TIMES-GAZETTE : E Q. T™R Weather Forecast TELEPHONE NUMBERS 2A j p § ALY RR J '\J A A Cloudy with clear intervals and Classfied Advertising. . RA 3.3492 : somewhat colder tomorrow. Low toe All Other Calls. .......RA 3-3474 Combining The Oshawa Tims and Whitby Gazette and Tally night and high tomorrow, 32 and 40. VOL. 85--NO. 79 go TR Bling Rug OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1956 3 canner Not, Svar © TWENTY PAGES TORNADOES nILL 40 ; Large Areas Of Midwest B uy 600-Acre Site ses mage nadoes and destructive windstorms said in a pre liminary report that § : struck across 10 states Tuesday | 170 homes were - destroyed, sed {and Tuesday night, killing at least| damaged and total of 835 fame 10 ert Ten ; ar § 3 1 wa go eg a . - 140 persons and injuring more than ilies affected by the storms in ' j j 2 a lil hl 4". 4 300 others, | Tennessee, Mississippi, Michigan, The violent spring storms, bat-| Wisconsin, Oklahoma and Kansas, I -- Soa - hy & : i 25 LL : Spe 2 tering areas from the midwest The Red Cross sent 43 disaster ear 1ax . < 2 Ce Be . ; 3 go] " - prairie lands southward into Mis- speci t » stricken areas, y i A? d "3 K. ' |sissippi, came in the wake of tor- ado warnings posted by wea ov oe xa x 3 - nadic winds which had raked the ther bureaus in the Midwest and southwest states earlier Tuesday South durin he v were lifted Purchased 4 £ pd on p 4 and Monday night late Tuesday : as the stormy : 4 A Y i i " . « J " 4 2 y The casualty toll from the two- weather ap red headed into the PICKERING (Staff Reporter) -- % 5 5 % ; 43 be ; % day outbreak of stormy weather northeast J A 600-acre block of farm land west ' Ca S&T ( x. | was at least 50 dead and more than Temperatures, which had of Ajax, south of the Base Line, \ 3 : ; ; v ? 325 injured. Property damage was, climbed t 70s in midwest Pickering township has been : i 2 # 3 estimted in the millions of dol- 0 Ir purchased by a estate firm 4 : pi s i * A ; dhe fas Hundreds were left homeless D acting for one of Canada's largest 1 ? : fu A ' od estern Michigan, in the Grand| An infer storm centre in Mine investment companies, h £ ¢ 3 i Raids diswict Sutiored the, av. | nesoia p e and SOW Sver , : Ap y re 5 ie . >S é a injury toll Jatest| parts of the niral and northe The land 13 part of a 2500-2 re * 4 > reports showed at least 22 dead, 18 i t Sever ag norte section that has been designater ¥ el 3 3 "5 identified and four unidentified.|in ) y South Dakota for gnausiy Tne S218 Srice The Y 4 pr ? More than 200 were injured. A|were ted wy, drifting 1,000 per acre, it is reportec i i bs i dozen twisters hammered the area, snow and the outlook from name of the purchaser or deve . - # 3 destroying scores of homes. Some! easter th kota and extreme lopment company has 'not been i " ¥ A 3 ; 4 2,000 were reported homeless, north t )akota across revealed b 3 " ? oa WISCONSIN HIT northwesterr nesola. It. is 1 bly re ported that ne- . . : The fresh outbreak of storms ad 1 central Wisconsin goti ns are continuing for other killed eight and injured more than killed ns and injured some parce land in the same area 50 in two Wisconsin communitie 0 of Jord F wn of 5,000, The tion is part and pai Also in the path of the turbulent The t vards hit- cel of rhein development along AR : ' weather were sections of Illinois, ! tin 1 high school where the lakefront between Oshawa and } lowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Nebraska 400 st ve 1 classes. A knits Metropolitan Toronto 3 p Tennessee, Arkansas and Missis- ting mill molished but 90 and values in that area have ; NF sippi loyees ped serious injury, soared sky high and speculat a ; are moving ahead of anticipated 1 demand for more serviced land 4 a 4 oe adjacent fo water, railway and % i lerce o nda oO road facilities d i 4 , x 8 In recent months there have been y rumors of options taken on land us i { Hi a " "4 | between Ajax and Whitby, for in 4 1 wt? y dustrial development, but