Nations due to| and welcomed all the members and|¢8 to be held on April 10 at Simcoe Street United Church. The Loyal Workers will be in charge of the May WMS meetin, guests before turning the program vice-president, |Kirby. Mrs. J. C. Palmer's group|presiding. 8 {November bazaar on which the Brown read the Easter scripture{and a home cooking sale by the {members worked during the meet-| lesson, followed by prayer. ling. | By special request Mrs. Gordon | Mrs. James Elliott reported on|Hunter of Brooklin told the story | and reading by Mrs. Palmer. ing, Mrs. John Chaplin gave the the March meeting which she and|of 'The Black Madonna". T w ol The regular reports were givenireasurers report Miss Ethel Wes. Mrs. Lloyd attended with other duets "It's Almost To-Morrow"| {by the conveners. A home baking son read the correspondenc. Ichurch group representatives and|and "I'll Be Home," were sung| sale was announced for April 20. ny Uo Ww yoo ood visited other church kitchens for|by Miss Barbara Morrison and |The president, Mrs. W. Ray Smita | MIS. § W. Wott Joa 1 2 Joon) suggestions for the new parish|Miss Marilyn Norseworthy with| {announced a presbytery meeting Pt "\€ 0 [i lotion to i hall kitchen, Miss Doris Mann playing the piano. | {at Northminster United Church on ge. AF 15 Teal Brooks gave embers were asked to donate, Mrs. J. H. McKinney of Brook [April 26 znd quilting at the home|; pes ang report "The Dale Saas | articles to be sold at the men's|lin, president of the Bay of Quinte Jot Mrs Frank Crawford on Mon- Deol oars: me Albert School 2uction sale on May 12 |conference branch was the guest |day afternoon. i F 4 |day fda wi Saskatchewan, Mrs. Charles Gibbs , Mrs. Steadman, convener of the fire Rexe meeting will he hed at gave the sick list report. |brigge go be held in the Jat, gave : of Mrs. Ge Lang o a i, |a report on arrangements for the AGT wi, is Frame Kis oe, Art, Wostard red two 220%, 8 rangement, or te group in charge. missionary and the titer about bers to bring their donations for Anne Crozier group will precede {had charge of the devotional per- Mrs. Ernest Seeley read the the meeting |iod. Scripture lesson was read by scripture lesson, Mrs. John Sawyer |Mrs, Crawford. Topic and prayeriiead the minutes of the last meet- another brated Simcoe H ing held Golden J included ames Seen in Age Club marked ! L to R, Mrs. D. D. Fice, >» when it cele- Nina G. Clarke, Mrs. F. rsary at = Shepherdson and Mrs Lhe even- part wno tnd tun in cards and below Mr. F Mr: Golden day cake from Famme, regent Mrs. PM Everett a game 0. Kir! club presjdent, receives Lh Chapter. Times-Gazeite Staff P Goliten Jubilee Chapter E The IODE enterts the Golden day, in | Jubilee Chapter Mr. F »d the members of Golden Ave ub last Thurs- gif* consisting « the club's 7th, Mr. Kirby ex lub room was on pehalf of the s and on jad the of (\F: for 1 +31 i$ 1 me 11 ve and 1b on its splen- onies the Shine ! of 5 th , I0DE, 3RD SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. the duties of a candidates secretary PTizes to the May meeting. YOUR OLD FUR COAT Golden Age Club on 7th Birthday 0. Kirby president of the Club with a birthday ly as they sang their Edmonton, Alberta, nts were served by with The 3rd Scout Mothers' Auxiliary 0 the Diocesan Board of the W.A held its meeting recently in the' The president reminded the mem- parlor of Simcoe Street United bers about the rummage sale to | Church. Mrs. Glen Bell president, be held next Thursday. Anyone |presided. The secretary's repor ving any rummage were asked to was read and MN William Hooey! call Mrs. Keast RA 3-3234, or bring read the treasurer's report. A short it to the Parish hall any time after| business meeting was held and re- 10 o'clock Thursday morning. freshments were served by social Mrs. Thomas Murrell read convener, Mrs. Clarence Cox, Mrs, prayers for prayer partners. Mrs. Harry Jackson and Mrs. Theo Ty-'§ W. Wotton and her committee ST. GEORGE'S WA served refreshments. of games. The business meeting of the af-| EVELYN GOODWIN GROUP pressed his thanks|™ | The April meeting of the Evelyn members, he then Burnett, and Mrs Burnett, from| Gog Group was held in the | of Centre Street United 1 The devotional was in arried in a very! Miss Ruth Coolidge, nurse-in- charge of Mrs. Edward Allin, Mrs: ; cake and after training at; St. Joseph's Hospital,| Cyril Clarke and Mrs. William been blown out Peterborough, spent the week-end Reid. In keeping with the season her parents, Mr. and Mrs.