Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 28 Mar 1956, p. 3

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SERVICES RECALL ANCIENT JEWISH EXODU Sl A Ee PASSOVER which is cur- | rently being ceiebrated by Jews around the worldi--mearks the de- liverance of ancient Hebrews from Egyptian bondage. As it is said:". . .and the Egyptians Friday coming up of evervone is thinking in of Easier eggs. lilies and bunnies. The pretty Whithy lass, in the above picture, gets into the Easter spirit, as she pals up with a CHINESE USED IT Natural gas was utilized by the Chinese 3,000 years ago. With Good in a couple day terms More glamour per PLYMC mote parts of India and Ceylon made the children of Isrsel to serve with rigor and they made thei life bitter. . .end the Lord said: and I came down to de- liver them out of the hand of the Egyptians." The eight-day festival staried Mondey at sundown. An -- ¢ Oshawa Jewish family is shown as it observes Seder services. They are the family of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Zenner. The Zenners ware also joined by relatives and friends from out-o'-town points. | --Times-Gazette Photo | Pension Hike For Aged Is Endorse NY bunny BUN Easter The king-size belle is Cathy Sligh holm, "of 116 St. Peter St., Whitby, and the bunny is part of a display in the window of Whitby florist Maurice Slichter. --Robertson STATELY BIRDS Peacocks are held sacred in re- i Whitby I British m I t 1again endorsed a petition se council Alberta d | has eking age The Oshawa City Council an increase in the current old pension At its melting this week the endorsed a petition from City Council urging he Windsor that the provincial government re- vise 'old age pensioners its program of assistance to The petition urges the Province of Ontario to bring its assistance in ine with that of British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. The resolution pointed out that Columbia pays a supple« entary assistance of $20 a month, Albert pays $15 a month, and Sas- tatchewan $22.50 a month. Ontario pays 50 per cent of $10 0 any. municipality adopting a supplementary aid policy municipalities, The resolution stated that most with their restrict- ed financial structures, are unable of C 1 Id y 0! t y lc Heber Down of Brooklin presided. purchase I tary position for Gordon Rae, who! for $2179 o accept this offer of the Ontario, xovernment Ontario pensioners trying to ive on $40 a month suffer 'great; difficulty', the resolution noted. Fair To Mark | Anniversary The 1956 Oshawa Fair will this ear mark its golden anniveraary f 50 years operation. At a meeting of 11 his week. preparations ear's fair were started. However, the meeting was not a mg one because of a poor turnout : | directors for thi or. W. H. Gifford sat in the secre- was unable to attend. F C ---- ee Accep t I old The meeting appointed eight rize list committees and also de-| ided that the fair will he held| his year on August 16, 17 and 18. sent at the meeting were di- rectors, Cyril Mumford, 1st vice- president, Dick Branton, 2nd vice- president and Blake D. Hart, Har- Whitbread, Bob Batty, Carl Bradley, Percy Carter, W. H. Gif- ford, Mrs. J. Davies and Mrs. G. 2 Brown A ---- | t 60 Acres Marsh In Expropriation Deal The Oshawa City Council has de- cided to accept more than 60 acres of marchland as compensation for land expropriated by the provincial government. The provincial department of highways expropriated certain city owned lands to provide access for| the Ghost road, near the harbor. The department offered the swamp land in lieu of a cash settle- ment. Will: Make Guided Ald. Lyman Gifford on Monday night sponsored a motion for ac- ceptance of this offer, because it! would be a safeguard against pol lution and claims against the city He pointed out that the agree- ment proposed by the department had been changed during the week and a small triangle of land had been omitted. Ald. J yer said that the triangle omitted was the best piece of land in the offer Missiles In Canada, Howe Says OTTAWA (CP Defence Pro- duction Minister Howe says the air-to-air guided missiles Canada's armed forces use will be produced in Canada He told a reporter Tuesday fa- cilities now are available in Can- ada to go ahead with production when choice of a missile is made. Mr. Howe was commenting on statements contained in the de fence production department's an- nual report for 1955, tabled Tues- day in the Commons The report said that, as a result of work on 'Velvet Glove," the Canadian-developed missile, "valu able experience has been gained by the government, its contractors and by service evaluation teams A fully developed missile produc: | tion complex has thus been added to the defence production base.' The report did not elaborate Neither did Mr. Howe. PRELIMINARY WORK However, , it was learned last month that preliminary work has already begun in Canada on pro- duction of an American-developed air-to-air guided missile for the RCAF, under the direction of A.V.