as yet " " its ic} 1 Cll 1 AT CHURCH CEREMONY | confirmation has not been forth- 3 a - b. Formally 1 ize y the | tion within the Preshyterian rome. re ¥ g ; 1 " | GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, (AP)-- mmunication and power, facile . . Savage spring tornadoes cut : wcked out, isolating Preshiterian hurch mada church and this was nted i i | wide swathe of death and destruc- mmunities and leaving Chr r China | them. The event was marked by kai din Toronto which since 1928 | a formal confirmation ceremony U. N. Powers Phe a |tion across western Michigan them i al darkness. existed © under mission. | attended by Canadian Presbyter- IT S SPRINGTIME ONCE AGAIN Tuesday night. Hospitals in Grand Rapids, and jurisdiction along with other | ian church dignitaries. One of | State police said rescue workers nearby Zeeland and Holland were | lends itself once again to outdoor | are these Oshawa children. | while, such scenes as the ahove 'had recovered 22 bodies, but it|Jamn to capacity, and all avails in Canada. those who attended was choir-girl These are happy days for chil gregation decid- |-Margaret Ma, seen here with on er al dren as the balmy breezes of games, Enjoying their brief Eas. | School will resume once again A are commonplace as young folks as d there were a number able medical help was summoned ask the Presbyterian | Chinese language Bible and . fw next Monda for thousands of | enjoy themselves to the hil s hidden fer the debris 10 ass he emergency 2 spring set in and the weather | ter respite from school dies - ir 0 idden under e debris '0 8 n the e . _Churc h authorities for re: ecogni- hymnbook. spring s bit ; P daly hi | cit and distr ict _childr n. Mean- | - La Times s-Gazette Photo |.¢ demolished homes and stores R. D Ss AE More than 200 were injured, and| It i S property garage I ran into the mil- Since the 1strous June 8, 1 United Nations atomic powers day studied the new re S t Af nde a community of 1,300 in a, truck " the ate iped out the H : " 2 T T the heart of an onion- and celery- he storm literally wiped ou Eps to SE maent plan a oUse I00 S e ire | growing area 10 miles southwest business district in the town of {ing for staged cutbacks in bo . f Grand Rapids. Scores of I 5 | § miles west of here. | conventional and nuclear weapons fol ura apie DE hi iildings lining state Highe W > Str ] 5 1 g | were demolished to reduce the threat of war. - 3 RA TRENTON (CP)--The RCAF to-said he had enough ett to climb The US. plan calls for strict In Mid-East NEW YORK (AP)--Altar-bound|day. During the week before the By Eccentric |there and at least 17 persons were, Way 30, all ] with n see Jos old, r Kelly prepared to sail forlw Elin Monaco will have a round killed 1 1 seconds, Air Force Hunts ForDisarming ; ¢ Hesitant | Grace En Route White House 5255025 bef 0 race 1 " | o . ro ndioe wora fr " or . Sei | Monaco today (at noon I') ac-|of parties, balls and other festiv- wacumagroa ¢ A mid Four more hod wera f €i coming or s on 4 "|a destroyed trailer camp in ( about e minute be fore it struck. I ed an entourage of 80, ities. aged woman who said she "had a ' 4 i é skirts 2 a! Th p 0 basements and with 60 pieces of luggage and| A month-long honeymoon cruise lot of trash and just wanted to| Rapids' northwest outskirts and a 'hey a] ements a hy & é Just V 1 > 5 ay. A aled © in Ss y a ftrousseau befitting a princess. on the prince's ht on the Med- hurn it" set a small fire in the farm Soman gisd in one of Sey. nh lany were in } 0 he s star | 2 | iterranes y 7 Te Se : é ornadoes which swept S 1 was over. Man . Meanwhile, the United States freeze in the icy waters before nuclear stocks and gradual con- troubled Middle East will be seri- The movie star has one of the iterranean is | ed White House Tuesday and four A ne b ard at dawn resumed a being able to use survival equip- version of such stockpiles to peace- ide d hls as a last most luxurious suites on the Amer- The couple haven't seen eachimore in. executive offices across sea reh bv four craft from ment ful purposes ot ¢ eons ih th yk ill , ¢ ican export liner Constitution--two other sinc e mid-March when the , , ' o 1 a reso hey say the issue will not 5 5 utside candz Pp VWOC Oswego Rochester and Gallo The RCAF said the pilot at- US. delegate Harold E. Stassen resort. 