|the theme wag Easter and spring. Jubilee Melville Coolidge, Montrave Ave:| Mrs. Howard Canning conducted nue, {the business meeting. Mrs. Edwin Prati read the minutes and roll ntertains the then grace he Golden PERS Mrs. A. L. Gunn s at the piano for a program of enjc ic Personal and social items are call. Mrs. Norman Petrie gave the ONAILS |always welcome in this column. If|treasurer's report you are going away or expeclingl pian were made for the next The Dulcitones a Quartet of th of songs includ favorites of bygone yroval lit up ti S a Mrs. Fred Ro ny of the old ber Ison ha and smiles Bern happy faces pleasant group Easter r. and Mrs t Wi panied at sunn san ( wed by appi nuch to the enjoyment of the I ur wi 1 displayed fine talent lz 1 a Medley of So 1 convention in T Miss ed to lead is ovening much enjoy- to the Literary ceum Club and Mrs Ol sociation, he Golden PX - pressed hear sin > birth- day greet 0 the sp te the club. ¢ E > Chapter sponsored by th they were old friends of the club St. Ge since members were there every hall, Centre week to serve refreshments. afternoon, Mrs. i | Mrs. Famme introduced Mrs. Mrs. W Harry Faint who arranged and or- ide at the tea ganized the party and expressed Walter me Regent Mrs of the Golden Jubilee | of napie Vil Famme presented wher: p Street » Coyte, Clinton D o and rge's Guild street, P. Whittington will pre- visitors, share the news with your three months " . ' . J C Ss. A rummage sale berts and Mrs. Al-/friends by calling the Social De- 1d i i p é g N i ve returned from partment, RA 3-3474. Je jo be held in April, The group The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. A. Law- rence, Besshorough drive. Tea was served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. A. C. Broad- bent and Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, will. cater to a banquet in May and plans were made for the an. nual strawberry supper to be held in June, A tentative date was set for June 22 but a great deal de- pends on the date strawberries be- ing ready The meeting closed with a social half hour. Refreshments were serv- ed by the committee in charge. . DRAPES - CURTAINS ;<VENETIAN SHADES Mode 15 Mesure (1933 ESTIMATES WARD'S S at Athol Dial 5-1151 Sim'toe | | MADE (NTO A N JACKET or STOLE! as low 0s $2975 Restyling od ing it into any one of our practical and attractive L IF----JI™] known jackets or " stoles, com « plete with NEW LINING, . For the relief of JNTER. INING and MONOGRAM, pl C (o) G % FUR CLEANING Zl y U H JUST SEND YOUR OL (with dress size and height). due to colds, Cold symptoms, nasal catarrh, 43 years' experience enables you to order with confidence. asthma, bronchitis, simple throat irritations, and for throat SEND NO MONEY if out of town. Your remodelled fur jacket or gorgle. stole will be expressed two weeks FOR ADULTS & CHILDREN Now Sold At All Drug Stores from date we receive it. J. H. BEST & CO. st Toronie Le e they spent a -- | Sihvor Cand or TON North the Mr ended OEA oronto. |S COUPON SRWORTH $6.50 WITH PURCHASE OF DELUXE COOKWARE 3E7 wring of 701, Th the purchase of the DELUXE Wi This offer KWARE § Pre pars while quantity lasts ~ Only Home Permanent Custom-Made GRAY Erie street, home this evening Group of the Ly- Women's Art As- Cross will open sale of work e Ritson Group of in the parish on Friday B. C. Colpus and] table. J. M. Black, Al guests. E. C by, hoto ad Datfodil Tea in the interests of Canadian Cancer Socieiy McLAUGHLIN HALL ACOE SIA Jo ST. NORTH THURSDAY, APRIL 12th 3 to5 pm. he I You call yourself a burglar? Not a "SANFORIZED"" label in the bunch! Little things mean a lot. Such as the word "SANFORIZED" ble cottons! No matter how often they're washed cottons carrying the "SANFORIZED" label won't shrink out of fit. on wash Look for it. Insist on it! : SANFOR V4 e FOR COTIONS THAT -- A - # TRADE MAR "TELEPHONE AID for your Baby Sitter" A personal directory to keep beside your tele- phone, telling your sitter she can reach you; nes and numbers of cy; providing a pad for her to rec- and offering you a convenient place to keep your list of bat FREE: Just call us and we'll gladly mail you a copy. call in case ord incoming calls; itters, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA WON'T SHRINK .QUT OF FIT Your child has TWO SITTERS watching over her DUTCH OVEN EQUIPPED WITH BAKELITE HANDLES id Ss 8'42" BROILER WITH COVER You never see this second sitter. Yet sha is just a moment away -- always alert and ready for help -- at the other end of your telephone. Normally, should you want to make sure a SAUCEPAN SAUCE- PAN COMES WITH COVER that everything is all right at home you just call your sitter, or have her call you. But situations do arise when your sitter, or you, or anyone may be faced with an emergency. Then a direct call to Operator can bring help in a hurry, She is there to serve you -- to make the telephone a guardian of your security and your peace of mind. 32 KING ST. W. 51, qT, DUH WITH COVER 10" -PC. MASTER DELUXE WATERLESS [arenes COOKWARE ® Reduces Food shortage ® Uses less fuel ® Save during this SALE REG. $36.38 EVERYTHING PICTURED Now ONLY $29.88 WITH COUPON CHICKEN FRYER COMES WITH LID AND CONVERTS INTO JUMBO BROILER CHICKEN F FRYER WITH TRIVET YOU GET. 16-pcs extra thick Master Deluxe COOKWARE set finest chefs time of full-flayou: } LESS ALUMINUM COOKWARE set. Sy on limtited time onl tL far a ORDER YOURS TO BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. LJ" 5h wot 072m = TELEPHONE: RA 3-7022 DAY... COME IN... TELEPHONE .. 1 DOUBLE 2'2 QT. groiLer WITH COVER s an the THE ONE LOW PRICE here used by Enjoy a life nderful WATER FOR at a cooking saving . OR MAIL THIS COUPON m------------ mmm -- Please send me the COOKWARE as advertised at $29.88. and agree to pay balance at } a week until full purchase price is paid. I enclose §..... $ tereeenes Name Address . | Employed by ... Employers address ) Add to my account ( ) Re-open my account OSHAWA