1" THE SE TIMES. Si April = ~ "Too Pretty Fo r Pictures Lori Nelson Says Of Self | By 'BOB THOMAS vho is treated wretcBedly until HOLLYWOOD (AP Can a she is befriended by Joan Craw-j girl be too pretty for pictures? ford. The picture is called The) Lori Nelson thinks so, and she is Story of Esther Costello. i doing something about it Nobody thinks I can play it,| No doubt about it, Lori is one of but I do," she said resolutely. | the prettiest girls around these "To prove it, I had the makeup parts. But that is not necessarily people at Paramount fix me up ¢ an asset, says she. Here's her [| looked a mess. I had some Ao reasoning tures taken and have sent them "Hollywood is full of pretty ty the director, David Miller.' young girl You see them all!NOT JUST PUBLICITY around. It's not too hard for a So far she hasn't heard, but] lgirl to make a splash. on account she's hoping. And, lest the cynical of her looks. But if vou expect suspect that it's all a publicity to carve vourself a career in this scheme. let me add that she does town, vou have to take one of two not employ a pre:s agent. It's all courses her own idea, and sh's hepped PROVE ABILITY up about it "One, you've got to go after the "In the 14 films I have done. sexy buildup. But I don't think only two .have really provided I'm the Marilyn Monroe type meaty roles," she commented "The other course is to make a sadly. "One was All My Desires, | name for yourself as an actress. in which I played Barbara Stan-| It's hard to do, but it can be wyck's daughter, a girl with some done girls like Grace Kelly, Aud- fire. The other was I Died a rey Hepburn and a Marie Saint Thousand Times, in which I played have proved that." the clubfoot girl who makes friends Young Lori has her eye on a with the gangster, Jack Palance."| role that she thinks would help Now she's hoping her unglamor her escape from playing the girl ous photos will convince producers friend of film heroes. It's the part she can do more ro'es in which of a deaf, , dumb and blind girl she is more than just decorative Hero Wants Committee To Probe Heroic Deeds TORONTO (CP he father commended young David and boy who helped rescue two Leonard, saving they had more children from a burning home two courage "than a lot of adults.' years ago called today for the Mr. Scott said his suggestion establishment of a provincial com- for an impartial provincial com- mittee to investigate and screen mittee followed the doubt x deeds of heroism pressed over the story of Edward P. V. Scott of suburban Scar- G. Chipman, 30-year-old Verdun OTTAWA SINDEN SEE 'MAPLE SYRUF BEING MADE | borough said his son David, 12, Que. milkman awarded the George . and Leonard Pitt, 12. of Barrie medal for the rescue of three chil Here's g 0 r ] ar Ottawa be seen just in front of the ' isn't as profitable as it once picked their lives to save two chil- dren from a burning home trom. Grad Tava s the sap boils down. if is mov- | 18 > extreme rignt. Be was, but the fa mar who maxes dren from their burn nz home at He said no matter what inves T hd : ause the wood required for it has one satisfaction the 8 a Beach, near Barrie tigat ons reveal, Chipman will al-| 1 pan to another by »oilin sap is becoming so | demand always exceeds the sup- » 'said the boys received no ways carry the stigma of being a| ns of siphons, one of whic expénsive, maple syrup makng ! ply L ial recognition for saving Eli- dubious George medal winner 3 Soin Anne and Steven Bradman, Mr. Scott said his suggested hool operatic ear-old soprano said life was three and four-vear-old children of committee would consist of a mem New Zealand Now Talks Doreen Hume ii tl {mri Mom be Gar iininn te 00 THEY DO LOOK "ALIKE especially after I sent dicd in the blaze Anyone gue g that this pair | Ruth Ludenia, 20, and. Willy | tion and won easily, the judges inne wit ¢ I al The ar ts were harged anc Scott s¢ he wa g I Jeanne to live with h andpai The paren ere charged and Mr. Sc id bh # Wh are Grzce Kelly and Prince Rain- Schwar Z, of Berlin, Germany, 2 could hardly go wrong, the like- y , F . - ents in Yorkshire. convicted of criminal ne wee in financial ard for the y ter of Mona: voul . rong p. ' 1 we np: gp ka Of Ending Death Penalty Takes Britain Since she arrived