2] ne cnless all other! T00MS and an outside veranda prince left Hollywood and sailed ) apprehended by a Island, N.Y. tempted to land first at Downs. outlined the proposal at Tuesday's co 0", SetVe Dec fail. di Quattered in suites and ate- for home from New York. But they| woman detective while setting the ss rh a . af AT aay meeting of the five-power sub-com efforts to preserve peac rooms nearby are her parents, Mr. have talked by telephone freque ntly| fifth fire es C. Hagerty, pres- The T-33 jet was on a routine view RCAF station near Toronto Tor : rectly threatening vital American rs. Je B ly of Ph o then, MN Ke spent T i ] flight from Gimli. Man.. when the and then decided to head for Ot- Mittee of the UN disarmament . and Mrs. John Kelly o hila- since ther Tis elly spen ues-! jdential ¢ seret: JE trom Ghia, van nen tie; a el a r interes! delphia; other members of the day at her apartment here finish Hagert nd U E arch commission. Delegates from the 4 . . LL Re] | Soviet Union. Britain; France and The US. is seeking to preserve family, friends and business asso-'ing the last details of packing and gecret service chief, de e 4 like 2 fy tain; ¢ and ; § 1 nief POOR E : . n-| that Ir 1 like an express train, both through the ciates winding up business : 's with! woman as "not quite or wreckage in a search for the in I Canada studied the lengthy, de- peace there . iur > ther t W 1 over ther al Cana draft overnight before meet- United Nations and through direct Even Miss Kelly's black French her agent and her lawyers. |to a hospital for obse jured and goad O1pers stoo aya 3 a ve ee was ing again today for fresh discus- contact with the governments of poodle, Oliv is going along Among the items listed in her woman identified herself as Mrs guard to prevent looting. 4 : : Israel and the Arab states Miss Kelly's husband - to - be,/luggage were unopened wedding Julia M. Chase, 53, Hagerstown, - BRITS 5 : sion I. Duncan Cives Warnina: ® PLAN DIFFERS Possible use of American forces Prince Rainier III of Monaco, will presents, a crated Queen Anne Md The US. plan differs signifi- if war does develop arose Tuesday meet the wedding party April 12 desk and trunks and boxes holding: The White House fire was set ho aboard his yacht in the Mediter- her wedding gown and the trous- in the main floor red room, tradi ay 01S S eeme ure cantly from an earlier Russian pro- 4 State Secretary Dulles' press > i But Dulles said he sees ranean off Monte Carlo. seau for her honeymoon | tionally used by the ssident's posal in that it would set up con- conference Mor 10 : on n eres ima e uss trols over nuclear weapons and yo emergency of that magnitude IN TWO CERE MONIES Miss Kelly said one of the big wife for receiving guests and for production, as well as limitations developing. The ruler of the tiny and ancient surprise wedding gifts was from private entertainments Baugh- ]] t WINNIPEG (CP James 8. which faces the West spfings not On conventional armaments. The Senator Walter George. Georgia principality on the Riviera and her friends and neighbors in Phil- man said it apparently was started n merican ee nc "1S ry dent of Massey- from Russian communism only Soviet plan. offered last week, pemocrat who heads the Senate American blonde will be united in adelphia, who sent a $14,000 movie, by igniting three books of matches. Ferguson Lid Tuesday "put caid a civil ceremony April 18 and in a projection outfit for the palace in!some crumpled collonk d NEW YORK (AP) -- Leaders of | evised up , an ron Age says {dealt only with conventional weap eign relations