| Roe (Canada) Ltd., of Malton, Ont. The missile frame is to be made by Canadair Ltd., of Montreal and the electronic gear, which guides the missile, by Canadian Westing- house Ltd., of Hamilton. The Velvet Glove was developed after five years of Canadian re-| search and is understood to have _ cost millions. Informants say t defence department decided pass over the Canadian product because U.S. air-to-air missiles al-| ready in production have a far greater range The report said Canadian indus try supplied 96 per cent of 1955 defence production compared he to only 89 per cent in 1954. Orders craft orders declined by $34,000,000 pulp and paper forests are placed abroad were for 'items which could not be economically| produced in Canada within limits of current and anticipated defence requirements." Department expenditures totalled NDIANS ABLE 0 LEAVE TRIBE An Indian can legally stop be- ing an Indian? Sure! For all legal purposes any In- dian anywhere in the U.S. can stop being an Indian any time he wants to, simply by giving up his tribal membership And YOU can stop worrying about everyday problems any time you want to, simply by plac- ing Classified ads in The Times- Gazette If you've things to sell, vacan- cies to rent, are short of, help or need a job, phone RA 3-3492 | for an ad-writer | | | \ Candidates Pass Plumbing Exams Plumbing inspector Henry Chap- man today announced names of} successful candidates in the recent plumbers' examinations held at city hall | There were seven successful can- didates in the journeyman's exam- ination, and all came from Osh- awa They are M. Vandergaast, J. Chappell, A. Everetson, E. Holmes, Gagnon, D. Morton, W. Libby.! Only one candidate passed the master plumber's examination. He 1s A. Wannak of Bowmanville The examination was set and supervised by a special independ- ent examination board. The exam- inations are held by the city quar terly. $975,000,000, a drop of $34,000,000 from the previous year. Net value of department orders, at $726,000,00, was 40 per cent below 1954 and 11 per cent below 1953, apparently reflecting the fact plane productiin is catching up to| with defence requirements. Air- last year. Orders placed in the U.S. were the down to $16,000,000 from $111,000, lands section of the Canadian Pulp 000 in 1954 and orders in the United Kingdom to $8,800,000 from $29,000,000, by council from the group L -* # Bw citation. The Seder is an annual event for all the family. It is held on the first night of the Passover look on. During the first serving of the meal the men of the fam- each take their turn in re- ISAAC ZENNER lead the chant, while his wife and grand- daughter. Cynthia Walton, two, CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS PROTEST DUMP SMOKE SEEK LICENCE Council has received a petition United House Furnishing and from certain city property owners Clothing Company has applied for complaining about the smoke nui- a transient trader's licence: The sance from the General Motors Firm told council that it would dump near Harbor road. More than establish a temporary branch at 30 property owners signed the 555 Simcoe street south until more petition. suitable accommodation could be They claimed that smoke and found. The site they are seeking debis are deposited on the'r prop- zoned industrial. The genera. erty and that the situation has be- purpose committee is to report on come steadily worse lately. Gener- the application, al purpose committee is to repdrt on pT complaint 7 DODGING ISSUES Ald. Walter Lane on Monday BOARD CURIOUS night claimed that the federal gov- The Ontario Municipal Board has ernment is dodging the issue by vritten to council asking what claiming it does not deal directly legislation gives council permission with municipalities, because the to acquire buildings for washrooms municipalities are under the jur- and renting purposes. Such action isdiction of the provincial govern- can be taken only after approval ment. by the electors or by the muniei- Finance Minister W. E. Harris pal board, council was told. The advanced this reason in a letter Y letter was received and filed. Coun-/to council explaining why the fed- A Whiting avenue. The company told cil recently opened negotiations eral government could not set up a oreign council that the existing situation for the purchase of the old cus- low interest rate fund from which caused annoying delays to employ- toms building for this purpose. the municipalities could borrow for ees leaving the plant © at peak 2 AAT ESA RI urgent capital works. Under the private enterprise sys-* hours. An investigation was re 2 WANT GRANT Ald. Lane pointed out that the tem, which