Miss Hume has leaving their childfen alone in the but feels ov should have some jer of Monaco weuld be wrong, entere 4 a iookalike" compel He Tess is remarkable : ariel r i. R. Foster recognition for their bravery hee! usy ith TV ariety house and magistrate G been busy with variety and iti FAMOUS, NAMES REAL EXAMPLE J.C, GRAHAM bill was rea 1 T -abaret work, and for one TV per- - > Canaan Frets CL : Boy Wisi io Over oronto formance a Birmingham newspa welfare before he went ahead with inecu ars CRAWLEY, England (CP)--New STEVENAGE, England (CP)-- AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP ihe t ken and it did not ner said she wa; the 'outstanding adoption proceeding roads in this Essex town are to The streets of this Hertfordshire British vote for abolition of the come t vole y singer of the show." Y ney fody Streichl. the I , be named after eminent- London- town are to be left unswept for a death penalty has br ht Andie I announced he will I INDO? (« P hos atura so Known as Doreen Hulme in Can Bee on Er rick "Horst, seid or ent ers. The first name wiii pe Dick week. The idea is to show resi- for similar t in Ne I 1 the b th ar Tare : ! ne Aa: to make 4a che explained, "I decided to aken by a coupie to England in Whiitingion, the legendary char- dents how littered the streets can | t on of | un the Lin my name to make v = 1 acter who was once Lord Mayor of become, and so encourage clean- rn pnn Ra ! J ¢ 3 April, 19355. He was nine months sid bn tii. #4 ¥ 30 ourag een het sier to pronounce and spell a {en ver old at the time Tove opu ar London, liness, t said she is convinced "some: VANCOUVER (CP)--The other Po Phe $ x Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor She ita he trip' man. Hulme, live at" Saul t She De Lid live a Rut pie did something very wrong in gide of Vancouver's harbor was int to my Y nc the adoption procedure. fascing the e of $1,606 ny IGNORED WARNING in dimes during 1 C | N: Ox. En THIE F x SYDNEY (CP) French mem The p 1 Miss Streict : ; ongratulations . ee lawyer Miss Streichl oy liss § ! 1e monev was spent on the had been 'very anxious' to gve « pent on the «nn bers of Parliament, businessmen h dime-a-leok' binocviars at Pros- 4 the child for adoption aed It 3 - actresses and mannequins have "i talked. 5. he adit {1 Pp i t : y park ailxe ) er ar e C L "ta over' the city of Sydney a Tiel neo The parks hoard reported oper 2E } : int out the serious nature of the of the binoculars cost $408.50 : Ix tan sgest exhib'tion ever she was taking. I didn't have leaving a p pec $1.197 050, So last Octobe tage Australia by a. foreign her sign any papers until the case/pia curiosity o ey ' As you re-open your Modernized and Enl d : : ; I y & p ntil t 0 inte curiosity of ole w y P ur Modernized and Enlarged store 1 with her ei ANOTHER WORRY im ad be ed by the Children's on t/t OF (5 i peope woo y 9 ' on a MONTREAL (CP!--Nations soon And Svinev people iar inving | Ald Society » welfare depart other side of Bur rard inlet n e will have to reach azreement on nd Syaney peopie are enjoying mont and passed by the depart- The popcorn and P wagons Cor é 8 Vagons ; his touch of "gay Paree ' : Hume use of outer spa vs a rep th ouch of y F ment of immigration," he said. were ar ih to be ade t py smb! he The depariment stores have gone Th , 3 a money-making ven- M il 0 y iid it iy ol i all "F op h" with fashion parades I'he provincial welfare depart ture in I¢ with more than $13. tay- In ona i iati Or-; 8 Cale, ales ment said the adopt on was legal '800 worth of the confections sold, hinch, that its - y he has. & oir m dow displa cal far as it was concerne h 16 Cmdr Gilhen ) é i pr ances' probably wi beyond Putting on special French dishe >: director of a econcened. Tne Tics nig hie aes parks ad 3 1d 1 a course of radio TV the atmosphere tl ; the many movie hou.es are showilg released a passport for the baby to! restaurants. 