committee, r rned the Western world om the ambitions, relent- jons. This was a reversal of pre . does not anticipate an emer- Roman Catholic wedding the next! Monaco, some paper napkins atop a news- i steel industry in the United | the io ind y was expected to ---------------- - > --- paper. It quickly put out by the steel i 3 consume only slightly less steel a fatal error to less uncompromising and expan-'vious Russian demands that nu gency which would require employ- RR v ; tely ncedin 958. mate the power, the vital- sionist policy of Russia's state- clear weapons must be banned as ment of American troops. a guard Siatey. are, pilvate Toneeding than it did in record-breaking X will have to grant suppl that they 8 Pr steel plates and structurals cone ity and the drive' of the people capitalism and totalitarion govern- 2 fist step to planning disarma-| jp FELT NECESSARY . the Soviet Union Pp hich 1 th me In any unexpected crisis, he ruman a S 1Sen ower mental 'unemplo yyment pay to the t in desperat short He sdfd the very real danger ment, which Tiles Wi an jron The American plan' also would said, President Eisenhower might I 90 MPH | United Steelworkers ii i ply," the weekly i x hand. , +" limit military forces of the U.S b Ss z ss int ing talks get under way, says Iron P. a, od i order U 8. air and naval forces into Age, the national trade weekly, |Prospect that supplies of ~ h = - LJ Mr. Duncan spoke at a public and the Soviet Union to 2,500,000) action if he felt it necessary : F \CAREL ESS? : : rolled sheets, bars and alloy steel N B t aon obnection. with the es each, while the Russian pro "But certainly if we were going 1ves eo e - a Se 1C ure | | The industry leaders will take will become emely tight again, ewsmen bea en, meeting In connection |posal would restrict them: to 1,- {4 put troops into that area, the . Does 90 miles an hour .con- |the best defensive position sli % : : pay and The scrap market is on the loose convention of the Manitoba Edu- 500, 000 A wi a} » stitute ¢ SS ving? uh 10 ro matter should be brought before] NEW YORK (AP)--Former pres- Re a sonduct of reign af H s drivin can on wages, premium 4 J 5 ir NI he 0 pres- Republican conduct of foreig Willi: im G wraith 21 of Brock other demands, the weekly adds, Once mi with the Iron Age scrap Law ers In Trouble cation Association. He returned re-! = ~ | Congress," George said. "From all trv: S. Truman SEA: TUES. ves so o 2 4 hl e on ¥ ~ cently from a visit to the Soviet I know of the situation, however, gg the Ha is fairs.at the atmual awards diner Township doesn't think it does, and they will have a hard time ig 1 Libs June bi hing t TORONTO (CP Toronto), ion Madrid Welcomes I wouldn't anticipate any request istration is giving the people a of the Overseas Press Club. but 1 rate A. S. Mitchell (holding the settlement to a pack- fon, equalling the historic high set Telegram Tuesday laid charges of fom, of is , even for stand-by false, optim tie picture of foftrgn| One of the awards went to Clifton has other ideas, he ex- age of 17 to 18 cents an hou in the second week of January, ex-/ Daniel of the New York Times, pressed ay. 1 5 Bonanza financial reports of the - assault agains vers Alan Han He said he saw evidence of S 1 Of M authority." affairs because of political ex- : 3 2 son Crabtree and Allan Graham, Sreat activity in Russia and u tan orocco Du le told reporters that if U.S.