is based on freedom quested to eliminate this "danger- The Radio Park Recreation As- tojoral government subsidized and the dignity of man, policies! ous situation". The letter was re- sociation has asked city council fog) p iidine of houses, apartments, ere formulated and decisions are! ferred to the traffic and transpor- @ grant to help cover operating|yomes for pensioners and other taken with regard to moral values. h ation committee. expenses during 1956. The applica-| 505)" projects, Moral responsibilities are part tion was sent to finance com- ay ic thinki BOGGED IN STREET mittee for report. OPPOSE LONG TERM |3%0 Pareel of She basic thinking of teve Lescisin, 213 Banting ave-| i i -1 To poleve Lesclsin, 213 Baling sve THANKS FOR GRANT council has received a resol Under the private enterprise street is in such bad repair that, The Oshawa Tennis Club Labor Council expressing opposi- system, the individual still counts. his car has become bogged on Written to council tion the two-year term for Mayor, Ihat cannot be said about the al- several occasions. Joseph Lagenza,| thanks for the 1956 ex and aldermen. The letter was sent ternative system that the "fuzzy-| from nearby 310 Huron street, has municipal taxes. This grant to the special committee set up to Itinded, the pinks, the opportunists, also asked for council action on be of great assistance to the club, 0 '"¢ SPE HOM municipal gov- and the communists offer." street repairs. Both matters were it was stated. ernment. | William E. Austin, public rela- referred to the boad of works ACCEPT TENDER | The ODLC also urged council to tions manager for General Motors] OFFER FOR LANE City council has accepted a tend- hold meetings in the daytime to/of Canada, Ltd, made these state- Cecil Bint has offered to er of $51,043 for the construction of ensure that all matters received ments at a dinner-meeting of the| two lots of land on Sanitary sewers in the city. The adequate attention. Ald. G.. B. At-lOshawa Junior Chamber of C m-| street from the council tender was submitted by Corn- tersley pointed out that council merce in the Hotel Genosha this] or $15 per foot frontage, ish Construction Ltd. of Oshawa does hold meetings occasionally iniwee: The offer was referred to property and its acceptance is subject to daytime. The letter was referred "I do not see how a person can committee approval of 'the board of works to the committee on council pro- accept the communist doctrine and| WAN LC ay mak crt and city engineer cedure: still retain religious values: cer- RoI LEASE RENEWED al OFFER FOR LAND _ WANT PLEBISCITE an the individual has no place Co. Ltd. has requested renewal of Alan and Elizabeth Shortt, 1386 The Oshawa and District Labor rig 3 opm Togume 6 the its five year land lease from the Simcoe street south, have written Council has asked the city coun- gor am au iors aTian System, © Ihe city. Property committee is to ex council offering to buy land cil to conduct a pebiscite at the spea er Continued. : ' amine the request from the city to square off their next election regarding the cbm-'STRANGE COMMENTARY ; property. Property committee is|pletion of the North Oshawa arena. The alternative to the profit an COUNCIL PRAISED considering the offer. our motions of Teierence on the loss sytem-the West's system JAWA Ladies Auxiliary ANT. SPR "= the letter were lost before the is- private enterprise--is authoritar- phe} AWA Ladies Duxiliary. No Jane STREET LEFT OPEN _|sue was referred to the committee ny cil for its stand on. seeking an in Ba owners on ; Thomas of the whole, to be dealt with at' "This is the system that is back- crease in the old age pensions. A Street ave petitioned city council the discretion of the chairman. ed by the communists in their : ob WAS I to leave the street open. The peti- search for world domination. Au- letter to this effect was received was referred to the traffic SEER BETTER REPAIRS thority. vested in the state. which and transportation committee, ounci as sent to boar : ot yg ful p n works a letter from the Oshawa is controlled by a handful of top AGREE WITH BOARD land District Labor Council recom. Party peovle, is what they seek, Four planning board recommen-mending that a more permanent said Mr. Austin, who continued vik dations received council approval type of repair be more to roads And it is a strange commentary on Monday night. The recommen- and sidewalks. Commenting on on the forgetfullness of all human dations were this, Ald. Walter Lane suggested beings that we are ready to That lots 144 to 147 inclusive, that the board investigate hot cePt as something new and won- plan 567, be not sold to D. W. Kir- patching machines now used in derful a political system that is as| by Construction, at this time other centres. He claimed they old as our race --the system that That the board