13 refreshme 4 jalor ! LIMITED trot to prepare for the job report to be presented at the French films and radio stations are pn. "aren" (0 England : three Sd Che il Hans: Y 1 London when he Caracas, Venezuela conference in trying to outdo each other with "The case was handled through shop and 2Rd Cp San 5, a coffee 328 Ritson N. RA 3-9811 ase was g and a a. 4 « net June, And none of the a rules French programs tak J i $ ' % , a local Childrens' Aid Societv," it Concessions in the 1,000-acre 0 STA NG vering air travel will cover tri \ iggest attractio all 4 i r A aot y ! TS Ts ANDI {G SINGER' covering air travel will cover trips But the biggest attraction of all iq sg so0ia] w : park are a $500,000 business. I ( BE( \ 2 ji oe > ! : he. "hangin ibition |S interviewed B h blue eves, the 29- into outer space, he $2,250,000 French exhibition tu =" ooo native parent and th We were pleased to supply the Building Material. SH ARP DIFFE RE NC ES ction with Sy mothe s special visit was mse { nual event that attracts more than se oc greinhi Lay Jade do srw os i Sig Ah vi. A ; ney"s Royal Easter show, an an FA 1,000,000 persons daily during the jo. "+ was doing 30d in question: B.1.. Dallar Aa lal rR EARL oh ow 1 hn ; 5 ' Xs Easter period 4 > : Fr - e t r enta cot Mie p . ; p o 4 i. A Wr 5 The exhibition presents France f tt t the a ge 1 bor , ; if 4" 4 A 7 % as visitors see it, all the good that Te SOOTHING COLORS SMILLWORK & BUILDING strd Eto t . B : Aenias. Di Sear "las 4 | ug SORE vor 4 i tourists like to buy, textile displays SOUTHEND England (CP)'--The 3 A A 3 mannequin parades, displays of courtroom in this Essex town has machinery, Frer automobiles, | been redecorated--the walls in pale €C LTD railway and electronic equipment, Peach with grotto-blue 'surround wd LJ and new types of French aircraft, g The exhibiton is sponsored by the C French government with the aim 1279 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 3 4694 of reducing France's unfavorable trade balance with Australia Hi are indeed honored to have had a part in the modernizing Lawyer Denies BI and enlarging of the BEDNAREK HARDWARE. Irregularities Xr = In Adoption Loki oon Ade on sed Semicon | Millwork and Building Supplies Lid. formalities when an I18-ye ar-old soda in a glass of water. unmarried mother placed her child Remember: for 2 § o p rT FREE RECIPE BOOKLET gives other tf adoption said today c c . oe cetunce more followed. "CTC medicinal uses. Church & Dwight Lid., Sun Your Headquarters For: Life Bidg., Montreal. BILL INTRODUCED ro, rs ue DACHSHUND OUTFACES LION Mignon Bahu Tavs Rg "ll "LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES" k : a the -| "Christl's" behavior here as the | the was something wrong in the | Vibes legal steps taken, he said the idea 1 "utter nonsense The 0 T p pp og . i > ! J } iump- p \ z old wrors for | dachs nd appropriated a hone " that is almost as big as him elf vith thi big. from a bewildered voung lion The lawyer. who asked that his R I'he dog appears to he warning name not be used, said everything has bred contempt the lion away in no uncertain had been checked and approved a "1 RARE OPPORTUNITY ongratulations 0 HAVE 4 BUSINESS OF YOUR OW If you are by nature a businessman and have the personality necessary to serve your community... HERE AT LAST IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. All across Eastern Canada, sparkling new Fina Service Stations are bringing to Conadion motorists a new standard of automotive service. Through superior products and unexcelled service, these stations have established pb] i Nn h : B E D N A R E K H A R D Ww A 4] E a reputation for Fina which is tops in the petroleum field. | LUM B N u and HEAT N G : 7 And now, in accord with the many "FIRSTS" established by this dynamic 4 4 on their Modernizing and Expansion company, Canadian Petrofina offers a unique plan for financing those of you interested in entering the retail gasoline business. -- Are Extended to -- FOR It is indeed our pleasure to supply Pennvernon Window Glass WITH AS LITTLE as $2,500.00, you can enjoy the advantages and indepen- BEDNAREK HARDWARE | sold by this dealer. dence of business ownership. In addition you will be given a short but intensive course in the business and technical aspects of this lucrative field. 450 SIMCOE ST, S. RA 3-9833 CANADIAN PITTSBURG INDUSTRIES If you would like to hear more about this plan, apply to: LTD. CANADIAN PETROFINA LIMITED J PLUMBING DISTRICT OFFICE, PORT HOPE, ONT. and ATTEN SA ALABRER «he | HOBBS GLASS DIV LE a LTD. ® 319 COLLEGE AVE. RA 5-424} 273 SIMCOE ST. §. RA 5-3577