|pediency whose engagement 'to Margarel| (rate's nr 2 ardener | steel companies will give the union . § how i sis mentioned in particular the em- MADRID (AP) Sultan Mo- forces should ever have to be em- ' 3 Truman was announced recently appeared I V har | ; of 4 ition with which th of Toronto. The sis to ; SUE ) ) g "Only the president can give us|, Sohtor 3% "dF plenty of ammun bo 1 xoron The case is to phasis now being placed on edu- hammed Ben Yousseff of Morocco ployed to put down an aggression yy. facts oo: foreign ED for | The former president's daughter careless driving and spe g to achieve the best possible con en SKS U.n. 1 April 17 cation and technological training. arrived by plane today to secure the president would act only after| ny the president makes American attended the dinner with Daniel Po Were Song e | tract. To Su res N To offset what he called the the independence and unity of his approval by Congress--provided foreign policy and nobody else,' Truman also said he plans a| highways safe, how nyone The Iron Age annual financial Pp S asser West's "lagging" progress in sci-| country. He was embraced warmly there was time to get approval. Truman said. trip abroad soon and told the come to tis court and say 90 |apalysis, covering 93 per cent of LONDON (AP)--Prime Minister ence and engineering education, at the airport by Gen. Francisco However, if an emergency re- Truman said Communist strategy audience of newspaper men: "I| miles per hour isn't careless {yo industry, shows steel earnings Eden was reported today to h Mr. Duncan called for the im- Franco quired use of US. forces almost is- more dangerous than at any may do a little of that scribbling] driving wked His Worship up 72 per cent in 1955 compared _ 3 : 0 have mediate formation of an "utmost Thousands of Moroccans from instantly, the president could act|{jme since the end of the Second myself." It shows utter disregard for with. 1954. Sales and production ? pting emergency' basis of a small com- the Spanish protectorate screamed unde his constitutional "powers,! World War but that State Secre He called for a "bold, new pro other were up 32 per cent. Net income join Britain in a "get tough pol- dent at ; l, home of the mittee of educational leaders to their welcome fo their sovereign though there would undoubtedly beltary Dulles "tells us that Soviet gram for foreign economic aid" | i oh pra LR a Line on sales rose to 7:8 per cent from i dawal Ypt's Premier Ali Law Society of Upper Canada and review Canada's educational sys- in scenes of joy which dered consultation with congressional policy has already failed, and .is|to meet Soviet economic and politi ae Soins Paihia .« Six per cent. A des ama: the Supren irt- of Ontario tem in the light of the challenge on _ hysteria raders bankrupt.' lc cal penetration of foreign coun- C¢Narec ccused's license < 3ritish | s said Eden's sources said privately that, Truman delivered his attack on|tries. p oH nde Jo hoe om STILL SC AR 4 1 ghted a personal decision to use U.S. troops raene ded no Meanwhile, steel consumers are m e t recently to the prese I oh would be conditioned on to careless driving and guilty to til] finding it tough to fill their ident, which he described the W ; welv I'1 1 a prior finding by the United Na- speeding. needs. The earlier requirements of situation in the Middle 'East as tions Security Council or General LATE NEWS FLASHES automotive companies are being desperate Assembly that one side or the other Mountie Kills RObDer sie coins Chain Said Used A button on Johnstone's tunic was found on the ' 'Keep an eve on these eas When Plane Crashes "WASHINGTON -- United States government; table Bud |bank floor shot them both,' were the 'd by the im- GOT THERE IN SECONDS words of Johnstone before he wa health authorities issued a warning today against helieved to "His partner, constable A. TL. taken to hospital' SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP) -- A 'av " J ay ap n a furious gun Beach, unhurt during the shooting] ACCOMPANIED HIM Superfortress bomber, its power the Hoxsey treatment for cancer. ank Constable Beach accompanied | failing ind desperately short of with four bank affray, described how he and John- 1 \ . stone dashed to the bank in their his wounded partner to hospital in| altitude, smacked into a 410-foot . » I to the I. squad car seconds after the alarm a police ambulance. {1 i Jransmission Hower pussday Patricia MacQueen Sinks riddled with bu he shot 'and was flashed "He didn't talk much except to|'en careened half a mile before NICOSIA (Reuters)--A British. with Lawrence to prevent Constan- uent] feported 1 fp ; A wa z \ 2 La Baril Hy eh FINTYG m C4 / % { é equentl cported leader killed one of indits. The other | «when we pulled up to the bank, |3a¥: 'I got him, 1 got him, "| crashing. One man was illed, WINDSOR -- The tughoat Patricia MacQueen private told a courtmartial in this tinou from pressing charges ) ion - with er three r 1 Le hac p > roe > y Six men ed awe p . . . 