has no objec- make very durable repairs. says: 'Let us think and act for tion to an auto wrecking business £ jyou, and all will be well." being conducted by Alexander Ilt- SEEK LICENCE Mr. Austin gave a brief history, chuk on Nelson street extended. Frank Ferrara of Helena street of events leading up to the Rill of That land on the corner of Rit- has applied for a transient trad-|Rights 3 son road and Tauton road be not er's licence to commence a groc-! "Once, the state was represented rezoned for a service station ery and butcher store in Simcoe by an absolute king," he said. That lots in plan 620 be not street south. General purpose com- 'Once, at Runneymede, the barons ily PROTEST ON ROAD John Chaban of Banting avenue has asked council to repair the street between Drew street and Ritson school. He claimed that the road is almost impassable in the spring and fall. He said that com- paints to the board of works brought "promises and nothing else." The matter was referred to board of works. CASH OFFER Messrs. MecGibbon and Baste- do, solicitors for D. W. Kirby Con- struction Ltd., have offered a cash payment in lieu of five per cent lend conveyance in their proposed sub-division of the Dobos property TRAFFIC HAZARD Robson Leather Co. Ltd. has asked city council for a more satis- factory control of traffic at the corner of Simcoe Street and SEDER SERVICE retells the story of the Jewish exodus from Egypt under Mo:zes. Old and young of the families, along with | and relatives, father to R Nipigon to t | WANT ROAD REPAIR Arthur W. Harper and others on Leslie street have petitioned city council for road repairs to the street from Rosedale avenue to Somerville avenue. Board of works chairman Ald. Lyman Gifford told council that this work is on the board's 1956 program OFFER LAND TO CITY Lloyd G. Metcalfe, real estate agent, has offered the property of James Lee, 18 Ontario street, to the city for $38,000. He suggested could be used for washrooms and Red Doctrine Seen nd [in of London, ac- TEMPTING Fa / | ce'ebrate around a candle-lit din- | plate contains bitter herbs, hard. boiled eggs, Charoseth, horse ra-- dish and neck bone of a chicken. * Each food is a symbol. --Times-Gazette Photo * ner table and festive meal. Four granddaughters of the Zenners look at nlate that contains the symbols of the Seder. The the T R 1 ] ; 'Look back. How far did the people grow in those bygone days when the state was absolute? How mucit progress was there when there were no individual liberties?" He said the communist staté would take our resources to pay {for the benefits it would offer, But |it would ask double. It would de- {mand our liberties as well as our resowrces., M.. Austin continued: "Give. up our liberties? Give up the rights sur ancestors fought for, and beguesthed to further genera- tions who carried on the fight, and with their love of freedom and their deep spiritual and moral val- jues founded this continent which {today stands as a bright beacon of hope for the captives behind the {fron and Bamboo curtains? Give up our liberties and reject the sys- Item of free enterprise founded by WILLIAM E. AUSTIN jour ancestors to preserve their fredom and fo maintain the dig- defined the King and secured the/nity of man? That is what the Rus- reat Charter of individual rights,|sian reds, and the Canedian reds, Once, at Westminster, they moved would have us do. That is what fo re-create the power of the people acceptance of their big lie would the first Parliament. Once in'accomplish."" when Parliament itself, An outline of the basic hopés sold out its power for preference, 2 and aspirations of today's people grim-faced Cromwell challenged was given by Mr. Austin. ' them: 'You have sat there for too] He said we want more of the long for any good you have been|ihings which are the material base deing. In the name of God, go!" "for civilized, enjoyable and se- There followed the Bill of Rights cure living. We want better houses, and Habeas Corpus and the Re- food and clot g. Better automo- form Bills, establishing the right biles, television sets, cameras, and dignity of the individnal, and phonograph records and books. bulwarking it against the possible. "And ever looking ahead, we enroachments of the state. want these things with a degree of BAIT certainty. Better 'living means Mr. Austin said the communist more and better things for more program is "festconed with catch- people and they ave being mang- fancy frills and phrases and tempt-|factured now. Basically, we want ing bait for the unwary'. la high standerd of living even The speaker continued: |while most of us are doing tolerah- "We are told that the state willliy well now," he said. plan fo us, will look after us, run Mr. Austin said we also want to tur affairs and spend our mone, b> sure of "an increasing amount for us, and, in