1 th he sa ags 1 : re constable Johnstone jumped out Be wi h said He curged 'me wlaiis hort t 9 au gi Tor ae overturned and sank in the Detroit river just after Cyprus capital today thai he AW against them n men 3 nstructed him to before I did and ran. inside ihe hurry. He must have been in con I 2 J Tork be ore. il exp! oded x . 4 4 J . g a British captain strike two Cy Linzee is also charged with as J averyt n court and to Lahk siderable pain and burst into flames freeing a grounded freighter. The crew was rescued, priot civilian detainees, one of saulting another Cypriot civilian larg : ill-treatment he Wh I : he bank d As doctors prepared to remove The B-29 was on a routine train them with a 'chain Lawrence, in testifying ad eceiy ' "When I got to the bank door, some of the slugs, another officer|ing flight. It had just taken off Tt fier, Pte. wrence I | in tl : : 0 a i lugs, anot he soldier, Pte. Tan Lawrence, mitted that he himself had hit the E her I Mediterr ough ' I could see him lying on the floor. | asked him whether he was "try-|from the base When it radioed that Ottawa Trains Engineers said he held a Cypriot tailor while tailor severl blows and th reck : neu vs and He was bleeding from four or five ing to be a Fosdick." | its power was failing and it was ' Capt. Robin Linzee hit th 140 on the suggestion of both WT iol 1 € day stoned Brit, ho had Slugs. | Bud Just laughed," said the crash - landing. Before it could OTTAWA --- The federal government has six times with a chain. had approached Con _#ntinou and military patrol cars during a ting | started shooting and then officer Fearless Fosdick is a|reach the emergency' spot the pilot z i | Linzee and Capt. Ger: Ol isked him to withdraw a com mon tic 3 street stone got up off the floor and comic strip detective who ts| had picked --a corn field --it hit the launched a plan .to train marine encii eers. The ct d with ¢ bhod- 7 laint against then ee \ a Streets of r " >} ii ful of holes hi . tower The ht F \ A h 1 ' { 3 from constablel side eq one of. (he pandits 'ot Sot ariminals les in ns altre | killed. The flight engineer was number available has been dwindling steadily. Bae 8 Constantinou had replied troops dispersed ole I side, killed. - v Constantinou, and with conspiring that Archbishop 'Makarios, the day scheduled a 3,000 square mile and bail out. international inspections and con- search of Lake Ontario for the Authorities said they fear the trols, a stumbling block in pre sv JOHN M. HIGHTOWER pilot of a jet training plane forced pilot, who may have bailed out vious efforts to halt the big-power in." % . AP) dont to bail out Tuesday when fog pre- iver the lake south of Picton, 20 arms race. Once this is working, hi ASHINGION AP) = amin vented his landing here. miles south of Belleville, would! the plan provides for a census of On P nS gas he through the Traverse City area, Jured 100 miles north. Don owner of a di Nearly 1,000 national guardsmen store, sa 1e saw the black funn were mobilized to assist in rescue ol t ido bearing down and operations. ho te and customers Firemen, state and local police bi, t Qor and civil defence wo labored! 'Ev {id,"" he said. "And through the night, tearing through then t t ime with a roar A a unidentified pilot radioed he was tawa. Dense fog prevented se out of fuel and unable to land, He planes from taking off Tuesday. a askec resident Eisenhower ta people and yourse