return, will providelof full demo acy'. We want the us with premiums, bounties, bon- | country to be run for and by al uses, guarantees and securities.'the people. parking facilities. The offer was sent to the property committee. sold back to A. W. Banfield at mittee is examining the applica- this time tion. POWER FROM COAL COURTENAY, B. C. (CP)--The British Columbia Power Commiis- sion has been asked to consider Comox area as a site for one of its proposed thermal power-gener- | ating plants. John Gadner, com- mission manager, said Comox has the largest coal reserves on Van- island --20,000,000 tons. Muskrat Trapping Is Banned In Second Marsh This Year The Oshawa Fish and Wildlife Advisory committee wants the muskrats to destroy the Cattails in tk. Second Marsh (The Cattail is a plant with long flat leads.) The Oshawa City Council has agreed that this would be a good idea. Therefore, there will not be any! trapping of muskrats in the marsh 1. year, City council decided to b:a muskrat trapping this year follow- ic; an application from the OFWAC Sewell Sees Nation's Woods Everlasting | cat- t h e couver The committee pointed out that from the utilization of the ecause of the increased fertiliza-|tzils for muskrat houses," tion in the Second Marsh, plant ccmmittee advised council. has increased tremendously, The committee recommended particularly cattails. The plant|that Ald. J. Lovell be appointed life, in fact, has begun to im- council's representative on he ped. the free flow tall marsh COMING EVENTS of water over committee and this was endorsed by council. CANADIAN LEGION BINGO, WEDNES. | : | The committee reported to coun- 4 March 28, 8 p.m. 20 games. 4 jack- have checked with the bi- ci. that it had had numerous re- 73b ologists of 'the Department of quests from individuals for per- Lands and Forests and they have mission to enter the marsh area. RUMMAGE SALE, WEST GROUP assured us that if we allow the "As it is city property and post. Centre Streeet United Church, Thursday Fisk at population to Jerease the ed" with 'No Trespassing' signs, March 29, 1 p.m 74a picblem would automatically be| we feel that council ¢ iv cleared up in a very short time, nermission no co er give TURKEY SUPPER, MYRTLE UNITED Ba A ~-- Oshawa Naturalists Club "is now |Church, Wednesday, April 4, 5.30. Adults asking permission to enter the children March 28, 31. Apr. 3 arez, and we would recommend that this be granted, if they are accompanied by one of the com- mittee," the OFWAC said. COUNCIL. AGREES City council agreed with the lat ter request Adel tunity vould I marsh EXPERT OPINION ay. pots. : $1.25, 75 Ition's business said meeting Mr, Sewell that growth in the nation's p and paper limits during the past three decades has more than epleced e Mr. Sewell, woodlands AT 1.30 71a SALE TO BE HELD Thursday, March 29, RUMMAGE Scout Hall on p.m. ood vice-president of the division of the Ontario Paper Company," Thorold, Ont., said that hile the industry ha been maintaining resources more protection is needed against (fire, insects and dise: Earlier eu THURSDAY, Parl 71a AVALON 8 p.m. North Oshawa, $40 BINGO March Auxiliary 29 ord took ast the oppor- to that council soon have to revise its pol garding eniry to thc ma day is coming wher Ne | BINGO public will be allowed to|Monday e and see the marsh and |6.30 y wildlife," he said. ang, { The cannot for long. There will cor.ducted tours." ASSOCIATION March £40 Ta NYSIDE PARK Polish Hall, Wednesday, t $5 : m. 20 regular games $5.--4 MONTREAL (CP) Canada's man ¢ "The €-€1¢ chair: general man of the woodlands section g while M. Macl.8gs bitibi Power and Paper Chmpany, Ltd.,! Port hur, was re-elected vice chairman, AT BAYVIEW EVERY Doors pH CLUB Wednesday door pr Whitby aged to produce wood forever. | he S ed H.A. Sewell, chairman of the wood- 44 and Five The n of Bt and Paper {day In his annual report to the barra to b Association, said~Tues- be have puilic BINH ORANGF da under au + of Jian Corps. Ladies Auxillary. IN HALL, > o'elo o 50¢ CITY of OSHAWA - NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Dog licences are now available. By-law 2365 as amended, provides that no person shall keep or harbor a dog unless the same is duly registered and licensed. Our records show that many owners have not yet procured 1956 licences. This is to advise that after the 1st of Agril special attention will be given this matter and dogs not carrying 1956 licences will be impounded. Dogs not claimed within 48 hours shall be destroyed. Avoid having your dog picked up and possibly destroyed by purchasing your 1956 licence with- out delay. : Licences may be obtained at the Clerk's Office, 3rd floor, City Hall, the Police Department and the Dog Control Department, Fallaise Avenue. L. R. BARRAND, City Clerk.

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